solved Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
Given the current business and consumer climate, what do you anticipate the future to be for the CPSC and the FDA? What role does politics play in your answer?

solved The purpose of this option is to fully describe and

The purpose of this option is to fully describe and analyze a specific theoretical perspective (pick one of the six that we covered this semester: Classical/ Choice, Positivism, Social Process, Social Structure, Conflict, or Life Course/ Developmental). You must then explore each of the typographies of crime (violent, property, white-collar, and public-order) from your theory’s perspective. In other words, you need to describe how your theorists would explain crime from each of the four categories. Finally, you will describe the prevention strategies that your theory would suggest we employ to reduce or eliminate crime. You should break your paper down into 5 sub-heads. For this paper I would expect you to use at least 6 other scholarly journal articles.

solved • To answer the query of this question, you need

• To answer the query of this question, you need to refer to a definition of thesix bases for collaborative advantage. You also need to define supply chain network and its importance and focus particularly on the management of supply chain network. 
• You clearly need to refer to the Lebanese case. You need to explain the current status quo of the Lebanese case RELATED TO ACCESS TO RESOURCES and consequently provide recommendations on probable collaborations that can be done by clearly discussing the bases that can/should be achieved and consequently identifying the needed supply chains that need to be created and how they need to be managed.  YOU NEED TO REFER TO EXTERNAL RESOURCES FOR THIS PART AND NOT BASE YOUR DISCUSSION ON PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE. 

solved  Complete the leisure time clock by filling in the

 Complete the leisure time clock by filling in the appropriate times of day that you spend: sleeping, going to school or doing homework, working, eating, doing self-care, doing miscellaneous things, and participating in leisure. This is done by creating “pie slices” as what is currently seen, however your lines will be more specific to the actual times in which you participate in each task. Complete the first time clock based on a typical weekday.  Then complete a second time clock based on a typical weekend.  How you complete and submit the clock is up to you.  You can use the drawing features to create or manipulate the existing lines and then label the identified areas. If you want to neatly hand draw your lines, shade in the areas and label.  

solved Part 1 (150 words)During the late 19th century, (Late 1800’s),

Part 1 (150 words)During the late 19th century, (Late 1800’s), American music was really being developed and coming “into it’s own”. For this Discussion Board, please write about the contributions of Scott Joplin, (“The King of Ragtime”), and John Philip Sousa, (“The March King”) to American music. (This is basically a biography of each of these individuals. You may Joplin: to use a paragraph for each composer. If not, please use great transitional sentences within the body of your work.

solved 1.Explain Christy Brown’s disability and how he has developed his

1.Explain Christy Brown’s disability and how he has developed his talents. Analyze the relationship between Christy Brown and his family members, and between Christy Brown and his therapist in the movie My Left Foot2.Explain Stephen Hawking’s disability and how he continued to use his talents. How was he able to continue his work as his disability progressed? Analyze the relationship between Stephen Hawking and hi first wife Jane Hawking, and his second wife Elaine Mason3.Give examples of disabilities with which you are personally familiar 4. Identify reasonable accommodations using examples related to specific disabilities.5. What do are the lessons learned from your reading, either by Temple Grandin or What can a body do? how we meet the built world

solved Think about Alicia Garza’s and Angela Davis’ message, as well

Think about Alicia Garza’s and Angela Davis’ message, as well as Audre Lorde’s quote: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
Write  (250 words) addressing one (or all) of the prompts below:
What is the overarching message from these three powerful Black activists and scholars?
Compare/contrast the terms self-indulgence and self-preservation. What does each mean to you?
How is self care a political act? How have your thoughts on self care changed – – from before the readings/films to now?… Lorde Radical Selfcare, Angela Davis
Radical Self Care: Alicia Garza


solved I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need

I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.

Research and digest the the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment. A summary is linked here and attached below: (Links to an external site.)
Identify the research questions this study sought to answer, how it relates/updates the Kansas City Patrol Experiment and present the actual findings of the Philadelphia study. Give your opinion of what the study reveals and how it resonates with you.
Cite your scholarly source (s) and explain your reasoning. Feel free to offer any alternative strategies a police department might adopt, to deter crime with the often-limited resources they must work with.

solved Create an APA style reference page that includes the references

Create an APA style reference page that includes the references for the 5 articles you had to find. Click to open the assignment and submit it by attaching the document to this assignment.
Be sure to use the Sample Student Paper in the APA Manual as your guide for how this page should look. (p. 66)
Remember, you need to find 5 primary-level journal articles. Your best bet for useful journals are:
The Journal of College Counseling
The Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
Use the library databases (not Google) to do your searching. Be sure to set up your search to include all databases. If you need to meet with me to get a little help in finding relevant articles, I’m happy to do that. Send me a text. Preferably not over the weekend
topic: family stress

solved What is your career pathway? What steps to take on

What is your career pathway? What steps to take on accomplishing your goals? 3 Page essay and add a cover page. Please see outline of cover page below.1. Assignment Title: 2. Your Name: 3. Course Name: 4. Course Code: 5. Your Professor Name:6. School Name: 7. Date: My career goal is to become a Vulnerability or Penetration Tester. I’m currently working full time as a Job Coach for SC Vocational Rehabilitation and I’m a full time student online. I have a A.S. Computer Technology 2004 along with two certificates in Microcomputer Programming and Multimedia Graphic Design. I’m also serving on the board for ACTCC as the secretary and youth coordinator. I am apart of the accelerated program to obtain my degree quicker so that I can go and start my dream career.