solved Considering Wildcat’s (article attached below) argument about cultural climate change,

Considering Wildcat’s (article attached below) argument about cultural climate change, analyze what may prevent your peers from taking action on the issue/problem that you are focusing on for your project (base on the inspiration question “what if the society have no anymore anti-Asian phenomenon?”, brainstorm 3-5 concrete actions that students on our campus could take to bring about the type of social change at the heart of your question).Briefly describe 1 to 2 actions, then write 300-400 words discussing what will be most challenging in getting your peers to listen to your call to action. Be sure to discuss at least 3 topics or keywords you will need to research to help you build an alliance with your peers in order to address your chosen issue.

solved The beginning of European settlement of the Americas from 1492

The beginning of European settlement of the Americas from 1492 was marked by an extensive demand for labor. As the assigned class readings show, the earliest forms of labor involved both coerced labor and forms of indentured servitude that utilized the work of Europeans, Native Americans and African peoples. By the late 1600s, this fluid labor arrangement became more restrictive and formalized, with a form of racially (African) based slavery imposed in North America. What factors contributed to this development? How and why did this transformation occur?” Write a 1300 word paper that addresses the question posed above. In your response, be sure to base your claims on materials read in the assigned readings (you should only use sources from the course.)

solved Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may end up on the back

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may end up on the back burner when you are focusing on responsibilities related to your schoolwork, job, and family. Recent statistics show that health risks related to obesity are on the rise. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is working to reduce obesity. A good portion of its research is related to “lifestyle modification.”  You can take steps to promote a healthy body, just as you enrolled in higher education to improve your mind. 
Take a moment to think about your own health habits.
Search the internet to find an article or video related to your health and post your thoughts on what you learned. Write an intention statement here; then return after one week (or a few days) and report back on your success. 

solved Unit 6: Campaign Advertising This week’s discussion will ask you

Unit 6: Campaign Advertising
This week’s discussion will ask you to reflect on and analyze media strategies in political campaign advertising.
Discussion Prompt
For this week’s discussion, you will select a political ad to analyze media strategies in political campaign advertising. You can find examples on YouTube and other public websites. The Living Room Candidate (????????) is another great resource. 
For the ad you select, make sure to: 

Comment on the ad’s use of persuasion techniques as outlined in this week’s reading and videos.
Evaluate the relative effectiveness of the ad based on course materials.
Speculate about the target audience of this ad based on this week and previous week’s course content.

solved You are to do the following:Â Read: Case – McKinsey

You are to do the following: 

Read: Case – McKinsey – how-covid has-pushed-companies-over-the technology tipping-point.pdf(attached)
Research your company of interest and find their COVID response. 
Find 5 links or stories about how that company changed (these will be your main points).
Connect those events together as a narrative.

Once you’ve done your due diligence, there are 2 deliverables you must provide.

Create a Slide Deck (Refer to the example in the Files Tab Folder ‘Examples’)

Slide deck must be 18 slides total and MUST include these 3 slides:

A Title Slide (Please call your presentation something)
A TLDR slide or, 3 sentence overview of your presentation
A final slide with your names and contact information (email / social media)

solved below is assignment from a group assignment. Using what you

below is assignment from a group assignment. Using what you have learned from the topic materials, each group member should identify a type of crisis that could derail the intervention and develop action steps for addressing the crisis.Each team member should create a visual representation, such as a table, graph, flow chart, etc., to articulate and depict his/her crisis management plan. Include the elements listed below:Identification of crisis (one crisis per each group member)Action steps to resolve the crisisResearch support for the selected action stepsYou are required to cite to three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

solved I’m working on a public health discussion question and need

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Read this short online article:
Which one of the five legal and/or ethical issues listed in the article do you feel is the most pressing for today’s healthcare environment? What policies or initiatives are currently in place to combat your selected issue? Are there further policies or regulations being proposed (not yet adopted) that would address this problem? How would/does your selected issue impact healthcare management operations? Support your comments with concepts and information we’ve touched on in this module, as well as with any credible research from beyond the course.

solved I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Staying on Track (daily time management and big picture goals) A typical challenge encountered by students (everyone?) is finding a way to balance multiple competing demands (school, work, family, passions, … ). In addition, one’s path through graduate school begins to become less standard, and you want to maintain consistent progress for you. Look at a faculty member (Reef Youngreen…) about their research, your research, etc. Think about how and why they might be a useful mentor for you. Write a 1-2 page summary do you think they will be more or less a good mentor for you? What do you see them adding?

solved Ken Burns: Shakers – Hands to Work, Hearts to God

Ken Burns: Shakers – Hands to Work, Hearts to God (PBS Distribution)Go to down to see the box in the middle of the screen that says “More Search Options:Click on “Databases”Click on F in the alphabet, and scroll down to Films on DemandClick on the title, and it will bring up a screen for you to login to the library site from off-campus – enter your regular username and password you use on campusEnter the full title into the search window, and the first entry will be a segment from the video with the title below.Click on the link for “From Title” and it will take you directly to the video (60 minutes long)After you watch the videos, you will have 5 questions to answer, you will find them on the file I attached

solved Develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in

Develop a plan to create a culture of innovation in an existing corporation or a new entrepreneurial venture. Your plan must include discussions on:

Organizational climate and organizational culture
Innovation vs. creativity
How you will consider innovation at various levels in your organization, e.g., individual, team, department, organization, country (if your proposed venture is global in nature)
Specific practices that foster sustained innovation
Factors that might impede innovation and how you will specifically address these
How you will measure your culture of innovation
Considerations of leadership and how it impacts cultures of innovation
Organizational learning/learning cultures
Specific techniques for getting the cultural changes to stick