solved Topic 1: Qualitative Research DesignUsing the knowledge and insights gained

Topic 1: Qualitative Research DesignUsing the knowledge and insights gained from the textbook and other reliable sources answer the following. Define, in your own words, qualitative research. Locate and cite two different types of qualitative research articles related to your PICOT project. Provide a brief explanation of each design. Identify a potential qualitative research study that is important to nursing and describe which design you would use for this study, why you would use that design, and how the information generated from the study could be applied in nursing practice. Reflect on the value of qualitative research adding to the science, knowledge, and practice of nursing.APA 7 FORMAT3 REFERENCES PEER REVIEWED2-3 PARAGRAPHSPICOT QUESTION ATTACHED

solved You are a tour guide for a group of Japanese

You are a tour guide for a group of Japanese tourists who are in America for the first time and who are about to embark on a cross-country tour. As their tour guide you will give a presentation on important landmarks prior to their trip. In an essay of at least three (3) paragraphs (at least 7 sentences in each paragraph):You can either write your ideas about how to approach this tour, or actually create the introduction and plan for the tour itself. The idea is to consider what you would have to do in order to facilitate the tour, and be sure that the people who take the tour will both learn from it, and enjoy it. It is important to mention not only what the tourists might plan to see or visit, but your preparation should accommodate the tourists’ needs.

solved You are reaching the end of your master’s degree in

You are reaching the end of your master’s degree in Project Management, you come out with more knowledge and tools than you came in. You also know perfectly well that your professional profiles are no longer the same, they are better and more appealing to any company.
Now, you also know that in this new era of exponential transformations, skills must change and so professions do. Our work as we know it may disappear, so urgent adaptation is necessary.
For the current activity, you must deliver an exercise (free format), showing between 2 challenges that you see ( generic challenges that we can face in any industry) . Also, identify the necessary changes and options to be taken by you to keep up to date in your professional career you’ve already started. 

solved I’m working on a business law presentation and need guidance

I’m working on a business law presentation and need guidance to help me study.

Scholars have made strong arguments for required representation on boards by stakeholders that go beyond stockholders, such as employees, community members, and others, depending on the industry. Further, there are increasing calls for boards to diversify demographically, by gender, race, etc. Using examples of at least one company with a diverse group of stakeholders on their board, and one company with not such diversity, put together a 5 minute oral (powerpoint, video speech, etc) presentation considering the forces that have shaped the diversity (or lack thereof) of these boards and reviewing what might be some of the benefits and costs of a process of diversifying a board.

solved I need home work help with cultural diversity that involves

I need home work help with cultural diversity that involves article reading and  movie watching that will enable you to answer the questions attached to it. This link is to answer the question about culture. There are two parts to the question, the first part is to Read/watch and Respond #2, the second part is to watch the video …A tale of two Americans, And the mini mart where they collided.  I have attached the links and instructions below….. The first link will help answer the first part on culture relativism….    Below is the second link to help answer the questions on the tale of two americas and the mini mart where they collided….  

solved Find three original research articles that apply to the following

Find three original research articles that apply to the following question: WHAT DO PATIENTS WITH CANCER REPORT AS THE MOST BENEFICIAL FOR THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF PAIN CONTROL? The articles must be …peer-reviewedrecent (published within 5 years), andstatistically significant.WRITE A 260 WORD SUMMARY FOR EACH ARTICLE (3 ARTICLES TOTAL) IN WHICH YOU IDENTIFYparticipantsindependent variable(s),dependent variable(s),methods, andresults.Determine whether these articles are suitable for inclusion in a literature review for your research topic.If they are not, explain why. If they are, explain how the information can be used to inform practice.SUMMARIZE ALL THE INFORMATION IN ONE DOCUMENT. INCLUDE A PDF AND APA CITATION REFERENCE SHEET OF ALL 3 ARTICLES.

solved Take the Decision-Making Skills self-assessment quiz at

Take the Decision-Making Skills self-assessment quiz at (Links to an external site.) As you answered the questions, did you see some common themes? The quiz is based on six essential steps in the decision-making process (slightly different from the steps discussed in Yoder-Wise). This discussion focuses on the six essential steps.Initial Post (Minimum 350 words). Discuss the results of the survey, starting with the overall rating. Then discuss the step(s) in the decision-making process in which you excel. Which steps still need to be developed? Discuss specific strategies or actions you can do to strengthen your decision-making skills, and support this content with citations from the module readings.

solved your Research Notebook, draft 3 sentences:I am your Research Notebook, draft 3 sentences:I am ____________ through college.My Holland Code score was ________.A good career or major would be ___________.There are 3 stages of editing:Global: Did you complete the assignment? Did you include the required elements? Is the entire essay (piece of writing) related to the thesis?Local: Paragraph-level editing. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? Do the sentences relate and flow? Is there a transitional sentences? Line: Line-by-line editing. Are my sentences grammatically correct? Do I use the proper POV? Am I repeating words that I shouldn’t? Am I using proper nouns?Now re-write the 3 sentences adding at least 2 more sentences to form a complete paragraph.

solved I’m working on a Business exercise and need support. Hello

I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

Hello dear students Through chapter 5 ( Strategic Planning ) we discussed the importance of the organizational vision and how it can support the strategic planning process. Using online search, choose a company and look into its organizational vision ( do not confuse it with orgnaizational mission) and answer the discussion questions: 1- From your point of view , do you think it is a good one ( yes or no and Why?) ( 1 point) 2- Do you think the company embraces the vision effectively ( through their relationship with customers and leaders ) ( 1 point) Instructions: 1- Add the company name , and its vision only ( with reference )2 – Make sure to answer all the questions and respond to your classmates

solved I’m trying to study for my Management course and I

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

Lean & Six Sigma DiscussionThere are many costs associated with poor quality and processes, including, but not limited to, expense. Describe an example within your organization that illustrates one of the four parts of the cost of quality. Which methodology, Lean, Six Sigma or Theory of Constraints, would work best to improve this within your organization? Discuss with your group why, highlighting some of the differences between the methodologies.Also, if you have had LEAN or Six Sigma training, or worked in an organization where these methods were core to improvement efforts, please consider sharing your experience with your group.Lean & Six Sigma Discussion