solved I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.

1.Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Behaviors: Choose a specific country, such as Argentina, Germany, India, or Thailand.  Conduct internet research to find out more about the nonverbal behaviors of which a person doing business in that country should be aware and write a summary of what you have learned.
2.Maximizing the Effectiveness of Virtual Teams: Consider the significance of this statement “Certain personality types are more likely to thrive in the virtual team experience.” Develop a list of at least 5 personality attributes that would enable a person to work effectively as part of a virtual team. In a short-written report, justify your selections with facts and references.

solved Select two different crises for this Assignment. One should be

Select two different crises for this Assignment. One should be from the category of individual/family crisis (e.g., domestic violence, divorce, job loss) and one from the category of ecosystemic crisis (e.g., school shooting, natural disaster, disease pandemic).
Review the Learning Resources on crisis intervention skills and culturally effective helping.

By Day 7
Write a 2- to 3-page paper comparing the skills used for intervention in the two identified types of crisis (one from the category of individual/family crisis and one from the category of ecosystemic crisis).

Which skills would you use in these two crises, and why?
What concerns would you have in responding to the two different types of crisis, and how would you address those concerns?  

solved This unit has focused on measuring behavior change and graphing

This unit has focused on measuring behavior change and graphing behavior data. In this discussion, we narrow our focus to changing criterion design. Read the application of content in the Behavior Modification text on pages 62–63. For this discussion, post a substantive response to the following:Based on the raw data in figure 3–17, identify the type of design that is presented and provide your visual analysis of the within and between conditions. Remember to use technical language such as trend, level, and variability.Recommend the action you would take to make this a changing criterion design, including any changes you would make to the treatment or intervention itself.Include the results you may expect based on your proposed change of treatment.

solved There are numerous professionals within the health care industry. It

There are numerous professionals within the health care industry. It is imperative that organizations hire the right people for the right job and remove employees when the situation requires it. For this assignment, respond to the following in 3-4 written pages:Identify 4 types of health care professionals found in a typical acute-care hospital or post-acute care facility. Be sure to describe educational levels and credentialing requirements of the professions you discuss.Explain why it is important for organizations to effectively screen potential employees.Discuss the concept of progressive discipline and the importance of effective termination procedures.Your paper should be 3-4 written pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page.

solved I have research paper and my topic is The Italian

I have research paper and my topic is The Italian City – State’s and I will upload PowerPoint and may help you.
First I want you to send me just a list of at least 5 academic sources that you plan on using for your research paper before 11:59 pm EST today
Then you can work research paper.
The requirements of research paper is :
This essay must be well-written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The essay will be judged on the quality of your understanding of your chosen topic and discussion of the historiography. You should be able to organize a large body of material and facts (and too few facts that are reliable) in order to produce a coherent argument about your topic that is well organized and supported by primary and secondary sources.

solved The class is called “Warning, Graphic Content.” To briefly summarize,

The class is called “Warning, Graphic Content.” To briefly summarize, the course examines the past, present and future of political cartooning, satire, underground comix and protest art. I need you to answer the prompt given below, in an 1000 word response for me. Please do the best of your ability. The response should not require any outside resources or sources of information really, and should mostly be done with personal reasoning. But it is okay if you would like to search for or mention things you have found. The prompt is: 
Discuss the pandemic as a global obscenity and how it has presented itself visually as both something ugly and something beautiful – consider it as a parallel to how art makes us aware of both our virtues and our failings.

solved Compute each of the following ratios for 2019 and 2020

Compute each of the following ratios for 2019 and 2020 and indicate whether each ratio was getting “better” or “worse” from 2019 to 2020 and whether the 2020 ratio was “good” or “bad” compared to the Industry Avg (round all numbers to 2 digits past the decimal place)20192020Getting Better or Getting Worse?2020 Industry Avg “Good” or “Bad” compared to Industry AvgProfit Margin0.08Current Ratio1.80Quick Ratio1.12Return on Assets0.18Debt to Assets0.60Receivables turnover12.00Avg. collection period*22.10Inventory Turnover**8.25Return on Equity0.16Times Interest Earned8.15*Assume a 360 day year**Inventory Turnover can be computed 2 different ways. Use the formula listed in the text (the one the text indicates many credit reporting agencies generally use)

solved I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation

I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Read the journal article ( the claim in the article (Frequency Claims, Association Claims, Causal Claims) What is the explanation for each claim you have found? How did you know which claim(s) were discussed? Were you able to identify any verb phrases that helped you to distinguish which claim(s) the article mentioned? Now that you have identified the claim(s), you need to evaluate how well the claim(s) was/were supported in the study. Did the research in this article support construct, external, statistical, or internal validity? What questions would you ask to interrogate the claim and on which measures of validity?

solved Read chapter 7 in the class text and respond to

Read chapter 7 in the class text and respond to the following question:1. Review the Mini-Case titled, “Kikos and the South Korean Won,” and respond to Q#3 that followed the case. Read chapter 8 in the class text and respond to the following questions:2. If a financial manager is interested in hedging (managing the risk) of a floating rate interest payment due August 2021, she/he would need to sell a futures contract. State and explain the strategy that describes the manager’s actions.3. State and describe the usual motivation for a currency swap based on the information in the assigned chapter, NOT outside sources. Next, comment on the Mini-Case titled, “Argentina and the Vulture Funds.” textbook:…

solved Rewrite each of the following 5 sentences based off of

Rewrite each of the following 5 sentences based off of the attached word doucmentAim for not losing contextAim for brevity:Paraphrased sentences should be approximately the same length or shorter You may use a simple sentence structure, compound sentence structure or break the content into multiple sentencesAvoid/Don’t:Use quotes:It is possible to restate the original content in your own words (with a few proper noun exceptions)Plagiarize:Copy/paste:ie, use no more than 5 words from the original sentence, less if possibleOrganizational:do not copy their sentence structure verbatimWord substitution – Proper Nouns:There is no substitute for a proper nounYou risk losing context if you leave a proper noun out of a paraphrased sentence Word rearrangement