solved Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to help you

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about the concepts related to Web design.
Submission Instructions
Access the Discussion Forum for this activity by clicking on the title.
Click on “Create Thread”.
Enter a title for your response in the “Subject line”.
Type your ideas/definitions/examples/thoughts into the message field to the following discussion prompt:

Topic of Discussion
As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

Content strategy
In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

solved An excellent web-resource on Early Modern and Modern Japan is

An excellent web-resource on Early Modern and Modern Japan is the “Visualizing Cultures” website through MIT by the historian John Dower. Dower uses images from both Japan and Western sources to study how the Japanese saw themselves and saw Westerners, and how Westerners saw the Japanese. Read the following short essay on the expedition of Commodore Perry to open up Japan. lessons and information can we draw from these images on this website showing how the Japanese viewed the arrival of Americans in Japan? What do they show us about this period of the early Meiji when the Japanese were embracing Western culture? How might the “Chindon-ya” illustrate some of these trends?

solved Choose TWO elements of production (performance/acting; direction/staging/use of theater space

Choose TWO elements of production (performance/acting; direction/staging/use of theater space; set design; costume design; lighting design; or music/sound design) and discuss how the choices made by the artist(s) responsible for those elements support your argument.Below are the requirements for writing and submitting the paper:Length: least 2 pagesFont/Spacing: in Times New Roman type in 12pt font, and double-spacedContent must include:Introduction paragraph stating your thesis, 2-3 supporting paragraphs discussing details of the elements you chose, and a concluding paragraphNames of the artist(s) responsible for the elements you are discussing. Details of their work and specific moments from the production from both Act 1 and Act 2 of the production

solved The Outside of Class Speaker Evaluation EssayAt some point during

The Outside of Class Speaker Evaluation EssayAt some point during the semester, you will need to watch an online speaking event that is outside of a classroom environment. The essay should be over 500 words in length. If there are many speakers in the video you watch, focus your term paper on only one speaker.Submit your term paper as a file upload within the assignment on Canvas.The essay should be arranged in the following format:Part 1- Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, and when it happened.Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression? Use concepts learned in class to explain your ideas.Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use concepts learned in class to explain your critique.

solved Please make sure that your summary covers the following: introduce

Please make sure that your summary covers the following: introduce the circumstance, the players, the differing perspectives regarding the need for leading change, and the leadership attempts to do so. Also, be sure to note everyone’s name at the top of the summary. Use the following questions to guide your reflection: What leadership assumptions about leading change are presented by your classmates and others in their responses to the cases? How might your perspective about the cases be different from the ones presented by classmates? What different questions should we ask about the case study in light of the week’s materials? How are your considerations about leading change shifting? How might our discussions and materials influence this shift?

solved I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

What factors influence the ability of infectious agents to produce disease, the severity of the disease, and the outcome of the infection?
2) What are health determinants and how do they contribute to health status?
Responses will be marked based on accuracy, clarity, application of principles from the textbook, and depth of knowledge.
2-  it is dua Sunday Apr18 midnight 
Select one model or theory and apply it to your health topic.
Responses will be marked based on accuracy, clarity, application of principles, and depth of knowledge.
3- discussion board 
Select one population health problem and describe the health determinants of that issue.

solved For geographically large and diverse non-democratic countries, identify the most

For geographically large and diverse non-democratic countries,
identify the most important priority of political leaders which
encourages centralization AND then explain how globalization encourages
decentralization. (2 pts)In 3.1 Ebbs and flows of decentralization in Russia,
identify the purpose of “federal districts” and explain how Putin still
maintains control of regional governors even though he reinstated
elections in 2012. (3 pts)In 4.1 Fiscal decentralization in Russia, explain why some regions
are more attractive for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and how that
made the other regions more dependent on the central government. (2
pts) Based on the author’s conclusion, explain if you agree with his forecast about Russia’s future. (4 pts)

solved I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions:

How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions?
What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
What gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical experience in your answers.)

I work in ICU, we have a tranistion care team of social work, pt, nurse, dietician, pharm, and provider.

solved The Bond MarketNow that you are taking Corporate Finance, your

The Bond MarketNow that you are taking Corporate Finance, your relatives are asking you for financial advice on their investments. They are curious about bonds. Aunt Mary (age 65) is interested in the U.S. Treasury market. She thinks that Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) may be good for her. What would you tell her? Be specific.Your mom and dad will be retiring in five (5) years or so and feel that they shouldn’t be totally invested in the stock market. They ask you for advice on how to start transitioning to less risky investments, such as Treasurys and blue-chip corporate bonds. What would you tell them? Are there any funds out there you can suggest for them to consider? Be specific.***Two replies to follow initial postMIN 300 words

solved Who are Uber’s relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders in this

Who are Uber’s relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders in this situation?What are the various stakeholders’ interests? Please indicate if each stakeholder would likely support, or oppose, a requirement that Uber extend its insurance to cover the app-on gap.What sources of power do the relevant stakeholders have?Based on the information you have, draft a stakeholder map of this case showing each stakeholder’s position on the issue, its degree of power, and likely coalitions. What conclusions can you draw from the stakeholder map?Which of the stakeholders mentioned do you think has the most salience, and why?Based on your stakeholder analysis and map, what do you think Uber should do in response to the bill introduced by Susan Bonilla, and why?