solved Pay secrecy refers to workplace policies that prohibit employees from

Pay secrecy refers to workplace policies that prohibit employees from discussing their wages/salary with coworkers. Many employers advocate for it while others swear against it. Please read the following two articles:- your view, what are the benefits, if any, associated with pay secrecy? What are the benefits, if any, of making wage/salary information available (i.e. transparent) to all workers within a given company? As an HR professional, which practice (secrecy or transparency) would you advocate for if your CEO asked you for advice?

solved Module 2 | Social Justice Standards: Unpacking DiversityModule 2 |

Module 2 | Social Justice Standards: Unpacking DiversityModule 2 | Social Justice Standards: Unpacking DiversityFollow this link to access this week’s reading Social Justice Standards: Unpacking Diversity.Learning ObjectivesLearners will:Define diversity.Develop respectful ways to discuss similarities and differences with others.Understand the five Diversity anchor standards in the Social Justice Standards. to think about how diversity affects relationships within the school building and the classroom.Apply and reflect on each module by doing all the readings, activities and reflections. Post your work to the Module Discussion Board for full credit.

solved The social media & content marketing plan is used to

The social media & content marketing plan is used to help achieve specific marketing objectives. Social media marketing helps a brand amplify messages, engage with customers and drive traffic to a website. Just like any business plan, structure and connectivity between the key elements is essential.undefinedUse the following template to complete Phase #2 of your group project this semester.After discussing elements of the social media plan below with your group, enter your ideas below to formalize your basic plan for submission.This is a basic plan – your final submission should fall between 2-3 pages long (excluding any references if applicable). Refer to mini lectures and chapter readings to review concepts associated with social media

solved I’m working on a public health discussion question and need

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

1- Identify one story or current situation from Global Health NOW or the United National Refugee Agency about displaced people. 
2- Comment on the cause of the displacement, what international governments and nongovernmental agencies are doing to serve the people physically and mentally, and gaps that the faith-based community and churches could fill. 
3- Discuss the link between relief and development in your response and your suggestions for sustainable health promotion and development among the displaced population.
Explore the Global Health NOW website and sign up to receive the daily Global Health NOW e-newsletter.

solved Thesis statement: Socio-political and  economic validations drive people to

Thesis statement:

Socio-political and  economic validations drive people to the productive style adoption, but  the style practices are liberal and counter the present-day life status  quo. Political and economic reasons that attract productive lifestyles  include obesity and lifestyle diseases in the USA, climate change  impacts, urban lifestyle, and capitalism in fast food industries, as  argued by the text (Erica, 2012) and the TedTalk (Finley, 2013).  However, the love for a productive lifestyle is the key motivating  factor that has led to the development of interest in the adoption of  these lifestyle practices. Most of the productive style practices go  against the dynamics imposed by the politics and the economy of the  country.

solved Activity #1 – Turn to page 371 (385), and read

Activity #1 – Turn to page 371 (385), and read Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—” What is the story being told in this poem?Activity #2 – Identify the tone of Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”. Write down all the possibilities. How can you tell?Activity #3: Turn to page 373 (387), and read “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning carefully. What does this dramatic monologue reveal about the speaker of this poem?Activity #4 – Identify the lesson/message of Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” and Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art”. Pull out 2-3 lines that solidify the message and explain in a few sentences why these lines are proof of that lesson.Activity #5 – Identify the satirical elements of Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress.”

solved Discuss the ethical issues presented by these dual relationships. Ricardo

Discuss the ethical issues presented by these dual relationships. Ricardo
Directions for group assignment. 

A close friend of yours is having difficulty with her teenage daughter. She knows you are a psychologist who specializes in adolescents. She asks if you would be willing to see her daughter for a few sessions to straighten her out.

So this is the scenario and this is how it looks:

Identify ethical and unethical actions you could take. Brittany
Define the concept of dual relationships. Kristi
Analyze the dual relationships presented in your scenario. Tara
Discuss the ethical issues presented by these dual relationships. Ricardo
Explain the challenges presented by boundary issues in professional psychology. Camilla
Intro/Conclusion: Kristi

solved Answer the questions in paragraph form Describe the differences among

Answer the questions in paragraph form Describe the differences among a sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.1. Identify the major disadvantage of a sole proprietorship or a partnership.2. How does a corporation differ from a partnership?3. What conflicts exist when a MCO provides bonuses to physicians for providing fewer tests?1 reply in depth to a fellow classmate on the topics they select. (2 total posts per week) post 1 is worth 80points, peer reply is worth 20 points.1) Your response should be in depth (3-4 paragraphs for the initial post and 2-3 paragraphs for follow up) to fully develop your answer. Defend your position with concrete examples from the weekly content and real-life cases, if applicable.2) APA citation is required.

solved Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders. Scenario

Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders.
Cardiac disease a one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Since it is so prevalent, you want to ensure your co-workers are fully prepared to care for patients. You are hosting a lunch to provide a refresher on heart disease and how to care for patients. During the lunch, you will present a PowerPoint Presentation to your co-workers.
Choose one of the cardiac diseases that we covered in the last two modules. Within your presentation include:

Provide a detailed overview of the disease process
Multidimensional care including risk reduction, health promotion, and nursing interventions specific to the disease process

solved Content is appropriate, relevant and demonstrates mastery of course concepts.

Content is appropriate, relevant and demonstrates mastery of course concepts. Clearly addresses organization’s business challenges.
Writing Style
Applies all writing conventions and uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and no grammatical errors.
All information is presented in an organized fashion that makes sense to the reader and includes all relevant sections.
The sample final project plan includes a Timeline, part of which includes its social media calendar. Note that you only need to place the calendar you prepared in Week 5 in that spot. The Timeline in the sample includes production milestones for its campaign, but you don’t need to include that detail in your submission.Â