solved I’m working on a english multi-part question and need a

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

In the book, The Kite Runner, find 20 words you aren’t familiar with and note the page number you found the word on. 
Find 20 unfamiliar words and complete the following for each word.

Write the word and page number it’s on in the book – The Kite Runner.
Write THE SENTENCE from the book that the word is in.
Define the word as it is used in that sentence. Make sure your definition makes sense for the sentence in the book. Go to for help with finding definitions if needed.
Select 5 out of the 20 words you chose. Use each word correctly in an original sentence. ( so, you should have 5 original sentences).

solved All of the previous work has been completed. Attached is

All of the previous work has been completed. Attached is the final product. The product contains all information to write an abstract and introduction. The following is the required criteria. AbstractSummarize the purpose, approach, and any relevant findings of the final capstone project submission (PO #1). DIABETES MANAGEMENT FOR BAJA CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS AGE 21-75IntroductionSummarize your need, target population, and setting. BEGINS ON PAGE 2Provide a high-level overview of your intervention plan. BEGINS ON PAGE 8Justify the importance of your need and intervention plan. Provide a high-level overview of your implementation plan. BEGINS ON PAGE 15Provide a high-level over view of your evaluation plan. BEGINS ON PAGE 21

solved I’m working on a social science writing question and need

I’m working on a social science writing question and need support to help me study.

1.Numerous myths, oversimplifications, and distortions about the extent and nature of intrafamily violence exist. Identify three of these and discuss the research that contradicts them. 

2.Describe how divorce has changed, from early America through today, and along the way. What has remained consistent? What has changed? Are these changes for the better?

Children suffer many consequences as a result of the divorce of their parents. Identify the major consequences and how they impact children. What could be done to lessen some of the trauma of divorce? Discuss specific reactions and resources available and how they could be utilized.

solved For this assignment you will prepare a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation

For this assignment you will prepare a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation on teaching techniques for diverse learners. 
Presentation Criteria:
Prepare a plan for designing and delivering instruction that addresses both the needs of the selected population and other diverse learners. Include the following in your PowerPoint presentation:
Describe a population that represents a type of diversity, which may include ethnic, learning styles, age, or cognitive ability. The selected population may be nursing learners, staff members, or patients.
Explain how your selected population’s characteristics impact their learning styles.
Describe three teaching strategies an educator could use with that particular group of learners.

solved In the context of this chapter and having discussed these

In the context of this chapter and having discussed these issues in class, answer these questions:1) What are the mandates to police officers and departments under the Americans with Disabilities Act and what “reasonable accommodations” would be an example of a police department complying with the ADA?2) What does the term by suicide-by-cop mean and how does it affect police officers?3) What is the relationship between substance abuse (common street or prescribed drugs, alcohol) and violent behaviors by persons with mental disorders?Please submit your answer in APA format (cover page, citations, separate reference page) with 3 to 4 pages of analysis for a total of 5-6 pages (when including cover and reference pages).

solved MOTC Part A ( 8 marks 14 minutes)Perform an MOTC

MOTC Part A ( 8 marks 14 minutes)Perform an MOTC analysis on the Scotia Limited by asking two key questions for each area of the MOTC explain why each question is important. Part A Management Issues- Questions and why important. (4 marks) Organizational Issues – Questions and why important. (4 marks)Perform an MOTC analysis on the Scotia Limited by asking two key questions for each area of the MOTC explain why each question is important. Technology Issues – Questions and why important. (4 marks) Control/Governance Issues Questions and why important. (4 marks)Alternative Assessments (advantages & disadvantages) Option 1 Buy an ERP package and new hardware at a total cost of $8.3 million and implement in 7 months (4 marks)

solved I’m working on a english project and need support to

I’m working on a english project and need support to help me study.

Using the knowledge and skills about the Rhetorical situations, Types of arguments, and the Appeals, create a Fake Facebook profile keeping in mind your future (or present) desired job. Imagine that you possess the profession you always dreamed of having and present all that in the – about me- section on Facebook. Think of it as a professional Profile for your future early childhood educator’s career. What would you include in your Details/ About section to sound convincing and authoritative? What kinds of Rhetorical appeals or arguments such as fact, value, policy would you use to sound appealing? This profile should help you stand out from the crowd.

solved Assignment – Writer’s WorkshopAfter all this time and creative pieces,

Assignment – Writer’s WorkshopAfter all this time and creative pieces, now you get to share and get responses from your classmates.1) Pick two of your favorite creative pieces (not journal writings) you’ve written this semester. If you have more, you are welcome to share more.2) Label the literary movements the pieces are from.3) Discuss any influences you might have had writing the pieces.4) Discuss your final thought on the piece. What do you like? What do you think you might do differently, if anything?No total word count, since the pieces will vary in length, but do make your discussion portions mentioned above solid and understandable to your classmates. No “I was influenced by the sun.” Tell us why, how, when, etc.

solved The topic is High/Scope. The paper request: 1.Reference Page to

The topic is High/Scope. The paper request: 1.Reference Page to be turned in to Professor including Three online sources & Three off-the-shelf sources. 2.Brief Origin/History/Evolution of the curriculum 3.Philosophy – based on theories/beliefs of how children learn 4Unique techniques, materials, supplies, routines, schedules 5.Relationships – Adult/child; Child/child 6.Examples of Curriculum Areas/Activities7. Language and Literacy; Math; Science; Art; Music; Social Studies. stating if program is DAP or DIP with research to support your selection. the paper need one page sigle space.The presentation part only needs one-two slides for Philosophy of high/scope. Speech for Philosophy of high/scope needs about300 words.

solved Essay 2: Criminological Theory Referencing the material provided in the

Essay 2: Criminological Theory
Referencing the material provided in the materials provided for the two week topic, write a 300-word response.
You will submit a Word file. (No cloud based links, and do not use the textbox. Your material MUST go through the plagiarism check associated with the upload link. 
Discuss why think there have been so many different explanations to describe the origins of criminal behavior. 
Which theory do you think explains criminal behavior the best? Why? [It may be helpful to focus on a specific type of crime – murder, rape, assault, white collar crime…]

How does your theory suggest that we “correct” or “punish” criminal behaviors?…