solved To help prepare you for the scholarly world beyond your

To help prepare you for the scholarly world beyond your doctoral degree, we will take on a unique way of introducing ourselves in this course. Rather than a simple “here is who I am,” we are going to post a Curriculum Vitae and an acknowledgments section.

View the rubric and examples to make sure you understand the expectations of this assignment.

Rubric for Discussion 1.1.docx 
Sample Curriculum_Vita.pdf 
Sample Curriculum_Vita.pdf

Create a discussion thread to include the following:
Develop (or improve) a current curriculum vita for yourself.  

If you are unfamiliar with this process, be sure to check out the examples and article.

Write the acknowledgements section for your dissertation. 

solved REVISING: Make significant revisions to your essay based on my

REVISING: Make significant revisions to your essay based on my feedback and the principles of revisionReflection portionWrite a 350+ word reflection that will frame my reading of your revisions. It could be what you learned about yourself as a writer and what you focused on, what you learned about the analysis essay, what you learned about genre flexibility, what you want to continue working on, or moments of realization during the revision process. I will read this before I go over your revisions. Attach this to the front of your revised essay and insert a pg. break so the revised essay is on a new page. Execute your revision plan or explain why you shifted your revision plan in your metacognition (reflection portion).

solved Art Appreciation Project by selecting your topic and creating an

Art Appreciation Project by selecting your topic and creating an outline. 

Tattoos as art (focus on a particular tattoo style or tattoo artist)
Comic books and graphic novels as art (focus on a particular artist or character)
Something more traditional: Greek sculpture, the Egyptian Pyramids, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Picasso
Abstract or nonrepresentational art forms; for example, Jackson Pollock 
Jewelry, fashion design, everyday objects as art
Automotive design (a certain car model such as a 1965 Mustang)
An unjustly overlooked artist who should be in our textbook, but isn’t
Outlaw artists (graffiti artists such as Banksy)
Digital art
Medieval armor and weaponry
A work of art or artist who changed the world

solved Write a 250 word or more response to one of

Write a 250 word or more response to one of the following questions(i.e., there are six questions in total below, you only need to answer one of them):Fowler, “Church and State in the Courts”(pp. 237-244)How would you explain the politics behind religious establishment?Should “God” be removed from the public square?How would you rank the particular court cases in terms of their importance for governing establishment cases?Butler, “In God We Trust”(pp. 343-362)What is the main idea of the chapter and do you agree or disagree with it?Does the American form of government make sense unless it is understood in the context of religious faith in your view?What were you surprised to learn after reading this chapter?

solved Capstone research project: submitting your final research paper. Please ensure

Capstone research project: submitting your final research paper. Please ensure your paper meets the following criteria:

Research topic is clearly identified as the paper’s title
Program Objectives are all addressed, alignment with topic is evident.
15 pages of content
Minimum of 10 references
APA requirements: title and reference pages, in-text citations, 12 point font, double spaced.

Part 2
Congratulations! You’ve reached the final point in the capstone research project: submitting your final research presentation. Please ensure your presentation meets the following criteria:

Research topic is clearly identified as the presentation’s title
Program Objectives are all addressed, alignment with topic is evident.

solved Can you help me understand this Communications question? Scenario: You

Can you help me understand this Communications question?

Scenario: You are asked to speak at PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meeting at your child’s school. You will have 6-8 minutes to offer your thoughts on sex education.
The post should respond to the following:

Who is your audience?
How do you know? What method may you need to use to gather audience information?
Write a thesis for your speech. How would this thesis connect to your audience?
List three key points for your speech. Why would your audience find these key points engaging?
What supportive evidence would you include? Why? How would this connect to your audience? 
Overall, how does an awareness of your audience effect your answers to these questions?

solved Antibiotic Stewardship Topic: Under-appreciated public health success stories – Advances

Antibiotic Stewardship
Topic: Under-appreciated public health success stories – Advances in Antibiotic
The presentation should discuss successful strategies used by the innovators/advocates/community
health leaders to gain community-wide acceptance of the public health idea. Examples: specific advocacy
efforts; specific technological innovations; specific community outreach strategies; specific research and
effective presentation of the research. Please be specific.
The conclusion provides a summary and leaves the audience with a sense of hope
Examples of sense of hope = this public health idea saves/extends lives; you can be the change that
changes the word; we have reason to be optimistic about the future.

solved Analyze the corporate strategy at Samsung Home-appliance department and how

Analyze the corporate strategy at Samsung Home-appliance department and how it has been changing:
Describe it in depth using the  4 poles.
Explain the theory of value creation.
Critique (good theory, aka creates a long-term sustainable competitive advantage? coherence? the potential for improvements?).
On page 2: Analyze the business unit strategy of one of the Samsung Home-appliance department and tell us how it has been changing:
Describe it in depth using the  Who/What/How framework.
Explain the theory of value creation.
Critique (good theory, aka creates a long-term sustainable competitive advantage? coherence? potential for improvements?).
I attached a file explaining the 4 poles and the Who/What/How framework. 

solved Part 1 only needs to be a few sentences and

Part 1 only needs to be a few sentences and APA format not needed. There is growing concern about poverty and income inequality. These two concepts, however, are not the same. Income inequality deals with the percentage of income earned by the different income groups, while poverty is concerned with how difficult it is for the poor to meet basic needs. In Section 1.4, you read about deontological and consequential approaches to ethics. Using those approaches, evaluate how well free market systems versus government intervention in markets address poverty and income inequality. Include in your discussion an explanation of how people in a free market economy, acting in their own self-interest, can better those around them.

solved Staffing metrics can be short term or long term, as

Staffing metrics can be short term or long term, as well as efficiency- or effectiveness-oriented. Short-term metrics can be used as leading indicators to gauge a company’s ability to place the right people in the right jobs at the right time. Meantime, long-term metrics are best for evaluating the effectiveness of a staffing system, because they drive the financial impact of staffing for the organization.
Choose an organization with which you are familiar.
Evaluate in 700 to 1,050 words three metrics that are—or should be—used to determine how well the staffing process meets the needs of the organization.
Describe the metrics selected for discussion. 
Assess how these help the organization determine effectiveness