solved Question:Based on the available evidence, why did American women play

Question:Based on the available evidence, why did American women play such active leadership roles in Progressive Era reformBegin with a clear thesis statement that directly answers the question and establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (1pt)Next, develop TWO concrete examples drawn from TWO different assigned course materials, to support your argument. (1 pt)Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Foner, GML, 486).Answers must be at least 200 words in length. Please use full sentences. (1pt for meeting formatting criteria – see Grading Rubric)…

solved You will need Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J.

You will need Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. (2015). Understanding and managing diversity: readings, cases, and exercises (sixth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-HallRead the article “Understanding inter-cultural communication in today’s global environment” in Harvey & Allard’s textbook (p.210-216) and answer the following questions. Briefly describe an example of an cross-cultural miscommunication that you have either participated in or observed in the workplace, at college, or in a public place.How did the communicators exhibit some of the dimensions described in this article?In retrospect, what could have been done differently to improve the communication in terms of the sender, choice of medium and the receiver?

solved 1. Participatory Decision Making in Groups How would the outcomes

1. Participatory Decision Making in Groups 
How would the outcomes of a participatory decision-making approach look different from a “conventional” decision-making approach in creating a new program or initiative? Address two (2) of the participatory vs. conventional characteristics to support your response.
2. External Organizational Communications 
Social marketing and storytelling are important public relations tools in community partnerships work. What is a lesson learned from each of the following that you might use moving forward as a professional social worker? Provide rationale and cite references to support your response.
a. Public Relations (PR) podcast
b. Social marketing/ storytelling/narratives readings

solved I’m working on a literature question and need guidance to

I’m working on a literature question and need guidance to help me learn.

Choose a song performed by Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra.
(Other than “Unforgettable” or “You Do Something to Me”)
Next, find an older version of the same song recorded by a different artist.
Post both links here.
Find a Doo-Wop song originally recorded by a black group in the 40s/50s (Other than “Sh-Boom”).
Now find a cover version from the same era recorded by a white group.

Post both links here and briefly describe the difference.
(Please be precise and use musical terms we’ve learned in class)
What are your thoughts on cover songs?
Also, what do you think of the change from how cover songs are seen today vs how they were seen in the 40s and 50s?

solved Chapter. 6 Developing a Project Plan Initial Postings: Read and

Chapter. 6 Developing a Project Plan
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Why bother creating a WBS? Why not go straight to a project network and forget the WBS?

solved I’m working on a business law writing question and need

I’m working on a business law writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Critical Analysis Paper
Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (e.g., rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease [e.g., car, home, furniture, etc.], home or car repair, or student loan agreement). In your description, be sure to provide specific contractual details including parties and subject matter involved. You must also address the following:

Define the five essential elements of an enforceable contract, and demonstrate how each element relates to your example.
Explain the circumstances of a breach of contract in your example, and discuss possible remedies.

solved In the Grimms’ version of the story, the little girl

In the Grimms’ version of the story, the little girl starts out on her journey with explicit instructions from her mother. When at the end of the story, Little Red Cap and Grandmother are miraculously saved by the Woodsman, the moral of the story is clear: obey your mother and beware of strangers. So it is a very different tale from Perrault’s version.”Hansel and Gretel” recounts how two young children survive two attempts by their parents to kill them. So there’s no question of being obedient to parental authority here. In a story about the treachery of adults, how would you describe its moral? Is a story inappropriate for young children given its plot line?read the little read cap and Hansel and Gretel in the attachment.

solved With this link and the PowerPoint attachment provided, please answer

With this link and the PowerPoint attachment provided, please answer the following questions:1. Who are the “new poor”? What social forces have created this group and how are families in this category adapting to the consequences of their new status?2. Use the case studies of Mexican and Vietnamese immigration to discuss the effects of immigration on family dynamics. Present evidence of both continuity and change.3. Although the elderly share a common age category, the experience of elderly individuals varies by race, social class, and gender. Discuss diversity in the population of elderly Americans. What impact does a growing elderly population have on society? On families?NOTE: NO WORKS CITED OR COVER PAGE IS NEEDED!

solved Watch a Ted talk by Ricardo Semler and think about

Watch a Ted talk by Ricardo Semler and think about how he succeeded at transforming his company. You may think what he did is unrealistic and may not agree with them, but the purpose of this assignment is not to debate whether his changes were good or not. What are some assumptions we have that may interfere with how we see change?  What are some lessons we, as leaders, can learn about change in organizations from Semler?
We often find that people are generally resistant to change for various reasons.  What have you done in the past that brought about a positive change outcome?  What are some new approaches you have learned? Write a paper (3 pages) on change with the above questions in mind.

solved You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction’s Office

You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction’s Office of Homeland Security. This is a recently created office. As a medium-size jurisdiction, the city manager’s office has dual-responsibilities in many of the leadership and management positions. This is often referred to as being dual-hatted. The chief of police has been assigned as the director of the Office of Homeland Security for the city. She has no prior experience or knowledge of the legal basis of homeland security and has asked you to provide a formal information report on the topic. The chief intends to share this report with other office managers, city department heads, the city manager, and the elected officials of the city (mayor and city council).