solved Students are advised to make their work clear and well

are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may
be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your
information on the cover page.
must mention question number clearly in their answer.
will NOT be accepted.
plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from
students or other resources without proper referencing will result
in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

answered must be typed using Times
New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.
No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered
this cover page
will NOT be accepted. Q1 is based on Ch8, Q2 is based on Ch9, Q3 is based on Ch10

solved I’m working on a Business exercise and need support. Explain

I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

Explain what a stakeholder is and who a corporation’s market and non-market stakeholders are. Explain how the Saint Leo University core value of community might apply.
Provide some reasons why businesses should be ethical. What Saint Leo Core value might apply and why?
Explain how an organization communicates its corporate citizenship practices and manifests its attention to the balanced scorecard and triple bottom line approaches. What Saint Leo core value applies, and why?
Assess some tactics businesses can use to be involved in the political process. What Saint Leo core value might apply, and why?

solved – “This paper will include a thesis focused on the

– “This paper will include a thesis focused on the rhetoric ofthe text rather than the topic (how and why the text works –or fails to work – rather than a statement that simply sayswhat the text is about)- This paper will incorporate information that helps tocontextualize what you’re analyzing or supports your ideasabout how the text works.- This paper will be organized in a way that helps your readerunderstand what you analyzed and how it works.- This paper will use well-developed examples, details, andfacts based on close analysis.- This paper will follow appropriate MLA guidelines.- This paper will include approximately 1,200 to 1,500 words(4-5 pages) of polished writing” (Sura and Morris 62).

solved You are an office manager tasked with coordinating and leading

You are an office manager tasked with coordinating and leading the dismissal meeting for an organizational layoff.
6–8 page paper in which you:
Propose three ways, proven to be effective, that a manager can cope with negative emotions that accompany an organizational layoff.
Describe a detailed, step-by-step process for conducting a dismissal meeting.

Determine fair and equitable compensation, with justification, that the company may provide to the separated employee.
Create a chart depicting a fair and equitable timeline for disbursement of the compensation.
Use Microsoft Word for this chart.
Predict three ways an organizational layoff can affect a company’s future strategic direction.

solved Spirituality Paper Define spirituality ______/10 points Discuss signs and symptoms

Spirituality Paper
Define spirituality ______/10 points
Discuss signs and symptoms of spiritual distress. ________/15points
Discuss etiological factors contributing to spiritual distress.
Maintain confidentiality; relate a specific situation which you encountered. Identify the subjective and objective data, which gave evidence of a spiritual concern. _______/20 points
Label the concern using diagnostic language. _______/10 points
Discuss your response to this concern and the client’s reaction to your response. Relate what you might have done differently. ________/15 points
Conclude with a reflection on this project.  What did you learn from this?  What was difficult about this project? ________/20 points

solved I need support with this Nursing question so I can

I need support with this Nursing question so I can learn better.

“Stigma and insufficient training for addressing alcohol or drug problems in the clinical settings are two significant barriers to early identification and access to care for clients with substance abuse related problems”, (Nash, et al., 2017, p. 124).Find a scholarly journal article that discusses how the shame and stigma that health-care providers display, verbally or through attitude, negatively impacts the wellness of clients with substance-abuse problems. In 300 words (or more), summarize the journal findings and offer your thoughts on this topic. Don’t forget to include an APA citation and use a source published within the last 5 years.

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a history discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Numerous events sprang up around the globe as American political leaders reconsidered their international relations. Two places, among others, challenged American policymakers. Cries of genocide and massacres occurred in the Balkan conflict and in the eastern African nation of Rwanda. Those conflicts provided opportunities for American diplomats to shape their role in the “new world order.”

How did the United States respond to the crises in the Balkans (former Yugoslavia) and Rwanda?
How should the United States have responded to the crises in the Balkans (former Yugoslavia) and Rwanda? Why do you feel that way?

solved This is the 1st question, The semester topic is reading

This is the 1st question, The semester topic is reading real or fiction stories).Select 1-5 writers or public personalities who write or speak publicly about your Semester Topic. However, for Module III, pick 1-5 writers with whom you DISAGREE. Discuss their “rhetorical styles.” Why do you disagree with them? (2 pages).the 2nd question is,Journal #2Now, narrow the above writers/personalities down to the 1-3 that you will examine in your Module III Essay. What specific rhetorical strategies do they use? What kind of rhetorical “fallacies” do they use? How do these specific strategies reflect their personal styles? In your opinion, are they completely wrong? Or, do their arguments hold some merit? (2 pages).

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Why did the training consultants in the case pick a “strategic needs assessment” for their project?  Would knowledge and skills assessment and competency-based needs assessment work in this case? Why or why not? 
2. What were the steps (phases) of the needs assessment process in the case? 
3. What data collection strategies were used in this case? 
4. You were approached as an HRD consultant by a large organization asking you to identify their most important performance improvement training needs. How would you design the needs assessment process based on the “lessons learned” described in this case?

solved Question: Explain in detail, and give at least four (4)

Question: Explain in detail, and give at least four (4) Macroeconomic effects of President Biden’s Executive Order (Mandate) requiring federal workers/federal contractors and workers of firms employing 100 or more workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or to be subjected to weekly COVID-19. Endeavor to use real-life examples to make your analysis concrete. Limit the length of your essay to two (2) typed, double-spaced pages. Attach to your written essay, two (2) News Articles from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) which discussed the effects of President Biden’s vaccination Executive Order. Arrange your essay in “point form”, e.g. First, —————. Second, ————–. Third, —————, etc.