solved The final piece will be a designed portfolio to be

The final piece will be a designed portfolio to be delivered to your selected client and will include the logo you designed in black and white and color formats,
uses of the logo symbol, logo do’s and don’ts, and applications of the logo into stationery items. The portfolio will also include the brand identity information by
labeling the fonts, color palette, and logo usage. The final portfolio needs to also include a written rationale (at least three paragraphs) at the end that describes
the design process, the psychology of design principles utilized, how your final designs communicate the brand message to the specified audience, and how your
final designs fit the client’s needs

solved I’m working on a communications writing question and need a

I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The following “attributes of friendship” are found prevalent in research: Respect, trust, responsiveness, capitalization, social comparison, and social support. On page 89 in the Dwyer readings for this week, there are five types of relationship power identified. Think of the significant friendships you have experienced in your life.Which of these attributes are most important in your friendships and why? Are the attributes you have chosen as most important now the same as those you would have chosen earlier in your life? Please describe how relationship power works in your personal friendships.

solved I’m working on a american studies multi-part question and need

I’m working on a american studies multi-part question and need support to help me learn.…
Post-Lecture Responses Questions
What did we learn about media representation as it relates to mental health disability?
What specific disability diagnoses did our guest presenters have? How did they manage their conditions? And what support did they get from their communities? Be specific.
Given the prevalence of mental health disabilities, common stigmas associated with mental health, and stressors that exist in our lives and communities, in the lecture, how would you connect mental health to other topics that have been covered in this course

solved I have 4 case studies I need to work on.

I have 4 case studies I need to work on. YOU CAN CHOOSE ANY TOPIC FROM THE SYALLBUS AND WRITE EACH CASE STUDY. SO 4 DIFFERENT TOPICS AND EACH CASE STUDY IN 2 PAGES MIN. SO IN TOTAL 8 PAGES FOR ALL THE CASE STUDIES.In your 2-3 page analysis, be sure to thoroughly answer the questions presented with a strong supporting rationale. Be sure to compose your analysis in APA format with a title page, introduction, and conclusion.If applicable, include:references cited in text and in the reference sectionappropriate calculations and critical thoughtthe financial statement of cash flows and the accounting statement of cash flowsany additional documentation or information to support your analysis

solved No copy paste. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.I want

No copy paste. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.I want new text answer, not copied or rephrased.Requirements:Follow APA-style referencing.Use Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.Please read the Case-5.2 “Post-Graduation Adventure.” from Chapter 5 “Estimating Project Times and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 164 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions asked in case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to the questions should be within 500 Words limit.

solved Discuss how organizations can achieve sustainable development through corporate social

Discuss how organizations can achieve sustainable development through corporate social responsibility. Remember to use your own words to write the post, use citations in the post, and have the bibliography at the end of the post. And the citations and bibliography should be in APA FORMAT. Latest three pdf articles need to be usedFor citations in the post or paper: (lastname, year) or (lastname, lastname, year) or if more than 2: (lastnname, et al., year) – for example: (Jones, et al. 2019)For references at the end of the paper (sample): Amoroso, D., Lim, R. & F. Roman (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizations. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 12(4) 123-140.

solved Analyze the sample multimodal arguments for their strengths and weaknesses.Â

Analyze the sample multimodal arguments for their strengths and weaknesses. 

I will attach TWO of argument samples (one is a paper sampel and the othour is presentation sample) please respond to them by respond to the questions bellow 

What was the author’s argument?
What are 2-3 clues that the author kept their audience in mind? How could they have done better?
How did the author use multimodal elements in their argument?
What aspects of this genre did the author use to their advantage? Which could they have emphasized more?
What are three aspects of this sample that you think the author did well?
What are three aspects of this sample that could have been done better?

solved I need help with a Criminal Justice question. All explanations

I need help with a Criminal Justice question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

a 3–page paper, using APA format, review and critique a scholarly journal article. Include proper citation for your selection. This is the article link…develop a short critical analysis of the piece.Consider the author’s approach to the issue, the format of the article, the point of view.Has the author left out important material? If so, describe.If applicable, describe additional relevant facts or points of view that you believe the author failed to consider.Pose at least two unresolved questions after reviewing your article.

solved Hello, I have an exam for financial accounting with 10

Hello, I have an exam for financial accounting with 10 questions that need to be answered. these are the questions: 1. Explain accounts payable and account receivable. 2. What are provisions?3. Differentiate deferred items and prepaid items. 4. show the require minimum structure of an european income statement (PLA statement)5. What is the concept of Depreciation. Explain and give one example.6. Pick 2 valuation principles respectively rules and explain them properly. 7. What are accruals and what are they all about?8. What are the keys to understand IFRS?9. What does true and fair value (IFRS) technically mean?10. Name 3 gap principals which differ FROM IFRS AND EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE

solved Using research to create a PowerPoint slide deck.Develop a minimum

Using research to create a PowerPoint slide deck.Develop a minimum of 10 slide PowerPoint deck (not including title slide and reference slide) that describes the evolution of private health insurance from the 1930’s beginning to its current state.Remember to include a title slide and a reference slide. The reference slide should include the sources you used to develop the slide deck.There are media elements for developing a PowerPoint slide deck, directions from the OWL at Purdue website, and also possible templates that you could use to individualize your own work.Create the deck as if you were providing an in-service to your peers on the history of health insurance in this country.