solved write a short paragraph summarizing key thoughts or facts in

write a short paragraph summarizing key thoughts or facts in those readings.  You should also indicate what these readings added to your knowledge or understanding from the corresponding lecture or film from that week, making certain to be specific about what aspect of the films or lectures was affected.  
here are the articles………
here are the videos

solved INTERNATIONAL FINANCEStudents are expected to select a recent newsworthy event

INTERNATIONAL FINANCEStudents are expected to select a recent newsworthy event from a reputable resource (Such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Financial Times) and present an article reflecting international issues for 5 to 10 minutes. Students are expected to prepare a brief PowerPoint on an article (WSJ, Financial Times, Bloomberg, etc.) on international finance. Students should prepare the slides as follows:Slide one: Article title, date, and author. This slide should also include the names of the student presenters in alphabetical orderSlide two: Summary of the articleSlide three: How does it relate to international financeSlide four: Why did you choose this article

solved I’m studying and need help with a Business question to

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

Question I – Explain some of the hurdles litigants have encountered when it comes to the Endangered Species Act and standing to bring a lawsuit.Question II – A contract is made between two parties. The terms of the contract are complete and unambiguous. A dispute arises between the Parties. Party A wants to pull out of the contract without penalty. Party B argues that Party A’s proposed action is prohibited by the express terms of the contract. Party A argues that the Parties verbally agreed to ignore that provision of the contract that would impose a penalty on Party A. Which Party will prevail and why?

solved part 1 Do a little research about the risks to

part 1 Do a little research about the risks to adolescent health and wellness, factors that protect against these risk factors, and resources available to help with these risk factors.Share how we can use this information to promote health and wellness in these years.Don’t forget to share the URL of at least one source.Your post should be 1-2 paragraphs long and should provide your unique perspective. part 2 Create a resource that shares five (5) top tips for keeping children healthy and safe using the Health section (begins on page 176) and the Safety section (begins on page 181). You can create your tips targeted at families/home and/or early childhood education programs.

solved The main section of the paper should then focus on

The main section of the paper should then focus on 2 to 3 arguments that are used by those of opposing viewpoints.
Finally, in summation, I would like to hear your opinion on the subject.  Also, more importantly, which arguments swayed your viewpoint.
Remember that there is no right and wrong viewpoint but I expect you to provide a fair and balanced argument for each opposing viewpoint.  I am looking to see not only what your opinion is but that you can passively demonstrate both viewpoints on a subject.
Most issues I can think of have 2 opposing viewpoints. Common topics include abortion, gun control, legalization of marijuana ect.
Here is the rubric that I use for grading.

solved I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

In Descartes’s view, all animal behavior is restricted to patterns based on instinct and patterns based on learning (conditioning). Can you think of a counterexample?will give more informationThey should be double-spaced and 1½ to 2 ½ pages in length. The minimum acceptable length is 350 words (with a range of roughly 350-500 words, though there is no upper limit). Try to make a good impression on the reader with correct spelling and grammar. When you quote material from other sources, be sure to use quotation marks or indentation to indicate that you are quoting, and provide a specific citation of the source.

solved Caseload Management Project Managing a caseload of 50-200 cases can

Caseload Management Project
Managing a caseload of 50-200 cases can be an overwhelming task if you don’t have a systematic organized method of managing the caseload. The rehabilitation professional must not only know their clients and meet with them systematically but they also have to provide service coordination as well as managing the daunting task of massive paper work.
In this 8-10 page paper, discuss evidence-based rehabilitation case management strategies that you implement in practice. Discuss how these evidence- based techniques can help in the efficient management of large caseloads. Research and use at least 5 PROFESSIONAL references. Paper should be in APA style.

solved Please prepare a 4-5 minutes powerpoint slides (as well as

Please prepare a 4-5 minutes powerpoint slides (as well as speaker’s notes) discussing the following points: 1- Mission, Culture and Organizational Structure of each firm.2- Identify and compare mission statements of each firm3- Identify and discuss organizational cultures of each firm4- Organizational Structure: how well do the structures support Your firm’s strategies (Provide a chart for each of your firm’s Org. structures)5- Compare the Organizational Structures of both of your firms (ie. Is one taller or flatter than the other and how might that effect their competitive advantage)*Please make the slides clear, simple and creative and elaborate on the speaker’s notes*

solved I need an explanation for this Social Science question to

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study.

The following articles discusses the implication of drugs on the mental and brain development: Based on the articles, provide a one page analysis of the main concepts covered.…, S. M. (2017). Drugs for psychosis and mood: unique actions at D3, D2, and D1 dopamine receptor subtypes. CNS spectrums, 22(5), 375-384.Abrahao, K. P., Salinas, A. G., & Lovinger, D. M. (2017). Alcohol and the brain: neuronal molecular targets, synapses, and circuits. Neuron, 96(6), 1223-1238.

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need a

I’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Watch this weeks lecture, then read the introduction to Larry Beck and Ted Cable’s book The Gifts of Interpretation. Then, think about a tour you have been on – it may have been in a museum, around a brewery, an art gallery, a historical site, a national park, or even around the SDSU campus.
Describe this experience and using at least three of the 15 principles of interpretation noted by Beck and Cable, critique the performance of the tour guide (interpreter). What were they doing well that made it a great experience, or what did they do poorly that made it a less than stellar experience?