solved Assignments should be completed in Microsoft Word and files should

Assignments should be completed in Microsoft Word and files should be attached below. The target length of the assignment is one single-spaced (12-point font) page with normal margins.Chapter 11 presents three ways in which managers can attempt to control the behavior of subordinates. Read the case study “The Case of the Tempormental Talent” (attached). Use the three behavioral control techniques described in Chapter 11 to describe three specific management tactics that “Bob” could use to control the behavior of “Ken”. Then, indicate which of the three tactics you’ve presented you think will be the most effective and support your answer.The Case of the Tempormental Talent.pdf

solved I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

STICKING to target, the unethical topic you need to write is Target has decided to close stores early due to an increased in shop lifting and they have also cut employees hours. Please write one annotation and two sourcesAnnotations must be between 100-150 words (NO MORE, NO LESS!) and written in complete, grammatically correct sentenceEVALUATE it in terms of:AUTHORITY: is the author/source credible/trustworthy ? How/why?ACCURACY: is the information current/up to date; is the tone/content biased ? How/why?RELEVANCE : does the source contribute helpful and accurate information for your investigation? Why or why not?

solved I’m working on a music report and need a sample

I’m working on a music report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The key assignment for this course is a research paper on a musical topic, or composer. To get started on this assignment post your research topic in this module in the form of a purpose statement. Here are three examples of purpose statements: The purpose of this paper is to examine the life and musical contribution of __________.• In this paper I will explore three aspects of opera by comparing the operas of Monteverdi, Mozart, and Verdi.• I will compare the life and music of Liszt and Chopin, illustrating different types of fame and acclaim in the nineteenth century.NO MICHAEL JACKSON!

solved Please answer three of the four questions listed below It

Please answer three of the four questions listed below It is essential that you read the questions carefully and respond to them; we do not want general essays on the topics.The questions are all designed to be answered using just the course materials (readings and objects of the week) and lectures. Using other sources is not encouraged, but if you do so then you must cite them.Your answers should address the questions (which are all multi-part) completely, be well organized, and be full of appropriate details. There is no prescribed length for your answers, but keep in mind that minimal answers that lack supporting detail, even if correct, will not get you a very good grade.

solved Chapter 1. What is Organizational Behavior Initial Postings: Read and

Chapter 1. What is Organizational Behavior
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your book is :Stephen P. Robbins, & Judge, T. (2015). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Newyork, NY: Pearson.

solved Watch the 12-minute TED Talk featuring Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff

Watch the 12-minute TED Talk featuring Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff on YouTube. “How we make racism a solvable problem- and improve policing” and then write a 4 page reflection essay where you integrate course concepts into your paper. Essentially, what I am asking you to do is apply course concepts to the ideas that Dr. Goff discusses about addressing racism in criminal justice and how that plays out for leaders in the field. Concepts to consider would be strategic planning, ethical climate, and/or organizational change.Book used: Inside the Criminal Justice Organization: An Anthology for Practioners By: Mary Ellen Mastrolilli, please include information from the book and module.

solved I’m working on a management case study and need support

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me learn.

An activity on the critical path of a project was scheduled to be completed within 12 weeks, with a budget of $8,000. During a performance review, which took place 7 weeks after the activity was initiated, it was found that 50% of the work had already been completed and that the actual cost was $4,500.
  a.  Calculate the EV of the activity.
  b. Calculate the CI and SI for the activity.
  c. Calculate the expected BAC using the original estimate approach.
  d. Calculate the expected BAC using the revised estimate approach.
  e.  Compare and discuss the results obtained in parts (c) and (d).

solved Please share your thoughts on the Discussion topic posed below.

Please share your thoughts on the Discussion topic posed below. Your responses to the Discussion should be at least 200 words.Take time to review your colleagues’ responses and reply with comments. You should post comments to at least two colleagues in the Discussion. Reply posts should be at least 75 words and not merely an acknowledgement. Try be analytical and helpful in your responses.Discussion TopicThere are definite differences between leaders and managers. Compare and contrast leadership versus management, and explain why it is important for health organizations to have both leaders and managers. Cite references (from your text and/or outside sources) in APA format.

solved Taking the time and doing a job right is the

Taking the time and doing a job right is the goal of good professionals in any workplace. An aspect of this is having on hand and properly using PPE when and as needed. Choose an activity you are familiar with that, when performed correctly, requires the use of PPE, such as certain aspects of car maintenance, painting, roof work, shoveling, or other. Describe in detail the PPE and other safety measures that should be used when performing that activity. Have you always followed these ‘best practices’ and if not, why? What injuries could result if proper PPE and best practices are not followed? requires 200 word count, count does not count toward include heading, sources, title

solved Part I: Pick a topic from the course (the topic

Part I: Pick a topic from the course (the topic is Globalization)

Define the topic, important information related to the selected topic. (500 words)
How you can relate the topic to the real-life businesses (e.g example about foreign investors in Saudi Arabia, what the benefits that they bring to our market?) (500 words)

Part II: Read the attached case study. Based on the attached case, answer the following questions in 500 words in total)

How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? 
How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project? 
Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain.Â