solved For work1, do the following:Please first review the five ways

For work1, do the following:Please first review the five ways the Gutenberg Printing Press impacted things and LIST them in your post. You can find this in Ch. #1 in our textbook and in my PDF lecture notes for Ch. #1. Then, make a post in which you argue for ONE of these impacts being THE most important one and why. (100-200words)For work2, do the following:Bathymetry is the measurement of the depth of water in oceans, rivers, or lakes. Bathymetric maps look a lot like topographic maps, which use lines to show the shape and elevation of land features.Read the article below and write a one paragraph summary of the article.…

solved I’m working on a communications discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a communications discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Reflect on your use of the Big6 Research Model .
What step was the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenge?
Using the steps in the Big 6 Research Model, consider your process of locating sources, categorizing, organizing, critiquing, and presenting information for the project. What worked well for you?

Part 2 connecting to your future 

How will you use information and digital literacy in your place of work and future career ? 
How will you sustain your new knowledge in order to support your career goals?
Why is civility important at your place of work and in politics ?

solved Sung-Li is a university student in China. He met me

Sung-Li is a university student in China. He met me in Beijing at the airport. He tried to tell me a lot of things, but I don’t speak a word of Chinese. He tried to speak in English, but it was very hard to understand each other. We had a good time anyway. We managed to have lunch, find the bathroom, and see some of the sights. We used a lot of gestures. Fortunately, we had some maps and a guide book written in English!In terms of what you studied in Chapters 1 & 2, describe some of the communication problems in the situation. How were they solved?please use the chapters to answer the question and use the vocabularies that are in the chapter’s Guide in your answer. thanks

solved plan Mitigation and Response measures appropriate to specific problems in

plan Mitigation and Response measures appropriate to specific problems in Saudi Arabia .FLOODING IN JEDDAH – MITIGATION AND RESPONSECILO 2Part1 ( MOI(ministry of interior in Saudi Arabia) terrorist attack you need to apply emergency management cycle – mitigation , preparedness,response , recovery )Part 2 (You need to compare the MOI terrorist attack to Oklahoma city bombing – what lessons did you learn ? )CILO 3Read PDF -CRITIQUE – what do you like about ? what do agree or disagree on.. How can you improve ?CILO 4Write an emergency management plan for Saudi Arabia – Sandstorms .Try IF YOU CAN TO GET CLOSE TO 3000 WORDS .Requirements: Try IF YOU CAN TO GET CLOSE TO 3000 WORDS

solved I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.

( I need a professional replay with at least 200 words based on the chapter 14&15 from the book that I will mansion, When replay with my friend paper about message therapy as alternative therapy, I should  expected to prepare a scholarly response to her  answer – citing agreement or disagreement with the answer given by providing supporting information, not previously mentioned in the original answer. Supporting information should come from scholarly publications and/or the text)
Book : DeNisco, S.M. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

solved 1. Discuss the various ways technology has created threats and

1. Discuss the various ways technology has created threats and opportunities for most companies. Hint: Examine both markets and Industries.
2. In your opinion, has the digital revolution benefitted firms in the industry you are focusing on for your brand management plan? For example, how has technology created efficiencies, provided greater access and enhanced the buying process for consumers?
3. Discuss the elements of the porter’s five forces competitive analysis. Why is this analysis important.
4. What is the benefit of using this model? Apply this model to your industry and discuss your conclusions
Question title; The technological Environment and porter’s five forces.

solved I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

1. How do large organizations select an ERP system and determine process objectives and measures? 2. What are the different business functions integrated by enterprie resource planning (ERP) products?3. What are the challenges of improving the CRM process? 4. What are the five ways IS can improve a process?Cloud computing and cloud services are the buzzwords these days. Explore the service from Amazon Web Service for buying, storing, and playing music. Also, explore the CRM solution from the advantages and disadvantages of each of these services in light of personal and organizational needs.

solved In chapter 15, read the case titled Multiple Diversity Concerns

In chapter 15, read the case titled Multiple Diversity Concerns at Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) on page 423-424. Once you are reading this case post responses to the following:In previous chapters we discuss the youthfulness of African Americans, Asians, and Latinos when compared to Caucasians. What are the potential ramifications of ANF’s exclusions of these groups as employees and models?How may the company’s denial of discrimination, even after settling the first lawsuit, have negatively impacted the effectiveness of measures to stop discrimination in hiring and advancement at ANF?As a consumer, what can you do to show your concern for ANF’s hiring and advancement practices?

solved Observation and questionnaires are two of the methods used in

Observation and questionnaires are two of the methods used in data collection. Researchers are faced with options of selecting the most appropriate methods of data collection that are suitable for their research in order to arrive at solutions to issues at hand. In addition, a researcher must address internal and external validity issues.For this discussion, our focus will be on internal and external validity. Use the information from the required readings, TED Talk video and other sources to:Describe internal validity and external validity. Discuss any threats to which either internal or external validity might be exposed in your business research study.250 words, APA style

solved Occupational Fraud and the ACFE Report to the Nations For

Occupational Fraud and the ACFE Report to the Nations
For this week’s discussion, after reading Chapter 14 in the text and understanding the Occupational Fraud Classification Scheme, you will be using the 2020 ACFE Report to the Nations (attached and also available in the ACFE folder).  
Choose a fraud scheme from the report and write and post a 2 – 3 paragraph response, selecting a scheme, explaining it, and summarizing key statistics and observations from the report.  Find and summarize a case study (not from the textbook) as an example of the scheme you have chosen. Choose topics that you find interesting, important, or even surprising to share with your classmates. Â