solved Refer to the RUBRIC for this assignment as to how

Refer to the RUBRIC for this assignment as to how your essay will be graded and points will be assigned. Refer to the SHOT EXERCISE and THESIS & OUTLINE EXERCISE WHICHWERE PRACTICE FOR YOUR REALISM ESSAY.Formatting: 2-3 double-spaced pages (1000-1500 words), 1″ margins, Times Roman, 12-point font. Your essay MUST have a strong thesis statement. I recommend given the short nature of the essay to not make a thesis claim for which you have to prove more than 2 points. Think first paragraph ends with your thesis. Next 2-3 paragraphs provide evidence to support your thesis. Final paragraph is your conclusion, summarize, but do not insert new points.

solved Review the Missouri case study. Familiarize yourself with the impact

Review the Missouri case study. Familiarize yourself with the impact of politics on the budget process.Evaluate the relationship between the budget process and the politics associated with budget balancing.Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you will respond to the following questions:What were the fiscal conditions of Missouri?What were the major influences on their financial conditions?What steps were taken to correct the challenges?What were the impediments to balancing the budget?How did politics influence their ability to balance?What would you propose to address the impediments?How does this relationship impact budget preparation?

solved This is a Annotative Bib Assignment. THE DIRECTION ARE ATTACHED.

This is a Annotative Bib Assignment. THE DIRECTION ARE ATTACHED. YOU ARE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTION AND FOLLOW THE TEMPLATE TO FINISH ANNOTATIVE BIB. READ THE ARTICLE ATTACHED WHICH IS ON TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND WRITE ANNOTATIVE BIBAs you write annotated bibliography, include both a summary of journal article’s empirical study AND an evaluation of the validity and usefulness of each journal article’s empirical study. Summary and evaluation should be in full sentences. annotated bibliography should be at least 4 pages EXCLUDING the title page, with evaluation section comprising of AT LEAST 2 and half pages of the aforementioned 4 pages

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need support

I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Module Five Discussion
Please respond to only one of the two questions below.
In 2012, Apple and Samsung engaged in a prolonged patent fight. Describe Samsung’s product offerings and what Apple patents they may have been violating. How did Samsung address the patent challenge?
There is a strong trend in many information technology fields of outsourcing to another country and continent. What are the primary motivations for this movement? How and why are startups participating in this trend? What are some of the risks for a new enterprise considering outsourcing?

solved An introductory paragraph that begins by describing the fantasy or

An introductory paragraph that begins by describing the fantasy or  other leisure activity and how it works and ends with a thesis statement  that contains two reasons you enjoy the activity
A body paragraph, which you wrote last week, that discusses your  first reason and that has been revised with corrections based on  feedback your professor provided
A second body paragraph that begins with a topic sentence  that focuses on the second reason you like the activity and includes  support for that reason, such as examples, description, and explanation
A concluding paragraph that reemphasizes your main idea and draws the essay to a close

solved Can you help me understand this Criminal Justice question? Briefly

Can you help me understand this Criminal Justice question?

Briefly describe the problem and the potential solution for which you will be identifying benefits and drawbacks. This will be the same problem and potential solution you identified in earlier modules and that you will use in your project.Describe the approach you would use to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a potential solution. Be sure to address the following in your post:Who are your stakeholders (internal and external), and how will you identify them?How will the approach you take to evaluating the benefits and drawbacks differ for internal and external stakeholders? Explain

solved QUESTIONExamine, with examples, (a) various types of international diplomacy mechanisms

QUESTIONExamine, with examples, (a) various types of international diplomacy mechanisms implemented by multi-national corporations (MNCs) to manage various stakeholders; and (b) why conflicts between MNCs and host countries may persist despite widespread implementation of such mechanisms. Instructions1.All of the materials attached needs to be used as well as the lecture which I also have attached. MAXIMUN 3 references need to be used except GIVEN. Harvard referencing style2.CRITICAL ANAYLIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SO PLEASE ADD CRITICAL ANALYSIS IN EVERY POINT3.Please add examples for your point made. EXAMPLES REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT4.1000 WORDS

solved the guidelines for the project is on the Word document.the

the guidelines for the project is on the Word document.the excel is what is expected to look like, however due to covid and other recent changes data on the excel should only be used as a template on how to construct the data, this is because that document was made on 2018 and the valuation of the bond is completely different. also the amount of money given now compared to things that are listed on the excel is also completely different. All other things are listed on the Word document it should be very detailed. let me know if you have further questions.Requirements: as long as it answers all the questionplease read the instructions carefully,

solved Write two (2) paragraphs critiquing points made in Susan Blum’s

Write two (2) paragraphs critiquing points made in Susan Blum’s article, “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism”.For each paragraph, begin with a brief summary of the point you are critiquing.Concede (if you feel this is necessary) and refute her point.Provide support for your opinion (note in my examples, I have not done that). Use a variety of evaluative language structures.Note: If desired, you can critique the same point two different ways Accessing the Article:You can access this article two ways:Google Scholar: Search “academic integrity, susan blum”.Paper Link:

solved Please complete a five page paper in response to the

Please complete a five page paper in response to the following prompt (minimum 1250 words). Your answers should be comprehensive, articulate a clear thesis with rationale, and you should quote and/or footnote sections of the readings from the course to support your argument. No external sources are necessary for this project; No Bibliography nor Title Page is necessary.Compare the traditions surrounding the angelic or secondary powers of Enoch/Metatron and Jesus. What are the similarities and differences between them? What do they tell us about the Judaism(s) and Christianity(s) of their time? Do they inform one another or not? Why or why not?