solved The Need for Change Please answer ALL of the following

The Need for Change
Please answer ALL of the following questions:

When was the last time you  decided to change a specific behavior (e.g., started to exercise,  started a diet, or changed jobs)? How successful were you in  accomplishing the change?
As a manager, what ethical  difficulty might you face when asked to layoff half of your employees in  order to increase the organization’s long-term chance of survival?
Why do organizations use  neuroscience to help them with the change process? Please provide 1-2  examples to support your viewpoints that other learners will be able to  assess and debate within our weekly discussion forum.

solved I need to write a summary how different age groups

I need to write a summary how different age groups differ based on various questions 
First, I need to interview three people who are in different age categories (The Silent Generation; Baby Boomer Generation; Generation X (Baby Bust); Xennials; Millennials or iGen (Gen Z). Each person should be asked the same question 
I need to ask five questions:
1) What is your preferred method of communication at work?
2) Describe your favorite manager? What makes this person a good manager?
3) What is important for you in a job?
4) What kind of relationship do you expect to have with your boss?
5) How would you deal with a dispute with your supervisor? 

solved I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. HIV

I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support.

HIV Infection in US.
Around 1.1 million people are living with HIV in the United States of America (USA). Nearly one in seven of these people are unaware they have HIV. The size of the epidemic is relatively small compared to the overall population but is heavily concentrated among several key affected populations.
-You, as a future FNP should be able to identify populations in US at highest risk and also highest incidence of this disease. Expose in a clear and academic matter what is the actual situation of this Infection in US and compare it with the status of the disease in your community.

solved Select a communicable disease, I would like to choose Enterovirus

Select a communicable disease, I would like to choose Enterovirus D68,  to write about. 
Research the disease from readings located through the Library and from public health websites like the CDC, Healthy People 2020, and/or WHO (the point is to use reputable resources).  
Describe the communicable disease, incidence world-wide and in your community (go to your county’s public health website (Terrell County Georgia US)   and research incidence of diseases), agent characteristics, environmental characteristics, signs and symptoms, treatment, and as a public/community health nurse how would you educate the public about this disease.   

solved Planning a Role in Human ServicesThe human services profession is

Planning a Role in Human ServicesThe human services profession is faced with rapid changes in the social, economic, political, and technical environment, affecting organizations and programs. To remain relevant and beneficial to society, the profession must be able to proactively organize talent, skills, and services that meet the need of society. That means creating public value for the benefit of those who are served.Discuss your position or expected position in the human services profession. Explain what motivated you to pursue a role in human services, with an emphasis on what you consider to be your personal professional mission and vision.

solved Question is A bank has written a European call option

Question is
A bank has written a European call option on one stock and a European put option on another stock. For the first option,the stock price is 50,the strike price is 51, the volatility is 28% per annum, and the time to maturity is nine months. For the second option, the stock price is 20, the strike price is 19, the volatility is 25% per annum, and the time to maturity is one year. Neither stock pays a dividend, the risk-free rate is 6% per annum, and the correlation between stock price returns is 0.4. Calculate a 10-day 99% VaR (a) using only deltas, (b) using the partial simulation approach, and (c) using the full simulation approach.

solved Sara Ahmed, a famous British-Australian scholar who studies critical race

Sara Ahmed, a famous British-Australian scholar who studies critical race theory and postcolonialism, said “The politics of mobility, of who gets to move with ease across the lines that divide spaces, can be re-described as the politics of who gets to be at home, who gets to inhabit spaces, as spaces that are inhabitable for some bodies and not others, insofar as they extend the surfaces of some bodies and not others. Those who get stopped are moved in a different way.” Having read “Shackles” and “Grafton Street of Dublin” how do these 2 stories engage with the politics of mobility? Include quotations from the stories to support your claims!

solved I’m working on a writing question and need support to

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.

We Need to TalkMany people who suffer from mental illness too often feel the only way out is to take their own life.After watching the above video, research issues relating to suicide, suicide prevention, and awareness. I would like you to create an entry on actionable steps that we as a society can take to help those who feel helpless. Here are some topic starters, but you may research your own angle.• Suicide is preventable (Links to an external site.)• Veteran’s higher risk (Links to an external site.)• Suicide by cop (Links to an external site.)• Psychology Today

solved Post a draft version of your Digital Study Guide to

Post a draft version of your Digital Study Guide to this discussion by Wednesday. Respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and provide constructive feedback regarding their Digital Study Guides.Remember, feedback must be positive and provide suggestions on how to improve their Digital Study Guides. Improvements should include specific suggestions on their content, presentation and formatting.To see a grading rubric for this assignment, click on the column consisting of three vertical dots (upper-right of this discussion window and then, Show Rubric).Please review the Digital Study Guide Overview in Introduction and Resources for details.


THIS IS A TEAM PROJECT. THERE ARE ONLY TWO OF US ON THE TEAM. I HAVE PLACED MY NAME NEXT TO MY TWO BULLETS. THE WORD COUNT IS 140 WORD PER BULLET. Research the role of psychological testing in counseling. Discuss how psychological testing can assist with differential diagnosis.Write a 350- to 700-word paper addressing the following:Introduction, conclusionUses and purposes of testing in counseling – TERESAWhen testing can be used to assist with differential diagnosis – TeresaThe decision-making process utilized when selecting a testfor use with a particular clientInclude a minimum of two sources.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.