solved Start-Up Briefings Identify a recent start-up company of your choice

Start-Up Briefings 
Identify a recent start-up company of your choice and interest. It should not be in business for more than five years. Your task is to give a short presentation to the class about the following aspects of the new venture:
·     What does the company offer, who started it and why does the company attract your attention?
·     Is this a new idea, an old idea with a twist? For whom?
·     What is the company’s business model?
·     What is the company’s core competency?
·     Would you anticipate the company to survive, go out of business, or become really successful? Why?

solved I don’t know how to handle this Business question and

I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.

Machine bureaucracy: Is another form of structural configuration better suited to multiproduct, multiservice companies? If not, is there a form of departmentalization for multiproduct, multiservice companies which would match somewhat the divisional structure configuration?”

Explain how the following somewhat match each other:
Functional structure with simple structure
Divisional structure with departmentalization by product
Machine bureaucracy with centralized, mechanistic structure
Professional bureaucracy with decentralized, organic structure

solved In what ways were the project’s planning and scope management

In what ways were the project’s planning and scope management appropriate? When did the planners begin taking unknowing or unnecessary risks? Discuss the issue of project constraints and other unique aspects of the bridge in the risk management process. Were these issues taken into consideration? Why or why not?Conduct either a qualitative or quantitative risk assessment on this project. Identify the risk factors that you consider most important for the suspension bridge construction. How would you assess the riskiness of this project? Why?What forms of risk mitigation would you consider appropriate for this project?

solved Part 1 Scientific Project:

Part 1 Scientific Project: (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: Discussion on CAM Articles (Links to an external site.)
Here is the document reference we used for the groups: (Links to an external site.)
2) How could you apply these concepts to your life?

solved Part 1Choose a publicly traded US Company that has a

Part 1Choose a publicly traded US Company that has a name that begins with the same letter as the first letter in your last name. You will be researching this same company for future assignments. This week, conduct a mission analysis on this company incorporating the attached mission matrix worksheet and submit it here.The first letter of my last name begin with P.Part 2After selecting and viewing one of this week’s videos, craft a sample mission statement for the company. Don’t forget to carefully consider each of the characteristics listed in the attached matrix and then incorporate those you consider most relevant.

solved I need an explanation for this Music Theory question to

I need an explanation for this Music Theory question to help me study.

Read the following May, 2021 report in the New York Times, National Endowment for the Arts Funding Would Rise under Biden Plan by Isabel Wilkerson, SEE ATTACHED PDFImagine that you are the director of the NEA. Write a short editorial (no more than 5 paragraphs or 2 pages, double spaced) that addresses the following questions.1) How would your leadership use this new money responsibly?2) Why this is important for America?3) Identify one new music program that you would strongly advocate for funding, as an example of the new money’s potential impact.

solved Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care. Consider:TechnologyCommu

Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care. Consider:TechnologyCommunication CollaborationShared decision-makingLaws, regulations, and policiesAnalyze changes in technology and their effect on quality patient care.Explain the roles of communication, collaboration, and shared decision-making.Consider communication and collaboration between health care team members, between the patient and staff, and involving insurance companies.Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources in an APA-formatted reference page.Format your assignment as one of the following:18- to 20-slide presentation875-word paper

solved Based on chapter five of the text and Plutarch’s Â

Based on chapter five of the text and Plutarch’s  history about the assassination of Julius Caesar found here, please discuss the following in about 450 words. Your posting is due by Thursday (midnight) and a detailed response to a classmate is due on Friday (midnight).  
Caesar’s assassination is one of the most infamous murders in history – why?  What motivated his attackers and, based on the historical evidence you have read, were they justified in these motivations?  The aftermath of his death pushed Rome from the republic into the empire.  Keeping this in mind, discuss an aspect of the impact of this event.

solved I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.

Does the paper find that non-resident father involvement differs by race?  If so, how?
In your personal experience, what external factors potentially explain the level of non-resident father involvement? How much of this is attributable to race?
Define what the authors mean as social capital.  How important do you feel father involvement is for transmission of social capital across generations?  Are your observations the same as these authors? 
How do the historic factors driving family diversity described in Chapter 3 relate to this article?

solved Prompt: You will be writing a paper based on a

Prompt: You will be writing a paper based on a topic you will select and research. The topic can be any area you find of interest. You may want to select something you have been thinking about for your dissertation research. 
You will conduct research on a topic of your choice. You need to find at least five sources that support the topic and write a paper that discusses what prior research has been conducted. The paper should be formatted as:
Introduction to the topic and overview of the paper

Summarization of each of the five or more sources you found
Conclusion to your research based on the articles you selected