solved 1. Summarize the results you achieved while playing the simulation.

1. Summarize the results you achieved while playing the simulation.
a. What did you do well and what were some areas that needed improvement?
b. What were the important differences demonstrated from each of the four scenarios?
2. Analyze and discuss at least 3 comparisons between the simulation and what we have learned in the course.
3. How can you apply what you learned in this experience to the company you work for? Discuss at least 2 different applications.
4. What were the similarities and differences between how you did and how others on your team did? What were your biggest takeaways from your team discussion?

solved I am looking for someone reliable to work throughout the

I am looking for someone reliable to work throughout the semester. This is 8 week of Literature course. Each week we need to write about 3 page (double spaced) (800-1000 words) paper on the topic given which will be posted under discussion. We will then make two peer response (be reasonable and reflective) while making response.We are using book : Literature: The Human Experience – shorter 12th edition ( I don’t have access to this book).You can find the full instructions about week 1 assignment and response and details about other week schedule in the attached documentLet me know if you will have specific question.

solved Scholars have proposed a variety of theories to explain cultural

Scholars have proposed a variety of theories to explain cultural taboos against eating certain animals. For example, in his book, Lesser Beasts, Mark Essig tries to explain why pork was prohibited in some traditional societies, but was well regarded in others. Please give a concise account of Essig’s argument. Your answer must include a discussion of other theories and examples of food taboos regarding animals (mentioned in lectures). You should also refer to Prof. Robert Ku’s lecture on dog meat (3/8).I can handle the lecture part. the book chapters for quotes is 3-5 I included a passed midterm on the same paper.

solved Discussion Board: How to Think Like a Sociologist2525 unread replies.2525

Discussion Board: How to Think Like a Sociologist2525 unread replies.2525 replies.Here is a Link (Links to an external site.) to the blog postWhich of the steps do you think will be the easiest for you to complete? Why?Which of the steps do you think will be the most difficult for you to complete? Why? What is at least one potential benefit to thinking like a sociologist? Remember, you have to post your direct response and reply to the post of at least one of your classmates (be sure to use the reply tab to do so). Also, you should review the guidelines for Discussion Boards posts on the syllabus before you respond.

solved Required Materials Detroia, Parth, Agasha, Aditya, Mehta, Neel. (2020) Swipe

Required Materials
Detroia, Parth, Agasha, Aditya, Mehta, Neel. (2020) Swipe and Unlock: The Primer on Technology and Business Strategy. Oklahoma City:Belle Applications Inc.
Read Chapters 1 – 3 — Please check link…
Assignment Part 1 –
Discussion – 4.1 Google Search
Discussion Topic :: How does Google Search work and what are two business strategies that the functionality supports?
Assignment Part 2
Session 4 Discussion – 4.2 Pre-installed Apps
Discussion Topic  :: Why do phones come with pre-installed apps and what are two business strategies this supports?

solved BOOK REQUIRED: Norm Stamper. Breaking Rank (Vintage Books 2012).This assignment

BOOK REQUIRED: Norm Stamper. Breaking Rank (Vintage Books 2012).This assignment requires students to write a one-page reflection paper. Norm Stamper writes that police departments should cultivate “fearless leadership.” Explain how a chief’s leadership style can foster “fearless leadership” among a department’s rank-and-file officers.When answering the question, be sure to draw clear connections a specific idea/concept from the the course’s reading material.Technical Requirements:Page Limit: 1 page (strictly enforced)Body of Paper: Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch marginsHeader: Student’s name, Course title, Date

solved Read the following chapters and answer the questions below:Chapters 10

Read the following chapters and answer the questions below:Chapters 10 (pages 104-109 only) and 12 from Information Systems for Business and Beyond (attached)Chapter 4 from Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology (attached)What did you learn this week?Connect this week’s topics to your professional career.What examples of this week’s topics do you see in your everyday life?What topic from this week was most interesting to you?Is there a current event that ties to the reading assignments from this week?Is there a topic you’d like to learn more about? Why?Is there a topic you did not enjoy? Why?

solved Write an argumentative essay that persuasively answers the exam’s prompt.Use

Write an argumentative essay that persuasively answers the exam’s prompt.Use evidence from The Art of War and from the Tao Te Ching — and, if you choose, from our other course texts — to support your answer.In addition, you may use personal experience and past or current events to explain your position.A counterpoint section is optional.Use personal observation, current events, The Art of War and the Tao Te Ching to write an argumentative essay arguing for or against the following claim:Young people around the world should resort to violence to compel their governments to respond to the threats of climate change.

solved Pierre Bourdieu presents concepts that he calls “cultural capital” and

Pierre Bourdieu presents concepts that he calls “cultural capital” and “social capital.” As you prepare to graduate, reflect on both of these concepts and apply them to your life. Answer each of the following questions (minimum 200 words):What cultural and social capital do you have? Give specific examples.Can you build upon these? How so? How will these concepts help you when you search for possible employment or advancement in your current career after graduation? How do you think that your education will influence your present and future relationships?Book is on chegg.

solved Write a reflection essay on “The danger of a single

Write a reflection essay on “The danger of a single story”
Summarize the video in your own words. 
Address why Adichie deems a “single story” as dangerous.
Provide an example from your own experience.
When you think about your line of work, how do you think you project “single story” on others?   (Any line of work)
When reflecting on migration and migrants and Adichie presentation, how do you think our perceptions influence our views and practice in the health care setting?
Include a strong conclusion.
Do not forget to reference at the very least Adichie’s presentation along with any other sources you use.