Entries by admin

solved Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience

Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience for the labor law portion of the class through the application of multiple labor law principles to fact patterns, both included in the movie and hypothetical. Analysis of Selected Scenes from Norma Rae1.Distribution of union flyers  1. distinguish between distribution on and off company property. […]

solved If you remember, you have done 3-tasks last week that

If you remember, you have done 3-tasks last week that are; tasks 9, 11, and 30, see the attached file named “Final project tasks”. Additional to these 3-tasks that you have done last week. Now I have one more task and I want you to do it. This task is: Task 17 – Negotiation in […]

solved I need support with this Management question so I can

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better. You  have been asked by NoJax to come in as a consultant and analyze the  business for factors that impact the organizational behavior of the  company. NoJax would like to ensure that their company design is current  and that their employees are as […]

solved Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific […]

solved 1. Find one or two direct quotes from your article

1. Find one or two direct quotes from your article sources that you would like to or have used in Essay #2.  Then, incorporate this direct quote(s) into a body paragraph. You may copy/paste if your paragraph incorporates this source well. Please cite your source as a works cited entry + remember to use in-text […]

solved Assignment InstructionsWith this project you’ll answer some essential questions around

Assignment InstructionsWith this project you’ll answer some essential questions around the main topic question:Should the president have extra powers in a time of emergency? If so, what should be the limits on such powers?You should use research to form your opinions and support your arguments. The paper should address the central question and include the […]

solved MANAGING GROUPS AND TEAMSCommunication ClimateCommunication is the grease which makes

MANAGING GROUPS AND TEAMSCommunication ClimateCommunication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoothly, and by extension, directly affects the effectiveness of the organization itself. Communication climate refers to the mood or tone of interpersonal communications and determines in great part how people feel about each other and how they carry out their work […]

solved Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior

Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and reality therapy. Your colleagues continue to say that based on their experiences, they really like these therapies and that they appear to work. Your instincts also tell you that perhaps they might be helpful for your […]

solved Topic for writing assignment 1:The U.S. News Media: Politics and

Topic for writing assignment 1:The U.S. News Media: Politics and the 2020 ElectionThis week, your assignment is to write about the American news media–specifically, political and national news media.Select several major television and/or print media outlets in the United States. (You may choose to look at CNN and Fox News, for instance and/or the New […]

solved I’m working on a nursing case study and need a

I’m working on a nursing case study and need a reference to help me study. Ms. B was told that she had a brain aneurysm. She made an advance statement of wishes saying that she did not want surgery if the aneurysm burst. However, shortly after she made this statement of wishes, the aneurysm burst […]