solved Week 6 Assignment – Principles and Concepts of Marketing In

Week 6 Assignment – Principles and Concepts of Marketing
In this assignment, you will create an original analysis for a business failure for a selected brand. Select only one brand/product failure from those provided below. Using the information listed, as well as your own research, assess the brand/product failure by completing the PowerPoint template located in the Blackboard online course with your original analysis on the business failure. At the end of the template, be sure to assess the key marketing principles and concepts the business failed to consider and your recommendations for what the business should have done. Please refer to the grading rubric for this assignment.  Your grade will be based on answer quality, logic and organization, and language and writing skills.Instructions

Download the following: 

Week 6 Assignment Sample [PPTX] to see an example of a completed assignment.
Week 6 Assignment: Principles and Concepts of Marketing Template [PPTX] to your computer and Save As, using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week6_Assignment.

Select one of the following marketing failures: 

The Rise and Fall of Circuit City [PDF]. Circuit City was the “go to” place for all our technological needs. Over the years, Circuit City built itself into 1,520 stores in the United States and Canada and 46,000 workers. Competitors popped up, such as Minnesota-based Best Buy and discount club stores such as Costco. As a result of many failures, Circuit City is no longer in business. Sometime during the 1990s, Circuit City lost its way: 

It dumped sales of popular appliances.
It let a lot of talented management go to its spinoff store chain, CarMax.
It expanded stores until they became too impersonal and too large.
It became merely reactive and not innovative as Best Buy took off.
It had too many stores in bad locations.
It stopped paying commissions to its sales force and then fired 3,400 of its most experienced salespeople in an attempt to save money.
There was a lot of leadership turnover.
Its commercial credit became tight.

The Downfall of Toys R Us — Don’t Blame Amazon!

Founded in April 1948 by Charles Lazarus, an American entrepreneur, Toys R Us became the most well-known and successful international toy retailer. At its peak, Toy R Us was considered a category killer. In 2018, seventy years later, the giant company filed for bankruptcy and closed its stores worldwide.

4 Reasons Amazon’s Fire Phone Was a Flop. 

Amazon has been guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, best employer, and safest place to work. Their name has become synonymous with online shopping and discount shopping and on the forefront for most of their consumers’ online needs.
However, not all endeavors have been successful. In 2014 Amazon released its Amazon Fire Phone. Consumers and analysts were expecting Amazon to follow its familiar playbook of offering a cheap, but good-enough product that could undercut other devices already on the market.  However, the phoned ended up costing the company a loss of over 170 million.

Google Shuts Failed Social Network Google+. 

Google’s primary mission is to provide people around the world with a search engine to find information, learn about topics of interest, and make important decisions. As technology evolves, they claim they will continue to help everyone find the information they’re looking for.
As the years have progressed, Google has evolved to offering many different technological items such as web-based search tools, advertising services, communication and publishing tools, map-related products, statistical tools, business-oriented products, developer tools, security tools, desktop applications, computer products, and cellular devices. In 2011 they even developed their social media platform Google+, which was meant to rival Facebook. The idea was for the platform to be synchronized with all other Google created products and software services for seamless integration. However, things did not go as planned. By 2019 Google decided to pull funding in order to reallocate it to more profitable avenues.

Complete the PowerPoint Presentation template containing a minimum of four slides, discussing your chosen marketing failure.
Save your document as MKT100_LastName_FirstName_Week6_Assignment (example: MKT100_Doe_John_Week6_Assignment).
Submit the completed template by clicking the title to this assignment.
Formatting Requirements
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

Apply the key principles and concepts of marketing.

solved Please answer the following questions, 300 words minimum. Define “community

Please answer the following questions, 300 words minimum. Define “community counseling” as discussed beginning on page 9 of the text and include the concepts of community, multicultural competence, social justice, and the healthy development of clients and communitiesWhy is the community counseling model important to mental health professionals?How does the community counseling model tie the services provided by the counselor to the client’s environment.Please reply to the following posts, 200 words minimum for each post.Post 1As stated by the textbook, community counseling is, “A comprehensive helping framework that is grounded by in multicultural competence and oriented toward social justice.” The concept of community is said to be a group of people who have things in common and share similar interests and needs. Community is what unites many different people together, no matter their race, gender, origin, etc. Multicultural competence is what is widening the scope to which mental health professionals are expanding their helping strategeis to reach everyone. In other words, they want to adopt new strategies that can help out people of different cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds to best reach them. It is stated that mental health professionals must be aware of their cultural view and biases in order to best help their client. They need to put their beleifs and views aside and understand the differences between their culture’s and their client’s cultures. Social justice is the understanding of other races, origins, genders, etc, and being able to promote acess and fairness for everyone. Counselors need to understand how to help someone who has not had equal access or treatment to their way of life, whether that be in their human rights or access to resources. A counselor helps in community by advocating for social justice and understaning their need to help everyone to be treated fairly. Lasltly, human development is, “the process of enlarging people’s choices.” This means reachnig certain capabalities that can allow people lead better and healthier lies, whether that be working on the social, political or even economic aspects of people’s lives. The reaching of these capapbilities allow people to feel part of a community.The community counseling model is important to mental health professionals because it makes it easier to establish a healhty system that can best deliver mental health help to a community. It is important to know that to best make use of the model is by facilitating growth by using positive and empowering methods. The community counseling model ties the services provided by the counselor to the client’s environment becasue ot allows for a health system. Without a healthy community that is provided by the counselor, there might not be progress. There need to be a positive setting and environent to best help the client.Post 2According to the text, community counseling is defined as a comprehensive helping framework that is grounded in multicultural competence and oriented toward social justice. The concept of community can have many different meanings. Communities have unity, continuity, and predictability; this means that it consists of so many different variables that bring everything together. Multicultural competence is known to as being able to become aware of your own assumptions about huan behavior, values, biases, preconveived notions, and personal limitations. It also has to do with actively understanding the worldview of culturally different clients and learning to work and understand what works best for them. Social justice is characterized as the belief that all people have a right to equitable treatment, suport for their human rights, and a fair allocation of societal resources and advocating for it. In regards to healthy development of clients and communities, that is known as the process of enlarging people’s choices when it comes to their health and mental health. undefinedThe community counseling model is important to mental health professionals because it facilitates human and community development through client advocacy, and mental health interventions to be able to assist the community on more ways than one. undefinedThe community counseling model ties the services provided by the counselor to the client’s environment by focusing on the human development, psychological and multicultural counseling theories that should be addressed when needed in the therapeutic setting. It also allows counselors to apply many different interventions that build on people’s inner strrenghts and allow for an ultimate change that help in advocating for clients and supports healthy human development. As counselors, we want to be able to assist our clients in as many ways as we can, even if comes to the point of needing to refer them to another professional. With the community counseling model, counselors will be able to advocate and help clients to the best of their abilities.

solved I am having a hard time writing this paper. Writers

I am having a hard time writing this paper. Writers block.Argument EssayYour argument research essay will be driven by the questions you explored in your discussion groups and your critical thinking assignments based on one of the following themes:Closing the gap between College and CareerClosing the gap between military service and civilian careerScience Writing and the Public (Secular Science)Enterprising America and the WorldIf you deeply engage in the lecture content, group discussions, and your critical thinking assignments, you will find that the work for your final portfolio will be a compilation of your efforts throughout the term. With your final portfolio paper, you will share your “answer” to your inquiries throughout the term in an argument essay.Use the template to complete the project:Argumentative Paper Format and Outline Template (Template found in the Module folder.)Your essay must address the following:Be persuasive in purpose, i.e. have an argumentBe directed at a specific audienceHave a thesis statement, which includes a claim and reasonsSupport the thesis through evidence from researchSummarize and respond to counter argumentsDocument sources both within the essay (parenthetical citations) and in an APA formatted References pageWhen you initially read these instructions in Week 1 of this course, this may sound like a lot of work, but you will find that as you move through the term you will engage in critical thinking, researching, and writing about this issue in the weeks leading up to the completion of your research paper. The purpose of this course is to teach you aspects of writing as process. Remember that your task as you move through the term is to take what you have learned and shape it into a specific argument for a persuasive purpose.Purpose: to persuade audience to accept a claim about a debatable issueAudience: specific/narrow group who can make change regarding this issue, e.g. state or local governmentVoice: Third-person (no “you” voice; limited “I” voice for personal stories/examples)Length: 1,800+ words (not including References page)Citations: APA parenthetical/in-text citations throughout and APA References page com Score: 5-20% range.Sources: 8 or more research sources used and cited within the essay (and on the References page)3+ peer-reviewed scholarly articles from the library databases2+ magazine/newspaper/government document/book/eBook sources (or peer-reviewed articles)2+ other credible sources, such as more general websites (may include any of the more credible source types above)1+ personal interviewA Successful Argument Essay*Essay is persuasive, utilized rhetorical devices, demonstrating largely effective logical and persuasive skill.Essay is directed at a specific/narrow audience.Successful focus on topic and stance; thesis is a viable, well-worded opinion (claim + reasons format) leading to focused argument.Thesis and body strongly aligned throughout: flows in an organized manner that matches the thesis “map.”Utilizes topic sentences, transitions, etc. well and paragraph content is focused, purposeful, and smooth.Support is extensive, varied, and sophisticated throughout the paper:Informs audience about the background/context of the issue.Offers strong support for thesis by developing the reasons listed in the thesis.Cites and incorporates evidence from multiples sources for each reason.Employs research from at least 8 credible sources, meeting requirement. Sources are current (published within last five years).Synthesizes research with writer’s own ideas.Source materials are smoothly integrated with successful interpretation/accreditation; avoids “dropped”/”dumped” quotations.Successfully synthesizes opposing points-of-view, i.e. fairly acknowledges and responds to possible counterarguments.Cites paraphrases, summaries, and quotations with APA parenthetical citations.Point-of-view is appropriate and sustained with third-person voice.Language usage, voice, style, and tone are appropriate and effective; insignificant padding, redundancy, and/or overstatement.Errors in surface features largely non-existent; minor errors do not distract from reading.Is double-spaced, alphabetized, and indented as prescribed by APA conventions, uses level headers to separate sections of content for ease of reading.Meets the length requirement of 1,800 or more words.Has a originality score in the 5-20% range, meaning a relatively small portion of the essay contains direct language from others/outside source, minimally repurposes previous work. Should you need to repurpose prior work from English 101, or another class, please inform your instructor of your intentions to do so.References page included in same document as the essay, as the final page.Contains citations in proper and consistent APA format (7th edition).Is double-spaced, alphabetized, and indented for second and following lines of each entry.Is relatively free of errors in punctuation and mechanics.

solved Study Strategy Writing GuideRationale & Hypotheses (65 points) 1. Briefly

Study Strategy Writing GuideRationale & Hypotheses (65 points)
1. Briefly state the study strategy that you are testing in this proposed experiment (as
indicated by “Study Strategy” above) and explain which aspect(s) of the study
strategy you are interested in studying. State the question(s) that you will be
specifically addressing in this proposal, and briefly describe your design type
(between vs. within-subject).
Explain how your proposed experiment is a logical test of this study strategy; that
is, how do your research question(s) logically relate to the suggested study
strategy? Finally, what will your experiment clarify about this piece of advice? In
other words, what are the larger implications of studying your specific question(s)?
Your answer should:
• Explicitly state the study strategy you are testing; explain which aspect of the
strategy you are examining (e.g., is this an exact test or an extension?); and
clearly indicate the 1) design, and 2) specific research question(s) you aim to
address through the proposed experiment.

Explain how your specific research question(s) logically stems from the assigned
study advice. In other words, how does your study come out of/is inspired by this
suggested study strategy? How did you get from the basic strategy to your
specific research question(s)?

Indicate what the results of your project could add to general understanding of the
study advice. For example, in examining the advice to “study in groups” by looking
at different group sizes versus studying alone, the experiment could help to clarify
whether there is an optimal group size for learning (e.g., compared to studying
alone, studying in a group of 2 is more effective and studying in a group of 3 is even
more effective, while increases in group size beyond 3 becomes less effective). Such
a result would allow a more specific recommendation for the benefits of group
study: namely, that one should study in small groups of 2 or 3 but avoid large study
Name the independent variable that you are proposing to manipulate and provide
an operational definition of this variable. Describe the three different levels of the IV
and explain the ways in which each level differs. Finally, provide an example of the IV

In your answer:

The IV construct and three levels/conditions should be appropriately
named, and their operational definitions should clearly indicate how they
are to be manipulated.

An example of the IV manipulation should be included. In other words, what
will the IV manipulation look like to participants?

3. Name the dependent variable that you plan to measure. Further provide an
operational definition of this DV and indicate on what type of scale its values will
lay (e.g., interval vs. ratio). Finally, provide an example of the DV measurement.
In your answer:

The DV should be appropriately named, and its operational definition should
clearly indicate how it would be measured. The type of scale (interval or ratio
only) on which your measure of the DV lies must also be stated.

An example of the DV manipulation should be included. In other words, what
will the DV manipulation look like to participants?

4. What are the hypotheses that you want to test involving this independent variable?
How do you think your DV will change as per the different levels of your IV?
Remember to include significance and directionality, and address all three levels of
your IV.
In your answer:
The various hypotheses you want to test should clearly state the causal relationshipbetween the IV and DV that you expect to observe. You should indicate whichconditions/levels will significantly differ from each other (e.g., “We expectsignificantly better learning when studying in a group of 3 people versus a group of 2people or a group of 4 people, but no significant differences in learningbetween groups of 2 and 4 people.”) You should follow the format of hypotheses
learned, including both significance and directionality in hypothesis statements.
5. Provide a rationale for your hypotheses. Why are you making these predictions?
What logic prompts you to make each of the hypotheses you listed above? Why
do you think each level will differ (or not) from one another?
In your answer:

You should provide logical reasons for your predictions. You do not need to
provide outside citations, but you should clearly explain why you think one
condition/level will differ from another.

Your logic should rely on general knowledge or experience (e.g., saying that the
brain shows different patterns of activation when learning with peers than
learning alone is not common knowledge and would require a citation)

Guiding questions include: Why are you making these predictions? What logicprompts you to make each of the hypotheses you listed above? Why do you think
each level will differ (or not) from one another (remember to provide the
rationale for each difference you expect to observe)?

solved Earlier in the semester we discussed the Four waves of

Earlier in the semester we discussed the Four waves of modern terrorism. Which of the Four Waves is the Battle of Algiers set? What is the ideology and goals of the Algeria’s National Liberation Front (FLN)? How does this influence the tactics the FLN utilized and the targets they attacked? How does France react to these attacks? Who are the “bad guys” in this movie? Finally, are there any lessons that can be taken from this movie and applied to the threat form terrorism that we face today?
For your “Question/Comment”, answer any question I pose to your initial post, ask a question of comment on the other student’s post on your discussion team. For your “Response Posts” respond to and questions or comments on your initial post from the other students.
I will provide the question that is posed by the instructor and the 3 students in the drop down menu below I will need you to respond to all that are posted.

Utilize proper citation
TITLE: Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues 7th Edition AUTHOR: Martin, GusPUBLISHER: Sage PublicationsDATE: 2020ISBN: 978-1544375861

Instructor response post
Could you explain why you would consider the Battle of Algiers as set in the New Left wave beside the fact that it takes place in the 1960s?

Student post #1 F
The ideology of the FLN was mainly Islam fundamentalist, as they wanted to impose Islamic principles on society. We see at the beginning of the film as they outlaw prostitution, drugs, and alcohol in their society and enforce it with acts of violence. The group was also extremely anti-colonialist, as they waged a multi-year war with France in order to oust the French from governmental power in Algeria. Based on the ideology and goals of the group, I would argue that the Battle of Algiers is set at the end of the second wave of the four waves of modern terrorism. The second wave was characterized by anticolonialism and lasted between the 1920s and 1960s (Rapport, 2002). I would argue that it fell towards the end of the second wave as it had a religious fundamentalist element associated with it, which is a key characteristic of the following third and fourth waves.
The FLN’s ideology and goals shaped their tactics and targets, as they carried out escalating acts of violence on French police officers and government officials with stabbings, shootings, and bombings. This later escalated to the bombing and killing of dozens of French citizens. As we have seen and discussed elsewhere in the course, they wanted to draw international attention to their grievances with acts of violence and mass killings that had a high killed body count. As such, the majority of their operations remained largely urban, as it allowed them to maximize hit and run tactics. Urban environments gave them not only speed but also locations to hide in after they carried out an attack (Derradji, 2015). France reacted to these acts of violence with escalating force and by placing more invasive security measures on the entire Algerian population. Roadblocks, curfews, and other physical barricades were placed to try to control and monitor people’s movement, at the cost of their convenience.
The portrayed “bad guys” in this movie are the French military and law enforcement. In response to the terrorist attacks, France cracked down with more and more security measures on the Algerian population in order to try and weed out the terrorists. However, the movie does not hesitate in showing the violence the terrorists inflict on French civilians and the military. Civilians are inevitably caught in the crossfire from both sides, and the terrorists do target French civilians with intentional bombings. I think the key takeaway we have from this film is that exhaustive security measures are not the end-all solution to terrorism in a given area. As we saw in the movie, the more security measures the French government put in place, the bolder the terrorist became, and the more sympathetic the general population became to the terrorists’ cause. Instead of relying solely on invasive and brutal security measures and actions, the defenders must also get buy-in from the population that they are trying to protect. In this case, this was obviously very difficult for the French government to do, as they were in control of the area due to their previous colonial expansion era. As such, it would have been very difficult to convince the ruled population that French rule over them was better than their own run government. The issue of relying on security measures and brutal crackdowns was that it drove the general population to support the terrorists’ cause.
Derradji, A.-R. (2015). Account of The Algerian Urban Guerrilla Network and Its Role in The FLN’s Campaign during The Battle of Algiers (1956-1958). Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 14(2), 39–59.
Rapoport, D. C. (2002). The Four Waves of Rebel Terror and September. Anthropoetics, 8(1).

solved Activity 2Core Competencies to Improve Healthcare Review the discussion of

Activity 2Core Competencies to Improve Healthcare Review the discussion of the “Core Competencies for a New Vision for Health Professions Education” in your readings in (Rubenfeld & Scheffer, 2015, Box 4-1). Review these core competencies and complete evidence of mastery that includes:a discussion of how these core competencies relate to your particular area of nursing practicespecific example(s) that describe how your workplace exemplifies one of the competencies and specific example(s) of how your workplace can improve meeting another competency a chart that visually discusses/shows how you apply the five core competencies in your particular area of nursing practice that relate to critical thought and reflective cognitive processes. Be creative! You may add clipart, photos, multi-media files you have permission to use.Reading and ResourcesRead Chapter 4 In Rubenfeld, M. G., & Scheffer, B.K. (2015). Critical thinking TACTICS for nurses: Achieving the IOM competencies (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.Read Robert, T., & Peterson, S. (2013). Critical thinking at the bedside: Providing safe passage to patients. MedSurg Nursing, (22),2, 85-91.Read Lasater, K, & Nielsen, A. (2009). Reflective journaling for clinical judgment Course BlocksSIM436-21A_21Apr Interprofessional CommunicationHomeMy courses SIM436-21A_21AprBy logging into this course, you acknowledge that you will not commit any acts of plagiarism. In addition, you agree that knowledge gained within this course will not be used to conduct unlawful or unethical behavior. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the concept of plagiarism and how to avoid it. Please review the Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy sections of the catalog.
Meet Your ProfessorExternal toolAnnEditThis link allows you to explore our online databases. You should include reputable sources such as these as part of your research for each activity.SMART GoalsURLVoiceThread AccessExternal toolVoice Thread is a tool that you can use to complete assignments. Please review the guide belowEditClick this link to enter the virtual simulation. Please note, you are only required to access the simulation when specified by an assignment.Student CoEditAnnouncementsForumSkip Completion ProgrActivity 2Core Competencies to Improve Healthcare Review the discussion of the “Core Competencies for a New Vision for Health Professions Education” in your readings in (Rubenfeld & Scheffer, 2015, Box 4-1). Review these core competencies and complete evidence of mastery that includes:a discussion of how these core competencies relate to your particular area of nursing practicespecific example(s) that describe how your workplace exemplifies one of the competencies and specific example(s) of how your workplace can improve meeting another competency a chart that visually discusses/shows how you apply the five core competencies in your particular area of nursing practice that relate to critical thought and reflective cognitive processes. Be creative! You may add clipart, photos, multi-media files you have permission to use.Reading and ResourcesRead Chapter 4 In Rubenfeld, M. G., & Scheffer, B.K. (2015). Critical thinking TACTICS for nurses: Achieving the IOM competencies (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.Read Robert, T., & Peterson, S. (2013). Critical thinking at the bedside: Providing safe passage to patients. MedSurg Nursing, (22),2, 85-91.Read Lasater, K, & Nielsen, A. (2009). Reflective journaling for clinical judgment development and evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(1). 40-44. Play VideoAdditional Instructions:All submissions should have a title page and reference page.Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.Submission Options:Choose One:Instructions:Paper3 to 4-page paper. Include title and reference pages.Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation4 to 8 slides. Add title and reference slides.Follow Rules of 7.Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation4 to 8 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.Follow Rules of 7.Video Presentation5 to 6-minute video presentation.Attach reference page or include in video.Professional appearance and background.Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through for an Originality Report.TableTable with appropriate columns and headers.Include title and reference pages.Graphs or other illustrationsGraphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.PosterPoster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements. and evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(1). 40-44.

solved Develop a 5-7 page implementation plan addressing the various factors

Develop a 5-7 page implementation plan addressing the various factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology that was the focus of the previous two assessments.
Technology continues to move at an accelerated pace, and the delivery of health care is shifting from office-based environments to the home. For this reason, health care organizations must be at technology’s cutting edge in order to remain competitive in today’s environment. Integrating the daily activities of patients into the health care continuum will improve the quality of care that is provided and enable more holistic care.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop an implementation plan that addresses the various factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology that was the focus of your previous assessments.
Based on the positive reactions and feedback from stakeholders with regard to the proposed telehealth technology, executive leaders have decided to move forward with implementation of this telehealth solution and have asked you to develop the implementation plan.
To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to reflect on the factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology and on how such technology would be implemented in your organization or practice setting. In addition, you are encouraged to become familiar with the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process for successfully implementing information systems or a change model for technology use that you think best supports your technology implementation ideas. Refer to the suggested readings, supplemented, as desired, by your own research. You may also wish to:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Review the Guiding Questions: Implementation Plan [DOCX], which includes questions to consider and additional guidance on how to successfully complete the assessment.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft needs assessment summary to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback.
Develop a technology implementation plan that supports the vision for safe, high-quality health care in your organization or practice setting.
Complete the Vila Health: Preparing to Develop an Implementation Plan simulation.
The implementation plan requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Implementation Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Implementation Plan document, linked above, provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.

Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in your organization or practice setting.
Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying the new or upgraded telehealth technology.
Develop an implementation schedule.
Determine staff training requirements and strategies.
Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.
Develop a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance strategy.
Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 2: Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy.

Assess the adequacy of existing telehealth technology infrastructure in an organization or practice setting.
Assign tasks and responsibilities for deploying a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
Develop an implementation schedule.
Develop a post-deployment telehealth technology evaluation and maintenance strategy.

Competency 3: Develop a strategy for managing technology use that enhances patient care and organizational effectiveness.

Determine staff training requirements and strategies.
Develop a strategy for collaborating with patients and other health care providers.

Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

solved Visit a museum or art gallery before the end of

Visit a museum or art gallery before the end of Week 9, and complete Option 1: Visit a Museum. If you are unable to get to a museum or gallery within your area, complete Option 2: Create and Curate Your Own Art Museum as an alternative assignment (see for both options below). The museum or gallery you visit (Option 1) or create (Option 2) should contain art or artifacts from the time period you are studying in this course.Option 1: Visit a MuseumWrite a 2–3 page report of 500–750 words that describes your experience. • Visit a museum or gallery near you. Select a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists from different time periods discussed in the text, from the 18th century to modern times. • Clearly identify the location, date attended, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the museum or gallery. • Provide a description and summary of at least 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists. • Provide a photograph of each selected piece if the venue allows it. (Some museums strictly prohibit photography.) • Explain your initial reaction to the artwork you selected and explain why you chose each piece. • Describe the role of museum founder and curator. • Use the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine but not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.Here are some tips about visiting a museum in person: • It makes sense to approach a museum the way a seasoned traveler approaches visiting a city for the first time. Find out what museums are accessible to you and have exhibits that intrigue you. • Find out what sort of exhibitions are currently housed in the museum you select. When you go, start with the exhibits that interest you or, if there is a traveling exhibition, look at that first. Then later, if you have time, you can check out other exhibits. • Keep in mind that the quality of your experience is not measured by the amount of time you spend in the galleries or the number of works of art that you see. • Your goal is to find 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists who intrigue you, and then consider those works in leisurely contemplation. Most museums have benches where you can sit and study a particular piece. Take notes while you are there.Option 2: Create and Curate Your Own Art MuseumThis is an alternative option to visiting a museum or art gallery. For this option, select and curate 5–10 works of art to include in your own art museum. Use your textbook and online sources to help you find these works of art. A good resource for this assignment is the Google Arts and Culture website from the Google Cultural Institute. Here you can immerse yourself in cultural experiences across art, history and wonders of the world—from more than a thousand museums across 70 countries.Write a 2–3 page report of 500–750 words that describes your experience. • Select a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists from different time periods discussed in the text, from the 18th century to modern times. • Clearly identify the location of the museum and your initial reaction when exploring the artwork in the online museum or gallery. • Provide a description and summary of at least 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists. • Include a screenshot of each piece. • Explain your initial reaction to the artwork you selected and explain why you chose each piece. • Describe the role of museum founder and curator. • Use the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine but not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.Note: The same rubric will be used for both options. In one section of the rubric, you are graded on your discussion of the role of the founder and curator of the museum. For Option 1, you will likely find this information on the museum website or in museum materials. For Option 2, the roles of museum founder and curator are held by you.Additional Requirements • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. • Review the rubric to see how your assignment will be graded on answer quality, logic and organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:• Describe historical works of art, including their displays and locations.

solved respond to the following as a peer. During my time

respond to the following as a peer. 
During my time in the medical field, I have had the opportunity to work alongside surgeons in the OR as well as with interventional radiologists; most of which have all been positive experiences. There have, however, been a few that have not been pleasant to deal with. I have personally witnessed many instances from a small number of surgeons who have resorted to screaming, cursing, making derogatory comments to staff, and even throwing instruments across the OR suite. I agree with Hodge that a large part of the cause may be that physicians perceive their actions permissible towards those of a ‘lower status’ (Hodge Jr., 2020, p. 6), however, I would argue that the root of almost all disruptive behavior stems from stress. While no excuse for some of the poor behavior, I can sympathize with physicians and the amount of stress they may be under during complicated cases such as neuro, CV, or interventional cases. For the benefit of patient care, during times when a physician lashes out at team members, it is important to try and remain calm, professional, and deescalate the situation if possible. I also think that if a team member can recognize their own value and importance in their job role, it helps to keep one calm during a stressful situation.
During the continuing stress of the COVID pandemic, stress is at an all-time high, not only for physicians, but for nursing and ancillary staff as well; many facilities are still operating with limited staff, limited access to basic needs and equipment, are experiencing crisis fatigue, anxiety over a possible second surge, and safety issues in the workplace (Sara Berg, 2020). Some recommendations that may be beneficial to all to reduce stress include, making a mindful transition when leaving work, learning something new, getting proper exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep (American Association for Physician Leadership, n.d.).
We are currently dealing with a disruptive physician at one of our FSEDs. We have had many verbal complaints about this physician from nursing and radiology staff in the past, but it was difficult to get anyone to put their complaints down in writing. I think often, those who are required to work alongside a disruptive physician are hesitant to make any written complaints about poor behavior out of fear of retaliation, should administrative staff not take the situation seriously. The physician became unruly, screaming obscenities and degrading our staff members in front of patients, and other staff; we even had our night radiologist witness this outburst over the phone. This physician has had a history of this type of behavior, and often views others, even other physicians, as being of a ‘lower status’. Questioning his orders, or suggesting alternatives, such as a CT exam that would provide more beneficial information with lower radiation exposure to the patient, often resulted in an outburst. Most of our staff, while bringing verbal complaints, chose to silently suffer the abuse out of fear of retaliation. A written complaint and full account of the previously stated outburst was finally submitted by a staff member, stating the physician was creating a hostile work environment, unsafe for staff and patients, and ultimately stating that the staff member did not feel safe and would refuse to work with the physician. The written statement was submitted to our director and a variance (ERS) report was made and reviewed by the administration team and head physician of the group. Our CEO personally stated that this type of behavior would not be tolerated and that the physician would no longer be allowed to work at that location. The CEO stated that if and staff members had spoken to or acted in the same manner, they would have been immediately terminated. and while he had no power to fire this physician, he recommended to the head physician that he dismiss him from the group. Shortly after this conversation, the disruptive physician decided to resign from the group.
The typical process would entail bringing the physician in question in front of a committee to review his/her actions and might result in a warning or temporary suspension of privileges. However, since there had been a written complaint of creating a hostile work environment and support from the FSED director and manager and radiology director and manager, this situation was elevated quickly to the administration team’s actions.
American Association for Physician Leadership. (n.d.). Stress Management for Physicians | AAPL. Retrieved August 5, 2021, from…
Hodge Jr., S. D. (2020). What Can Be Done About A Disruptive Physician? A Legal Analysis. Pace Law Review, 40(1), 126–153.
Sara Berg. (2020, October 29). 5 factors contributing to physician stress during the pandemic. American Medical Association.…

solved You work in a property management company. You are assigned

You work in a property management company. You are assigned to develop financial reports for a rental property, Spring Heights, which is a 50-unit apartment building in the city of Melbourne. The building has 50 three-bedroom apartment units with current monthly rent of $2,500. Leases with tenants are made for 12-month periods.The following table shows the lease structure and status of all the units as of 30 June 2021.TypeStatus# of UnitsLeaseStart DateLease Expiry DateMonthly RentType I UnitsOccupied451 July 2130 June 22$2,500Type II UnitsVacant5——When these leases (Type I) rollover near end of June 2022, a certain percentage are expected to be renewed at market rents for an additional 12 months. The rest would remain vacant for a month on average. On the other hand, vacant units (Type II) will be leased out at the market rent throughout the year. Some units are vacated due to non-payment of rent, early termination, etc. In terms of additional income, Spring Lake expects to earn a total of $40,000 from laundry facilities, renting of tennis courts, parking, and others in a year.You find that operating expense per unit is approximately $300 per month in the first 6 months in 2021, including utilities, real estate taxes, security, landscaping, insurance, and repairs. Your company is paid $20,000 annually for managing this property. The recurring expense, primarily make-ready expense (carpet, paint, drywall repairs, …), is currently $50,000 per annum. The property has no mortgage. The owner has an income tax bracket of 25%. The property is subject to an annual depreciation allowance of 2.5%. The purchase price (in 2010) of this property was $15 million. Its building component was recorded as $8 million.The owner feels that the rental apartment sector may not recover soon. She is considering selling the property at the end of 2021 because she has several other investment opportunities. She could also hold it for another two years and wait for the market to rebound. Additionally, she wonders if she should invest in remodeling of the kitchens and bathrooms and make other investments to increase the selling price if she must sell it in two years.Question 4. [20 marks, Suggested Word Count 5001) Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI), Before-Tax Cash Flow (BTCF), and After-Tax Cash Flow (ATCF). Create an itemized annual budget in a spreadsheet and copy the table here. Below is a template for you to start with. You may want to add more items if necessary. Ensure that the table includes NOI, BTCF, and ATCF. Explain the process of your calculation briefly. Write down the formulas if necessary.[10 marks]Template for your worksheet.Operating IncomeGross Scheduled RentLess Loss to Collection and VacancyGross Collectible IncomeOther IncomeTotal Anticipated IncomeOperating ExpenseLess Operating ExpenseLess Management FeeNet Operating IncomeNet Operating IncomeRecurring ExpensesLess Recurring Capital ExpenseLess Debt ServiceBefore-Tax Cash FlowTaxable Income and Tax PaymentLess Recurring Capital ExpenseLess Loan Interest PaymentLess DepreciationTaxable IncomeIncome Tax PaymentAfter-Tax Cash FlowAfter-Tax Cash Flow[Write your answers below ↓. Add additional pages if necessary.][End of Question 4.]Question 5. [20 marks, Suggested Word Count 800]Given the information provided, you are asked to make recommendations on: (1) whether the owner should sell this property now or wait for two years; (2) whether she need to renovate the building to get a better price in two years. In completing this task, you SHOULD make your own assumptions if the information given above is insufficient.(1) Create a table in a spreadsheet and copy the table here. Build on the table you created in Question 4. Prepare a 2-year forecast of income and expenses for Spring Heights Apartments (from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2023). Ensure that the table includes estimates of NOI, BTCF, and ATCF. Explain the process of your calculation briefly. Write down the formulas if necessary. (Suggested word count: 200)[6 marks](2) Without calculation or creating a spreadsheet model, explain the steps in making a recommendation to the owner on whether she should dispose the property now or wait for another two years. If you strongly prefer, you could use a spreadsheet table to demonstrate it. But it is not requested. Some information to answer this question is not given. You must fill in the gaps yourself and indicate the information you need to collect. (Suggested word count: 300)[8 marks](3) Without calculation or creating a spreadsheet model, explain the steps in making a recommendation to the owner on whether she should renovate the property. Some information is not given. If you strongly prefer, you could use a spreadsheet table to demonstrate it. But it is not requested. Some information to answer this question is not given. You must fill in the gaps yourself and indicate the information you need to collect. (Suggested word count: 300)[6 marks]