solved From the Case Study (attached), please complete the following.1. Write

From the Case Study (attached), please complete the following.1. Write an Executive Summary:Put this on the Title Page. (Write it after you complete the rest of the paper). This should be a small, succinct paragraph that summarizes your analysis: situation, problem, recommended solution. This is the 20-second synopsis of the case. Details should be left out of the summary. A strong summary sets the tone and is the first impression made. 2. Situation Analysis Begin with a brief introduction to the company, their history, and what they do. Include a brief discussion about any changes that have occurred, internally and externally that have produced changes in the organization. Describe the actions the company has taken to mitigate the effects of some of these changes. This will set some context for the rest of the information in this section. Remember, be selective about what you include, do not relay every detail in the case. Introduce Wendy and give some background information about her and how she arrived in her current position. Describe what she is doing in her new role, how she is doing, and how her staff is responding. Then include a discussion about Fred Wu, his arrival and performance in the organization. Include how the situation is left between them after his review. This should lead into the problem analysis section where more specific details can be included. This situation analysis is critical to setting up your diagnosis of the problem in the next section. It should work as a foundation for the rest of the analysis by explaining what is happening in the case and pointing to the problem. 3. Problem Analysis/Diagnosis Drawing from the data from the situation analysis, explain the problem/s in more detail. Identify and discuss the causes of the problem and symptoms related to the problem if you can. Identify and discuss consequences that are related to the problem, if a solution is not implemented. Avoid general statements that do not include supporting facts by giving details and/or examples from the case. End this section with a recap/problem statement that answers what you will work on solving in the alternate solutions section. This will serve to clarify and anchor the problem/s that will be addressed in the Alternative Solutions. Do not skip this step.4. Alternative Solutions Develop three (3) viable solutions, ordered 1, 2, and 3 with the following information for each: Name the solution; discuss what the solution entails in enough detail to show its viability. Under each solution list its pros and cons (note plural). Make sure that each solution matches the problem as you have stated it in the problem section above. If you have identified more than one problem, you will need to develop a set of 3 solutions to match each problem, unless you are able to present them logically, together. Each solution should be good enough to stand on its own and work to mitigate the problem. This section is meant to lay out the details for each alternative solution with pros and cons in order to assess each and make a recommendation. Be careful to give your full effort to each. Do not favor one solution over another or discuss why one is a good idea; that should be reserved for the recommendation and the solution you choose. One way to look at this, is that this section focuses on what is being proposed to solve the problem vs. why it is being chosen or how it will be implemented in the next sections. 5. Recommended Solution Choose the solution you think will work best and develop an argument to support your choice. Do not include a discussion comparing the alternative solutions; keep in mind that each should be viable enough to stand on its own and solve the problem. You should be able to find justification for choosing this solution from your pros and cons in the alternative solutions section. These can be used to form the basis of why the solution will work and you should expound on these concepts to help build your case for the chosen solution/s. Support your discussion of why this is the best choice with two (2) concepts from the course materials, using APA format and explaining each concept. As noted in the alternative solutions instructions, the recommendation focuses on why this is the best choice. 6. Implementation This section should focus on how the solution will be implemented. Students sometime confuse this with what the solution entails that should be in the alternative solutions section. If you find at the end of the analysis, you have new ideas about what the solution entails, do not include them in this section. Instead, go back to the alternative solution section and add this new information to strengthen what each entails. This section should be used to lay out the basic plans to how the solution will be implemented in either a list of actions steps, a time line or both. It answers the question of how. (Bullet points or an outline format are acceptable in this section).

solved Case Conceptualization – Part 1 Overview For this assignment, you

Case Conceptualization – Part 1
For this assignment, you will assess and analyze a fictitious client based on a theory of psychotherapy of your choice. This will be the first half of a case conceptualization to be completed for the final assignment. Your task is to provide a clear, coherent, theoretically sound description of a client’s patterns of behaviors and cognition, ?strengths, challenges, and current problems. Think of this assignment as part of the first stage of therapy where you are getting to know your client using a theory of psychotherapy AND Stage 1 of the Egan and Reese Skilled Helper Model to guide how you make sense of the client’s story and their reasons for seeking help.
Address? the elements to be included in the first half of the Case Conceptualization in bold found below. You may wish to use these elements as both an outline for your paper and actually the headings to guide its organization and development. ?The Case Conceptualization – Part 1 should include the following:
Note: Do not include the word Introduction as a heading. APA instructs us that the content is implied due to its position in a paper. Instead, begin your paper with the content explained below. See APA Publication Manual for additional details on this topic.

Include a general introduction to your paper orienting your reader to the topics and information that will be covered within the report.

This introduction is not to be confused with the background of the client; instead the introduction referred to here is to inform your reader what the paper is about. Be sure to include that the client being discussed is fictitious. This is to ensure there is never a question around practicing without a license or keeping the APA Code of Ethics on your radar.

Note: The remaining headings should be centered and bolded, using both upper and lower-case lettering.

Demographic Information: Provide a brief introduction to your client, with demographic information (age, sex, marital status, employment status, and so on). The client you describe should be from a nonmajority culture.

What does the client see as the problem? State the presenting problem or chief complaint that brought the client to seek therapy. Remember this is a fictitious client so you can and will need to make up details to formulate your case conceptualization. Attempt to also capture the client’s words when explaining their reason for seeking help. (“I can’t stop lying. It’s ruining my life.”)

Historical Information: Provide other historical information that would be relevant from your theoretical perspective. For instance, if you are working from a family systems perspective, family of origin information; from a solution-focused perspective, history of past problem-solving successes; from a psychoanalytic perspective, childhood traumas and attachment problems; from a person-centered perspective, conditions of worth issues in past relationships; and so forth. Refer back to your Wedding and Corsini text to jog your memory of the elements aligned with each theoretical model of therapy. This section should clearly convey your theoretical approach through the elements upon which you focus and the clinical language you use. The details presented should support your analysis.
Application of Theory: Explain the theory of psychotherapy you have selected to apply to this case. Identify the basic tenets. Explain the mechanism of action; what is it about this approach to therapy that encourages and allows for psychotherapeutic change to occur? Dr. Ellis would challenge his client to identify and dispute irrational beliefs. When an irrational belief is changed, often times emotional and/or behavioral responses to external stimuli will also change.

Explain how and why the problem developed using the theory of psychotherapy you chose to understand this client. This is your conceptualization within the context of your theory.
Assess the client’s strengths and difficulties, applying the theory of psychotherapy chosen for the project. State your hypotheses about the client’s personality and functioning. What are the client’s abilities and resources? What are the client’s deficits, pathology, or issues?
Include any other biological, psychological, or social factors that inform your understanding of your client.
Assess relevant ethical considerations for this case.
Assess relevant cultural considerations when thinking about this client.
Connect and discuss?? Stage 1 of the Skilled Helper Model in relationship to your client.
Identify and discuss the client’s readiness for change using the Stages of Change model created by DiClemente and Prochaska.

Once you have addressed these elements, you should have a coherent word picture of your client, framed in the concepts of your chosen theoretical approach to psychotherapy and further detailed by the first stage of Skilled Helper Model and the Stages of Change model.

solved Explain the concept of “performance management.” Identify the most prominent

Explain the concept of “performance management.”

Identify the most prominent types of performance management plans.
Compare the plans’ impact on the employee and the organization.
Discuss the relationship between performance management and compensation.
Evaluate the factors that should be considered when successfully implementing performance management within an organization.

Martocchio, J.J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Felecia Commodore, Marybeth Gasman, Clifton Conrad, & Thai-Huy Nguyen. (2018). Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University. Frontiers in Education, 3.…

Hamel, G. (2019). Advantages & Disadvantages of seniority. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Define the concept of seniority and merit pay plans, including the strengths and limitations of such plans within an organization.
Seniority in the workplace is a state of being with a company for a span of time. Historically, employees with more length in service would mean more experience with a task or position. Therefore, they are automatically given a yearly pay increase assuming the worker is of higher human capital. “Thus, seniority pay rewards employees for acquiring and refining their skills as indexed by seniority” (Martocchio, 2017).
Merit pays in short is pay based on performance. The employee performance is typically evaluated via performance appraisals conducted typically twice a year. Differences in job performance earn personnel permeant pay increases (Martocchio, 2017). Even though merit pay is one of the most common compensations systems used in the United States, it has its pros and con’s as do all the pay reward plans.
Seniority, while they tend to theoretically motivate employees to stay loyal to the company (less turnover), keep companies from favoritism accusations, and facilitates the administration of pay programs, they can also backfire on the organization. In my experience there are 3 types of employees those engaged with the business, those not engaged, and those that can be influenced to be in either category. Unfortunately, many of the un-engaged employees are those with tenure that have been denied promotions, don’t do well with change, or are disgruntle toward their state in the business. However, unhappy employees may stay with the company due to their ability to still gain a seniority-based raise. Considering if they have not grown in their performance, they may have a hard time gaining employment with another company making equivalent or better pay. Therefore, costing the company money by increasing pay for employees that are not producing or granting the establishment a return on investment.
Merit pay has similar strengths and limitations. This structure is popular because it provides a guide for success by requiring clear communication of targets that when satisfied guarantee return on investment for the business. Thus, employers can fit high talent prospects to jobs promoting increase pay for increased performance. However, limitations begin with companies being able to commit to providing meaningful increases in pay and setting pay differentials (Martocchio, 2017). According to Giancola (2015), with merit funds limited in recent years to about three percent, money is often not available to grant substantially larger increases to the highly rated without causing some pain to other employees. While the average increase for high performers is over 4%, what is fair for average performers? The base lines can cause financial strain on the business or just lost in moral and company brand if seen unfair.
Discuss the job, organizational and/or other factors that should be considered when deciding between the two.
Companies should consider “the commitment from top management and the design of jobs before endorsing the use of merit pay systems” (Martocchio, 2017). The HR and leadership partnership must be strong so that targets are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and can be time managed) and communicated clearly. In addition, leaders must be able to relay, coach, and follow up on said goals. Both seniority and merit pay plans require the company be aware of cost of living, societal differentials, and the company budget. Understanding the market, competition, and growth plan will also assist in determining which compensation plan is the best fit.
Giancola, F. (2015, November 1). Are high-performing employees being adequately rewarded under merit pay plans? Employee Benefit Plan Review, 70(5).
Martocchio, J.J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

solved Determine a new market for an existing product and submit

Determine a new market for an existing product and submit your concept in the form of a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.IntroductionEvery company should attract new customers to existing products as well as create entirely new products. To that end, marketers hope to create products as ubiquitous as the iPod, or as recognizable as an Oreo. By understanding consumer behavior, marketers can meet that challenge and provide answers to consumers’ needs and wants while also generating a profit.PreparationYou will first need to select a product on which to base your presentation. Your assessment involves choosing a product and developing a strategy to market the product to a new market segment. This multimedia presentation offers suggestions about how to choose a product.Choosing a Product – Project Topic Selection.InstructionsDetermine a new market for an existing product and submit your concept in the form of a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.Once you have selected a product, create a presentation that completes the following:Describe the product or service you selected.Examine and describe the market segmentation information. This includes the demographics and psychographics of the existing customers for this product.Assess ways the product would have to be adapted to meet the needs of the new customers.Describe the demographic profile of the new customers.Describe the new market segment you plan to reach.Develop a strategy for pricing this item to attract this new clientele.Your presentation should comply with the following format and style requirements. If you need help with PowerPoint visit Microsoft Tutorials.Length: 15 to 20 PowerPoint slides.Style: The text portion of the presentation must follow APA guidelines. These style guidelines do not necessarily apply to charts, diagrams, or tables.Writing and Grammar: Make certain that all project components are professionally written and free of grammar and spelling errors.References: You must use proper APA style and formatting when citing and creating references for your sources. Include a complete list of references, including books, Web sites, articles, and other resources. Visit Evidence and APA for help with APA.Submissions: Use Microsoft PowerPoint.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Assess the role the customers assume to acquire, consume, and dispose of products and services.Assess a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts.Competency 2: Analyze consumer behavior.Examine a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product.Competency 3: Assess the managerial application of customer behavior concepts.Analyze strategies and concepts that influence consumer behavior.Develop a strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer.Consumer Behavior Presentation Scoring GuideCRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDExamine a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product.Does not identify a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product.Identifies but does not examine a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product.Examines a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product.Examines a market segmentation and potential customers for the use of a product, and clearly explains both by providing concrete real-world examples.Assess a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts.Does not identify a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts.Identifies but does not assess a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts.Assesses a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts.Assesses a company’s strategy to market a product, based on customer behavior concepts, and identifies a new strategy.Analyze strategies and concepts that influence consumer behavior.Does not analyze strategies and concepts that influence consumer behavior.Analyzes either strategies or concepts that influence consumer behavior.Analyzes strategies and concepts that influence consumer behavior.Analyzes strategies and concepts that influence consumer behavior, and evaluates the factors that make each strategy successful.Develop a strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer.Does not develop a strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer.Develops a partial strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer.Develops a strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer.Develops a strategy to market an existing product to a new market segment and customer, and predicts the likelihood of success.

solved Draw up One Canadian HRM Policy On Any Topic For

Draw up One Canadian HRM Policy On Any Topic For Incorporation Into The Company’s Employee Handbook.
1.Select one Canadian HRM Policy-See List Below
2.Research the chosen Canadian HRM policy. for the assignment.
3.Write up the Canadian HRM Policy using the suggested format.
4.Double check your assignment against the marking and assessment rubrics.
Select a Canadian HRM Policy topic from one of the following:
Possible Canadian HRM Policy Areas Are: (but not exhaustive)
Canadian Recruitment and Selection
Reference Checking
Onboarding and Orientation
Internal Promotions
Contract and Conditions of Service
Psychometric Testing
Leave – Sick, Compassionate, Special
Career Breaks and Sabbaticals
EDI – Equity Diversity and Inclusion – Diversity and Multiculturalism and Equal Opportunities
Disability Management
Performance Management
Learning, Training and Development
Tuition Reimbursement
Exit Interviews
Attendance Management and Return to Work Interviews
Workplace Misconduct and Discipline
Employee Voice, Representation and Trade Unions
Providing References
Staff Communication
Health, Safety and Wellness
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) To Work
Remote Working
Bullying and Harassment
Critical Incidents at Work
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Working from Home – Remotely
Many samples and templates of such policies can be found on the internet and on the websites of various organizations, usually under their HR section. Remember you are developing a policy for a national workforce in Canada. See a sample policy on Employee Grievance in Appendix A.
See exemplar Employee Handbooks containing policies:
You are writing a policy that will go in such a handbook for a Canadian company which does not have an international presence.
There is a vast amount of resources to draw from and should include the following:

Library – on shelf and academic on-line resources should be your first post of call.
Many sample HR polices exist on the internet. Do not copy but use them to guide the creation of your policy.
Review Employee Handbooks online of organizations or review handbooks of people/employees you may know. For example: content/uploads/2018/05/employee-handbook.pd
You are writing just one of the policies that would go into such a handbook.
Core Textbook and other Texts books on Canadian Human Resources Management, Human Resource Development, General Management, Strategic Management and Organizational Behaviour.
Set up “Google Alerts” or “Journal Alerts” to get relevant information e mailed to you as it become available such as from the HRMJ
Secondary References: chase up relevant references listed in the Bibliographies of Journal Articles and at the back of Textbooks, listed above.
The Financial Press – e.g. The Vancouver Sun, The Toronto, The National Post, etc. Sunday The Economist, The Financial Times, The 3 Big Consulting Firms – MBB -McKinsey, Bosting Consulting Group and Bain.
HRM Related Websites
Professional Bodies. Such as Chartered Instituted of Personnel and Development and the BC and Yukon Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR)
Trade Magazines, such as Industry News and Industry Associations.
A good starting point in selecting an organization is the list of Best Place to Work in Canada. 1000 Companies. .
Also, the FT National 500
Viewing the companies listed on any of the world stock exchanges may be a good starting point.
Staff Handbooks from your current or previous workplaces or of family and friends.
Corporate-HR Department Website of any organization who allows open access to the electronic copies of their HRM policies and procedures and staff handbook. For example:

Substance and Style (The 2 Ss):
The HR Policy
Support your assignment with a minimum of 5 references using the APA style. Remember it’s a business document targeted at employees rather than an academic document.
Substance of Assignment:
This is not rigid, but the policy should be written as it would appear in a Staff Handbook and should include the following:

Canadian HRM Policy: Suggested Template & Structure:
A possible template for the model Canadian HRM policy could be as follows: (but not rigid).
1.Table of Contents
4.Employment Legislation Prerequisites and Requirement
5. Eligibility and Exceptions
6.Content and Steps and Flow Chart
8.Designated Contact Persons and Champion of Policy
10.Supporting Documentation and Appendices

solved please answer the following questions after watching the film TIME

please answer the following questions after watching the film TIME (on amazon) – i also have attached this week’s class notes if you want to relate anything you discuss in the original post when answering the questions to anything in the class notes
Questions to answer after watching the film: How is TIME different from other films about incarceration? Consider how the present footage was filmed and edited with the older footage and how Fox and her family were represented – give 2-3 examples from the film. I need you to write one paragraph answering these questions please write it in the style like my classmate’s her writing style is great and it can be used as a good example in terms of how to layout answering the question here is her answer for reference: “My experience with nonfiction films dealing with incarceration have been heavily reliant on the statistical analysis of the issue. While that is a perspective that is important to understand factually, it can distance yourself from the personal experiences of those who are affected. Cultivating an intimate experience of how just one family has been impacted by the prison industrial complex in a way where we as viewers are put right there with them as they go through this pain is what this film does so well. We were with them as they waited decades for the children to get their father back, through the frustration of awaiting news from the judge about resentencing, the feeling of loneliness and vacancy that was left behind as Robert was in prison. 
One instance of personalization cultivated by the film was when I felt the awkwardness that Fox experienced when she was asked by a fellow mother where her husband and the father of her children was. With pride she truthfully tells that she is not a single mother yet can not find it within herself to tell the other woman where he actually was.
The film, as the title suggests, deals greatly with the passage of time. One of the more striking ways in which it felt personal to the view was to pair shots of the boys as children, perhaps playful and hopeful for their father’s return, with images of them much older and entering adulthood. We saw them reach milestones as young adults in the same minute as  them at birthday parties as young children, hammering home just how long their father has been gone. Additionally, through positioning clips of Fox at the time of her husband’s incarceration with clips of her decades later still giving motivational speeches and sharing her and her husband’s story, encapsulates how much she has grown and how long and hard she has been fighting to help other people and for her husband. 
I will add how powerful it was to add the trials and tribulations of getting ahold of the judge’s conclusion for Robert to get resentenced. Particularly the moment where she has her monologue where she says “man these people have no respect for other human lives” and she essentially breaks down with frustration. And after she has her moment, she collects herself and moves on. In that moment we feel just how tired Fox is that she has to juggle being a single mother and providing her family AS WELL AS fighting for her husbands freedom. ”
The second paragraph i need you to write is replying to my classmate’s post please reply to my classmate’s Wilma’s response: “I believe TIME differs from other films about incarceration because of how it is depicted. Throughout all of films I have seen regarding incarceration there often seems to be a common theme of depicting black struggle rather than black success. Whether it is showing how it affects individual families or society as a whole, there tends to be a trend of showing how individuals, in this case black individuals, are constantly in an unbeatable war against the system. Although I believe those stories are important to tell, I think sharing success stories, one being the family in TIME, is more powerful. Sibil often says throughout the film, “Success is the best revenge,” and that is clearly shown through herself, her kids and of course her husband. 
Another way in which TIME is different from most films is through the footage provided. Often times in films about incarceration, the audience does not get to see what life is like for the families before after and during the time served of the incarcerated. But in TIME, we had an inside look of the conversations between the husband and his family, the children’s lives without both parents and later their father and how their community embraced them despite their hardships. I believe this helped truly understand what the Richardson family faced in order to later understand how good it felt when the father was finally released. It almost felt like we were there when Sibil made several calls to the court regarding her husbands case, when she had to apologize to her family about the mistakes she made in the past and of course, the joy she felt when justice was finally served.”

solved Help me study for my Management class. I’m stuck and

Help me study for my Management class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Submit a profile of your chosen struggling company. 

The 21st century has introduced several companies that have made a trademark in the business industry and won people’s hearts. The list of successful companies is huge, but some companies have been leading the industry for years and are still at the top of the list. Google is the chosen company that has led the industry and has won the trust of customers.
Mission and vision statement:
The mission and vision of the company are to organize the information from the whole world and make it accessible to everyone. The management has executed the vision and mission statement by making its services accessible in almost every region of the world and making the search engine fast. Almost all the information related to all the subjects is accessible from Google, requiring a proper strategic plan. The authorities have communicated the vision and mission of the company quite well.
Role of management in strategic management plan:
Google introduced strategic management in 2011 and announced the market penetration as its primary plan. The market penetration means that the company has to acquire more customers and spread its services worldwide. The role of management is of great importance as the sub quarters and the branches of Google have been introduced throughout the world. The managers and leaders have to follow the matrix company structure where the managers’ report the progress of strategic management to their leaders, and further discussion is made accordingly. The managers have to collaborate and gather to execute the company’s strategic management plan (Thompson, 2019).
Organizational culture and role of management:
The managers have introduced the employee motivational culture in the company where the employees are given respect, and they are treated with dignity. The workload is relatively high, and every department has essential duties, so the managers have decided to encourage and motivate the employees to work hard. The culture consists of characteristics including openness, innovation, excellence, hands-on approach, and small company family rapport. It has been found that the employees have given their suggestions and several improvements and modifications have been brought by the company. For example, the employees suggested Google Cloud, so the company worked on it and started its operations accordingly. The managers try to keep the organized culture and traditions (Smithson, 2018)
Role of managers in decision making:
Google has always prioritized the decisions of its managers, and the company is run through the wisdom and strategies of management. The decisions at Google are made by the teams, not by the individuals. The managers are divided into teams to make the decisions, and they are also required to take opinions from employees. Once the managers get the opinions, they are polished, and a final decision is made. For example, the company has to reshape its organizational structure, so chairman Eric Schmidt asked thirty questions regarding the structure of its employees. The same questions were asked from the managers, and the decision of the final structure of the organization was decided. So, the manager’s role is essential in Google, and the employees have to obey the decisions (Namdar, 2018).
Functions of management within this company adhered to the principles of ethics.
The managers have always talked about the culture and traditions of the company and have taught the employees to follow ethics. The managers are advised to train the employees accordingly and ensure that all the employees are fairly treated and are given due respect. Managers and employees correctly follow all the ethics.
Use of human resources to develop its personnel
Google has always used human resources to extend its business. The manpower and the technological advancement are both increased to ensure that the human resources are fairly used. The role of employees and managers are both well defined, and the assets are used correctly and authentically to make sure they use human resources in the right way. Through the market penetration strategy, the business has extended throughout the world (Sullivan, 2013).
Namdar. (2018). Analytics at Google: Great Example of Data-Driven Decision-Making. Retrieved from…
Smithson, N. (2018, 9 4). Google’s Organizational Culture & Its Characteristics (An Analysis). Retrieved from…
Sullivan, J. (2013). How Google reinvented HR and drives success through people analytics. Retrieved from Insider:…
Thompson, A. (2019, 12 9). Google’s Generic Strategy (Porter’s) & Intensive Growth Strategies. Retrieved from…

solved The purpose of the Internship Report is offer students to

The purpose of the Internship Report is offer students to describe their accomplishments and demonstrate what they learned through participation . In addition, the report should be approximately 3000 – 4000, single –spaced and consider taking the following format2. A Brief Executive Summary of the InternshipA one-page summary of the company/institution and a short account of the major activities carried out during the internship period.3. Table of ContentsContents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, and list of figures.4. Description of the companyThis section should answer the following questions:What is the full title of the company/institution? Give a brief history of the company, full mailing address and relevant web linksWhat is the type of ownership of the company/institution? State the main shareholders and their shares.What is the sector that the company/institution operates in? Specify the products and services produced and offered to its customers/clients.Who are regarded as the customers/clients of your internship company (consider the end users, retailers, other manufacturers, employees, etc.)?Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number of employees.Provide a list of functions performed by different departments/divisions in the internship organization5. Internship activitiesThis is the main body of your report. During the internship period, an intern may focus on the following types of analysis and questions. You do not have to answer all the questions in the list:Describe your working conditions and functions, such as: Who is your supervisor (include/her name and /her position); other team members or co-workers and what their functions are to complement yours.Provide an organization chart of the internship organization.Provide the department or division layout of the internship organization.Provide an overview off the production system or service procedure (what are the resources, inputs, outcomes, and constraints?)Provide a process chart of a major product and/or service.What kind of accounting/finance/IT//quality/marketing standards and principles are used in the organization?Discuss telecommunication technologies (Database, Instant Messenger, Networking, Ecommerce tools) used in the company.Describe the quality planning and control activities in the internship organization.Describe the quality control activities throughout the life cycle of the product/service groups.What kind of financial analysis and decision-making methods are used by corporate treasurers and financial managers in the internship organization?What kinds of incentives are used in order to create more effective and efficient organization?What types of marketing, selling, and human resources analysis are performed (cost system, evaluation of consumers, needs, product strategy, distribution strategy, promotional strategy)?Describe what kind of working documents and analysis you did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your training.A comparison between theory (things you have learned in the classroom) and practice (things you did or observed at the company) must be made and highlighted.Show some work samples that you have encountered/conducted at the company through graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations and include them in your report.6. An assessment of the internshipin this section you should answer the following questions:What skills and qualifications you think that you have gained from the internship?What kind of responsibilities you have undertaken during the internship period?How do you think the internship will influence your future career plans?How do you think the internship activities that you carried out are correlated with your Classroom knowledge?7. Conclusions of the reportThis section should include:A summary of key conclusions derived from the internship experience.General observations about the sector in which your internship company/institution operates 8. Appendices and supplementary material (charts, graphs, pictures, etc.)9. ReferencesRules for writing the internship report:You do not have to provide a day-to-day diary of the internship activities.Do not write theoretical excerpts from textbooks! Describe what you exactly did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your training.The internship report should be between 3000 – 4000 words.The internship report should be original. Plagiarism will result in failure in the course and disciplinary action.You can include graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations in your report; however, they should not cover more than 1/3 of the page. Larger graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations should be given as an appendThe company department informationthe company : Ministry of health (Saudi Arabia)The department: patient experience(in a dental center)Government facility ,it’s a free payment facility.

solved GOAL Â One of the main objectives of this course

GOAL  One of the main objectives of this course is to learn how to be a wise consumer of psychological research. This research critique will give you practice reading and communicating clearly and effectively about psychological research.
All readings are available as pdf files inside this “Research Paper” module (see attached files).
For this assignment, please choose ONE!!! of the sets listed below. Each set consists of two items: (a) an original peer-reviewed journal article, and (b) a media report covering the research  Choose the set that is most interesting to you!

Set 1: Peer values & inclusion

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article: Murrar et al. (2020). Exposure to peers’ pro-diversity attitudes increases inclusion and reduces the achievement gap. Nature Human Behavior.
(b) Media report: (Links to an external site.)

Set 1: Peer Reviewed Murrar-et-al.-2020.-NHB (see attached file)
Set 1: MediaReport_Barncard. (see attached file)

Set 2:  Identities & flexible thinking

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article : Gaither et al. (2020). Thinking about multiple identities boosts children’s flexible thinking. Developmental Science.
(b) Media report: (Links to an external site.)
Set 2: Peer Reviewed_GaitherEtAl. pdf (see attached file)
Set 2: MediaReport_Duncan.pdf (see attached file)

Set 3: Values affirmation & everyday numeracy

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article: Peters et al. (2017). Improving numeracy through values affirmation enhances decision and STEM outcomes. PLOS One.
(b) Media report:
Set 3: PeerReviewed_PetersEt.Al.pdf(see attached file)
Set3: Media Report_Communs. pdf(see attached file)

First, carefully read both the original peer-reviewed journal article and the media report.
Then, write a paper with two sections. Please use headings to separate your two sections. Double-space your document and use a 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar).
First section of your paper: Summary of the peer-reviewed article (~300 words; this is just a guideline!). Briefly summarize the key aspects of the journal article. Your summary should include answers to the following questions: What were the main variables? What was the key finding or findings? What theory do the findings support or refute? Use concepts you have learned about in this course to communicate the research design and findings.
Second section of your paper: Critique of the media coverage (~500 words; this is just a guideline!). Analyze and critique the journalist’s coverage of the research, using what you learned from reading the original journal article. In this section, make two significant points, dedicating separate paragraphs to each point. Each significant point should be a different argument, critique, etc. about a different question or issue; you should use concepts that you have learned about in this course to make your points. You may choose from the following questions to guide your critique:

What did the journalist get right?
What did the journalist get wrong, and why?
What might the journalist have said differently?
If the journalist made any causal claims, were they accurate? (Apply the 3 causal criteria).
Did the journalist focus on the same key finding as the scientists did?
Did the journalist accurately describe the procedures of the study? Did the journalist leave details out?

Grading expectations
Summary (8 points): Accurate, concise, non-plagiarized summary of the key points of the original empirical article. Includes the main variables, the key findings, and the theory the findings support. Writing is clear. Writing reflects your own understanding; direct quotes from the research article are avoided.
Critique (12 points): A thoughtful analysis and critique, containing two significant points, of how well the journalist covered the research. Clear writing and critical thinking.
A reminder that your paper must be original work! The paper you turn in must be your own work that you have written yourself for this assignment. You may not:

Copy words from another student or any other source, unless it is marked as a quotation and attributed to the source
Copy something and then alter the words to make it a little different
Paraphrase without attribution
Turn in work that somebody else wrote

All of the things listed above are plagiarism, which is a serious violation of academic standards and can result in you failing the course. Don’t do it! Please see the syllabus for more information. If you are not sure what is allowed, please ask! All papers will be checked by SimCheck/TurnItIn, which is software that can automatically detect plagiarism.

solved Assignment OverviewFor this paper, choose a different story from our

Assignment OverviewFor this paper, choose a different story from our Week 2 assignment. It should be different from the story you wrote about for Paper 1.Then, consider the following question: What does this story have to teach us about empathy for others?The article “Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?” examines the idea that reading fiction enhances our compassion and empathy—that is, our ability to identify with other people’s experiences and relate to what they feel and think in their “interior lives” (Hammond). An interior life refers to the thoughts and feelings that aren’t always shared publicly. In literature, the narrator usually has access to these thoughts and feelings that aren’t said aloud.In responding to this question, your focus will be on the themes that arise from your close readings of the story. You will develop an argument on what the story teaches us about empathy and how it is conveyed. It is helpful to ask:Which characters does the author want you, the reader, to empathize with?Are there any characters that you dislike, but still empathize with? Why do you think that is? In addition, you will use evidence from at least one of the following articles to support your argument: Schmidt, Megan. “How Reading Fiction Increases Empathy and Encourages Understanding.” Discover Magazine. 28 Aug. 2020. Hammond, Claudia. “Does Reading Fictions Make Us Better People?” BBC. 2 June 2019. Castano, Emanuele and David Kidd. “Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind.” Science. 18 Oct. 2013; 342 (6156): 377-80. Coleman, John. “The Benefits of Poetry for Professionals.” Harvard Business Review, 2012. Thorpe, J.R. “Why Reading Poetry Is Good For Your Brain.” Bustle, 20 Apr. 2017. Most of the articles in this list were referenced in the Week 1 Insights (see above). You should also refer to “Week 6 Insights: Integrating Sources Using Your Own Voice” for guidance on working with your chosen article. CRAFTING YOUR THESIS FOR PAPER 2 For Paper 2, your analysis of the story’s theme will focus on how your reading of the primary source (the story) and secondary sources (the article) cause you to think about empathy. Sample thesis structure: [Story X] helps us to understand [theme/issue Y] by promoting empathy through [warrant 1], [warrant 2], and [warrant 3] Sample thesis statement: The conflicts between male and female characters in Susan Glaspell’s story “A Jury of Her Peers” helps readers have more empathy for the oppression of women through its depiction of Mrs. Wright’s marriage, the women’s roles, and the inequality between men and women in the story. OUTLINE FOR PAPER 2 Refer to the work you did and feedback you received from Paper 1. The outline is a straightforward way of listing and organizing the ideas connected to your claim and three warrants for your five-paragraph essay.  Next, you will convert the bulleted items from your outline into well-crafted sentences, and then combine those sentences into well-organized, logical paragraphs.  The paper will have three to four body paragraphs, each one led by a topic sentence that includes the explicit warrant. The rest of the paragraph will contain statements with the supporting evidence from both the story and the article. The essay will be structured as follows: Introduction: Create a context for the thesis by explaining the BBC article (two to three sentences). (Cite in the text.) Provide a brief overview of the story (2 to 3 sentences) State the thesis: [Story X] helps us to understand [theme/issue Y] by promoting empathy through [warrant 1], [warrant 2], and [warrant 3] Body paragraph #1: Warrant 1 Supporting evidence from story Analysis: How does the story help us understand the concern? Body paragraph #2: Warrant 2 Supporting evidence from story Analysis: How does the story help us understand the issue? Body paragraph #3: Warrant 3 Supporting evidence from story Analysis: How does the story help us understand the issue? Conclusion Return to the thesis Reflect on the connection between the article and the story. What have we learned from your analysis? Does fiction really promote empathy? Hints: Remember that your reader has read the story and is familiar with it; your audience is your peers. But you want to convince them to consider your side. Summary vs. Analysis: Be aware that a paper analyzing a piece of literature is not a plot summary.  Summary should provide only brief details necessary to identify parts of the story required to develop the paper.   Length and Format:  Five-paragraph literary analysis paper   1000–1200 words for the paper (approximately 3–4 pages, double-spaced)   MLA style for document format. See this MLA Style Demo video for how to set up your document.