solved Select one of the trips. Consider the unique activities and

Select one of the trips. Consider the unique activities and experiences included in the trip agenda. If this trip were planned for tourists in general instead of for business leaders, identify and justify the segment of consumers you would focus your marketing efforts upon (besides people with sufficient income). Discuss how you would want to position this trip in consumers’ minds (i.e., how do you want them to think about this trip?) so that they would think it worth the time, money, and effort. Create a tagline/slogan that you think fits the positioning you are proposing which you could use to promote the trip. 3. Select a second peer’s trip, one to a different region of the world. Consider the unique activities and experiences included in that trip agenda. Identify and justify a different segment of consumers you would focus your marketing efforts upon for that trip (besides people with sufficient income). Discuss how you would want to position this trip in consumers’ minds (i.e., how do you want them to think about this trip?) so that they would think it worth the time, money, and effort. Create a tagline/slogan that you think fits the positioning you are proposing which you could use to promote the trip. Within our itinerary, this is what is entailed on our trip to Pakistan:Day 0 (Arrival): Visiting Multan will be our first destination. Besides learning the history of the city, it is worthy to take into account to view the mannerisms and behaviors of the people around us in order to understand the people behind the history.Day 1: Since the prior day’s trek across the city, food is well in order. We will test our palettes with Karahi. With options of being made with goat, chicken, or shrimp, karahi is a combination of spices and vegetables that gives it its signature taste and flavor.Day 2: Ride the tangah throughout the our journey. A carriage being pulled via horse or mule, this is one of the commons modes of transport in Pakistan.Day 3: Make candles. Day 4: Experience the Kalash Festival. To celebrate Spring, we will go to the Kalash Festival amongst the Kalash people. Day 5: Meet Malala Yousafzai an advocate for humans rights and women & childrens’ education, it’s intellectually invigorating to have an opportunity to hear her testimony,Day 6: Make pottery. Day 7: Meet Imran Khan. Both cricket capitan and politician, Imran is a force to be reckoned with in Pakistan and it would be an honor to meet him, indeed.Day 8 (Departure): Even though it was not requested, we will experience Eid-al-Fitr, the “Festival of Breaking Fast.” This would be our last day to really experience Pakistan’s hospitality and dishes that are made with various ingredients in diverse manners. TRIP AGENDA TO HONDURASDay 0 – You will arrive in Honduras and relax at the resort.Day 1 – Our group will attend the Royal Walk of the Giant Chimneys in Trinidad. This event commemorates the day of the Immaculate Conception. Huge sculptures made out of newspaper, wire, and paint all are on display at what some call a fair. This will include travel from the resort to the event, travel around local shops after the event and travel back to the resort. Once back at the resort, the evening will be filled with a conference of local business leaders. This would be a good meet and greet time.Day 2 – Everyone will enjoy a relaxing day at Roatan, Bay Islands, followed by a dinner of baleadas. This dish is made of refried beans, mantequilla (Honduran-style sour cream), cheese, avocado, scrambled eggs, sometimes chorizo or steak, all folded into handmade flour tortillas. There will be a dinner speaker that will be discussing companies in Honduras currently looking to expand the import segment of their companies.Day 3 – This will be a day for learning a bit of history of Honduras. The Hieroglyphic Stairway of Copan is a staircase full of Mayan hieroglyphics that could be the largest single text in the world.Day 4 – Our group will board the Honduran Coconut Railway to make our way to Cuero y Salado and an afternoon of making ceramics. Everyone will be able to bring their handmade ceramic back to the resort with them to take home as a souvenir of your time spent in Honduras. Day 5 – Everyone will be on their own for the first part of the day. Options are: brunch by the pool, shopping local stores, relaxing in your room, etc. Later in the afternoon, the group will be visiting Univision Network’s studio and meeting news co-anchor Satcha Pretto. Her popular morning show in Honduras is Despierata America.Day 6 – Since football (soccer) is very popular in Honduras, a local team will come and teach the guests how to play. This will be a leisurely day of fun.Day 7 – Since this is your final day in Honduras, Utila, Bay Islands will be a nice place to relax. Tourists normally love getting close to the island wildlife at the Iguana Research & Breeding Station.Day 8 – You will depart from Honduras to return home.

solved 1) How do investors measure the risk of individual common

1) How do investors measure the risk of individual common stocks?  Please describe one of these methods in detail.  

Investors can experience either systematic or unsystematic risks when investing into individual common stocks. The risks should not exceed the expected returns from an investment (CN Bank, n.d). The investors have to realize that all stocks have some form of risks, but degree of risks differ. They should also strive to learn the different strategies applied in assessing risks (CN Bank, n.d). They can utilize financial reports from the organizations or market analysts to compute the risks.
The study shows that risk analysis faces a lot of challenges. Investors rely on past performance to forecast the common stock risk (CN Bank, n.d). However, the past performance might be unrelated with future performance. A common stock could be very profitable today but experience negative earnings into the future (CN Bank, n.d). The other challenge lies in understanding the methods of risk analysis.
Some of the risk analysis methods include standard deviation, Bond risks, and Beta. “Beta is a measure of an investment’s risk against an index of the overall market such as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index” (CN Bank, n.d). the investor could be investing in Amazon Company with a Beta of 0.4. The investor should interpret that the company’s risks changes by 0.4 units after the S & P 500 index varies by 1 unit. On the other hand, another company could be a Beta of 0.6 (CN Bank, n.d). The company’s risk varies by 0.6 units after the market’s risk varies by 1 unit. Therefore, the investor should choose Amazon as opposed to its rival since Amazon has a lower risk factor.

Common stock is a type of equity share issued by a corporation or entity. The buyers of common stock are referred to as shareholders. Common stocks are fractional shares or a percentage equity ownership of an entity. Shares represent a proportional stake in the company’s net worth, income, cash flow, dividend. Shareholder privileges usually include voting rights on issues requiring shareholder approval and electing the entity’s directors.
Individual stocks will have bare minimum commissions, and even trading them would not be a complicated process. If they take mutual funds, we usually do not pay any commissions, but there will be a management fee. Of course, some of them will be less than 1%, and others may be around 3%. Individual stocks investments need essential homework on how the company is performing, their quarterly/annual reports. If they do not have time to go through one-company reports, then individual stocks are not a good choice (Boons, 2016).
Imagine one person investing his 25% income in Macy’s stocks in 2015 when the stock price was trading around $70; today, it is hardly $5. One good example of why a person should have diversification in investments if a person invests in the same retail industry 10% in each company that does not come under diverse investments. It has to be a different segment/area. Risk will be almost identical in the same market, but other factors such as sales, revenue, and future expansions. Will differ from one segment to another. Understanding the market trends is not going to be easy for the ordinary person. I would suggest investing in a company you know well; there is an old saying, “Invest in what you know.”
Risk management is critical in any decision-making process. Once risk is identified, either we need to mitigate or accept risk. Some regular measures are risk include standard deviation, value at risk (VaR), conditional value at risk (CVaR), and beta.
Standard deviation measures how much a variable tends to vary. Variables that are stable with small and infrequent fluctuations have a low standard deviation. Variables that move wildly, either up or down, have a high standard deviation. For example, the number of umbrellas sold in a convenience store will depend on weather and exhibit a significant standard deviation. However, the amount of milk sold will likely vary less and be more stable from day to day. Therefore, the standard deviation of milk sales will be smaller than the standard deviation of umbrella sales (Pederzoli, 2017).
Standard deviation measures the dispersion of data from its expected value. The standard deviation used in making an investment decision to measure the amount of historical volatility associated with an investment relative to its annual rate of return. It indicates how much the current return is deviating from its expected historical average returns. For example, a stock that has high standard deviation experiences higher volatility, and therefore, a higher level of risk is associated with the stock.
SD = ??(Ri – Ravg ) / n -1
Ri – Return observed in one period (one observation in the data set)
Ravg – Arithmetic mean of the returns observed
n – Number of observations in the dataset

solved Study Strategy Writing GuideRationale & Hypotheses (65 points)1. Briefly state

Study Strategy Writing GuideRationale & Hypotheses (65 points)1. Briefly state the study strategy that you are testing in this proposed experiment (as indicated by “Study Strategy” above) and explain which aspect(s) of the study strategy you are interested in studying. State the question(s) that you will be specifically addressing in this proposal, and briefly describe your design type (between vs. within-subject).Explain how your proposed experiment is a logical test of this study strategy; that is, how do your research question(s) logically relate to the suggested study strategy? Finally, what will your experiment clarify about this piece of advice? In other words, what are the larger implications of studying your specific question(s)?Your answer should:• Explicitly state the study strategy you are testing; explain which aspect of the2.strategy you are examining (e.g., is this an exact test or an extension?); and clearly indicate the 1) design, and 2) specific research question(s) you aim to address through the proposed experiment.Explain how your specific research question(s) logically stems from the assigned study advice. In other words, how does your study come out of/is inspired by this suggested study strategy? How did you get from the basic strategy to your specific research question(s)?Indicate what the results of your project could add to general understanding of the study advice. For example, in examining the advice to “study in groups” by looking at different group sizes versus studying alone, the experiment could help to clarify whether there is an optimal group size for learning (e.g., compared to studying alone, studying in a group of 2 is more effective and studying in a group of 3 is even more effective, while increases in group size beyond 3 becomes less effective). Such a result would allow a more specific recommendation for the benefits of group study: namely, that one should study in small groups of 2 or 3 but avoid large study groups. Name the independent variable that you are proposing to manipulate and provide an operational definition of this variable. Describe the three different levels of the IV and explain the ways in which each level differs. Finally, provide an example of the IV manipulation.In your answer:3The IV construct and three levels/conditions should be appropriately named, and their operational definitions should clearly indicate how they are to be manipulated.An example of the IV manipulation should be included. In other words, what will the IV manipulation look like to participants?3. Name the dependent variable that you plan to measure. Further provide an operational definition of this DV and indicate on what type of scale its values will lay (e.g., interval vs. ratio). Finally, provide an example of the DV measurement.In your answer:The DV should be appropriately named, and its operational definition should clearly indicate how it would be measured. The type of scale (interval or ratio only) on which your measure of the DV lies must also be stated.An example of the DV manipulation should be included. In other words, what will the DV manipulation look like to participants?4. What are the hypotheses that you want to test involving this independent variable? How do you think your DV will change as per the different levels of your IV? Remember to include significance and directionality, and address all three levels of your IV.In your answer:The various hypotheses you want to test should clearly state the causal relationshipbetween the IV and DV that you expect to observe. You should indicate whichconditions/levels will significantly differ from each other (e.g., “We expectsignificantly better learning when studying in a group of 3 people versus a group of 2people or a group of 4 people, but no significant differences in learningbetween groups of 2 and 4 people.”) You should follow the format of hypotheses learned, including both significance and directionality in hypothesis statements.5. Provide a rationale for your hypotheses. Why are you making these predictions? What logic prompts you to make each of the hypotheses you listed above? Why do you think each level will differ (or not) from one another?In your answer:You should provide logical reasons for your predictions. You do not need to provide outside citations, but you should clearly explain why you think one condition/level will differ from another.Your logic should rely on general knowledge or experience (e.g., saying that the brain shows different patterns of activation when learning with peers than learning alone is not common knowledge and would require a citation)4Guiding questions include: Why are you making these predictions? What logicprompts you to make each of the hypotheses you listed above? Why do you think each level will differ (or not) from one another (remember to provide the rationale for each difference you expect to observe)?

solved Read the E-Commerce and Cybercrime Article and write a 4-5

Read the E-Commerce and Cybercrime Article and write a 4-5 paragraph summary of your thoughts…Explain in detail the requirements of an offer, how offers are made, how they are terminated and how offers are accepted.Discuss the general principles of legality and public policy—describe with examples—agreements affecting public welfare and the characteristics of regulation of business.-2.)respond to two student posts below.————————————————–Tierra Taylorcyber crime is still happening today , with the looks of it i dont see it decreasing for awhile . I read it already has increased over the last 5 years . cyber criminals can manipulate financial data, move electronic ownership to themselves, interrupt and hack communication systems between different businesses , steal property, and cause ecommerce businesses all across the world to shut down completely if they get into the correct system files. they are able to do all of this because of websites and systems they use that are similar to the bank. this honestly makes myself as well as others around me terrified and not know who to trust online . i feel everyone needs to just be careful with how they use the interenet . with the basic knowledge there are ways to stay safe from cyber crime. keep computer system updated with the most recent update they offer. use antivirus software to make sure you stay up to date and receive notifications of any fishy things . try to use only secured networks and shop only through trusted sites. most importantly dont save your card info on any site .—————————————————Tierra WeatherspoonExplain in detail the requirements of an offer, how offers are made, how they are terminated and how offers are accepted.There are three requirements of an offer. The requirements for an offer are The first requirement of an offer is Contractual Intention: Contractual Intention are offer that must appear to intend to create a binding obligation, shown by conduct. Excludes social offers or offers made in obvious jest.The next requirement of an offer is Invitation to Negotiate: the First statement not necessarily an offer, but an invitation to negotiate. E.g. catalog, prices and quotations on work to be done. Which is when an offer, and the resulting contract, must be definite and certain so that it is capable of being enforced. The final requirement is Arrangement to Make a Contract at a Future Date: no party is under obligation until the future date. This requirement is described as when an offer must be communicated to the offered. Otherwise, the offered cannot accept even through knowledge of the offer has been indirectly acquired. Offers are made when one person offer or, makes an offer and the other person whom the offer is made to accepts the offer.Offers are terminated by revocation, this when the person who offered can revoke the offer before it is accepted. If this is done, the offeree cannot create a contract by accepting the revoked offer. Next is counteroffer, this is when the offeree rejects the offer when it ignores the original offer and replies with a different offer. The next way an offer may be terminated is rejection, this is when the offeree rejects the offer and communicates this rejection to the offer. The offer is terminated. Next is the lapse of time, which is when the offer states that it is open until a particular date, the offer terminates on that date if it has not yet been accepted. The next one is death or disability of a party, this applies if either the offeror or offeree dies or becomes mentally incompetent before the offer is accepted, the offer is automatically terminated. Lastly, is subsequent illegality. This termination applies if the performance of the contract becomes illegal after the offer is made, the offer is terminated. Also, an offeree cannot accept a terminated offer. Offers are accepted when the assent of the offeree to the terms of the offer.Discuss the general principles of legality and public policy-describe with examples agreements affecting public welfare and the characteristics of regulation of business.The general principle of legality is a contract, an agreement, or an act that follows the standards of the law, and if the law does not specially or make a clear agreement then it is not illegal. The general principle for public policy is policies that protect the public and their wellbeing, even if these policies are not technically a written law and void an agreement if it proves harmful to the individual welfare. An example of the two is if two people had an agreement or contract to perform a service and follow the proper state regulation of business, then legally it is okay. However, if over time this service proves to be harmful to either party, the contact can be broken due to the agreement affecting public welfare.

solved Module 3 – SLPTHE POLITICAL FRAMESLP Overview In the Module

Module 3 – SLPTHE POLITICAL FRAMESLP Overview In the Module 3 SLP, you will write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you will apply the Political Frame to the organization in which you are currently employed (or in which you have worked previously). AssignmentThe Module 3 SLP requires that you write a 3- to 4-page paper, in which you address the following: After giving a brief description of the organization in which you presently work (or in which you have previously worked), apply the Political Frame to 2-3 examples of political behaviors that are presently occurring – or have occurred – within your organization. Keys to the AssignmentThe key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include the following:Briefly describe your organization – name, what it does, size (number of employees, annual revenue, relative market share, etc.);Choose 2 or 3 examples of political activities within your organization. These might include, e.g., networking and coalition building, informal communications, bargaining and negotiation (for power or for resources), etc. etc.Using Bolman and Deal’s Political Frame as a lens, discuss the relative impact of the political characteristics or events you have identified (do the political behaviors you have cited have negligible impact on the organization as a whole, or are do they have more significant impact instead?).What are the consequences and outcomes of the political behaviors you have identified? Are they positive or negative, good or bad for the company for the short-term? For the longer run (decisions that benefit the short-term are often in conflict with longer-term outcomes, and vice-versa)? Explain.SLP Assignment ExpectationsYour paper will be evaluated using the following five (5) criteria:Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?Critical thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?Business Writing: Is the paper well-written (clear, developed logically, and well-organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy): Does the paper demonstrate effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations?Module 3Required resources: Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2003). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (3rd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley. Hogan, R. L. (n.d). Chapter 9: Power, conflict, and coalitions. Eastern Illinois University. Retrieved on May 12, 2014 from Jacobs, R. M. (n.d.). Theories of practice: The political frame. Villanova University. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from, M. D. (2005). Boardroom lessons from the Disney/Ovitz case. Corporate Board, 26(155), 6-10. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. White, D. (2005, Oct 01). When Mickey finally turned on his master. Michael Eisner’s reign at Disney is over. Dominic White reports. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from Proquest. Optional resources: Forbes, W., & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias: A case study of Michael Eisner’s long tenure at Disney Corporation. City University London. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from, L. M. (2005, September 26). A quiet departure for Eisner at Disney. The New York Times. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from:

solved Part 1:300 word response not including the Question pleasePart 2

Part 1:300 word response not including the Question pleasePart 2 & 3: 100 word responsesPart 1: Do you think that Anderson’s Code of the Streets exists outside of Philadelphia in one form or another? Why or why not? Do you personally know of any other similar types of codes that may exist in other cities/neighborhoods? If so, how are those codes similar or different? If not, how do you imagine they might be similar or different? Without going into too much detail, have you ever engaged in code-switching? Why and in what circumstances (you DO NOT need to provide detail about any bad behavior you may, or may not, have engaged in)? How much do you think code-switching occurs in the real world? In your opinion, is code-switching a good thing or a bad thing? Why?Part 2: I believe that delinquent behavior causes delinquent friends. Some theories discussed previously talk about how people engage in criminal activity because of the place they live. These places cause people to engage in criminal activity creating delinquent behaviors. When a person starts to behave in criminal ways they than attract others who are just like them and who behave in those ways. It can be the same with the people who do not commit any crimes. For example when a person starts to help others they attract more giving and caring people than people who do not care. For me personally, when I was a teenager I engaged in some delinquent behavior which attract others just like me, but slowly I started changing those behaviors and those who were once close to me left because my lack of engaging in certain behaviors. Determining whether people are more tabula rasa then hedonistic is kind of difficult because I believe we are a little bit of both. Yes, I agree we are born tabula rasa; we are born a clean slate. I also believe that the most of us are hedonistic. When we are born we are free from any good or bad doings. As we grow we start to learn good things and bad things from our caretakers. They are the ones who teach us what is good or wrong, and we learn them also by observing. During our growth we also seek or engage in what makes us happy and avoid painful things. As babies we seek pleasure from food, hugs, toys and other things. If I had to choose one though I would argue that people are more hedonistic. Although Differential Association Theory assumes tabula Rasa, I liked this theory the best this week. I agree with everything about this theory; not everyone agrees on what is acceptable, people have different definitions on what is acceptable, and everyone engages in criminal activity not just the poor. I think that social learning theories are strong enough to be considered general theories because it has shown that predictors of criminal behaviors is who you associate yourself with, your friend and family. Part 3: 1. I would say that I agree that delinquent friends cause delinquent behavior because its often a cycle of peer pressure. Kids and teenagers are most impressionable during these ages so they are willing to follow in others footsteps to fit in. I also agree with this because I was the same way with my group of friends. Once on friend in the group did something “delinquent” they would make it seem cool to the rest of the group and they would follow along. I do have to say that there were different behaviors that I was willing to engage in to fit in. I would say that was based on my own morals and self control I have to not do anything I was against. 2. Humans are more tabula rasa because society is just one big community of people trying to be accepted into the norm. Yes, there are the “rebels” and people who reject the social norms but they too are also following a different group. I would also label myself as more tabula rasa because I am a college student getting an education to move up the ladder in life to be financially stable just as millions of other people. There is a pressure to be successful in America and in many peoples eyes, college is the way to do that. Although the notion that you need college to be successful is becoming a less popular American opinion. Either way, I feel that this supports my belief that humans are inherently more tabula rasa because I am part of that group.3. Social learning theories are strong enough to be considered general theories of crime because people have proven it time and time again. For example, Gangs in America, kids grow up seeing their siblings/cousins get roped into that life and begin to think they too want to be in that life and follow in their siblings footsteps. Akers social learning theory is a good explanation because it states that there is differential reinforcement in the way humans learn deviant behavior. Positive reinforcement which is rewarding certain behaviors. This can be related to gangs as mentioned above, gang members earn status through committing crimes/assaults and therefor are rewarded.

solved Historically, forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty were

Historically, forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty were outside of the theater of operation during wartime. When the United States became involved in Iraq, forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty were called upon to do more than tend to post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) issues behind the lines. They found themselves on the front lines: in the Green Zone, within the confines of “Gitmo,” and even at Abu Ghraib. Additionally, they have been asked to do things and play roles that were typically foreign to past forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty. In the past, some military psychology professionals and psychiatrists played roles very similar to civilian forensic psychology professionals, only using the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the law that drives the United States’ military, as the backdrop for their involvement with the legal system. This was not unlike civilian forensic psychology professionals going from one state to another. As you have seen in the past weeks, forensic psychology professionals often apply their skills to different jurisdictions that may or may not have the same definitions of concepts such as insanity or competency to stand trial.Today’s military psychology professionals can find themselves carrying an M-16 and wearing a flak jacket and helmet. Other areas of service potentially provided by military psychology professionals include consulting on the training of enlisted personnel and the selection and training of Special Operations soldiers, assisting in the evaluation of pilots for their fitness to fly, providing “psych ops” for various operations, and providing stress management training. Some of the changes in roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty have not come without growing pains. And many of the new areas in which military psychologisy professionals are engaged can and do utilize psychological principles and fall into forensic psychology’s “bivouac.”One area in which military psychology professionals are used has generated much thought and, at times, heated debate within the field of psychology. Following the fallout of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay incidents, questions have arisen concerning the participation of military psychology professionals in the interrogations of military combatants. International law and the Geneva Conventions cover the treatment of prisoners of war and non-combatants. Countries have agreed to abide by these and other international laws during and outside of times of war. Additionally, military psychology professionals must abide by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Some argue that they should have no involvement in the interrogation process. Others say that having them involved, in the capacity of overseer, actually prevents abuses from happening. Certainly a conflict can be created for military psychology professionals, given their dual allegiances to both the military and to the standards of psychology. In this Discussion, you have a chance to think about and give your input on this topic.To prepare for this Discussion:Review the article “Multiple Relationships in Military Psychology” in this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the types of multiple relationships that can occur for military psychology professionals, and consider the differences between the practice of military and civilian psychology.Review the Web site “Society for Military Psychology: Strategic Plan 2007-2012: Charting a Course for the Future.” Think about the future direction of military psychology.Review the Web site “Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War” and consider what role military psychology should have in the interrogation and treatment of prisoners of war.Review the American Psychological Association’s, “Actions to Implement the Council Resolutions Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.” Focus on APA’s definitive position on torture and reasons behind it.Review the APA Letter to Bush: “New Policy Limits Psychologist Involvement in Interrogations.”Think about whether military psychology professionals should have any involvement at all in the interrogation and treatment of prisoners of war.Think about major ways in which the practice of military psychology differs from “civilian” psychology.With these thoughts in mind:Post by Day 4 your thoughts about a forensic psychology professionals working in the military subspecialty role in interrogations in various settings including but not limited to prisoner-of-war camps and warfare. Also, briefly explain the most important differences in the practice of military psychology from that of civilian psychology.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

solved Write in Essay format!!!GOAL One of the main objectives of

Write in Essay format!!!GOAL One of the main objectives of this course is to learn how to be a wise consumer of psychological research. This research critique will give you practice reading and communicating clearly and effectively about psychological research.STEP 1: CHOOSE A SETAll readings are available as pdf files inside this “Research Paper” module (see attached files).For this assignment, please choose ONE!!! of the sets listed below. Each set consists of two items: (a) an original peer-reviewed journal article, and (b) a media report covering the research Choose the set that is most interesting to you!Set 1: Peer values & inclusion(a) Peer-reviewed journal article: Murrar et al. (2020). Exposure to peers’ pro-diversity attitudes increases inclusion and reduces the achievement gap. Nature Human Behavior.(b) Media report: (Links to an external site.)pdfs:Set 1: Peer Reviewed Murrar-et-al.-2020.-NHB (see attached file)Set 1: MediaReport_Barncard. (see attached file)Set 2: Identities & flexible thinking(a) Peer-reviewed journal article : Gaither et al. (2020). Thinking about multiple identities boosts children’s flexible thinking. Developmental Science.(b) Media report: (Links to an external site.)Set 2: Peer Reviewed_GaitherEtAl. pdf (see attached file)Set 2: MediaReport_Duncan.pdf (see attached file)Set 3: Values affirmation & everyday numeracy(a) Peer-reviewed journal article: Peters et al. (2017). Improving numeracy through values affirmation enhances decision and STEM outcomes. PLOS One.(b) Media report: 3: PeerReviewed_PetersEt.Al.pdf(see attached file)Set3: Media Report_Communs. pdf(see attached file)STEP 2: READ AND WRITEFirst, carefully read both the original peer-reviewed journal article and the media report.Then, write a paper with two sections. Please use headings to separate your two sections. Double-space your document and use a 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar).First section of your paper: Summary of the peer-reviewed article (~300 words; this is just a guideline!). Briefly summarize the key aspects of the journal article. Your summary should include answers to the following questions: What were the main variables? What was the key finding or findings? What theory do the findings support or refute? Use concepts you have learned about in this course to communicate the research design and findings.Second section of your paper: Critique of the media coverage (~500 words; this is just a guideline!). Analyze and critique the journalist’s coverage of the research, using what you learned from reading the original journal article. In this section, make two significant points, dedicating separate paragraphs to each point. Each significant point should be a different argument, critique, etc. about a different question or issue; you should use concepts that you have learned about in this course to make your points. You may choose from the following questions to guide your critique:What did the journalist get right?What did the journalist get wrong, and why?What might the journalist have said differently?If the journalist made any causal claims, were they accurate? (Apply the 3 causal criteria).Did the journalist focus on the same key finding as the scientists did?Did the journalist accurately describe the procedures of the study? Did the journalist leave details out?Grading expectationsSummary (8 points): Accurate, concise, non-plagiarized summary of the key points of the original empirical article. Includes the main variables, the key findings, and the theory the findings support. Writing is clear. Writing reflects your own understanding; direct quotes from the research article are avoided.Critique (12 points): A thoughtful analysis and critique, containing two significant points, of how well the journalist covered the research. Clear writing and critical thinking.A reminder that your paper must be original work! The paper you turn in must be your own work that you have written yourself for this assignment. You may not:Copy words from another student or any other source, unless it is marked as a quotation and attributed to the sourceCopy something and then alter the words to make it a little differentParaphrase without attributionTurn in work that somebody else wroteAll of the things listed above are plagiarism, which is a serious violation of academic standards and can result in you failing the course. Don’t do it! Please see the syllabus for more information. If you are not sure what is allowed, please ask! All papers will be checked by SimCheck/TurnItIn, which is software that can automatically detect plagiarism.

solved Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals. While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment.
Please Note: The UC Library staff are very helpful with assisting students in using the UC Online Library journal database. Please contact them if you have issues. In addition, the instructor has provided additional resources, including a research tutorial, in the “Course Resources” folder in the “Content” area of the course.
Assignment Requirements:

Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.
Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.
Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).
Structure your paper as follows:

Cover page
Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
Purpose of Research should reflect  the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.
Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).
Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.
Conclusion in your own words
References formatted according to APA style requirements

Attach your paper to the Discussion board by the Thursday due date.
Read and respond to at least four (4) other student postings by the Sunday due date.

Grading Criteria:

Content Knowledge & Structure (15 points): All of the requested components are completed as assigned; content is on topic and related to managerial finance, critical thinking is clearly demonstrated (few, if any, direct quotations from the source in the paper); scholarly research is demonstrated; topics and concepts gained from the assigned reading and/or from research is evident.
Critical Thinking (15 points): Demonstrates substantial critical thinking about topics and solid interpretation of materials and reflection.
Clarity & Effective Communication (15 points): Communication is clear, concise, and well presented; scholarly writing is demonstrated; grammar, sentence structure, writing in third person, and word choice is used correctly.
Integration of Knowledge & Articles (15 points): Articles used are current and relevant (preferably published within last five (5) years and MUST be from peer-reviewed journal article publications. At least four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles are examined and analyzed in the paper.
Presentation & Writing Mechanics (30 points): Cover page, headings, in-text citations, page citations (page number citations required for specific information such as dates, years, list of items from article, names, numbers, statistics, and other specific information), and references are properly formatted.
Responses to Other Students (10 points): Substantive responses provided to a minimum of four (4) other students. Responses must provide substantive and meaningful discussion of the content of the other student’s paper and provide comments on the topic; responses must be one (1) to two (2) paragraphs long with a minimum of three sentences per paragraph.


solved Unit title & codePersonal Professional Development BSS074-6Assignment number and title1:

Unit title & codePersonal Professional Development BSS074-6Assignment number and title1: Personal Development Plan and Reflective NarrativeAssignment typeWeighting of assignmentSize or length of assessment1000 words narrative and Personal Development Plan as appendixUnit learning outcomesDemonstrate the following knowledge and understandingSystematic understanding of career planning and factors that impact on career trajectories and developing managerial and collaborative working strategies to identify and manage relevant personal and organisational related strategic leadership ambitions.Demonstrate the following skills and abilitiesCritically audit self against relevant skills / organisational competences to create and manage a personal development plan, evaluating its effectiveness and assessing impact on strategic leadership goals relative to personal, organisational and inter-organisational collaborative performance and impact.What am I required to do in this assignment?Produce a Personal Development Plan (PDP) linked to your competences and behaviours which you will need to be successful in your career planning. This should include Objectives, Methods of achieving these objectives, Timeline. The PDP should be included as an appendix.Write a 1000 word narrative describing your PDP and reflecting on your personal learning from this unit, including an explanation of how you will present yourself in your own digital branding.What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)In order to pass the Assessment you will need to:Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the identified professional ambitionsConstruct a meaningful personal development plan and implementation plan to achieve professional development.Develop a digital professional brand that is suitable to your evaluation of skills, achievements, and professional aspirationsHow do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?Produce a professional and compelling Personal Development Plan, linked the themes covered in the unit. This should be presented as an appendix, perhaps as an Excel file or Word table, and should include clear objectives and an outline of the strategies you will use to achieve these objectives.Your 1000 words narrative should provide a reflective summary of your PDP, outlining your key personal learning and realisations from this unit, and should critically explore your current competencies as they relate to your objectives.In summary, to achieve the highest marks you will need to evaluate and critically reflect on your own behaviours and values. The assignment needs focus and to provide a clear direction, which is argued and evidenced well. How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?The sessions present a series of different topics relating to your professional environment (Values, Personal Branding, Ethics, Leadership, Collaboration, Career Planning). The group sessions give an opportunity to give and receive coaching linked to these topics, which can be directly connected with your PDP.How will my assignment be marked?Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. Pass – 40-49%Pass – 50-59%Commendation – 60-69%Distinction– 70%+1. Presentation Adequate structure, presentation, and communication.Good structure and presentation communicated well.Well-presented and structured, communicated professionally.Excellent presentation and structure, communicated to an entirely professional standard. 2 Critical reflectionAddresses the task set showing some awareness of the learning journey taken. Likely to be too descriptive.Addresses the demands of the task set. Critical appraisal of the issues stemming from personal reflection with an indication of objectives and your strategy to improve.Directly addresses the demands of the task set. Critical evaluation of the issues stemming from evidence of in-depth personal reflection, with good indication of personal objectives and an indication of your strategy to improve.Directly and professionally addresses the demands of the task set. Clear and focused in-depth critical personal reflection and challenging personal objectives, with clear indication of your strategy to achieve these objectives3 Academic theorySome evidence that academic theory has informed your reflectionClear evidence that you have used academic theory to reflect on your behaviours and abilitiesEvidence throughout that academic theory has informed your reflection and has been used to examine critical incidents in your behaviours and abilitiesA wide range of academic sources is used that helps you to develop insights into your reflections and has been used to examine critical incidents in your behaviours and abilities