solved Summary-ResponseOverviewOver the past couple weeks, you have read about and

Summary-ResponseOverviewOver the past couple weeks, you have read about and discussed three social issues: language and power; freedom and security; and health and wealth. For this assignment, you will summarize and respond to the readings related to one of the social issues covered in weeks 2-4.ContentSelect one of the social issues covered in 2-4. The possible issues are: language and power, freedom and security, and health and wealth. Consider which issue interests you the most or about which you have a clear, strong perspective; ideally you will continue to work with this issue throughout the remainder of the course assignments.Now choose two of the readings selections related to that social issue. For each of those two readings,write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the reading selection.write a 1-2 paragraph response to the reading selection.OrganizationFirst present the 1-2 paragraph summary and the 1-2 paragraph response for your first reading selection. Then, present the 1-2 paragraph summary and the 1-2 paragraph response for your second reading selection.Be sure that your paragraphs follow the guidelines for paragraph structure. Review the sub-module on Summarizing and Responding to Readings for a sample summary-response paper.Grammar and MechanicsYour paper should be written with consideration for the conventions of academic writing, with attention to the following:punctuation: for example, use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.word-level considerations: for example, capitalization, spelling, verb tense, and usage.sentence-level considerations: for example, sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about your own writing habits you might want to change (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Reading your paper aloud is a good way to catch any mistakes.Sources and DocumentationYou are required to use two sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).Since your sources are from assigned course readings, you do not need to include formal citations. However, you should demonstrate basic attribution. This means you should reference the article titles and authors in your summary-response. For example:In the reading selection, “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” Jean Anyon discusses how American schools are set up to fully educate students from upper-class backgrounds and to give a limited education to students from lower-class backgrounds.Format and LengthYou should submit your summary-response for both readings in a single document/file. Your paper should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title that reflects your specific essay focus. (See example below.) Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 11 or 12-point font.Your summary and response for each of the reading selections should be a minimum of two paragraphs (about 400-500 words) in length. This means that your total document will be 4-8 paragraphs (about 800-1000 words) in length.Review the sub-module on Summarizing and Responding to Readings for a sample summary-response paper.Sample Header and Title for Assignment SubmissionsKim Lee (student’s name)Summary-Response (assignment name)Language and Power (title)Due Date and Grade PercentageThis summary-response is due by the end of Week 4 and is worth 15% of your final course grade.Connection to other Course AssignmentsThe summary-response will help you clarify your understanding of the reading selections.The summary-response will also help you to clarify and articulate your perspective on your chosen social issue.moreover, the summary-response will serve as the basis for your quote logs and for your analysis in the case study project. NEXT ASSINGMENT Case Study Project(first draft and revised draft)OverviewFor this final project you will continue with the social issue that you selected (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) and you will write an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to write your case study. You will submit a first draft and a revised draft of this assignment.ContentDescribe a “real life” instance of your selected social issue in a professional or a personal setting.Discuss your perspective on your selected social issue, including the reasons for your viewpoint.Discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue.Demonstrate that you are really thinking about your issue—don’t settle for easy answers, don’t pretend that conflicting evidence doesn’t exist, and don’t feel that you have to take an either-or position.Discuss the complexities of your selected social issue. For example, do not just conclude that using academic language is always good, or that government surveillance is always bad, or that wealth automatically leads to health. Think about the intricacies of these issues and how they play out in everyday life.OrganizationInclude an introductory paragraph, where you clearly outline a “real-life” instance of your social issue and you give a thesis statement that indicates your perspective (see Part 2: Writing Your Introduction for an example).Include three body paragraphs where you include details, examples, and quotes from at least three of the course readings to help you develop and support your key points (see Part 3: Writing Your Body Paragraphs. for an example).Include one body paragraph where you discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue (see Part 3: Writing Your Body Paragraphs. for an example).End your essay with a concluding paragraph where you restate your thesis, summarize your key points, and leave the reader with the “so what?” ( see Part 4: Writing Your Conclusion for an example).Grammar and MechanicsYour paper should be written according to the standards for academic writing, with attention to the following:punctuation: this includes things such as use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.word-level accuracy: this includes things such as capitalization, spelling, word-tense, and usage.sentence-level accuracy: this includes things such as sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about your own writing habits you might want to change (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Reading your paper aloud is a good way to catch any mistakes.Sources and DocumentationYou are required to use three sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).Your paper should use APA-style documentation for in-text citations. You do not need to complete a reference page.Format and LengthYour paper should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title tailored to your topic. (See example below.)Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font.Your final product should be a minimum of six paragraphs (about 900-1100 words) in length. However, the quality of the content of this essay is most important. Be sure to fully answer the prompt. Sample Header and Title for Assignment SubmissionsKim Lee (student’s name)Case Study Project, first draft (assignment name)Education Doesn’t Mean Empowerment (title)Sample Case Study ProjectBe sure to review this Sample Case Study before you begin. The student sample includes notes to help with connections to key aspects of the assignment. Due Date and Grade PercentageThe first draft of this project is due by the end of Week 6. The first draft is ungraded, but you will receive valuable feedback from your instructor.The revised draft is due by the end of Week 8. The revised draft of this project is worth 30% of your final course grade.Connection to other Course Assignments This is the culminating assignment, where you will tie together all of the information and ideas from the course.All of the reading, writing, thinking, and discussing that you have done over the past several weeks have led up to this assignment. NEXT ASSIGNMENT Case Study Project(first draft and revised draft)OverviewFor this final project you will continue with the social issue that you selected (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) and you will write an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to write your case study. You will submit a first draft and a revised draft of this assignment.ContentDescribe a “real life” instance of your selected social issue in a professional or a personal setting.Discuss your perspective on your selected social issue, including the reasons for your viewpoint.Discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue.Demonstrate that you are really thinking about your issue—don’t settle for easy answers, don’t pretend that conflicting evidence doesn’t exist, and don’t feel that you have to take an either-or position.Discuss the complexities of your selected social issue. For example, do not just conclude that using academic language is always good, or that government surveillance is always bad, or that wealth automatically leads to health. Think about the intricacies of these issues and how they play out in everyday life.OrganizationInclude an introductory paragraph, where you clearly outline a “real-life” instance of your social issue and you give a thesis statement that indicates your perspective (see Part 2: Writing Your Introduction for an example).Include three body paragraphs where you include details, examples, and quotes from at least three of the course readings to help you develop and support your key points (see Part 3: Writing Your Body Paragraphs. for an example).Include one body paragraph where you discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue (see Part 3: Writing Your Body Paragraphs. for an example).End your essay with a concluding paragraph where you restate your thesis, summarize your key points, and leave the reader with the “so what?” ( see Part 4: Writing Your Conclusion for an example).Grammar and MechanicsYour paper should be written according to the standards for academic writing, with attention to the following:punctuation: this includes things such as use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.word-level accuracy: this includes things such as capitalization, spelling, word-tense, and usage.sentence-level accuracy: this includes things such as sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about your own writing habits you might want to change (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Reading your paper aloud is a good way to catch any mistakes.Sources and DocumentationYou are required to use three sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).Your paper should use APA-style documentation for in-text citations. You do not need to complete a reference page.Format and LengthYour paper should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title tailored to your topic. (See example below.)Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font.Your final product should be a minimum of six paragraphs (about 900-1100 words) in length. However, the quality of the content of this essay is most important. Be sure to fully answer the prompt. Sample Header and Title for Assignment SubmissionsKim Lee (student’s name)Case Study Project, first draft (assignment name)Education Doesn’t Mean Empowerment (title)Sample Case Study ProjectBe sure to review this Sample Case Study before you begin. The student sample includes notes to help with connections to key aspects of the assignment. Due Date and Grade PercentageThe first draft of this project is due by the end of Week 6. The first draft is ungraded, but you will receive valuable feedback from your instructor.The revised draft is due by the end of Week 8. The revised draft of this project is worth 30% of your final course grade.Connection to other Course AssignmentsThis is the culminating assignment, where you will tie together all of the information and ideas from the course.All of the reading, writing, thinking, and discussing that you have done over the past several weeks have led up to this assignment.

solved Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length,

Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided.

Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation.

Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, taking into consideration cultural, racial, ethnic groups, communities, and populations. Caring for a population involves identifying the factors that place the population’s health at risk and developing specific interventions to address those factors. The community/public health nurse uses epidemiology as a tool to customize disease prevention and health promotion strategies disseminated to a specific population. Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that investigates causes of various diseases in a specific population (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).
As an advocate and educator, the community/public health nurse is instrumental in providing individuals, groups, and aggregates with the tools that are essential for health promotion and disease prevention. There is a connection between one’s quality of life and their health literacy. Health literacy is related to the knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of one’s condition along with the ability to find resources that will treat, prevent, maintain, or cure their condition. Health literacy is impacted by the individual’s learning style, reading level, and the ability understand and retain the information being provided. The individual’s technology aptitude and proficiency in navigating available resources is an essential component to making informed decisions and to the teaching learning process (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).
It is essential to develop trust and rapport with community members to accurately identify health needs and help them adopt health promotion, health maintenance, and disease prevention strategies. Cultural, socio-economical, and educational biases need to be taken into consideration when communicating and developing an individualized treatment and educational plan. Social, economic, cultural, and lifestyle behaviors can have an impact on an individual’s health and the health of a community. These behaviors may pose health risks, which may be mitigated through lifestyle/behaviorally-based education. The environment, housing conditions, employment factors, diet, cultural beliefs, and family/support system structure play a role in a person’s levels of risk and resulting health. Assessment, evaluation, and inclusion of these factors provide a basis for the development of an individualized plan. The health professional may use a genogram or sociogram in this process.
What is a genogram? A genogram, similar to a family tree, is used to gather detailed information about the quality of relationships and interactions between family members over generations as opposed to lineage. Gender, family relationships, emotional relationships, lifespan, and genetic predisposition to certain health conditions are components of a genogram. A genogram, for instance, may identify a pattern of martial issues perhaps rooted in anger or explain why a person has green eyes.
What is a sociogram? A sociogram helps the health professional to develop a greater understanding of these factors by seeing inter-relationships, social links between people or other entities, as well as patterns to identify vulnerable populations and the flow of information within the community.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Lesson 1: Introduction to epidemiology. In Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice (3rd ed.).…
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Healthy People 2030.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.

Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan.

Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.

Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.
Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Your Online ePortfolio
Creating an ePortfolio is not required in the BSN program, but you may find it helpful to create one to attach to your professional resume while job hunting. Online ePortfolios serve two key purposes: 1) to support learning and reflection, and 2) to be used as a showcase tool. Your learning journey can be documented, and ePortfolios contribute to lifelong learning and growth through reflection and sharing. Online ePortfolios can also be shared with employers and peers to present artifacts that demonstrate your accomplishments at Capella.
Using ePortfolio to Build Your Career
As you are preparing to tell your story in the professional world, leverage your ePortfolio artifacts to demonstrate the knowledge and competencies you have gained through your program in professional conversations, performance reviews, and interviews. To do that, reflect on the knowledge and skills you have gained from your courses and the elements you have put in your portfolio, along with how you have already applied these things to your professional life or how you might apply them in the future. Next, create your story or talking points to tell your professional story.
Privacy Statement
Capella complies with privacy laws designed to protect the privacy of personal information. While you may voluntarily share your own information publicly, you are obligated to protect the personal information of others that may be associated with your academic or professional development. Before sharing information and material in any ePortfolio that is set up to be shared externally to your program at Capella, please consider privacy obligations in relation to protected populations who may be included or referenced in your academic or clinical work. Refer to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) if you have specific questions or concerns about your choices.
Note: Assessment 1 must be completed first before you are able to submit Assessment 4.
The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a hypothetical clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. This assessment is the foundation for the implementation of your health promotion educational plan (Assessment 4).
You will need to satisfactorily pass Assessment 1 (Health Promotion Plan) before working on your last assessment (Assessment 4).
To prepare for the assessment, consider various health concerns that you would like to be the focus of your plan from the topic list provided, the populations potentially affected by that concern, and hypothetical individuals or groups living in the community. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
For this assessment, you will propose a hypothetical health promotion plan addressing a particular health concern affecting a fictitious individual or group living in the community. The hypothetical individual or group of your choice must be living in the community; not in a hospital, assistant living, nursing home, or other facility. You may choose any health issues from the list provided in the instructions.
In the Assessment 4, you will simulate a face-to-face presentation of this plan to the individual or group that you have identified.
Please choose one of the topics below:

Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products).

In addition, you are encouraged to:

Complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications simulation.
Review the health promotion plan assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Review the MacLeod article, “Making SMART Goals Smarter.”

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback.
Health Promotion Plan

Choose a specific health concern as the focus of your hypothetical health promotion plan. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.

Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products).

Describe in detail the characteristics of your chosen hypothetical individual or group for this activity.
Discuss why your chosen population is predisposed to this health concern and why they can benefit from a health promotion educational plan.
Based on the health concern for your hypothetical individual or group, discuss what you would include in the development of a sociogram. Take into consideration possible social, economic, cultural, genetic, and/or lifestyle behaviors that may have an impact on health as you develop your educational plan in your first assessment. You will take this information into consideration when you develop your educational plan in your fourth assessment.
Identify their potential learning needs.
Identify expectations for this educational session and offer suggestions for how the individual or group needs can be met.
Health promotion goals need to be clear, measurable, and appropriate for this activity.

Document Format and Length
Your health promotion plan should be 3-4 pages in length.
Supporting Evidence
Support your health promotion plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources. Cite at least three credible sources published within the past five years, using APA format.
Graded Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Analyze the health concern that is the focus of your health promotion plan.

Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.

Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.

Examine current population health data.
Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.

Explain the importance of establishing agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.

solved PART 1: CORTEZHow does Cortes make himself and the Aztecs

PART 1: CORTEZHow does Cortes make himself and the Aztecs appear in this document and why? Be sure to summarize what Cortes says and use evidence from the document to support your answer. 300 WORDSSource: Cortés, Hernán. Hernán Cortés to Emperor Carlos V., 1522. In Hernán Cortés: Letters from Mexico. Translated and edited by Anthony Pagden, 72-74. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986. The following morning, they came out of the city to greet me with many trumpets and drums, including many persons whom they regard as priests in their temples, dressed in traditional vestments and singing after their fashion, as they do in the temples. With such ceremony they led us into the city and gave us very good quarters, where all those in my company were most comfortable. There they brought us food, though not sufficient. On the road we had come across many of the signs which the natives of that province had warned us about, for we found the highroad closed and another made and some holes, though not many; and some of the streets of the city were barricaded, and there were piles of stones on all the roofs. All this made us more alert and more cautious. There I found several of Mutezuma’s messengers who came and spoke with those who were with me, but to me they said merely that they had come to discover from those others what they had agreed with me, so as to go and inform their master. So after they had spoken with them, they left; and with them went one of the most important of those who had been with me before. During the three days I remained in that city they fed us worse each day, and the lords and principal persons of the city came only rarely to see and speak with me. And being somewhat disturbed by this, my interpreter, who is an Indian woman from Putunchan, which is the great river of which I spoke to Your Majesty in the first letter, was told by another Indian woman and a native of this city that very close by many of Mutezuma’s men were gathered, and that the people of the city had sent away their women and children and all their belongings, and were about to fall on us and kill us all; and that if she wished to escape she should go with her and she would shelter here. All this she told to Gerónimo de Aguilar, an interpreter whom I acquired in Yucatán, of whom I have also written to Your Highness; and he informed me. I then seized one of the natives of this city who was passing by and took him aside secretly and questioned him; and he confirmed what the woman and the natives of Tascalteca had told me. Because of this and because of the signs I had observed, I decided to forestall an attack, and I sent for some of the chiefs of the city, saying that I wished to speak with them. I put them in a room and meanwhile warned our men to be prepared, when a harquebus was fired, to fall on the many Indians who were outside our quarters and on those who were inside. And so it was done, that after I had put the chiefs in the room, I left them bound up and rode away and had the harquebus fired, and we fought so hard that in two hours more than three thousand men were killed. So that Your Majesty should realize how well prepared they were, even before I left my quarters they had occupied all the streets and had placed all their people at the ready, although, as we took them by surprise, they were easy to disperse, especially because I had imprisoned their leaders. I ordered some towers and fortified houses from which they were attacking us to be set on fire. And so I proceeded through the city fighting for five hours or more, leaving our quarters, which were in a strong position, secure. Finally all the people were driven out of the city in many directions, for some five thousand Indians from Tascalteca and another four hundred from Cempoal were assisting me.PART 2: BILL OF RIGHTSWhat is the purpose of the Bill of Rights? Be sure to summarize what the Bill of Rights says and use evidence from the document to support your answer. 300 WORDSThe Preamble to The Bill of RightsCongress of the United Statesbegun and held at the City of New-York, onWednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.Note: The following text is a transcription of the first ten amendments to the Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the “Bill of Rights.”Amendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Amendment IIA well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Amendment IIINo Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.Amendment IVThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.Amendment VNo person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.Amendment VIIn all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.Amendment VIIIn Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.Amendment VIIIExcessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.Amendment IXThe enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.Amendment XThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.PART 3: TITUBAWhy do you think the Puritans of Salem were willing to accept this testimony as truth? Be sure to summarize what Smith says and use evidence from the document to support your answer. 300 WORDS(Examination of Tituba) Page citation: Examination of Tituba (H) Tituba what evil spirit have you familiarity with(T) none (H) why do you hurt these children(T) I do not hurt them (H) who is it then (T) the devil for ought I know (H) did you never see the devil. (T) the devil came to me and bid me serve him (H) who have you seen (T) 4 women sometimes hurt the children (H) who were they? (T) goode Osburn and Sarah good and I doe not know who the other were Sarah good and Osburne would have me hurt the children but I would not shee furder saith there was a tale man of Boston that shee did see (H) when did you see them (T) Last night at Boston (H) what did they say to you they said hurt the children(H) and did you hurt them (T) no there is 4 women and one man they hurt the children and then lay all upon me andthey tell me if I will not hurt the children they will hurt me (H) but did you not hurt them (T) yes, but I will hurt them no more(H) are you not sorry you did hurt them. (T) yes. (H) and why then doe you hurt them(T) they say hurt children or wee will doe worse to you(H) what have you seen a man come to me and say serve me (H) what service (T) hurt the children and last night there was an appearance that said Kill the children and if I would no go on hurting the children they would do worse to me (H) what is this appearance you see (T) sometimes it is like a hog and some times like a great dog this appearance shee saith shee did see 4 times (H) what did it say to you(T) the black dog said serve me but I said I am a fraid he said if I did not he would doe worse to me (H) what did you say to it(T) I will serve you no longer then he said he would hurt me and then he lookes like a man and threatens to hurt me shee said that this man had a yellow bird that keept with him and he told me he had more pretty things that he would give me if I would serve him (H) what were these pretty things (T) he did not show me them (H) what else have you seen (T) two rats, a red rat and a black rat(H) what did they say to you (T) they said serve me (H) when did you see them (T) Last night and they said serve me but shee said I would not(H) what service (T) shee said hurt the children (H) did you not pinch Elizabeth Hubbard this morning (T) the man brought her to me and made me pinch her (H) why did you goe to thomas putnams Last night and hurt his child (T) they pull and hall me and make goe (H) and what would have you doe Kill her with a knif Left. fuller and others said at this time when the child saw these persons and was tormented by them that she did complain of a knif that they would have her cut her head off with a knife (H) how did you go (T) we ride upon stickes and are there presently(H) doe you goe through the trees or over them (T) we see no thing but are there presently (H) why did you not tell your master (T) I was a fraid they said they would cut off my head if I told(H) would not you have hurt others if you could (T) they said they would hurt others but they could not (H) what attendants hath Sarah good (T) a yellow bird and shee would have given me one (H) what meate did she give it (T) it did suck her between her fingers(H) Did not you hurt mr Currins child (T) goode good and goode Osburn told that they did hurt mr Currens child and would have had me hurt him two but I did not (H) what hath Sarah Osburn(T) yesterday shee had a thing with a head like a woman with 2 leggs and wings Abigail williams that lives with her uncle mr Parris said that shee did see this same creature and it turned into the shape of goode osburn(H) what else have you seen with g osburn (T) an other thing hairy it goes upright like a man it hath only 2 leggs(H) did you not see Sarah good upon elisebeth Hubbar last Saturday (T) I did see her set a wolfe upon her to afflict her the persons with this maid did say that shee did complain of a wolf (T) shee furder said that shee saw a cat with good at another time(H) what cloathes doth the man go in (T) he goes in black clouthes a tal man with white hair I thinke (H) how doth the woman go (T) in a white whood and a black whood with a tup knot(H) doe you see who it is that torments these children now(T) yes it is goode good she hurts them in her own shape (H) & who is it that hurts them now(T) I am blind noe I cannot see Salem VillageMarch the 1’t 1691/2 written by Ezekiell CheversSalem Village March the 1’t 1691/2 (Essex County Archives, Salem — Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 6 ) (Tituba Case)

solved Below are two different students that need a peer response

Below are two different students that need a peer response done to there discussion posts Student 1(Kellee): The Jacksonian Era brought many new and evolving political, economic, and social developments. It was a time where certain cities in the United States were becoming more urbanized, and the economy of the northern United States was becoming more market-based. The Missouri Controversy Documents show how the slave debate strengthened the divisions between northern and southern states. President Andrew Jackson’s 1832 message vetoing the Bank of the United States’ rechartering demonstrates how the changing economy affected politics.The “market revolution” marked a time in the history of the United States where its people were moving away from rural, subsistence-agricultural lifestyles and moving towards more urbanized, market-based economies. The change was primarily due to new technological advances, including harnessing steam power to power machines (Kelly Arehart et al., 2018). Cities grew as people came seeking new factory jobs, and with these changes, governments worked to develop town infrastructures to help facilitate new markets. Improving transportation networks was a huge part of these infrastructural developments. The construction of the Erie Canal was one example of an artificial waterway that helped enhance the movement of goods across the eastern and midwestern United States (Kelly Arehart et al., 2018). In Basil Hall’s observations of Rochester, New York, he describes how the cityscape quickly changed because of factories and new construction. He credits “the cheapness of conveyance on the Erie Canal” with the city’s success (83-87).The question of slavery in the United States played a significant role in political and economic divisions between the states in the Jacksonian Era. When settlers in the Missouri territory applied for statehood, southern politicians worried whether or not the new state would or would not be a slave state (Myles Beupre et al., 2018). The concern for both northern and southern states was political power and influence. The first solution to the Missouri Crisis was a proposed phasing out of slavery in the Missouri territory known as the Tallmadge Amendment, in which “all children born within the said state…shall be free at the age of twenty-five years,” but that was not amenable to southern politicians (Wilson 125). The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was the solution. The compromise, oddly, drew a rigid and literal line through the new state and in all of the remaining Louisiana territory (Conference committee, 1820). This act solidified the economic and social divisions between slave and non-slave states. Combined with the tariff of 1828, the issue over a states’ right to nullify federal laws would begin to dominate political debates.The new capitalist economy brought with it a new economic crisis, depressions. The panics of 1819, 1837, and 1857 derived from speculation in land, slaves, and railroad bonds (Kelly Arehart et al., 2018). Americans looked to banks for solutions with little success. President Andrew Jackson saw the Bank of the United States, in particular, as the main culprit behind the Panic of 1819. It seems that, like the Democratic-republicans that came before him, President Jackson mistrusted the federalist concept of a national bank. He felt the bank was not designed to act in the interest of the American people because it catered to foreign investors, and only the richest of Americans benefitted. Moreover, those wealthy, private citizens held a lot of power over a financial institution which was supposed to be a federal construct (Jackson, 1832). It is worth mentioning that although Jackson successfully stopped the rechartering of the bank, this action did not prevent future depressions, but something else came out of it. His assertion that “the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors [privileges of wealth] to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government” supported the basic foundation of the Democratic party (Jackson, 1832)(Myles Beupre et al., 2018).The Jacksonian Era was a time of much change in the United States. First, the country’s economy was becoming more capitalistic and experiencing the negative impacts of depressions. Second, cities were urbanizing, and innovations coupled with the need to move goods led governments to improve town infrastructures. Third, the ongoing human rights issue of slavery was continuing to divide the country politically and economically. President John Quincy Adams felt the Missouri Compromise revealed the faulty logic behind southern slave ideology. He states, “In the abstract they admit that slavery is an evil…But when probed to the quick about it, they show at the bottom of their souls pride and vainglory in their condition of masterdom” (Adams 231-32). And finally, a battle over a bank helped to define the philosophy of the Democratic party.Works CitedBasil Hall, Travels in North America, in the year 1827 and 1828 (Philadelphia: 1829), 83-87.Conference committee report on the Missouri Compromise, March 1, 1820; Joint Committee of Conference on the Missouri Bill, 03/01/1820-03/06/1820; Record Group 128l; Records of Joint Committees of Congress, 1789-1989; National Archives.James D. Richardson, ed., A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1908 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1908), II: 576-591.John Quincy Adams, The Diary of John Quincy Adams, 1794-1845, ed., Allan Nevins (New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1951), 231-32.Kelly Arehart et al., “Market Revolution,” Jane Fiegen Green, ed., in The American Yawp, eds. Joseph Locke and Ben Wright (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018).Lawrence Wilson, ed., The National Register: A weekly paper, containing a series of the important public documents, and the proceedings of Congres…Volume VII (Washington City: 1819), 125.Myles Beupre et al., “Democracy in America,” Jonathan Wilfred Wilson, ed., in The American Yawp, eds. Joseph Locke and Ben Wright (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018). Student 2(Emma): The Jacksonian era was a time of tremendous economic growth, population movement, political change, and social tensions. Social developments during this time were positive for white males with money, but for most others, including women, Native Americans, and African Americans, it was a negative time. Women could not vote and were legally under the control of their husbands. Free blacks, if not completely deprived, were considered second‐class citizens at best, and slavery was growing in the southern states. Additionally, the period saw the resettlement of Native Americans west of the Mississippi River and the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. American politics became in one sense more democratic, in another more restrictive, and, in general, more partisan, and more effectively controlled by national parties. The market revolution transformed American business and global trade. It was a series of gradual transformations that began the process where most Americans no longer lived in the countryside and worked as small farmers or skilled artisan workers but instead lived in cities and worked in factories. A key factor that contributed to this economic shift was technological advancements in modes of transportation.The United States empire at this time had stretched from sea to sea, united by innovations in transportation and communications. These included the railroad, the telegraph, the steamboat, the Erie Canal, the steam-operated printing press, and innovations in papermaking. Steamboats revolutionized transportation in America by allowing easy travel upriver. Their greater speeds allowed more efficient transport of perishable goods. “Robert Fulton launched the first commercially viable steamship in the United States, Clermont, in 1807. Fulton described this first journey; we left the fair city of New York; we passed through the romantic and every-varying scenery of the Highlands; we descried the clustering houses of Albany; we reached its shores —and then, even then, when everything seemed achieved, I was the victim of disappointment. Imagination superseded the influence of fact. It was doubted if it could be done again, or if done; it could be made of any great value” (Fulton, 1807). The completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 had a considerable impact on the West. It encouraged further settlement in the West as it made traveling cheaper and more accessible. “Tom Thumb,” a locomotive designed by inventor Peter Cooper, made its inaugural run between Baltimore and Ellicott Mills on 28 August 1830.” In the beginning, no one dreamed of steam upon the road. Horses were to do the work, and even after the line was completed to Frederick [Maryland], relays of horses trotted the [railroad] cars from place to place… To ride in a railroad car in those days was, literally, to go thundering along, the roll of the wheels on the combined rail of stone and iron being almost deafening” (Latrobe, 1830). Transcontinental Railroad had a negative impact on the Plains Indians. They were forced to move away from the railroad despite it running through Indian Territory. The workers often killed buffalo for meat, and the track itself disrupted the Plains Indians’ buffalo hunting.As the first means of long-distance communication, the telegraph changed the shape of American society. The telegraph expanded and expedited the business possibilities. “Morse petitioned Congress to fund an experimental line from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., arguing that instantaneous communications would improve the commerce, governance, and defense of the nation. He is also remembered for Morse Code, a system of alphabetic transmission using dots and dashes—it is still used by aviators and sailors” (Morse, 1844). These innovations not only raised the standard of living but also fostered the growth of democracy. Improvements in communications resulted in people being less isolated. Cheaper paper, more efficient printing and faster transportation encouraged the escalation of newspapers and magazines. The press, in turn, facilitated the development of nationwide mass political parties. Many newspapers were put out by political parties to voice a point of view than for commercial reasons. Dirty campaigning was common during the era of Jacksonian democracy. Both candidates smeared one another with outlandish charges. One newspaper printed John Quincy Adams claim that “General Jackson had found at an Indian village, with their squaws and children, running about among their huts and determined to exterminate them. Five hundred and fifty-seven were left dead on the Peninsula” (Binns, 1828). “The development of Western lands created new questions for the republic. Robert Hayne, a South Carolinian, claimed against all constitutional precedent that states should have the power to control land within their borders and to “nullify” federal laws that interfered with states’ rights. Daniel Webster, a Massachusetts lawyer, replied, It is, sir, the people’s constitution, the people’s government; made for the people; made by the people, and answerable to the people. The people of the United States have declared that this constitution shall be the supreme law” (Webster, 1830). Jacksonian Democracy’s massive flaw was its blatant racial prejudice. Jackson saw the American Indians as uncivilized and in need of government, help to ensure their prosperity. These beliefs led Andrew Jackson to sign into effect the Indian Removal Act of 1830, displacing all Indians east of the Mississippi River. His policies directly led to the Trail of Tears, in which a quarter of all Cherokees who made the march died before they reached their destination of Oklahoma. The Jacksonian era reshaped the nation in fundamental ways, and Jacksonian democracy represented the best and worst qualities of American society.[WORKS CITED]Albert Bushnell Hart, American History Told by Contemporaries, 4 Vols., National Expansion, 1783-1845 (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931), 561-63.Congressional Debates, 21 Congress, 1 session (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1830), VI, pt. i, 73-80 passim.John Binns, “Some Account of the Bloody Deeds of General Jackson” [“Coffin Handbill”] (Philadelphia: The Democratic Press, 1828).“Robert Fulton to an Unknown Friend,” in Robert Fulton and the “Clermont”: The Authoritative Story of Robert Fulton’s Early Experiments, Persistent Efforts, and Historic Achievements, ed. Alice Crary Sutcliffe (New York: The Century Co., 1909), 202-03. Samuel Irenæus Prime, The Life of Samuel F.B. Morse (New York: D. Appleton, 1875), 495-96. Each student needs a 500-600 response to their post

solved please write feedback for 2 peers’ comparative analysis. I will

please write feedback for 2 peers’ comparative analysis. I will show you the example of this assignment at the end of the instruction. Please read it before working on this assignment and keep the format. In your feedback, answer the following questions in your feedback:1. What expectations do you form about the paper based on the paper’s title? If the paper doesn’t have a title or if the title doesn’t fit the paper’s theme, what suggestions do you have for a title?2. What is the paper’s thesis or main message? Do you get some indication about what the thesis will be from the introduction? 3. Are significant images, descriptions, information, or phrases from the sources used to support and illustrate the writer’s points? If not, where would it be helpful for the writer to include more direct support from the primary source, in the form of quotations or paraphrases?4. What points might the writer develop more fully? What points left you feeling confused or did you have trouble following? 5. What is the most successful aspect of this draft? 6. What final recommendations do you have for this writer?1st peer’s comparative analysis:Never Written for just Children It does not sound unusual when someone says fairy tales are for children. Fairy tales usually have stories where a good main character fights against evil, while involving magical characters, and the good character overcomes their hardship with a happy ending. “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde and “The Little Match-Seller” by Hans Christian Anderson have dark themes, and both have endings in which the main characters die. The stories show that fairy tales can be depressing, yet the audience can still learn from that kind of stories. The authors’ use of conflicts that the main characters have to face, as well as false expectations, and the audiences’ sympathy works together to show that fairy tales are not just for children but also for adults who could have deeper understanding of stories.The nightingale from “The Nightingale and the Rose” got the student a red rose in turn for sacrificing its life, so that the student can learn what true love is and gets to dance with the princess. The student threw the red rose away on a road after getting rejected by the princess and never knew what it cost to get the red rose. The student said “what a silly thing Love is” (Wilde) indicating that the nightingale failed to teach the student what true love is, and the nightingale was not appreciated for what it had done. The little girl from “The Little Match-Seller” is in poverty, and she has to sell matches on the street on a freezing winter night. The text said “for she had sold no matches, and could not take home even a penny of money. Her father would certainly beat her”(Anderson) showing the little girl was in a position where no one was willing to help her even her own father. Also, she could not defend herself from a boy taking one of her shoes as written “one of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it”(Anderson) indicating that she was weak and did not have energy. The conflicts each character faced can happen to many people in real life, and a lot of adults can related to them. Both stories have unexpected endings where the main characters die, and the endings make the audience question themselves if they were in these situations. In “The Nightingale and the Rose”, when the student brings the princess the red rose, the audience probably think that the princess would accept the red rose and go dance with the student because the nightingale gave its life just to get a red rose for the student. However, the princess rejected him and said “I am afraid it will not go with my dress,’ she answered; ‘and, besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers”(Wilde) indicating that the princess was blind to the feeling of the student, and instead chose a person to dance with based on what they had. The little girl from “The Little Match-Seller” saw her grandmother who passed away, and she wished her grandmother would take her to escape from reality. Most of audience would think that the little girl would try to survive in her reality after getting encouraged by seeing her grandmother, but the little girl was taken by her grandmother with relief as it mentioned “she took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God”(Anderson). The stories set up these false expectations based on the norm that fairy tales have happy endings, but these unexpected endings show that fairy tales do not always have happy endings, and instead have deeper meanings that adults could interpret and relate to. The unexpected consequences of the main characters make the audience empathize with the characters. It is easier for the adult audience to put themselves in these situations because they might have experienced similar situations in their actual life. “The Nightingale and the Rose” covers themes of love and sacrifice, materialism, while “The Little Match-Seller” has theme of the cruelty and poverty of reality. Today, everyone has different perspectives about love, but it is true that many people judge others based on their external side. Life is not always easy, and everyone faces hard things they do not want to face but others cannot help them. The student from “The Nightingale and the Rose” mentions true love as following, “’It is not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true.”(Wilde), and “The Little Match-Seller” closes the story with saying “No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on New-year’s day”(Anderson). The adult audience are able to put themselves in the characters’ shoes, and think about what true love is and about why the little girl wanted to go with her grandmother. When people hear “fairy tales”, it is easy to think that the genre is for children. If the audience carefully interpret these fairy tales, “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde and “The Little Match-Seller” by Hans Christian Anderson, succeeded in showing deeper meanings and themes. Both of the stories showed that fairy tales are not just for children, but also for adults by using the conflicts of the main characters, false expectations, and the audience sympathy.2nd peer’s comparative analysis::Imagery and Authors perspectiveHave you ever read two stories and think they are alike? The stories “An Uncomfortable Bed” (Guy de Maupassant), and “The Tell-Tale Heart” (Edgar Allan Poe) share the same concept of mystery but convey the idea differently. For example, in “An Uncomfortable Bed” the girl in the story is paranoid about finding something has happened to her room. The author uses imagery to describe what the women see to put the image in the reader’s head. While “The Tell-Tale Heart” the author is creating the image of the man he killed and has mental deterioration. Both stories follow the same theme but express the theme differently, the author uses imagery to describe the mental deterioration the characters go through in the story while the story is being told by the author.In the first story, the main character/ author has a group of friends and they are going on a trip to go hunting. The author knows their friends and has for a very long time, they are pranksters, and they know that. So, they are preparing for something to happen. While getting ready for bed the author describes everything, they check to make sure their friends didn’t pull some prank on them. According to “An Uncomfortable Bed” the story states “If they were spying on me, as I supposed, they must, while waiting for the success of the joke they had been preparing for me, have been laughing enormously at my terror.” (Guy de Maupassant). The author directly tells us they are going through a mental cycle. Thought the whole story the author uses imagery for the readers to create the image of what the author is going through. The story also states, “ I pulled at the curtains. They seemed to be secure. All the same, there was danger.” (Guy de Maupassant). Reading the story, we can feel the mental deterioration they are feeling. Edgar Allen Poe uses imagery and the point of view from the author to convey the same struggle.In “The Tell-Tale Hart” (Edgar Allan Poe), the story is about the author who has killed a man and is paranoid that people will find out. Throughout the story the author experiences mental deterioration by the way he describes his paranoia, the author uses imagery for the readers to create the image and the distress he is going through. According to “the Tell-Tale Hart” the article states “He had the eye of a vulture – a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold;” (Edgar Allan Poe). The readers visualize what the author is experiencing, this imagery goes on though out the story and it gives us an idea of the mental deterioration the author is having. This is the same as the previous story, both authors are experiencing a mental deterioration and are going through it in their own way. They use descriptive words and imagery to show the readers what they are trying to convey.In both stories, the story is being told from the point of view of the author. The author is both stories experience different situations but kind of have the same mental deterioration. Listening to the story from the author’s point of view helps the readers of each story understand the situation each author is experiencing. This helps the readers create the image while reading the stories. The descriptive words each author uses to create that image of a mental struggle are used though out each story the whole story. According to “An uncomfortable Bed” the story states “I was awakened with a start by the fall of a heavy body tumbling right on top of my own body, and, at the same time, I received on my face, on my neck, and on my chest a burning liquid which made me utter a howl of pain.” (Guy de Maupassant). The readers create this image and understand what the author is going through. According to “The Tell-Tale Hart” the story states “I thought the heart must burst. And now a new anxiety seized me – the sound would be heard by a neighbor!” (Edgar Allen Poe). Both stories do an amazing job of using imagery and the author’s point of view to show the reader the mental deterioration they are experiencing in the story. Both Edgar Allan Poe and Guy De Maupassant did an amazing job of creating the image of mental deterioration through imagery. Writing the story from the author’s point of view helped the readers create the image and put themselves within the story. The stories are very different from one another, yet very similar at the same time. Each author told their own story and conveyed the same ideas using imagery and using their point of view while telling the story. The reader was really able to create the image of mental deterioration while reading the stories. The example:1. What expectations do you form about the paper based on the paper’s title?Super captivating title! I hope to read about if love is worth even throughout the risks. 2. What is the paper’s thesis or main message?In both the crime and romance stories, the authors explore the idea of love versus morals through the use of outer conflicts and character growth, eventually concluding if love is actually worth the risk of pain that comes along with it. Do you get some indication about what the thesis will be from the introduction?Yes, very strong intro with a clear and concise thesis! 3. Are significant images, descriptions, information, or phrases from the sources used to support and illustrate the writer’s points?You sure did add great quotes to help support your claims and also to help the reader understand the two stories that are being compared! 4. What points might the writer develop more fully? What points left you feeling confused or did you have trouble following?To be honest you have a very beautiful rough draft! I would add maybe a few sentences extra to your conclusion just to make it full.5. What is the most successful aspect of this draft?I love how you talk through the characters growth in the stories! Not only really interesting to know as the reader, but adds so much to your claims made in your thesis! 6. What final recommendations do you have for this writer?Great paper! You should have an easy time with your final draft 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

solved Response 2 Joelle Implementation of an Integrated Logistics System Key

Response 2
Implementation of an Integrated Logistics System
Key Concept Explanation
Logistics is arguably the most important aspect of any organization as solid logistical foundations help businesses provide the demanded product or service to the right customer at the right time. Properly implementing and integrating logistical systems into businesses is crucial and should be carefully researched prior to deciding which system would best fit the organization and processes. Increasing and varying consumer demands and global markets add to the complexity of integrated logistics systems and business managers looking to develop efficient and effective processes. “Implementing integrated logistic supportprinciples in supporting such systems improves the organization’sbottom line and reduces the total ownership and life-cycle costs” (CITE). These systems are comprised of resources, networks, products, transportation, and processes that make up supply chains. Implementing integrated logistics systems from the start can be challenging to change already established practices and costly; however, integrating full systems can also provide business managers with the opportunities to create logistical tools from the beginning.
Integrated logistics systems are interesting to me and I would like to further my studies so that I can apply these lessons to my own organization and help increase the efficiency and lean practices in complex supply chains. I am interested in learning how to most effectively adopt and implement these logistical tools into any business.
This supply chain and business model greatly assists managers in organizing and synchronizing all facets of organizations and logistical networks so that customers’ demands can be met. There is much research that supports business advantages in implementing integrated logistics systems and proves that managers should deliberately decide how and which logistical systems they should adopt into their own organizations. “In the contemporary global business markets environment,when the business markets are getting more and more commercial, there
are growing demand for effective management of material flows” (Hart, 2017, p. 298). Technology and automation have drastically assisted supply chain managers in utilizing logistical system software that collects, stores, and analyzes data more efficiently to provide managers with more accurate decision-making data. Automation can assist companies in maximizing practices in many different operations within businesses, from overproduction waste to defects to waste of transportation; mapping tools include production responsiveness approach (PRA) and data dependency diagram (DDD) (Hart, 2017, p. 299). There are many models available to supply chain managers that can analyze these factors of production and support lean production, especially in manufacturing businesses.
Because the manufacturing industry is so complex, there are numerous opportunities for data to be inaccurate. However, the proper utilization of integrated logistics systems and automation technology assist in minimizing inaccurate data and providing business managers with the most accurate information while also synchronizing departments across organizations (Li et al., 2020). Integrated logistics systems are crucial for synchronizing the numerous departments in manufacturing businesses and allowing business managers to maximize efforts in allocating the proper components and resources required for production (Wi?cek et al., 2019). By utilizing these logistical efforts, businesses can decrease costs and increase inventory management operations all while remaining flexible in unpredictable and constantly demanding markets. By business managers incorporating these logistical systems into their organizations, they are increasing competitive advantage and developing their supply chain practices.
Article Summary
The chosen article discusses many advantages of incorporating integrated logistics systems into supply chain networks. It is important that the first steps in doing this consists of making awareness across the organization of implementing these systems as well as prepare for training in applicable departments. It is important for production, manufacturing, and inventory managers especially to have logistics systems training and education so that they are able to assist employees in all functions of software and data collection and analysis; it also contributes to gaining organizational commitment. Technological advances and information technology have greatly contributed to the successes of integrated logistical systems by providing opportunities to reduce waste in cost, time, and labor (Wi?cek et al., 2019, p. 1308). Thankfully, supply chain managers have come together to research and develop intricate and complex systems so that functions and departments can be more organized and synchronized, enabling smoother and more accurate logistical operations.
Logistics hubs are becoming more prevalent in today’s society and should be utilized properly to maximize supply chain efforts across the globe. “Some have developed mathematical models and applied Bender’s decomposition approach to solve the multi-period hub location problem while others have applied a location-allocation model to a regional intermodal goods movement system” (Wi?cek et al., 2019, p. 1315). Business managers have been able to use these logistics hubs and integrated systems to allocate products to their customers more efficiently and effectively.
Supply chain networks and managers have been more apt to integrating these logistical systems into their organizations in order to increase the efficiency and maximize competitive advantage opportunities. Many global industries and businesses have incorporated these integrated logistics systems into their daily practices, especially those in the manufacturing and production operations. Through this development and integration, China has created efficient logistics parks (LP) and distribution centers (DC) that assist businesses in transporting products over various mobility modes and efficiently fulfilling consumers’ demands. They have developed complex computational procedures to analyze the movement of goods from departments within organizations to external businesses over multimodal transportation efforts (Wi?cek et al., 2019, p. 1320). This logistical model developed over the last several decades “can be generalized to solve many logistics location and allocation problems. It can also be extended to other service areas such as integrated healthcare systems that need to consider multiple levels of service over multiple time periods” (Wi?cek et al., 2019, p. 1331). LPs and DCs have become much more efficient in their product visibility as well as their movement operations with these logistical system assets.
Not only is the utilization of integrated logistics systems important for business managers to prioritize; however, it is just as important, if not more important for organizational leadership to incorporate the right fit of logistics practices and have them be managed by the proper employees with adequate training on the systems. If employees or managers are not properly trained in collecting, computing, or analyzing the data, then inaccurate information may be inputted into the system or given to managers when making crucial business decisions. The more education and training on the logistical systems that is provided by companies, the more buy-in organizations will generally have to effectively utilize the software, thus increasing competitive advantage and customer satisfaction.
Annotated Bibliography
Hart, M. (2017). The Design of Integrated Logistics Management System of an Industrial Company. EDP Sciences.
There are many prospective ways in leaning out supply chain operations and incorporating advanced technology in order for them to be more efficient. Markets are extremely competitive and complex and by implementing successful integrated logistics systems, businesses can gain higher satisfaction rates and competitive advantage over others. “The integrated logistics management system of an industrial company should be formed
by the sub-systems of the planning, management and control, the particular functional
areas” (p. 2). The right employees and leadership should be in control of the logistics management systems and discern what supply chain tools should be practiced in order to have the most effective and synchronized organizations.
Li, G., Yang, S., Xu, Z., Wang, J., Ren, Z., & Li, G. (2020). Resource Allocation Methodology Based on Object-oriented Discrete Event Simulation. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 31, 394–405.
Resource allocation is one of the most difficult functions in a businesses’ operations; it consists of complex scheduling, cost analysis, and demand fulfillment needed for successful business practices. As the article depicts, there has been extensive research conducted in order to develop more efficient supply chain systems by reducing bottlenecks and increasing the utilization of production logistics systems (PLS). These value-added processes greatly increase the effectiveness of business operations and help maximize profits. Thankfully, there are numerous developmental tools that assist companies in improving their integrated logistics systems and forecasting product materials that are required for the production of final goods.
Lambert, K. R. (2017). Supporting High-Technology Systems During Periods of Extended Life-
Cycles by Means of Integrated Logistics Support. South African Journal of Industrial
Engineering, 28(1), 125–139.
This article discusses the advantages of integrating logistics systems into organizations and supporting recent technological advancements. It includes a case study that demonstrates how implementing these supply chain practices into businesses can decrease costs associated with life-cycle products and the rapid modernization of technology. Long life cycles are considered to be 40 years or longer and can include product upgrades during this timeframe. “Cannibalization, modification, mothballing,refurbishment, and upgrades will probably be managed successfully. In short, the system’s reliabilityand availability should be significantly improved” There are many functionality or maintenance-induced errors that can be mitigated through the proper implementation of integrated logistics systems.
Lu, H., Li, L., Zhao, X., & Cook, D. (2018). A Model of Integrated Regional Logistics Hub in Supply Chain. Enterprise Information Systems, 12(10), 1308–1335.
With as complex as supply chain networks have developed to be within the last several decades, businesses have needed to implement integrated logistics systems and create multi-echelon and multi-period logistics practices. “The location of logistics facilities at different echelons of a supply chain is identified and the needs for facility expansion or closing during different time periods are determined”. China and other global nations have recognized the need for intense training in logistics systems structures and practices as well as the disseminated responsibilities that must be adhered to in order for the operations to function properly. It is inevitable that companies will fail without proper structure, training, and technology that supports these logistical endeavors.
Wi?cek, D., Wi?cek, D., Kuric, I., Bu?ková, M., & Kraj?ovi?, M. (2019). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Implementing Production Logistics Automation Systems Supported by Computer Simulation Tools. EDP Sciences.
The last three decades have provided exponential advancement in automation technology which has greatly supported logistical operations in successful businesses. This article shows in-depth research conducted on automation logistics systems and complicated mathematical equations that formulate outputs for business managers to utilize in decision-making processes. The automation systems were not beneficial for some businesses to implement in the study due to the complexity of the logistics systems and inability to properly incorporate the practices into the organizations. The case studies in the article showed that overall, automation tools have assisted businesses in increasing their economic competitiveness, especially in the manufacturing industry. 

solved my name is Brenna Norman and I want to become

my name is Brenna Norman and I want to become a nurse by 2025. Your introduction is due on Day 1 (Tuesday). You have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your peers.Discussion ParticipationIf you do not see the “Reply” button, or any responses, you may need to scroll down the page.When you are the first to contribute, you will see only the “Reply” button.Once you have added your initial post or response, choose the “Post Reply” button.If any classmates have posted, you will see their comments, along with the “Reply” button.The “Reply” button – as well as any responses – will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Post Your Introduction/General Education Outcomes [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read The Value of General Education blog post, What Is the Purpose of Taking General Classes for a College Degree?, General Education Requirements: What’s the Point?, and Integrated General Education: A Brief Look Back articles, review the What Is CRAAP? handout, and view the Integrating Research tutorial and Picking Your Topic Is Research! video.Before writing your introduction, review the five learning outcomes for this course:Apply ethical theory and moral reasoning to academic knowledge and societal concerns.Utilize principles of critical thinking in problem-solving.Communicate through investigative research and writing.Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Articulate the responsibility of global citizenship and multicultural understanding with regard to academic and professional pursuits.After reviewing the five learning outcomes, post an introduction in which youIdentify three out of five skills or competencies you have acquired through participation in general education courses that will help you meet your academic and career goals.Describe your three chosen skills and explain which activities, assignments, or courses helped you acquire them.Your initial post is due on Day 1. Respond to at least three of your classmates before Day 7. Use the forum to get acquainted and for ongoing discussions that are not related to class content.Sonja Bethune (she/her/hers)Jul 29, 2021 at 1:55 PMThis is your chance to ask me anything. See the following video for more details.ReplyCindy WelchHello, my name is Megan. I am a wife and a mom of three beautiful children, two girls and one little man. I currently own my own business with one of my best friends; our business specializes in children’s art workshops, exploring different art mediums, and having fun. Plus, I work full-time at a childcare center as an assistant director. I have my AA in Early Childhood Education, and I am on track to graduating in March 2022 with my BA in Early Childhood Education Administration. After finally obtaining my BA in 2022, I would have been attending college (on and off) for 20 years. When answering these questions, I had to think back, seeing as I did my general education courses 18 years ago. Still, luckily, I had to take two general education courses this last year for my university criteria, so I have some recent memory.I look forward to getting to know all of you in the next five weeks.-Utilize principles of critical thinking in problem-solving.All classes helped me gain a sense of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I recently took a conflict resolution course that helped me understand how to analyze an issue and work through it with problem-solving skills. However, other general education courses have prepared me for this, including English, History, and even the sign language courses I took for my general education courses. I will admit in life and the workplace, critical thinking and problem solving are implemented daily, especially when issues arise and need to be thought through and analyzed to make the right decision.-Communicate through investigative research and writing.English courses I’ve taken and communication courses with public speaking have prepared me for investigative research and writing. With my general education English courses, I learned the correct way to investigate and research writing papers, retain APA format, and write an essay correctly. With my public speaking communications course, I analyzed and explored different subjects and discussed them before the class, where I gained confidence in public speaking. After taking this course, I became much more confident in my public speaking and currently speak in front of schools, community events, and other public speaking formats.Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Everything these days is or has some form of technology. While I don’t feel I’m the best at it, by taking the ASH101 course at the start of the University of Arizona global campus, I fully grasped how technology formats work throughout this educational experience University of Arizona Global campus. The technology aspect has changed in the last 18 years, and I find it very helpful compared to taking courses 18 years ago. Having all the information at my fingertips has been lovely in getting research done and wrote papers easier. Plus, all the help from videos and the University home page have helped me gain more knowledge in accomplishing different documents and assignments. Cindy WelchAug 1, 2021 at 2:29 PMWeek 1IntroductionHello class and Dr. Bethune, My name is Cindy Welch, and I am a 57-year-old mother and grandmother. I have been married for 36 years, have a grown son and daughter, and a 6-year-old grandson and 3-year-old granddaughter. I love to travel and hope to do that full-time in ten years when I retire. I have a trip planned to Spain in the spring of 2021 and hope this pandemic settles down once again. I have always worked hard and to counterbalance, travel to rebalance myself. I have an associate degree in nursing that I obtained in 1985. My early nursing career involved working in the ICU, the open-heart recovery unit, the emergency room, and as a trauma flight nurse. In 1991, I met my best friend, a cardiologist, and we started a cardiology practice in 1992. Move forward twenty-seven years and our successful group was acquired by Dignity Health, and I am now director of operations for the cardiovascular service line. With the practice of corporate medicine came the requirement for a higher degree. Thus, I am older than many and have a lot of experience in healthcare management. Honestly, I do not truly understand why I must even participate in the general education capstone when I already had an ADN degree. Still, my advisor simply keeps stating it is required, so here I am. Gaining key professional skills can be influenced by your education and by professional experiences. Returning to college thirty-three years from my first go-around has taught me that the foundation of knowledge gained in education is the basis of decisions made both professionally and personally. The level of expertise acquired correlates with the effort you place in your education. General education cannot provide you with a work ethic, common sense, and a drive to excel. These qualities are inherent within you, taught by your upbringing, a mentor, or desire to do your ultimate best in everything you set out to do. I see a huge shift between the generations where work-life balance is the priority, and a job is no longer a career for many but a steppingstone to the next chapter. I am not necessarily saying this is wrong, but I believe you can have a great work ethic and work-life balance. This is something I strive for every single day. The three skill sets I feel are essential in gaining as part of your general education are utilizing principles of critical thinking in problem-solving, communication through investigative research and writing, and utilizing technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies. Critical thinking is a crucial skill. It has been required in every class I have taken and, more importantly, in my professional role as a director of clinic operations. To problem-solve requires you to assess the situation, identify resources available, strategize a solution, and implement a plan. Communication through research and writing was also needed in every class I have taken over the past 16 months. To compile a research question, understand the data and information pertaining to the question, and then intelligently writing the research in an academic paper is a skill that carries over to the workplace. I have always been a data junkie, but returning to college this time around provided a refresher on presenting a viable argument that is persuasive, which has come in handy on several proposals I have written lately. This skill can get a little rusty if not used frequently and is an enormously powerful tool to have in your skillset. Finally, using technology is necessary for the twenty-first century. It can take a lot of guesswork out of a problem, support your position, guide workflow processes, and saves you valuable time. For example, Grammarly is a lifesaver in writing and improving your writing skillset. Those who choose not to use this free software during their education at UAGC are missing out on valuable tools. Grammarly has demonstrated over and over how to restructure grammar errors to make my writing more concise. Electronic libraries bring the information needed to a student’s fingertips. This is so much easier than thirty years ago when a student had to find sources by hand and photocopy them at ten cents a sheet in the library. I use Microsoft Excel every day to monitor my division’s operations. I use Google docs and Google Chat to communicate with my staff and providers. Use technology to work smarter, not harder. In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, “so often in life things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great good fortune.” Education often is full of impediments, the deadlines, the requirements, the workload, and the time commitment. Over the past 16 months, I have continued to work 50-60 hours a week professionally and an additional 20 hours a week academically. It is exhausting and, right now today, depressing as I would rather rest my mind and body to prepare for my busy upcoming work week. However, the good fortune of education is that I am stronger, wiser, and have a sense of accomplishment. I will graduate with honors, with a 4.0 GPA, and demonstrated to my peers, the staff I lead, and to myself that hard work and perseverance will afford me with a skill set that benefits the patients I care for, the staff I mentor, and the family I love.Hi Class, I am Theresa Osendorf. I am in my mid 50’s and live in the Los Angeles area. I have a husband and two grown daughters that are now out on their own, so basically, I am an empty nester. Besides my family and career, I have three dogs attached to my side all day, every day, as I work full-time remote as a corporate recruiter. To be successful I typically put in about a 60 hour work week so I feel like I have my hand’s full balancing work and school but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. While my role doesn’t require a degree with was a personal choice to show my kids I didn’t quit, I simply had to put them first for a few years. My husband is a police officer and works nights, so being home alone is the perfect time for me to take advantage of the quiet and focus on school. The three skill sets that I feel have been an essential part of my general education are utilizing principles of critical thinking in problem-solving, communicating through investigative research and writing, and utilizing information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.Although I thought I used critical thinking and problem-solving in my career daily, I realize now, I wasn’t. The experience of going back to school and learning how to write a research paper correctly, creating an outline, and writing an essay with an unbiased approach really opened my eyes to what critical thinking is. Using the internet for investigative research has been another skill I have strengthed these past several months. I have a new appreciation for scholarly articles and research that uses credible references. I was challenged in this area initially but now feel more confident with finding my own research and not needing the assistance of the library tutors.Lastly, utilizing information technology skills. The use of the library has been very helpful as well as learning about Grammarly. Grammarly has truly been a lifesaver! One of my biggest fears of returning to school was that I hadn’t written more than a basic email in over 30 years. However, using Grammarly has given me the confidence I needed I now use it at work for anything I turn into a client.

solved I’m working on a Management exercise and need support. The

I’m working on a Management exercise and need support.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate knowledge of management practices that increase efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace through behavior. Using a case study, you will be asked to demonstrate how knowledge management, strategic thinking, and learning organizations impact organizational effectiveness.
Step 1: Carefully read the case study below.
Step 2: Comprise a 12-16 slide presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software (excluding the title page and reference list page) that includes ALL of the following points:

Examine how key managers act to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in an organization, identifying aspects of HOC’s management. Include key facts from the case study.
Examine management of human capital and how it supports strategic thinking (ST) and the learning organization (LO). Apply these concepts to the case study.
Analyze the impact structure and culture have on the creation and maintenance of ST/LO organizations
Formulate an inclusion and relationship-building strategy for managers within the organization.
Taking into consideration what you have learned this term (Organizational Structure, Culture, Behavior, etc.) provide at least three strategies that would help the organization move toward the future.


Read the grading rubric for the assignment!

This assignment requires the use of, at minimum, 7 scholarly references/sources

Follow APA style guidelines to ensure that your final submission includes a Title Page, In-Text Citations, and a Reference List.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In-text citations should be included in the slides and notes, as appropriate, to support your key points and takeaways. ALL in-text citations MUST be included in the reference list
Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. This means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, put a passage from a source document into your own words, and attribute the passage to the source document. Provide the page or paragraph number. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

The presentation must be professional in appearance and include visuals such as tables, graphs, and clipart

The slides should flow and transition in an organized manner with one idea/concept leading to the next
The presentation should begin with an introductory slide that clearly and succinctly explains what you intend to cover in the body of the presentation.
The presentation should end with a conclusion/summary slide that clearly and succinctly explains what you covered in the body of the presentation.
The note page is the accompanying text for each page of the presentation and will be used by the reader in lieu of you verbally presenting the slide presentation.

Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: .
Contractions are not used in business writing, so the expectation is that students do NOT use contractions in the assignment.


Ralph Lorean International (RLI) owner of several house décor and furniture manufacturers recently purchased a controlling interest in a medium-size firm, House of Cloth (HOC), which employs 6,644 people worldwide. HOC has been considered a premier manufacturer of cloth since 1964. Revenues over the last four years have been flat and costs are rising steadily. RLI purchases an interest in the company despite the flat sales because of its reputation and loyal customer base. RLI has a history of turning troubled companies around and they think they can do the same with HOC. RLI has to date allowed HOC to operate independently while they examine closely the causes of the recent poor performance of the company. Areama Cantros, was recently promoted to senior management analyst because of her superb work with Izzy’s Bed Emporium. RLI has decided to send Areama to HOC on a fact-finding mission. She is to discover the challenges facing the management at HOC and make recommendations that will improve and grow significantly HOC’s financial performance. Areama’s, first meeting with HOC’s management team after arriving at their headquarters seemed to go well. The first thing Areama noticed about the team was that while they seemed to be personally different in obvious ways, beneath the surface they were quite alike. Of the seven members who compose the team, three have been with the company since its inception. The remaining four are much younger and came to the company after its international expansion in 2010. Two of the team members have worked with HOC in India and came to headquarters as part of a promotion plan. The other two team members come from Guatemala and Romania where they were employed in local branches of HOC. The team membership is predominately male with only two women. Despite the differences in age, gender, company tenure, and their functional and industry background, the members seem like they are cut from the same cloth in that each is very businesslike, analytical, competitive, and results-driven.In your discussion regarding the company’s expansion five years ago, Henry Smythe, one of the founders, remarked, “The expansion was tough for us because of all the pressure and uncertainty, and to be honest, we really didn’t jell together at first-I thought it was a big mistake to bring new people on board to manage the ship-but now we’re past all that, we’re very cohesive, and we share the same vision of how we do business. This is a good thing because when I retire in a few years, I’ll know the company is in good hands.” Everyone in the room seemed to be a nod in agreement. Another founder, Russell “Rusty” Gee, then looked squarely into Areama’s eyes and added, “I’m not exactly sure what you are doing here, but we have weathered storms together and while I admit the last years haven’t been stellar, I know we can handle things ourselves. This was part of the deal, wasn’t it? We know this place better than anyone, so I can’t imagine we’ll seriously consider any recommendations that will upset the apple cart.” Rusty made the statement in a friendly way with a smile on his face, yet Areama knew he was serious.Although the meeting told Areama many things two things stood out to her as real problems. The first turnover among the creative team associates is high: thirty-five percent each year for the last two years, and thirty percent the year before that. The industry average is twenty percent. HOC’s creative team is integral to its competitive edge in the industry. New patterns, cloth fabrics, and uses are essential to the firm’s livelihood. Although the top management team is aware of the problem, they seem to rationalize it. As “Jamie Wagner, VP of human resources noted, “We hire the best and the brightest, so it’s only natural that they occasionally get poached by other firms. We try our best to keep them, but we haven’t been able to match salaries with our competitors in recent years. Once things turn around the numbers will go down.”Besides the turnover issue, Areama also learned that the company had been sued three times recently. The cases all involved associates who were passed over for a promotion and who claimed the work environment was so filled with stress that it made them ill and unable to work. Areama was aware of the first case because it was highly publicized and HOC was forced to settle the case to get out of the public eye. Afraid of the similar problems with the first case HOC settled both suits out of court quickly and managed to keep them out of the eye of the press. Senior management seemed to be proud of this fact. Before you had a chance to ask Jamie if she thought the suits and turnover may be related, Jamie volunteers the following. “We were really unlucky during this period. We hired three associates who didn’t possess the right capabilities for the job, and each had trouble coping in their own way. Most everyone that comes to our design team at HOC is drawn to our reputation for quality and success. We just have to find a better way of finding people who fit.”Areama’s conversation with the design team members revealed nothing too far out of the industry norm. Workload and time pressure are high, but not atypical. The design teams are put together by fabric use and usually, their members are led by a senior client manager, who has the final design approval. Jamie told Areama that the teams were self-managed but that appeared not to be the case. The senior lead assigned tasks to each associate member during the projects. Because the support staff is reduced team members had to assume a lot of administrative duties. Creative teams have the autonomy to work wherever and whenever they need to. This arrangement gives employees a lot of flexibility and working odd hours in strange locations is not unusual. Areama heard one story that a creative dinner was held in the private room of a local restaurant. The team paid the owner $1,000 to keep the room available to them for as long as they needed it. The team stayed overnight and left just before lunch the next day. While all the members were on board with the idea, one of the female designers had to leave early because of a family obligation. The team produced a successful product for a big client. Bursting with pride over the story the senior manager who revealed the story remarked,” fantastic team-building experience for those that chose to tough it out” and it perfectly reflects the company’s ‘work-hard, play-hard’ mentality’.” Areama, had to wonder if a young woman who had to leave early was now considered “not the right fit”.Areama’s inquiry as to how the design team’s job performance is managed, she learned that towards the end of the calendar year, senior client managers get together and spend an entire day on the evaluation process. The evaluations focus on the extent to which the member contributed to the designs of the team they worked on the previous year. All members are given scores and listed. Using the member’s job performance score, their names are placed in one of three categories. The top ten percent will receive a bonus of up to fifty percent of their base pay and are fast-tracked for senior client managers. The next thirty percent will receive a twenty-five percent bonus and are consider on track for promotion. The last group gets 2-3 percent of their salary as a bonus. The bonus checks are mailed to the members home before the winter holidays to “avoid bad feelings and conflict, that can naturally come about among teams” Jamie remarks.Lunch with the senior client managers told Areama that the subject of turnover and the lawsuits is touchy. One manager said “Around here, you’re rewarded for paying your dues, for doing whatever is thrown your way. Yes, it is demanding, and requires sacrifice, but how else can we find out if people have what it takes? Those of us sitting at this table has been through it and we know it works look how successful we have been. Hires who claim they can’t take it or that it’s abusive just can’t be tolerated.” Areama seemed to notice that all the senior managers seem to male, American, and considerably older than the associates.After lunch, Areama met with a group of associates who seem to shed yet another perspective about life in the design department. As an example, the young associate who left work dinner, Areama couldn’t help but search her out, said, “I learned a lot from dealing with the pressure at the beginning, but the work is non-stop. They say it’s ‘work-hard, play-hard’, but even the play feels like work. The projects are great, but I never really feel like I’m fully involved. I’m always trying to get a chance to be heard.” Another member agreed and added “It’s okay I guess if you get plugged into the right manager from the outset, but I’ve never seemed to gain favor no matter how many hours I work. To top it off, the crazy hours are creating a lot of conflict at home and the strains are adding up.”Source: Adapted from a Case entitled “Managing Commitment in Demanding Jobs” found in “Organizing Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace” by Jason A. Colquitt, Jeffery A. Lepine, Michael J. Wesson McGraw-Hill/Irwin New York NY 10020, 2013. Page 551

solved Part 1 Select a company that conducts international business. Identify

Part 1 Select a company that conducts international business. Identify the company, provide a brief history of the company with a focus on global business interests, explain the current global business activities of the organization, and provide commentary on the operation. Possibilities include Infosys, Nestlé, Wal-Mart, and IKEA. See the Name/Company index in the back of the textbook or search for “Global 500 Fortune Magazine” on the Internet for ideas. Corporate websites and annual reports often contain a plethora of relevant information. Proposal Format Student name: Proposed topic: Description of the topic (3-4 sentences): Description of the relationship between your topic and the core values of community and/or personal development Proposed subtopic 1 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 2 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 3 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 4 and brief description: Proposed subtopic 5 and brief description: (Note: The various subtopics are to be labeled in the paper; this will help keep the paper organized.) Source 1 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 1 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 2 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 2 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 3 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 3 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 4 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 4 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Source 5 Title of article: Date of publication (if available; use n.d. if not available): Source 4 URL (must link directly to the article or show the path): Respond to the following questions: ï‚· Have you used Turnitin for previous class assignments? ï‚· Are you familiar with Saint Leo’s Academic Honesty policy? (If not, see the syllabus.) Part 2 (a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) Mark 15:38 says, “The veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.” Similarly described, in Matthew 27:51, after Jesus’ death, ” And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.” Both authors seem to see the importance of the veil splitting within the sanctuary; however, after the veil splitting, they have different interpretations of the events. Matthew describes how tombs opened, saints were raised from the dead, and they appeared to many within the city. Only after these dramatic events did the centurion and his men declare, “Truly, this was the Son of God! (Matthew 27:54).” Whereas Mark 15:39 says, “When the centurion who stood facing him saw how he breathed his last he said ‘Truly this man was the Son of God!'” While Both books have the centurion claiming the same statement, a significant difference in dramatics seems to draw it. I find the significant difference in events interesting and wonder how they can interpret the events so differently. Portraits of Jesus interpret the differences as “Fulfillment of Jewish hope (30).” Which is the central theme within Matthew using Ezekial 37:13 as a reference to the resurrection “I will open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Isreal.” Despite Matthew using the Old Testament as a reference to interpreting his portrayal of Jesus’ death, I find it bizarre that if those events did happen, they were not described throughout the Bible. Work Cited Imperato, Robert. Portraits of Jesus. 3rd Ed. Hamilton Books, 2020. Senior, Donald et al. The Catholic Study Bible. 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press. 2010. Part 2 (b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) What is Jesus’ attitude towards the Mosaic Law as presented by Matthew (Mt. 5)? Why is this significant? According to Matthew 5, Jesus didn’t come to do away with law, but rather fulfill it. (Donald Senior) It is obvious that he is referring to the entire Old Testament. Yet Jesus explains in Matthew chapters 5-7 (Donald Senior), and explains parts of the law in His “Sermon on the Mount”, to abolish is not the same as to destroy. Matthew 5:17 uses the phrase “the Law of the Prophets”, this gives reason to why this passage cannot be teaching the continuing authority of the law of Moses, but rather refers to a term used by the Jews to the totality of what we know as the Old Testament. (Donald Senior) Jesus calls His people to live at a higher level than the rest of the world. His call brings many other tests along the way for tests always follow the call in order to prepare leaders for the role they are to play. Jesus demonstrated that leadership development begins with shaping the perspective of the normal humor perspective on the whole law, both moral and ceremonial.(Imperato) Works Cited Donald Senior, John J. Collins, and Mary Ann Getty. The Catholic Study Bible. Oxford University Press, n.d. Imperato, Robert. “Potraits of Jesus.” n.d. Part 3(a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) As we talk about the SWOT analysis we can always at least explain what each letter means. S- strengths W- weakness O- opportunity T- Threats/Time Some of the benefits of the SWOT analysis can be very important for the marketing manager to analyze. It first plays as a comprehensive objective towards a goal for the company. Another benefit would be good for information and identifying factors that are present within the company. For example maybe something worked in the passed and the company could use the SWOT analysis to reference from. The ability to improve key goals and factors is another benefit that the SWOT analysis holds, improving annually is a must for companies that little things like these can help a company out tremendously. Some limitations that the SWOT analysis might hold is simple, not all solutions will be solved there might be other weakness that the SWOT analysis can catch. Sometimes all those ideas can be great but what route do you go without wasting time for profit. The SWOT analysis can hold companies back from moving forward when a lot of good ideas are presented. -might hold too many ideas to choose from -might now solve all solutions “Keep in mind that a SWOT analysis only covers issues that can definitely be considered a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. Because of this, it’s difficult to address uncertain or two-sided factors, such as factors that could either be a strength or a weakness or both, with a SWOT analysis ” Reference: Part 3 (B) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) The benefits and limitations of a SWOT analysis for Apple would be to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company. Strength and weaknesses are internal factors, whereas opportunities and threats are external factors. The analysis is a technique for assessing the four aspects of your business. It can also be used to make the most of what you’ve got, to your organization’s best advantage, and can help reduce the chances of failure by understanding what areas you are lacking, and help eliminate hazards that would otherwise catch you unaware. Better still, you can start to craft a strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors and become completely successful in your market. Some strengths for Apple are most valuable brand, globally iconic, top technology, sustainability made through possible through Liam, and expansion in services. Some weaknesses are high price products, limited advertisement & promotion, incompatibility with other software, and allegations of tracking. Some opportunities are lack of green technology, smart wearable technology, deliver self-driving software technology, and Kia motors to build Apple’s driverless car. Some threats are Coronavirus outbreak, bullied by counterfeits, China tariffs, lawsuits, and Mark Zuckerberg criticized monopoly of iPhone’s app store. iPhone app store “blocks innovation, blocks competition,” and “allows Apple to charge monopoly rents.” Apple charges a 30% cut for in-app purchases through its app store. The company is often criticized because a 30% cut is a significant commission for small businesses or app developers. The SWOT analysis of Apple: Edraw Max. Edrawsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Part 4 (a) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) How might the Internet change, if at all, totalitarian governments such as North Korea? The internet is evolving each and every day. Technology, scary as it might seem, is growing at an exponential rate. Sadly, since government is one of the last major institution or sectors to adapt. As the internet (especially social media) continues to develop and become more popular and accessible in restrictive and totalitarian countries, the people in those countries become more connected with the world. In North Korea, the government has done their best to control social media, with only the elite having close to unrestricted access to the world.( But, as more and more technology begins to be available for the lower and middle classes, the common people have a chance at seeing the outside world. This could lead to widespread distrust and could initiate the start of societal and governmental change. Can you think of ways that technology might change the way democracies function? Explain Since the inception of social media, the way any democracy functions has completely changed. There has been no greater tool at the disposal of governments and campaigns than social media. One of the most notorious elections in history, the 2016 presidential election was undoubtedly influenced by social media. The influence of fake news being the highlight. According to data from, nearly 25% of online political interactions spread fake news or false facts. Besides elections, social media has brought real societal change, sometimes quicker than governments can control. At this point, most modern democracies could barely function without the internet and social media. It has been the main source of information and best way of direct communication from people to their governments and vice versa. BBC. (n.d.). BBC Monitoring – Essential Media Insight. BBC News. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Bovet, A., & Makse, H. A. (2019, January 2). Influence of fake news in Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election. Nature News. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from Part 4 (b) Must be between 100-200 words and use websites that are based in the United States) How might the Internet change, if at all, totalitarian governments such as North Korea? The Internet is a way for the world to receive a wealth of knowledge and information all across the world. Since the average North Korean resident does not believe in the concept of internet more than 20 million individuals do not know what they are missing. In North Korea people rely on news only from the same Government propaganda of Kim Jong-Un who has been the supreme leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of workers’ party since 2012. Kim Jong-Un believes having internet exposes pertinent data, and it would pose a massive threats to the country. Having internet in democracies would change the way foreign residents and tourist are able to view all North Korea and the other Democracies have to offer. However, due to the strict nature of the protection of information guidelines and restrictions should be in place such as filtering and censorship to protect data. Can you think of ways that technology might change the way democracies function? Explain. Technology may change the way democracies function, because it would allow finances to flow globally, and positive exposure to the regime. For example, The Olympics was held in Beijing this year during a pandemic; therefore, the internet and being able to watch tv and broadband made it possible for millions of people to enjoy a very important moment in history. References: Williams, M. How the Internet works in North Korea retrieved (Nov 28, 2016) Wild, J. International Business (2020) Pearson NY Unknown – Concerns about democracy in the digital age retrieved (Feb 21, 2020)

solved Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length,

Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. 

Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation.
Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, taking into consideration cultural, racial, ethnic groups, communities, and populations. Caring for a population involves identifying the factors that place the population’s health at risk and developing specific interventions to address those factors. The community/public health nurse uses epidemiology as a tool to customize disease prevention and health promotion strategies disseminated to a specific population. Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that investigates causes of various diseases in a specific population (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).As an advocate and educator, the community/public health nurse is instrumental in providing individuals, groups, and aggregates with the tools that are essential for health promotion and disease prevention. There is a connection between one’s quality of life and their health literacy. Health literacy is related to the knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of one’s condition along with the ability to find resources that will treat, prevent, maintain, or cure their condition. Health literacy is impacted by the individual’s learning style, reading level, and the ability understand and retain the information being provided. The individual’s technology aptitude and proficiency in navigating available resources is an essential component to making informed decisions and to the teaching learning process (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).It is essential to develop trust and rapport with community members to accurately identify health needs and help them adopt health promotion, health maintenance, and disease prevention strategies. Cultural, socio-economical, and educational biases need to be taken into consideration when communicating and developing an individualized treatment and educational plan. Social, economic, cultural, and lifestyle behaviors can have an impact on an individual’s health and the health of a community. These behaviors may pose health risks, which may be mitigated through lifestyle/behaviorally-based education. The environment, housing conditions, employment factors, diet, cultural beliefs, and family/support system structure play a role in a person’s levels of risk and resulting health. Assessment, evaluation, and inclusion of these factors provide a basis for the development of an individualized plan. The health professional may use a genogram or sociogram in this process.What is a genogram? A genogram, similar to a family tree, is used to gather detailed information about the quality of relationships and interactions between family members over generations as opposed to lineage. Gender, family relationships, emotional relationships, lifespan, and genetic predisposition to certain health conditions are components of a genogram. A genogram, for instance, may identify a pattern of martial issues perhaps rooted in anger or explain why a person has green eyes.What is a sociogram? A sociogram helps the health professional to develop a greater understanding of these factors by seeing inter-relationships, social links between people or other entities, as well as patterns to identify vulnerable populations and the flow of information within the community.References
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Lesson 1: Introduction to epidemiology. In Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice (3rd ed.). Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Healthy People 2030. of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations. 

Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan.

Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations. 

Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.
Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health. 

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Your Online ePortfolio
Creating an ePortfolio is not required in the BSN program, but you may find it helpful to create one to attach to your professional resume while job hunting. Online ePortfolios serve two key purposes: 1) to support learning and reflection, and 2) to be used as a showcase tool. Your learning journey can be documented, and ePortfolios contribute to lifelong learning and growth through reflection and sharing. Online ePortfolios can also be shared with employers and peers to present artifacts that demonstrate your accomplishments at Capella.Using ePortfolio to Build Your Career
As you are preparing to tell your story in the professional world, leverage your ePortfolio artifacts to demonstrate the knowledge and competencies you have gained through your program in professional conversations, performance reviews, and interviews. To do that, reflect on the knowledge and skills you have gained from your courses and the elements you have put in your portfolio, along with how you have already applied these things to your professional life or how you might apply them in the future. Next, create your story or talking points to tell your professional story.Privacy Statement
Capella complies with privacy laws designed to protect the privacy of personal information. While you may voluntarily share your own information publicly, you are obligated to protect the personal information of others that may be associated with your academic or professional development. Before sharing information and material in any ePortfolio that is set up to be shared externally to your program at Capella, please consider privacy obligations in relation to protected populations who may be included or referenced in your academic or clinical work. Refer to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) if you have specific questions or concerns about your choices.Note: Assessment 1 must be completed first before you are able to submit Assessment 4.Preparation
The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a hypothetical clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. This assessment is the foundation for the implementation of your health promotion educational plan (Assessment 4).You will need to satisfactorily pass Assessment 1 (Health Promotion Plan) before working on your last assessment (Assessment 4).To prepare for the assessment, consider various health concerns that you would like to be the focus of your plan from the topic list provided, the populations potentially affected by that concern, and hypothetical individuals or groups living in the community. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.For this assessment, you will propose a hypothetical health promotion plan addressing a particular health concern affecting a fictitious individual or group living in the community. The hypothetical individual or group of your choice must be living in the community; not in a hospital, assistant living, nursing home, or other facility. You may choose any health issues from the list provided in the instructions.In the Assessment 4, you will simulate a face-to-face presentation of this plan to the individual or group that you have identified.Please choose one of the topics below:
Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products).
In addition, you are encouraged to:
Complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications simulation.
Review the health promotion plan assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Review the MacLeod article, “Making SMART Goals Smarter.”
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback.Instructions
Health Promotion Plan

Choose a specific health concern as the focus of your hypothetical health promotion plan. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence. 

Teen Pregnancy.
LGBTQIA + Health.
Sudden Infant Death (SID).
Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products).

Describe in detail the characteristics of your chosen hypothetical individual or group for this activity.
Discuss why your chosen population is predisposed to this health concern and why they can benefit from a health promotion educational plan.
Based on the health concern for your hypothetical individual or group, discuss what you would include in the development of a sociogram. Take into consideration possible social, economic, cultural, genetic, and/or lifestyle behaviors that may have an impact on health as you develop your educational plan in your first assessment. You will take this information into consideration when you develop your educational plan in your fourth assessment.
Identify their potential learning needs.
Identify expectations for this educational session and offer suggestions for how the individual or group needs can be met.
Health promotion goals need to be clear, measurable, and appropriate for this activity.
Document Format and Length
Your health promotion plan should be 3-4 pages in length.Supporting Evidence
Support your health promotion plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources. Cite at least three credible sources published within the past five years, using APA format.Graded Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
Analyze the health concern that is the focus of your health promotion plan. 

Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.

Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population. 

Examine current population health data.
Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.