solved Marketing plays a strategic role in healthcare, albeit a largely

Marketing plays a strategic role in healthcare, albeit a largely behind-the-scenes function incorporated in the general management process.  Healthcare is a highly regulated endeavor.  For example in many jurisdictions a certificate of need is required before a new facility can be built or major (capital) equipment purchases can be made.  Being able to secure this permission can rely on the ability to create a compelling rationale for the U.S. health services organization’s status.
This discussion uses the concept of community benefit, the demonstration of which is required to maintain tax exempt status, as the foundation for discussing the role of marketing in supporting the health system mission.  While marketing if often seen as focusing on advertising, it can deliver significant value in a rapidly changing market defined by new laws, unprecedented applications of technology, and increasing patient demands.  Defining the product, price, placement, and promotion – the 4 P’s of marketing – defines the organization to patients, other customers, physicians, nurses, regulators, and the community.  This strategic perspective fosters an approach that integrates marketing principles into emerging imperatives driven by healthcare reform and a changing marketplace.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
Explain the basic principles of marketing and how they relate to healthcare.
Describe marketing of healthcare products and services from ethical and biblical perspectives.
Define the relevance of community benefit and the reasons and requirements for demonstrating its provision as supported by healthcare marketing.

Article: “What are hospital community benefits?”

Website: Fast Facts on US Hospitals
Website: Nonprofit Hospitals  and the Provision of Community Benefits, Introduction and Summary
Article: “New Hospital Community Benefit Briefs: Reporting Requirements and Community Building”
Article: “Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Revocation of Hospital’s State Property Tax Exemption”
Article: “What’s Next for Illinois Non-Profit Hospitals and Their Tax-Exempt Statuses?”

Webpage: Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3) Organizations

Background Information
In the United States, three times as many hospitals operate as non-profit corporations than as for profit corporations.  This reflects the history of US hospitals as charitable institutions, the economics of healthcare in the United States, and the tradition of providing community benefit as part of the healthcare mission.  The concept of community benefit embodies the ethical principle of beneficence.  For healthcare organizations that operate as non-profits, demonstrated community benefit is a requirement of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and state statutes for maintaining a tax-exempt status.
A historic means of demonstrating community benefit has been providing charity and other uncompensated care.  The 2010,Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),  reduced the number of uninsured individuals in the United States and shifted the focus of healthcare toward prevention and population health management.
The ethical dimensions of beneficence, fidelity, autonomy, and justice are as applicable to health services organizations as they are to individuals.  These traits are demonstrated via the creation of community benefit, a central characteristic of all healthcare activities, and a statutory requirement for non-profit institutions.  Marketing provides strategic vision and innovation to the full spectrum of healthcare, helping create and demonstrate community benefit.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read the following resources:
Article: “What are hospital community benefits?” 
Website: Fast Facts on US Hospitals
Website: Nonprofit Hospitals and the Provision of Community Benefits, Introduction and Summary
Article: “New Hospital Community Benefit Briefs: Reporting Requirements and Community Building”
Article: “Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Revocation of Hospital’s State Property Tax Exemption” 
Article: “What’s Next for Illinois Non-Profit Hospitals and Their Tax-Exempt Statuses?” 
Webpage: Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3) Organizations
Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion questions:
What role can healthcare marketing play in developing and documenting community benefit?

What balance can be achieved between the need to increase revenue and the requirement to provide community benefit?
What biblical principles address the concept of community benefit?

solved CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the

CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Balance competing priorities in making decisions for your team that support organizational goalsScenarioThere is no decision that we can make that doesn’t come with some sort of balance or sacrifice.—Simon SinekYou are the brewmaster for the New Hampshire Microbrewery (NHM). Instead of focusing on alcoholic beverages, NHM focuses on the earthy and refreshing tastes of nonalcoholic carbonated beverages such as root beer, birch beer, and ginger beer. The business began in 2015 and is profitable as of last year. NHM has decided to purchase new bottling equipment in order to replace the older machinery it inherited from the previous brewery. Like most decisions, this has the “green light” but is stuck in disagreement—everybody has different priorities! The board of directors wants to ensure that the decision made is highly ethical and takes into consideration the larger question: “What is the right thing to do?” Of course, it is sometimes impossible to make a decision that every stakeholder group thinks is right.The owner knows your level of expertise in business decision-making and has asked you to decide which bottling equipment to purchase; in the short-term, this potentially impacts your team the most. In your decision, you will need to consider your organizational goals as well as the impact on all stakeholders. You’ve already gathered the needed information on the different options for bottling equipment; all that is left is balancing the priorities.DirectionsNew Hampshire Microbrewery’s owner, Eli Hopps, is facing a dilemma and has put the decision making in your hands. He wants you to create a presentation for the stakeholder groups of NHM that outlines both the final decision and how you came to that as the best option.All of the stakeholders think they intuitively understand what’s best for the company. However, you know you need to process the information—both their beliefs and data about the options—more objectively by using a good decision-making framework. Select a decision-making strategy or model and use it as a framework to guide your thought process in approaching the decision. You may use the provided framework or one of your own from the list of strategies.Identify the model.Gather the information.Apply the model to make the best decision.Now that you have your decision, it’s time to think about convincing the stakeholders by making your process transparent. Create a presentation for your decision. A template is provided for you, or you may use one of your own choice.Think about how you will use the information in the slides to communicate your message. Remember all stakeholders will be in the same room, so some people may react positively and others negatively to the same piece of information.Consider how the speaker notes can help you reinforce or support your message or clarify key points.Regardless of people’s individual desires, they always accept decisions firmly rooted in the organization’s goals; thus, explain how your decision furthers NHM’s organizational goals.Specify which goals it upholds.Note any goals it may seem to undercut, and explain your thinking.Because some stakeholders may be slightly disgruntled by the decision you make, it’s important to clearly outline the decision-making process you engaged in to find the optimal choice.Explain why you chose the particular decision-making model you used.Walk through each stage of the process and how you came to each smaller conclusion.Part of a convincing stakeholders is showing them that you have heard their concerns and that you take them seriously. By initially gathering data, you have already done a piece of that. The last piece is to be transparent about the potential impact of the decision for your audience.Specify which stakeholders may be impacted negatively, and speak to what could be done, if anything, to mitigate those consequences.Justify how this decision supports and continues to position NHM as an ethical company.Specify which stakeholders may be impacted negatively, and speak to what could be done, if anything, to mitigate those consequences.Presentation to New Hampshire Microbrewery StakeholdersThis presentation should be 7 to 15 slides in length and should clarify the input you gathered, describe the decision-making process you followed, and present the final decision in a persuasive manner.The template will provide you with the structure to complete this task without focusing on the format of the presentation. Use of this template is optional, and modifications (e.g., color, addition of slides) are welcome.

solved You are invited to attend the Trident Symposium International (TSI),

You are invited to attend the Trident Symposium International (TSI), a meeting for entrepreneurs and marketing execs (also known as MKT501). Use this forum to discuss a product or service you wish to launch. Click the list of recommended products/service areas. It is acceptable to create a small service-oriented business that is unique to your geographic area.During class, you will develop a comprehensive strategic marketing plan; TSI provides a unique opportunity to share with peers and evolve your ideas. While the business you will work with may not be real, the research, application, and competitive analysis used in the class will be.The list is divided into categories that reflect career paths followed by many of Trident’s students. It allows you to pick a product that can work for your future or current profession. If you would like to choose a product or service not listed above, you must receive faculty approval early in week 1. If you did not get approval prior to posting, you may need to redo the work.During this class, you will be working progressively with a product/service of your creation. Prior to selecting a topic and starting on the assignments, you should review the other units. This will help you to select an appropriate product/service with which to work.Be sure to pick a product or service that is ready to market. If you are developing a new product (or service), assume that it is beyond the development phase ready for the marketplace.Customer ProfilingUnderstanding your customer profile is essential to the overall marketing plan. Customer profiles also help with selecting the correct media for the target markets, positioning, and segmentation.WEEK 1 DISCUSSION POSTProvide a brief description of the product/service with which you will work.Visit US Framework and VALSâ„¢ Types and complete the following:Choose three possible profiles for your product’s audiences. NOTE: You can take the VALS survey if you wish.Explain why you are targeting these segments. Provide three possible places to advertise to these audiences.This post should be 2 paragraphs in length (150-200 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.WEEK 1 INTERACTIVE RESPONSES TO CLASSMATES1st Interactive Response:Analyze one student’s analysis of and rationale for product target market profile. Critique the selections.2nd Interactive Response:Analyze another student’s discussion of customer profiling. Share ideas or techniques that can be used in communicating the product message with the target.Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 75 words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say “I agree” or “That is great.” Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use research in your responses, but it is not required.WEEK 2 DISCUSSION POSTSpeaking the Right LanguageGetting the right message out to the right market with the right media needs to be considered in the marketing plan. With so many options available today, the media mix should incorporate traditional and new media.Provide a brief description of your chosen product/service. (This should be used throughout class.)Select a competitor’s product or service and list at least three places where you found it promoted.Discuss how each promotion caught your attention.What made you notice this ad or placement?What type of appeal did the messages use to capture attention?Did you or will you buy the product because of the ad? Explain why or why not.This post should be 2 paragraphs in length (150-200 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format.WEEK 2 INTERACTIVE RESPONSES TO CLASSMATES1st Interactive Response:Select one student’s product and look for it on social media, promotions, special events, television commercials, print ads, or billboards. Assess if the placements and messages are a good fit for the product.2nd Interactive Response:Select another student’s product and share how the messages affect you and why.Each reply should be one paragraph in length (or about 75 words) and must be substantive in nature. Do not simply say “I agree” or “That is great.” Specify why and be detailed in your explanation. You may use research in your responses, but it is not required.In your own words, respond to the discussion and comments of classmates. Grades will be based on effectual, concise, and interactive feedback. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance, since this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered the concepts.Grading Note:

solved Purpose  This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity

Purpose  This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. The assignment has two parts: one focused on information research and analysis, and the other is on applied analytics. Resources: Microsoft Excel® “How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years” from Harvard Business ReviewCall Center Waiting TimePart 1: Globalization and Information Research Context: Companies that perform well in their country of origin usually consider expanding operations in new international markets. Deciding where, how, and when to expand is not an easy task, though. Many issues need to be considered before crafting an expansion strategy and investing significant resources to this end, including: the level of demand to be expected for the company’s products/services presence of local competitors the regulatory, economic, demographic, and political environments Carefully researching and analyzing these and other factors can help mitigate the inherent risk associated with an overseas expansion strategy, thus increasing the likelihood of success. As a data analyst in your company’s business development department, you’ve been tasked with the responsibility of recommending countries for international expansion. You’ll write a report to the company’s executive team with your research, analysis, and recommendations. Instructions: Write a 525-word summary covering the following items: According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflix’s successful international expansion? The article mentions investments in big data and analytics as one of the elements accompanying the second phase of overseas expansion. Why was this investment important? What type of information did Netflix derive from the data collected? According to the article, what is exponential globalization? Not all international expansion strategies are a resounding success, however. Research an article or video that discusses an instance in which an American company’s expansion efforts in another country failed. According to the article/video you selected, what were the main reasons for this failure? Do you agree with this assessment? Explain some of the reasons why certain companies’ expansion plans have failed in the past. Part 2: Hypothesis testing Context: Your organization is evaluating the quality of its call center operations. One of the most important metrics in a call center is Time in Queue (TiQ), which is the time a customer has to wait before he/she is serviced by a Customer Service Representative (CSR). If a customer has to wait for too long, he/she is more likely to get discouraged and hang up. Furthermore, customers who have to wait too long in the queue typically report a negative overall experience with the call. You’ve conducted an exhaustive literature review and found that the average TiQ in your industry is 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Another important metric is Service Time (ST), also known as Handle Time, which is the time a CSR spends servicing the customer. CSR’s with more experience and deeper knowledge tend to resolve customer calls faster. Companies can improve average ST by providing more training to their CSR’s or even by channeling calls according to area of expertise. Last month your company had an average ST of approximately 3.5 minutes (210 seconds). In an effort to improve this metric, the company has implemented a new protocol that channels calls to CSR’s based on area of expertise. The new protocol (PE) is being tested side-by-side with the traditional (PT) protocol. Instructions: Access the Call Center Waiting Time file. Each row in the database corresponds to a different call. The column variables are as follows: ProtocolType: indicates protocol type, either PT or PEQueueTime: Time in Queue, in secondsServiceTime: Service Time, in secondsPerform a experiment of hypothesis to determine whether the average TiQ is lower than the industry standard of 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Use a significance level of α=0.05. Evaluate if the company should allocate more resources to improve its average TiQ. Perform a experiment of hypothesis to determine whether the average ST with service protocol PE is lower than with the PT protocol. Use a significance level of α=0.05. Assess if the new protocol served its purpose. (Hint: this should be a experiment of means for 2 independent groups.) Submit your calculations and a 175-word summary of your conclusions.

solved Case Study: Plant Closing Decision QualSupport Corporation manufactures seats for

Case Study: Plant Closing Decision 
QualSupport Corporation manufactures seats for automobiles, vans, trucks, and various recreational vehicles. The company has a number of plants around the world, including the Denver Cover Plant, which makes seat covers.Ted Vosilo is the plant manager of the Denver Cover Plant but also serves as the regional production manager for the company. His budget as the regional manager is charged to the Denver Cover Plant.Vosilo has just heard that QualSupport has received a bid from an outside vendor to supply the equivalent of the entire annual output of the Denver Cover Plant for $35 million. Vosilo was astonished at the low outside bid because the budget for the Denver Cover Plant’s operating costs for the upcoming year was set at $52 million. If this bid is accepted, the Denver Cover Plant will be closed down.
The budget for Denver Cover’s operating costs for the coming year is presented below.
Denver Cover Plant
Annual Budget for Operating CostsMaterials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000,000Labor:      Direct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,100,000     Supervision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .900,000     Indirect plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,000,00018,000,000Overhead:      Depreciation—equipment. . . . . . . . . . . .3,200,000     Depreciation—building. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,000,000     Pension expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,000,000     Plant manager and staff. . . . . . . . . . . . .800,000     Corporate expenses*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000,000  20,000,000Total budgeted costs $52,000,000
*Fixed corporate expenses allocated to plants and other operating units based on total budgeted wage and salary costs.
Additional facts regarding the plant’s operations are as follows:
Due to Denver Cover’s commitment to use high-quality fabrics in all of its products, the Purchasing Department was instructed to place blanket purchase orders with major suppliers to ensure the receipt of sufficient materials for the coming year. If these orders are canceled as a consequence of the plant closing, termination charges would amount to 20% of the cost of direct materials.
Approximately 400 plant employees will lose their jobs if the plant is closed. This includes all of the direct laborers and supervisors as well as the plumbers, electricians, and other skilled workers classified as indirect plant workers. Some would be able to find new jobs while many others would have difficulty. All employees would have difficulty matching Denver Cover’s base pay of $18.80 per hour, which is the highest in the area. A clause in Denver Cover’s contract with the union may help some employees; the company must provide employment assistance to its former employees for 12 months after a plant closing. The estimated cost to administer this service would be $1.5 million for the year.Some employees would probably choose early retirement because QualSupport has an excellent pension plan. In fact, $3 million of the annual pension expense would continue whether Denver Cover is open or not.Vosilo and his staff would not be affected by the closing of Denver Cover. They would still be responsible for administering three other area plants.If the Denver Cover Plant were closed, the company would realize about $3.2 million salvage value for the equipment and building. If the plant remains open, there are no plans to make any significant investments in new equipment or buildings. The old equipment is adequate and should last indefinitely.Required:Without regard to costs, identify the advantages to QualSupport Corporation of continuing to obtain covers from its own Denver Cover Plant.QualSupport Corporation plans to prepare a financial analysis that will be used in deciding whether or not to close the Denver Cover Plant.
Management has asked you to identify:
Looking at the data you have prepared in requirement 2, should the plant be closed? Show computations and explain your answer.
a.?The annual budgeted costs that are relevant to the decision regarding closing the plant (show the dollar amounts).
b.?The annual budgeted costs that are not relevant to the decision regarding closing the plant and explain why they are not relevant (again show the dollar amounts).
c.?Any nonrecurring costs that would arise due to the closing of the plant, and explain how they would affect the decision (again show any dollar amounts).
Identify any revenues or costs not specifically mentioned in the problem that QualSupport should consider before making a decision.


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.Discuss two challenges and two benefits of building partnerships that involve the local church or other communities of faith Christian faith-based organizations (FBOs) are an essential piece of helping outside resources and skills in collaborating with local churches. However, local churches have different views, compassions, and only look to (FBOs) to help members who have religious affiliations, and denomination which is some of the challenges (FBOs) meet when trying to support local churches. Moreover, it is important for local churches to build partnerships as it creates resources and networks to build Christ-center church community relationships (Ireland, 2017). In addition, partnerships multiply a church’s influence as other organizations can expand assistance needed allowing more to be done collaborating together instead of one church trying to complete a task on its own. Challenges of local churches or other (FBOs) is that values and commitments tend to become conflicts and barriers to faith and health collaborations become complex due to distrust of health agencies, diversity within faith communities, and different goals, agendas, and ideas (Ireland, 2017).Describe two criteria you think are necessary for healthy and effective partnerships that take into consideration the challenges you mentioned. According to the 7 standards of excellence, empowering partnerships is a great way to establish well-built and ongoing relationships. In addition, both partners provide mutual trust and accountability, implement plans, and decisions that primarily focus on those who are in need (“7 standards of excellence,” 2020). Also, the use of honesty, proper risk management, and valued program delivery and support planning all help build healthy and effective partnerships. Furthermore, transparency is very important in a partnership as this allows clear direction, expectations, and honesty to be communicated to build a trusting, successful partnership.Share an example of how you have applied these criteria in your life. I collaborate with many business partners on the job and in order to keep good working relationships, I make sure that I work with integrity and transparency to ensure information is disseminated freely between teams. In addition, I make being transparent the main concern as it makes working with other partners easier and helps avoid hostile, and biased work environments. Moreover, we empower each other by setting goals and planning out projects that we all think will benefit the outcome and create a business process with direction. This allows all parties to have input in the plans and build strong working relationships with our partners.ReferencesIreland, J. M. (Ed.). (2017). For the love of God: Principles and practices of compassion in missions. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. ISBN-13: 9781532616389.…The 7 standards of excellence. (2020, November 24). SOE (Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission). to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved Part 1 – Relationship Advice (max 2 pages) : Select

Part 1 – Relationship Advice (max 2 pages) : Select one of the pieces of “relationship advice” that are showcased throughout the novel. This advice (often quite dated/old fashioned) appears at the beginning of many of the chapters and is sprinkled throughout the book by the various characters. 
Copy that piece of advice, in quotes, into your paper. Include a citation with the page number(s). Begin by demonstrating your understanding of the advice – what exactly is it “advising”? What does the advice mean (no more than 1 paragraph)? Then, by making connections to course content, outline what drew you to that quote and what it says about relationships and/or gender roles past, and how it may continue to permeate gender roles today. Be sure to provide examples from the fiction book (Karma Brown), course textbook, and lectures/extended content to substantiate your critique. Conclude this section by “rewriting” or creating your own modern version of the advice you selected that you would give to a person in an intimate relationship. Provide some justification for your “re-write” by referencing course content about why this advice is better. (Part 1: Max 2 double-spaced pages)
Part 2 – Theme Analysis (max 3 pages) :
Select ONE (1) theme/issue from the list below that plays out in Recipe for a Perfect Wife. Provide your analysis – connecting the analysis of the fiction book theme to course content (slides, external links, and textbook). Remember: this assignment requires that you demonstrate your understanding of course concepts by applying them to the characters (and their experiences) in the fiction novel. 
Choose one theme only for your analysis (not multiple themes) – you do not have enough space to deeply analyze more than one theme.
Here are some suggestions for a theme you might like to write about:

Relationship dynamics and interplay with gender
Sexuality/Relationship (in)fidelity
Marriage/Relationship goals/Becoming a “Mrs.”
Family of Origin and how those experiences impact/influence one’s own relationship
LGBTQ+ (presence/absence)
How the concept of relationship “choices” plays out in this novel
Dating/Cohabiting/Selecting a partner
Inter-partner violence/abuse
Paid Work/Careers/Money & Finances
Relationship Communication/Trust/Honesty/Omissions
Housework/Gardening/Food Preparation
Planning/Not planning for children/Choosing not to have children
Pregnancy/Child Rearing

The following questions are designed to foster some thinking about your analysis.
Please do not treat these as a list of questions to be answered. They are guidelines and prompts to assist with your approach to the analysis.  Remember that the strongest papers are those where the analysis is critical and nuanced (with lots of connections to the course material).

What “relationship” behaviours are people enacting? Societal? Gender? Internal pressures?
Why do people choose relationship behaviours that appear to have a negative impact on their personal and relationship well-being? What factors influence these unexpected/less than desirable outcomes?
What norms (e.g., cultural, gendered) influence how intimate partners “make choices”?
How do people find ways to push back or get around socially expected norms for their gender/relationships?
What are the consequences of certain choices (both positive and negative)?
How can interpersonal relationship interactions be influenced by positive and/or negative behaviours? 

Part 3 -Your personal take-away/reflection (max 1 page) (worth 20/100): This book provides a challenging narrative through which to consider your own ideas and aspirations for your relational well-being — past, present, and future. This fiction book is also strongly based on white, middle-class, Western, cis-gender, heterosexual, and monogamous norms about what a coupled relationship should entail. 
Viewing this book through your own lens of experiences (e.g., your family of origin and those relationships you have witnessed/experienced, culture, race, religion, sexuality, other social locations, etc.) and any new knowledge acquired through this course and all its content, provide a one-page personal reflection (with citations to course content) on what you have learned from this course (so far). 
Some questions you may want to consider as you write and reflect:

What lessons have you learned? 
What has changed in your thinking about relationships?
What relational messaging have you received that you are now questioning and/or realize have merit?
What new goals do you have for a current or future relationship that have been influenced by this book and the accompanying course content?

solved Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.Professional Context
Many organizations work to better local and global communities’ quality of life and promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations. As change agents, nurses must be aware of factors that impact the organization and the services that it offers. Familiarity with these organizations enables the nurse to offer assistance as a volunteer and source of referral.This assessment provides an opportunity for you gain insight into the mission, vision, and operations of a community services organization. Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations. 

Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.

Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations. 

Explain how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.

Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes. 

Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s provision of services.

Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions. 

Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within a community.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health. 

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

You are interested in expanding your role as a nurse and are considering working in an area where you can help to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within the local or global community. You are aware of several nonprofit organizations and government agencies whose work contributes to this effort in some way. You have particular interest in one of these organizations but would like to know more about its contributions to public health and safety improvements. You would like to report the results of your research in a scholarly paper that you could submit for publication.Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.Choose the organization or agency you are most interested in researching:
American Red Cross.
Habitat for Humanity.
United Way.
Doctors Without Borders.
The Salvation Army.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
National Center for Transgender Equality.
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders.
Equal Justice Initiative.
National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Urban Triage.
World Health Organization.
The Arc: For People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Alliance for Retired Americans.
Futures Without Violence.
Blue Campaign: What Is Human Trafficking?
Covenant House.
Cultural Survival.

solved Your term paper topic is “Mass Incarceration”Assume the following: 1)

Your term paper topic is “Mass Incarceration”Assume the following: 1) you have been hired as a criminal justice expert by the Justice Department; 2) The Justice department would like you to research and report on the Causes of Mass Incarceration 3) Discuss the impact of Mass incarceration on the criminal justice system 4) Discuss the impact of Mass incarceration on minorities and marginal offenders 5) Explain whether mass incarceration can be avoided 6) You have until May 5, 2021 to submit your report to this authority. Please keep in mind that your report for must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the issues, and your familiarity with various viewpoints criminological literature and crime statistics. You may NOT write a term paper about any other topic. THIS IS A DIFFICULT ASSIGNMENT. BEGIN YOUR WORK NOW!!! This assignment is designed to teach students how to think and write like professionals. The Term Paper a/k/a “report” must meet the following MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. The term paper must be at least 12 pages in length. The term paper length does not include the title page, table of contents page, or reference page. 2. The term paper must have a title page The title page must have the title of the term paper, the student’s name, the student’s address, and the name of the course. 3. The term paper must have a table of contents. The table of contents must indicate the pages on which each portion or section of the paper begins. This will look like the table of contents of a book. 4. The term paper MAY have a “statement of the problem.” The statement of the problem identifies the topic discussed and the issues pertaining thereto. For purposes of this term paper, it is a one or two paragraph long discussion of the topic and identification of major issues relating to the topic. 5. The “statement of the problem” section of the term paper might identify many issues relating to the topic. However, after the “statement of the problem” section, discuss only one or two of the major issues you identified. 6. The term paper MAY have a recommendation section. It should briefly summarize the issues raised in the term paper, discuss your recommendations, and note how your recommendations are or are not supported by the facts and expert opinion to which you refer in your paper. 7. There must be a reference section of the term paper, using the APA citation format. If you do not know what the APA citation format is, then look at your textbooks and see how these authors cite the works on which they relied to write their documents. If you still are confused, visit the library and ask a reference librarian to show you an APA citation style document. 8. The term paper must rely upon relevant facts and expert opinion. The term paper must cite at least five peer-reviewed journal articles and scholarly books. THIS MEANS – DO NOT CITE NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE ARTICLES!!! The APA citation format must be used. 9. The only references you may cite are peer-reviewed, professional journal articles (e.g., articles published in Crime and Delinquency, Police Quarterly, Social Problems, American Psychological Review), law review articles, scholarly books, federal and state case law (i.e., appellate court decisions), state or federal statutes (including references to their legislative history), and government publications (e.g., Uniform Crime Reports, National Institute of Justice publications, U.S. Census data). 10. The references cited must be books or scholarly journals published between 2014 and 2021 and at least one published between 2019 and 2021.11. Each section of the term paper must have a separate heading and same must correspond to the page numbers noted on the Table of Contents. Placing a heading at the beginning of each section of the paper makes the discussion in the paper easier to follow. Headings also improve the paper’s visual presentation. Generally the paper should also meet the following criteria: 1. Central idea clearly stated in the introduction., 2. Adequate examples and evidence to support and develop the ideas., 3. Logical organization, 4. Clear method of development., 5. Unified and coherent paragraphs with smooth and functional transitions, 6. Use of details and specific language, 7. Accuracy, coherence and logic, 8. Consistency in tone, point of view, tense and diction, 9. Variety of sentence structure, 10. Effective and mature vocabulary, 11. Readable style. 12. The term paper must use the proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If a direct quotation is more than two lines long, make certain you single space and indent it. 13. Points will be subtracted for all technical flaws in the term paper.

solved Read: A cross-level investigation of informal field-based learning and performance

Read: A cross-level investigation of informal field-based learning and performance improvements.pdf
After reading the Wolfson, Tannenbaum, Mathieu, and Maynard article on performance improvement (2018), identify three (3) findings that you find relevant in your findings and how they may be applicable to your organization.

Provide your evaluation of the quality and validity of their findings and its applicability in your organization. 
Were there areas for improvement in their conclusions? 
Why might this not work in your organization?
Identify three findings that you find relevant in the findings and how they may be applicable to your organization.

Student 1 (Dyesha)
A cross-level investigation of informal field-based learning and performance improvements talks about different learning styles in comparison to informal learning. Informal learning has become a more popular trend that has evolved in present day’s society. The findings in this article support the theory of differential correlations between various learning styles and informal learning outcomes. My opinion, informal learning is a necessity for organizations because it allows more engagement with employees. When trainings are constantly forced upon employees, it becomes more of a burden than an enjoyable learning experience because it takes away initiative. Employees’ motivation to interact in any training or learning activity can rely on how employers provide access to information pertaining to the success of the organization. If employees see their employer is motivated, they’re more likely to be motivated themselves. Being a Probation Officer, informal field based learning may not always be the best for us because we have to follow state mandate and laws. We may feel, at times, there are things we want to do to improve performance but it may not be supported by state officials.
The 3 findings that are relevant and may be applicable to my organization are:
1. Formal training and development: Because we are law enforcement, there are certain policies and procedure we must follow by the book. Deviating from this can actually lead to lawsuits being filed against us and/or being reprimanded, even terminated.
2. On-the-job training: There are specific programs and systems we used to look up criminal background records, driving records, charges from other states and counties, etc. Because of the sensitivity of this information, we have codes and passwords we have to use. This can only be done in the office, after the proper clearance and certification is obtained. Thus, only being done while on the job.
3. Continuous learning: We are presented with new changes constantly, which means we are always learning something new. What we learned 5 years ago may not be the same today, therefore our behavior and the way we approach situations must be adjusted to the new skills and knowledge gained.
Student 2 (Sofia)
The article engages in a very holistic and comprehensive discourse on how organizations should take deliberate steps and strategies towards improving their general performance. One conclusion that the three scholars make is that organizations ought to leverage on informal learning and training of their employees. The benefit in such a measure is that it allows all the employees to get some level of self-initiative rather than having to wait for their employers to sponsor for their training (Wolfson, Tannenbaum, Mathieu & Maynard, 2018). The second finding is that employees should be re-oriented in their particular portfolios to ensure that they can adapt to different situations in the workplace. Finally, the three researchers conclude that performance should be pegged on consistency rather than meteoric rise.
The conclusions that were arrived at by the three scholars are quite legitimate and based on empirical thought. Since diversity and complexity have increasingly become key elements of today’s work ecosystems, it the means that employees need to learn about adaptability in such scenarios (Lindberg, Tan, Yan & Starfelt, 2015). This assertion or claim requires employees never to be static in their profession to maintain a learning mindset for them to progress well. The best conclusion that can work in my organization is that of encouraging informal learning on all employees. This undertaking will help all our employees to become creative in their special ways instead of just sitting back waiting for formal training that is sanctioned by the organization. However, the conclusion that performance should only be pegged on consistency may be hard to attain in my organization whereby evaluation is done based on short to middle term achievements.