solved please reply to each Mycha: Hello All, CMS Quality Measures

please reply to each 
Hello All,
CMS Quality Measures are designed to ensure that high-quality healthcare and best practices are adhered to across participating healthcare systems.  As discussed by CMS (2020), “Data on quality measures are collected or reported in a variety of ways, such as claims, assessment instruments, chart abstraction and registries” (para. 1). In hospital systems, electronic specifications gather information from the Electronic Health Record systems. E-specifications are a relatively easy method of obtaining information once proper coding systems are in place. More difficult measures to obtain are gathering information from patients and families related to their outcomes and patient satisfaction.  As discussed by (Deshpande & Schellhase (2015):

To make patient safety metrics and their presentation more meaningful, cross-sector input from patients, families, providers, and payers should be actively sought.  Patient-reported outcome measures may prove better metrics for patient safety and quality than any currently in use. (p. 295)

Measures related to outcomes and patient satisfaction are likely more difficult to attain due to stakeholders’ information regarding these measures is not captured within the EHR system.
CMS. (2020, February 11). Quality Measures.
CMS. (2020, February 11). Electronic specifications for clinical quality measures.
Deshpande, J.K., Green, A. & Schellhase, D.E. Measuring What Really Matters in Patient Safety. Curr Treat Options Peds 1, 286–297 (2015).
The CMS Quality Measures Inventory compiles data for a number of specific conditions provided in a variety patient care settings (  The measures address outpatient, inpatient and private office practices for specific conditions with data submission standards developed with the National Quality Forum (NQF). There are different aspects to consider for the ease or difficulty in collection of data for the quality measures.
The easiest data to collect is the concrete data such as length of admission for a specific disease process, particularly since this can easily be generated by the EHR. Data is more easily collected in an inpatient or outpatient setting of a healthcare institution secondary to available resources for data collection.
Data based upon patient actions can be more difficult to collect particularly if subjective such as perceived functional improvement post laminectomy or mental health screenings. Additionally, small private offices may lack the resources to generate electronic data or to send the quality measures data to the program. Quality measures based in these areas are more difficult to collect and the validity of the subjective data needs to be considered. 
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (n.d.) Core Measures.…
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) core measures are designed to guide healthcare facilities and assure due diligence is done on behalf of the patient. Health care facilities that are in compliance with the CMS measures are provided funds for services rendered. While healthcare facilities not in compliance due to not receive funds for services rendered. The easiest compliance measure to collect is hospital readmissions. When it comes to patient discharges and readmission there is very little gray area. Patient readmittance can either be scheduled or not. Verifying as to why the patient was readmitted is more difficult and challenging. The most difficult standard to collect is admitting time for ED patients. In El Paso facilities it is not uncommon to admit non-citizen patients for emergency services.

Unfortunately when non-citizens are brought from border patrol services often the process is not entirely medical. Often admittance depends on Border patrol providing a sitter or guardian to oversee and watch the patient as well as a translator. These additional steps can often impede physicians from directly admitting a patient until service is verified with border patrol. Often the collection of numerical data is the easiest to collect however when admissions are based a multiple factors beyond simple acuity of illness, Numerical data can often be misleading or inaccurate.
The CMS Measure Inventory Tool (CMIT)  retrieved August 7th, 2019  from

solved This week, we’ve been exploring big questions such as: What

This week, we’ve been exploring big questions such as: What is art? Who makes art and why?  As we begin answering these questions, you may find that the definition of art feels subjective. You may be wondering if it’s the artist that matters, the idea, or the finished artwork. Perhaps you are also wondering why some art becomes wildly famous and incredibly well-known while other works of art deemed less important.
For this discussion, consider what you know about art and how this week’s introduction has shaped your awareness of art. First, recall a previous experience you have had with a work of art. What was your reaction like to that work of art? Did you understand the work of art’s meaning? Did you perhaps question why it was considered art, or whether it was controversial at all?
Please post an image (EMBED the image) of the work of art you are referencing from a google search. Give the name of the artist (if known) and/or the title of the artwork, and the context in which you viewed the art (in a Museum, a place, a public area, etc).
Lastly, consider any lingering thoughts you may have about meaning in art or what is considered art.  Please post at least one further question about art that you hope to have answered in this course (or at least explore more).
This is a fairly open-ended question to get us thinking about the definitions of art, what we collectively have experienced, and what we would like to know more about. Discussions will be graded on whether you successfully and thoroughly addressed the issues/questions above, took your time to write a thoughtful response, checked for basic grammar and spelling. View the attached RUBRIC for more information on how you’ll be graded. I’m not going to mark you down for occasional errors, but if your post is difficult to read due to incorrect grammar/spelling you might lose points). Length is not as important as quality, but as a general guideline you’ll want to post somewhere between 200-400 words. Please write all of your discussion responses in prose (i.e., full sentences, complete paragraphs) rather than bulleted lists. Please no informal language or abbreviations (lol etc not encouraged).

1. An experience i’ve had with art is during the time that I had went to Paris and got the chance to see the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci, in person. I remember going to The Louvre, the museum where the painting is kept, and seeing the infamous art piece. When I first laid my eyes on the painting I was shocked to see how small it was. I was expecting a big grand canvas that scaled half the wall, but I was met with a little painting that was the size of a medium dog. Not only was I shocked by the size but also the dull color ways of the painting. In person the painting was more morbid and greyish than what I was expecting. When I was looking at the painting I was thinking, what made this painting so special? Why is this average looking painting known as the infamous art piece in the world? I didn’t quite understand the meaning or why it was so well known. To me, all I saw was a dull painting of an uncontent women. With the help of the first readings, I began to point out minor significances behind the painting like class, wealth and realism.

2. To begin with, I know very little about art. I like making art, but don’t what to look for or how to appreciate others work properly. Don’t get me wrong I like others work but it is more in the sense of whether I like it or don’t. There is nothing that supports it. Which is why I gave a deeper look into the art piece,”The Creation of Adam.” It is an art piece that is referenced in movies and even some get it tatted on themselves. Which had me curious. When I first saw that work of art I questioned it. I’m not well educated on religion so my first question was, “who are they?” I defiantly did not understand anything about the piece, even now, when I come back around and see the piece again I still don’t know fully. I keep coming back and more question arise. “The Creation of Adam” is a piece that has a lot of context in order to understand the painting. Most of being religious which I now very little about. Which is why a have more question, I learn more about the painting and religion.What I like about the piece is the more you look at it and pay attention to detail the more you see. And more question you have. For example under Adam, which looks beneath the ground it looks like an arm. Who’s arms is it? what is it holding? Without a doubt I see this art. not only because it is made with oil paints but also the attention to detail and the different reactions and ideas and may cast on the viewer.

solved “There are different types of quantitative research designs that justify

“There are different types of quantitative research designs that justify or support themselves in nursing research. Choose one quantitative type design and identify a major advantage and a major disadvantage of this design. Give an example how this quantitative research design could be used in nursing practice to solve a clinical problem ”
1. Hello Class,
Quantitive  designs is used to explore the relationships among variables are classified into experimental or non-experimental. Experimental design is meant to explain casualties. While, non-experimental is used to describe relationship among variables.
In the case of cross-sectional, it is a non-experimental design where researcher use data from groups at a signal point in time. Using this design can help guide researchers into the speculation of the correlation and relationships of variables designated to the study. In terms of advantages to this design, cross-sectional design is more economical and easy to manage compared to to other designs. This is due to date being collected at a signle point in time for each realted subject of the design. On the other hand, a disadvantage is that it becomes increasingly difficult to make claims of correlation and cause and effect between subjects. This is because researchers can only collect data and can’t manipulate the variables to prove cause and effect.
One example of cross sectional study in the work setting was a study done on evidence based practice nursing in a hospital setting. This was done to properly implement evidence based practice into the work setting. The two subjects “showed that  Nurses’  evidence based practice beliefs scores were higher than their  evidence based practice implementation scores”. In terms, this study shows the mis-implication of the evidence practice system. As believing in the EBP is very different from implementation. The study let the hospital know and recognize this clinical problem and to follow up will make changes to implement more of evidence based practice within their organization.
A Cross-sectional Study on Evidence-Based Nursing Practice in the Contemporary Hospital Setting: Implications for Nurses in Professional Development. (2017). Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 33(2). doi:10.1097/nnd.0000000000000346
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2022). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Hi Class, 
This week we are discussing quantitative research designs and their importance in nursing research. One type of quantitative design that I think can help with understanding one major issue in healthcare is the causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research model. In this design type, a cause and effect correlation is trying to be established between certain factors (“Research Guides: Systematic Reviews in the Health Sciences: Types of Research within Qualitative and Quantitative,” 2021). This type of research relies on observing natural relationships in order to gain insight in their relationships. One of the major benefits of this research is that since these relationships are naturally occurring, there is not a lot of need for outside manipulation to gain results. Alternatively, one major downside of this type of research is that since naturally occurring relationships are needed, researchers have to find these variables in real life as opposed to being able to manufacture a scenario to observe. One issue in healthcare that might benefit from being studied under this model is the correlation between the wellbeing of nurses and the quality of the care that they provide. There is constant research being conducted regarding the welfare of healthcare workers and optimal working conditions, and one aspect that comes up repeatedly is the effect that poor mental and physical health and subpar working conditions have on patient outcomes. It has been suggested that nurses who are happier and feeling healthy and rested are able to provide better patient care leading to fewer return infections and larger discharge percentages, whereas nurses who were feeling burned out were less likely to provide quality care and thus risked the welfare of their patients. 
Research Guides: Systematic Reviews in the Health Sciences: Types of Research within Qualitative and Quantitative. (2021). Retrieved September 6, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)
Stress, Fatigue, and Burnout in Nursing. (2019, March 1). Retrieved September 6, 2021, from

solved Company Description and SWOT AnalysisOverviewIn this first course assignment, you

Company Description and SWOT AnalysisOverviewIn this first course assignment, you will create a description of your selected company and a SWOT matrix that includes trends, strategic positioning, distribution channels, and risks. You’ve already begun this assignment in your discussions.In the Week 1 discussion, you chose a company (whether your own or the snack food company scenario) and created a description and mission statement for it. In this assignment, you will need to revise your selected company’s description and mission statement based on the feedback you received in the discussion thread. You will also include a brief narrative that provides the rationale for including each component of the mission statement.Likewise, in the Week 2 discussion, you began work on your SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) matrix. Your task in this assignment is to revise your SWOT matrix based on the feedback you received in the discussion thread. You will also summarize the key learnings from your SWOT matrix.Reminders and NotesBefore beginning this assignment, you may find it helpful to review textbook Chapter 3, “Making Your Plan Compelling.” This chapter provides useful information about how to organize the information in your business plan.Your chosen company will operate in a 100-mile radius from your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.Be sure to follow the guidelines whether you are using the snack food company or the company of your choice. Snack Food Company Guidelines [DOCX].Company of Your Choice Guidelines [DOCX].I have uploaded copies of assignment 1 and 2 and the professor responses.RequirementsThe specific requirements for this assignment are to write a 3–5 page paper in which you:Describe the product or service on which the company is focusing, including the company’s name and its significance.Revise the company’s mission statement based on feedback received in the Week 1 discussion thread, including the rationale for each component of the mission statement. Place the mission statement within quotation marks.Use the Mission Statement Worksheet on pages 72–73 of your textbook as a guide.Describe the trends in your specific industry, focusing on your particular type of product or service. Research and outline industry trends. Be sure to consider the size and growth rate for the overall industry and for the specific product or service on which you are focusing.Search the Strayer Library, industry associations, and reliable websites for recent data.Select the strategic position from the course text (pages 146–147) that you believe is the best one for your chosen company and explain how you will implement it to distinguish your product or service from the competition. Consult Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment” of your text for help in crafting this portion of your business plan.Describe the company’s distribution channels and provide the rationale for your selection. Sample questions to ask when choosing distribution channels: Will you sell your product in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues?Will you sell your product online or as a subscription?Where will the service be offered?Revise your selected company’s SWOT matrix based on feedback from the Week 2 discussion thread and summarize the key learnings from your matrix. Be sure to use the SWOT Matrix [DOCX](table) when revising your SWOT matrix.FormattingFormat your assignment according to these requirements:This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. You may single-space the information included in the SWOT Matrix.You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.Include a source list page. Citations and references must follow Strayer Writing Standards format. All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. The source list page is not included in the required page length. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment.Learning OutcomesThe specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Develop a company overview and SWOT analysis that include trends, strategic positioning, distribution channels, and risks.

solved A two-part discussion essayPart I: Film analysis. Write a well-developed

A two-part discussion essayPart I: Film analysis. Write a well-developed short essay in which you analyze one important theme, or one central idea from “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny, Act I and III,” or the podcast “1898 and Becoming America.” Describe that issuein detail. Make connections to our lecture materials and readings (and to provide further context).Clipped below are some of the themes this film deals withThe role of violence; How U.S. policymakers at the time rationalize the contradiction between empire and democracy; US economic collapse, expansion, and subsequent search for new “frontiers”; Alfred Thayer Mahan and the expansion of U.S. political and military power abroad; Cuban Independence movement, the role of the U.S. media and U.S. imperialism in Cuba and Puerto Rico; the Panama canal, expansion of U.S. economic and military power and the Sea Lanes of Communication and Transportation (SLOCTs); U.S. Domestic politics and imperialism; “Benevolent Assimilation”, Ideology, Race, Christianity and U.S. colonization of the Philippines (and consequences on Filipinos)Length of Part I: at least one well developed paragraph with specific examples.——————————————————————–Part II: Document/Primary Source Analysis. Write a well-developed essay in which you analyze ONE of the following primary sources or discuss the scholarly contributions of one of the following scholarly articles or podcasts:*Frederick Jackson Turner “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” (1893, Primary Source in Canvas) See films, lecture notes & “American Yawp” for context*Podcast “Constitutional”, episode “Ancestry (Links to an external site.),” on 1879 Court Case, Chief Standing Bear and the status of Native Peoples under the U.S. Constitution*Podcast “Constitutional,” episode “Nationality (Links to an external site.),” on 1898 Supreme Court case: are Asian Americans citizens?*The Platt Amendment, 1901 (Primary source in Canvas- U.S. & Cuba); (text, lectures, films for context)*Visual Primary Source: “School Begins (Links to an external site.),” by Puck, 1/25/1899 and one other political cartoon from my Powerpoint on Imperial Expansion Part III. See my articles & our readings & films for context*Statements of U.S. Foreign Policy: “The Monroe Doctrine,” and “The Roosevelt Corollary” (both, these are short primary sources in Wood & Alexander pp. 239-241; see my articles for context)*“Visual Source: Barbershop” (Wood & Alexander pp. 156-157 & PPT) and one other political cartoon from my Powerpoint on Imperial Expansion Part III. See my articles and readings for context*OR recommended Podcasts: “Saving a Language You’re Learning to Speak (Links to an external site.),” by NPR’s Code Switch, about how the Hawaiian language almost went extinct and Hawaiians’ efforts to rescue it*or Podcast “There Will be Bananas (Links to an external site.),” by NPR’s Throughline. US Railroad & Banana co’s & Empire”*or “To the Person Sitting in Darkness (Links to an external site.),” Mark Twain, 1901 (Primary source, satirical critique of US Imperialism)Address the following for the primary source you’re analyzing or the article/podcast you’re discussing:a) Provide historical context from our lectures, films, and articles. Tell us the history behind the primary source or document- what is going on in the region at the time this primary source is produced? If it is a scholarly article or podcast, discuss the historical context that your article/podcast deals with.b) Tell us all about the document that you’re discussing. Is it a primary source (eyewitness account), or a secondary source (scholarly article)? If yours is a primary source, tell us: who wrote or produced it? to whom? when? why? what was its purpose? If it is a scholarly article or podcast, discuss all of the contributions of this article or podcast to our understanding of this topic and time period (give us specific examples).c) Analyze the primary source and/or discuss the specific contributions your scholarly article or podcast makes to our understanding of the transformations of the AmericasLength of Part II: two well developed paragraphs for this partLength of the whole essay (both parts): at least three well developed paragraphsSubmit and Label each part of the essayFormat/Works cited. Because you’re using our films, our books and our documents, just cite which ones you’re using: which film; which book (page number); and which document (which book and what page). No need for a separate ‘works cited’ page here.

solved Before his illness, Benton, a healthy child, had been brought

Before his illness, Benton, a healthy child, had been brought to the clinic only for acute health concerns. The family does not have health insurance. Shortly after en-tering second grade 2 years ago, he began limping. The family attributed the limp to a playground injury. When he continued to complain of pain and the limp persisted after 3 months, his mother took him to a local health clinic. Above-the-knee amputation followed diagnosis, but metastasis was evident in 9 months. Chemotherapy has only been palliative. The physician has discussed Benton’s poor prognosis
with the parents, recommending comfort care. The par-ents say they want everything possible to be done for him, and the father conducts nightly prayer sessions at Benton’s bedside, affirming that God is healing Benton. His father refuses to allow staff to speak with Benton regarding fears or concerns about his condition. This di-rective has presented concerns for nurses, especially when Benton asked the nurse whether he is going to die. When asked what Benton has been told, the father responds, “He knows God is trying us and we must have faith.” The mother, who appears less confident of a healing, is there 24 hours a day. She supervises Benton’s care relentlessly, at times irritating staff with questions and demands. She keeps a notebook record of her son’s care, including medication, times of care, intake and output, and personal assessments. Although Benton used to talk to staff, he now appears frightened and remains quiet, sleeping off and on.
Think About It Dealing with Values Conflict Respond to these questions from the vantage point of the nurse in the preceding Case Presentation: • What is your first personal reaction to this situation? Identify your values relative to the situation.
• What do you perceive to be the values of the others involved?
• Identify value differences that might lead to conflict. Give specific examples of how such a conflict can potentially affect patient care.
• Describe specific nursing interventions aimed at managing the conflict in a professional manner, and give examples of how nursing codes would guide such actions.
• Describe your own strengths and limitations as you consider dealing with this situation.
Impact of Institutional Values Nurses need to be conscious of both the spoken and unspoken values in their work settings. Values of
individual institutions and organized health care systems that are explicitly communicated through phi-losophy and policy statements are called overt values. Values may also be implicit in expectations that are not in writing; these are called covert values. Covert values may be unspoken and sometimes unconscious expecta-tions that are often discovered only as one encounters attitudes or controversies within a particular work setting. For example, a new nurse may learn of an expectation on the unit to regularly skip lunch and breaks to avoid overtime (even though nurse self-care is part of the written philosophy of the institution) only after working in the setting for several days. The obligation to attend to patient care and well-being is embedded in both personal and professional nursing ethics. However, nurses may find that the ability to act from their values is restricted within health care institutions where they work. The complex organization and multiple goals of these institutions, particularly large health care corporations, may create expectations that subordinate patient care goals to institutional goals and limit a nurse’s ability to pro-vide care the nurse believes to be for the moral good of patients (Liaschenko & Peter, 2016)..

Identify the overt values of a healthcare organization (use current or previous workplace/clinical setting) and then identify overt and covert values (see Chapter 4) of nurses and others within the agency. Explain the importance of knowing about both. Address if the covert and overt values align with your own personal values and why/why not…

Something along this lines ?It is important to demonstrate with our actions and behavior what we claim to be.
Values clarification between a nurse and a patient are fundamental for both to understand each other and work together. This will help avoid conflicts and result in positive outcomes (patient’s care satisfaction and nurses job satisfaction, resulting in institution’s positive rating). My values align with the hospital’s values I work for. It is what we always strive for, but unfortunately due to the shortage of nurses…
“To provide extraordinary care, where the patient comes first, supported by world-class education and research.”BIDMC

solved This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to

This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. The assignment has two parts: one focused on information research and analysis, and the other is on applied analytics.  

Microsoft Excel® 
“How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years” from Harvard Business Review
Call Center Waiting Time

Part 1: Globalization and Information Research 
Context:?Companies that perform well in their country of origin usually consider expanding operations in new international markets. Deciding where, how, and when to expand is not an easy task, though.  
Many issues need to be considered before crafting an expansion strategy and investing significant resources to this end, including:  

the level of demand to be expected for the company’s products/services 
presence of local competitors 
the regulatory, economic, demographic, and political environments 

Carefully researching and analyzing these and other factors can help mitigate the inherent risk associated with an overseas expansion strategy, thus increasing the likelihood of success. 
As a data analyst in your company’s business development department, you’ve been tasked with the responsibility of recommending countries for international expansion. You’ll write a report to the company’s executive team with your research, analysis, and recommendations. 
Write a 525-word summary covering the following items: 

According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflix’s successful international expansion? 
The article mentions investments in big data and analytics as one of the elements accompanying the second phase of overseas expansion. Why was this investment important? What type of information did Netflix derive from the data collected? 
According to the article, what is exponential globalization? 
Not all international expansion strategies are a resounding success, however. Research an article or video that discusses an instance in which an American company’s expansion efforts in another country failed. According to the article/video you selected, what were the main reasons for this failure? Do you agree with this assessment? 
Explain some of the reasons why certain companies’ expansion plans have failed in the past. 

Part 2: Hypothesis testing  
Context:?Your organization is evaluating the quality of its call center operations. One of the most important metrics in a call center is Time in Queue (TiQ), which is the time a customer has to wait before he/she is serviced by a Customer Service Representative (CSR). If a customer has to wait for too long, he/she is more likely to get discouraged and hang up. Furthermore, customers who have to wait too long in the queue typically report a negative overall experience with the call. You’ve conducted an exhaustive literature review and found that the average TiQ in your industry is 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). 
Another important metric is Service Time (ST), also known as Handle Time, which is the time a CSR spends servicing the customer. CSR’s with more experience and deeper knowledge tend to resolve customer calls faster. Companies can improve average ST by providing more training to their CSR’s or even by channeling calls according to area of expertise. Last month your company had an average ST of approximately 3.5 minutes (210 seconds). In an effort to improve this metric, the company has implemented a new protocol that channels calls to CSR’s based on area of expertise. The new protocol (PE) is being tested side-by-side with the traditional (PT) protocol.  
Access the Call Center Waiting Time file. Each row in the database corresponds to a different call. The column variables are as follows: 

ProtocolType: indicates protocol type, either PT or PE
QueueTime: Time in Queue, in seconds
ServiceTime: Service Time, in seconds
Perform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average TiQ is lower than the industry standard of 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Use a significance level of ?=0.05.  
Evaluate if the company should allocate more resources to improve its average TiQ. 
Perform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average ST with service protocol PE is lower than with the PT protocol. Use a significance level of ?=0.05.  
Assess if the new protocol served its purpose. (Hint: this should be a test of means for 2 independent groups.) 

solved Use the attached reading only, please!1.Discussion Board (26%): You will

Use the attached reading only, please!1.Discussion Board (26%): You will be required to post one answer, and one comment in the discussion board each week. a.I will post at least one discussion question related to the topic and relevant readings at the beginning of each week. The discussion questions will usually be broad to allow the responses from a wide spectrum. You are required to post your answer to the professor’s discussion question(s). You are required to post one answer with minimum 250 words long. You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings and information from other pertaining resources, and they expand the idea presented and contribute to the discussion.2.Weekly Question( 13 %): You are required to submit at least one question from the weekly readings assigned•The question whether it is factual or fictitious, should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.•A question such as “Has there been more research conducted on [the weekly topic]” is not an acceptable one.•The purpose of the “weekly question” the assignment is to promote your critical thinking, but not to receive an answer. Please do not expect a reply to your every question. •Your “weekly questions” must be substantially different from the question I posted on the Discussion Board.2-____________________________________________________________1-DiscussionTaylor and Horgan propose a “process” model of involvement in terrorism. They discuss the role of opportunities, ideology, rational calculations (i.e. “risk” and “benefit” calculations), social background, organizational context, “setting events”, and other contextual and individual factors. In your opinion, what are the two most important elements in the involvement process? Please explain your answer.2-Weekly QuestionPost a question relevant to the readings. The question of whether it is factual or fictitious should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.3-write a commentYou are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings.Student#1 is for part 3- write a comment. write a response for this student discussion. Your comment will be at least 100 words longStudent#1The process which Taylor and Horgan outline is quite complex and offers no simple outline for the process of involvement in terrorism. It is difficult to determine the two most important elements simply because it varies based on the type of terrorism. The circumstances surrounding different types of terrorism are so significant, that it is difficult to generalize. In my opinion, the two most important elements of this process are the distal setting events (family, early experiences, culture, and socialization), and community of practice within the process category (Taylor and Horgan 2007). Regarding the setting events, this is the foundation of terrorist behavior which is particularly unique to terrorists. It is important to include all elements within this setting because it is the combination of these circumstances which leads to the terrorist development. The experiences that people share within a community—often the dissatisfaction with these circumstances—leads to the organization of community ideology. These circumstances are effectively one root of the development of a terrorist. These foundational elements create the psychological framework which develops terrorists separately from other types of criminals. Further, since many terrorists who have been interviewed discuss having no other choice, the community access setting is also paramount when it comes to getting involved in a terrorist organization. When the community and society a person resides in offers little flexibility in choices, there is a greater chance that the person will choose to submit to the group in power in exchange for their safety. Also, having simplified pathways to accessing a terrorist organization make the process of involvement easier. The combination of foundational ideology/emotional state with community setting can be a toxic pair, leading people to terrorist involvement.

solved Assignment #1 Parent-Teacher Conference (20 points)The purpose of this assignment

Assignment #1 Parent-Teacher Conference (20 points)The purpose of this assignment is to develop a plan for a parent-teacher conference to demonstrate how to enhance and maintain communication between families and the school or classroom. Prepare a plan for the parent-teacher conference and include the following information in your report. Make sure you highlight the student’s strengths when talking about his/her needs. The plan should address the following elements separately and extensively:Introduction: Describe the student’s background and the school-related issue the child is experiencing that requires parental involvement. (CEC 1. Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences – 1.1 Understanding influence of language, culture, and family background; 1.2 Understanding of development and individual differences)Part 1: Plan Development a. Identify school personnel who encounter the student and propose the types of questions that you would ask them for additional information about the child. (CEC 7. Collaboration – 7.3 Using collaboration to promote well-being of individuals with exceptionalities). b. Write a sample letter inviting the parents/family to have a conference with you about the child. (CEC 6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – 6.1 Using professional Ethical principles and professional Practice Standards)c. In addition to the letter, write a narrative that explains the purpose and expected outcomes for the parent-teacher conference to address this concern. (CEC 6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – 6.3 Understanding how complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services)d. To prepare the parents for the meeting, identify informational materials that would be helpful to the parents prior to the conference. These materials should be appropriate for all parents, including those from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Materials may include report(s) about the child and pamphlets/brochures about the issue. Include a list of these resources in your final report. (CEC 1. Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences – 1.1 Understanding influence of language, culture, and family background; 1.2 Understanding of development and individual differences; CEC 6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – 6.5 Engaging in advocacy and mentoring activities)e. In addition to the letter, write a narrative that explains the purpose and expected outcomes for the parent-teacher conference to address this concern. (CEC 6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – 6.3 Understanding how complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services)f. To prepare for the meeting and to organize your thoughts, write a parent-teacher conference script that includes a proposed dialogue between you and the parents. The script should be written in professional language that shows sensitivity and understanding of the parents’ concerns, but, at the same time, addresses the issue at hand. For example, the script should include a welcoming and introductory section, a highlight of the child’s strengths, a description of the child’s issues, and an explanation of possible outcomes. (CEC 6. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – 6.1 Using professional Ethical principles and professional Practice Standards) Generated: 4/27/2021 Page 5 of 36Part 2: Mock Parent-teacher Conferencea. Demonstrate your ability to conduct a parent-teacher conference by role-playing with a colleague, using the prepared script. Record the conference with your colleague for further review. (CEC 7. Collaboration – 7.1 Using the theory and elements of effective collaboration)b. Listen to the recording between you and your colleague and write a commentary answering the following questions and describing your assessment of the conference (CEC 7. Collaboration – 7.1 Using the theory and elements of effective collaboration):*Did you use appropriate language while conducting the conference (e.g., lack of educational jargon, use of Standard English)?*Did you use a tone of voice that was appropriate for the setting? Did you use active listening and paraphrasing techniques to enhance the interaction and communication with the colleague/parent?*Were you able to adequately convey the educational message to the colleague/parent concerning the student with disabilities?*Did you follow your script or, as the conference progressed, was it necessary to deviate from the script? Why?Conclusion: Write a conclusion that summarizes the key points of the assignment. Make your own reflection based on the information.

solved – Step one: Do some research about the question posted

– Step one: Do some research about the question posted to be able to do step two.
The question posed for step one is:
Consider the Disney Princess Merida and other Disney Princesses. What does the existence of Disney Princesses have to do with sex and gender? Why might this be important for us to consider as interpersonal communicators?
– Step two: Make Two Substantive Responses to Two Posts by classmates.
The other 2 classmates answered the question posted in step one, you will response to their 2 posts by what you got from your research in step one.
REMEMBER: it’s a discussion board, so you need to do research for step one and do step two in a discossion way.
Classmates posts for step two:
1- First of all, how do you genuinely identify the sex of a cartoon character if “sex” is described as biological and anatomical traits, not an appearance?  Merida is portrayed as a strong young woman who doesn’t want to have her life picked for her by having her “husband” win a contest.  She appears as a typical female by “gender” standards (i.e., long hair, dress, feminine figure, higher-pitched voice, motherly nature for her brothers).  At no time in the movie does she change her appearance to be masculine.  Just because she enjoys archery doesn’t mean she is “masculine.”
She “protests” her mother teaching her to be more ladylike, but that could be considered mannerisms also. Typically there is a “Father-daughter bond,” where young girls look up to their father and admire his qualities and or skills. Usually, anyone that has a robust role model will try to replicate the actions of the other.  So to say that Merida may have masculine gender identities due to liking of archery would be wrong.  Just because she “breaks” her dress doesn’t mean she’s breaking the mold of a woman, archery is about form.
The only thing that I can relate to Disney Princesses having to do with sex and gender is to show that women have been given more freedoms and can prove they can be more independent..”
How would Rapunzel, Moana, or the Little Mermaid be described then?  She appears as a typical princess and isn’t dependent on the portrayed male character through each story.
Communication isn’t based on “sex” or “gender” but more on individualism and geographical settings. 
2- Growing up watching Disney Princesses had a large effect on the way I acted and tried to look. Disney Princesses act and look like the social norms of the time, place, and culture they are trying to portray. Most cultures have characteristics that they view are specifically for women and characteristics that are specifically for men. In a lot of the early Disney princess movies, the princesses are portrayed as fragile, weak, and in danger. It is always a prince/male that has to come and save them. But this was not the case with the Disney movie Brave and Mulan. These two were the only ones to conform to this narrative. But during the whole beginning of both movies, each princess shows a quality they have but since it is seen as more masculine the parents try and hide it. Merida with her archery skills and Mulan with their fighting skills. But in the end, these are the skills that help them save everyone, and then it becomes okay to have these more masculine skills. I do not like this because it shows that women can have these qualities unless they are useful otherwise it is seen as bad and shameful.
The Disney Princesses movies do not only show the cultural norms for women but also men. In most of the movies, the man is seen as tough, a fighter, and always saving the girl. This also shapes the way that a girl thinks about how a boy should act reinforcing the gender roles. Not only do the portrayal of the Disney princesses shape gender but also who is allowed to like them or play with them. It is always seen as normal for little girls to be playing princesses or watching princess movies. But as soon as a little boy participates in these activities he is seen as strange and abnormal. Disney has started trying to change the strong gender norms in their movies (for example Frozen) but there is still to be work done.  In conclusion, from personal experience growing Disney Princesses greatly affected the way that I view myself and others based on what characteristics they should have due to their sex as a young girl.Â