solved Unit 5: Discussion 11 unread reply.11 reply. Directions Choose a

Unit 5: Discussion
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Choose a popular video marketing campaign. Using the ‘best practices for video marketing’ discussion in your text as a guide, explain why you think the campaign was successful. Remember share a link for your example.
It may be helpful to look at sources other than your text to respond to this prompt. 

Hello Class,
While researching marketing campaigns for this assignment, I had a couple sponsored clips come across my screen for a popular eyelash extension supplies and products company that I personally use myself. Paris Lash Academy (PLA) has uploaded a 34 second video on the their website homepage that stood out to me the most for several reasons. The video is compatible with my mobile device, the video is befitting for the platform it appears on, it is searchable and although it showcases the training courses available on the site, it is not an all out promotional video. One additional practice this video exhibited was, it worked with no sound (Ennis-O’Connor, 2021). The video has only upbeat music playing so whether it is muted or not, viewers can still understand the purpose and message behind the clip. When searching the companies Instagram, I found an informal video from the owner herself where she informed the audience about upcoming news and information about the company. This gave me, and the rest of the audience I’m sure, a glimpse into howPLA operates and made me feel confident about working with or purchasing from them in the future. The titles of both videos were clear, the production techniques were appropriate and they could be shared. I believe PLA is following the best practices for video marketing and it is literally helping build their brand at this very moment. I say that because while scrolling through their Instagram for this topic I watched their follower count rise from 48.5k to 48.6k.
PLA Training (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Barker, M. S., Barker, D., Bormann, N. F., Roberts, M. L., & Zahay, D. L. (2017). Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach. Cengage Learning.
Ennis-O’Connor, M. (2021, April 15). Best Video Marketing Practices and Resources. Medium.
Eyelash Extension Supplies & Products. Paris Lash Academy. (n.d.).
Ja’Nice Locket-Dortch

Choose a popular video marketing campaign. Using the ‘best practices for video marketing’ discussion in your text as a guide, explain why you think the campaign was successful. Remember share a link for your example.
It may be helpful to look at sources other than your text to respond to this prompt.


My favorite video marketing campaign is the Nike Women: Better For It campaign. This campaign targeted everyday women and gave a depiction on how they felt working out by getting inside their heads. This used humor to motivate women by making them feel normal for their thought process while they workout.

(Wischhover, 2015).

“Nike claims that this is the largest initiative they have taken to support and motivate women in their athletic journey, no matter what stage they may be in. Nike stated the campaign is about “powering [women] to be better through services (Links to an external site.), product innovation and athlete inspiration, motivating each other to push to the next level.”(Smith, 2016).
Our book gives the benefits of video marketing being
Engaging viewers
Large audiences
Building Brand awareness
Showcasing the Product
Generating Business Leads

Nike did a great job with all these things during this campaign. By channeling the realism of people working out and how they feel at the gym people felt as though they could relate and in turn looked at the websites and talked about it to their friends.
“Data on business to business (B2B) video marketing is harder to come by, but as early as 2010 Forbes found senior executives watching more video, more often, sharing with colleagues and taking action based on video content.19 In 2014 Digital Sherpa stated that 75% of executives watch business videos at least once a week”(Barker & Zahay, 2017).
Barker, D., & Zahay, D. L. (2017). Social media marketing: a strategic approach. Cengage Learning.
Smith. (2016, April 13). Nike Women: “Better For It” Campaign. Incitrio. (Links to an external site.).

Wischhover, C. (2015, April 15). Why I’m a Fan of Nike’s New Ad Campaign. Fashionista.

solved What Is the Best Organizational Structure for the Royal Dutch/Shell

What Is the Best Organizational Structure for the Royal Dutch/Shell Group?Royal Dutch Shell p.l.c. commonly known as “Shell” is one of the six “supermajor” oil and gas companies. Shell is the second-largest energy company and the eleventh-largest company in the world according to Forbes magazine list for 2014. Shell’s revenues were $421 billion in 2014 and it employs more than 92,000 workers. Shell began in a unique way compared with other oil and gas supermajors. Royal Dutch Shell PLC was founded in February 1907 when two companies merged: The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company (which had the legal name Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappij) and the “Shell” (the quotation marks were part of the legal name) Transport and Trading Company Ltd of Great Britain.The merger was an effort to globally compete with the then predominant petroleum company Standard Oil, owned by John D. Rockefeller. Under the terms of the merger, the Dutch group owned 60 percent and the British group owned 40 percent of the new company (the ratio is the same today). Shell is the world’s biggest and oldest joint venture. The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company was a Dutch company created in 1890, and the “Shell” Transport and Trading Company was a British company founded in 1897.Shell is also unique for its organizational structure and its global presence. Shell has been characterized as one of the world’s three most international organizations; the other two, the Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations. At the same time, Shell’s organizational structure is far more complex than the Roman Catholic Church or the United Nations. From an ownership and legal perspective, Shell comprises four types of company: The parent companies, the group holding companies, the service companies, and the operating companies. This formal structure of Shell is presented in Exhibit 10.12.Exhibit 10.12The Formal Structure of ShellDuring the early 1960s, with the help of McKinsey & Company, Shell created a tri-dimensional matrix structure known as the Shell Matrix, which had functions, regions, and sectors. The Shell Matrix is presented in Exhibit 10.13. This matrix organization continued into the 1990s.Exhibit 10.13The Shell MatrixShell was the only major oil company that did not undergo radical restructuring between 1985 and 1993. The absence of restructuring at Shell appeared to reflect two factors:1)Shell’s flexibility had meant that Shell had been able to adjust to a changing oil industry environment without the need for discontinuous change; and2)because of Shell’s management structure, in particular the lack of a CEO with autocratic powers, Shell was much less able to initiate the kind of top-down restructuring driven by powerful CEOs such as Larry Rawl at Exxon, or Jim Kinnear at Texaco.In contrast, managerial control of Shell was vested in the Committee of Managing Directors (CMD).On March 29, 1995, Cor Herkströter, Shell’s Chairman of the CMD, gave a speech to Shell’s worldwide employees outlining the principal aspects of a radical reorganization of the company, which were to be implemented at the beginning of 1996. Four years later, Shell finalized what would be the most ambitious and far-reaching organizational restructuring since the start of the company. The new structure represented a move from a geographically based company to a business sector-based firm. The restructuring also included the elimination of more than 1,000 corporate positions, the sale of a vast majority of its headquarters in London, and the redesign of its coordination and control systems.At the same time, because Exxon, Shell’s biggest competitor, was merging with Mobil, Shell was no longer the world’s largest energy company. In addition, several other major oil and gas companies were joining the trend of mergers and restructurings. For example, two of Shell’s state-owned European rivals were being re-energized by mergers and privatizations. In 1999, the merger of Total, Fina, and Elf Aquitaine created the world’s fourth oil and gas supermajor, after ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP. Also in the 1990s, the Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni S.p.A. was transformed from a public corporation into a joint stock company when most of Eni’s share capital was put on the market in four successive public issues. Lastly, as described in the opening vignette to this chapter, 2009 brought another wave of organizational restructuring to Shell.Questions:1)What are some advantages and disadvantages of the Shell Matrix?2)Why do you think Shell has undergone so many organizational restructurings?3)How would you decide what would be Shell’s best organizational structure?

solved You should respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or

You should respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Gretel BanosCase Study # 1 Prevention is the effort aimed at reducing the development of the disease. It involves taking action using different strategies aimed at dealing with occurrence of a specific health condition. WHO encourages public health education to ensure that patients are aware of available prevention measures (Hegde 4). The organization supports surveillance of disease risk factors by encouraging early detection and taking preventive measures. The different prevention levels focus on improving the population, specific communities, and individuals’ health.J.R is trying to achieve secondary prevention by encouraging the patients to attend blood pressure screening events. Research shows that routine screening for common conditions helps detect symptoms early and take measures to prevent disease progression (Li 5). These screening procedures are developed in most countries for non-communicable diseases and cancers. J.R patients will understand their blood pressure measures and make appropriate decisions for better health. As a health educator, she can sensitize the community on the importance of screening to prevent disease. She provides all the information required for the community to understand how screening is crucial in achieving better health (Li 5). The procedure will be effective in this community since they are against the use of western medication. Understanding measures to improve their health without relying on conventional drugs will be essential and better accepted in the Chinese community. The screening will help them make better lifestyle choices and promote health across the different age groups.In particular situations, practitioners may be forced to adopt primary prevention methods, approaches for preventing injury, or a condition before it occurs. It focuses on total prevention measures for disease occurrence by limiting exposure and changing behaviors that could lead to disease development (Kisling 1). Establishing legislation and enforcing a ban on using hazardous products, educating the public, and immunization are major forms of a primary prevention measure. Secondary prevention measures enhance early diagnosis and treatment. The target is healthy-appearing individuals that might be at a high risk of developing illnesses (Kolak 6). These preventive strategies are underutilized in the United States. Physicians should insist on measures that can be adopted to prevent disease development and progression.Tertiary prevention focuses on sick people at the clinical and outcome stages of the disease. The main aim is to manage the severity of the disease and prevent it (Kisling 1). The role of health providers during tertiary prevention is to re-educate and rehabilitate patients. They provide treatment to manage the symptoms, preventing severity. It is the most utilized preventative measure as people seek medical attention when they are sick. A larger population aims to reduce the effect of established disease conditions more than preventing occurrence.In my experience, healthcare providers and patients rely primarily on tertiary prevention. Healthcare providers need to focus on education to prevent illnesses from the primary and secondary levels for improved patient outcomes. They need to adopt education for all patients for the available immunization and screening procedures. Sensitizing women for a pap smear and encouraging blood pressure screening allows more patients to seek these services (Darch 923).Besides, most adults do not go for immunization or strictly adhere to treatment. Adults fail to fully recognize the importance of immunizations and only accept it when they fall sick. Therefore, the nurses and other health educators have a significant role in sensitizing the community to adopt better prevention measures.ReferencesDarch, Joy, Lesley Baillie, and Fiona Gillison. “Nurses as role models in health promotion: a concept analysis.” British Journal of Nursing 26.17 (2017): 982-988.Hegde, Shalika. “Settings-based interventions at primary, secondary and tertiary prevention levels may significantly improve the oral health of older people.” Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice (2021): 101537.Kisling, Lisa A., and Joe M. Das. “Prevention strategies.” StatPearls [Internet] (2019).Kolak, Agnieszka, et al. “Primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer.” Ann Agric Environ Med 24.4 (2017): 549-553.Li, Xi, et al. “Quality of primary health care in China: challenges and recommendations.” The Lancet 395.10239 (2020): 1802-1812.

solved History 1212: History of Europe IIPrimary Source AnalysisAssignmentPrepare a short

History 1212: History of Europe IIPrimary Source AnalysisAssignmentPrepare a short primary source analysis of 2 pages which explains and interprets the assigned primary source using the PAPER acronym as its guide.The PAPER acronym guide was assigned reading in week 2. It is available on Carmen and at this link:…Students will complete one out of the eleven possible primary sources over the course of the semester. The response is due the Sunday of the week that source is assigned.For example, the analysis of Source 5.2: Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, August 26, 1789 is due on Sunday, November 26 at 11:59pm. The analysis of Source 9.2: Jules Ferry, Speech on Imperialism, July 28, 1883 is due on Sunday, October 24 at 11:59pm.If the student is unhappy with their score on the Primary Source Analysis, they may complete one additional Primary Source Analysis of a source assigned in a later week. The lower of the two scores will be dropped. (Please note that completing a second primary source analysis is not an option if one waits until the final primary source (Source 15.5) in order to complete this assignment for the first time.)Expected Learning OutcomesStudents think, speak, and write critically about primary and secondary historical sources by examining diverse interpretations of past events and ideas in their historical contexts.Students construct an integrated perspective on history and the factors that shape human activity.ContentThe Primary Source Analysis will explain and interpret the assigned primary source using Patrick Rael’s “How to Read a Primary Source” as its guide. Instructions for this assignment include the complete prompt (here in the content section), and the rubric for writing your response paper (below in the evaluation section).The Primary Source Analysis is an opportunity to practice a fundamental skill that historians use all the time: the interpretation of primary sources from the period under study. Primary sources are important windows into a particular moment in the past. Through this exercise, students will practice interpreting what the primary source has to say and contextualizing that source alongside other course content.Please read the primary source assigned for the week in which you wish to complete the assignment.Then write a two-page response to that primary source organized around the five elements in Rael’s PAPER acronym. That is, the first paragraph should be about the Purpose of the source, the second about the Argument, the third about Presuppositions, and so on. (A separate introduction paragraph or conclusion paragraph is not necessary.)Each of the five paragraphs should meet the following four aims: include a topic sentence that explains your argument for the paragraph,answer two of the questions posed for that particular element,(for example, the Purpose paragraph will respond to two of the questions posed under Purpose in Rael’s PAPER guide)use relevant evidence from the assigned source to support your answers,(you may use quotations, paraphrase, or summary; in all cases, cite your sources using the Chicago Manual of Style)and explain through analysis how your answers to the questions align with the evidence presented.In all cases, paragraphs should present the student’s claims, relevant supporting evidence from the source, and analysis that explains how the evidence supports the student’s claim. For a guide to writing in this manner, see:…Before turning in the paper, please proofread for clarity and organization. A successful paper will be clearly organized and compellingly written so that the reader can follow the student’s reasoning throughout the paper. Please be sure to proofread for typographical errors, grammatical errors, etc.The final paper should be 2 full pages of text (not including the student’s header on the first page), but not more than 3 full pages of text, with 1-inch margins, double spacing, and page numbers. The font should be Times New Roman (or comparable), size 12. EvaluationThe Primary Source Analysis will be assessed according to the attached rubric (30 points possible).AssistanceIf you have any questions about this assignment, please contact Prof. Bond (bond.282), or your assigned GA, Rob Matina (matina.2) or Justin Salgado (salgado.32).If you are interested in more support for your writing, The Writing Center offers a range of online services:…For all questions, I am happy to meet during office hours or by appointment at a mutually agreed upon time. I want you to be successful.

solved Competency Use collaboration techniques to correct written documents. Instructions Show

Use collaboration techniques to correct written documents.
Show your ability to analyze, correct, and revise the following rough draft, giving your input on the revision necessary to improve the quality of this essay. You will show successful completion of this deliverable by:

Providing feedback for corrections/alterations using the Comments feature in Word (Review tab).
Respond to the six questions at the end of the student rough draft linked above.
Use complete sentences in all of your responses.

Grading Rubric

Not Submitted
No Pass
Submission Format
Not Submitted
Student’s Word file is not submitted in APA formatting with cover sheet.
Student’s Word file and cover sheet in APA formatting contains major errors.
Student Word file and cover sheet is submitted in APA formatting attempted with minor errors of omission.
Student’s Word file and cover sheet are submitted for this assignment completely & correctly formatted in APA.
Student’s evaluation of Author’s use of resources
Not Submitted
Student fails to note that fewer than five resources were used and/or that they are not from credible academic resources from RAS online library.
Student notes if five resources used but does not note that some are from dictionary, Wikipedia, commercial sales sites and/or Blogs considered unsuitable, or not current.
Student notes if five resources are used mostly from current & credible academic databases or eBooks, but fails to note that not all pertain to the essay topic.
Student notes if all resources are included and if they are from credible, current academic resources as instructed.
Student offers analysis of the Author’s working thesis for the persuasive essay
Not Submitted
Question about the thesis is considered, but student’s observations are incorrect or unclear as to discussion of the persuasive topic and reason for writing.
Student undertakes critique of writer’s working thesis; however, answer does not note lack of clearly persuasive position for the paper and/or discuss a better option.
Student remarks that working thesis is provided and contains slightly persuasive position; however, omits offering substantive replacement statement for persuasion.
Student notes that working thesis is shown and then offers revision steps to clearly indicate persuasive position and clarify reason for writing.
Student offers consideration of the APA formatting of the essay
Not submitted
No attempt at identifying errors and re-organizing student’s APA reference list is evident or question answered.
Student recognizes errors in in-text citations and reference list, but attempt at re-organizing into an APA Reference list contains all resources, but the list is not correctly redone.
Organization of reference list of resources for the paper is almost complete and in-text citation errors are noted; however, some errors in APA usage are evident.
An organized effort to correct incorrect in-text citations and references list of resources is completed in correct APA formatting
Student offers examination of essay’s major supporting details and minor supporting details
Not submitted
Incomplete consideration of major & minor supporting details for thesis fails to note any re-organization of major or minor supporting details needed for working thesis.
Student recognizes that major supporting details are incomplete and/or some are not connected to the thesis, but fails to offer possible corrections.
Student notes that essay contains a few errors of organization and offers some corrections, but not good ideas of revision of supporting details to better support the thesis.
Student notes errors of support in major details that do not connect to support for the thesis and offers valid corrections.
Student responds to the Questions
Not submitted
Questions were overlooked and are not discussed, or sentences and mechanical errors abound. Some questions are not correctly answered with revision in mind.
Student notes omission of details in most instances, but does not consider all and does not show clearly how to correct this essay. Some grammatical errors evident that are not overly intrusive to meaning of the exercise.
Student’s discussion noting points of support missing, but does not cover all of them, or shows a very few errors in sentences and question answers that do not seem to obscure the meaning.
Student notes omission of well written and some inaccurate details and errors included and offers corrections. No grammatical or mechanical errors evident in good variety of sentences that use transitions effectively to discuss the paper & answer questions asked.

solved Analysis of a complex organizational problem. In this ten-page paper

Analysis of a complex organizational problem. In this ten-page paper (minimum eight pages of text, not counting the title page and references), you will apply an appropriate set of principles or frameworks from the assigned reading to the analysis of a complex problem. You choose the problem and the principles that are most relevant to understanding the complex problem you have selected. Guidelines for the paper are included below.undefinedThe paper must include three parts: undefined 1. A relatively short description of the complex problemundefined 2. An analysis of the leadership response (quality, effectiveness, etc.) using appropriate principles from the reading.undefined 3. Analysis/comment on the leadership lessons to be learned. undefinedThe analysis (parts 2 and 3) should constitute the main part of the paper. It is important to identify and draw upon high-quality academic resources.undefinedThe paper should describe the complex problem studied, the frameworks for analysis applied, and the key results of your analysis of the leadership responsibilities.undefinedTitle for the paper: The Influx of Asylum Seekers to the United States from Central AmericaundefinedNo abstract is required.undefinedIntroduction: Your introduction should catch the reader’s attention. It should include a thesis statement (the central argument that you will support and discuss in the paper), and preview what you will say in the rest of the paper, and indicate the principles or frameworks you will use in your analysis. undefinedTransitions and paragraph structure: Use transitions between paragraphs and each major section of your paper. Subheadings can help you effectively move from one major section of the paper to another. undefinedParagraph structure for academic papers should be longer than for a journalistic style of writing. Generally, paragraphs should be ½ to ¾ of a page long. Paragraphs should start with a claim and then use evidence to support that claim. Start with your argument and then use the evidence to support your argument. Summarize by argument rather than by author or evidence. Use your own examples to illustrate your point or arguments, but also make sure to use supporting materials.undefinedOrganization of paper: Organize your paper by ideas, rather than by author, e.g., you may be tempted to summarize in each paragraph a different author or piece of evidence. A stronger way to organize your papers is to focus on the ideas rather than the authors. Make sure to connect each idea with transitions. undefinedConclusion for final paper: Your conclusion should recap what you have learned about the problem, the leadership challenge and response, and lessons learned. undefinedInternal citations and evidence: You must cite the texts and other research to support your arguments and appropriately credit the authors. Cite author, year, and page numbers (if it is a direct quote) in the text of the paper (APA 7th Ed. citation style). Quotes should not be too long. If you are using more than three words in a row from an author, you should use quotation marks. undefinedReferences: Include a reference page listing any books or articles cited in the paper. Note: minimum of six to eight references apart from texts.undefinedOther guidelines to follow: Use Times New Roman 12 font and one-inch margins (and not bold typeface). Double space your paper and number your pages. Provide a title page; there is no need for an abstract.undefined undefinedOutline Template:undefinedI. Title page: Title: The Influx of Asylum Seekers to the United States from Central America.undefinedII. Intro: Mention framework that will be applied for analysis (Cosby and others from Textbook)undefined undefinedIII. Scope and identify the wicked problem: There needs to be a better rule of law in those countries to combat drug gangs, extortion, etc. that cause people to leave. As I understand it, there also needs to be more economic development and jobs.undefined undefinedVI. Framework: (Leadership responses standpoint or responsibilities). In addition, it is a national/Biden administration issue, and the leadership of Homeland Security which I believe oversees ICE and the Border Patrol, and other agencies like the Army National Guard and State Governor undefined undefinedV. Analysis for solution: (How well or poorly are leaders doing in responding to the problem?). Biden has appointed Vice President Harris to work on solutions with the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, etc. undefinedVI. Conclusion: Should recap what you have learned about the problem, the leadership challenge and response, and lessons learned.undefined undefinedVII. Reference Pageundefined

solved Write 1750 words.Implementation of ChangeAssignment OverviewAs our focal technology for

Write 1750 words.Implementation of ChangeAssignment OverviewAs our focal technology for this module, we will consider the
evolution of corporate wellness programs. The technologies associated
with promotion of “corporate wellness” (in itself a concept that has
many different definitions and varieties) are generally fairly broad in
range and capable of being introduced into practice in many different
ways. It is certainly desirable to have technologies that can be adapted
effectively to particular organizational situations during their
implementation; but if there are certain elements of the technology that
will only be effective if they are implemented in a particular kind of
way, then a flexible orientation can easily introduce enough error into
the process that the positive effects of the technology are not
realized.It is extremely difficult to separate failures in implementation from
failures in the technology itself. Moreover, since implementation
problems tend to become fairly contentious issues in organizational
politics, there are likely to be wider repercussions felt throughout the
system. Organizational life is further complicated when one attempts to
separate bad decisions from those made about negative things, or
separate bad decisions from the good in a complex situation where a
number of people in several places are making decisions simultaneously.Our case here involves looking at corporate wellness interventions as
examples of technologies where implementation is absolutely critical,
and how you get to a new equilibrium is as important, if not more
important, than the content of the equilibrium itself. We will consider
these issues both from an implementation (bottom-up) perspective as well
as from a strategic (top-down) perspective, and try to see how these
two perspectives hopefully complement each, other but can easily wind up
in conflict.Case AssignmentPrepare a 5- to 7-page paper in accordance with the following Assignment Expectations on the topic:“Strategy and implementation of corporate wellness programs”You should begin your paper by reviewing the general idea of
corporate wellness and the knowledge base underlying its popularity and
value. You should then assess how companies make strategic decisions
about putting such programs in the place, and how that strategy is then
translated into an effective or ineffective implementation process.
Discuss how, during implementation, programs are shaped in different
kinds of ways, some better than others. You should include your paper
with a couple of paragraphs outlining your own recommendations on how
companies can more effectively integrate overall innovative strategies
with local change management, under conditions of uncertainty and risk.Assignment ExpectationsLength: The written component of this assignment
should be 7 pages long (double-spaced) without counting the cover page
and reference page.Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted
for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard
guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax.
Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity. We
encourage you to use tools such as and proofread your
paper before submission.When you write your paper make sure you do the following:Answer the assignment questions directly.Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on
tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background
materials.Use evidence from your readings to justify your conclusions.Cite at least five credible resources.Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper,
including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the
“Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC
Portal.Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice:
Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing
information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to
professional practice in an exceptional manner.Business Writing and Quality of References: Student
demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use
of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.

solved I need an outline for that research question. Are liars

I need an outline for that research question. 
Are liars better at detecting when others are lying compared to non-liars?





by showing that it takes a good liar – one high in attachment insecurity – to detect another liar…
Ein-Dor, Tsachi
Perry-Paldi, Adi
Zohar-Cohen, Karin
Efrati, Yaniv
Hirschberger, Gilad
Lies and deceptions are prevalent in our daily lives, yet most people merely guess when attempting to distinguish between lies and truths. In the current research, we examined the validity of the saying that “it takes a thief to know a thief” by showing that it takes a good liar – one high in attachment insecurity – to detect another liar. In Study 1, 68 card players participated in a Bullshit tournament – a card game in which players try to deceive other players while also striving to detect their deceptions. In Study 2 (N=99), people who cheated on their romantic partner (versus those who did not) were asked to detect cues of infidelity. Results confirmed our expectations and showed that good liars and cheaters, who are usually insecure individuals, are better at detecting lies and dishonesty. These results are discussed from the perspective of social defense theory, highlighting the utility of personality traits that are often deemed maladaptive. •Our goal is to validate the saying that “it takes a thief to know a thief”.•Highly anxious people are better liars and better lie detectors.•Highly insecure people cheat more and are more accurate at detecting infidelity.

Vrij, Aldert ; Granhag, Pär Anders ; Mann, Samantha ; Leal, Sharon Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society, 2011-02-01, Vol.20 (1), p.28-32 …. We present an innovative lie detection perspective based on cognitive load, demonstrating that it is possible to ask questions that raise cognitive load more in liars than in truth tellers…

Deception and truth detection when analyzing nonverbal and verbal cues

From observing target persons’ nonverbal behavior to analyzing their speech; (b) from lie detection based on differences between truth tellers and liars’ levels of arousal

Street, Chris N H ; Vadillo, Miguel A

Reynolds, Edward ; Rendle-Short, Johanna
British journal of social psychology, 2011-09, Vol.50 (3), p.431-449
…and Reid and Arthur (1953) . Inspired by Ekman and Friesen’s (1969) hypothesis that lies can be detected by subtle signals that liars emit while lying, 40 years..

solved Reply: Strategic approach to design projects: Post 1: At the

Strategic approach to design projects:
Post 1: At the point when a project manager fosters an assertion of work or a project sanction, there is normally some synopsis data for the group. These archives by and large express the reason for the project, the normal expectations, and somewhere around a significant level timetable for the work to be finished. When this data has been closed down by the basic partners as a whole, the project manager will start fostering a more nitty-gritty project plan. The idea of that arrangement will change contingent upon whether that project is spry or cascade and numerous different variables. I think this is the main inquiry as the project inception and endorsement is the underlying stage where a project is recognized through a Business case, focused on as indicated by the necessities and lined up with the business objectives.
Follow business clients’ directions to address business challenges. In all project businesses, pioneers are the significant commitment to take the right and successful choices. I firmly trust in breaking down business activities, understanding the necessities with the goal that it will be not difficult to address difficulties and limit business dangers.
Project objectives and assets: each individual should follow the project techniques, for example, nimble and cascade strategies to satisfy business needs (Schmidt, 2021). This load of inquiries will affect the business needs, project needs, and asset assumptions. The right inquiry in a project can make a better idea to make the right stride.
Schmidt, T. (2021) Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams. John Wiley & Sons
Verzuh, E. (2021). The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Post 2 : The four Critical Questions as listed from the Practical Methodology for Project Initiation and Planning on page 96-101 of the Verzuh textbook are as follows.
1). What are we trying to accomplish and why?
2). How will we measure success?
3) What other conditions must exist?
4). How do we get there?
The first question highlights the project objectives, and we recognize that every project consists of four distinct levels of objectives as previously defined and discussed in week 1 and 2. Projects are instruments of change. The desired change and benefits occur at the purpose and goal level. But we cannot directly control these levels as they are hoped for objectives. What we can manage, and control is the inputs and outcomes level. Purpose level objectives describe the changed conditions expected after deliverables are in place. Purpose is the linchpin that connects what we can make happen to strategic intent. This strategic line-of-sight helps keep our eyes on the prize.
The second question sharpens the definition of objectives by establishing success measures and means to verify objectives at each Log-Frame level. These are captured in the middle two columns. Measures describe the expected level of accomplishment using quantity, quality, time, and cost indicators. The verification column sets up the basis for monitoring implementation and measuring impact. By setting separate measures at each level, we can monitor progress and evaluate achievement at each level.
With regards to the third question, risks exist in every project. The third strategic question illuminates critical assumptions and risk factors. These can include dependencies, interfaces, policy considerations, resources, market factors, and other important conditions needed to make the if-then logic valid. Captured in the fourth column, assumptions are a jumping-off point for further risk analysis. Uncovering these early lets us outsmart Murphy and his infamous law.
When we critically look at the fourth question, this is the most important one of all the four questions. Because answering the first three questions provides clarity for developing the work plan. The fourth is the input row that captures tasks, schedule, resources, and responsibilities. Conventional project management tools and processes flesh out the input to outcome linkages.
Explain why the other 3 questions are helpful: As explained above, the first, second and third questions are very helpful, in the sense that they provide clarity for developing the whole project work plan. The project objectives, what can be managed and control. Establishing the success measures and the means to verify the objectives at each level. Also, establishing the critical assumptions and the risks associated with the projects
1). Verzuh, E. (2021). The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management (6ed.). Hoboken, NJ. John Wiley & Sons.

solved Social Disorganization TheorySocial disorganization theory is a criminological theory that

Social Disorganization TheorySocial disorganization theory is a criminological theory that believes that criminal activity and delinquency result in neighborhoods where there are broken neighborhood relationships and defects in the institutions within that neighborhood preventing social control from being maintained (Snipes et al., 2019). In social disorganization theory, it is believed that poorer neighborhoods, neighborhoods with racial and ethnic diversity, and neighborhoods where individuals move in and out frequently are much more likely to become socially disorganized (Snipes et al., 2019). According to Snipes et al. (2019), studies done by Shaw and McKay as well as Bursik and Webb have shown that high crime and delinquency rates are maintained in socially disorganized neighborhoods, even in situations where the entire neighborhood population has turned over. As noted by Snipes et al. (2019), there are a variety of factors that contribute to a neighborhood being considered socially disorganized, including poverty, the mobility of the population, and ethnic heterogeneity. A study done by Wong (2012) also noted that family disruption is a major factor that can cause factors in a socially disorganized neighborhood. In this study, Wong (2012), hypothesized that since individuals from unstable families or single-parent families tend to have higher delinquency rates, it would stand to reason that individuals in neighborhoods where this type of family disorganization is common would have increased levels of social disorganization as well. In addition to the higher rates of delinquency and crimes within families that are unstable, many vulnerable families have decreased community involvement and participation and are less likely to be able to contribute to the social control mechanisms in their environment (Wong, 2012). Overall, family disruption and delinquency may result from low parental attachment, low academic achievement, and emotional problems for individuals in these environments, contributing to an overall decrease in social organization in the community (Wong, 2012).In a study done by Regoeczi & Jarvis (2011) it was also noted that social disorganization doesn’t just result in crime, it also allows for difficulties in controlling crime. In neighborhoods where crime activity is higher there is also a higher likelihood of interference with apprehending, identifying, and prosecuting criminals (Regoeczi & Jarvis, 2011). This occurs partly because of the instability and mobility of the residents who may not be familiar with the individuals committing the crimes, but also may be the result of the low level of commitment these individuals have towards ensuring that their community is safe by intervening in criminal behavior or cooperating with police investigations (Regoeczi & Jarvis, 2011).In one of the communities surrounding my area, social disorganization is clearly seen. In this particular neighborhood, low income families of multiple ethnic and racial backgrounds are present. There are a lot of apartments and a lot less actual homes for individuals, making the situation very transient at times regarding the population. The crime rates in this area have consistently risen over the past several years for a variety of reasons, and it is disturbing. There are areas within this community where you simply are scared to be at night time for safety purposes. Many times, crimes that are committed here seem to go unsolved, something that also indicates that this particularly community is socially disorganized. Having been in this area for over 20 years now, I have seen attempts at revitalizing it fail and can see how the social disorganization of this area truly impacts the overall health and safety of this community, despite the best efforts of some community members to help improve the conditions in the area. It makes policing and law enforcement rather challenging in this area and can cause quite a bit of difficulty in ensuring that there is a good working relationship between the community members and the police force in general. References:Regoeczi, W.C. & Jarvis, J.P. (2011). Beyond the social production of homicide rates: Extending social disorganization theory to explain homicide case outcomes. Justice Quarterly, 30(6), 983-1014., J.B., Bernard, T.J., & Gerould, A.L. (2019). Vold’s Theoretical Criminology (8th Ed.). Oxford University Press.Wong, S.K. (2012). Youth crime and family disruption in Canadian municipalities: An adaptation of Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40(2), 100-114.