solved I need an answer to the below post. Please include

I need an answer to the below post. Please include at least 4 references. Thanks Health information technology made it necessary to have a nursing specialty that focuses on the optimization of technology in the provision of health services. Notably, the role of nurse informaticists in health organizations continues to grow in importance. In fact, scholars and professional nursing bodies, committees as well as organizations continue to recommend that information technology or informatics organizations. This is because this will allow them to be better placed as advocates for adherence to health information technology as well as nursing standards while using electronic health records (Lavin, Harper & Barr, 2015). That said, it is important to note that while nurse informaticists and data or technology specialists work in such capacity within health organization, their interaction with other specialists is inevitable especially because other health providers have no choice but to use health information technology in providing health services within their individual professional capacities. Thus, there are many ways in which such interactions may occur. One way which is always very common is when there is need to develop and implement a new technological system within the organization. Such systems have to be used by nurses who are not data specialists or nurse informaticists. As such, they are always required to actively take part in the development and implementation processes. In fact, it is recommended that nurses have to be involved early in the planning phase through the designing phase and also during the implementation and maintenance phases of the system development life cycle (Weckman & Janzen, 2009). The rational behind this recommendation is that the nurses understand the needs of the organization, their technological needs as end users and the needs of the patients who will also benefit from the technological systems. Therefore, their early involvement in the system development has to be procured so that they can provide insight regarding the needs and the use of the system. They shall be active participants in the designing of the system in order to ensure that it meets the intended needs. Interacting with the informaticists and data specialists during the entire process shall be through the provision of feedback and ideas such as how the interface of the system allows them to improve their workflow or lack thereof. Interaction between the nurses and the specialists in technology and data may also be in the form of training when new systems are implemented. The data and technology specialists will train other nurses how to maneuver through the system effectively and without wasting time that they could otherwise use attending to patients Since it is clear that such interactions are very important, there is need to find ways to improve them and make them sustainable and beneficial to all parties. First, there is need to promote a culture of open communication or an open culture in the organization. This will ensure that all members interact freely and communicate openly while providing feedback regarding issues that exist. With such a culture, it shall be easy for different nurses from all specialists to interact with the technologists and informaticists without feeling judge, stupid or out of place. There is also need to actively involve the nurses in all the decisions including the setting up of new systems. This shared governance and shared decision making is always associated with improved nurse engagement and better performance (Kutney-Lee et al., 2016). This way, the nurses shall be active in engaging with the informaticists and data and technology specialists. In the end, technology and informatics can be capitalized and used for the benefit of nurses and patients alike. Finally, as informatics a health information technology continues to advance, interaction between nurses in different specialties shall improve and focus on interprofessional and interdisciplinary care shall also improve significantly. There shall be improvement in nurse engagement, job satisfaction and patient outcomes and experience.

solved Partnerships Partnerships are referred to as flow-through entities. What does

Partnerships Partnerships are referred to as flow-through entities. What does that mean for the entity and its owners? Are there other flow-through entities besides partnerships? Is there an advantage to being an owner of a flow-through entity? Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussions. Please do the discussion and response each posted #1 to 3 down below Posted 1 Under a flow-through entity all income is passed on to the owners and/or investors of the business. This method is used to avoid double taxation on earnings. With the flow-through entity, the business pays no corporate taxes. Income is taxed at the owner’s individual tax rate for ordinary income only. Other types of flow-through entities include S corporation, income trust, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, limited liability and general partnerships. In addition to avoiding double taxation, losses from the company can be applied to the owner’s personal income. Many businesses choose to operate as a flow-through entity because of those advantages. Reference IRS, 2021 Posted 2 Hi Class, A flow-through entity is one where all of the income of the organization is passed through to its owners for tax reporting purposes. There are various types of flow-through entities to include partnerships, as well as LLCs, S-Corps, and sole proprietorships. The biggest advantage of a flow-through entity is the avoidance of double-taxation that sometimes occurs in other types of entities. In non-flow-through-entities, such as C-Corps, the corporation pays a tax on its revenue and any owners are required to pay individual tax rates on their income and share earnings as well. For flow through entities, the corporation itself does not pay tax on its revenues. The taxes for the corporation “flow through” the owner(s) individual tax filings and are paid on the individual level. The owner(s) can also claim business revenue losses on their personal income taxes, as a result. The disadvantage of this type of tax structure is that sometimes the owner(s) of a flow-through corporation might not actually see the income they have to pay taxes on. Sometimes that money gets put back into the organization instead of going in the individual owner(s) pocket(s) but they are still taxed for it. References: Hayes, A. (2021, June 03). Flow-Through Entities: What You Need to Know. Retrieved June 4, 2021, from Posted 3Good Afternoon, class! Man… week 5! We are almost there!!! I hope everyone is keeping up and hanging in there! Flow-through entities are entities by which the profits and losses ‘flow-through’ to the owners of the entity. In addition to Partnerships, LLCs (not electing to be treated as a c-corporation for tax purposes) and sole proprietorships also pass entity earnings to their owners. S-Corporations, which are incorporated businesses with less than 100 employees (with a few other limitations), also elect to pass their earnings to their shareholders, even though the entity itself chooses to operate like a corporation, a legally separate entity from its owners. The prime advantage of flow-through income to entity owners is the avoidance of double taxation. For example, C-Corporations are required to pay taxes on it’s own earnings (21% for 2021), which can be at higher rates than some shareholder’s marginal income tax rates. In addition to corporate income taxes, earnings that are distributed to its owners are taxed again as dividend income to the recipients, aka shareholders. Allowing (or electing) income to flow-through to owners avoids the additional divided tax, which ranges from 0% – 20% based on marital/filing status and income levels. In short, an owner of a C-Corp could be on the hook for a 41% marginal tax rate! The highest marginal tax rate for married/joint is only 37%, assuming income passes through without dividends. So, when tax planning makes sense, choosing a flow-through entity may provide a lower overall tax bill, self-employment-tax considerations not-withstanding.

solved This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome:CJ227-M3:Describe the various parts

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome:CJ227-M3:Describe the various parts of a criminal trial and the roles of the major participants.Assignment InstructionsAnalysis and Application: Procedures in a Criminal Trial The following case study presents issues related to procedures in a criminal trial and the roles of the major participants. Case Study: Jones, Walsh, and Bert have been arrested on suspicion of rape and criminal assault of a 14-year-old girl. As the police investigation unfolds they locate and obtain the statement of Bland, who provides them additional information about Walsh. The evidence the police uncover reveals that there have been three separate assault and rapes of juveniles over a 3-day period.The prosecutor in the case files charges against Jones, Walsh, and Bert for their acts. Bert hires an attorney to defend him. Bert tells his defense attorney that he did not commit any of the rapes and that he was only present one time with Jones and all he did was hit one of the girls. Bert explains that he can prove this because at the times the other rapes are alleged to have occurred, he was with Mook. Mook is currently out of the country on a mountain climbing trip and will not return for 2 months.Shortly after the prosecutor files charges in the case, Bland contacts the prosecutor’s office and provides a written statement to the prosecutor that Walsh was not present during any of the rapes.In a 2-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page), discuss the following questions, explaining your answers in detail by analyzing the facts presented and other factors you consider relevant; defining and explaining key legal terms and principles; and citing legal authority (your text and other legal authority) to support your conclusions.1. How should the court rule on Bert’s motion for severance in the case?2. What should the prosecutor do following the statement Bland after charges had been filed against Walsh?3. How should the court rule on Bert’s motion to continue regarding Mook?Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material, and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style.The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format.All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format.Download the Assignment ChecklistMinimum Submission RequirementsThis Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 2 pages) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found within the Academic Support Center under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

solved 2) Write a first draft of your essay, and run

2) Write a first draft of your essay, and run the spell and grammar checker. Then compare your essay to the Essay Checklist in this folder. If you have made any of the errors listed in the document, correct them.
3) Upload your draft to the Essay Draft link. This assignment will be checked by SafeAssign for similarity to other papers and material on the internet. Be sure to cite any material from other sources (you do not really need them for this assignment but you are welcome to use one or two if you cite them properly). You will be able to see the report generated when you upload the draft. Names, titles, and common phrases, as well as short quotes in quotation marks may be highlighted, but are not a concern. If you have questions about what should be cited, or any highlighting by SafeAssign, please contact me.
4) When you have finished your final copy and it conforms to these instructions, has no errors from the Essay Checklist, and has no uncited borrowed material, use the Essay Final Copy link in the weekly module. Be sure that you hit submit and that you see confirmation that your essay has been uploaded, particularly if you are using a tablet. You do not need to email me a copy unless you did not see the upload confirmation or are otherwise uncertain that your essay was submitted properly.
Topics: You must choose one from the list in this folder. Be sure to read the topic youve chosen carefully both before and after youve written your first draft to make sure you have addressed it completely and properly.
Organizing Your Essay: Introduce your topic and your main point (thesis) in a first (brief) paragraph, and include a short summary or conclusion. In the middle paragraphs, organize your points logically. 
Formatting: You are graded on using correct formatting, whether MLA or APA. Owl Purdue has a good, easy-to-use website on MLA style, which requires a heading in the upper-left corner of the first page:
Your Name
Modern Culture
Date of Submission
Essay Topic # [fill in]
Then skip a space and center the title of your essay, but dont underline, italicize, or bold it. Number the pages (either top or bottom is fine). Doublespace the body of the paper and consistently use a 12-point font.
Grading: Each essay must be a minimum of 800 and a maximum of 900 words, and can be worth up to 100 points. An essay that is late loses 10 points for every day after the deadline, and an essay below the required minimum word count loses an automatic 20 points; essays under 700 words will be returned. Grading focuses on two areas:
Subject/Content 50 points: essay fully addresses the topic without wandering; has a thesis/topic statement; demonstrates careful thought and reflection about the topic; uses consistently valid arguments and statements; shows understanding of the course materials.
Writing/Mechanics 50 points: uses MLA or APA style consistently; essay employs clear, focused, effective writing; uses words and terms appropriately; follows a clear and logical structure; has none of the errors on the Essay Checklist; spelling-and-grammar checker does not reveal any errors. Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs, body organized logically. 
You do not necessarily need any outside sources to write the essays for this course. If you do use them, be sure to cite them properly and include a Works Cited listing after the essay. Avoid using long quotes (more than a sentence or two). You do not need to use a citation if youre relating basic facts known or accessible to a college-age audience in, for example, an encyclopedia (e.g., the dates of Picassos life or the names and dates of his artistic periods; but you do need it if youre using or quoting an opinion you didnt personally arrive at (Picassos Blue Period was his most emotionally intense period). If youre in doubt as to whether you need a citation, email me or pose the question in the General Information forum. 
As always, email me with any questions or requests for clarification of any of the above points, or post them to the General Information forum.Detailed instructions:

solved Writing your Personal Nutrition Journal on the Micronutrients and WaterFor

Writing your Personal Nutrition Journal on the Micronutrients and WaterFor your micronutrient assessment, you will need to run a Bar Graph Report from AnalyzeMyDiet for each of the days you tracked. Unlike the Calorie Assessment Report, the Bar Graph will compare your intake of all your nutrients relative to the recommended intakes generated from your personal profile. So now you can see the micronutrients – the minerals and vitamins – as well as proteins, carbs, and lipids. Step 1: Your vitamin intake: Prepare to write your discussion.From the Bar Graph Reports from each day you tracked, identify at least two vitamins for which your intake is significantly below your recommended DRI. (For our purposes in this assignment, “significantly below” means less than 35-50% of your DRI.) Review your Food Journal to see what foods contributed to your intake of these vitamins. What foods could you add to your diet to increase your intake? Are there any fat-soluble vitamins for which your intake is OVER the DRI? If so, by how much? (The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, K, and E)Important: If you take a multivitamin or mineral supplement on a regular basis, you’ll need to refer to the nutrition label on your product and add the amounts the supplement contains to the amount of the fat-soluble vitamins reported on your Bar Graph. This is an important step to ensure that you are not taking in more of these vitamins on a regular basis than your body can use.Step 2: Your mineral intakeFrom your Bar Graph Report, identify at least two minerals for which your intake is significantly below the recommended DRI.Review your Food Journal to see what foods contributed to your intake of these minerals What foods could you add to your diet to increase your intake? Sodium: Pay special attention to your intake of sodium. Is it 2300 mgs or less on this day you tracked? You’ll want to take a look at your Food Journal and determine which foods you could eliminate or cut down on to bring that total intake down. (Remember, this is a “snapshot” of your diet, and every day is different. So don’t be concerned – just be aware.) Step 3: ReportsFor this Journal, you’ll attach the Bar Graph Reports for each day you tracked. Although you do not have to attach Single Nutrient reports, you should look at them in order to identify the foods that contributed to your intake – or which are missing from your diet! This will be necessary to answer question 5.(((I don’t take any vitaimts))))Step 4: Your discussionWrite your discussion directly on the Journal page. Do NOT attach it with your reports. Your discussion should address the following :From the Bar Graphs, identify the four micronutrients you want to discuss. These should be the two vitamins and two minerals in which your intake is less than the recommended intake (the lowest percentage). Remember, you are going to choose the micronutrients in which you are consistently deficient – over all the days you tracked – not just any single day.Do you usually take a vitamin and mineral supplement? If your answer is no, skip to #5. If you do take a supplement, from the label, submit the amount of those four micronutrients included in the supplement. Add this to the percentages for these nutrients given in your Bar Graph report. If your supplement puts you over the recommended intake for any of the fat-soluble vitamins, it is important that you identify the amount of the overage. (No need to identify overages of the water-soluble vitamins – they will be excreted in the urine.) Now, identify at least one food that supplies each of the micronutrients you chose to discuss. Look back at your Single Nutrient Reports, and see which of those foods contributed to your intake. Is it possible to increase the frequency with which you include these foods in your diet? Discuss.Conclude your report with a brief statement about your intake of water. Do you drink bottled water? If so, which ones? Why do you use bottled water over tap? Reflect on approximately how much you spend on bottled water a week – this is not information you need to include in your discussion.) (I’m diabetic so I drink a lot of water)

solved Book Excerpt: Global Healthcare SystemsWeb PageMedia: Comparing Healthcare SystemsWeb PageArt

Book Excerpt: Global Healthcare SystemsWeb PageMedia: Comparing Healthcare SystemsWeb PageArticle: Global Healthcare SystemsWeb PageWebsite: Global TuberculosisWeb PageFor this Module Pre-Assessment, describe in a bulleted list the order in which you as a hospital administrator believe the step-by-step crisis action plan for containing a potential TB outbreak should follow. Module 2undefinedExplain the connection between global health issues and local healthcare management.85.71 %6 of 7 learning resources viewedShow data table for This chart displays the number of completed topics versus the total number of topics within module Module 2..List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Module 2Book Excerpt: Global Health in Local SettingsWeb PageMedia: Ebola TrackingWeb PageArticle: Undocumented and UninsuredWeb PageWebsite: Immigrant and Refugee HealthWeb PageWebsite: TuberculosisWeb PageWebsite: Medical TourismWeb PageModule 2 Pre-Assessment SubmissionAssessment SubmissionNote: Although this formative pre-assessment is not graded, a submission is required before you can advance to your summative assessment.People travel internationally to seek medical and cosmetic treatment that is not legal or available in their home country. In your Final Assessment, you will be asked to draft a letter to the editor in your community making the case for or against international medical treatment. You also will be asked to consider as many options for domestic and international treatment as possible addressing both local and destination country’s perspectives on the issue.The Module Pre-Assessment is your opportunity to practice applying module content before submitting the final Competency Assessment. For this Pre-Assessment, find a current article featuring an example of medical tourism.To prepare for your Final Assessment, consider whether you agree or disagree with traveling to seek medical treatment. Then reflect on any exceptions to your opinion.For this Module Pre-Assessment, create an outline of your response in defense of a position for or against international medical tourism in relation to the article. Your outline should be comprised of talking points related to the following:Describe whether you agree or disagree with traveling to seek medical treatment.Explain if there are there exceptions to your opinion.Provide your opinion along with the pros and cons of medical tourism, based on what was described in the article.Module 5 Apply strategies to communicate health threats to culturally diverse communities.75 %3 of 4 learning resources viewedShow data table for This chart displays the number of completed topics versus the total number of topics within module Module 5..List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Module 5Book Excerpt: Culturally Competent Health ProgramsWeb PageArticle: Culturally Competent Healthcare SystemsWeb PageWebsite: National CLAS StandardsWeb PageModule 5 Pre-Assessment SubmissionAssessment SubmissionNote: Although this formative pre-assessment is not graded, a submission is required before you can advance to your summative assessment.The Module Pre-Assessment is your opportunity to practice applying module content before submitting the final Competency Assessment. In your Final Assessment, you will be asked to develop a culturally competent phone script to reach out to the contacts of infected persons that encourages them to get tested for TB. You also will be asked to submit an appendix to your script explaining which National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Healthcare Standards were applied and your rationale for selecting the cultural demographic upon which your script is based.To prepare for your Final Assessment, consider what strategies are necessary to develop a culturally competent phone script that encourages contacts of infected persons to get tested for TB. Then think about how you would use those strategies when developing your own phone script for encouraging contacts of infected persons to get tested for TB.For this Module Pre-Assessment, create an outline of your phone script that reflects the strategies you would use to communicate health threats to culturally diverse communities.

solved Week 8 discussion Find a business outreach event involving your

Week 8 discussion Find a business outreach event involving your selected company(NIKE)? How does their participation in the event align with their stance as a business in the community? Find a business outreach event in YOUR LOCAL community. What business or businesses are sponsoring the event? How (or does) the event align with the sponsoring company’s values? If so, how?How (or does) the company benefit from sponsoring the event? How do you think this event brings your community together? How does the community view the company sponsoring the event?Respond to at least one of your classmates with your perspective on their topic.Week 9Companies often project their corporate values on their suppliers through a supplier code of conduct or similarly named requirements. Writing these requirements can be arduous and require the input of multiple stakeholders.What is the supplier code of conduct for your selected company(NIKE)?If you were asked to create this code for your company, discuss how you would assemble a team or committee to write it. How would the committee work? Who would be included on the committee?Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.Week 10In your opinion, what is one of the most pressing and significant concerns facing communities today that a business might have a responsibility to consider? Why do you think so and what is the responsibility of the business?Week 7Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, communication styles, and other differences. Discuss the following:What is your selected company’s stance on diversity?If you were starting a business that required you to hire new personnel, would diversity be a priority? How important would it be to you on a list of other considerations? Explain.Week 6 Share a recent or current event in which a business or government failed to protect consumers. What were the failures? Who were the victims? What can or could be done to prevent such failures in the future? Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?You are encouraged to share resources that introduce or illuminate the event.Jgr100Week 7Joe Gibbs learned at an early age that being a professional football player was an unrealistic goal based on his strengths and abilities. So, he decided to pursue his dream job as an NFL head coach. It took decades to achieve that dream, but setting effective goals helped him get there!To find success like Coach, we need to set SMART goals. Have you ever set a goal that was unrealistic? What happened? What did you learn? Using the SMART goal framework, identify a past goal that you made for yourself and explain why it might have been unrealistic.Week 8 This week you learned about the importance of adopting a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. Describe a time in your life when you faced an important opportunity or challenge with a fixed mindset? What held you back? Were you concerned about your ability to succeed? Were you worried about other people’s perception of you? (Briefly describe the situation.)If you could go back in time and redo this situation with a growth mindset, how would tWeek 9Reading Life Stories of Recent MBAs: Leadership Purpose (JGR100 ebook) will help you get into the minds of recent MBA graduates and learn from their individual experiences pursuing purpose. After reading the article, answer the following questions:1. Do you see a common thread among the stories?2. What can you learn from these stories as you are creating your own game plan?Week 10Joe Gibbs is a masterful communicator because he can connect with any audience and effectively share his ideas. This week you’ve learned the different techniques leaders like Coach use to communicate with confidence.Now, think of a leader or presenter whose communication has made an impact on you. (Maybe it’s a politician, a teacher, a coach, or a boss.) What communication techniques does this person use? Is there a particular technique you’ve learned this week that you would like to use in the future?

solved -Topic: Anxiety- 2 pages- Apa Format-5 References-attatch 3 PDF ReferencesAssignment

-Topic: Anxiety- 2 pages- Apa Format-5 References-attatch 3 PDF ReferencesAssignment 1: Prescribing for Children and AdolescentsOff-label prescribing is when a physician gives you a drug that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved to treat a condition different than your condition. This practice is legal and common. In fact, one in five prescriptions written today are for off-label use.—Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityPhoto Credit: Getty Images/Ingram PublishingPsychotropic drugs are commonly used for children and adolescents to treat mental health disorders, yet many of these drugs are not FDA approved for use in these populations. Thus, their use is considered “off-label,” and it is often up to the best judgment of the prescribing clinician. As a PMHNP, you will need to apply the best available information and research on pharmacological treatments for children in order to safely and effectively treat child and adolescent patients. Sometimes this will come in the form of formal studies and approvals for drugs in children. Other times you may need to extrapolate from research or treatment guidelines on drugs in adults. Each individual patient case will need to be considered independently and each treatment considered from a risk assessment standpoint. What psychotherapeutic approach might be indicated as an initial treatment? What are the potential side effects of a particular drug?For this Assignment, you consider these questions and others as you explore FDA-approved (“on label”) pharmacological treatments, non-FDA-approved (“off-label”) pharmacological treatments, and nonpharmacological treatments for disorders in children and adolescents.Reference:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2015). Off-label drugs: What you need to know. PrepareYour Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment.Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this disorder in children and adolescents.The Assignment (2 pages)Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Attach the PDFs of your sources.-Learning ResourcesRequired Readings (click to expand/reduce)Hilt, R. J., & Nussbaum, A. M. (2016). DSM-5 pocket guide for child and adolescent mental health. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
Chapter 14, “Psychosocial Interventions”Chapter 15, “Psychotherapeutic Interventions”Chapter 16, “Psychopharmacological Interventions”Thapar, A., Pine, D. S., Leckman, J. F., Scott, S., Snowling, M. J., & Taylor, E. A. (2015). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry (6th ed.). Wiley Blackwell.
Chapter 43, “Pharmacological, Medically-Led and Related Treatments”Walden University. (n.d.). Developing SMART goals.…
Zakhari, R. (2020). The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual. Springer.
Chapter 5, “Psychopharmacology”Required Media (click to expand/reduce)CriticalThinkRx. (2019, June 9). Module 5: Specific drug classes: Focus on adverse effects [Video]. YouTube. (2019, June 9). Module 2: Use of psychotropics with youth_prevalence and concerns [Video]. YouTube.

solved Instructions:Persuasive Research PaperGeneral requirements: Write a Persuasive Research Paper

Instructions:Persuasive Research PaperGeneral requirements: Write a
Persuasive Research Paper in which you identify a problem and argue for
or against it. This paper will demonstrate your ability to develop a
coherent argument with necessary details and backing to support your
claims.Avoid logical Fallacies while structuring your arguments, and review
the Types of Arguments lecture. Your argument should be Forensic,
Deliberative, or Epideictic. Each question of Stasis Theory will help
you with the pre-writing when you are trying to understand your argument
and construct it accordingly. Once you have been able to identify the
problem/issue in connection to this topic, follow the deductive or
inductive reasoning/logic to make sure that your argument is strong.State the Claim/Thesis Statement with three supporting
details at the end of your Introduction. You need to elaborate on each
detail in your body paragraphs, constructing your thoughts coherently
and logically. Use transition words for connecting your ideas smoothly.
See the Outline here: Final research Toulmin Argument Outline.pdf
Include a clear Thesis Statement: For
example, Even though medical marijuana use is illegal, it should be
legalized because it can alleviate pain, cure glaucoma, and epilepsy.
Sources: Incorporate the current
discourse on the issue into your paper using the Toulmin argumentation
style, and present your position clearly.Since this is a Persuasive paper, you need to persuade your audience
and convince them to take your side. They need to agree with you, but
they also need to follow your call for action. Use your reflections from
the Annotated Bibliography to choose the appropriate source for each
argument.Here are the requirements for the sources:TOTAL- at least 5 Credible Articles (See the CRAAP Worksheet for evaluating sources and refer to your Annotated Bibliography)
2- Academic Sources2- Popular Sources1 – Source stating the opposing view for the counterargument3. Use Rhetorical Appeals:
Your paper needs to include at least five outside sources, which
support your argument and give authority to your writing. Establish
Ethos by referring to experts in the field or evidence to prove your
case. Also, include Pathos and Logos to create an effective argument
because this is a Persuasive Paper. You can also incorporate images to
support your points, if needed. 4. Modes of Development:
choosing an appropriate Mode of Development is essential for a clear
structure and organization of your thoughts. We learned about the
importance of clearly placing your thoughts into a cohesive
paragraph/essay, so use that knowledge to demonstrate your understanding
of this class material. If you need to use a different Mode in each
paragraph, you can do that as long as it helps you present your
information concisely. Go back and look at your proposal and your
outline to see if you have clearly identified the Modes you will be
using in your final essay. 5. Organization/Format: The
organization is one of the most significant aspects of your writing.
Your assumptions, examples, and conclusions need to be coherently
structured. The reader needs to be clear and informed about your
position and organizational style, which should be included in your
thesis statement (Essay and Thesis Statement).6. Refute Paragraph: Note
that you have to have a Refute Paragraph before your conclusion. This
paragraph should start with the opposing view, an opinion that argues
against you, your side of the argument that negates the opposing view
you mentioned and a supporting details to strengthen your argument. See
the worksheet in the previous week’s materials and the quiz. MLA: Your paper should be
formatted according to MLA style. See the quiz on MLA and the videos
that we used to practice. I upload a sample MLA paper along with the
handout here again. MLA Handout-Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Scroll down to see a sample paper that is MLA formatted. Use it as a guide while following the MLA style. Your Paper should be PDF or WORD ONLY! Canvas won’t display any other format. Sample Essay – Toulmin ArgumentHere is a Toulmin Research Paper student sample.

solved Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion question, read

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion question, read Chapters 3 and 4 in American Government, and review the Week 2 Instructor Guidance. In addition, watch the videos provided on federalism: Quick Study of Federalism Part 1 (Links to an external site.), Quick Study of Federalism Part 2 (Links to an external site.), and Quick Study of Federalism Part 3 (Links to an external site.). Review the Week 2 assignment and the Final Paper assignment for more guidance regarding selecting your policy for your Final Paper, which you will also utilize for this discussion.Reflect: The U.S. government’s expansive role in public policy is caught in a swirl of conflicting crosscurrents. On the one hand, popular expectations about government’s responsibility to solve problems often exceed the capacity of state and local authorities to respond effectively. On the other hand, policies developed at the national level may not sufficiently reflect the great diversity of interests across the United States to be effective at the local level. Moreover, the search for effective policy is further complicated by theoretical debates about the constitutional framework of federalism. That is, what limits on national power can be derived from the 10th amendment?Write: Select a specific policy or piece of legislation that you are interested in and that directly impacts your current or future profession (i.e., your major). For examples, go to the Week 2 DQ and Final Paper Policy Examples download file located in your online classroom. The policy you select should be the same policy that you research for your Final Paper.Identify your profession or future profession and provide a brief background on the typical job responsibilities.Discuss what federalism is and why it is important.Discuss your policy or piece of legislation that you have selected for your Final Paper and how federalism impacts it.Discuss the federalism challenges that the policy you have selected is creating or facing For exampleIf you are an education major, how are local, state, and federal government policies affected by Every Student Succeeds Act or some other piece of education-related legislation?If you are a criminal justice major, how does recent legalization of marijuana in some states affect local, state, and federal marijuana laws?If you are a business major, how does the insurance mandate in the Affordable Care Act affect local, state, and national businesses and their employees?If you are a political science major, how has the recent Citizen’s United ruling affected the amount of money available for campaigns at the local, state, or federal levels?Question 2: Must be 300 words or moreThis discussion forum allows you the opportunity to explore topics that interest you and relate to the United States government and the political processes we are discussing. Within this forum, you will share critical insights and discuss questions and issues that we are studying, share your personal challenges and successes, and discuss any concepts that you do not completely understand that have been discussed or addressed in our materials this week. Your initial post should focus on your personal experience within the course over the past week and should prompt further discussion from your classmates. Please be sure to address the following questions:What policy did you decide on for your Final Paper? What research have you found to support your ideas? Is your research reliable and unbiased?In addition to the questions above, also address at least one of the following questions as you reflect on the learning week:What was the most interesting and/or intriguing concept you learned about during this week?Are there any current events that you can recall that relate to the course concepts we are studying this week?What insights have you had?What concepts are causing you to struggle?What questions have arisen for you at this point?Do you have any helpful tips or ideas to help students better understand the material and course concepts?What questions do you have regarding any of the discussions or assignments that your classmates might be able to provide insight?