solved Critically analyzing the pathophysiology of a condition means not only

Critically analyzing the pathophysiology of a condition means not only knowing the different pathways involved in a disease process, but also understanding the connection between the signs and symptoms (S/Sx) your patients will present with, the disease process, and the diagnostic tests that will identify or help you differentiate between the different differential diagnoses. This assignment encompasses all of the course learning objectives. They are:Apply current pathophysiological knowledge, theory and research in the primary caremanagement of patients across the lifespan.Apply critical thinking in the development of an appropriate differential diagnosis.Determine appropriate and cost-effective diagnostic studies to evaluatepathophysiologic processes in the primary care setting.Evaluate the usefulness and applicability of published research findings in theunderstanding of disease processes.Discuss current pathophysiologic theory related to commonly occurring health problems.Critique current pathophysiologic research related to common health conditions.Identify developmental variations in pathophysiological processes across the lifespan.Explain variations in pathophysiology across populations.This assignment has 2 parts. You may begin this assignment at any time. Part 1 is due week 11 and Part 2 week 15.Part 1:Points: 75Due Date: Week 11Directions: Within the first week of class, review the assignment and choose your S/Sx (topic). You will create a PPT presentation with an audio recording and upload it to a discussion in Week 11. Your PPT presentation should be no longer than 5-8 minutes MAX to present on your topic. Do not read your PPT, summarize key points for each section. What is the most common? The most serious? Consider this the elevator speech for you topic to another clinician.Points will be deducted if you go over time limit. Required components:Name the S/Sx you chose.What are the DDx for your S/SxList AT LEAST 5 different DDx from AT LEAST 2 different body systemsReview the prevalence/incidence of these DDx. What is the most common DDx from the ones you choose? What are the Zebras?List the 3 most common DDx for PEDS, ADULTS, in PREGNANCY (they can overlap)What HPI/ROS questions would you ask to help navigate through DDxIdentify RED FLAG findingsWhat PE would you do to help r/o some of your DDxIdentify Pertinent Positives or negativesWhat diagnostic tests or labs would you do to help r/o some of your DDxExplain your medical decision making for what you are looking forIdentify RED FLAG findingsIf you decide not to do diagnostics/labs initially. When would you consider doing them?Create a short case study with appropriate HPI/ROS/PMH/PE and diagnostic and labs that would lead to your patient having one of the most common DDx you choose. List the plan for the patient.Explain the pathophysiology of why your chosen disease causes the S/Sx assignedDiscuss with the class how you would explain this connection between S/Sx assigned and the disease you choose, the diagnosis, and plan to the patient in layman’s terms.Your citations should be in APA format. The PPT will be graded for content as well as clarity and presentation.See the links below for a funny, yet informative comedy routine on creating a good PPT presentation:Life After Death by PowerPoint (Corporate Comedy Video) (Links to an external site.)Submit your PPT in “S/Sx DDX PPT” Discussions for your class to review.List of S/ Sx to choose from here: sig assnmt Ssx ddx list-1.docx*Here is a PPT example without voice over using the symptom of Dizziness : PathoDDX example1.pptx II:Part Points: 25Due Date: Week 14Directions:Create a table that includes the most common DDX identified for each topic. Include the headings below:S/Sx, DDx in PEDS (bolding the most common ones), DDx in ADULTS (bolding the most common ones), DDx in PREGNANCY (bolding the most common ones), Key Subjective questions to ask (Bolding the red flags), Key PE to do (Bolding the red flags), Key diagnostic/labsYou can do this by using the information from the PPT your classmates post. HOWEVER, each student must submit a table into week 15 assignment.Post your table in Week 15 assignment “S/Sx DDx Table”

solved my choice:Self Portrait by Albrecht Dürer (16th c. Northern) vs.

my choice:Self Portrait by Albrecht Dürer (16th c. Northern) vs. Self Portrait by Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun (Enlightenment/18th c. French)
Your Final for this class is to write a three- to five-page compare-and-contrast research paper that investigates how two works of art from different periods styles illustrate a particular theme in art. Your comparison must focus on the artists and period styles covered in LA 121 and must include at least ONE artwork from a period style introduced after Module 7.
The pair you choose must be drawn from two different period styles. For example, you may compare a Mannerist artwork with a Baroque artwork. However, you may NOT compare a Mannerist artwork with another work from the Mannerist period.
It is important to choose two images that have a number of things in common as well as a number of unique aspects to compare.
Try to choose works of art that you find interesting or artists that you are interested in learning more about. Stay away from simple comparisons like Michelangelo’s David versus Bernini’s David. If you have trouble finding a set to compare, consult with your instructor before you submit your proposal. You might start off with one work of art that you really know you like and your instructor can help you select one to compare it to.
Before you write your paper, you must submit a proposal for approval. Your proposal will help ensure that you are planning an appropriate comparison.
Here is the Term Paper Assignment. Please review it before you begin working on your proposal worksheet. 
ASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-5 page essay comparing and contrasting two works of art from two different styles covered in this course between the periods of the High Renaissance and Impressionism. One of your selected works of art must be from AFTER the midterm (Modules 8-14) You must cover the following points in your comparison:
Introduction and Thesis

Introduce the artwork titles, period styles and artists names
Briefly state what you believe is significant about these artworks
In other words… Tell your reader what works of art you will be discussing and why you think they are important

Stylistic analysis

Correctly identify artwork titles, period styles and artists names
Compare the artworks by discussing key stylistic characteristics associated with artists and period styles
Apply art history vocabulary correctly and uses it to support your stylistic analysis
In other words… What make these works stylistically significant?

Cultural analysis

Compare the artworks by discussing key cultural issues associated with artists and periods
Discuss how the cultural context of each period influenced the artistic development of the period style (Make connections between cultural context and style)
In other words… What makes these works culturally significant?

Conclusion and Thematic Connection

Analyze the ways art can affect and/or reflect cultural, political and social issues
Draw conclusions about the artist / society which produced the artwork from the comparison
In other words… What “Thematic Connection” can you make between the two works of art that helps you better understand them or the culture they represent?


Incorporate 3 our more sources (outside of module text) to support your analysis
Properly cite your sources using MLA format
Include a list of “Works Cited”

Written Mechanics

Use of grammar, spelling and punctuation correctly throughout your paper
In other words…there should be no mechanical errors!

SOURCES: 3 in addition to the module text

scholarly professional web site (for example, a museum, research institute or university)
nonfiction book published within the last 50 years
an art history textbook such as Garnders Art Through the Ages, Jansen’s, or Schneider-Adams
professional art historical publication (magazine or journal child) such as The Art Bulletin these can be accessed through an online database free through the AAU Library called JSTOR
Oxford/Grove Dictionary of Art Online
Credible professional websites such as those of museums, galleries, and universities, for example:

The Getty Center
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

solved Gardening in South Central LA Discussion Board Write a ~500

Gardening in South Central LA Discussion Board
Write a ~500 word response to Ron Finley’s Ted Talk, evaluating his solution by answering the following questions. 

What’s the problem? What’s the solution?
Analyze Finley’s solution – is it a strong solution? Why or why not?

Causation Argument: Does the solution address a cause of the problem?
Coverage/Comprehensiveness Argument: Does the solution address the problem for a significant number of those people most affected by the problem?
Cost/Benefit Argument: Do the solution’s benefits exceed its costs? (Remember that not all costs are financial– time/effort/inconvenience etc can also count as costs.)
Feasibility Argument: Is the solution feasible? Realistic? Easy to implement?
Comparison Argument: Has a similar solution worked well in another comparable context?
Anticipating the Opposition: What arguments might opponents make about this solution?

What rhetorical devices does Ron Finley use to convince his audience of the effectiveness of his solution?
What types of multi-modal argumentation (if any) does he employ? 

answer similar to this, but please don’t copy directly
The problem discussed by Finley is the issue of death by lack of access to healthy food. He discusses how South-Central Los Angeles is full of fast-food joints and liquor stores, but also large areas of open, unoccupied land. He acknowledges that obesity has become a sort of epidemic escalated by the fast-food industry. His solution to solve this problem is to plant “food forests.” These gardens are full of healthy, planted, home-grown food on strips of land owned by the city. Finely uses humor to portray his message of urgency. He uses images of his gardens to show that he has implemented this solution on a minimal scale and it can be a promising step to take to distribute healthier foods to his city. He uses ethos, by providing heartwarming stories of those who have come to his gardens hungry and in need, to target the emotions of his audience. This solution does address the lack of healthy food. Planting gardens full of healthy food creates additional supply of to distribute to the population. This gives the population greater access to foods that will help keep their health in top notch. Although this solution does have the potential to address the problem for a significant number of those people affected, the city may pose a great obstacle for achieving such. The city owns the land that these gardens would be planted on. This means that the city’s funding and cooperation is essential for allowing this solution to go widespread. It seems like this solution would not be extremely costly money wise. Volunteers are the main contributors to garden, but it would also require some funding by the city most likely at least for the land that the gardens would be planted on along with some supplies. This would require volunteers to dedicate a decent amount of time and effort toward the cause but that hasn’t seemed to have been an issue thus far. The costs of this solution are mostly time related rather than money related. Finely has grown his own garden in the city property in front of his house as well as at a local homeless shelter. These both seem to have been effective in providing some healthy foods for the local community. Volunteers were glad to dedicate their time effort. Assuming the city cooperates or offers some resources and volunteers are willing to put in a considerate amount of time and effort, this solution is feasible and realistic. Opponents could argue that people may choose to still consume fast food regardless of whether or not these “food forests” are implemented. Just because there is more healthy food available, does not necessarily guarantee that people will take advantage of that. They could also argue that death by unhealthy choices is not necessarily attributed to eating habits. Lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, depression, and smoking are also factors that could contribute to this problem. This solution does only address the food aspect of unhealthy lifestyle choices that are leading to death. On the other hand, supporters could refute these arguments to some extent.

solved I need an answer for the text posted below. the

I need an answer for the text posted below. the answer needs to be 200 words long and include at least 2 references. ThanksThe first opportunity I found that I could actively participate in helping with the policy making would be bill H.R. 7124 that was introduced in 2018. H.R. 7124 also known as the Keeping All Students Safe Act, this bill essentially prevents and prohibits the use of seclusion and prevents or reduces the use of physical restraints in schools (United States Congress, 2018). As a nurse I believe I could help to form education in ways to de-escalate situations that would lead to the use of seclusion or restraints that could be set up as a teaching model in schools for all schools to follow. I believe that one challenge to this program would be getting and keeping staff trained and keeping the staff on the same page. Lack of training in crisis areas and lack of guidelines to stick by make matters worse when there is a crisis with a student (Ryan et al., 2007, p. 8). One could look at overcoming these challenges by implementing the initial training for school staff and requiring that federally funded schools show evidence of monthly training and planning for crisis situations if ever audited. One strategy I could use to better advocate for this program would be to team up with other mental health professionals and medical professionals to find ways to make the training feasible and relevant to todays world and show law makers that this is a needed policy to advocate for their time being put into.The second opportunity that I could actively participate in as an APRN would be the introduced bill H.R. 2067, from March 2021. Bill H.R. 2067 is a revision of the Controlled Substance Act that requires all controlled drug prescribers to complete training on managing and treating patients with opioid and/or other substance abuse disorders (United States Congress, 2021). I believe a big challenge would be to mandate that every provider across the United States to have this education. According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2020) in 2019 there were 290,000 licensed nurse practitioners in the United States. With that number of nurse practitioners, physicians, and physician assistants it would be a very hard program to implement. There is the possibility that when the provider goes to renew their DEA license, they would have to complete an online training module first before the renewal was made possible. Another way to look at implementing such a law would be to grandfather in all existing DEA number holders and require the education for new registrations. I believe that one strategy I would use would be to get the support of current rehab providers to help implementing the education and the need for such a program, especially since they see the effects of the controlled drug crisis we have. Another strategy that would work well in the policy making aspect would be to have an advocacy group of past users and family members that have gone through rehab or loss with a loved one to help influence law makers to see that this kind of education could help save a life or possibly keep it on the right track.ReferencesAmerican Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2020, March 2). More than 290,000 nurse practitioners licensed in the united states.…Ryan, J., Peterson, R., Tetreault, G., & Vander Hagen, E. (2007). Reducing seclusion timeout and restraint procedures with At-Risk youth. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 13(1), 7–12. States Congress. (2018, November). Text – H.R.7124 – 115th congress (2017–2018): Keeping all students safe act. Congress.Gov | Library of Congress.…United States Congress. (2021, March). H.R.2067 – 117th congress (2021–2022): To amend the controlled substances act to require physicians and other prescribers of controlled substances to complete training on treating and managing patients with opioid and other substance use disorders, and for other purposes. Congress.Gov | Library of Congress.…

solved Chapters 13 and 14 Â Choose your topic of interest,

Chapters 13 and 14  Choose your topic of interest, then Discuss it.
It is important to state that discussion entries can be as personal as you are willing to share; however, although I ask that what is shared during this semester be kept confidential, please be mindful that I cannot regulate if something is shared outside of us.
Discussion entries are opportunities to share what captured your interest from each chapter and how it relates to you. The topic of interest you choose should be chosen to provoke positive cognitive processing (positive thinking) that will eventually manifest in your behavior. Postings will respond to topics contained in the text, and it must be taken from the weekly chapter readings and express your personal understanding and/or experience with your chosen topic of interest. Furthermore, postings must be supported with peer reviewed journals, psychology related books (not the textbook), popular or scientific articles, poetry, music, or other media items that are related to weekly topic(s). Occasionally, I may post observations, opinions, and/or questions to which you may respond.
Postings should be seven sentences in length and should reflect your original thinking. If there are more than 1 chapter readings for the week (i.e. Weeks 7 and 8), you must write a topic of interest paragraph for each chapter (in the same discussion post; please, separate the chapters by paragraph). Correct grammar, syntax, and spelling are expected.
Discussion postings will be graded as follows:
1) Identify a topic in the chapter reading that interested you and provide your definition/explanation of it
2) Explain how this psychology topic relates to you or someone you know (do NOT give identifiable info)
3) Tell how/why the topic/information is relevant to you
4) Cite (i.e., provide the source) and discuss additional material (not the textbook) that is related to the week’s topic
***missing any of the five portions will result in zero points for assignment

Discussion example
Hi All,
I hope this helps…
Chapter 1
A topic in this chapter reading that interested me would be the life-span perspective and life expectancy. I was shocked to discover that our life expectancy average in the United States has increased 32 years since 1900. That would be like an increase of another whole lifetime in the Middle Ages, England, when life expectancy was 33 years old. This really relates to me by showing me just how seriously lucky I am to have my grandfather, who raised me, alive at 86 years old and how unlikely that would have been a hundred years ago. “Highly educated adults in the United States have lower yearly mortality rates than less-educated people in every age, gender, and racial/ethnic subgroup of the population.”(Hummer).
Chapter 2
A topic that really caught my interest in Chapter two was the Adoption section of the chapter. This really broke my heart to know just how important it may be to be adopted at a very young age in order for them to have a positive outcome. I was also shocked to find out that even with abortion becoming legal, their are still over 100,000 children in the U.S foster care waiting to be adopted. This is very relevant to me because I was adopted at age 7 my life was saved for the best and I would like to say I’ve had a very positive outcome from where I was. “Adoption-related and other emotional challenges may be compounded by learning issues that can have an impact on an adopted teen’s self-esteem, self-confidence, or academic performance.” I have to say I really agree with this statement and also struggled myself through my early years of schooling after being adopted.
Hummer, Robert A, and Elaine M Hernandez. “The Effect of Educational Attainment on Adult Mortality in the United States.” Population Bulletin, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2013, (Links to an external site.)
“College Choices for Adopted Teens.” C.A.S.E. – Nurture, Inspire, Empower, 15 Feb. 2018,
Our textbook is The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 5th Edition, by Laura King, ISBN-13: 9781260500523

solved Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following

Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following two Topics. Do you agree with the analysis presented? Why? Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic? Share them. When providing your feedback present the logic behind it. Topic 1 This week’s literature was quite fascinating. The detailed account of Freud and his life was very telling and allowed for a clear picture and better understanding of his approach to psychological matters. His psychological approach to free will, the conscious and unconscious working of the mind, and desires and motivations were all briefly notated as well as associates reaction to these theories. The information gathered about Jung and his childhood also his connection allowed for a closer comparison of there theories and how they relate or contradict. The responsibility of researchers to study personality in a ethical manner stem from the necessity of not only validity but the sensitive relationship between participants and the conductor of said study. Also not utilizing ethical values whilst practicing psychology can have legal repercussions. (Henderson, Law, Palermo, & Eccleston,2012,p. 1121). Henderson, E. M., Law, E. F., Palermo, T. M., & Eccleston, C. (2012). Case Study: Ethical Guidance for Pediatric e-health Research Using Examples From Pain Research With Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37(10), 1116–1126. Topic 2 The first segment deals with the findings of Sigmund Freud. He believed that we (human beings) are driven by the battles we fight inside ourselves. Oftentimes, these conflicts are unknown to us and manifest themselves as dreams, known as Interpretational Dreams (Allen, 2016). Freud categorized three criteria to the human psyche. First, the ID which according to Allen (2016), “including elements relating to the satisfaction of physical drives, such as sex and hunger, or primitive psychological needs, such as comfort and protection from danger.” The ego struggles to balance the urges of the id and it’d immediate desires. Rather the ego, utilizes thought, assessment, and formulation of ideas, and decision making to verify we will benefit from certain behaviors. The ego is thought to have a correlation with reality but isn’t completely conscious. (Allen, 2016) Lastly, the superego, which deals with our environment. This part of our consciousness is cultivated through what surrounds us and how we have been groomed by them. One way that the superego is formed is by introjection. This deals with our growth based on the people we idolize in our society. Some examples in today’s time would be our parents, teachers, sports phenoms, or social media influencers. The second Segment deals with those who have similar views with Freud’s theory but built upon it. The Neo-Freudians simply acknowledged his ideas but expanded on them. For example, a Neo-Freudian is Alfred Adler who believed the struggles we went through in our society are what defined us. We all had similar experiences however, we were affected by this differently. (Allen, 2016) Then we have Carl Jung, who was believed that our phycology was derived from our meaning in life. He believed that our urges and connection were not solely ours but part of a collective. Our collective sharing leads us to want a better understanding of ourselves. (Crash Course, 2014) a. Researchers have the responsibility to ensure that their research is done in a respectful manner. They are also responsible for their opinions to be based on proper organizational or institutional assessments. The group utilized in their research or in their given opinions should be safeguarded. For example, if we are writing on a study done, it should have been conducted by confirmed researchers in UMGC. Secondly, personal names and systems cannot be released without the complete consent of the group. Resource Allen, B. P. (2016). Personality theories: Development, growth, and diversity (5th ed.). Psychology Press. Crash Course (2014). Measuring personality: Crash Course Psychology #22 [Video].

solved If needed, I also attached my first case study. Thank

If needed, I also attached my first case study. Thank you!!!Scenario:W4L’s HR Director Sarah Walsh has a lot in her mind after yesterday’s leadership meeting that includes all the department heads who are involved in Project Sparkle. CEO Larry Anderson made it very clear to everyone that W4L takes a significant financial risk in Project Sparkle. Although W4L is a successful company, it does not have unlimited resources. A budget planning meeting for Project Sparkle is scheduled for next Wednesday with the leadership team. Each department will present a budget proposal that relates to Project Sparkle. Larry wanted all the expenses explained and justified to make sure every dollar is wisely spent.To prepare for this budget planning meeting next week, Sarah’s HR department needs to make a presentation about the compensation package that W4L will offer to the new club managers in Paris.Sarah also needs to put out a job advertisement to all W4L employees about the three positions offered in Project Sparkle. Instead of posting a job ad on W4L’s website, Sarah suggested in yesterday’s meeting that she will send a job posting email from her office to every single employee on the company’s payroll, so all current employees can have an equal opportunity to apply for the position.Sarah realizes that time is running out and she needs some help to get everything ready for the meeting, so she picks up the phone and dials the number to that independent HRM consultant.Instruction:For this assignment, as an independent HRM consultant to W4L, you are required to complete the following two tasks: 1. Create a PowerPoint presentation (PPT). Using the balance sheet approach to design a comprehensive compensation package that includes salary, benefits, and other incentives to attract the most qualified internal candidates for the new club managers in Paris. The package should be competitive and aligned with the company’s compensation level but also takes into consideration the host country’s financial situation. The Case Study only provided the base salary information. For the benefits and incentives, you need to research the taxes, typical housing allowance, cost of living in Paris, and other expenses involved. Give your best estimate to present a dollar amount for the executives’ budgeting consideration. Explain the rationale and justify the reasons for the expenses in the package, including direct, indirect, and non-financial benefits offered to the managers who will be working in Paris.2. Job Posting. For the three new club management positions in Paris, you need to create a one-page internal job posting email for HR Director Sarah Walsh to send out from her office to all W4L’s current employees. The job posting should include main job responsibilities, required skills, qualifications, advantages of working in Paris as an expatriate in this position, and the application process. As in a real job posting, this email should be single-spaced. Key Components Checklist:O 1. Introduction: Provide the purpose and an overview of your PPT;O 2. Compensation Package: Explain the rationale and justify the expenses;O 3. Conclusion: Reiterate the key points and summarize the main takeaways of your PPT;O 4. References;O 5. Job Posting: A one-page of Word file and submit it separately from your PPT.Format Checklist:O Length: 8 to 10 slides, not counting the Title and References slides; O Title Slide: Your PPT’s title, your name, course name, and the date of your submission;O Section Titles: Label the key components of your PPT with section titles;O APA: Use in-text citations in slides and a References list in APA format. All images used in this assignment should be cited including royalty-free, public domain, and clip art images;O Design: Any background, font, and color theme can be used. Efforts in visual enhancement are encouraged and recognized;O PPT Note: Not required but could be used for practice purpose;O Job Posting Email: One page, single-space, Times New Roman font (12pt, black), in Microsoft Word file.O Email Format: From: Sarah Walsh, Director of Human Resources Date: To: All W4L Employees Subject: New Club Manager Positions in Paris

solved Develop memorable, unique personalities for each of the provided characters

Develop memorable, unique personalities for each of the provided characters (attached file). Open your photos. You’ll start the process of developing a personality by selecting some character traits from a comprehensive list linked below. Then answer the questions follow.Please don’t randomly select character traits. Alternate between answering the questions about your character’s life and selecting character traits for them. Real people are complicated, so your thoughts about them should be as well. The character traits:In the Reading, Listening, Viewing section for this week, go to the Character Trait list link. (Links to an external site.)The list is broken into negative and positive traits. For each character, select 7 character traits from the list. Of the two characters, one should have more negative than positive traits. For a basically positive character, 4-5 of these traits should come from the positive list and the rest from the negative list. At least one of these negative traits should be a personality flaw (a weakness) that could create difficulties for a basically good character.For a basically negative character, the numbers will reverse: 4-5 negative traits, the rest should be positive traits. At least one of these positive traits should be something that you might admire about the person, even if you didn’t like them.For each character, the answers you give to the questions must make sense with the personality traits that you have assigned! For example, you shouldn’t have a character with the negative trait of “charmless”, and also say that they are a person that people like when they meet them for the first time.Particularly if English is not your first language, use and to help you understand words that you don’t recognize and to select descriptive words that are more interesting than the obvious ones. For example: what if you want to say that your character is “angry”? What exactly do you mean by that? More interesting words are usually also more specific, and can help you explain your character better. For example, instead of “angry” consider: aggressive, bitchy or surly. Each of these is a way to express anger, but they give us more information about the character. Be sure that you understand the subtleties of the words you pick.Place all of the answers to the following questions and the character traits you’ve chosen into a document. The questions:gender identity if not the same as their birth sex designation (i.e., male, female, intersex, etc.), and, if relevant, sexual orientation (i.e., gay, bisexual, asexual, etc.)their relationship status (single, dating, married, polyamorous, etc.)dependents: children, parents, pets, or none of the above. Don’t tell us anything about these dependents yet. Just think about whether the character is likely to have any, and what type they might be. You’ll have a chance to change this decision later.Is your character satisfied with their life? What are they pleased about, and what might they want to change?Do most people who know your character like them or dislike them? Why? Do people who meet your character for the first time find them more, less, or equally like-able as the people who already know them? Why?Does your character have a hobby, political or social cause, or other interest or enthusiasm that they devote (or want to devote) significant time to? What is it, and why does it excite them? Conversely, is there something they dislike strongly or avoid?Based on the character traits you have selected and the answer to the previous questions, what positive trait do you think is the most important, defining aspect of your character? Although this could be related to something that your character is good at, it should be grounded in one of their core personality traits. Explain why you selected this trait.Based on the character traits you have selected and the answer to the previous questions, what trait could be a serious weakness for your character? Although this is often a “negative” trait, it is possible for a positive trait to also be a weakness that could create problems for the character, either in their daily life or when under stress.

solved I’m working on a history question and need guidance to

I’m working on a history question and need guidance to help me study.

InstructionsWe tend to read a lot of information online (Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, etc). However, how do we know its accurate? For this activity you will assess the validity of a Tumbler post. After reading the Tumbler post, use the sources to answer the following: Is the Tumblr post accurate? Did Moctezuma have a zoo? Explain, citing evidence from the sources. (350 words min)tumbler post:To this day the fantasy that Europeans brought advanced civilization and technology to a hemisphere of primitive people dominates popular imagination. This tale has been used to oppress indigenous peoples from the northernmost reaches of Canada to the southernmost tip of Chile. And it’s completely false.The zoo of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin alone far surpassed anything the Spanish invaders had ever seen. The Mexica Triple Alliance ruler’s zoo, or totocalli, housed so many animals that hundreds of people were employed just to care for them. The zoo boasted enormous aviaries filled with beautiful birds for Mexica royalty to watch at their leisure and for artisans to pluck for headdresses, jewelry, and art. There were also large fresh and salt water aquariums stocked with fish, crocodiles, and other animals. On top of this were rooms of countless monkeys, reptiles, amphibians, wolves, jaguars, cougars, ocelots, birds of prey, including eagles, and bears. Surrounding the zoo were tremendous botanical gardens.SOURCES WILL BE ATTACHED. PLEASE ONLY USE ATTACHED SOURCES, NO ADDITIONAL SOURCES!!!!BACKGROUND INFO FOR EACH SOURCE (SOURCES WILL BE ATTACHED)source 1(codex): The Florentine Codex is a twelve-book manuscript on life in the Mexica Triple Alliance that was researched and written by Mexica students between 1570-1585 under the direction of Spanish missionary Bernardino de Sahagún. Historians consider the Florentine Codex to be one of the most important sources on Mexica history and culture. Read the Item Detail information. Next, look at the illustration on the top of page 64. The text that accompanies it reads: Another room was called totocalli, where caretakers kept all the various birds, such as eagles and other large birds that are called tlauhquéchol and zacuan and parrots and alome and coxoliti. And there all the various artisans did their work: the gold and silversmiths, copper-smiths, the feather workers, painters, cutters of stones, workers in green stone mosaic, carvers of wood. And also in this place lived the caretakers of wild animals, who guarded tigers and lions and leopards and servalssource 2 (map): This map of Tenochtitlan, the capitol of the Triple Alliance, was published in 1524 in Nuremberg, Germany, alongside Hernán Cortés’s letters to King of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. It is the first image of Tenochtitlan printed in Europe. Scholars have debated who made the map and what information it was based on. Some believe it was based on the eye-witness account of Cortés. Others say a conquistador trained as a surveyor made it. Still others argue that it was based upon an earlier Mexica map. Whoever made it likely drew on both Indigenous and European sources. Read the Item Detail information. Next, examine the map. Locate and zoom in on the city center (the large square in the middle of the right page). The map shows the Main Temple dedicated to Tláloc, the rain god, and Huitzilopotchtli, the sun god, in the city center. Find the words TEMIXTITAN (“Tenochtitlan” in Latin) and dom aialui (“house of the animals” in Latin).Closely examine at the illustration just under the words “dom aialui.”TranslationsTEMIXTITAN = TenochtitlanDom aialui = house of the animalsViridarui D. Muteezuma = Gardens of MoctezumaTemplum ubi sacrificant = temple where sacrifices are madeIdol Lapideu = stone idolDom D. Muteezuma = House of Don MoctezumaSource 3: Letter From Cortes (264-266)Hernán Cortés wrote this letter to Charles V, King of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Cortés acted against orders when he traveled from Cuba to Mexico. Historians have argued that a main reason Cortés wrote these letters was to protect himself from punishment.

solved Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it

Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it in essay form. At the beginning of your essay, please include the question that you have chosen to answer for this. This essay should cover at least 1 single- spaced typewritten page with a 12 point, Times New Roman font. Essays that are just summaries of the course material will not do well. I want an organized, well-written, and clearly expressed essay led by your thesis position, made by your arguments, and supported by course content as evidence. (no other references except for course content).ESSAY QUESTIONSWould you consider the creation of the doctrines of “Incorporation” and “Reverse Incorporation” to be Constitutionally valid actions by the Judiciary? For this question, you can discuss the creation of either one of those doctrines or both of them. 3) Choose 1 right that is currently protected under “Due Process” or choose 1 group classification that is currently protected under “Equal Protection” that you think should be moved to a different level of scrutiny or removed from the protection of the 14th Amendment entirely. Explain why the right or group classification that you have chosen is not appropriate under the legal standard and the burden of proof of its current level4) In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court affirmed that a right to privacy exists in the Constitution. Do you a) think that privacy rights deserve to be protected by the Constitution, and b) think that Court was correct in how it established privacy rights?5) Do you think that the Ninth Amendment can legitimately be used by the Judiciary to recognize and provide legal protection for a specific unenumerated right or do you think the Constitution or Congressional legislation need to be amended to include recognition of that specific right before it can be legitimately protected by the Judiciary? For this question, it may help you to discuss a specific unenumerated right as an example.6) Do you think that a state law which is considered by the Supreme Court to be a valid exercise of State Police Power could ever be used legitimately to limit an express Constitutional right? Provide a hypothetical state law purpose and an example of a current express Constitutional right as part of your analysis for this question.7) In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court required that a state law claiming to regulate public health and safety must be necessary and reasonable for it to survive a valid citizen claim that the law affected their Constitutional rights. However, not every Court uses those two limitations. When a Court does not use them, does it allow the concept of State Police Power to extend the reach of the Tenth Amendment too far?8) Do you agree with Justice Peckham’s opinion in Lochner v. New York that the New York Bakeshop Act was an illegitimate exercise of State Police Power?9) In his dissent to Lochner v. New York, Justice Holmes said that “a constitution is not intended to embody a particular economic theory.” Should a Judge be allowed to use an economic or political theory to help them understand and apply a vague term from the Constitution when they are deciding if a legislative law conflicts with that term?10) Three issues facing the future of the Supreme Court are: a) the number of Justices that can serve on the Supreme Court at once, b) the term length that a Justice serves on the Supreme Court, c) the people who have the power to place a Justice on the Supreme Court. Explain if you would keep or change the existing rules governing each issue.11) In Kelo v. City of New London, the court said that “public purpose” can satisfy the “public use” requirement of the 5th Amendment “Takings” clause. Do you think this broad interpretation of “public use” gives too much power to legislatures declaring “eminent domain” to take private property from private citizens to give to others?12) Do the “Exclusionary Rule” and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” doctrines that the Judiciary created strike the correct balance to you between protecting the 4th Amendment rights of the accused and granting government the power to protect others in society?