solved Assessment 2 Instructions: SWOT Analysis Conduct an environmental scan and

Assessment 2 Instructions: SWOT Analysis

Conduct an environmental scan and write an assessment in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry.Introduction
After an organization has completed a SWOT analysis, it will carefully monitor both the internal and external environments to detect signs of opportunities and threats that could affect current and future plans. This environmental scanning can help an organization identify trends that are most likely to affect the industry, thereby allowing the development of a strategy for change. The right information, at the right time, can determine the future of an organization.Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.Conduct a personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. In your analysis, consider the following:Strengths

What advantages do you have that others do not (skills, education, experience, certifications)?
What achievements are you most proud of?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What do you think others would see as your strengths?
Do you have special connections that others may not have?
What personal resources do you have available?
Be sure to consider how others see you—not just how you see yourself.Weaknesses

Are there tasks you avoid doing because you do not feel confident doing them?
Do you have any negative work habits (often late, disorganized, easily stressed)?
Do you feel confident about your skills, experience, and education?
Do you have any personality traits that might hold you back? For example, do you have a fear of public speaking, yet work where you are expected to conduct regular meetings?
Again, consider how others see you.Opportunities

Do you have a network of influential contacts that can help or offer advice?
Is there a need in your company or industry that no one else has been able to fill?
Are there trends in your company that you can use to your advantage?
Can you offer solutions to problems within your company?

What kind of obstacles are you facing at work?
Are there co-workers/colleagues competing with you for positions or projects?
Has the nature of your job changed?
Does technology pose a threat to your position?
Do any of your weaknesses pose a threat?
What threats to your overall plan are there?
Once you have completed your SWOT analysis, identify strategies that you can use to capitalize on your strengths and open up opportunities, and address ways you can minimize areas of weakness and eliminate threats. Consider asking a trusted peer or friend to review your SWOT analysis and provide you with honest feedback. Analyze the feedback you receive and include that analysis in your assessment. Were there aspects of the feedback that surprised you?To successfully complete this assessment, you may need to do some research on writing a SWOT analysis. Format this assessment as a research paper following current APA guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point, while also being as clear and concise as possible.Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 3: Communicate effectively.

Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Competency 4: Plan strategically.

Describe strategies to use SWOT analysis to improve competitive advantage.

Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques.

Analyze strengths to determine competitive advantages.
Analyze opportunities that may be leveraged for competitive advantage.
Analyze threats to competitive advantage.

Competency 6: Solve problems within professional standards.

Analyze weaknesses to determine areas for improvement. 

solved Assessment 4 Instructions: Written Communication: Communicating a Change Communicate a

Assessment 4 Instructions: Written Communication: Communicating a Change

Communicate a change to a team using a selected channel, and report on a selected messaging tool.Introduction
Communication has changed over the years, and this has affected how we communicate with each other in our personal and professional lives. We all use different communication tools every day, such as text, email, video, and computer software. There are many benefits to this, and one of these is collaborative communication. For example, multiple people can make changes on one document using services like Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365 and others!For this assessment, you’ll craft a message to communicate a change in the workplace. You’ll practice your digital proficiency by choosing an appropriate tool to communicate this change.Instructions
For this assessment, you will select a channel and digital tool to use as a way to encourage employee engagement from your whole team. To successfully complete this assessment, complete the following two parts.Part 1

Think about your current work environment or a previous work environment. You may also choose to think about the company and manager (Sara) you’ve been reporting to in the past three assessments. Then, consider this scenario: Your manager asked you to figure out a way to communicate a change to the rest of the team within the next week. Although your manager discussed this within a face-to-face meeting, you know that you won’t have the time or ability to personally meet with every member of your team, as they are located all around the country.
Choose a change to communicate. An example of a change could be a new hire, a resignation, or new hours of business. You may use a change that has happened in a current or past workplace as well.
Select the best channel for communicating this change. Refer to the resources provided with this assessment to learn about different channels. Think of the culture of the work environment and team you have chosen. What works for one team may not be the best choice for a different team.
Write a brief summary (4–5 sentences) of why the selected channel is the most appropriate for communicating the change to this particular team.
Use the four components of written communication—purpose, audience, tone, and structure—to describe how you would communicate the change using the selected channel. You do not need to actually use the selected channel. The length and complexity of the message should be appropriate for the selected channel.
Part 2
Moving forward, you realize it would be easier to use a messaging app like Slack or WhatsApp to communicate updates. Review the links to the messaging tools in this assessment’s Digital Tools for Collaboration section. Then, choose a digital tool that would be appropriate to communicate your message to your team in the future. Report on the tool, including:

Why it would be an effective tool for this purpose.
How your message may need to be modified to fit within the digital tool you’ve selected (consider formality, tone, length, et cetera).
Submit both parts to the assessment in one Word document.Additional Requirements

Format: Use Microsoft Word, Calibri 12-point font.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 2: Use appropriate technology solutions to effectively communicate time-related tasks.

Choose a change to communicate.
Select a channel for communicating this change.
Summarize why the selected channel is the most appropriate for communicating the change to this particular team.
Explain why the selected messaging app would be an effective tool for the purpose of collaboration.

Competency 3: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Apply purpose, audience, tone, and structure to communicate the change using the selected channel.
Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

solved Practice Improvement PortfolioNSG3NRCStep 1 – IntroductionBackgroundAll healthcare practition

Practice Improvement PortfolioNSG3NRCStep 1 – IntroductionBackgroundAll healthcare practitioners have an obligation to improve the quality of client care and to manage threats to client safety. As nurses, we use our knowledge, experience and evidence to improve the health experiences of people in our care The best-available evidence is necessary as a foundation for all healthcare actions. Portfolios provide a way to present that knowledge and evidence in a format that communicates to others our learning and development, as well as our current level of achievement, capability and competence.Creating a professional portfolio allows an individual to examine their current practice against appropriate expectations or standards and will highlight potential areas for improvement, to inform a learning or career plan for continuing professional development.In Australia nurses are required to demonstrate their continuing professional development and engagement as a condition of their registration to practice. Portfolios have a long and reliable history as a useful way to demonstrate continuing professional learning and engagement and, therefore, the progressive achievement of competency and capacity building (Andre, Heartfield, Cusack, 2017).Why do I need to complete a professional portfolio?Completing this portfolio will enable you to reflect on the professional knowledge and clinical skills that you have acquired in your course and provide evidence of your capability for transition to practice from an undergraduate student to a Registered Nurse /Midwife (RN/RM). This portfolio can form the basis for your future professional portfolio. It can be added to whilst you complete your graduate year, and may be further developed to include your future continuing professional development (CPD) activities, as you continue to journey in your future career.An overview of this activityHow do I complete this Task?It is highly recommended that you read through this section before starting on your portfolio.Step 1 IntroductionRead the background and rationale section on this pageAccess Module 1 on the LMS subject site -watch the lecture: ‘Developing a Professional Portfolio’ located within the Module 1 linkcomplete the pre-workshop preparation for Developing your professional portfolio – located within the Module 1 link on LMSAttend the Workshop based (CR simulation) session Developing your professional portfolio – please note, your portfolio will be commenced in this workshop.Step 2 Nursing Self Evaluation sectionThe aim of this section is to help you reflect on your 1 most recent clinical nursing placements. The mapping exercise that you are required to complete for this section will help you to explore how your professional knowledge and clinical practice has developed over the past 18 months of the course. It will also help you to identify the areas that you may still be struggling with and need to further develop before you start your career as a Registered Nurse/Midwife.Step 3 Nursing Standards sectionIn this section you will briefly summarise what you believe is your current level of professional knowledge and clinical skills for each of the 7 Nursing Standards of Practice. Your summary will guide you in developing your clinical objectives for the NSG3NRC clinical placement.Step 4 Action PlanAlthough you have summarised what you believe is your knowledge and skill level for all 7 standards, in this section you are required to develop an Action Plan for only 2 Nursing Practice Standards. It is important that your choice of the 2 Nursing Standards for this section, is guided by those areas of your practice that you feel are in the most need of further improvement or development. Step 5 Writing clinical objectives for your Graduate Nurse ProgramHaving completed your 2 action plans in this section you are required to write clinical objectives for each of the 2 Standards. Your clinical objectives will help you to prepare and guide your Graduate Nurse Program.Proceed to Step 2: Nursing Self Evaluation > > latrobeUsername: 18723147 GJ310795./

solved Practice Improvement PortfolioNSG3NRCStep 1 – IntroductionBackgroundAll healthcare practition

Practice Improvement PortfolioNSG3NRCStep 1 – IntroductionBackgroundAll healthcare practitioners have an obligation to improve the quality of client care and to manage threats to client safety. As nurses, we use our knowledge, experience and evidence to improve the health experiences of people in our care The best-available evidence is necessary as a foundation for all healthcare actions. Portfolios provide a way to present that knowledge and evidence in a format that communicates to others our learning and development, as well as our current level of achievement, capability and competence.Creating a professional portfolio allows an individual to examine their current practice against appropriate expectations or standards and will highlight potential areas for improvement, to inform a learning or career plan for continuing professional development.In Australia nurses are required to demonstrate their continuing professional development and engagement as a condition of their registration to practice. Portfolios have a long and reliable history as a useful way to demonstrate continuing professional learning and engagement and, therefore, the progressive achievement of competency and capacity building (Andre, Heartfield, Cusack, 2017).Why do I need to complete a professional portfolio?Completing this portfolio will enable you to reflect on the professional knowledge and clinical skills that you have acquired in your course and provide evidence of your capability for transition to practice from an undergraduate student to a Registered Nurse /Midwife (RN/RM). This portfolio can form the basis for your future professional portfolio. It can be added to whilst you complete your graduate year, and may be further developed to include your future continuing professional development (CPD) activities, as you continue to journey in your future career.An overview of this activityHow do I complete this Task?It is highly recommended that you read through this section before starting on your portfolio.Step 1 IntroductionRead the background and rationale section on this pageAccess Module 1 on the LMS subject site -watch the lecture: ‘Developing a Professional Portfolio’ located within the Module 1 linkcomplete the pre-workshop preparation for Developing your professional portfolio – located within the Module 1 link on LMSAttend the Workshop based (CR simulation) session Developing your professional portfolio – please note, your portfolio will be commenced in this workshop.Step 2 Nursing Self Evaluation sectionThe aim of this section is to help you reflect on your 1 most recent clinical nursing placements. The mapping exercise that you are required to complete for this section will help you to explore how your professional knowledge and clinical practice has developed over the past 18 months of the course. It will also help you to identify the areas that you may still be struggling with and need to further develop before you start your career as a Registered Nurse/Midwife.Step 3 Nursing Standards sectionIn this section you will briefly summarise what you believe is your current level of professional knowledge and clinical skills for each of the 7 Nursing Standards of Practice. Your summary will guide you in developing your clinical objectives for the NSG3NRC clinical placement.Step 4 Action PlanAlthough you have summarised what you believe is your knowledge and skill level for all 7 standards, in this section you are required to develop an Action Plan for only 2 Nursing Practice Standards. It is important that your choice of the 2 Nursing Standards for this section, is guided by those areas of your practice that you feel are in the most need of further improvement or development. Step 5 Writing clinical objectives for your Graduate Nurse ProgramHaving completed your 2 action plans in this section you are required to write clinical objectives for each of the 2 Standards. Your clinical objectives will help you to prepare and guide your Graduate Nurse Program.Proceed to Step 2: Nursing Self Evaluation > 18723147 GJ310795./ APA 20 sources

solved Assignment ContentPurpose  This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be

Assignment ContentPurpose  This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. Resources: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_FileScenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:
LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lotLotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacityLotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lotTimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measuredDay: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStampInsert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns,construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates?Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare as scatter plot showing occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time dependent? If so, which times seem to experience highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Presentation: Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app. Complete the following in your presentation: Outline the rationale and goals of the project. Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of results.Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of results.Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against time of day of your selected two parking lots. Include your interpretation of results. Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project. Include the following in presentation slides:Title PageIntroductionConclusionReferencesBe sure to show your work in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.Provide at least two (2) APA formatted sources to support your points. Be sure to include speaker’s notes that clearly summarize each slide.Submit the Excel spreadsheet that shows your work and the Microsoft Powerpoint presentation.

solved HIS151*50: History in the News AssignmentsTopic: For these assignments, I

HIS151*50: History in the News AssignmentsTopic: For these assignments, I want you to discover ways in which your history coursematerials can inform your reading of the daily news from an Iowa news source. Begin by reading and selecting an Iowa new source. Next, what connections can you make with your selected news article and the information presented in your textbook? Keep in mind your news event can be anything from international to local news, and it simply has to come from a news source based in Iowa. Also, your article should involve current news and not be an article primarily discussing history. Please contact me if you have any questions over this.Directions:Provide the title of the article at the top of the page. If the article you’ve chosen is online, then include a full link in the references section at the end of the paper.Summarize the article in a paragraph. Your news article can really be about anything, provided it involves a current event and you can make distinct connections between your course materials in the assigned reading for this class.For the rest of the assignment, explain how what you’ve learned in class or in the textbook helped you to better understand the article. In other words, connect it to the class with specific examples from the course materials.Here are some examples of questions you might ask yourself: How do our course materials help me understand the context (background) of this news story? How are the events described in the story related to a topic we’ve studied in class? How might an understanding of history change the outcome of the events described in the story?Purpose: One of the things I would like you to get out of this class is a sense of historical context and how that context shapes the world in which we live. Think about it as “the past of the present.” There are three of these assignments due throughout the term. At the end of the term, I will drop the lowest of the three grades. Each time, you will need to choose a different news article.Sources: You will utilize your news article and the textbook for this paper. These are the only sources you will use. News sources should be legitimate news sources based in Iowa. I must admit, part of the point of the assignment is to get you to engage with the news if you are not doing so already, so the most organic way to do this is just check the news every day and keep your eyes peeled and ears tuned. Some examples of news sources are Iowa Public Radio, Des Moines Register, Iowa City Press-Citizen, The Ottumwa Courier, Oskaloosa Herald, Fairfield Ledger, Daily Iowegian, Bloomfield Democrat, Albia News, etc. You may choose other news sources that are not on this list.*Note: Use full MLA reference citations for your sources and include full URL web address for all online sources.Length, Style, Format, Documentation: MLA style, 600-800 word count, 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced (0 pt. spacing before and after), with page numbers. At an average of 340 words per page, this amounts to one to two typed double-spaced pages. Word 1count begins at the first line of actual text in your paper and does not include the references section. All sources must be cited within the text as in-text citations with page numbers and then fully listed in the works cited section at the end of the paper. Remember to cite any information that is not common knowledge, including all summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, and using statistics from your sources. This includes your textbook. Here is an example of what a proper citation looks like (Foner 257). More complete information on the citation process is located in the Paper Guidelines, so please consult this document, as well. Keep direct quotations to a maximum of 10% of the total content of your paper. Please carefully review all the items I’ve posted on How to Avoid Plagiarism located in the Resources folder. Use full MLA stylistic conventions. Consulting Diana Hacker’s newest Rules for Writers or the Purdue OWL website are excellent places to learn MLA style. Include full URL web address for all online sources in works cited page.

solved As you know, staff salaries make up the majority of

As you know, staff salaries make up the majority of a center’s yearly budget. One dollar raise per hour per employee can amount to a large sum of money, depending on the centers size.  Additionally, your text describes Traditional and Innovative Approaches and  3 types of salary schedules based on Training, Experience and Performance. What do you feel is a reasonable hourly rate for a child care employee?  What are the pros and cons of the 3 salary schedules? What are other benefits you, as a director, could offer your employees if a higher salary was not possible? Make sure to read the resource provided regarding staff salaries posted with your readings. 

by Tresi RuffinNumber of replies: 1
What do you feel is a reasonable hourly rate for a child care employee?

Lead Teacher $12.00 an hour

Assistant Teacher $10.00 an hour.
Both positions are eligible for a raise every year.

What are the pros and cons of the 3 salary schedules?

1. The basic plans are more for small centers. They have a list of positions with starting salaries. The pros are small center meaning a smaller number of children to work with. It shows the starting, mid range, and top of the line salary. The cons are small centers, less children so they may not be able to complete a full time schedule.

2. Traditional salary schedules have multiple level steps. Different levels of education and years of employment. Pros are depending on your education level that will determine your pay. They also More education more pay. Con is you may know how to work on a level of someone who has a degree but simply because you don’t have the degree you will not receive the max amount of pay but ate eligible for raise in the upcoming year.
3. Innovative Salary schedules have creative attempts to factor in performance. Pros were they had different ways to accomplish a raise. Performance, ongoing training, and participation above and beyond the call of duty. Cons were the creative plans were more complicated and made the task a little harder. Its also a lot of calculating all the points and percentages.

What are other benefits you, as a director, could offer your employees if a higher salary was not possible?

As a director if I could not give the staff raises I could have medical benefits, disability and life benefits, retirement, and paid time off. I would provide lunch for them some days

by Angela FiggsNumber of replies: 1
Lead Teacher-$12.00
Assistant teacher-$11.00
Both Position- each year a raise
What do you feel is a reasonable hourly rate for a child care employee? Me personally I think $12.00 is ok, but I think $13.00 an hour would be better, but you have to kept in mind other expenses that has to goes into the budget. Also it depends on how many employees you have in your center.
What are the pro & cons of the 3 salary?
Basic plan-were not much more than lists of positions with starting salaries. Different pay for each position.
pro- The basic plan will be more manageable because small center and less employees
con- The ideal of each employee having a different pay feels a little unfair, but all the same time years experience and education should be considered.
Traditional plan- schedules are grids with multiple levels and steps.
pro- easily understood, you can look and see where your progress and how much more you need to get to where you trying to get.
con- the grids looks impressive, organized and standard, but there are to many numbers which will cause a lot of confusion and mistakes.
Performance Based Salary- creative attempts factor in performance, ongoing training, and participation
pro- it can be used to your own values, priorities and fiscal realities.
con- it will take a computer wiz to calculate all the points and percentages.
What are other benefits you as a director could offer your employees if a higher salary was not possible? If I could not give my employees a raise, I will find ways to show them my appreciation. Ideas such as lunch on Friday’s or a teacher of the month. I will also provide my employees with benefits that will help them in other ways such pay sick and vocation time, medical and health insurance, 

solved MKT 441 Guidelines for the Final Project- I would like

MKT 441 Guidelines for the Final Project- I would like to write about the company TESLA owned by Elon MuskThe objective of the project is to apply what you have learned in class to a company of your own choosing. For the purposes of this project, it is recommended to choose a maker of tangible goods versus a service or a retailer.For the Case Study: Analyze the supply chain process of a company or a business unit of a company, and suggest any improvements to be made (A case study could also represent opportunities for new business models).Choose an organization and analyze its supply chain strategy and practices. When choosing a company (or business unit of that company), try to choose one that you will be able to find information on. For your analysis, you can use secondary data (e.g., company annual reports, analyst reports, articles from the press) and primary data (e.g., interviews, personal experience with the company). For the best project possible, you will need facts and examples to support your commentary and recommendations. For this reason, extensive library research is required. Possible topic examples include: A study of the distribution system and store deliveries at McDonalds The supply chain success or failure of a new product introduction. Think of a company that may have miscalculated demand or their own capacity. A study of inventory practices at a company with suggestions for improvement. These are just suggestions; you may have some ideas that are more interesting for you to pursue!1. Background about the organization:a. A description of the company (or operating unit) and its competitive environmentb. Brief historical information if applicablec. A description of the company’s existing supply chain strategy and practiced. An overview of the company’s supply chain objectives and challenges 2. Analysis and Recommendation (This part should center on the supply chain objectives and challenges identified in part 1)a. An evaluation of the company’s supply chain strategy and practice by drawing on the concepts covered in the courseb. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the company’s supply chain strategy and practicec. A recommendation for improvement (this could involve several options to tackle the weaknesses or challenges the company faces in managing its supply chain)d. Discuss how the company will implement this improvement plan (e.g., how the company will build the necessary supply chain capabilities)Each paper should use no fewer than ten sources which are to be cited using the APA format. This includes full citations within the body of the report. Proper use of the APA format will strengthen student papers by providing support for student arguments. In other words, students will present their take on the topic at hand, and use sources to back up their perspectives. Students will be expected to use credible and authoritative sources, including peer-reviewed journal articles. Wikipedia and other open-source resources will not be permitted unless approved by the instructor.Final Projects are worth up to 80 points. Much attention will be given to the progress of written reports. Because they are due at the end of the course, students are strongly advised to pace the writing of the report throughout the four-week period so that the time spent writing the paper does not compete with time needed to review course material in preparation for the final exam. One of the best ways to approach the assignment is as a consultant. Your job is to explain a complex set of analyses and recommendations to a client or investor who may not understand (or care about) all of the details. In other words, you will not be writing this paper for an instructor as the audience, or even fellow classmates. This mindset will make for a stronger project because you will be forced to explain every concept and backup your explanations with examples. You will get the client or investor to understand and care about your project through insightful analysis. This approach to the Final Project also helps the instructor assess more clearly that the learning outcomes for this course have been achieved.

solved I need help in writing the paper as a report

I need help in writing the paper as a report and Ethical report or framework. The report must be between 1-2 pages.CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situationsScenarioA few years ago Clare Applewood started a small outdoor equipment business called Mountain Top View. The company is a sole proprietorship. The company began as a single storefront and has grown rapidly to include online ordering through the company website. The company’s website includes the statement, “We are committed to keeping customer information secure and protected.” Clare also uses social media sites to market the company.Carlos Rodriguez has worked for the company since the beginning. He oversees both store and online operations. Clare and Carlos make most decisions together.Steve, the company’s Information Technology lead, discovered that the company database of customer information was hacked. Customer names, addresses, and phone numbers were accessed for only those customers who placed online orders in the first quarter of the year. Steve was able to correct the code that allowed the hack and is confident that the database is now secure.When Carlos overhears Steve talking about the database fix in the store break room, he questions Steve about why he did not bring the breach to anyone’s attention. Steve explains that because he was able to quickly correct the code that led to the breach, and because only address and phone number information for a handful of customers was accessed, he didn’t think it was necessary to say anything.Clare asks Carlos to evaluate whether the company has an ethical and/or legal obligation to report the breach to their customers and to recommend a course of action. She also asks Carlos to select an ethical test or framework that all employees can use in the future to help guide their decisions.DirectionsReportEvaluate whether the company has an ethical and/or legal obligation to report the breach to its customers. Your evaluation should be framed as a report for the owner, Clare, that includes the following sections and information. Cite your sources using APA style.IntroductionInclude a definition of ethics and explanation of how ethics compares to law.Provide an explanation of corporate social responsibility and how it relates to ethical business practices.AnalysisProvide a summary of the ethical and/or legal issues involved in this situation.Briefly describe the relevant stakeholders, the key facts, and the potential implications or impact of the situation.RecommendationProvide your recommendation for a course of action supported by relevant resources, such as specific laws and commonly accepted ethical practices.Explain the reasoning behind your recommendation and use reliable sources, such as the textbook and other course resources, to support your position.Conclusion: Describe how advances in technology in today’s business world have both legal and ethical implications.Ethical Test or FrameworkSelect a test or framework for all employees in this company to use. Demonstrate how it can be used when faced with an ethical dilemma. Cite your sources using APA style.Test or frameworkSelect a text or framework option from among those described in the textbook.Name the option you selected and describe the test or framework, including its advantages and potential shortcomings.Explain why the test or framework that you selected is appropriate for this company; justify your selection.Apply the test or framework to the scenario to demonstrate how Steve could have used it to guide his decision making and actions.What to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following:ReportYour submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.Ethical Test or FrameworkYour submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

solved Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts

Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts
#1 Cahun
I have worked with many female patients who could only be cared for by an all-female team. In video #2, with the patient wearing a hijab, I feel that the provider did not know much about the patients culture, ethnicity, or religion prior to speaking with her (Jordan et al., 2020). When she indicated that she could not remove her hijab, I felt like he ignored her wishes and pursued to push further with what may seem as scare tactics. I feel as though the provider in this video was culturally insensitive and could have asked the patient more about her reasons for removing her hijab prior to locating a female provider who could care for the patient without affecting the perceptions of the patient her hijab.
As indicated in the video by the patient, she cannot remove her hijab in the presence of a man who is not her spouse. Jordan et al. (2020) discussed this as a common practice of hijab-wearing Muslim women “as a symbol of modesty, piety, and cultural identity” (p. 2). Jordan et al. discussed three different ways of wearing the hijab in public, which include the face being full covered, partially covered, or uncovered by a hijab. Wearing the hijab in public is based on the personal, religious, cultural, and spiritual beliefs of the female (2020). Jordan et al. discussed how “many regard the hijab as a means of limiting the attentions of men” in an attempt to prevent male rivalry over female mates (2020, p. 2).  
Jordan, T.R., Yekani, H. A.K., and Sheen, M. (2020). Further investigation of the effects of wearing the hijab: perception of female facial attractiveness by emirati muslim men living in their native muslim country. PLoS One, 15(10), 1-15. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239419
#2 Tyra
I am choosing to write about video number 3 and the African American race because at my current hospital, we have a large population of both Hispanic and African American patients. My hospital is also in an area of very low income, so we are used to hearing a lot of the same complaints and issues that were presented for this patient.
In my clinical rotation or Advanced Health Assessment, I was at an urgent care in downtown Milwaukee and most of the patients that we saw were younger African American females. We did a lot of teaching with these women in regard to birth control, as presented in the video, and early onset hypertension, also presented. Fuller et al. (2018) states that deaths due to hypertension in the United States are highest among African Americans who have a higher overall prevalence of hypertension and more severe symptoms of hypertension than individuals with different ethnic backgrounds.
Racial disparities, like hypertension, can involve genetic and sociocultural factors but these can vary widely across racial groups. Since hypertension is consistently reported in a higher prevalence than in European Americans, investigation has started into the genetic factors (Fuller et al., 2018). Groups are now looking closely at the angiotensin I converting enzyme gene (ACE) and it’s association with an increased blood pressure in African American groups. While part of the renin-angiotensin system, the ACE gene activity stops the production of angiotensin II in the body which is used to treat high blood pressure (Fuller et al., 2018). If we know about the predisposition occurring in this population, the next step would be to educate and increase awareness so individuals can practice more self-care and monitoring for hypertension. Hypertension is not a disease strictly meant for older adults anymore. By looking at lifestyle habits, we can help our African American community to be proactive about preventing and treating their hypertension before it leads to further kidney and heart issues (Fuller et al., 2018).
Fuller, K. C., McCarty, C., Seaborn, C., Gravlee, C. C., & Mulligan, C. J. (2018). ACE gene haplotypes and social networks: Using a biocultural framework to investigate blood pressure variation in African Americans. PLoS One, 13(9), 1-16.