solved Discuss the video on farming systems in the US and

Discuss the video on farming systems in the US and give support for which system you think is more sustainable in view of world hunger.
Give examples from the video to support your position.

Reply to 
1. Based on the information provided in the video Farming Systems Compared, I believe that organic is more sustainable as a means of solving world hunger. I think that conventional seems to be very appealing at first glance, and the idea of higher numbers of production sounds like it has to be the answer, but as the video explained, that really isn’t the case. The conventional farms that are housing thousands and thousands of animals are creating disease. These diseases are then needed to be treated by huge doses of antibiotics and hormones and pesticides. This is breeding things like ecoli and mad cow disease. In addition, they are creating a huge sanitation problem and waste and manure that cannot be used back on the land because of all of the hormones and pesticides that it is filled with. The video gave the example of the farmer who was stabbed in the leg by a boar and his leg became infected. The infection was unusually difficult to treat with standard antibiotics. As he explained in the video, the huge amounts of antibiotics that are being given to the animals are creating essentially very resistant antibodies that could not be killed by our antibiotics. There is real danger in this because we really don’t know what we might end up creating this way and what diseases might end up coming about and how they might effect the human body. The video also explains that, in reality, organic farms are more productive than conventional. They are able to create healthy soil and land and because of this they are able to produce much more diversity and they end up being more profitable than the conventional farms that are only farming animals because they are destroying the land. The problem with organic is that it is expensive and not everyone is able to afford it. So, while it has the potential to be more beneficial in the view of world hunger, it really can only do so if changes are made to make it more accessible to people.
2. In the video, there have been many types of farming systems that people do. One farmer that stood out to me the most was the one in Frankenstein, Missouri (23:59), and he is a natural hog farmer. At first, he was just feeding his pigs whatever and doing anything he can to have them grow faster and fatter to sell for more money. Then an incident happened to him where it was affecting his life. After that he then decided to start all over with new 300 pigs and started doing it all naturally without any chemicals or antibiotics. Compared to other farmers, they may have about 20,000 pigs but those pigs are filled with chemicals and antibiotics. For example, Andrew Kimbrell; an executive director of the Center for Food Safety stated that although the farm with 300 pigs maybe healthy, the farm with 20,000 pigs are the ones that are going to be selling out faster and those farmers will be making more money. But realistically, the world should be buying and consuming the pigs from the farms that are not putting chemicals into these pigs. Because industrial agriculture is a huge forefront for our farming systems, we are now losing soil losing at 13 tons (30:50). This is important because in the view of world hunger, that fastest way to cure this issue would be to have a farming system of industrial agriculture. This will be the fastest way to feed the people that are hungry in the world. World hunger can be a solvable issue once they have access to indultrail agriculture of farming systems. Yet, in the long run once world hunger is fixed, the world is going to have a hard time going back to a healthy farming system since it has been used to the system that they have been using for a long time.

solved 1. What does Tim Wise argue is white privilege? Â

1. What does Tim Wise argue is white privilege?  What are at least two examples he uses to support this claim?
2. Then, reflect on your life experiences and think of a time where race became relevant or you became aware of your racial background.  If you can’t think of an instance, speculate why race has not been prominent in your life.
3. Finally, provide feedback to two of your classmates on their reflection of the film and their own life experiences with the topic of race.…

Tim Wise argues that white privilege is a trick and it worked brilliantly. He explained that those of us of European descent did not refer to ourselves as that term ever. There was no white race but in the colonies of what would become the United States. In the 1660 and 1670s, we began to see that Africans of indentured servant status, most of them not enslaved yet they were not yet permanently enslaved. He explained that white privilege is a set of advantages that some would say are enjoyed by “white people” after those who experience nonwhite people in the same social, political, and economic spaces.
I became aware of my racial background when I was about five years old and I was always attending powwows with my grandmother. I attended classes every Tuesday night and was taught how to do what we call “Jingle” and “Fancy Shawl.” The jingle dance is performed by women and girls in First Nations as well as Native American communities. The dance gets its name from metal cones (ziibaaska’iganan) attached to our dresses that make a distinctive sound as we dance around in a large circle. The fancy Shawl is often called Northern Shawl because it comes from Northern tribes along with the United States and Canadian border. We wear shawls over our shoulders and dance by spinning and jumping around keeping in pace with the music. I received my first matching dress, shawl, as well as accessories when I was seven years old, which meant I was ready to do my first dance. Going to Powwows became a traditional holiday every weekend for my family and I. Not only did I get the amazing opportunity to dance at pow wows but I was able to always have an amazing meal after a long dance. My family had a booth set up wherever the next Powwow was located where they sold Native American Frybread. The Frybread is a warm fluffy piece of bread that we topped with meat, beans, lettuce, tomato, and any other toppings you desired, they had it all. Unfortunately due to COVID-19, we can no longer have the huge gatherings like old times, but it will always be part of our tradition.

1. Tim Wise argues that white privilege is that being white has been far easier than not being white. Systematic white privilege is built into the foundation of our country.
example 1: The Naturalization Act after the ratification of the Constitution said that free white people, and only free white people could be a U.S. citizen.
example 2: “Steve in Louisiana” could apply for job insurance, not everyone had that privilege. Agricultural workers and domestic service workers in homes did not qualify. And this had everything to do with race, over 80% of all black people worked in these areas.
2. As a Palestinian muslim woman in san diego, I have experienced a number of times where my race was very relevant. Going to a predominately white elementary school, people looked at me weird and I couldn’t understand why. I asked my mom why I looked so different and why I couldn’t have a normal name that people could pronounce correctly. And not mistakenly call me “Jasmine”. I then moved to a predominately middle eastern high school, but was still deemed as “different” because I was muslim and even my friends would make comments and jokes about it all the time, which I always knew was prejudice and islamophobic but I didn’t know how to stand up for myself. 

solved In order to determine if you can recommend buying or

In order to determine if you can recommend buying or selling a stock, you first must understand how the company has performed recently. Would you want to invest in a company that has had negative earnings for the past 3 years? What about a company that has increased the amount of debt on its balance sheet? Or, would you prefer to invest in a company that has had consistent increases in revenues or net earnings over the past 3 years? As the equity analyst, your first task would be to determine the evidence of patterns in the recent financial performance. The financial analysis provides significant insight into the company’s strengths and weaknesses.To fully understand a company’s financial performance, you cannot “evaluate performance using numbers alone. This level of analysis does not involve an understanding of the cause of performance…an analyst must look beyond the numbers” (Hickman et al., 2013, Section 11.3, para. 7). In the real world, an analyst spends extensive time and effort researching the business strategy, operations, marketing, and other elements that have contributed to this financial performance. For this class, you will limit your investigation of the company to the historical financial analysis, ratio and competitive analysis, and the valuation of the stock. This Week 1 assignment will become Section 1 of the Week 5 final project.Prepare:Prior to beginning work on this assignment,Review the Week 1 Model Assignment (Links to an external site.).Make sure you have completed both Week 1 – Assignment 1 and Week 1 – Assignment 2. It is recommended that you keep those Excel or PDF documents available when completing this assignment.Complete the Week 1 – Learning Activity.Review Chapter 2 and Section 11.3 from Chapter 11 in the textbook.Review the Week 5 – Final Project for this course.Write:For this assignment, address the following seven parts in a Word document:Part 1: Overview of the company (one paragraph)State the name of the company.Provide a brief overview of the company you selected, including a description of its business operations.State the current market price per share.Part 2: Income statements (one to two paragraphs)Summarize key trends in revenues, operating income, and net income over the last 3 years.Part 3: Common size income statements (one paragraph)Evaluate the trends in gross margin, operating income margin, and net profit margin over the past 3 years.Part 4: Balance sheets (one to two paragraphs)Summarize key trends in total assets, total current assets, total current liabilities, long-term debt, and total shareholders’ equity over the past 3 years.Part 5: Common size balance sheets (one paragraph)Evaluate the trends in total current assets as a percent (%) of total assets, total current liabilities as a percent (%) of total assets, long-term debt as percent (%) of total assets, and total shareholders’ equity as a percent (%) of total assets over the past 3 years.Part 6: Cash flow (one paragraph)Calculate simple cash flow for the past 3 years.Show your calculations.Summarize the trend in simple cash flow for the past 3 years.Compare the simple cash flow to the net operating cash flow from the statement of cash flows for the past 3 years.Part 7: Financial analysis conclusion: (one paragraph)Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company based primarily on the trends in items discussed from the income statements, balance sheets, common size income statements, and common size balance sheets, as well as the comments on cash flow.Create a table that indicates whether each financial fact is a strength or a weakness.Determine the overall financial strength of the company based on the financial facts included as strengths or weaknesses.Categorize the overall financial performance of the company as strong, neutral, or weak.Justify your conclusion based on the table you created.apa format

solved For each classmate, I must reply with a 200-word reply.

For each classmate, I must reply with a 200-word reply. I have included my own discussion post which I submitted for ideas.
After doing this week’s reading, I feel that a few examples lead me to feel ambivalent attachment style is mainly relatable to me. For instance, I text a lot and want to talk with my partner, but I will get things done first, like my job or studies, but I want to speak to them in my free time (Kottler & Shepard, 2015, p. 133). I also feel this way because I can be around someone I am with, but I want to be alone after a while. I also avoid getting too close or intimate with others out of fear of being hurt. This I have been working on being more open with people I do trust just a little. I also noticed through this assignment that most recent relationships had been long-distance. They live about two hours away, so the only communication between visits was via text and phone calls.  This may have to do with growing up in the foster care system; I aged out as my brother and sister did. So trust for me is very big, hard-earned and easily lost. I must admit a lot comes from my self-doubt and fear. I believe this type of style actually damages the good relationships I may have, and it also may keep me repeating the cycle of a negative association with unclear boundaries. I usually take care of things and always make sure they do not want (the motherly figure). Another book from a previous class gave me the exact insight Anxious-ambivalent says one tends to get close to a partner quickly and usually before the other (Seccombe, 2018, p.101).
 I believe this affects my relationships because I allow my fears, and I do not fully open up, nor do I be sure that there are clear and healthy boundaries. Having insight into this allows being to change those behaviors and replace them with healthier ways of coping and communicating. I have realized the negative effect on myself and others around me by allowing my irrational fears to invade my daily living. I can learn to take things more daily and not worry too much about tomorrow because I can not control tomorrow. Just hope for the best and live for today.  
After looking everything over, I appear to have very light attachment style.  I like to have people around me, but I know how to do things without them and can enjoy their company when they come around again.  I see this as being the “secure attachment style,” I like being around people but do not need to have them all the time to have satisfaction in things that I do.   
“Attachment theory emphasizes the importance of parents’ ability to provide a secure base for their children to explore the world, feeling safe and secure that support and help is available as needed.”  (Kottler & Shepard, pg 131)  I really believe that my style is definitely from how my parents treated me growing up and how I have tried to treat my children.  I always knew my parents were there for me but I was confident in doing my own activities.  I think my style impacts my relationships because I am still confident in doing things individually.  I can come back to my significant other but not always does my style work with how they feel our relationship should be going. 
In reading this information, it has had me looking back on some of my relationships.  I think that my feeling of not needing to be around my partner all the time and for all events, may have made it a little difficult for them. They may have been raised differently and they had the feeling that if they are left by a loved one, they may not see them again and they are not too sure what to do without them.  This will help me in giving guidance to my children on relationship issues.  They may run into someone that feels they need to be together all of the time or someone that is more like me and can function without them

solved Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’

Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’ Discussion PromptsDiscussion:What size health care organizations lend themselves to top-down, bottom-up, or middle- out budgeting?Which one do you believe is the most effective?Why?Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts. Your responses should include elements such as follow-up questions, a further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made.ALL citations and references needs to be APA 7th edition format. THANK YOU!Peers#1 In top-down budgeting, senior management develops the budget with little or no input from department managers (Nowicki, 2015). In bottom-up budgeting, subordinates develop the budget and submit it to senior management for approval (Nowicki, 2015). In middle out budgeting, the combination of both top down and bottom up, senior management decides on budget parameters and subordinates submit plans within those parameters (Nowicki, 2015). For large healthcare organizations, bottom-up budgeting tends to be the best option. Because bottom-up budgeting starts at the department level, each item in the budget has a proper explanation based on past and current information (Borad, 2019). Once all departments form individual budgets, top management will approve then form a master budget (Borad, 2019In bottom-up budgeting, there is a commitment to the budget by those who developed it (Nowicki, 2015). For smaller organizations, top-down budgeting tends to be the best option. Since smaller organizations have less departments, there will be less disconnect between upper and lower-level management (Borad, 2019). This type of budgeting is a quicker approach than bottom up and it helps to overcome interdepartmental issues (Borad, 2019). Senior management tend to have the best view of the future but if the subordinates have little input, budget implementation can be difficult. Most organizations are now using the middle out budgeting approach. Middle out budgeting allows for both senior management and department leaders to work together. I believe the approach is the most effective because mid-level managers are able to see both sides, the organization as a whole and the departments. Budgets are formed within parameters set by senior management to accomplish organizational goals and department goals. Because everyone involved has a voice, budget implementation is very successful in the middle-out approach.Peers# 2My understanding is that creating a budget for your home, small business, or a large corporation, there are two major approaches: the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. “Top-down budgeting. Incorporate budgeting, a top-down approach involves the senior management team developing a high-level budget for the entire organization” (Braun, 2017). The budget is created by the top-level executives who decide the budget amount allocated to each top and lower-level accounts. Each department takes the amount that is allocated takes those numbers and builds their own corresponding budgets within the confines of the executive-level-created budget. Middle-out Budgeting is a combination of top-down and bottom-up methods. Bottom-up budgeting. “With a bottom-up approach, the process starts in the individual departments where managers create a budget and then send it upwards for approval” (Braun, 2017). This budget is approved or not approved, revised, or sent back for modifications if needed and a master budget is created from the various departmental creations. Top-down budgeting is usually most effective because it can represent significant time savings for those who are more involved in the day-to-day rather than the overall strategy for the organization and the bottom-up approach will result in higher spending targets compared to the top-down approach.

solved The mini thesis  paper is a research or thesis

The mini thesis  paper is a research or thesis paper on a topic of the student’s choice,  so long as it is related to torts. The paper must  be no fewer than 3,000 words and no more than 5,000 words. The word  count does not include the student’s name, the title, or footnote or  endnote references.

 Students may use their casebook, material acquired from research at a  law library or through LexisNexis, any material provided by the school,  commercial outlines, etc. All situations and events described in the  paper must be assumed to take place or to have taken place in an English  common law jurisdiction in the United States. Any details that are part  of an actual lawsuit or legal dispute should not be included in the  paper if they are in any way considered confidential.

 The paper must be an original product of the student’s own scholarly  work. The sources of any non-original wording must be accurately  disclosed and properly referenced. Evidence of originality will be  wording that shows that a student is thinking about the legal issues  covered in the course, is sufficiently familiar with legal concepts and  doctrines of the subject, and is expressing his or her own thoughts and  ideas about the sources cited in the paper.

mini thesis papers are routinely run through a checking program. While it is expected that students will  quote material from other sources, a good rule of thumb is that the  paper should consist of no more than 10-20% from other sources, with at  least 80-90% being the student’s own words.

Topic Ideas for the Midterm Mini Thesis Paper

 Students may choose one of the topics below or come up with their own.

Discuss the different aspects of the law covered in this course, and how  it all comes together to impact the individuals and organizations  (e.g., businesses and institutions) in society. This might include an  overview of the course, but be careful to make it a thesis paper, not  just an expanded version of the definitions assignment.

 Choose one or more key topics covered in the course, research the topic,  and discuss it thoroughly. History, application, important cases, etc.  may be included. Students may take advantage of this assignment to learn  more about a topic of particular interest, or to more fully understand a  complex topic.

 Choose an important case to discuss. Include the history of the law  involved and how the case was significant to the field of law covered in  the course. Students should include their own opinions about the case  and may want to include prior cases which affected the case being  discussed, as well as subsequent cases which were affected. Be careful  to make this a thesis paper, not an expanded case brief.

 Choose two or three cases and write a paper which compares or contrasts  them. As with the prior suggestion, students may cover the history of  the legal issues involved, their own opinions about the cases, and prior  and subsequent cases dealing with the same issues.

 Write about the impact of this area of law on your own life. Perhaps you  work in a related area, or have been involved in a situation or case  which involved this subject of law. Be careful not to disclose  confidential information if you discuss an actual case. You may want to  include ways that the knowledge you have now acquired would have made a  difference in handling past events.

 Choose a “cutting edge” legal issue covered in the course and discuss  recent changes and likely future changes. Or choose a current event  affected by this area of law and give a legal analysis of the event  based on the laws learned.

 Write about what you think is the most important, most interesting, or  most controversial legal topic covered in the course. Research and  present opinions of legal experts and contrast with your own.

solved Case 3: Everyone Does ItConduct a strategic analysis using the

Case 3: Everyone Does ItConduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template. Prepare and submit an executive summary that includes the Statement of Integrity, three-page analysis, and references. The analysis discusses what strategic alternatives are available and needs to provide a recommended strategy.You are to work alone to analyze and prepare the Executive Summary for the case. NOTE: Click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to turn in your Executive Summary no later than Sunday, midnight CT. Name your file with your name and the unit number, i.e. Jones1 or Brown1. Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format.The following information will be required for the Executive Summary. TEXTBOOK CASE ANALYSIS GUIDANCE(CAG) These files are required for the unit textbook case studies. Synopsis of the Case: The content of the synopsis should present relevant background facts about the case under examination.Relevant Factual Information about the Problem or Decision the Organization Faced: State the precise problem or decision the organization faced. The section should include information that addressed the business issue under examination. This section should be no longer than a single paragraph.Explanation of Relevant Concepts, Theories and Applications Derived from Course Materials: This section should be the bulk of your paper. Analysis of the business problem or decision in light of the course concepts must be presented, as well as the business lesson another organization could learn from this situation. Besides citation to the text, learners must conduct research in the University library related to the top. Citing the textbook only is not enough to demonstrate you understand and can apply the course objectives. Here is where comparative and contrasting positions should be considered and examples and illustrations provided.Recommendations: Provide logical recommendations to address the business lesson identified above. The recommendations need not to be specific to the organization examined, but should consider how other organizations, if similarly situated, could lessen the impact of the problem or decision identified. Recall, that the organization under examination has already moved pasted this problem so any recommendations made, at this point, are fruitless. The focus of this section should be on what other companies should be aware of to address similar problems or decisions. Citation to the textbook alone is insufficient for analysis in this section. Learners should conduct research in the University’s library to support their positions. Depth of scholarship is not demonstrated by providing personal opinions alone, but by using examples, analogies, comparison and illustrations from the academic literature. Not only does this synthesize the material to assist the reader’s understanding, it is an effective way to present the academic sources and extend the discussion of your ideas. This section should be a paragraph or two.Alternative Recommendations: This section is not a continuation of the prior. Provide suggestions for how to avoid the problem or decision the examined organization faced. Analysis here should be may be forward- thinking, predictive or, most likely, preventative in nature but tied to the thesis statement. Again, opinion is insufficient to provide the required academic analysis. Sources, other than the text, must be provided to sustain the statements made. This section should be a paragraph, at most.Conclusion: End the assignment with a summary of the important points made in the document. No new information may be presented. Writing a conclusion can be done by rewording the opening or reformulation the topic sentences of each paragraph to make a summary for the reader. This section should be a paragraph, at most.

solved Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper

Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
Conclusion paragraph.

This was a discussion question for my class that dealt with my pollution paper. You can use this as a reference of information.Identify the global societal issue you have chosen to research for your Final Paper, an argumentative essay, and explain why further research on this topic is important.

Pollution is a major issue affecting both developed and developing countries. Environmental degradation in terms of air, water, and noise pollution is not only detrimental to public health but also affects the ecosystem and financial growth. While numerous steps have been taken to curb pollution, people are still ignorant about the crisis as they still engage in activities that promote pollution.

Provide a clear and concise thesis statement that includes a solution to the global societal issue

Given the severe health hazards of environmental pollution to people in both developed and developing countries, public awareness is a potential solution to the problem as it would equip the public with knowledge on how to avoid pollution activities and report concerns for pollution by industries to the necessary authorities for action
Explain how this global societal issue impacts a specific population.One of the populations that have been severely affected by environmental pollution are Bangladeshis, a populous developing country in Asia. Pollution has had severe effects on the environment and public health in Bangladesh. Specifically, Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is the third most contaminated city in the world (Nahar et al., 2021). The contaminated air poses serious health risks to the public. In 2019 alone, air pollution caused more than 173 500 deaths in Bangladesh; an increase from 123,000 deaths reported in 2017(Al Amin, 2020). Air pollution also hinders Bangladesh’s economic growth as it discourages businesses and investors. Further, noise pollution is a serious health hazard to the people living in Dhaka and other urban areas. The rivers in Dhaka are also heavily polluted by medical waste, sewerage, toxic chemicals, and municipal waste, making water for the residents unsafe for drinking and domestic use (Nahar et al., 2021).

Locate a peer-reviewed scholarly source and provide statistical data that you found surprising on the topic.
Surprisingly, despite the severe effects of environmental pollution in Bangladesh, a study by Nahar et al. (2021) proved that Bangladeshis lack adequate knowledge about its causes and effects. Only 39.0% of the respondents had sufficient knowledge about environmental pollution (Nahar et al., 2021). Further, 49.0% admitted not understanding the purpose and effectiveness of programs developed to address pollution. Considering that humans are the primary agents of environmental pollution due to activities such as irresponsible waste disposal, information should be made available to the public on how pollution activities harm their environment and health. The public should also be educated on the importance of environmental programs so that they can participate constructively.
Al Amin, M. (2020, October 21). Death toll from air pollution sees alarming rise in Bangladesh. Dhaka Tribune. (Links to an external site.)
Nahar, N., Mahiuddin, S., & Hossain, Z. (2021). The severity of environmental pollution in the developing countries and its remedial measures. Earth, 2(1), 124-139.  


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. I have chosen my practicum with the Intertribal Council of Arizona (ITCA). As sovereign nations, tribes are responsible for the overall health and wellness of their communities. The ITCA is increasingly involved in public health activities, regulation, and service delivery. Such efforts may include, but are not limited to, community health assessment (CHA) and improvement planning, health promotion and disease prevention, public health policy development and law enforcement, and quality improvement in service delivery. Many tribal health departments are engaging tribal and community leadership in CHAs to identify and prioritize important health issues in order to plan, adapt and respond to important health concerns in their community. Assessment is a critical public health function and a national strategic priority for tribes, states and local health departments. Efforts to develop model standards for public health began in the late 1970s when the US Department of Health Education and Welfare released the Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Over the decades, a number of approaches to measure public health performance were developed, such as the Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Public Health Performance Standards Program, in which approximately 25 tribes participated. These efforts, among others, launched the development of an accreditation program for local, state, tribal and territorial health departments. Collecting health data within a tribal community carries certain risks to both individuals and communities. Therefore, it is critical to involve tribal councils, health committees and/or the community at-large in the CHA process to ensure neither individuals nor the community is harmed. Tribes have an inherent right to protect and ensure the safety of their citizenry, and this includes the manner in which data are collected, stored, analyzed, and reported. Many tribes have formal and informal protocols for obtaining the appropriate approvals to collect data within their community. Respect for such tribal protocols and policies ensure that high ethical safeguards are maintained.Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to

This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio component in addition to speaker notes. Resource: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_FileScenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time-consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lotLotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacityLotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lotTimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measuredDay: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStampInsert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns, construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates? Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare a scatter plot showing the occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time-dependent? If so, which times seem to experience the highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Presentation: Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes and audio. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app. Complete the following in your presentation: Outline the rationale and goals of the project. Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of the results.Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of the results.Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against the time of day of your selected four parking lots. Include your interpretation of the results. Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project. Submit your assignment.