solved The company that you are working for is considering buying

The company that you are working for is considering buying another smaller firm. However, there is some business analysis needed for your company to make its final decision about purchasing. Throughout this course, you will be working on creating the Business Strategy and Management Plan.
Keep in mind that the final Business Strategy and Management Plan template should contain the following elements:

Title page
Course number and name
Project name
Your name
Table of contents

Maximum of 3 levels deep

Section headings

Each week, you will add a section to your Business Strategy and Management Plan and submit it for grading. For Week 1, you will make a qualitative evaluation of the industry’s strategic position using Porter’s five forces. (Please note that the summaries below for Weeks 2–5 do not need to be completed in Week 1. Just create the section headings at this time). As a preview, each section will contain the following subsections:

Qualitative Evaluation of the Industry’s Strategic Position (Week 1 IP)

Choose an aspect of the information technology (IT) industry that has not been previously used as an example in this course. Use Porter’s five forces to make a qualitative evaluation of the industry’s strategic position. Be sure to explain each of the five forces as well as explain how they relate to your chosen industry.

Note: The mobile phone industry was provided as an example in the video material and may not be used as the subject for this assignment.

Remember to include the following elements (Porter’s five forces):

Threat of new entrants: Are new entrants being attracted to the market, and are there barriers to entry in the industry?
Threat of substitute products or services: Are there other products that could be alternatives to offerings in the chosen industry?
Bargaining power of customers: What degree of bargaining power do the buyers have in terms of putting the industry under pressure to provide more products or less cost?
Bargaining power of suppliers: What is the importance of raw materials, components, labor, and services that are required for the industry, and are there substitutes for those inputs? Discuss the possibility of switching suppliers, if necessary.
Intensity of competitive rivalry: Does the industry have a sustainable competitive advantage?

Strategic Information Systems Assessment (Week 2 IP)

Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the case study organization that are related to its present information systems environment.
Assess the forces that are presently governing competition for the case study organization.
Using Wiseman’s framework of strategy development, define the strategic thrusts (and related advantages) that the case study organization should use to build a business case for implementing an information systems management plan.

Information Systems Business Case (Week 3 IP)

Based on the information contained in the Business Systems Plan and the Strategic Information Systems Assessment, write an IT strategy statement that details the following:

Critical success factors for the IT manager
A general strategy for how the IT department will determine congruence between the goals of the IT department and the goals and objectives of the case study organization
A general strategy for how the IT department will support the goals and objectives of the case study organization

Strategic Business Plan (Week 4 IP)

Executive summary
Marketing analysis

You should identify a target market.
You should establish a strategy for acquiring a customer base.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
Financial statements
Summary of the relevance of Porter’s five factors

Project Management Plan (Week 5 IP)

Monitoring and Controlling

solved Write a 2–3-page article review in which you discuss the

Write a 2–3-page article review in which you discuss the legal issues brought against an employer and how the organization managed to recover from the charges brought against it. An organization’s public image is very important. The values and missions of the company serve as a statement to the public regarding how it seeks to operate. The company wants to avoid negative publicity about employment-related legal issues, like discrimination or harassment, because it can have a damaging effect on the organization’s reputation. When this occurs, HR practitioners and managers need to identify an effective recovery strategy as soon as possible. This is important, because the company needs to limit any negative exposure, but also to ensure that the organization is operating according to its values and missions. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 4: Implement the mission, vision, and values to impact organizational culture.Identify the legal issues.Discuss the effectiveness of the organization’s approach to recovery.Competency 5: Create strategies for recovery from exposure to liabilities.Describe the organization’s strategies for recovery from exposure to liabilities.Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.Questions to ConsiderTo deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.Consider a situation in which you, or someone you knew, worked for a company experiencing employment related issues. What is your opinion on the company’s approach to managing and recovering from the issues?
ResourcesSuggested ResourcesThe following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.Library ResourcesThe following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:Braun, S., Wesche, J. S., Frey, D., Weisweiler, S., & Peus, C. (2012). Effectiveness of mission statements in organizations – A review. Journal of Management and Organization, 18(4), 430–444.Sims, G. A. (2014). The specter of academic employment: The diversity statement. Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 31(4), 30.Course Library GuideA Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BUS-FP4044 – Legal Issues in Human Resource Management Library Guide to help direct your research.Assessment InstructionsConduct research using the Capella University Library, a trusted Internet resource, or a business magazine or journal to find articles on the topic of a company experiencing legal issues related to workplace discrimination, unfair labor practices, or unethical behavior. These sources should also describe the organization’s approach in managing and recovering from the charges brought against it. Then, write a 2–3-page article review in which you discuss the following:Identify the legal issues and the charges brought against the company.Describe the organization’s approach to managing and recovering from the charges brought against it.Include your analysis of the organization’s approach to managing and recovering from the charges. Identify whether you would or would not have handled the recovery using the same strategy, and include a supporting rationale.

solved After reading chapters 1-3 in your text, you should now

After reading chapters 1-3 in your text, you should now be familiar with the numerous developmental theories and scientific methods that are used in lifespan development. These theories are helpful in describing and predicting behavior in many cases, but it takes a multi-theoretical approach to attempt to explain an actual human! The below video is meant to augment your textbook readings this week:
2009 Child Development Theorists from Freud to Erikson to Spock and Beyond 1 (Links to an external site.)
After completing your readings and watching the video, respond to the following questions (using at least 150 words for your main post and 70 words for response posts):

Which theory interests you most and why?
Explain why it takes multiple theories to understand human development.
Create your own theory of development, that addresses a concept you have observed or are interested in (this is how many theories originated in the first place). Feel free to use sections or concepts from current theories that might explain your observation or interest in a different way. Explain any challenges or difficulties you encountered while developing your theory.
In your responses to your peers, be sure and make suggestions about the theories they create.

Use at least one intext citation and proper APA reference in each of your 3 required posts – (1 main post and 2 response posts)

I need 2 responses
Draylan Perkins8:12pmJun 10 at 8:12pm
Manage Discussion Entry
What is Lifespan Development? “The broad changes and continuities that constitute a person’s identity and growth from birth to death” (Clegg, 2016). The theory that interests me the most is the Piaget’s Cognitive Theory. The reason that this one interests me the most is because it talks about experience a lot, & I believe that everything that we know and everything that helps us develop has something to do with experience.
I believe that it takes multiple theories to understand human development because everyone has different experiences and everyone develops differently.
My theory of development is I believe that when we are babies we learn the fundamentals we need in order to survive an live such as when we are hungry we need to eat and as we get older we start to develop personality and that begins to shape who we are as we experience different things and respond to them. The third stage I feel like we learn to be more independent and how to survive on our own.
(Clegg, 10/2016) Clegg, K. M., L., S. K., J., H. R., Michele, H. (2016). Lifespan Development, 3rd Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 9.4.3]. Retrieved from vbk://9781942041245

Timothy Ekiom
There theory that interests me the most is Bandura’s social cognitive learning theory. This theory interests me the most because of my 5 year old daughter. When reading about this theory, I couldn’t help but think about all the times she imitates things that I do or say (whether good or bad). Bandura states, “In imitation, a child is directly reinforced for repeating or copying the actions of others.” (Bandura, 1989; Miller, 2011). Young children do rely on their parents a lot for how they learn how to act. There is obviously a lot more that determines how a young child will develop. Another theory that interests me is Pavlov’s behavioral learning theory. This theory, along with others, helps a person understand human development. Children will modify their behavior based on rewards or punishments.
My theory of development would be how guilt guides development and learning and if a person modify their behavior so they don’t feel negative feelings about something. This theory touches Erikson’s psychological stage of initiative versus guilt.
Kraynok, M. C., Seifert, K., Hoffnung, R. J., & Hoffnung, M. (2017). Lifespan development. Academic Media Solutions.
Edited by Timothy Eikom on Jun 10 at 6:57pm 

solved HI!, this project is done, but the professor wanted me

HI!, this project is done, but the professor wanted me to fix some things. The guy that help me with this project is not answering and i was wondering if you could help me out with it. Thank you !also i will attach the power point here as well as what the professor said about it and what the actual order was. Assessment DescriptionThe purpose of this assignment is to provide learners a basic understanding for identifying a proposal for collecting data, designing and developing a small database, and presenting the proposal to stakeholders. To complete Part 3 of the Database Project Proposal assignment, create a PowerPoint (10-15 slides) presentation video discussing your database proposal. Using Loom, record your presentation and submit the Loom file to the instructor.Refer to the topic resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom.Apply principles of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) in your proposal by including the SDLC phases:Planning Analysis (What are the requirements of the current system’s end user?)Detailed Systems Design (Completes the design of the system’s processes, technical specifications, data dictionary, ERD diagram, training principles and methodologies.)Implementation (Database is actually created and is customized by the creation of tables and views, user authorizations, etc. During this implementation phase, the database enters into a cycle of coding, testing, and debugging until it is ready.)Maintenance (During this phase, end-users can begin to request change in it.)You may copy and paste elements from past assignments that apply to the SDLC:The presentation should include the following elements of the proposal:State the project problem and explain the role of the database in the organization.Identify database users (personnel/credentials): Who are they? What are their competencies and background?Discuss the types of data that users will collect for the proposed database and the types of reports that will be generated for analysis.Describe the project goals and clear measurable objectives for the database.Provide examples of database schema components: database dictionary and ERD diagram.Demonstrate database functions by providing a screenshot of basic MySQL statements and their outcomes for at least four rows: Statements include: CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, QUERY TABLE, ADD A NEW COLUMN, QUERY – COLUMN FUNCTIONS, ADD A NEW ROW, QUERY – AGGREGATION, MULTI-TABLE-QUERIES – JOINING, and QUERY – MULTI-TABLE.Explain policies, procedures, and regulations (HIPAA) to assure security, privacy, and integrity of the database proposal.Forecast any potential problems or barriers to meeting the project goals and objectives. Are there any specific assumptions that need to be made?Conclude with the value of the project, emphasizing feasibility, necessity, usefulness, and the benefit of the expected results.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.PROFESSOR COMMENTS: I am going to have you resubmit this assignment. I see you Loom link above but you still may want to redo aspects of it. You may want to review to make sure that you add all of the screen shots of your database. You will also want to make sure you design has 5 entities and and ERD that matches it.Please let me know if you have any other questions.Sincerely,

solved Problem 1. Use lm() to regress wt against hp in

Problem 1. Use lm() to regress wt against hp in the mtcars data set.Name your model “fit”Use summary(fit) to view resultsWhat is the coefficient of hp? (Answer up to 4 decimal places)What is the p-value for a t-test that this coefficient is zero? (Answer in exact form from R e.g., 2.18e-08)Interpretation: What is average difference in weight (wt) per unit of horsepower (hp)? Recommended exercise: Use “plot(wt ~ hp)” and “lines(hp, predict(fit))” to show data points and OLS line (prediction model) Problem 2. Predict the average value of wt for cars with hp = 200, with 95% confidence intervals. What is the upper 95% UCL? (Answer up to 3 decimal places.)–Hint 1 (use only if you need it): attach(mtcars), then fit a linear model using lm() and name it. Use new.dat <- data.frame(hp = 200) to create new.dat value. Finally, use predict() with 3 appropriate arguments to get the answer.Hint 2: The middle argument is: newdata = new.datUse the same model to predict the expected value and range of values (95% prediction interval) of wt for a randomly selected car with hp = 200. What is the upper 95% prediction limit (UPL)? (Answer up to 3 decimal places.) Problem 3. Use lm() to regress mpg against am (1 = manual, 0 = automatic transmission) in the mtcars data set. Assign your model the name “fit” (using <- or =)Use summary(fit) to view results–am is a “dummy variable” (0-1, indicating factor level)What is the coefficient of am? (Answer up to three decimal places)Interpretation: What is the average difference in mpg between cars with manual and automatic transmissions in the mtcars data set?What is the p-value for a t-test of whether the coefficient of am is 0? (Answer up to 6 decimal places) Problem 4. Calculate Kendall’s tau and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between Weight and Sodium in Data and test whether each is different from 0 at a = 0.05.–Hint: Look at help(cor.test) if needed What is the p-value for Kendall’s tau? (Answer in the exact form in R e.g., 0.00e-00)What is the p-value for the Pearson’s correlation coefficient? (Answer in the exact form in R e.g., 0.00e-00)–Ignore warning message due to ties.Which test do you think is more reliable? Why? Problem 5. Attach the mtcars data frameCompare the outputs fromsummary(lm(qsec~mpg)) and summary(sm(qsec~mpg))But first: install.packages("npreg"); library(npreg)Using summary(sm(qsec~mpg)), what is the value of the “Adjusted R-squared” for the smoothing regression model sm(qsec~mpg)?Adjusted R2 adjusts for the number of independent predictors, k, to help correct for over-fitting(Answer up to 4 decimal places) Problem 6. For data frame mtcars, create an MLR model for predicting acceleration (qsec) from wt, disp, hp, and am–What percent of variance in qsec is explained by these four predictors? (What is Adjusted R-squared?) (Answer up to 3 decimal places)–Does the MLR model provide an acceptable (not clearly mistaken) description of the data? What is the p-value for the “Global Stat.” test when gvlma() is used to test MLR assumptions? (Answer up to 3 decimal places)–Using your MLR model, predict acceleration (qsec) for a car with wt = 2.7 half-tons, disp = 230, hp= 150, am = 0. (Answer up to 2 decimal places)–Using your MLR model, predict acceleration (qsec) for a car with wt = 2.5 half-tons, disp = 230, hp= 150, am = 1. (Answer up to 2 decimal places) Problem 7. Create a multiple logistic regression model for the binary variable low (dependent variable) in data frame birthwt in package MASS, using all other variables except bwt as predictors (independent variables)What is the smallest p-value for any of the predictors? (Answer up to 5 decimal places)–In Pima example, it was 3.24e-11, for glucoseHint:library(MASS); attach(birthwt); names(birthwt)# Start your logistic regression command with: model <- glm(low ~.-bwt)

solved Paper instructions : You have received the following memorandum from

Paper instructions : You have received the following memorandum from your supervising solicitor in the IP Department of your firm. MEMORANDUM To: Trainee From: Alba Rino Reference: QED2854/7Client’s name: Quincer Elixir Drinks Limited Client’s matter: Quincer Elixir Drinks Limited Date: [Today’s date] I have been contacted by Carmen Airey. She and Cab Ernest are directors of Quincer Elixir Drinks Limited (“QED”) for whom we act. QED is a medium sized drinks retailer which sources beverages from innovative manufacturers/suppliers around the world and sells them via high-end food outlets in England. QED takes great care to source only from upcoming trendy manufacturers/suppliers. As a result their brand has recently become in demand with cash-rich food and drink enthusiasts. One line of products, a range of 100ml freshly pressed juices blended with spices, such as quince, pea and rhubarb juice spiced with fennel and Habanero chili extract, sold as Quincer, has been particularly successful and has become a real income earner for QED. You may have seen these in upmarket food-halls at Harridges, Lodges & Masons or Selfedges, in some supermarkets such as Forum or St Michael’s, and specialist delicatessens as they have a distinctive triangular translucent bottle and metallic green label and top. Carmen phoned me yesterday to say that she is worried about a call she has just had with Monty Pulciano (“Monty”). Monty is the managing director of Quencher Limited (“Quencher”) which markets a number of drink products in geometric packaging which are sold in England in supermarkets and some sandwich outlets. Its top seller is a line of products labelled as Quencherz with fruit, pulses and vegetable juices blended with exotic spices, sold in translucent rhomboidal bottles with a turquoise label and top. Carmen told me that Monty was irate and blamed her for ‘plundering his market’. He said that sales of Quencherz have declined in the last six months of trading in the London area in particular and he is sure it is because customers are buying Quincer under the impression they are Quencherz as the products have similar names and are sold in similar packaging. He finished the conversation antagonistically, stating he would sue QED for ‘passing off’ unless QED ceased and desisted selling Quincer products. Carmen is unclear about what Monty meant by this and has asked us to advise. Carmen told me that she and Cab have only just become aware of the existence of Quencherz. She agrees with Monty that the packaging of the two products is similar, particularly on first sight, as both have distinctive angular bottles with greenish tops, as well as having similar sounding names. However, on closer inspection Quincer bottles have the motto ‘Nunc Est Bibendum’ in ‘Informal Roman’ font above the name, whereas Quencherz have the motto ‘Aliquid ei bibendum est’ in a different font on the bottom of the label. L1497 Page 3 of 3 © The University of Law Limited 2020-2021 Carmen is adamant that the regular customer would not confuse these products as they are sold to different types of customer in different outlets, Quincer retails in more upmarket food-halls and affluent delicatessens whereas Quencherz tend to be sold to supermarkets and the city/town centre sandwich outlets ‘LeSandwich à Midi’ and ‘Urbane Smörgåsbord’. However, she understands that Quencher is a trading company with a reputation for ruthlessly dispatching competitors by proactively protecting its brand. Carmen needs our advice on QED’s position on a possible passing off action and what steps it can take to protect itself. Quincer and Quencherz are not registered trademarks and our client does not want advice on trademark registration. Please use our standard format of email and report to cover all of the issues and your advice.

solved Part I: Primary source analysisWrite a brief source analysis for

Part I: Primary source analysisWrite a brief source analysis for each of the following two primary sources. Each analysis should be 250 words.A good analysis will make a clear historical claim (thesis), will use the primary source as evidence for that claim, and properly contextualize the source. Make sure that you get the context right: which year? what else is happening? how does it fit into the larger story.When writing your essay, keep in mind the model of the “6 C’s of primary source analysis”:Content (what is the text about, what are the main ideas?)Citation (who is the author?)Context (what else is going on at the time that is relevant for your understanding of the primary source?)Connection (prior knowledge: link the source to other things you know and connect this source to the broader historical narrative about the Holocaust)Communication (what is the point of view of the author of this source? What seems to be the agenda or goal behind it? who is the intended audience?)Conclusions (what does this primary source contribute to your understanding of the history of the Holocaust, what is its significance?)1“… I was given the command to send twenty-odd thousand Jews out from the ghetto; if not—‘We will do it.’ And the question arose: ‘Should we take it over and do it ourselves, or leave it for others to carry out?’ But being dominated not by the thought ‘How many will be lost,’ but by the thought ‘How many will be saved,’ we … came to the conclusion that as difficult as this will be for us, we must take into our own hands the carrying out of the decree. … I must cut off limbs in order to save the body! I must take the children because, if not, others could also, God forbid, be taken.”2“The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flush with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has even paid to Reason. …The most savage and numerous crimes planned and committed by the Nazis were those against the Jews. … It is my purpose to show a plan and design, to which all Nazis were fanatically committed, to annihilate the Jewish people. …Extermination of the Jews enabled the Nazis to bring a practiced hand to similar measures against Poles, Serbs, and Greeks. The plight of the Jews was a constant threat to opposition or discontent among other elements of Europe’s population: pacifists, conservatives, Communists, Catholics, Protestants, Socialists. …”Part II: EssayWrite a four-paragraph essay addressing the topic below (introduction; two paragraphs developing your idea and discussing specific evidence; conclusion). Refer to your lecture notes, readings, and textbook for context and specific examples in order to develop an historical argument. The essay must have a clear thesis statement, and you need to develop your thesis based on specific historical evidence drawn from the material discussed in this class. The essay will be about 500 words. To receive full credit, your essay needs to be driven by a clear argument and needs to provide clear evidence that you are drawing on course lectures and readings. Do not rely on other sources drawn from the internet. The Holocaust unfolded in different ways in different European countries. Discuss two countries as examples to show two different patterns of how European nations responded to the Nazi genocide. How did each of these countries deal with its Jewish population during the Holocaust? What different patterns of responding to the Holocaust do they reflect? What do you think explains these differences?

solved Review the content below, starting with ‘A Brief Introduction to

Review the content below, starting with ‘A Brief Introduction to Western Art History’.Review the remaining content to answer the following 2 questions. Short Essay Answers; 300-500 words each:How has art, culture, and politics been intertwined throughout history?How has the role of art evolved to address the cultural needs of society and culture?A Brief Introduction to Western Art History What is Ceramic Art? Oppression and Resistance Guerrilla Girls, ‘You Have to Question What You See’ Art and the Environment Pluralism of American Identities Revolution Art: Power & Propaganda Art Funding Arguments

solved STEP #1 – WATCH — Amistad – A Slave’s Journey

STEP #1 – WATCH — Amistad – A Slave’s Journey
STEP #1 – WATCH — Amistad – A Slave’s Journey(TRIGGER WARNING)
STEP #2 – READ — Drawing the Color Line
STEP #2 – READ — Drawing the Color LinePlease click the above link to read chapter 2, “Drawing the Color Line;” found in the book A People’s History of the United States.

As always, please try to have 5 things from each of your readings to discuss on Discussion Board.
STEP #3 – READ — Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom
STEP #3 – READ — Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without FreedomPlease click the above link to also read the chapter, “Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom,” found in Howard Zinn’s book A People’s History.When thinking about what you have been taught in previous classes, does it in any way match what these readings on slavery and race have revealed to you?
The Gilded AgeSelect LanguageAfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianCatalanCebuanoChichewaChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrisianGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHindiHmongHungarianIcelandicIgboIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKinyarwandaKoreanKurdish (Kurmanji)KyrgyzLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMongolianMyanmar (Burmese)NepaliNorwegianOdia (Oriya)PashtoPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiRomanianRussianSamoanScots GaelicSerbianSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovakSlovenianSomaliSpanishSundaneseSwahiliSwedishTajikTamilTatarTeluguThaiTurkishTurkmenUkrainianUrduUyghurUzbekVietnameseWelshXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu  Powered by Translate
STEP #1 – WATCH — South Park – Something WallMart This Way Comes
STEP #1 – WATCH — South Park – Something WallMart This Way Comes
Please click the image below to watch the South Park episode “Something Wallmart This Way Comes.”.
STEP #2 – WATCH — Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
STEP #2 – WATCH — Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low PricePlease watch this documentary about Wal-Mart.  How does this issue tie in to the Gilded Age and what we are studying about the late 1800s?
STEP #3 – READ – Robber Barons and Rebels
STEP #3 – READ – Robber Barons and RebelsPlease read the chapter “Robber Barons and Rebels,” from Howard Zinn’s book A People’s History of the United States. Please be prepared to discuss at least five things from this chapter you thought were interesting!
What is History?
STEP #1 – WATCH — A Brief History of the United States
STEP #1 – WATCH — A Brief History of the United States
STEP #2 – READ — Lies My Teacher Told Me
STEP #2 – READ — Lies My Teacher Told MeFrom the book Lies My Teacher Told Me,  please read the Introduction and Chapter 1.Please have 5 things you think are weird or interesting to discuss!
STEP #3 – READ — How Christian were the Founders?
STEP #3 – READ — How Christian were the Founders?Please click the above link to go to this New York Times article about the recent changes made in Texas to our public school history curriculum.
– Alternative Formats

solved I’m working on a history writing question and need support

I’m working on a history writing question and need support to help me learn.

PART 1: Choose a colonist’s side (American patriot or loyalist) and explain your attitude towards Great Britain prior to and during the Revolutionary War. Use examples from the text to support your position.In responding to two of your classmates’ posts, respond to a different side than what you selected and discuss the differences between your colonists’ viewpoints.You are not expected to use outside sources beyond your text, however if you do, be sure to properly cite them.Part 2: SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION Think of a third possible theme that you might apply to the topic of the American Civil War. SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION How do Eli Landers’s letters reflect nationalistic identity or culture? SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION According to Drew Faust, what cultural trend affected the outcome of the war for the South? SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION What does Colonel Spiegel’s address suggest about the culture of the war in the North? Timeline of selected events of the American Civil War. Click to enlarge SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION What effect did the American Civil War have on the populations of the North and the South, according to the timeline?PART 3: Answer the following questions about the trends related to the American Civil War.MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONWhich of the following is an example of a trend related to your topic?Choices the demise of the strategy of total warfare in the late years of the Civil War the Union victory at Vicksburg, which proved to be a decisive turning point the persistence of high casualties throughout the American Civil War the increase in wartime patriotism among the South’s womenWhat influenced the South’s wartime social roles?Choices a withering pattern of agrarianism a sparse history of sectionalism a long trend of egalitarianism a strong pattern of paternalismWhat trend facilitated the North’s victory in the American Civil War, according to Lisa Brady?Choices a culture of sacrifice well-disciplined soldiers scorched-earth tactics superior artilleryWhat trend was evident among the fighters of the Confederacy, according to Alan Farmer’s essay?Choices a defeatist attitude strong martial will poor hygiene Union identityWhich of the following is a characteristic of a historically significant event?Choices A great amount of time has passed since. A significant amount of wealth was transferred. A large number of people were affected. Many history books have been written about it.Which of the following was a significant cause of the defeat of the Confederacy, according to Drew Faust?Choices a downward trend in military morale a downward trend in homefront morale an increasing trend in slave revolts an increasing trend in civilian deathsHow do the letters of Eli Landers reflect trends in nationalistic identity?Choices They reveal considerable doubt about his northern identity. They express firm belief in the cause of abolition. They reveal considerable doubt about his southern identity. They express firm belief in the southern cause.Which of the following trends remained consistent throughout the war?Choices Both sides suffered heavy casualties. Southern women betrayed the cause out of desperation. The Union was driven by the cause of abolition. Southern men pillaged Yankee villages.How does Colonel Spiegel’s address challenge accepted ideas about the North?Choices It reveals a trend of disillusionment among housewives. It betrays a lack of morale among military leaders. It highlights a trend of material shortages in factories. It suggests a pattern of discontent among soldiers.According to Lisa Brady, what was the trend among Americans with regard to their relationship to the land in the nineteenth century?Choices They sought to commune with it. They sought to destroy it. They sought to sell it. They sought to own it.