solved Read Chapters 7 & 8 and the information included in

Read Chapters 7 & 8 and the information included in Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson and The Master and the Mistress. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following items:

Why do you think the accusations made by Callender were ignored during Jefferson’s lifetime and later by historians? Why do you think Madison Hemings’ assertions were ignored?
Why do you think Callender’s claims failed to hurt Jefferson politically? Do you think a similar scandal would hurt an American president or elected leader today? Why or why not?
Based on Madison Hemings’ family history, how common was racial intermixing in 18th and 19th century Virginia?
According to Eric Foner, how and why has the work of Annette Gordon-Reed fueled a controversy over the Hemings-Jefferson relationship?
Should his relationship with Sally Hemings influence how we view Jefferson and his place in American history? If no, why not? If yes, how should they influence how we view him?

You are required to submit an initial posting (200 words minimum) that addresses the items above. You are also expected to respond to the posting of at least one other student (100 words minimum). Your response should address why you agree/disagree with their posting, support it with new evidence to bring a new perspective to the topic. 

Below is the peer’s post.
I am not much of a history buff, so this is the first time that I have read that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with one of his African American slaves. I read the assigned chapters before reading the discussion board assignments and I am certainly confused. Jefferson seemed to have a negative view of African Americans stating that they were not as intelligent as white Americans and that they could not live peacefully together. He called for African Americans to be colonized back in Africa to protect the integrity of the United States.
I think that people likely ignored Callenders’ accusations because he was viewed as a criminal seeking to blackmail the president in exchange for a powerful position. His words were likely to be dismissed as lies because of the position he was in. I think this is why Callenders’ accusations did not harm the presidents’ reputation. As we have seen in more recent presidencies, we hold presidents to a high moral standard. Clinton was ostracized because of his sexual scandal; however, the view of interracial marriage and childbearing has changed immensely. A president would not be scandalized today for fathering biracial children. The fact that the children were born out of wedlock may be seen as an issue, but again times are changing and people may be less likely to judge a person based on that situation. If it could be proven however that the relationship between Jefferson and Hemings was coerced or non-consensual in any way it would certainly be seen as Immoral (and even criminal) and would be a huge scandal. We cannot say for sure if the relationship between Hemings and Jefferson was consensual, so we cannot base our assumption on that ideal.
If one was to assess Madison Hemings’ family tree it would seem as if interracial relationships (at least sexual relationships) were very common during the 18th and 19th century in Virginia. One cannot say whether those relationships were consensual or not but racial intermixing appears to be common in Hemings’ family history.
I believe the discovery of this relationship should change our perception of Thomas Jefferson. I am unsure of how much it should actually change his reputation, but it at least shows that he was dishonest, and thus how can we trust everything he thought and did. It is also hard to know what he actually believed in since he appeared to live two quite different lives. His public and private lives do not seem to match.

solved Instructions Describe in your own words some types of models

Describe in your own words some types of models and/or modelling techniques you have encountered in your experience (either as a business analyst or in other roles). 
List some benefits of the modeling processes that you have used.
In my experience, I have encountered Data Modelling, Process Modelling and Prototyping techniques etc. used in business analysis. We use the Entity-Relationship diagram (ERD) to understand the data structure, data flow and relationships. This helps us to understand the data our Customer needs and to show the changes, if any, to that data. The Process Modelling in the form of Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) enhances our understanding of how the data behaves in our workflow within the system. In my current project, we are also using Prototyping to assist our Stakeholders in visualizing the appearance and capabilities of the proposed solution.
The big benefit of modelling is the ability to easily revise the diagrams to better understand and communicate the problem domain as the solution concepts evolves through iterative steps. It is almost like thinking about the problem and its solution multiple times, and then write the code once.
Regardless of which modelling technique was used, it allowed us to compare alternative views to look for gaps and disconnects, e.g. when we have multiple requirements views where the information is shown in different ways, the models all must agree. This is particularly useful when you have cross functional requirements dependencies. We invested the time to model the business processes and system requirements up-front in order to realize the pay-off later in multiple ways. As the old adage says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Below are some of the modelling techniques I have come across:
1. Organizational Modelling: During all hands meetings I have seen the CEO of the company representing all the people and their roles through an organizational chart. This is a great visual representation to understand employee roles, who they report up to and understand their relationship within the organization.
I have used this modelling technique for my QA team as well. I use this chart to represent all the members of my teams , who they report up to and which clients they support. This visual representation is very useful and efficient. For example when we have a new hire , I just pull this model up and it is pretty self explanatory. However , I need to remember to keep this updated as and when we get new hires and when exist people leave.
2. Activity Flow process modelling: I use this modelling to depict the life cycle of a bug. A bug usually has a variety of statuses ( New, Active, Proposed, Resolved, Closed, Ready for testing, In Development, Rejected, Stalled) , and teams usually gets confused on setting the correct status on a bug. We have created a process flow chart for the life cycle of a bug and we have it shared on the wiki. This has been beneficial since it is a good visual representation that gives users a fast solution to identify the correct status a bug should be in.
3. Structured data modelling, ERD’s: Our backend database is SQL server, a relationship database. During the kick off meetings of large projects one of the main components is an ERD walk through with the database architect on upcoming changes. This is of particular importance to the QA engineers since it will give them a better insight to the testing approach. An ERD review gives the team a good visual representation of new tables and views being added, new columns being added to existing tables, foreign key relationships and understand the various attributes of fields. Understanding all these data points helps to create a more efficient and holistic testing plan and strategy.

solved Begin by reviewing the Media Focus video on bioterrorism Give

Begin by reviewing the Media Focus video on bioterrorism Give an example and details from national/international news of a bioterrorist attack.Address all of the following in your post:What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?Discuss the implications of the biological agent.Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?In your post, provide the name of the incident you have chosen, and support your answers with evidence/examples. Please provide a working link and a citation for your source(s). In your replies to peers, compare the different biological agents, their implications and therapies. Discuss the different types of decontamination procedures and levels of PPE that would be required.Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.peer 1: Typhoid Fever in 1984According to the CDC, yellow fever is classified as a Category B in which it is, “moderately easy to disseminate, cause moderate morbidity, [and] require enhanced disease surveillance and bublic health diagnostic capacity” (Das & Kataria, 2010). In Oregon of 1984, the Rajneesh cult contaminated local salad bars and other restaurant food receptacles with Salmonella enterica in an attempt to influence local elections. The followers hoped to prevent residents from voting and while, “hundreds were affected, 45 were hospitalized but no fatalities resulted” (Pike, 2011). Therapy for typhoid fever includes antibiotic treatment in which ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were used. The proper decontamination procedures included appropriate handwashing to rid of the bacteria, taking antibiotics as prescribed, and not preparing food for others. In a clinical setting, PPE involves donning gloves when caring for a patient with typohid. Facial protection may also be necessary if there is a possible risk for aerosolization with feces or culture material.Peer 2: Antrax: There have been numerous biological agents used for terrorist attacks throughout the years, but the one that I have decided to write about it Bacillus Anthracis, also known as Antrax. Antrax spores can become in anyone’s pocession because they are easily found in nature, produced in the lab, and last a long time in the environment. In 2001, Antrax spores were placed inside of envelops and letters and were mailed throughout the US postal system. In this incident, 22 people, including 12 mail handlers got antrax and 5 of the 22 ended up dying from it (CDC, ). This agent is known as Tier 1 biological agent because the agents and toxins present the greatest risk of deliberate abuse with the potential for lots of death to occur. There are a few different types of antrax and they all have different implications and symptoms associated with them. Cutaneous Antrax symptoms include: blisters, swelling, and ulcers. Inhalation Antrax symptoms include: fever, chills, cough, dizziness, headache, and sweats. GI Antrax symptoms include: sore throat, fever, chills, painful swallowing, and stomach pain. Injection Antrax symptoms include: swelling around sore, fever, chills, small blisters, and swelling around sore. When it comes to treating this biological agent doctors use antibiotics or antitoxins. Decontamination procedures are done using a few different disinfection sprays such as Sporicidin, Vesphene, Bleach Rite, and SporGon (Heninger, 2009). The proper PPE that needs to be worn for coming into contact with Antrax includes respiratory protection, protective garmets such as coveralls, boot covers, and chemical resistant suits, eye and face protection, and gloves. All of these equipment needs to be worn at all times.


Module 3 – SLPTRANSFER PRICING AND RESPONSIBILITY CENTERSThird part of the presentation. See background information for the Module 1 SLP.Required:Include the following items in your presentation.The organization is currently centralized, but is reviewing options to put a decentralized structure in place.You are asked to comment on responsibility centers and their functions.Cost centers can be a drain on an organization. Could internal charge backs be implemented? Present specific ideas.Comment on the role of business analytics in a growing decentralized organization. SLP Assignment ExpectationsSubmit a PowerPoint presentation or a Word Document. A PowerPoint presentation should have no more than six slides and a Word document cannot exceed two pages. Use words, tables, and graphs to make a succinct presentation. Document all sources and provide links at the end. It is acceptable to add another slide or page to list the sources.Combine the submissions from prior module(s) into one file before uploading to the SLP 3 Dropbox.Module 3 – BackgroundTRANSFER PRICING AND RESPONSIBILITY CENTERSModular Learning ObjectivesKeep the following objectives in mind as you work through the material in this module:Define the role of responsibility accounting.Differentiate between controllable and uncontrollable costs.Analyze structure of a decentralized organization.Define profit centers, cost centers, and investment centers.Compute transfer prices.Identify three main transfer pricing approaches.Required ReadingThis module covers the role of responsibility accounting and responsibility centers. Explore these topics further while keeping the above six objectives in mind. Click on the three arrows to explore each topic in more detail:Check Your UnderstandingCheck your understanding to make sure that you have a good grasp of the background material. If you are not comfortable with the concepts, review some of the material again or go to the optional resource for more examples.Click on the quiz icon for an ungraded, 20-question true-or-false self-study quiz to check your progress. If you are not satisfied with the score, review some of the material again. For more in-depth information, review materials listed under optional reading at the bottom of this page.Final ThoughtsA responsibility center is a part or subunit of a company for which a manager has authority and responsibility. The company’s detailed organization chart is a logical source for determining responsibility centers. The most common responsibility centers are the departments within a company.When the manager of a responsibility center can control only costs, the responsibility center is referred to as a cost center. If a manager can control both costs and revenues, the responsibility center is known as a profit center. If a manager has authority and responsibility for costs, revenues, and investments the responsibility center is referred to as an investment center.The existence of responsibility centers necessitates the setting of an internal price for the transfer of parts, goods, and services among units and responsibility centers. Transfer prices are contentious because management intervenes by creating policies which have an effect on the income of a responsibility center or unit.Transfers among international jurisdictions involve additional considerations. Not only accounting rules, but income taxation and duties affect pricing strategies. Most countries have regulations to help prevent the use of this pricing method as a means of evading taxes or similar unethical and illegal activities.Optional ReadingFor further detail refer to Dr. Walther’s accounting text and videos.Walther, L. (2017). Chapter 23: Reporting to Support Managerial Decisions.LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS

solved Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following

Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following two Topics. Do you agree with the analysis presented? Why? Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic? Share them. When providing your feedback present the logic behind it. Topic 1 1. Directions for your Main Entry: The nature – nurture debate has been around for a long time and impacts a variety of areas of research to include personality psychology. Your task this week is to select one (1) of the following topics: Out of the following topics I decided to go with personality theory and the relevance of twin studies. It captured my attention because my father is a twin. My dad and my uncle despite being far apart geographically are a copy and paste of each other over the phone and when we get a moment to fly back to Kenya to see the family. I have always wanted a twin but despite actually having one, I have a cousin who is a week older than me who I consider a twin. In saying my father and his brother are a copy and paste of each other, there are slight differences. They are both people persons, my uncle is more on the talkative and personable side. Take away the topic being interesting, due to the fact that you can be a twin and be semi different or completely different, I also picked the topic because it is relatable. In the article it stated that there has been a lot of research that has shown that about half of peoples differences in personality traits is heritable. In the most recent studies, what’s been reported is that heritability is not fixed, but more so goes down across the life span. So most of the findings are inconsistent and it is yet unclear whether these trends are because of a waning importance of heritable tendencies, attributable to cumulative experiential influences with age, or because of nonlinear patterns suggesting gene and environment interplay. So the four twin samples from Croatia, Finland, Germany, and the United Kingdom, the examinations of age trends in genetic and environmental variance showed evidence for an increasing relative importance of life experiences contributing to personality differences across the life span. Bratko, K. c. (2020). Apa PsycNet. American Psychological Association. Topic 1 The study of personality seeks to understand differences in the traits of individuals as well as how those traits work together to create an individual. The similarities, or lack thereof, of personality traits between people and why those similarities or differences occur has always fascinated me. Ultimately one of the best ways to investigate how and why personality traits develop is through conducting twin studies. I come from a family with many sets of twins, including my mom and her fraternal brother, and I’ve always wanted to wandered if genetics played a role in their personality development. I chose an article titled “Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart and Together.” (Tellegan et al.) that used a large sample of twins to investigate any affect genetics have on personality traits. The study included administering the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire, MPQ, to three different types of twins monozygotic, dizygotic reared-apart, dizygotic reared-together. The results of the study concluded that having a similar growth environment was not as significant as most people think and that genetics did not show any evidence to playing a role in distribution of personality traits. References Teilegen, A., Lykken, D. T., Bouchard Jr., T. J., Wilcox, K. J., & Rich, S. (1988). Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart and Together. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 54(6), 1031–1039.

solved Question 12.5 PointsIdentify the population and the samle:A survey of

Question 12.5 PointsIdentify the population and the samle:A survey of 1300 credit card found that the average late fee is $25.75.Population: Collection of all credit cardsSample: Collection of the 1300 credit cards sampledSample: Collection of all credit cardsPopulation: Collection of the 1300 credit cards sampledPopulation: Collection of all credit cardsSample: Late fee is $27.46Population: Collection of the 1300 credit cards sampledSample: Late fee is $27.46Question 22.5 PointsThe number of students in a room is an example of a continuous variable.TrueFalseQuestion 32.5 PointsThe average weight of the students in the Statistics class is an example of a continuous variable.TrueFalseQuestion 42.5 PointsThe Social Security numbers of the employees at an engineering firm are an example of qualitative variables.TrueFalseQuestion 52.5 PointsIdentify which sampling technique was used in the following study:Calling randomly generated telephones numbers, a study asked 1256 U. K. adults which medical conditions could be avoided by their diet.random samplingsystematic samplingconvenience samplingstratified samplingQuestion 62.5 PointsIdentify which sampling technique was used in the following study:Calling randomly generated telephones numbers, a study asked 438 U. S. adults which tooth paste they prefer.random samplingstratified samplingcluster samplingconvenience samplingQuestion 72.5 PointsEach value in a data set may be referred to as either a data value or a(n) ____________.subdatadatumatompointQuestion 82.5 PointsWhat type of sampling is being employed if the country is divided into economic classes and a sample is chosen from each class to be surveyed?random samplingsystematic samplingstratified samplingcluster samplingQuestion 92.5 PointsAn independent variable can also be called a(n)free variable.explanatory variable.suggestive variable.outcome variable.Question 102.5 PointsWhat level of measurement allows for the ranking of data, a precise difference between units of measure, and also includes a true zero?nominalordinalintervalratioQuestion 112.5 PointsWhich of the following is a frequency polygon?Question 122.5 PointsThirty students recorded the colors of their eyes, choosing from the colors brown, blue, green, hazel, and black. This data can be appropriately summarized in a(n)______________ .open-ended distributioncategorical frequency distributiongrouped frequency distributionupper boundaryQuestion 132.5 PointsThe lower class limit represents the smallest data value that can be included in the class.TrueFalseQuestion 142.5 PointsFind the class with the greatest number of data values. 55-6565-7575-8585-95Question 152.5 PointsGreg wants to construct a frequency distribution for the political affiliation of the employees at Owen’s Hardware Store. What type of distribution would be best?ungroupedgroupedcategoricalcumulativeQuestion 162.5 PointsA weatherman records the amount of rain that fell in Portland, Oregon each day for a year. What type of graph should he use to show how rainfall changes during the year ?pie graphpictographtime series graphPareto chartQuestion 172.5 PointsWhich of the following pairs of class limits would be appropriate for grouping the numbers 10, 13, 8, and 15 ?7-11 and 11-158-10 and 13-158-10 and 11-158-11 and 12-15Question 182.5 PointsWhich of the following does not need to be done when constructing a frequency distribution?select the number of classes desiredfind the rangemake the class width an even numberuse classes that are mutually exclusiveQuestion 192.5 PointsWhich of the following is a histogram?Question 202.5 PointsWhich graph should be used to represent the frequencies with which certain courses are taken at Highlands Middle School?Pareto charttime series graphpie graphpictograph

solved Need help with my Psychology question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Psychology question – I’m studying for my class.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources.
Review the client case profile for your assigned client.
Consider how risk-taking behavior(s) are impacting the adolescent and his or her family.
Identify protective factor(s) that support wellness and development.
Using  Library, locate 1–2 recent (5 years or less) peer reviewed articles related to the issues affecting your adolescent client.
A summary of the developmental crises your adolescent client is facing.
Describe the risk-taking behavior(s) in which the adolescent is involved, and at least one protective factor that might be influencing his or her level of functioning.
Explain the impact of these behaviors on the adolescent and his or her family.
Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and 1–2 peer-reviewed articles from the past 5 years.

Gabby Martinez (F, 16 years)
Presenting Issues:
Gabby and her mother came to counseling together; however, Gabby did not speak in the presence of her mother. Jeannette (F, 46 years) was angry and yelling at Gabby, despite requests for her to please calm down, take a deep breath, and speak more calmly. Mother stated that her daughter is a “slut.” Mother recently learned that Gabby has been having sex, which “goes against everything (her parents) taught her.” Mother also stated that Gabby can no longer be married in their church because she is “damaged goods.” Mother is “horrified by her daughter’s behavior” and “ashamed of her.”
When speaking with Gabby alone, she cried and stated that she loves her boyfriend very much and does not believe that having sex with him is wrong. Gabby stated that the only thing she is upset about right now is that her parents “hate” her; she is afraid she has “disappointed God” because of that. Gabby does admit to having lost her virginity at age 14 under circumstances she regrets; however, she does not think having sex with her current boyfriend is wrong. She has asked for reassurance that she is “still a good girl.”
Cultural Profile:
The family is Latinx. They are Seventh-Day Adventists, and Gabby’s parents are very active in the church. Gabby has strong faith but does not believe the same things her parents do, and clashes often with church doctrine.
Family History:
Both of Gabby’s parents come from large, extended families, with many relatives living within an hour’s drive. The family often gathers for holidays and events. Gabby lives at home with her brother Tommy (M, 4 years) and sister Christina (F, 9 years). Christina was adopted last year; she is Gabby’s biological second cousin. Tommy has Down syndrome and Christina has symptoms of both RAD and PTSD.
In this discussion, you are asked to discuss your adolescent client’s presenting issues, risk-taking behaviors, protective factors, and the impact on the family system. The outline and headings for your main post might look like this (note: do not use bullets in your writing; these are only used below to separate key elements):

Introduction (no heading)

Thesis statement
Overview of adolescent development, challenges, tasks, and identity formation

Presenting Issues

Brief summary of client and presenting issues, including at least one risk-taking behavior
Possible purpose of the risk-taking behavior(s) from developmental perspective. Refer to theories to support your assertions.
Protective factor(s)


Potential impact of behaviors on adolescent’s development
Potential impact of behaviors on family system


Synthesize how adolescent behaviors relate to identity development, using client as example
Relevance of this knowledge when counseling adolescents

solved Review the assigned reading, which looks at how complicated our

Review the assigned reading, which looks at how complicated our understanding of plagiarism and its meaning really is. Answer the two assigned questions about how this relates to your understanding of business writing practices. Post your answers as your response to this discussion topic.Here is an excerpt from an article called “Plagiarism Doesn’t Bother Me” by Professor Gerald Nelms:In some “real-world” contexts, plagiarism is not only acceptable but is expected. Brian Martin calls this “institutionalized plagiarism.”Plagiarism is as tied to context as every other aspect of language use. In our everyday conversations—and lectures and classroom discussions—we frequently give information without citing its source(s). Moreover, there exist contexts where plagiarism is not only acceptable but is expected and encouraged. Audience expectations and intellectual property conventions of the community in which the language use occurs determines whether adopting source material and expression without citation is acceptable or not. “Institutional plagiarism” frequently occurs and is accepted without even the lifting of an eyebrow in most daily business communications and in other bureaucratic contexts. For example, if a company employee were to try to compose a quarterly report with original language and organization, her supervisor would probably take her aside and explain that to be more efficient, she should simply adopt the organization and language of past quarterly reports.Some might argue that “institutionalized plagiarism” is acceptable because the language and forms being plagiarized are “common knowledge.” That may be the case in some instances of institutionalized plagiarism but not in every case. Too often, we de-contextualize common knowledge, thinking of it as facts every child learns in school or as information that exists in at least five (or whatever number of) credible sources, as some textbooks have defined it. In fact, content alone does not define knowledge as “common.” Common knowledge is that which is presumed to be ubiquitous or, at least, widespread within a specific community—that is, in context. Not all institutionalized plagiarism fits that bill.Consider, for example, the annual reports that a company will publish and distribute to its investors and creditors and auditors and public officials and anyone else who might be interested. Annual reports are notorious for using the same templates year after year. They follow the same organizational structure every year. They almost invariably use a similar vocabulary, the same phrases, the same sentences in many instances. Yet, no one accuses the authors, often anonymous or named in the fine print, of plagiarism. No investors divest themselves of holdings in a company because its annual report is institutionally plagiarized.This excerpt uses two common examples of business writing in discussing ways in which information is plagiarized – or not – depending, perhaps upon the view of those in a particular business setting.There are two worthwhile questions to consider concerning what Nelms tells us about these seemingly plagiarizing practices of business/professional writing. In a short paragraph, respond to the following questions. Post your paragraph as your response to this discussion topic.1) Based on your experience, have you seen such practices in your work? Give an example. Why do you think this sort of plagiarizing is rather common in business/professional writing?2) Where do you think the practice of using the same format, even the same language, for business documents might have come from? Can you think of any examples of when you have noticed the use of what is sometimes called “boilerplate” documents and language?

solved Module 2: Primary Source Analysis Paper: Introduction Objective The purpose

Module 2: Primary Source Analysis Paper: Introduction
The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ ability to analyze complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of those materials. 
Choose one question below and answer by writing a brief analytical essay. The essay should have a clear thesis and main points supported by properly cited primary source evidence. Essays should be uploaded via Canvas no later than the conclusion of Module 3. (Module 3: Primary Source Analysis Paper: Submit Here ) This assignment is 10 percent of your overall grade in the course. 
Begin by indicating the number of the question to which you are responding. The essay should be 500-750 words. The essay format should be double—spaced, using a standard size font and margins (12-point Times New Roman font with standard 1-inch margins). Please see the Chicago Style for guidelines on citing and formatting. The first page of the assignment should include your name, class, and the number of the question you are answering. Chicago Style guide can be found on-line: (Links to an external site.) 
Please note acceptable file extension include: .pdf, .docx
Special Note: If you select a prompt for this essay which you previously wrote about for a discussion post in a previous module, your response here should be much more detailed and polished. Do not just cut and paste your original discussion post! Essays which are simply copied from the discussion boards will not receive any points. Edit, expand, and improve!
How does the “Epic of Gilgamesh (Links to an external site.)” portray the relationship between Sumerians and their gods? What role do the gods play in the narrative, and why might the author(s) have wanted to portray them in this manner? 
How do the Excerpted chapters of Genesis (Links to an external site.) portray the relationship that the Hebrews had with their God? What elements of the stories define this relationship, and why might the author(s) have wanted to portray the relationship in this manner?
How does Aristotle, in “On a Good Wife”, describe the role of women within Greek society?
Link for “On a Good Wife” (Links to an external site.)
How do women in “Antigone” by Sophocles fit the ideals of ancient Greek society?
Link for “Antigone” (Links to an external site.)
Additional Instructions and Information
The most important thing for you to do in your paper is to present an argument as a specific answer to the question given above. Your paper must also focus on the primary source texts. This means that you should read each document carefully, think about it, and form your own point of view about the topic. Once you have your argument, you will want to organize your essay as follows: an introduction, supporting or body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  In the introduction be sure to clearly state your thesis statement. The thesis statement clearly states your argument and is the central idea that organizes the rest of your essay. In the supporting or body paragraphs you will prove your thesis statement and support your argument with evidence. Be sure to start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph. Clearly explain to the reader how the evidence you provide supports your argument.  
All evidence you use in your paper, whether directly quoted or paraphrased, must be cited properly. For this assignment, please use the Chicago Style for citing sources.  Do not use any outside sources (encyclopedias, internet); this assignment assesses your critical thinking and writing skills. Evidence should be based on course material only, especially primary sources. 

solved PART I Discussion Question: Review the evidence-based practice requirements outlined

Discussion Question:
Review the evidence-based practice requirements outlined for the Magnet Recognition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) at Compare and contrast your current practice environment to that of the guidelines.
Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.
Integrating Evidence-Based Practice
Write a 1000-1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be two main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with (2) sources (1 outside source and the textbook) using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.
Describe the eight steps to integrating evidence-based practice into the clinical environment. What barriers might you face in implementing a new practice to address your research topic (as identified in Module 1)? Describe strategies that could be used to increase success including overcoming barriers.
Describe six sources of internal evidence that could be used in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes.
Discussion: Remember word count for initial and replies and the required one outside scholarly source for the initial post.

Review the evidence-based practice requirements (I. – V. listed at the bottom of the link below) outlined for the Magnet Recognition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) at

I. Transformational Leadership
II. Structural Empowerment
III. Exemplary Professional Practice
IV. New Knowledge, Innovation, & Improvements
V. Empirical Quality Results

***Compare and contrast your current practice environment to each of the guidelines. Note all 5 of the guidelines within your initial post using each of the items above as 5 different headings in your post. Then compare and contrast your practice environment in detail for each of the 5 requirements. Each of the 5 requirements must have a heading and a detailed discussion.
Assignment: This week is a 1000 word paper about Integrating Evidence-Based Practice. Please follow all rules for an APA paper including title page, page #s, introduction, level headings, conclusion, reference list. Please review the Essay Rubric found in the Assignment upload link in the lower right corner. There are two main sections in this paper and it requires at least 1 outside source and the textbook for sources – so please be sure to use the textbook as a source and then find another scholarly source in your paper to total 2 sources.
For your paper:
Part 1: Integrating Evidence-Based Practice
Seven Steps (Describe the seven steps to integrating evidence-based practice into the clinical environment). There is a typo in the course. There are seven steps instead of eight.
Personal Barriers (What barriers might you face in implementing a new practice to address your research topic (as identified in Module 1)?)
Strategies to Overcome (Describe strategies that could be used to increase success including overcoming barriers)
Part 2: Six Sources of Internal Evidence
(Describe six sources of internal evidence that could be used in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes.)