solved I’m working on a business writing question and need an

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of the course textbook, read the following articles, What We Can Learn from Evaluating OD Interventions, The Benefits of Creating A Diverse Workforce (Links to an external site.), and What Are the Advantages of a Diverse Workforce? (Links to an external site.), and watch the video, How Can You Influence Others?.Last week, you prepared the foundation of your final project by selecting a case study and applying the appropriate action research process to the OD challenge. Based on your knowledge of intervention types, you proposed a recommended interaction for the challenge. This week, you will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of individual, team, group, and organizational interventions, and what they look like during problem solving and decision-making.Intervention is the “doing” phase of action research. This paper will solidify your intervention selection. You will explain the actions used during your selected intervention and comprehensively apply the process to the case study. The paper must be at least two full pages in length, and must include the course textbook as a reference, as well as three additional scholarly and credible sources to support the content of the paper.In your paper,Select an appropriate intervention for your case study.Evaluate why the intervention is applicable to the case study.Interpret the actions involved when utilizing the intervention.The Intervention Selection and Application paperMust be at least two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameUniversity of Arizona Global CampusCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center resources.Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources in addition to the course text.The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this University of Arizona Global Campus Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

solved Financial Research ReportOverviewImagine that you are a financial manager researching

Financial Research ReportOverviewImagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for your client. Think of a friend or a family member as a client. Define their characteristics and goals such as an employee or employer, relatively young (less than 40 years) or close to retirement, having some savings/property, a risk taker or risk averter, etc. Next, use Nexis Uni at the Strayer University library, located at Nexis Uni, click on “Company Dossier” to research the stock of any U.S. publicly traded company that you may consider as an investment opportunity for your client. Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals. Note: Please ensure that you are able to find enough information about this company in order to complete this assignment. You will create an appendix, in which you will insert related information.InstructionsThis final financial research report will be 6–8 pages long, including an edited version of the first part of your assignment from Week 7. This assignment requires you to use at least five quality academic resources and cover the following topics:Rationale for choosing the company in which to invest.Ratio analysis.Stock price analysis.Recommendations.Refer to the following resources to assist with completing your assignment:Stock SelectionForbes: Six Rules to Follow When Picking Stocks.CNN Money: Stocks: Investing in Stocks.The Motley Fool: 13 Steps to Investing Foolishly.Seeking Alpha: The Graham And Dodd Method for Valuing Stocks.Investopedia: Guide to Stock-Picking Strategies.Seeking Alpha: Get Your Smart Beta Here! Dividend Growth Stocks as ‘Strategic Beta’ Investments.Market and Company InformationU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Market Structure.Yahoo! Finance.Mergent Online (Note: This resource is also available through the Strayer Learning Resource Center.)Seeking Alpha (Note: This is also available through the Android or iTunes App store.)Morningstar (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard.This assignment will be 6–8 pages including points 1 and 2 from Part 1 completed in Week 7.Include your rationale, primary reasons for stock selection, and client’s profile from Part 1, making any revisions based upon Part 1 feedback if applicable.Select any five financial ratios that you have learned about in the text. Analyze the past 3 years of the selected financial ratios for the company; you may obtain this information from the company’s financial statements. Determine the company’s financial health. (Note: Suggested ratios include, but are not limited to, current ratio, quick ratio, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.)Based on your financial review, determine the risk level of the stock from your investor’s point of view. Indicate key strategies that you may use in order to minimize these perceived risks.Provide your recommendations of this stock as an investment opportunity. Support your rationale with resources, such as peer-reviewed articles, material from the Strayer University Library, and reviews by market analysts.Conduct a literature review and list at least five quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:Create investment recommendations based on research that includes the rationale and risk mitigation for the chosen strategies.I have attached the previous financial report to be included in final.

solved For the term project, imagine yourself as a tour guide

For the term project, imagine yourself as a tour guide leading adults for three days anywhere on the planet where you can showcase and explore an area of Earth’s most interesting physical and cultural features and phenomenon. Please select one particular geographic region and become an expert of the area’s physical and cultural points of interest. On this three-day field excursion, indicate where you will go and why (i.e. how do sites you stop at relate to information within your textbook or topics covered in course lectures). Make sure that your trip provides a day-to-day scenario. In addition to describing the sites visited, indicate where you will be staying, how you will be getting around, what local foods you intend to try, any local people you will meet, unique species (flora/fauna) encountered, and/or any customs and festivities you intent to participate in while there. Maps, images/photos, diagrams greatly aid in conveying information about your project. You may choose any place on Earth that you find most interesting, but do keep in mind scale. Places that may seem close to one another on a map might actually require hours of flying or multiple days drive by car, particularly in rural areas not connected by modern highway networks.Writing the Field ReportYour term project is an opportunity to integrate what you have learned in class with personal experiences or interests while practicing your writing and small group discussion skills. Be sure to organize and summarize pertinent observations and conclusions gained from textbook readings, lectures, and any additional sources. To avoid plagiarism reference ALL sources used BOTH in text AND in a bibliography page (APA, MLA or Chicago styles are all acceptable styles).Field trip ideas: Below are a few examples, but options are as diverse as Earth’s physical and cultural landscape. Please contact me if you have any questions or need clarification. Alaska’s Mount Denali to Glacier BayYellowstone National Park & Grand Teton National Park LoopHiking Mount Kilimanjaro from Base to CrestHawaii – Best of the Big IslandBelow are some helpful guidelines for the report:1. IntroductionIn your introduction, outline the trip objective(s). An original map with route and stops is required! There are many map-making tools and programs freely available, but you are able to use Google Map Engine or hand drawings so long as purposeful information is clearly conveyed.2. Stop-by-Stop DescriptionsEach day should have an itinerary table followed by in-depth narrative of key activities.The itinerary table outlines brief descriptions, provides stop locations, arrival and departures dates and times, plus activities planned. Think about how best to convey this information clearly and briefly. Note: Also consider travel times and modes between stops plus any time zone changes part of this project is to demonstrate basic logistics.Then include narrative paragraph(s) offering longer description(s) of key each stop location and the relevance to physical and cultural geography. This would be a great place for a few representative images. Remember, as the tour guide, you want attendees to have an idea of what to expect and prepare for. The last thing you want is an angry mob of confused exhausted travelers who forgot to pack their parkas in Antarctica! Take your time with each narratives. Make sure you have thoroughly related each stop to ideas and themes represented during this course. I want to see your ability to apply course concepts into your writing and their connections to the larger world. Doing this will merit a much higher grade than just reciting destination information. 3. BibliographyCite ALL authors, publications, and/or websites you used as references in text and in a bibliography at the end of your paper.

solved Library Resource ExerciseAs we begin Project 2, you will be

Library Resource ExerciseAs we begin Project 2, you will be asked to locate, analyze, and incorporate research into your essay. Integral to that process is the first step, locating resources. Although Project 1 asked you to develop a topic, locate preliminary sources, and draft a research proposal, Project 2 requires much more intensive searching for sources. The USF Library home page is a great place to start, as they have comprehensive journals and databases, alongside helpful guides that will assist you in determining a source’s credibility, timeliness, accuracy, and trustworthiness. The following video will walk you through the basic “how-to’s” when searching from the USF Library home page:Quick & Easy: USF Tampa Libraries’ Front Page Search – Updated (Links to an external site.)You’ll notice on the USF Library home page there are options to search for articles, books, databases, e-journals, Google Scholar and more. For this exercise, it is important to not get overwhelmed by the plethora of information that is available to you. A quick, helpful way to do so is by establishing search limiters. Often, the library will generate hundreds of thousands of potential results, which may not facilitate a targeted approach to research. Establishing research limiters like resource type, publication date, subject, and availability will help you narrow down the most pertinent information from general searches.Introduction to ALMA/PRIMO searching at USF Libraries (Links to an external site.)For more advanced researching strategies, using specialized databases and/or subject guides will truly help localize any search. Databases are collections of indexed information, meaning they organize scholarly and peer-reviewed research that facilitates a streamlined searching process. A significant advantage of searching within specialized databases is that the databases ensure students will be directed to trustworthy articles that have been fact-checked, reviewed, and even cited by other scholars in their own research.Why use specialized subject databases? (Links to an external site.)What is a Database? (Links to an external site.) After watching these videos, do your own searching on USF Library’s home page and throughout their collection of databases. For this assignment, answer the following questions:List 3-5 keywords and/or phrases you plan on using when searching, and explain why you believe these will bring you to relevant articles.After doing a preliminary search from the Library home page, list 3-5 research limiters you used, and explain why you believe each limiter will help you locate pertinent information.Which databases do you anticipate using throughout the research process? List 3-5 potential databases or subject guides you plan on using, along with an explanation of why each might contain information you can use in your research essay.From your searches, choose 3-5 sources that are peer-reviewed, and have been published between 2000 – 2021. For reach source, provide the title, the keywords that led you to it, clarify where you go it (general search, book search, database, journal guide), and an explanation of why you believe this source cam help build your research essay.Extra:USF’s Library contains a multitude of Canvas workshops, tutorial videos, and opportunities for in-person or online library instruction. This A-Z Playlist of library research and instruction workshops (Links to an external site.) was created to provide students proper library instruction and to ensure each student can feel confident during the research process, as were each of these YouTube videos (Links to an external site.) uploaded by USF’s Tampa Campus Library. Talk to your instructor if you need additional help finding resources for library tutorials or instruction.

solved Résumé RegretsHuman resource (HR) managers say that 53 percent of

Résumé RegretsHuman resource (HR) managers say that 53 percent of résumés and job applications contain falsification, and 21 percent of résumé falsification state a fraudulent degree. In this age of digital and social media, it’s hard to imagine anyone falsifying their records, much less someone who’s in a company’s top position as CEO.After a thorough search, Scott Thompson was named as Yahoo!’s CEO in early 2012. Prior to his appointment at Yahoo!, Thompson was president of PayPal, and prior to that he was PayPal’s chief technology officer. Thompson replaced Carol Bartz, a well-known computer industry executive, who, after two years on the job, had been unable to resolve Yahoo!’s troubles. In his first months on the job, Thompson formulated a strategic plan for turning around the company, including a massive layoff of employees. Then, the whole situation started to unravel. An activist investor sent a letter to Yahoo!’s board of directors expressing concern about an SEC regulatory filing signed by Thompson “that stated to the best of his knowledge its contents were accurate.” That document said that Thompson had earned a college degree in accounting and computer science in 1979 from a small university south of Boston. The activist investor said he had reason to believe that the degree was in accounting only. And, come to find out, the university didn’t have a computer science program until the early 1980s and school officials confirmed that Mr. Thompson received a bachelor’s of science degree in business administration. The activist investor questioned if Thompson had embellished his academic credentials and if the board had failed to exercise due “diligence and oversight in one of its most important tasks—identifying and hiring the chief executive officer.”Would YOU lie on a résumé to get a job you want? 70 percent of collegestudents said they would!After all this came down, a person close to the company said that, “In the absence of evidence that Mr. Thompson actively misled Yahoo! about his résumé, Yahoo!’s directors likely won’t force him out. Maintaining him as CEO of Yahoo! at this time is more important than whether he had a computer science degree or not.” And at first, that was the stance Yahoo!’s board took. However, the controversy continued to grow. In a meeting with senior Yahoo! officials, Thompson said he “regretted not finding an error in his public biography.” He then suggested that maybe an executive search firm might have inserted this information more than seven years earlier. Yet, this blame game backfired. Some of his comments ended up on tech blogs, which angered the search firm, which produced documents from Mr. Thompson showing his inaccurate biography. As one person close to the situation said, “The cover-up became worse than the crime.” Not long after, Thompson ended up resigning his position. Although the board did not give him severance pay, he did get to keep $7 million of the cash and stock he received when appointed to the position. Not a bad haul for only four months’ work. (Epilogue: Thompson was replaced by Marissa Mayer, whom we introduced inCase Application #1 in Chapter 6)Prepare a 2-page paper answering the following questions.Remember, use 10-12 pt font and APA format!Feel free to bring in outside data/sources, but please provide citations and a list of references.1.What does this story tell you about the importance of checking a job applicant’s2.background?3.What stakeholders are affected when an executive has inaccuracies in his or her résumé? How might they be affected?4.Look at the statistics in the first paragraph of this story. Are you surprised by them? Why or why not?5.What can you learn from this story (a) personally and (b) professionally?

solved InstructionsView the Writing Assignment Instructions for this assignment. Your submission

InstructionsView the Writing Assignment Instructions for this assignment. Your submission must meet these requirements.MRKT 310 Principles of MarketingWeek 6 Writing AssignmentCreating Offerings & Using Channels to Create Value for CustomersLearning OutcomesOffering Type of consumer offerings. Student can describe an offering based on features, benefits, price, and costs of ownership. Student can suggest marketing strategy implications based on the type of consumer offering under examination.Product lifecycle. Student can suggest potential marketing strategies based on the product or service’s lifecycle stage. Marketing channel strategy. Student can outline a multi-channel distribution system and recommend a marketing channel strategy for a product or service offering.Pricing strategy. Student can analyze a current pricing strategy and make recommendations for modifications.DirectionsYour job in this Writing Assignment is to develop marketing mix strategies to ensure a value offering for the target market you identified in the previous assignment.We will be looking to see if you can apply the marketing concepts to the real world situation. Assume you now work for this company, and your goal is to help the company grow sales. We don’t expect you to develop strategies based on insider knowledge of the product or service since you are most likely not employed by your product or service’s company. Do not fall into the trap of simply “reporting on” the product or service. This is obvious because your assignment will look like a rewrite of the company’s website. Don’t be afraid to make strategy recommendations based on what you have discovered about the product or service, and how you think it can move forward. Be creative, take reasoned risks. Always keep in mind your product’s target market from the previous paper when making your recommendations. You will also have a chance to recommend new distribution and pricing strategies based on your new target market to meet their needs. Part 1Type of consumer offering. Describe your product or service offering as it is currently in terms of features and benefits, price and the total cost of ownership as discussed in the week’s readings. Is it more product dominant or service dominant? What are the tangible and intangible aspects? Based on the four categories of type of offerings discussed in the readings, describe the category in which your product or service offering belongs. Based on your new target market, would that category of the offering change and if so, how? How would it change the marketing strategy? Product lifecycle. In which stage of the product lifecycle is your product or service offering now? Would the changes described in number 1 above change the lifecycle stage and if so how? What would this mean to the lifecycle marketing strategy? Part 2Marketing channels & strategy. To the best of your ability, outline the marketing channels of your product or service offering as they currently exist. See Figure 8.4, from Section 8.2 Typical Marketing Channels, in your Week 6 Reading for some ideas. Most product and service offerings will have more than one channel, so your system should include at least two; for example (1) a direct channel for internet sales: manufacturer –> customer; and (2) an indirect channel such as manufacturer –> distributor –> wholesaler –> retailer –> customer. If your product or service only has only a direct channel, explain why. Would this channel strategy change as a result of your new target market? Why or why not?Pricing strategy. Referring to the various pricing strategies outlined in the week’s readings, which one does your product or service currently use? Would you recommend any changes for your new target market? If so, how would you change it and why?

solved Introduction:Dewey (1959) argued that the single most important purpose of

Introduction:Dewey (1959) argued that the single most important purpose of schooling was to prepare children to become responsible citizens. He believed that children needed to learn social skills, empathy, perspective taking, and problem-solving to become competent adults. It is through analyzing Dewey’s arguments that we as teachers need to consider our role in helping children become competent in these skills in order to create a peaceful, calm climate in the classroom so academic learning can occur. Scenario:You just got a teaching position at a new early care and education center in which there were three openings. You were told you could select which classroom you would prefer to take over; a toddler (two-year-olds), three-year-olds, or a preschool classroom (four-year-olds). Upon selecting your desired age group, your center director asks you to set-up your classroom and then present her with a map of the layout of your classroom demonstrating how you incorporated developmentally appropriate decisions in your arrangement. *Note: you will use this same age group with all of the following assignments for this course in preparation for the final project. Assignment:Draw a classroom arrangement for your selected age group (toddlers, three-year-olds, orpreschoolers). Make sure to indicate your selected age group on your assignment and label centers and furnishings for the classroom. You must include the following in your classroom design:selected age groupcarpet/tile flooringdoors and windowsbathrooms and sinks (bathroom does not have to be located in the classroom – doorway can indicate bathroom in hallway)furniture (shelving, chairs, tables, sand/water table, cubbies etc.)learning centers (i.e. math, science, art, sensory play, blocks, computer, housekeeping, reading, etc.)built-in or freestanding cabinets/storage2. When creating the map of your classroom, use one of the following methods: A. Websites:1. Choose one of the following websites to create your classroom layout: Classroom ArchitectMy Kaplan Floor PlannerLakeshore Classroom DesignerScholastic Class Set-up Tool2. Instructions are found on each of the web pages, but you will basically follow these 2 steps for any of the above websites:Select the basic dimensions of the room from the Room Dimensions drop downs.Drag objects to the grid from the Items bar, or draw in your own objects with the Draw bar. Arrows will allow you to change the position of some items. Delete an object by dragging it to the trashcan at the bottom, or by clicking ‘delete’ on your keyboard. Objects must be selected by clicking the arrow button on the Draw toolbar.3. Save, print, or take a print screen of your final map. Then, upload your file or scan your map into the computer to submit your assignment.B. Design your classroom using Microsoft Word. Use the “shapes” insert to design your classroom and use text boxes to label your areas and furnishings. This option will work, but is typically more time consuming. Draw your classroom arrangement by hand. Use a blank sheet of printer paper or construction paper. You will need to make sure that you have some way of submitting your assignment if you do it by hand (i.e. scan/upload drawing/take C. Draw your classroom arrangement by hand. Use a blank sheet of printer paper or construction paper. You will need to make sure that you have some way of submitting your assignment if you do it by hand (i.e. scan/upload drawing/take picture, etc.).Helpful Hint: Before starting on this assignment, read over Assignment 3: The Physical Space. Many of the decisions you make in completing your classroom design for this assignment will need to be thoroughly explained next week in Assignment 3: The Physical Space. Specifications:Put your name and selected age group somewhere on your map.

solved Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.

Consider a leader you admire and based on information in the Unit 5 chapters, identify and explain this person’s leadership style.  Additionally, describe how this person embraces diversity—if it is not apparent, describe how they could embrace diversity.
Please respond by 7/7/2021 so I can send you my peers posts.
Reading material below.……

First peer below
I chose to use my store manager for this assignment because, well, he deserves the shout-out. My store manager was appointed to his position by higher members of the organization, making him our store’s formal and designated leader. I feel it’s because his combined style of leadership makes people want to follow him, and produce good results. On the directive/permissive scale he is permissive, but both permissive autocrat and permissive democrat. Permissive autocrat, because while he does indeed retain ultimate decision-making power, he permits us to use our creative abilities and experience in our positions to decide and execute the way we do our work. This also classifies him under McGregor’s Theory Y leadership style, he believes and recognizes that there are those of us who have the desire and ability to exercise self-control and self-direction. When using the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum all of the above would put him under a subordinate-centered leadership style. None of this is to say he is a doormat, when he needs to, “be the store manager” he does so, but it is his leadership style that got him that position and produces the results that he gets.
I also felt like he fell under the permissive democrat category. As long as we are upfront and in advance with our needs he does his best to facilitate us. When we are trying to decide how we want to orchestrate a task we can consult with him and brainstorm together, making him and excellent coach, teacher, and mentor. And he always makes sure to cheer us on and congratulate a job well done.
As for how I feel he, “embraces diversity”, I feel he does just that, he embraces it. There has not been a single time, that I am aware of, he has shown any sort of discrimination towards employees or applicants because of their gender, race, religion, age, medical condition, physical condition, or sexual orientation. We have a very diverse group of employees, all whom he treats equally while also trying to facilitate our individual needs. (Links to an external site.)

Second peer below
A leader that I admire is Elon Musk. I admire Elon Musk because he is always searching for a better way of doing things. He is a visionary who allows engineers to put their great minds to use. I would describe Elon Musk as a mixture of a permissive autocrat as well as a permissive democrat.
The reason why I would say he is a mixture is because he does encourage all of his employees to bring new ideas to the table as well as allow them to execute on those ideas. However he is still the primary decision maker. Elon Musk’s just recently started embracing diversity. They published their first diversity report in 2020 which shows that 83% of leadership roles are filled by men and 59% are white. This does disappoint me. Overall they have very little black employees as well as women employees. Tesla mentioned that they will start recruiting from historically black colleges as well as start unconscious bias training for all employees.
I hope to see a big change in the diversity of Tesla in the near future.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need an

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I.Shopping SituationAfter a day of shopping, Carmen was ready to pay for the shoes she had picked out at her favorite clothing store. The lines were extremely long because the store was having a sale. She managed to find one line that was shorter than all the others. After waiting nearly an hour, she finally reached the front of the line.“This is a customer service line only, we can take returns but not sales,” the salesperson said. “That means you’ve got to go to one of the other lines.” Carmen replied, “Are you telling me I have to wait another hour?” The salesperson just shrugged, and replied “That’s not my problem.” “Fine,” yelled Carmen. “Then I’m out of here, and I won’t be coming back to this lousy store.” She dropped the shoes on the counter and left the store.DiscoveryCarmen was furious about the salesperson’s attitude. When she got home, she thought about what she wanted to say, and made an angry phone call to the store manager. That gave her some satisfaction, but it didn’t change the fact that she didn’t get to buy the shoes she had wanted. She wished she could have somehow solved the problem on the spot.Think About ItUsing complete sentences, please answer the following questions.1.What were some different ways Carmen could have responded to the salesperson while still in the store? 2.Could she have addressed the issue afterward in a different manner than contacting the store manager? 3.What would you have done? 4.Have you ever encountered a similar situation like Carmen’s, and if so, how was it handled?How would you handle that situation today?Specifically, what would you do if you were in one of Langley’s time-wasting meetings?II.The Never-Ending GameWalter Langley, marketing vice president of Comfort Furniture, Inc., was holding his weekly meeting. Langley began the meeting with the same plea he had been using for the past three months: “You all know that we are in a downward sales spiral. Something has to be done. Now, I hope you have some creative suggestions that will turn this trend around.”At that point, people offered their suggestions.John Bettermore: “We could get production to start using that new synthetic padding for our living room furniture line. We could sell our line for at least 15 percent less; we’d be more price-competitive.”Langley: “That’s a good suggestion, but that new synthetic doesn’t have a track record. We’ll be worse off because of quality complaints from our customers.”Allen Avery: “We’ve been getting stung in the South, especially in Mississippi and Georgia. Why don’t we just eliminate those states and concentrate on the Midwest, where our business is more dependable?”Langley: “Yes, but that’s giving up. If we ever try to penetrate the southern states again, we’d just be that much further behind.”Shirley Keener: “One of our biggest problems is that we can’t produce enough of the one product line that’s in great demand: our dining room furniture. What if we put another shift in that plant at least until we catch up with the demand?”Langley: “Well, I’ve thought of that, but do you have any idea what the union will do to us if we try something like that?”This sort of dialogue continued until two hours had passed. Then Langley said, “Well, thank you for your time and effort. Please think carefully and come back next Monday morning with some better ideas.”Case Study Questions6.Walter Langley is playing a repetitive game here. What is it called7.Also, what are its payoffs?8.What can Langley’s team do to end this game? Be specific.10. What role does achieving Emotional Intelligence play in the two scenarios above?

solved Case 3.1: A Strained Research TeamDr. Adam Wood is the

Case 3.1: A Strained Research

TeamDr. Adam Wood is the principal investigator on a three-year, $1 million federally funded research grant to study health education programs for older populations, called the Elder Care Project. Unlike previous projects, in which Dr. Wood worked alone or with one or two other investigators, on this project Dr. Wood has 11 colleagues. His project team is made up of two co-investigators (with PhDs), four intervention staff (with MAs), and five general staff members (with BAs). One year into the project, it has become apparent to Dr. Wood and the team that the project is underbudgeted and has too few resources. Team members are spending 20%–30% more time on the project than has been budgeted to pay them. Regardless of the resource strain, all team members are committed to the project; they believe in its goals and the importance of its outcomes. Dr. Wood is known throughout the country as the foremost scholar in this area of health education research. He is often asked to serve on national review and advisory boards. His publication record is second to none. In addition, his colleagues in the university know Dr. Wood as a very competent researcher. People come to Dr. Wood for advice on research design and methodology questions. They also come to him for questions about theoretical formulations. He has a reputation as someone who can see the big picture on research projects.Despite his research competence, there are problems on Dr. Wood’s research team. Dr. Wood worries there is a great deal of work to be done but that the members of the team are not devoting sufficient time to the Elder Care Project. He is frustrated because many of the day-to-day research tasks of the project are falling into his lap. He enters a research meeting, throws his notebook down on the table, and says, “I wish I’d never taken this project on. It’s taking way too much of my time. The rest of you aren’t pulling your fair share.” Team members feel exasperated at Dr. Wood’s comments. Although they respect his competence, they find his leadership style frustrating. His negative comments at staff meetings are having a demoralizing effect on the research team. Despite their hard work and devotion to the project, Dr. Wood seldom compliments or praises their efforts. Team members believe that they have spent more time than anticipated on the project and have received less pay or credit than expected. The project is sucking away a lot of staff energy, yet Dr. Wood does not seem to understand the pressures confronting his staff.The research staff is starting to feel burned out, but members realize they need to keep trying because they are under time constraints from the federal government to do the work promised. The team needs to develop a pamphlet for the participants in the Elder Care Project, but the pamphlet costs are significantly more than budgeted in the grant. Dr. Wood has been very adept at finding out where they might find small pockets of money to help cover those costs.Although team members are pleased that he is able to obtain the money, they are sure he will use this as just another example of how he was the one doing most of the work on the project.

1. Based on the skills approach, how would you assess Dr. Wood’s leadership and his relationship to the members of the Elder Care Project team? Will the project be successful?

2. Does Dr. Wood have the skills necessary to be an effective leader of this research team?

3. The skills model describes three important competencies for leaders: problem-solving skills, social judgment skills, and knowledge. If you were to coach Dr. Wood using this model, what competencies would you address with him? What changes would you suggest that he make in his leadership?