solved Part 1 (chapters 1-2): choose one of the following 3

Part 1 (chapters 1-2): choose one of the following 3 questions and write a detailed response to it in Canvas. Provide a description of the history of the United States’ understanding of Latin America in the past century. What were some of the assumptions by American historians and social scientists about Latin America? How have those assumptions changed, or have they largely stayed the same?Briefly compare the differences between the nonsedentary, semisedentary, and fully sedentary groups that inhabited the Americas before the Encounter? How would you describe their relationship to the land? How did it vary from group to group?Who was Bartolomé de las Casas? Why was he important to the indigenous people? How did the Spanish Crown react to his ideas?Part 2 (chapters 3-4): choose one of the following 3 questions and write a detailed response to it in Canvas. Compare the differences between the cities and the urban areas in Latin America during the colonial period.Who was Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz? What did her life represent? How did Spanish colonial officials react to her ideas?Discuss the role that women played during the wars of Latin American independence. Provide a few examples to illustrate your point.Part 3 (chapters 5-6): choose one of the following 3 questions and write a detailed response to it in Canvas. Who was the caudillo, and what ideas did he represent? Provide an example of a well-known caudillo and describe some of his tactics and policies.Briefly narrate Brazil’s post-independence experience after 1822 through the 1840s.What did “Progress” mean for most Latin American women? Were there any exceptions? Provide at least one example of the life of an exceptional woman and list some of her achievements.Part 4 (chapters 7-8): choose one of the following 3 questions and write a detailed response to it in Canvas. What was the “export boom” and what did it mean for the people of Latin America?Who was Porfirio Díaz? Describe his ruling style. Who were some of his allies? Who were his opponents? How did the United States support his regime? Be sure to include the following terms in your discussion: rurales, hacendados, pan o el palo, científicos.Who were Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo? How did they represent the peasants and indigenous people who fought in the Mexican Revolution? Be sure to include in your discussion a commentary on revolutionary ideals in Rivera’s Detroit Industry muralPart 5 (chapters 9-11): choose one of the following 3 questions and write a detailed response to it in Canvas. (1) What is populism? Provide at least two examples that demonstrate how populism functioned in Latin America.(2) What was the Liberation Theology movement? Which of their beliefs were similar to those of the Marxists and which were different?(3) Describe the relationship that the United States maintained with Latin American armed forces during the Cold War. Which nations did the United States appear to have the closest relationships? Who were some of the leaders of these military regimes? What were some of the tactics used by the militaries against their opponents?Part 6 (Timerman book): compose a reflection essay in Canvas and consider any of the following questions in your response: How is it possible that a nation with democratic institutions like Argentina could plunge into a totalitarian predicament described by Timerman in Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number? Do you agree with the Argentine military’s assessment that they are justified in governing the nation instead of civilian politicians? How would you react if comparable measures were employed in the United States against its citizens? What lessons can other nations, including the United States, learn from this episode in Latin American history and politics?

solved I need help fixing my essay so that I get

I need help fixing my essay so that I get a good grade, the directions are as followed:(space)(space)Please don’t judge this is an assigned essay:The term paper (which is a research paper), will be 1,500-2,000 words in length (paragraph/ essay formed). Your topic deals with the “American 20th Century,” roughly between 1876-2016. The paper needs to be suitably specific due to shortness, dates and topics from all the years leading up to the present day must be included in your paper. It is expected that research will be done with the cited works listed below. Your essay must be 12 Times New Roman font, and double spaced. The citation method used will be the Chicago Manual of Style. Please use at least 4 of the following sources in your bibliography and make sure to include in-text citations for evidence or examples in your actual essay.Topic: How has the events after the Civil War lead to the present day issues in America?Essay Sources:Link 1: Systemic Racism as a Living Text: Implications of Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a Fictionalized Narrative of Present and Past Black Bodies…Link 2: Exploring Race/Racism Past and Present: A Forum at Union Presbyterian Seminary…Link 3: “Both Sides of the Story”: History Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa…Link 4: Structural Racism, Historical Redlining, and Risk of Preterm Birth in New York City, 2013-2017…Link 5: Removing the Mask of Nationality: Unionism, Racism, and Federal Military Occupation in North Carolina, 1862-1865…Link 6: Removing the Master Script: Benjamin Banneker “Re-Membered” 7: Individual and Collective Social Justice Education: Comparing Emphases on Human Rights and Social Movements in Textbooks Worldwide…Link 8: A problematic legacy: diversity in American reading textbooks…Link 9: Representations of race and racism in the textbooks used in southern black schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, 1861-1876…Link 10: Post Civil War African American History: Brief Periods of Triumph, and Then Despair…Link 11: The War on Drugs, Racial Meanings, and Structural Racism: A Holistic and Reproductive Approach…Link 12: Environmental Racism, American Exceptionalism, and Cold War Human Rights…(space)(space)This is the feed back I got on my essay thus far:”Okay, a few things here. You don’t need section headings in such a short paper. You shouldn’t have any in-text citations – the numbers will do fine. Also, make sure you’re italicizing the journal titles. The page ranges go in the bibliography, the note is for you to call out the specific page you’re referencing. You’re also not supposed to use the first or second person – no :”I,” “we,” “us,” “our,” etc. You’re also covering way too much ground here – nearly 200 years of racial inequality is better discussed in a book (or several books) than two pages. Try to narrow the focus of this paper to either one of your three points (inequality, capitalism, education) and its effects on America in a more distinct time period, or choose a single moment in time (year, decade at the most) where you feel these three issues intersect to suggest something important about US history.”Can you please edit and fix my essay? Thank you.

solved COVID-19 & Personal Beliefs/ValuesAfter studying Module 2: Lecture Materials &

COVID-19 & Personal Beliefs/ValuesAfter studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:How has COVID-19 affected your personal beliefs/values in your clinical practice? Include an example.Submission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.Grading RubricYour assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and ConceptsDistinguished – 5 pointsIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.Excellent – 4 pointsIdentifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Fair – 2 pointsIdentifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Poor – 1 pointIdentifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting GuidelinesDistinguished – 3 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Excellent – 2 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Fair – 1 pointIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.Poor – 0 pointsIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of PeersDistinguished – 2 pointsStudent constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.Fair – 1 pointStudent constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.Poor – 0 pointsStudent provided no response to a peer’s post.2 pointsAs long as it’s in APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Online Materials & ResourcesVisit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website, locate and read the article(s) below:Booker, S. Q., Herr, K. A., & Garvan, C. W. (2020). Racial differences in pain management for patients receiving hospice care. Oncology Nursing Forum, 47(2), 228–240., E. (2020). Ethics and personal safety on the frontlines of COVID-19. American Nurse Today, 15(6), 10–11.Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)READMason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H. & O’Grady, E. T. (2020).Chapters 14, 15, 21, 72, and 74

solved Part 1: Case Analysis – Wentworth Medical Center As part

Part 1:
Case Analysis – Wentworth Medical Center
As part of a long-term study of individuals 65 years of age or older, sociologists and physicians at the Wentworth Medical Center in upstate New York investigated the relationship between geographic location and depression. A sample of 60 individuals, all in reasonably good health, was selected; 20 individuals were residents of Florida, 20 were residents of New York, and 20 were residents of North Carolina. Each of the individuals sampled was given a standardized test to measure depression. The data collected follow; higher test scores indicate higher levels of depression. These data are contained in the file Medical1.
A second part of the study considered the relationship between geographic location and depression for individuals 65 years of age or older who had a chronic health condition such as arthritis, hypertension, and/or heart ailment. A sample of 60 individuals with such conditions was identified. Again, 20 were residents of Florida, 20 were residents of New York, and 20 were residents of North Carolina. The levels of depression recorded for this study follow. These data are contained in the file named Medical2.

Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from the two studies. What are your preliminary observations about the depression scores?
Use analysis of variance on both data sets. State the hypotheses being tested in each case. What are your conclusions?
Use inferences about individual treatment means where appropriate. What are your conclusions?

Part 2: (not the same assignment)

One measure of the risk or volatility of an individual stock is the standard deviation of the total return (capital appreciation plus dividends) over several periods of time. Although the standard deviation is easy to compute, it does not take into account the extent to which the price of a given stock varies as a function of a standard market index, such as the S&P 500.
As a result, many financial analysts prefer to use another measure of risk referred to as beta. Betas for individual stocks are determined by simple linear regression. The dependent variable is the total return for the stock and the independent variable is the total return for the stock market. For this case problem we will use the S&P 500 index as the measure of the total return for the stock market, and an estimated regression equation will be developed using monthly data. The beta for the stock is the slope of the estimated regression equation (b1). The data contained in the file named Beta provides the total return (capital appreciation plus dividends) over 36 months for eight widely traded common stocks and the S&P 500.
The value of beta for the stock market will always be 1; thus, stocks that tend to rise and fall with the stock market will also have a beta close to 1. Betas greater than 1 indicate that the stock is more volatile than the market, and betas less than 1 indicate that the stock is less volatile than the market. For instance, if a stock has a beta of 1.4, it is 40% more volatile than the market, and if a stock has a beta of .4, it is 60% less volatile than the market.
Managerial Report
You have been assigned to analyze the risk characteristics of these stocks. Conduct analysis in RStudio. Prepare a report that includes but is not limited to the following items.

Compute descriptive statistics for each stock and the S&P 500. Comment on your results. Which stocks are the most volatile?
Compute the value of beta for each stock. Which of these stocks would you expect to perform best in an up market? Which would you expect to hold their value best in a down market?
Comment on how much of the return for the individual stocks is explained by the market.

solved Because human services work often involves direct client interaction, ethical

Because human services work often involves direct client interaction, ethical dilemmas can arise. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the article Ethical and Legal Implications on the Use of Technology in Counselling and review the ethical issues presented in your textbook Chapter 4: Competence and Responsibility, Confidentiality, and Client’s Rights.  Discuss one vignette (Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, etc.) from one of these issues and present its dilemmas. As a human services professional, consider how you would handle this situation and discuss which ethical standards could be relevant from the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals: National Organization of Human Services Adopted 2015. What role(s) and responsibilities do you think workers have in being ethical? Explain using an example. 
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers who selected a different vignette than you by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.
Analyze your peers’ plans to handle the selected vignette. Would this plan work for you? Why or why not? What improvements, alternatives, or changes would you suggest? Examine the relevant ethical standards selected. Are there other ethical standards relevant to the selected vignette or your peers’ presented plan to handle the situation? What additional roles and responsibilities would you mention as important for human service professionals to have in being and behaving ethical? Continue to monitor the discussion forum until Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.
week 2 discussion 2 
To work in human services, individuals must possess unique personal and professional values and qualities. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 2 of the course text, then

Identify the characteristics of an effective helper as detailed in Chapter 2 of the course text.
Explain some consequences of not possessing these characteristics. How would clients be disadvantaged, for example, by a worker who lacked empathy, good communication, flexibility, etcetera?
Distinguish between two different human service roles that interest you and match your career goals, discussing their significance, and briefly describe your career plan and how those roles inform them.

Feteke CoulibalyOct 19, 2021 at 12:43 PMThe vignette I chose to talk about is case 4 from competence and responsibility. In this vignette the case worker or helper is in a dilemma because of his method of connecting with his clients whom are children. The problem is that he likes to take his clients on personal drives to the mall and movies in order to better connect with the children. However it is prohibited to drive clients in a personal vehicle. This could cause many problems if caught. Because children are involved it is  a much delicate case that requires consent from the parents and guardians and extensive detail of activities that will be performed with the client. If I were in his shoes I would approach my supervisor and explain to himMy previous methods of interacting with my clients and would like to hear if they are better ideas that will conform the rules and regulations of the establishment so as to cover myself and shield my client as well. It is not professional for a worker to take his clients on personal outingsIn other to connect especially children. If this was to be done it should be done as a group even not an behind the scenes event. It is because of behaviors like this that certain problems arise in the human services and people do not reach out to certain services due to lack of trust.

solved Answer questions regarding inventory management.Introduction Inventories are the least liquid

Answer questions regarding inventory management.Introduction
Inventories are the least liquid form of any assets. In other words, they cannot be converted into cash easily. Inventories can be in the form of raw material, goods under process, or finished goods, but unless the finished goods are sold, cash is tied up into inventories. Similarly, if the raw material is not converted into final goods, then cash is blocked in raw material. Therefore, managing inventories and supply chains is very important for merchandising businesses.Have you ever taken advantage of a preinventory sale at your favorite retail store? Many stores offer bargain prices to reduce the merchandise on hand and to minimize the time and expense of taking the inventory. A smaller inventory also enhances the probability of taking an accurate inventory since the store has less merchandise to count.From your studies you know that companies use inventory amounts to determine the cost of goods sold. This major expense affects a merchandising company’s net income. Now, you examine the importance and role of inventories in preparing an accurate income statement and balance sheet. Your work will also stress the importance of having accurate inventory figures and the serious consequences of using inaccurate inventory figures. After more study, you should understand how taking inventory connects with the cost of goods sold figure on the store’s income statement, the retained earnings amount on the statement of retained earnings, and both the inventory figure and the retained earnings amount on the store’s balance sheet.Overview
This assessment focuses on cost flow assumptions and inventory valuation. It requires an understanding of:

The value of proper merchandise inventory valuation for an organization’s financials.
The concept of the physical flow of goods.
The most commonly used inventory valuation methods.
How to use alternative historical cost methods for valuing merchandise inventory.
How to use the inventory turnover ratio as a tool for financial analysis.

Complete the Assessment 5 Template [DOCX].
Review all of the suggested resources and readings.
Note: Accuracy in accounting is paramount so take your time and double-check your work for errors or omissions.Instructions
Answer questions correctly. When you are satisfied with your responses, save and submit your template in the courseroom.Step 1: Identify the costs to be included when calculating inventory cost.Step 2: Explain ?the three methods of costing and which one will yield the highest tax net income where price level is declining.Step 3: ?Describe alternative methods of calculating inventory cost.Step 4: Calculate the inventory turnover for a company.Step 5: Identify which methods to determine shrinkage or shortage in the physical inventory.?Competencies Measured
?By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Define accounting terminology and its application to accounting principles.

Identify the costs to be included when calculating inventory cost.
Explains the three methods of costing and which one will yield the highest tax net income where price level is declining.
Explain methods to determine shrinkage or shortage in the physical inventory.?

Competency 2: Apply accounting cycle strategies to manage business financial events.

Describe alternative methods of calculating inventory cost.
Calculate the inventory turnover for a company.

Competency 4: Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage.

solved what was the Founding Father’s intent when the addressed border

what was the Founding Father’s intent when the addressed border security in early legislation and how that intent manifested or contradicted today?Course Syllabus: Border security is a crucial part of our country’s homeland security efforts; however, many do not realize its complexity. Securing the nation’s borders is a multifaceted and complex task comprised of often seemingly competing objectives that cross over multiple homeland security domains, as well as jurisdictions. This course examines the United States’ approach to securing its borders within the larger context of homeland security. Students will analyze our nation’s border security strategies, policies, agencies, coordinating structures, and the associated legal and jurisdictional authorities through which border security is effectuated. Students will also assess the various internal and external threats and hindrances to securing America’s borders that still persist. This course is designed to enhance the student’s ability to think critically about border security and our nation’s approach to securing its borders. It will equip the student with the necessary knowledge to effectively evaluate current border security strategies as well as propose policy changes related to border security in order to enhance the nation’s homeland security posture.————————Some case laws worth touching on that may assist you :United States v. Flores-MontanoThis case is one in which the defendant was arrested after approximately 81 pounds of marijuana was discovered in his vehicle’s fuel tank while he was attempting to enter the United States through an established port of entry. At the heart of this case is the level of suspicion needed by the government to conduct searches at the border. The information provided in this case will further your understanding of the balance between individual Constitutional rights and government interest in providing border security.United States v. Martinez-FuerteThis case essentially reinforces the Border Patrol’s authority to operate immigration traffic checkpoints along routes of egress from the actual border. In this case, the defendant was arrested for attempting to smuggle two illegal aliens. Understanding the Supreme Court’s ruling, in this case, will help you properly frame discussion regarding this often-polarized aspect of border security. Almeida-Sanchez v. United StatesThis 1973 Supreme Court case set the level of suspicion required for Border Patrol Agents to make traffic stops away from the border, at places other than traffic checkpoints. It also, established what could be considered a functional equivalent of the border. The information, in this case, is critical to understanding a key limitation of an important Border Patrol function; conducting roving vehicle stops.United States v. Montoya de HernandezThis case involves a woman convicted of smuggling cocaine inside her body while attempting to enter the United States at an established port of entry. The U.S. Supreme Court’s final decision demonstrates the difference in the level of suspicion required for border security personnel to conduct searches and/or detain individuals at designated ports of entry or their functional equivalents and areas away from the border.8 U.S. Code § 1357 – Powers of Immigration Officers and EmployeesTitle 8 of the United States Code, Section 1357 outlines the powers and authorities of immigration officers, including the authority to make arrests, administer oaths, detain aliens, conduct searches, and other law enforcement functions pertaining to immigration law or other federal laws. This information will increase your understanding of the authority by which CBP law enforcement personnel perform their required duties.

solved Chapter 3 CASE: Diverse Employees Contribute to GE Lighting’s Bright

Chapter 3
CASE: Diverse Employees Contribute to GE Lighting’s Bright Future
Despite the common assumption that manufacturing jobs are disappering, manufacturing companies face a hiring challenge. As experienced worker retire and technology advances, business need bright, hardworking employees who are comfortable with technology. GELighting is tapping the potential of the “millennial generation,” workers born between 1982 and 2000. According to general Ron Wilson, the share of millennials among his manufacturing engineers and managers has doubled. The company is smoothing the way by reparing these employees to succeed. Its two- year leadership training program gives operation employees challenging assignments and brings them into contact with senior management. At the level of factory floor workers, the company partners with local community colleges to prepare qualified young workers for high-tech manufacturing.
By recruiting a new generation of production workers, GE Lighting brings together people of different ages. But that is hardly the only measure of this company’s diversity. While manufacturing has historically been dominated by men, GE Lighting’s CEO, Maryrose Sylvester, is an example of a telented woman findding opportunities at General Electric. Sylvester, who earneda bachelor’s degree in procurement and production management and a master’s in business administration, joined GE as an intern. She worked her way up, taking management positions in high-technology and lighting industries. Now, as GE Lighting’s CEO, she is responsible for a $3 billion business employing 13,000 people, including 700 at the headquaters in Cleveland, Ohio.
Sylvester earned her elevation to the CEO position by promoting technology leadership and increaing revenues. However, she appreciates the need to help people gain access to opportunities. In the 1990s, for example, she participated in launching a group called the GE Women’s Network. She also endorses GE Lighting’s support for the MC2 STEEM High School in Cleveland. Its students learn through completing projects and interships with local companies and by spending 10th grade at GE Lighting’s headquaters, where employees become mentors and guiding them. When students master high school’s math and science classes, they compromise a pool of talent right at GE’s doorstep.
These efforts are part of GE’s corporate-wide diversity programs. Employees can find support and learn skills by joining affinity groups; a few are the African American Forum; Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies Allianc; and the Hispanic Forum. Achief diversity officer sets goals and measures results, meeting regularly with other top executives. Other diversity programs have specific goals to meet. For example, Get Skills to work helps match up veterans with jobs where they can apply the skills they gained in the military,and STEM Camp encourages girls in junior high to explore science and technology.
GE’s commitment to diversity is part of its corporate vision. GE is well known for rewarding performance ad sees valuing diversity as a way to ensure that it finds and keeps the best talent, wherever it might be.
GE Lighting is it an exciting point in its hundred-plus-year history. LEDs and other new technology are opening up ways for consumers and business to enjoy the advantages of efficient lighting, and GE is expanding production globally. To succeed, it needs the best form all its employees.
1) How important is it to GE Lighting to have a diverse workforce workforce? Discuss fully.
2) How would you control diversity activities at GE Lighting if you were top management?
3) As GE Lighting’s top management what steps would you take to increase commitment for diversity throughout the organization? Be as specific as possible.

solved FIRST STEP Go to MindTools and read the article, Personal


Go to MindTools and read the article, Personal SWOT Analysis: Making the Most of Your Talents and Opportunities.


Under the section titled How to Use the Tool, click on worksheet.
DOWNLOAD the Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet.


COMPLETE each section of the Worksheet. (The Worksheet is a fillable form so if you open it in Adobe Acrobat, you should be able to simply fill in the boxes.)


SAVE your completed Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet and UPLOAD it to the PERSONAL SWOT ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Dropbox by the due date/time specified therein.

The second and third assignment is DIRECT AND INDIRECT MESSAGE
DIRECT MESSAGE–Request for Speaker
You are the planning chair for your organization (e.g., fraternity, sorority, an honorary organization affiliated with your major, etc.), and you have been asked by the Executive Board to contact an individual to invite him/her to speak at your upcoming national convention.
You may select the person you would like to invite, the date/time for the person to speak at your convention, and whether you would like to invite the person to speak in person or to give the person the option of speaking live in real-time via Zoom or some other web platform.
You may also determine if you wish to pay an honorarium to this person or to offer free hotel room, travel, food per diem, etc., That decision is yours to make but could be based on the Executive Board’s decision and information provided to you when you were tasked with this job. Again, this is YOUR decision.
Write an official invitation LETTER using your organization’s letterhead (stationery) and make sure your letter has all of the parts of a letter and follows all of the rules for spacing, etc., for as BLOCK STYLE LETTER. Your textbook has several examples, including one in the appendix at the back of the book that shows the parts (with labels and tells how many spaces between parts).

A colleague is actively looking for another job. He/She has worked in the same department as you for the past 5 years. You know his/her work product quite well having been involved in a number of projects together. While his/her work product always seems to be mostly acceptable, you have often questioned his/her dedication to the job and have many times felt “put upon” when having to pull more than your share of a project’s workload. Your colleague always has an explanation of a family emergency or a personal situation that caused his/her work to be delayed, to be incomplete when due, and you have come to assume that you will need to complete your portion of the project and most of what was assigned to your colleague.
This past week, your colleague sent you an email asking you to serve as a reference for him/her, going so far as to ask you to write a recommendation letter that he/she could submit to any employer–something generic was what your colleague said in the message. You were quite stunned that he/she would consider asking you to be a reference.
You need to tell him/her that you cannot serve as a reference but you need to do so in a positive way using all of the skills you learned in Chapter 9. What can you say and how can you say it to convey that you wish your colleague well in a future job but you do not wish to commit yourself to serve as a reference for him/her?
Prepare an email message in which you decline to serve as a reference for your colleague. Say “no” without using the word “no” as you learned in Chapter 9. Use ONLY positive language. Make sure to use a buffer paragraph as your colleague will certainly be expecting you to agree to write the letter of reference and will need explanations as to why you cannot agree to do so before you say that you cannot do so.

solved Write 1750 wordsProcess InnovationAssignment OverviewIn this assignment, you will identify

Write 1750 wordsProcess InnovationAssignment OverviewIn this assignment, you will identify and apply BPR principles to
problems within an organization that is familiar to you. This may
require you to do further research into the sources of the problems you
identify, and potential solutions that have been posed for them. You may
also wish to research online case studies of BPR applications as a
guide toward identifying the kind of analysis you need to provide.Case AssignmentPrepare a 5- to 7-page paper in accordance with the following Assignment Expectations, on the topic:“Lessons that could be learned by applying BPR principles to my organization”Start by summarizing the core principles of business process
reengineering, as you understand them from your reading and other
research. Then identify one or more key process problems that are
currently being faced by an organization. Choose an organization you are
either a member of, or some other organization whose operations you are
significantly familiar with. This need not be a manufacturing
organization; the same principles apply to service organizations,
nonprofits, and even government agencies. If you cannot find a couple of
key process problems, then you are not looking very hard. Briefly
describe these problems and their effects on the organization, as well
as their place within the organizational structure and hierarchy. Then,
drawing on your statement of principles, identify how you think BPR
might be usefully applied to the problems you describe, and what you
expect some of the results might be. Finally, identify what you see as
the major barriers or sources of resistance to attempting a BPR-type
solution to your problems. Finish with a summary paragraph in which you
assess the overall utility of BPR, in light of the case that you have
just described.Assignment ExpectationsLength: The written component of this assignment
should be 7 pages long (double-spaced) without counting the cover page
and reference page.Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted
for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard
guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax.
Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity. We
encourage you to use tools such as and proofread your
paper before submission.As you complete your assignment, make sure you do the following:Answer the assignment questions directly.Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on
tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background
materials.Use evidence from your readings to justify your conclusions.Cite at least five credible resources.Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper,
including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the
“Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC
Portal.Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice:
Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing
information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to
professional practice in an exceptional manner.Business Writing and Quality of References: Student
demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use
of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.