solved Your second project in this course is to complete a

Your second project in this course is to complete a historical context and introduction project. The work you did on the Topic Exploration Worksheet in Modules
One and Two will directly support your work on this project as well as your third longer term project—the multimedia presentation—due in Module Eight.
One of the prime benefits of studying history is that it allows us to learn about who we are and where we came from. The people and events of the past can often shed light on the conditions and social norms of the present. Having historical awareness can inform various aspects of your life as well as future aspirations. Learning from past failures and successes can shape ideals and values for years to come.
This is your second longer-term project designed to help you understand the fundamental processes and value of studying history. In the first project, you
completed the Topic Exploration Worksheet on one of the topics or themes from the library guide. You investigated the types of research you might need to do
to learn more about the topic and developed research questions. In Project 2, you will use your completed Topic Exploration Worksheet to explore the
historical context and develop an introduction. You will choose one of your research questions and do some secondary source research, speculate on primary
source needs, and use the information to write the introduction and thesis statement for a possible research paper. (You will not write the entire paper—
only the introduction.) In the third project, you will create a multimedia presentation that explores both major developments in historical inquiry and the value
of examining history.
This research plan and introduction assignment will assess the following course outcome, which you focused on throughout Modules Three and Four:
? Determine fundamental approaches to studying history in addressing questions about how events are shaped by their larger historical context
In this project, you will write the introductory paragraph of a history paper based on one of the questions you identified in your topic exploration worksheet. To do this, however, you must first find out a bit more information about your topic and draft a research plan. This will allow you to transform your question about your topic into a thesis statement, as well as give you the background information you will need to craft an interesting introductory paragraph. You will not write the entire paper, just the introduction to the paper that concludes with a thesis statement. The following critical elements will be assessed in a Word document that combines both your research plan (Critical Elements I and II) and your introduction (Critical Element III).
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Write your introduction.
A. Write your introduction. Be sure to incorporate your background information and to conclude with your thesis statement.
B. Based on your primary and secondary source research, turn your research question into a thesis statement that addresses your topic and how it has been influenced by its historical context.
II. Use primary and secondary sources that address the historical context of your topics to respond to the following critical elements. Be sure to cite your
information using the most recent version of APA guidelines. Based on the sources you have selected, address the following questions:
A. Summarize the topic using primary and secondary sources. In other words, what was going on in the world/area/society around the event?
B. Discuss how the historical context impacted the topic. For instance, what was happening in the world/area/society around the event that impacted how it occurred?

solved Week Two Discussion 1This discussion question is based on pp.

Week Two Discussion 1This discussion question is based on pp. 135-158 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ posts.
Topics you should know before answering this question:1. Neoclassical rules of theater in France (pp. 123-124)
2. The rebellion against neoclassicism and the appreciation of Shakespeare (pp. 136-138)
3. Sturm and Drang movement in Germany (pg. 136)
4. The connection between Romanticism and melodrama (pp. 139-146)
5. Realism and Heinrick Ibsen (pp. 146-158)
6. Realism in acting (Stanislavsky) (pp. 158-160)Describe the differences between the Romantic movement and the Realism movement in theater. Give specific details and use plays discussed in your book and class as examples. Finally, describe which kind of play you would be more likely to go see and why.To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade) and is due Saturday of Week Two at 11:59pm.
Week Two Discussion 2
This discussion question is based on pp. 161-250 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ posts.Topics you should know before answering this question: 1. Psychological Realism in American theater (pp. 183-188)
2. Stanislavsky method of acting (pp. 175-178)
3. African American theater (pp. 224-228)
4. Latino theater (pp.229-233)
5. A Raisin in the Sun, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, and LydiaCompare African American Theater, Latin Theater and Asian-American theater. How are these traditions similar? How are they different? Be specific. Use the names of playwrights and/or their work.To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade) and is due Saturday of Week Two at 11:59pm.
Week Two Discussion 3
Week Two Discussion 3This discussion question is based on pp. 135-158 of The Essen(Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ posts.Heinrich Ibsen’s  A Doll’s House ends with Nora Helmer leaving her husband and children for the purpose of finding out who she is outside the tight confines of her marriage.  This ending shocked 19th century audiences, and the play was often changed to have Nora remain with her family.    In some places, like Britain, A Doll’s House was simply banned outright.In your opinion, what purpose was served by having A Doll’s House censored, either by being rewritten or banned?  Is censorship of a theatrical or cinematic work ever permissible?  If so, under what conditions?  If not, why not?  Explain your position as clearly and thoroughly as you can and defend it against people who might disagree with you.To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade) and is due Saturday of Week Two at 11:59pm.

solved Discussion Board #2: Issue Guide AnalysisDiscussion Board #2: Issue Guide

Discussion Board #2: Issue Guide AnalysisDiscussion Board #2: Issue Guide AnalysisIn your reading this week, Carcasson discusses the role of analyzing issues in deliberation. You will write a 4-paragraph post, using the following format:In the first paragraph, first, in one sentence, identify the main problem articulated in this week’s issue guide. Then, explain the three options the issue guide lays out as possible approaches for addressing the problem. Finally, in this paragraph, explain why this issue is relevant or matters to you. If it doesn’t, explain that and offer a consideration about why that is the case.In the second paragraph, in the first half of the paragraph, please explain (using reasoning) what you like most about the first approach outlined in the issue guide. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide, or other forms). In the second half, please explain what your greatest concern(s) is/are about the approach. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide,or other forms).In the third paragraph, in the first half of the paragraph, please explain (using reasoning) what you like most about the second approach outlined in the issue guide. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide, or other forms). In the second half, please explain what your greatest concern(s) is/are about the approach. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide,or other forms).In the fourth paragraph, in the first half of the paragraph, please explain (using reasoning) what you like most about the third approach outlined in the issue guide. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide, or other forms). In the second half, please explain what your greatest concern(s) is/are about the approach. It is not enough to just write what you like – you must give reasoning as to why you like it (you can use reasoning in the form of personal experience, testimony, statistics, research from the issue guide,or other forms).Finally, Carcasson, in your reading, explains “deliberative issue analysis involves researching issues, positions, and community voices in order to determine the:Obstacles to deliberative engagement (What is making it difficult for relevant audience to engage each other and the issue productively? What do we need to know before we bring people together to engage this topic?) -Example obstacles: power imbalances between participants, motivation, knowledge/skill,manipulation of public opinion, group polarization, lack of spaces for deliberative discussionDeliberative tensions. What are the values or issues in this problem that are in tension with each other?Collaborative resources. What resources are available on this issue for collaborative action?Choose one or more of the considerations he discusses, explain it using quotes and citations from your reading, and then explain how the issue guide we are deliberating this week does or does not address this consideration in its design.

solved Background: Â The Clean-N-Shine (“Clean”) owners are meeting with TLG

Background:  The Clean-N-Shine (“Clean”) owners are meeting with TLG in final consultations before Clean opens business operations.  The purpose of these final meetings is to identify the:

areas of business law presenting the greatest potential risk and liabilities for Clean; and
areas of business operations vulnerable to potential risks and liabilities for which Clean should seek legal counsel.

Winnie and Ralph have asked you to provide a report that presents your reflections and recommendations based on your research and analysis during the past seven weeks of TLG’s consultation with the Clean owners.   
The report will have two (2) parts.
Part I.  Risks and Liabilities
A.  Analyze and discuss two (2) areas of business law that present the greatest potential risks and liabilities for the Clean business, from among these areas:

Negligence related to any business operations
Negligence related specifically to premises liability
Strict product liability related to the use of EPI products for Clean services
Strict product liability related specifically to the resale of EPI products
Contracts with employees
Contracts for the sale of goods with clients
Agency law and contracts with any Clean agents

For EACH of the two (2) areas of the law selected from the above list, you must:
(1).  Provide a background explanation of the area of law, e.g., negligence, contracts for the sale of goods, etc. (be detailed and specific so any reader can understand the meaning of the specific area of law)
(2).  Analyze and explain the specific potential risks and liabilities presented by the area of law and why and how each area of law creates vulnerability for Clean
(3).  Provide a specific example of why and how the potential risks and liabilities could arise for each area of law for the Clean business
Minimum of 3 paragraphs for EACH of the two areas of risks and liabilities you choose to discuss (total of 6 paragraphs, minimum)
Citations required : Remember to use in-text citations in the narrative for all reference works and full citations on a separate Resources page.
Part II.  Legal Counsel
During the past eight weeks, we have discussed and emphasized the importance of the Clean owners seeking business advice from TLG and the importance of Clean –  and every business –  seeking legal counsel from an attorney for various aspects of business operations.  
In Part II, you are to reflect on your experience in consulting with the Clean owners, your research and analysis, and make the following recommendations.  
A.  Evaluate and explain why you recommend that the Clean owners seek legal counsel with an attorney for any  – or all – aspects of its business operations, i.e., contract writing, procedures to protect against negligence risks, recruitment policies, etc. 

Explain and support the rationale for your recommendation specifically, in detail and comprehensively, using examples, personal experience(s), etc. 
Consider specific areas of business operations for which it is particularly important to seek legal counsel

Note:  There is no single correct answer; the detailed, specific rationale and support for your recommendation is most important.  
It is not necessary to cite resources in Part II for your personal opinion, but you must include a citation each time you do use information from a specific resource (i.e., from assigned course materials) to support your conclusions.  
Minimum of 3 paragraphs
TO:  Winnie James, Ralph Anders
FROM: (your name)
RE:      Clean risks and liabilities
Part I. Risks and Liabilities
A.  Business risk #1
A.  Business risk #2
Part II.  Legal Counsel


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.A servant leadershipA servant leadership focuses on sharing the power of authority, it focuses more on serving by building a partnership through trust and sustainability, so that the leaders can best use all resources at hand to better serve their community. For example, servant leaders build trust and sustainable partnership by being willing to do the same work they are asking their team members to do, along with collaborating with those team members to complete the work and showing compassion and understanding for everyone. Therefore, it is important for servant leaders to have these trust and sustainable partnerships so that they can receive help in achieving an effective goal to better serve others and help improve the lives of others. Nelson MandelaAn example of someone who exhibits servant leadership skills in building a cross-cultural partnership is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was the President of South Africa (1994-1999) and was very vocal and proactive in his fight against apartheid and was also the first black individual to become head of state in South Africa. His entire demeanor and goal were focused on serving his people and his actions and goals were able to transcend the country’s borders. His efforts were successful because of his influential presence, his determination, humility, patience, endurance, charisma, and willingness to be one with the people instead of the traditional leaders who separate themselves from their people (History, 2019). A true partnership involves risk shared by all parties.I agree with the statement that a true partnership involves risk shared by all parties. This is because once you enter into an agreed partnership, you will be reaping all the benefits from the outcome, this means you will also reap all the risk from the outcome. Furthermore, a partnership is a collaborative relationship built on trust and liability, where everyone is working together on a specific outcome, therefore, sharing the load of the project or event.ReferenceHistory. (2019). Nelson Mandela. to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved ScenarioYou have been working at a large company in an

ScenarioYou have been working at a large company in an entry level role in the Communications department. In the few years that you have been there, you have had the opportunity to learn and grow as a professional, but you feel that you would like to try a new role at a smaller organization closer to home that really utilizes your new skill set and professional expertise.Crafted Communications is a small communications company that helps new businesses develop strong brands, and it happens to be hiring. In addition to a resume and cover letter, Crafted Communications also requires an electronic portfolio that articulates and showcases your personal brand. The expectation is that your portfolio shows your ability to clearly and consistently communicate your brand across a diverse range of media types, as the company handles a wide variety of content, in the form of visual and written communication, across different marketing channels.DirectionsFor this project, you will develop a personal brand portfolio and reflection for Crafted Communications that clearly articulates and demonstrates your personal brand, professional value, and communication strengths.Part 1: Personal Brand Portfolio: Crafted Communications develops a wide variety of communications while maintaining its professional brand, and would expect its new employee to do the same. To demonstrate that your personal brand is clear and consistent across various types of artifacts:Develop a concise personal branding statement that describes your brandSelect a variety of artifacts that clearly align to your personal brand and showcase your communication strengths. Examples of various kinds of communication vehicles you might want to include are:VisualExamples: look and feel, profile pictures, graphic based communications, branded colors, fonts or type treatments, profile pictures, memes, infographics, videos, etc.WrittenExamples: publications, blogs, presentations, etc.Professional use of social mediaExamples: LinkedIn, professional Instagram, professional Twitter, social media profile bios, etc.Use the personal brand portfolio template to compile your personal branding statement and artifactsPart 2: Personal Brand Portfolio Reflection: To further articulate the value of your brand and level of professionalism, craft a short reflection that explains:How your personal brand is reflected in selected artifactsWhat aspects of your personal brand do they showcase?What decisions did you make in creating them that create cohesion?How your strengths as a communicator add value to your personal brandWhat are your personal communicative strengths?How are these strengths leveraged in your artifacts?What value do these strengths bring to a client?How your digital footprint reflects your personal brandHow would you describe your digital footprint?Does this reflect your personal brand?What to SubmitEvery project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:Personal Brand PortfolioCompile a portfolio of evidence using the provided template that clearly communicates your personal brand. Make sure to include 2–3 examples from each of the following categories, as well as a 1–2 sentence personal branding statement that describes your brand to potential clients.VisualWrittenSocial mediaPersonal Brand Portfolio ReflectionDevelop a 500–1000 word reflection on your personal brand portfolio that clearly articulates how the artifacts you selected align to your personal branding statement, how your strengths as a communicator add value to your personal brand, and how your digital footprint reflects your personal brand.

solved Need Case Briefs for these cases. very short for each

Need Case Briefs for these cases. very short for each just highlight the case and statutes Blue book formatChapter 1undefinedCase 1Marie v. Am. Red Cross37undefinedCase 2Keller v. Miri Microsystems, LLC42undefinedChapter 2 undefinedCase 1Palmateer v. International HarvesterCompany94undefinedCase 2Herawi v. State of Alabama, Department ofForensic Sciences95undefinedCase 3Guz v. Bechtel National Inc.99undefinedCase 4McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green100undefinedCase 5Wilson v. Southwest Airlines Company102undefinedCase 6Griggs v. Duke Power Co.103undefinedChapter 3 Cases undefinedCase 1Petruska v. Gannon University140undefinedCase 2Patterson v. McLean Credit Union142undefinedCase 3Ali v. Mount Sinai Hospital143undefinedChapter 4 undefinedCase 1EEOC v. Consolidated Service System209undefinedCase 2National Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab211undefinedCase 3Coats v. Dish Network, LLC 213undefinedChapter 5 undefinedCase 1Local 28, Sheet Metal Workers v. EEOC267undefinedCase 2Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa ClaraCounty, California269undefinedCase 3Ricci v. DeStefano273undefinedChapter 6 Cases pg 419undefinedCase 1Alonao v. Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A317undefinedCase 2Jones v. Robinson Property Group, L.P., d/b/aHorseshoe Casino & Hotel318undefinedCase 3Vaughn v. Edel319undefinedCase 4Chandler v. Fast Lane, Inc321undefinedChapter 7 undefinedCase 1Garcia v. Spun Steak Co357undefinedCase 2Vega v. Hempstead Union Free Sch. Dist359undefinedCase 3Cortezano v. Salin Bank & Trust Company363undefinedCase 4Espinoza v. Farah Manufacturing Co366undefinedCase 5Reyes-Fuentes v. Shannon Produce Farm, Inc367undefinedChapter 8 undefinedCase 1Wedow v. City of Kansas City, Missouri419undefinedCase 2Dothard v. Rawlinson421undefinedCase 3Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins422undefinedCase 4Lynch v. Freeman423undefinedChapter 9 undefinedCase 1Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth464undefinedCase 2Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson465undefinedCase 3Ellison v. Brady467undefinedCase 4Faragher v. City of Boca Raton469undefinedChapter10 undefinedCase 1Weaver v. Nebo School DistrictundefinedCase 2Macy v. Holder 516undefinedCase 3Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana521undefinedCase 4Nichols v. Azteca Restaurant Enterprises, Inc. 523undefinedCase 5Jane Doe v. Boeing Company 525undefinedCase 6Buonanno v. AT&T Broadband, LLC 528undefinedChapter 11 undefinedCase 1Peterson v. Wilmur Communications, Inc.562undefinedCase 2Chalmers v. Tulon Company of Richmond564undefinedCase 3Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison568undefinedCase 4Peterson v. Hewlett-Packard Co.570undefinedCase 5EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch574undefinedChapter 12 undefinedCase 1Western Air Lines, Inc. v. Criswell622undefinedCase 2Gross v. FBL Financial Services, Inc.624undefinedCase 3Hazen Paper Co. v. Biggins626undefinedCase 4Oubre v. Entergy Operations, Inc.627undefinedChapter 13 undefinedCase 1Ferrari v. Ford Motor Co.696undefinedCase 2E.E.O.C. v. Ford Motor Co.699undefinedCase 3Huber v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.705undefinedCase 4Gogos v. AMS Mechanical Systems707undefinedChapter 14 undefinedCase 1O’Connor v. Ortega781undefinedCase 2Shoun v. Best Formed Plastics, Inc.784undefinedCase 3City of San Diego v. Roe786undefinedCase 4City of Ontario v. Quon788undefinedChapter 15undefinedCase 1Commonwealth v. Hunt827undefinedCase 2Gimrock Construction, Inc. v. International Unionof Operating Engineers, Local 487829undefinedCase 3Columbia Portland Cement Co. v. NLRB831undefinedCase 4Electromation v. National Labor Relations Board832undefinedChapter 16undefinedCase 1Reich v. Circle C Investments, Inc.890undefinedCase 2Mullins v. City of New York891undefinedCase 3Varity Corp. v. Howe893undefinedCase 4Central Laborers’ Pension Fund v. Heinz894

solved Expanding a Business into ServicesIntroduction:Services provide an additional form of

Expanding a Business into ServicesIntroduction:Services provide an additional form of revenue for companies. The service component can be a standalone offering, or a component of a product offering. In this Assignment you examine either a consumer service or a business service that is a market growth initiative to expand a company’s offerings beyond products.The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:MT450-6: Apply Marketing Mix principles to business or consumer services.Scenario: Environmentalgear is a home and office products company available online, promoted through a catalog mailed out every six months and through advertising via business magazines. “We make life easier” is their motto. Their logo is:Founded two years ago by a scientist, a product engineer, and a retail marketing expert, this startup started out with home products and, after gaining success, moved on to office devices.Their newest home product is a sleep-enhancing product which involves a light-weight, soft, but supportive neck collar with a detachable eye mask. The neck collar is preset to be the right temperature to induce sleep and yet provide a choice of soft mantras or meditative sounds on very low volume for the best amount of time per scientific sleep research. The wearer can set the sleep time and soft volume choice of sounds that begin to gradually wake them up. The temperature adjusts automatically throughout the night to be the right temperature. It comes in light and dark blue, black, grey, pink, pale green, and white.Their newest office product is a workstation that has built-in lighting (auto-adjusting and reducing blue light depending on the time of day). It also has a built-in fan for protecting the computer’s hard drive, and a built-in white board that can pop-up at the touch of a button and is the length of the desk. The desk has room for up to three monitors and includes a built-in device hub area that is flush with the surface.Existing company home and office products in navy blue, pale yellow, black, grey, pale green, red, and white.Window shades that auto-adjust to your time schedule and light.Blankets that adjust to your body temperature.Home kitchen or office/lab mats that are supportive, sustainable, and natural while providing cushioning for joints.Whole house or office lighting fixtures that adjust to the light outside, the time of day, and your schedule, to reduce blue light as you head towards sleep time and provide optional lighting for winter climates.Sustainable chair matting for offices that are non-skid but allow easy furniture rolling.The company now wants to expand into services.1) Consumer Service: They want to add an at-home service whereby a home ambience consultant will visit the customer at home to help them adjust their home products and make other recommendations for improving the home environment.2) Business Service: They also want to add office consultants who can improve the office ambiance so it will be more conducive to the company’s goals, comfort, and productivity.Choose business or consumer services from above.Provide a synopsis of your research on the Internet regarding any competition.Explain why they might want to add services to their business.Using the marketing mix, provide the 4 P’s of this new consulting service for home or office, developing the particulars that make sense based on the scenario and the real world.Describe how they might want to launch the chosen service and associate them with their branding.Access the Unit 10 Assignment grading rubric.Respond in a minimum 600-word paper in APA format and citation style with additional title and reference pages and submit to the Unit 10 Assignment Dropbox.

solved This reflection activity is an opportunity for you to reflect

This reflection activity is an opportunity for you to reflect on all you’ve accomplished this term. It is through reflection — contemplating what we have experienced — that we understand the importance of our experiences and make use of them in the future, i.e., reflection is a very important part of learning. InstructionsContextTo better understand the context of English 102, you will reflect on your learning this semester. Using your own writing as evidence, you will evaluate your learning outcome achievement.PurposeThe purpose of the Final Reflection Essay is to evaluate your learning outcome achievement and reflect on your learning this semester.Process1. Read your writing (major and minor assignments) from this semester.2. Read instructor feedback on you writing this semester.3. Review learning outcomes from our syllabus (see p. 2).4. Choose three learning outcomes you have achieved.5. Write draft of Final Reflection Essay6. Post draft of Final Reflection Essay on Blackboard.7. Respond to two classmates’ Final Reflection Essays on Blackboard.8. Submit Final Reflection Essay by deadline.RequirementsFor this assignment, in 750-1000 words, you will evaluate and reflect upon your learning in our course, choose three learning outcomes (below), provide relevant evidence and development for each of the three learning outcomes, contextualize your overall thesis in an engaging introduction, close your essay in a relevant conclusion, and generally apply characteristics of thoughtful, engaged, and correct writing for your Final Reflection Journal.Choose from the learning outcomes listed below in order to write your essay.Learning OutcomesAt the end of this course, you will be able toRhetorical KnowledgeResearchAnalyze how audience/purpose dictate information included, the order of information, voice, language, and styleDevelop an effective research question to guide a sustained research projectApply conventions of format and structure appropriate to various rhetorical situationsApply systematic research methodology using library databases to locate and utilize a variety of credible sources (e.g., scholarly journals as well as interviews, case studies, lectures, surveys)Distinguish between credible sources and non-credible sources, both in traditional print media and outlineIntegrate source materials using summaries, paraphrases, and quotations to support a defendable thesisProcesses/ConventionsCritical Thinking, Reading, and WritingCreate texts, with multiple drafts, that adhere to the conventions of Standard Academic EnglishDemonstrate close reading of a text through various strategies (e.g. annotating, outlining, summarizing, note taking)Utilize invention and re-thinking to revise their workUtilize a dictionary to help facilitate understanding of various textsCollaborate and utilize effectively the social aspects of writing processes (writer-peer & writer-instructor review)Locate, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize appropriate primary and secondary sourcesSummarize and paraphrase arguments and/or other texts * Use quotations and citations appropriately (including sources that cite other sources)Use interpretation to recognize the author’s meaning and strategies (e.g., induction, deduction) to develop ideasUse MLA documentation system and/or the APA documentation systemCritique complex arguments of sustained length (longer than the average op-ed piece or newspaper article)Identify and avoid different types of plagiarism (i.e., intentional and unintentionalIdentify logical fallacies and authorial bias, and analyze their effects on an argumentRecognize and acknowledge diverse perspectives of an issueFormulate constructive questions that facilitate meaningful inquiry

solved Overview Creating a plan for your career is like planning

Creating a plan for your career is like planning a journey. The more clearly you can envision the destination, the easier it is to lay out the path in front of you. Throughout Weeks 1–4, you explored your passions and interests in psychology in relation to the practitioner-scholar model. You also provided and received feedback to improve your ability to communicate your vision and relevant goals. This assignment asks you to now put your ideas together in your vision as a multicultural practitioner-scholar. The assignment also provides the opportunity to receive feedback from your instructor to help you further clarify your vision of your future in the field of psychology.
As you begin to write this assignment, consider the following:

Purpose: The purpose of your vision is to create an inspirational and realistic description for how you want to contribute to your specialized field of psychology based on your passions and interests.
Primary Audience: Because this is a personal vision statement for your future career, you are your primary audience. Envision yourself in a time where you are frustrated and want to throw in the towel. What would help you remember your purpose and inspire you to continue moving forward towards your vision?
Secondary Audience: Your vision should also be clear to other people (such as family, friends, and your instructor) so you can share it with them and receive support in achieving it.
Sources: Locate at least three relevant scholarly sources. You will reference these to support your ideas.
Writing Your Paper: Be sure to comply with the requirements stated below. Your writing in this assignment should not just be a collection of notes, lists, or questions and answers. Instead, it should be a well-organized discussion that flows logically from one idea to the next.

Review Your Vision as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar Exemplar [PDF], which provides you with an example of how this paper should be organized.
Complete the following in your assignment template:
Role as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner model to answer the following: In your own words, explain McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model. What will it mean to you to be a practitioner-scholar? Explain what it will mean to you to be a multicultural practitioner-scholar and how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge, skills, and multicultural competencies that you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.
Vision: Develop an inspiring description of your future career vision as a multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar. Be sure to include the individuals you wish to impact, how you will protect the therapeutic relationship (between you and your clients) with multiculturalism, the setting in which you would like to practice psychology, and specialized areas for research and scholarship in psychology. Note: It may be useful to update your Articulating Your Purpose activity to help support these revisions.
After completing a draft of the previously outlined sections of your paper, draft the remaining sections in the assignment template. Your complete assignment should include the following:

Title page.
Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.
Body of Paper:

Role As a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar.

Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming an effective multicultural practitioner scholar in the field of psychology.