Note: This problem is for the 2019 tax year.Robert A. Kliesh, age 41, is single and has no dependents. Robert’s Social Security number is 111-11-1115. His address is 727 Big Horn Avenue, Sheridan, WY 82801. He does not contribute to the Presidential Election Campaign fund through the Form 1040.Robert works as a financial analyst and is well regarded in his field. This year his salary totaled $1,250,000. His professional success has allowed him to purchase investments in real estate and corporate stocks and bonds. He also spends time volunteering with various organizations that help people develop financial literacy skills.Examination of Robert’s financial records provides the following information for 2019.a.On January 16, 2019, Robert sold 1,000 shares of stock for a loss of $12,000. The stock was acquired 14 months ago for $17,000 and sold for $5,000. On February 15, 2019, he sold 400 shares of stock for a gain of $13,100. That stock was acquired in 2011 for $6,000 and sold for $19,100.b.He received $100,000 of interest on private activity bonds that he had purchased in 2015. He also received $40,000 of interest on tax-exempt bonds that are not private activity bonds.c.Robert received gross rent income of $190,000 from an apartment complex he owns. He qualifies as an active participant in the activity. The property is located at 355 North Milward, Jackson, WY 83001.d.Expenses related to the apartment complex, acquired in 2010, were $225,000.e.Robert earns no taxable interest income. Because he invests only in growth stocks, he receives no dividend income.f.He won $60,000 in the Wyoming lottery.g.Robert was the beneficiary of an $800,000 life insurance policy on the life of his uncle Jake. He received the proceeds in October.h.In February, Robert exercised an incentive stock option that was granted by his employer in 2016. The strike price of the option was $5 per share. On the date of exercise, the fair market value of the stock was $175 per share. Robert purchased 1,800 shares with the option; as of the end of the year, he still owns the stock (current FMV $138 per share).i.Robert incurred the following potential itemized deductions.$5,200 fair market value of stock contributed to the Red Cross (basis of stock was $3,000). He had owned the stock for two years. Robert also made cash contributions of $8,000 to qualified organizations during the year.$4,200 interest on consumer purchases.$18,900 state and local property taxes.$15,000 of medical expenses that he paid on behalf of his administrative assistant, who unexpectedly took ill.$8,000 paid for lottery tickets associated with playing the state lottery.$750 contribution to the campaign of the Green Party candidate for governor.Because Robert lived in Wyoming, he paid no state income tax.j.Robert made estimated Federal income tax payments of $455,000; his employer withheld $9,450 of Federal income tax. Robert did not engage in any virtual currency transactions, and he was covered by health insurance for the entire tax year.Use Forms 1040, 6251, 8582, 8960, and 8959 as well as Schedules 1, 2, 3, A, D, E and the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet to compute the tax liability (including AMT) for Robert A. Kliesh for 2019. Omit Forms 8283 and 8949.Make realistic assumptions about any missing data.If an amount box does not require an entry or the answer is zero, enter “0”.Enter all amounts as positive numbers, unless instructed otherwise.It may be necessary to complete the tax schedules before completing Form 1040.When computing the tax liability, do not round your immediate calculations. If required, round your final answers to the nearest dollar.Use the 2019 tax rate schedule provided.
solved want someone to rewrite these papers in new different words
/in /by adminwant someone to rewrite these papers in new different words so I don’t get detected or get a plagiarismm2 pagesFIN423Philip Morris Incorporated, Seven-Up AcquisitionComparing past acquisitions completed by Philip Morris, you start to notice a trend of purchasing large companies who have an established place in the market but who also have plenty of room to grow. Philip Morris’s intentions to acquire the Seven-up Company is a major effort to diversify their consumer goods since they rely heavily in the consumer market industry. Philip Morris’s. Looking at Seven-Up’s financial data, we can see that they the diversification and growth potential that Philip Morris looks for. Philip Morris targets large and strong compa-nies within various markets and industries. These companies should be able to greatly contribute to Philip Morris as a whole. They derive most of its business from the cigarette industry, which generates large and steady cash flows for the company. This allows them to acquire companies that may not have high returns in the beginning, but seem to have a hopeful long term potential.Philip Morris’smain concern is with the declining trend of cigarets which is their main stream of income. By expanding into other consumer product businesses, Philip Morris has the opportunity to offset these increasing losses. In regards to the third part of Philip Morris’s acqui-sition strategy, Seven-up does not expect to shrink anytime soon, however they dohave the po-tential to grow significantly in the long term. Phillip Morris has the ability to acquire Seven-upbut a main question could be if Seven-Up can grow to Philip Morris’s expectations. This how-ever can only be found out over time and if Seven-Up can take more market share then they cur-rently posses. A major key to Seven-Up’s growth can come from Philip Morris’s amazing mar-keting. They were able to acquire Miller who controlled only a small market share and turn them into a major player in the market.Philip Morris seeks companies within consumer goods market in order to synergize marketing expertise with the hopes of expansion. However, an aspect that is
just as big as seeing if Seven-Up is a right fit for Philip Morris is to find the cost on acquiring Seven-Up and how much Seven-Up thinks they are worth.The minimum price that Seven-Up should accept should be the fair market value (FMV) of their own company. In order to calculate the FMV you would need to find; their growth rate toproject their own sales, free cash flows, WACC, and the terminal value. Then you would need to calculate the WACC of Seven-up. To do this, the total debt and equity (which is given in the case), the risk free rate, the risk premium, and the interest rate on their debt will be needed. Onceyou calculate your total WACC, you will need to find the free cash flows for the company. By now using the WACC, you can find the present value for each free cash flow. You can now calcu-late the terminal value using free cash flows and WACC. Once all calculations have been made, the fair market value for Seven-Up can be found.Now to find the final price Philip Morris should pay relies on mixing it up a bit. You will need to calculate the fair market value of Seven-Up but this time using Philip Morris’s expected growth rate. This helps Philip Morris calculate the expected future sales for Seven-Up once they have been acquired. By using the new growth rate, you can follow the same method used previ-ously when solving for Seven-Up’s fair market value and terminal value all with the changed free cash flows. Once all is calculated, you should end up with the maximum price Philip Morris should be willing to pay to acquire Seven-Up.
solved I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
Module 1 – SLP
The purpose of this session long project (Modules 1–4) is to provide you with the opportunity to prepare a paper or report on CIP that is of particular interest to you community, state, or the United States in general. The following information is essential in ensuring your success with this course component.
The project is to include at least the following information:
Rationale for choosing your topic.
Review of the literature.
Implications for you community, state, or the United States in general.
Session Long Project
For this first module you are to examine the literature (given to you in background information or search the internet) and consider on what topic you will focus for your CIP project. Prepare a two-page proposal depicting how you will approach and on what you will be focusing in this project.
To begin your SLP, in this first module, you are to proceed accordingly:
Begin browsing through the literature that relate to your topic of interest. The topic should be important to you or at least to the United States in general
Finally, develop a preliminary draft introduction to your review in one or two pages including a reasonably articulated topic to the literature and a sound rationale or problem statement on why you have selected this topic in CIP.
While your introduction is not “set in stone” and you may be fine-tuning this along the way, this introduction is to be written in a scholarly manner–illustrating careful thought and insight toward the focus of your project.
SLP Assignment Expectations
To ensure your success and meaningful learning with this course component, please be sure to read the following information carefully. Each of the options above is from professional sources from, for example, scholarly journals, reports, and empirical studies.
Approximate number of scholarly sources from which to draw, cite, and reference is 10.
Approximate number of pages: 15 including title page and reference list
Writing format and style: APA formatting is encouraged. The following is just one of the APA formatting resources: Retrieved from
Organizing your Time
The following is a general overview of how you will be submitting your SLP work. This information is provided for you on each module’s SLP page in detail.Module 1: Preliminary Introduction to your Review (SLP 1)
For this first module you are to examine the literature (given to you in background information or search the internet) and consider on what topic you will focus for your CIP project. Prepare a two pages proposal depicting how you will approach and on what you will be focusing in this project
Module 2: Tentative Reference List of 10 or more scholarly sources including reports, studies, and-or manuals.
Submit a tentative reference list of 10 or more sources that you will be citing, reviewing, and referencing in your final paper. Briefly describe the contents of each article in a few sentences (APA formatting recommended).
Choose 5 from the 10 references and explain in some detail its contents and relevancy to your whole report.
Module 3: Draft Paper Submission.
Submit your draft copy of your report for a critique prior to final submission.
Module 4: Completed session long project
Hand in your project containing a brief introduction, body with the guiding concepts, and conclusion (15 pages–Including title page and reference list). As you can see my previous papers were on transportation infrastructure and I will like to continue on that topic.
solved ** Please find attached**Leveraging Flexible Budgeting to Manage Revenue CyclesSubmission
/in /by admin** Please find attached**Leveraging Flexible Budgeting to Manage Revenue CyclesSubmission RequirementsYour assignment will be submitted in Word and Excel. • In no more than 2 pages in Word, present your responses to items. Your written work should be succinct and direct.• In Excel, you will perform the necessary calculations to answer the questions in item 2. This will allow you to present a flexible budgeting illustration that demonstrates where the true variances lie within your Income Statement line items based on the flexible budget frameworkBackgroundThe financial well-being of Healthcare providers is highly dependent on building and managing operating budgets that clearly identify the relationship between fixed and variable costs, and which can accommodate variances in patient load and billing. Over the last several weeks we have examined how costs are categorized and charged, and we have studied the relationship between “money out†(expenses) and “money in†(revenue). As we have seen, managing revenue cycles is critical in ensuring the financial sustainability of Healthcare organizations. This assignment presents an opportunity to explore the importance of having a well-designed operating budget that can accommodate variances in operating expenses and minimize revenue-cycle risks.InstructionsYou have been asked by your supervisor to analyze your division’s past financial performance and create a new budget that minimizes revenue-cycle risks through the application of flexible budgeting techniques. The objective is to allow the organization to remain profitable under as wide a range of scenarios as possible, without unduly compromising services.Previous budgets have been “static†in assigning costs, and have been inaccurate predictors of actual performance. This has led to difficulties in managing the revenue cycle. There have been periods when the organization appears to be beating expectations and periods where it is underperforming. Your professor will be present you with a scenario outlining revenues and expenses over a fixed period of time. This scenario will include a combination of fixed and variable expenses as well as information on patient loads.To complete this assignment:1. Review the current budget provided by your professor, and answer the following questions:a.) How did the organization perform on an annual basis?b.) When comparing the static budget versus actual results, which line items in the income statement are Favorable (F) or Unfavorable (U)?c.) What are the per-unit costs and contribution margins?d.) Which line items presented the greatest variances?2. Redraft the current budget in the provided in the template using flexible budgeting techniques to better accommodate variances in patient loads and create a budget that is a more accurate predictor of actual performance. After redrafting the budget, address the following: a.) Identify which line items are
now Favorable (F) or Unfavorable (U).b.) What should have been the target operating income?c.) Which line items should be further explored for inefficiencies? d.) For the line items identified in (c), makes recommendations for change.3. Identify key profitability loadsa.) Using budgeted data, how many patients and revenue dollars would the health system need to break even?b.) Using budgeted data, how many patients and revenue dollars would be required to achieve a target profit of $100,000?4. Summarize your argument for why this model is the most appropriate type for operational budgeting for your organization and explain the operational changes that would need to be implemented to use flexible budgets if the organization is used to working with static budgets.
solved Response to Sierra SimmonsI developed the competency for nursing theory
/in /by adminResponse to Sierra SimmonsI developed the
competency for nursing theory development by discussing different nursing
theorists and the framework of their theory. I specifically learned about the
Behavior System Model of Nursing, developed by Dorothy E. Johnson, which
classifies a client as a behavioral system that is influenced by internal and
external environmental factors which contribute to health promotion and
preventing illness. By assessing whether or not an imbalance is present within
the subsystems, nurses can determine how to restore and maintain a balance
between the environments and subsystems. I can apply Johnson’s theory in my
future practice when providing multidimensional care to the patient (behavioral
system) is composed of interrelated subsystems that are influenced by various
environments (physical, mental, social, cultural etc.) By assessing the
patient’s environments, I can gain insight to help determine the proper
interventions for their subsystems.In module two we
continued to learn about theories that have shaped nursing practice. I chose to
research two different theories that were developed by Nola Pender and Myra
Estrin Levine. Nola Pender, who developed the Health Promotion Model, which
focused on modifying unhealthy behaviors to promote health and enhance the
quality of life (Khodaveisi et. al, 2018). Like Johnson’s theory, she believed
that there is a direct correlation between a patient’s environment and their
behaviors. Levine’s Conservation Model of Nursing centers around the nurse’s
ability to maintain wholeness and balance by focusing on the patient’s
responses to adaptations. Levine’s model had a more proactive approach by
promoting the use of preventative measures to prepare for the physical, social,
and emotional adaptations patients’ may experience in response to changes. Both
of these models can be applied in my nursing practice to help understand the
key factors that influence a patient’s behavior and health, especially if
modified behavior can significantly improve their condition.We dissected the
different components of research by critically appraising quantitative and
qualitative research articles. Quantitative research is objective and involves
large study groups. Also, numerical data is collected and it often involves
closed-ended questions and findings that can be generally applied to wide-based
populations. Qualitative research is subjective and analyzes data gathered in
the form of surveys, interviews that are based on an individuals’ experiences.
appraisal consisted of identifying the problem, purpose, methodology, and
literature review of the research. We also discussed the framework of research
as well as the research objectives, procedures, findings, strengths, and
limitations.I developed the
competency to understand the relationship between research, theory, and
evidence-based practice by using theoretical frameworks to help guide and
develop my own research on an issue that will provide an evidence-based
solution. Research provides the basis for the development of theories, and in
turn, these theories provide the structure for new research that will yield the
best evidence-based practice. We learned how to
propose an evidence-based solution by examining different issues within nursing
practice and using research to formulate evidence-based questions. We used the
PICO format to structure our research question and performed a literature
review to gather evidence to support the need for change. My research proposal
examined whether turnover among first-year nurses can be reduced by
participating in a nurse residency program in comparison to first-year nurses
who do not participate in a nurse residency.
solved Firms understand the importance of demonstrating good citizenship, not only
/in /by adminFirms understand the importance of demonstrating good citizenship, not only in the local community but also in the U.S.A. and in the world. Corporate responsibility can take many forms, including how a company operates internally on a daily basis (creating a “green” environment) and what contributions it might make to the external community (supporting the local food bank). Corporate responsibility can mean acting responsibly and also doing things to make the world a better place. Starbucks is known for using environmentally safe products. Coca-Cola works to provide safe and potable water to people around the world. Humana promotes America’s National Parks. It is important to remember that any corporate responsibility plan (CSR) must be sustainable, must be based in reality, must be accepted and promoted by all stakeholders, and must add value to the business. The plan must support corporate goals and vision, growth, and development. Instructions Assume you are a consultant hired to build a corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan for an existing organization. Each week, you will work to create a sustainable CSR plan that promotes organizational success, adds business value, and establishes the organization as a responsible citizen. You must first select the organization for which you will build the CSR plan. The organization can be a public or private company or a not-for-profit organization. Choose carefully! I recommend you select an organization with which you are familiar and one where you can easily gather information. After making your selection, you must begin to research and gather information about this company. Direct contact is an excellent way to learn about the inner workings of any company. You should plan to interview at least one (preferably 2-3) manager or executive who works for the company. You may have to create a relationship with someone in the company to assist you with this research. In addition to this valuable direct contact, you must supplement company information through other resources: media, articles, the company’s literature, manuals, and any other secondary resources vital to the company, the community, and the industry. Validate all of your resources, including your direct contacts. As you are conducting your research, determine any industry standards, benchmarks, or CSR plans that exist. Determine what makes this company unique. Examine any company CSR plan currently in place. You should get started on this project right away. You will develop your plan weekly based on the following condensed outline. Part 1: Building a CSR Plan (Three pages with four credible sources) Provide an introduction about the company you selected. Describe the core business, mission, and vision.Describe the company’s culture and core values.Include the company’s system of motivation and rewards. Identify and describe the company’s internal and external stakeholders.Define community demographics.Reference how the company might support the community. Part 2: SWOT Analysis (Three pages with four credible sources) StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsRelate the SWOT to social responsibility.Relate the SWOT to your potential CSR plan. Part 3: The CSR Proposal (Four pages with four credible sources) Develop your CSR proposalExplain how your proposal adds business value.Elaborate on any compliance issues.Include any risk management requirements.Determine how you will implement the CSR proposal to the company and any relevant stakeholders.Include any training and support needs.Include any techniques to generate and sustain stakeholder motivation. Develop a detailed budget.Include any estimates for any additional infrastructure and equipment.
solved Note: This problem is for the 2019 tax year.Robert A.
/in /by adminNote: This problem is for the 2019 tax year.Robert A. Kliesh, age 41, is single and has no dependents. Robert’s Social Security number is 111-11-1115. His address is 727 Big Horn Avenue, Sheridan, WY 82801. He does not contribute to the Presidential Election Campaign fund through the Form 1040.Robert works as a financial analyst and is well regarded in his field. This year his salary totaled $1,250,000. His professional success has allowed him to purchase investments in real estate and corporate stocks and bonds. He also spends time volunteering with various organizations that help people develop financial literacy skills.Examination of Robert’s financial records provides the following information for 2019.a.On January 16, 2019, Robert sold 1,000 shares of stock for a loss of $12,000. The stock was acquired 14 months ago for $17,000 and sold for $5,000. On February 15, 2019, he sold 400 shares of stock for a gain of $13,100. That stock was acquired in 2011 for $6,000 and sold for $19,100.b.He received $100,000 of interest on private activity bonds that he had purchased in 2015. He also received $40,000 of interest on tax-exempt bonds that are not private activity bonds.c.Robert received gross rent income of $190,000 from an apartment complex he owns. He qualifies as an active participant in the activity. The property is located at 355 North Milward, Jackson, WY 83001.d.Expenses related to the apartment complex, acquired in 2010, were $225,000.e.Robert earns no taxable interest income. Because he invests only in growth stocks, he receives no dividend income.f.He won $60,000 in the Wyoming lottery.g.Robert was the beneficiary of an $800,000 life insurance policy on the life of his uncle Jake. He received the proceeds in October.h.In February, Robert exercised an incentive stock option that was granted by his employer in 2016. The strike price of the option was $5 per share. On the date of exercise, the fair market value of the stock was $175 per share. Robert purchased 1,800 shares with the option; as of the end of the year, he still owns the stock (current FMV $138 per share).i.Robert incurred the following potential itemized deductions.$5,200 fair market value of stock contributed to the Red Cross (basis of stock was $3,000). He had owned the stock for two years. Robert also made cash contributions of $8,000 to qualified organizations during the year.$4,200 interest on consumer purchases.$18,900 state and local property taxes.$15,000 of medical expenses that he paid on behalf of his administrative assistant, who unexpectedly took ill.$8,000 paid for lottery tickets associated with playing the state lottery.$750 contribution to the campaign of the Green Party candidate for governor.Because Robert lived in Wyoming, he paid no state income tax.j.Robert made estimated Federal income tax payments of $455,000; his employer withheld $9,450 of Federal income tax. Robert did not engage in any virtual currency transactions, and he was covered by health insurance for the entire tax year.Use Forms 1040, 6251, 8582, 8960, and 8959 as well as Schedules 1, 2, 3, A, D, E and the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet to compute the tax liability (including AMT) for Robert A. Kliesh for 2019. Omit Forms 8283 and 8949.Make realistic assumptions about any missing data.If an amount box does not require an entry or the answer is zero, enter “0”.Enter all amounts as positive numbers, unless instructed otherwise.It may be necessary to complete the tax schedules before completing Form 1040.When computing the tax liability, do not round your immediate calculations. If required, round your final answers to the nearest dollar.Use the 2019 tax rate schedule provided.
solved Discussion: The Art of Story Step 1: Watch! Please watch
/in /by adminDiscussion: The Art of Story
Step 1: Watch!Â
Please watch the following two videos. Feel free to take notes while you watch them to use while you are crafting your initial answers to this discussion.
The Love’s Kiss: The History & Origin of The Fairy Tales Trope
Step 2: Read!
Please read through the following documents on traditional beginnings and endings present in many fairy tales and myths across the globe in preparation for this discussion.
* Here is story! Story it is: how fairytales are told in other tongues by Kate Lyons
*Story starters a twitter thread that unravelled compiled by Chitra Soundar Â
* Â Â Moon-faced Assassin of Joy@NomeDaBarbarian
*  @NomeDaBarbarian (Moon-faced Assassin of Joy) et al. “Because I was curious tonight…â€
Twitter, 22 Jun 2021,Â
Step 3:
Your initial response should cover answers to at least 9 of the 10 question, and your word count should be roughly 450-500 words. (Answering Question 10 isn’t required if you don’t have questions to ask this week.)Â
What was your experience like working with the materials this week? Were they easy to watch and read? What was your favorite and/or least favorite article or video to work with? Why was it your favorite or least favorite?
Share with us at least two of your favorite story starters from the Powerpoint by Chitra Soundar. Why did you choose them? What about them spoke to you? Why were those your favorites?Â
Share with us at least two beginnings and endings from the twitter thread by @NomeDaBarbarian. Why did you choose them? What about them resonated with you? Why were those your favorites?Â
What was at least one takeaway from the tiktok by baskinsuns on tropes? Â Share a favorite line or two. Why did this information stick with you?
If we take into account what she claims about tropes, how does that impact how you understand these traditional beginnings and endings?
How does this change how you view the novel that you are reading? Consider if your novel can be seen as giving a voice to those traditionally cast out or silenced in original narratives.
What was at least one takeaway from video “True Love’s Kiss: The History & Origin of The Fairy Tale Trope”? Â Share a favorite line or two. Why did this information stand out to you?Â
If we take into account what Isaac Carlson claims about the construction of fairy tales, how does that impact how you understand how fairy tales have changed over time and what that says about certain tropes, especially the ones we feel that are immutable to the genre?Â
Consider what tropes you associate with fairy tales and folk lore. What are some of your favorites?Â
What were three significant points that stood out to you while you read the articles in First Read: Tatar, Mullen & Spitz? Share a significant line or two or even your takeaway from each article. What interested you the most about these readings? (Remember, you can copy these over from your completed worksheet.)Â
Take into account everything we have watched and read this week, what do fairy tales and these reshaping and retelling of them say about the creation of culture? What kinds of connections can you make? (Think about what Lisa Cron has to say in her TED Talk about story when considering your answer.)
Having been introduced to all this information this week, how has this new knowledge changed how you understand retellings? Do you now feel differently in approaching your novel? Why or why not?Â
You are a few more chapters in on your novel. How is reading your novel going? What is your experience like? Are you having fun or not? Share a few favorite lines or give us a short recap of your experience. (If you wish, you can record yourself for this answer.)Â
solved Subrina Green My confirmation bias was that I believed I
/in /by adminSubrina GreenÂ
My confirmation bias was that I believed I saw a UFO while sitting outside of my house. I am a big conspiracy theorist and I do believe that there is alien life out there. One night I was sitting on my porch and I saw something in the sky shining so bright and it was blinking. I sat outside for about 2 hours and it was still there. I looked up I didn’t see any stars that looked like what I was looking at. I was convinced it’s a UFO. I took a zoomed-in picture on my phone and it looked very circular in the picture. Now I’m definitely convinced, so that night I went to bed and as soon as I fell asleep I woke up in chills and I had to turn my heat on. I was convinced the aliens were trying to freeze me. When I woke up the next day I told my boyfriend and my sister and they both laughed at me so I sent them the picture. My boyfriend said he didn’t believe it was an alien ship and he thinks it’s a satellite and my sister said it looked odd and it didn’t look like a star. A week or two later I saw the same thing in the sky but this time it was two so now I’m convinced it was a star and I was being paranoid based on my confirmation bias. Now I know from my critical thinking, I was using biased interpretation in which I interpreted the evidence-based on existing beliefs by typically evaluating confirming evidence differently than evidence that challenged my preconceptions. I took a photo of a star and in the picture, the star came out circular so I cannot confirm if it was a UFO that I saw.
WC 305
Noor, I. (2020, June 10). Confirmation Bias. Confirmation Bias | Simply Psychology.
Kristen SolariÂ
The term confirmation bias first appeared in academic literature in the 1977 paper by Clifford Mynatt, Michael Doherty, and Ryan Tweney entitled ‘Confirmation bias in a simulated research environment: An experimental study of scientific interference’. The study was created in an attempt to demonstrate why scientists should attempt to falsify their theories – rather than confirm them. The participants were tasked with formulating a hypothesis and then presented with two environments: one in which they could “make observations which would probably confirm these hypotheses or test alternative hypotheses.†(Mynatt, 1977) Strong evidence for a confirmation bias, involving failure to choose environments allowing for alternative theories to be tested, was found.
I quite enjoy the feelings of finality and completion; because of this, I have learned, recently, that I may have been partaking in confirmation bias in an attempt to avoid cognitive dissonance.
While serving on a panel of judges, I found myself expecting a good presentation from the departments that have historically scored highly in pageantry. I did the inverse with the lower performing departments. Because of this, ordinary presentations seemed impressive from departments such as Managua, EstelÃ, and Chinandega and presentations that were better than the aforementioned from Zelaya Norte and MadrÃz seemed lacking. I became aware of my unfair decision making after sharing the media with my mother who was not aware of the each department’s history. After conferring with the other members of the panel, we came to the conclusion that in the coming years the delegate would receive an impartial, disinterested treatment if they donned numbers instead of sashes bearing the names of their departments.
Paraskevi Noulas, PsyD, a clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone Health states that “cognitive dissonance is ever-present in both the smallest, simplest examples to the deepest layers of humanity that impact the way [that] we interact with each other and view ourselves and the world.â€
/in /by adminIMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.Review the topic materials below and provide a real-world example of the appropriate use of systems thinking approach and the appropriate use of strategic planning approach. Explain why the two approaches are not interchangeable. Include a review of the similarities and differences between the two approaches in your discussion. In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the examples provided as illustrative of each approach, and justify the response using the topic materials.PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS AND MAKE IT COHESIVE AND TRY TO INCORPORATE THE READINGS BELOWPLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…Read Chapters 4 and 5 in Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice.URL: Read “Section 6. Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership” of Chapter 13 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website.URL: Read “Transforming Health Professionals Into Population Health Change Agents,” by Naccarella, Butterworth, and Moore, from Journal of Public Health Research (2016).URL: Read “Section 3. Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help” of Chapter 18 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website. URL: MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2017 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classI am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author
solved You will not be making an argument in this paper;
/in /by adminYou will not be making an argument in this paper; however, you must choose a controversial topic to write about as you will be presenting, without revealing bias, two sides to an argument. For example, a popular topic would be the legalization of marijuana. If you were to choose this topic, you would not be arguing that marijuana should be legalized, nor would you be arguing it should remain illegal; instead, you would present the most compelling arguments for both sides to allow your reader to make up his or her own mind after seeing both sides fairly presented.
Review all of the requirements for the informative paper Edit download.
Attach your selected topic to this assignment and submit it. Your topic should be a debatable topic concerning social, political, or cultural relevance. Be sure to consider the following questions as you choose a topic:
Will I be able to refrain from interjecting personal thoughts, opinions, and ideas?
Will I be able to find at least four credible sources from books, journal articles, academic websites, interviews, etc.?
Will my sources be up-to-date
This week you will be turning in your thesis and outline.Although this is an “informative” paper, you are informing us on the Arguments for each side of an issue.Your research question should be a question of policy, such as “Should all classroom walls be blue? Â IF you were taking a side, you would simply move the word “should” to make this a statement “All classroom walls should be blue.” Â But since you are NOT taking a side, your thesis will be a little bit awkward; nonetheless, it should identify the issue and reference BOTH sides.Most students do this assignment in SIX paragraphs!!!The assignment instructions (which I do NOT write) give three ways to approach this essay … but I am going to explain to you the BEST way to do it.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (1/3 to 1/2 page long)
I am looking for TWO things here. Â First, begin with a cited STORY (a narrative) about someone who was affected by the question at hand. Â BRIEFLY tell the story. Â It should include names, dates, places, and WHAT happened. Â You may even want to quote the affected person. Second, end with your thesis statement.
Paragraph 2: First Reason For (1/2 to 3/4 page long)
Begin with a Topic Sentence, which is YOUR REASON. Â Like your weekly interpretations, these are best when they are clear, concise, and to the point in 5-10 words.
Ideally, your second sentence will be a Quote from an Expert!
The rest of the paragraph will be facts, statistics, and expert testimony.
Paragraph 3: Second Reason For (1/2 to 3/4 page long)
Follow the same body paragraph format as paragraph 2.
Paragraph 4: First Reason Against (1/2 to 3/4 page long)
Follow the same body paragraph format as paragraph 2.
Paragraph 5: Second Reason Against (1/2 to 3/4 page long)
Follow the same body paragraph format as paragraph 2.
Paragraph 6: Conclusion: (1/4 to 1/3 page long)
Summarize the arguments. Â Do no quote; do not add new information
Your OUTLINE should follow a standard outline formatting, which includes two things:1.) ENUMERATION: Â I, A, 1, a, i
2.) SUBORDINATION: one tab indention for each lineExample:I.
                    i.  Your outline will likely look like this:II.
below is a visual example. You can see the level of subordination and depth of development here.
This is an A+ example