solved Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Week

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Week 5 Final Project Instructionscarefully. Also, use the following guides to take full advantage of the University of Arizona Global Campus tutoring and paper review support options: Submitting a Paper to the Writing Center (Links to an external site.), Grammarly, and Using the Library’s 24/7 Chat Service (Links to an external site.).In your Final Project, you will compare twodifferent societies or civilizations that we have covered in this class, within the time period we have considered (ca. 5000BCE—ca. 1600CE), in at least three of the following categories:Gender Roles, Ideals and RelationshipsSocial and Economic StructuresReligious or Ethical BeliefsTechnological or Cultural InnovationsThe purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your Final Project by guiding you through the research and writing process. To do so, you will first select the two societies or civilizations you would like to examine in your Week 5 Final Project, and then complete the HIS103 Final Project Preparation Template downloadusing research compiled on these societies.Refer to the HIS103 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources for help selecting appropriate sources. You may also want to review the HIS103 Final Project Help Sheet downloadprior to completing this assignment. Keep in mind that the Writing Center and University of Arizona Global Campus Library have many additional sources available to you, which you are also encouraged to explore..In your paper,Identify the societies you will compare and contrast in the Final Project.Identify three of the following categories (i.e., Gender Roles, Ideals and Relationships, Social and Economic Structures, Religious or Ethical Beliefs, Technological or Cultural Innovations) you would like to examine within the societies you chose for your Final Project.Develop your preliminary thesis statement for your Final Project.Establish the central issue or perspective for your project to give clear direction and purpose for the project. (For help, review Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) and the Thesis Generator for Writing an Argumentative Thesis (Links to an external site.) in the Writing Center.)Create an outline of at least three main points that will support your thesis statement.For each main point, write two topic sentences. (For help, review Body Paragraphs (Links to an external site.) from the Writing Center.)Topic sentence one explains the similarities between your chosen societies, according to the category of analysis you are examining.Topic sentence two explains the differences between your chosen societies, according to the category of analysis you are examining. For each topic sentence, provide at least one specific example for each of your chosen societies, drawn from your compare and contrast worksheet.For each example, indicate which sources from your list of sources you will use.Create an APA-formatted annotated reference list containing a minimum of five sources you intended to use for your final project. These sources should include:A minimum of four scholarly secondary sources, of which at least three are from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.At least one primary source.Note: The course textbook does not count toward your required sources.Note: You may also include images or multimedia course materials, but these sources are in addition to (not instead of) the required sources. Remember such sources should also be cited according to APA format.For help, review Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) from the Writing Center.

solved GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Read and respond to the questions provided below

Read and respond to the questions provided below under “Specific Question Prompt Instructions”.  Your response must include references to the lecture, powerpoint, and/or text to ensure you have studied the material before you begin applying the material. See the rubric for guidelines regarding the exact manner in which you should reference the material. Your response must be ONE page in length and must be written in essay style consisting of paragraphs.  There is no need to refer to the question numbers in your response.  See the rubric for guidelines on how you will be graded with regard to length.  Find ONE article to support your answer to the questions, and refer to it ANYWHERE in your response and upload the article with your Word document. If you include a quotation, you must explain what your quotation means and why it is relevant. Refer to the rubric to see how you will be graded in reference to incorporating the article within the text of your response. Include a reference page in APA style for each submission. The articles must be 7 to 20 pages long, published within the last 10 years, and peer reviewed. See the rubric for specifics on how you will be graded.

Submit a Word document via Canvas with your written response. You can keep the original DOC file.  No other formats will be accepted.
NOTE. Be sure to save your file as: EXP11-(LastName).(file extension) (e.g., EXP11-yourlastname.doc)
One article in pdf format. No other format will be accepted.  If your file cannot be read, you will not receive points. Links to the .pdf will not be accepted. You must download the article from the website in .pdf format and upload it to the link provided as only .pdf. The written portion of the assignment will be only accepted in .doc, or .docx formats.

Framing Effects
Li, Sun, & Wang (2007) in their article “50% Off or Buy One Get One Free? Frame Preference as Function of Consumable Nature in Dairy Products,” provide an overview of a number of types of framing effects. With framing effects, the person is presented with two choices that will lead to the same result, but the wording of each option influence which one people are more likely to select. In their experiment, Li, Sun, & Wang (2007) found that the consumable nature of the item influence which deal the person was likely to perceive as being preferred. For low consumption items, participants preferred price promotions (e.g., 50% off of an item) while for high consumption items, the preferences was for extra-product promotions (e.g., the buy one get one free).
Framing Examples from Li, Sun, & Wang (2007):

Consumers, for an item that in the end would cost the same, were more accepting of forgoing a discount rather than accepting a surcharge.
Consumers were more likely to buy beef when it was labeled 75% lean versus when it was labeled 25% fat.
Consumers selected a price reduction in terms of a percentage or a dollar amount depending on the cost of the item. For more expensive items, consumers preferred the price reduction in dollars over a percentage because it seemed more significant. However, for inexpensive items, consumers prefer a price reduction stated in terms of percentage which appears larger.

undefinedThe Journal of Social Psychologyundefined147undefined
Please see attached article: Li, Sun, & Wang 2007.pdf download

What do framing effects tell us about people’s judgment and decision making abilities?
Why do you think frame effects occur?
Do you think knowing about framing effects will influence you future decisions?

solved Purpose: to expose you to real issues surrounding the analysis

Purpose: to expose you to real issues surrounding the analysis and interpretation of phylogenetic data. It is not intended to be a review of recent literature on a specific topic, nor a critique of an existing paper or set of papers. Rather, it should be your best attempt to address a specific issue in phylogenetic biology by analyzing real data.Structure: Each project will be required to analyze a minimum of 1-2 specific species. The project should be organized around a standard lab report, with an Introduction section outlining the purpose of your analysis, a Methods section summarizing the types of analyses and computer programs used, a Results section summarizing results, and a Conclusion or Discussion section. The paper should have a bibliography with at least 4 references on the characters studied, the taxonomic group of interest, the computer programs used and any other useful information.Timeline and strategy: The best strategy is to start your project early! I recommend consulting recent papers from systematics journals of your favorite organisms, as well as journals like Science, Nature, PNAS, PLoS Biology, etc. Choose a study that makes its data public – most commonly, this will be DNA sequences deposited in GenBank. One way to begin to decide on a project is to pick your favorite group of organisms and consult GenBank, TreeBASE and literature databases (according to instructions given in labs) to see what data sets are available.Once you have decided on a topic, the following questions can be used to help structure your project. They assume that your project consists of reanalysis of data from a published paper. Most likely you will be able to approach these data with different questions or improvements in mind. Questions 1-3 can serve as guides leading up to the main questions 4 and 5.1. What was the specific or general question that the authors were trying to answer? 2. What computer programs were used by the authors to determine the phylogeny of the group in question?3. Are there any peculiarities about the mode of evolution of the gene that was used by the authors that might make phylogenetic analysis by their methods difficult or misleading? 4. What novel methods of analysis can you bring to bear on the problem. and how do your results differ from those already published?5. What kind of data would be needed to make the conclusions more reliable? Suggestions and example projectsPhylogeny of a group of organisms: re-analysis of published molecular and/or morphological data, e.g.:∙ How are zebras related to horses?∙ How are sperm whales (Physeter) related to other whales?∙ Domestication of animal species∙ The red fox domestication experiment∙ From wolves to dogs∙ Relationships among animals, plants and fungi∙ How many times has carnivory evolved in flowering plants? How many different structural adaptations have evolved for carnivory?∙ Phylogenetic analysis of molecular evolution, e.g.:∙ Evolution of genes involved with the immune system∙ Evolution of genes involved with development∙ Evolution of genes in species living at extreme temperatures∙ Molecular clock comparisons among species differing in generation time or ecology ∙ Examining methods of phylogenetic analysis∙ Do analyses of different kinds of data (e.g. morphology and DNA sequences) yield the same phylogeny?∙ Effect of differences in nucleotide base composition on phylogenetic analysis ∙ Effect of assuming different models of character evolution on inferring phylogenies ∙ Effect on phylogenetic analysis of sampling only a few representative species from a particular taxonomic group

solved Assessment 3 Instructions: Written Communication: Communicating a Plan PRINT Write

Assessment 3 Instructions: Written Communication: Communicating a Plan

Write an email to resolve a customer issue.Introduction
When it comes to communicating in the modern world, there are a number of tools you can use to improve the way you send and receive ideas and information. A successful builder maintains a quality toolbox in order to have the right tool on hand for the job. The same is true for a successful communicator. The modern workplace requires us to understand and utilize digital tools to communicate effectively. But how will you choose the right tool for the jobs you face?For this assessment, you’ll practice your communication, digital proficiency, and productivity skills. You will show that you can use time management and written communication to solve a customer issue. You will do this by using what you’ve learned about professional written communication to write a message that communicates tasks and timelines relevant for a specific audience and purpose.Instructions
For this assessment, complete the following:1. Review the to-do items that need to be completed to accomplish the tasks outlined by your manager in her voicemail message in Assessment 1. To-Do ItemsTaskTo-Do ItemForDue DateStatusRespond to Wanda’s voicemail message.?Leave a voicemail message for Wanda to confirm next steps for resolving the issue.YouMondayComplete?Inform the customer.?Email Sarah Robbins at Printables to communicate how we will resolve the issue.YouMondayComplete?Communicate the new plan.Send message to the Shipping Department to get their assistance.YouMonday (end of day)To doSend new shipment.Ship replacement order to customer at no charge.Shipping?Arrives by WednesdayTo do Send shipment tracking number to customer.ShippingTuesdayTo do Refund shipping fees to customer.ShippingTuesdayTo do2. Use professional language and tone appropriate for internal communication with co-workers to write an email message to the shipping department explaining what needs to be done. Make sure to refer to the table above for the details. You may use the Email Template [DOCX]. Include the following in your email:

Identify what task still needs to be completed.
Identify which to-do items need to be done by the Shipping Department.
Clarify when the replacement order is scheduled to arrive.
Identify who is responsible for refunding the shipping fees to Printables.
Use professional language and tone appropriate for internal communication with co-workers.
3. Review your email. If needed, edit your message.Additional Requirements

Format: You may use the Email Template [DOCX] to make sure you have included all necessary elements of a professional email. You may refer to Figure 8.3 on page 231 of Excellence in Business Communication for an example. Use Calibri 12-point font.
Length: Limit the email to 12 sentences or 200 lines.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 2: Use appropriate technology solutions to effectively communicate time-related tasks.

Identify what task still needs to be completed.
Identify which to-do items need to be done by the Shipping Department.
Clarify when the replacement order is scheduled to arrive.
Identify who is responsible for refunding the shipping fees to Printables.

Competency 3: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

solved Reply: Is That True? by Joel Best 1- Alexander Malonson


Is That True? by Joel Best
1- Alexander Malonson : It is interesting  how sociological reasoning is rooted with one idea, comparing, a  researcher must clearly categorize a comparison, then define the reason  of how/why the study intends to answer that comparison. (The reason is  usually how/why a pattern in society behaves a certain way.) In the  first paragraph of chapter 10, Best makes it clear that being able to  compare aspects of social life is a key tool for all sociologists. In my  understanding, this is the only analytical tool used to compare values.  This practice allows sociologists “to discover and demonstrate what is  happening” while remaining objective because “… their training in  sociology does not qualify them to make authoritative judgment about  what is fair or just” in regards to societal values (Best 113, 101).The  most complicated issue sociologists must overcome when comparing is the  inability to replicate the research. This is extremely difficult because  of intervening variables or the inability to test the same subjects. In  the words of Best, “intervening variables alter the causes’ impact on  the effect”, and “there is no way to avoid this; researchers can only  explain their choices and point to their evidence” (115, 127).One idea  that raised questions for me was concept creep or how the meaning of a  word changes over time. Best used the example of the word deviant.  Todays meaning of deviant is exactly opposite of what sociologist coined  it to be. Best suggests that “there is no natural end to this process”,  this happens because everyone is encouraged to add on examples to the  fuzzy terms (97). Is this how the meaning of deviant morphed? Are all  the fuzzy terms like institution also doomed by evolving examples in the  future?. Write reply….

2- Klarissa Peraza : One  “big idea” that I found very insightful was the idea of Measurements. I  have always seen surveys and polls being taken, but I never really  payed close attention to all that is behind it. In other words, I took  these questionaries to be fairly easy to come up with. But, while  reading chapter 9, I realize how difficult it must be to produce results  with high validity. To add, Best (2021) mentions obtaining a  representative sample in order for the results to be more accurate, but  even then it is not 100%. Therefore, the best way to get accurate  results is to look at the answers that seem to have validity. For  example, “You probably ought to ignore the responses of people in your  sample who aren’t eligible to vote, perhaps because they are underage or  noncitizens” (Best, 2021, p. 90). I interpreted this as Best explaining  that whatever seems “irrelevant” to the study, should not even be  included. This being because any little thing may throw off the results  of the whole study. I found this very interesting because I began to  wonder if the surveys I have taken and are as valid as I ought them to  be. For example, there have been many times where I simply answered  “other” on surveys. I choose this as my answer when other answers  provided were not thorough enough. In addition, “Oh, and you’ll need to  decide what to do with the responses of people who say they haven’t made  up their minds or who refuse to respond because they figure their  preference is none of your damn business” (Best, 2021, p. 90). So as I  reflect on this, what do pollsters do with the results that are vague?  Although “throwing them out” or placing them where they want will allow  for better results, it is a totally valid result.

solved Jake Savoie posted Oct 4, 2021 12:54 PMHello class! My

Jake Savoie posted Oct 4, 2021 12:54 PMHello class! My name is Jacob Savoie and I, like all of you, am in the process of completing my program. I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying it so far. I am not new to SNHU (unintentional rhyming is great) in General Studies with a focus in Operations Management. A little bit about me; I have been an Active Duty Air Force member for 15 years now and am currently stationed in Colorado Springs, Colorado where I work for the Inspector General’s office. For those of you unfamiliar with what exactly the IG is, I travel to different bases around the globe and inspect a variety of different programs to ensure that these bases are in compliance with the specific requirements of these programs. I am 34 years old and married with four beautiful children. My wife, Tiffany, is currently in basic training to join the Navy Reserves so these classes are definitely helping me stay occupied while she is gone! As far as a growth plan, I have never formally completed one. With that being said, I have had several mentors through my career ask what my long and short term goals. This is also a required piece of information on our annual and mid-term feedback forms that our supervisors accomplish with us. As I am a very goal oriented person, this was extremely beneficial for me as it made me think about where I would like to be on a personal level when it is time for me to retire from the military. I also used it as a figurative “North Star” to keep me on track with the goals that I identified. For example, my previous supervisor used our initial feedback as a time to give me a nudge in the direction of getting started up with school again and pursuing my program. I was able to learn from this experience that while it may be acceptable to “wing it” from time to time, it is always better to have a plan in place. A plan gives us and those we create it with something to hold us accountable against and to let us know if we are hitting the mark. In regards to measures of personal success, I can only think of one off the top of my head. As a supervisor, I usually measure my success by those that I work with on a daily basis. I look at how well those individuals are performing and are they meeting those personal goals that we have discussed and outlined a plan for them to complete. In addition, I look at if they are happy at work! I think that cohesion and actually enjoying your work family and what you do daily has a tremendous impact on productivity. I strive to make my work centers a place that my employees enjoy (enjoy might be too strong of a word, I know) coming to on a daily basis. I will say that it is a fine balance between having a fun work center and it being too fun and no work getting done or personnel feeling that they can slack and won’t be held accountable. This is a lesson that I learned early in my supervisory career.In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:Compare your views on personal and professional success. How do they differ?Share your opinion about the organization identified in the post and its success. Do you agree that this organization is successful? Why or why not?Share your thoughts about the importance of the non-financial success parameters identified in the post. Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources.Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.

solved Shirley RRE: Unit 3: Discussion QuestionsAccording to Stringer & Aragon

Shirley RRE: Unit 3: Discussion QuestionsAccording to Stringer & Aragon (2021), the audience and purpose section is used to identify who the report is intended for and why the report is important. The writer is responsible for informing the intended audience on the issues that are surrounding the effected stakeholders (Stringer & Aragon, 2021). Additionally, the writer has to ensure they are communicating appropriately the information the audience needs to know (Stringer & Aragon, 2021). The case study that is being presented by this writer has many parts and is intended to educate the Hispanic community on cultural issues that hold back individuals from receiving mental health services. This writer’s experience developing the audience and purpose section has been extremely helpful in thinking about the upcoming literature review section of the report. In thinking about the purpose of the research, this writer has been able to further expand on the information she would like to present to the audience. Identifying the purpose of the research has been important in developing an outline for the extensive research that will support this writers ideas. The upcoming assignment has begun to give this writer more insight on how to identify and present important information to the intended audience. However, this writers case study has many parts and there have been issues with identify what will be new information to the readers versus what is already known. Also, this writer has begun to notice that personal opinion can overpower the flow of the paper. Stringer & Aragon (2021) state to show passion and connect with the audience, however, this writer believes that there may be a thin line between showing passion and sharing too much personal opinion. This writer has begun to outline what is personal opinion versus what is factual. This writer believes it is important to ensure the information that is provided to the audience is supported with facts and is quantitative. Reference Stringer, E., & Aragon, O.A. (2021). Action research. (5th ed). SAGE Publications Jasmine JRE: Unit 3: Discussion QuestionsAfter reviewing information illustrated by Stringer (2013) discussing in detail the audience and purpose of a research as well as other peers’ perspective, the audience and purpose section, appears to be an ease in part of the case study. This writer has thought about how to make this section at least the required length, but she also feels as she continues to elaborate on this section, words will continue to flow diligently. Additionally, this writer does feel she needs more assistance with knowing how to identify the stakeholders. There are some stakeholders that are not major in the case study, but this writer does not want to leave out any pieces that could make her case study stronger.With the literature review, this writer currently does not have any issues to discuss during this time. The literature review will provide the audience with in-depth information regarding to the case study. This writer has begun brainstorming her literature review to ensure she does miss important questions that should be answered. Due to this section being a large portion of the case study, this writer hopes she will develop her literature review precisely.This writer does believe this course is flowing great and providing an outlook on what to expect in the future. also, this writer believes each peer is doing well and will continue to progress as this course continues. This writer wishes everyone the best of luck in this section!References:Stringer, E. T. (2013). Action research (4th ed.). Sage Publication.

solved Please creat the portfolio and choose one for the presentation,Learning

Please creat the portfolio and choose one for the presentation,Learning ObjectivesStudents will explain one major course concept. Students will apply their knowledge of major course concepts to a particular subcategory/area of personal interest.Students will create an engaging, educational, and professional presentation.Assignment DescriptionYou will demonstrate your mastery of one disability concept by explaining it in a way that could be understood by anyone from a non-disability studies audience, such as your grandma. The presentation you create should tell a story and be entertaining, and engaging, but also clearly communicate the concept in a manner that is complete, and accurate.This presentation allows you to develop your creative skills using the different FREE campus resources available to all SDSU Students (Adobe Creative Cloud and or Microsoft Office) or other creative apps or websites you are familiar with. You can create a website, PowerPoint, video, blog, flyer, poster, social media post, etc., to demonstrate your mastery of one disability concept. You might want to choose a topic that you can use in your work, educational, personal, and/or community life. Or just pick a topic that resonated with you during the course. Some examples may include but are not limited to: Ableism in education Travel accessibilityAssistive technology for communicationSex, disability, and online datingDisability access & employment opportunities in your career fieldIntersectional disability history & More… Planning Your PresentationReflect on what you know about the disability concept you will be communicating in the presentation and decide on the important information you should include in your presentation:Definition: Write down a clear definition for/description of the concept you will communicate. Main Points: List the key points you think are important for people to know or understand about the topic. It is ok if there are some things you are unsure of. Be sure to write these points down too as you will learn more about them in the next step. Applications: Think about how the concept you have selected plays a role in everyday life. Come up with a few ideas that illustrate the concept in action or shows how this idea has been demonstrated in society. Reflection: Identity what aspects of the concept are not clear to you or where you might have gaps in your knowledge based on what you have identified in the three points above.Research the concept to make sure that you fill any of the gaps that you identified above and have a clear understanding of what the disability concept is to be communicated in the presentation. Presentation RequirementsMake sure that you consider how examples may have been used to explain the concept in your class notes, power points, and/or Top Hat e-textbook, and other relevant sources. Your presentation must include the following: An accurate definition/description of the concept.Address 3 key points about the subject that you want to communicate to your audienceProvide 1-2 examples that illustrate your points.Be creative and engaging for your target audience.Tell your audience why YOU personally feel that this is an important concept for people in the community/ workplace/ family, etc. to know about.Provide references and resources.How To Create Your Presentation You can make a webpage, social media post, infographic, PowerPoint, 1-minute video clip, poster, song, etc. The opportunities are endless. We recommend utilizing the free tools available to ALL SDSU students using the Adobe Creative Cloud. Which can be accessed and downloaded here using your SDSU RedID.

solved Create and analyze a 1–2-page simulated case study of a

Create and analyze a 1–2-page simulated case study of a child with developmental challenges, aged 2–5 years old. Then, create a 5–7-page intervention plan based on evidence-based strategies that have proven effective in similar cases and make projections of possible long-term impacts that current challenges may produce across the individual’s lifespan.Note: The assessments in this course follow the successive stages of lifespan development, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.Early childhood begins at the end of toddlerhood, at approximately age 2, and continues until middle childhood begins with formal school entry at age 5 or 6. During this period, there are greater changes in cognitive development than any other period of life. At the same time, family relationships provide individuals with their earliest social experiences. Attachment patterns developed during early childhood influence an individual’s ability to successfully develop and maintain peer and adult relationships throughout the lifespan.Two major theories describe cognitive development in early childhood—Piaget’s constructivist theory and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory.SHOW LESSJean Piaget was one of the first theorists interested in cognitive development. Piaget proposed that cognitive development follows a predetermined sequence of four stages. Interestingly, Piaget conducted a substantial amount of his research observing his own three children. In their studies, Piaget and his wife transcribed detailed records of their children’s behavior (Lefmann & Combs-Orme, 2013).Lev Vygotsky (1962) emphasized the role of culture or society in the transmission of knowledge and offers a sociocultural perspective of lifespan development, integrating social environment and culture. He is well known for the introduction of the concepts of scaffolding, the zone of proximal development, and the private speech transformation to inner speech.Attachment is an important aspect of human emotional development during early childhood and throughout the lifespan. The family provides individuals with their earliest social experiences. According to Erik Erikson (1950), the key developmental issue in infancy is developing trust. The development of trust is directly related to the quality of attachment patterns. Much of the attachment theory is based on the strange situation, which is a measurement technique developed by Mary Ainsworth and her colleagues (Bretherton, 2013). There are four types of attachment patterns:Secure attachment.Avoidant attachment.Ambivalent attachment.Disorganized-disoriented attachment.Other topics related to attachment include stranger anxiety and separation anxiety, intergenerational attachment patterns, the long-term effects of attachment, and the introduction of the concepts of mutual regulation and social referencing.At this point, the direct application of attachment theory to the world of work may seem remote to you. However, attachment can affect an individual’s ability to successfully develop and maintain peer and adult relations.ReferencesBretherton, I. (2013). Revisiting Mary Ainsworth’s conceptualization and assessments of maternal sensitivity-insensitivity. Attachment & Human Development, 15(5/6), 460–484.Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and society (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Norton.Lefmann, T., & Combs-Orme, T. (2013). Early brain development for social work practice: Integrating neuroscience with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 23(5), 640–647.Vygotsky, L. S. (1962). Though and language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

solved ScenarioIf you are currently working in an early childhood program,

ScenarioIf you are currently working in an early childhood program, reflect on your practices and program and determine one issue that you would like to examine further. Refer to the possible issues below as suggestions or select one of the below issues.If you are not currently working in an early childhood program, select a topic from below:Inconsistencies in documenting observations objectively.Challenges of communicating assessments to families.Improving the use of assessments to connect the purpose of assessment to complete the cycle of knowledge.Incorporating developmentally appropriate practices in assessments.Proactive versus reactive assessment – only observing and assessing when there is an issue with a child.Utilizing the Code of Ethics as a standard for effective assessment practices.Your goal is to identify the root of the issue and to support positive outcomes for the children in your care (or plan for future children in your care) by using observation and assessment. To accomplish this goal, you decide to create an observation and assessment journal of your week.InstructionsFirst, select how you will document your journal either by creating a Word document or using a virtual tool (see below resources for more information).Next, identify the topic you would like to examine and how you will use the journal to impact your current or future assessment practices.Completing the following six parts with at least one paragraph of content to discuss each part in your journal.Part 1: Reflective PracticeWrite about reflective practice that:Describes the goals of reflective practice.Explains how reflection will guide observation and assessment in your program.Part 2: TopicWrite an introduction to the topic that addresses the following:What issue is taking place in the classroom or program that you feel is important to address within the selected topic?What have you observed that prompted consideration of this topic?What are the intended goals/outcomes as it relates to the identified topic?Part 3: AnalysisWrite an analysis that addresses the following:What do you know about developmentally appropriate practice as it relates to the identified topic?What are strengths and/or areas of development as it relates to this topic?Part 4: Next StepsWrite the next steps for the topic that addresses the following:Based on what you know about the topic, what are your next steps?What will you do to support learning outcomes for the children in your care and your practice in relation to this topic?How are you going to record your data from these new steps? (e.g., photos, video recordings, work sampling).Provide a rationale of why this documentation method was chosen.Part 5: ReflectionWrite a reflection that addresses the following:What happened (or what do you anticipate will happen) as a result of these next steps?How did reflective practice on this topic support this outcome (or anticipated outcome)?Based on these findings, what action steps would you suggest?Part 6: Communicating ResultsWrite a communication plan that addresses the following:How will you share your findings with others? (Example: This may be a conversation with colleagues in a staff meeting, shared during a parent-teacher conference, or highlighted in a program newsletter).Provide an example of the communication piece.Provide a rationale for why this communication method was chosen.Submission Requirements:Meets the following general requirements:Provides at least one credible source as an APA formatted reference.Uses professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Submit your journal as a Word document