solved CompetenciesIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the

CompetenciesIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:Describe how managerial accounting supports management information systemsUtilize managerial accounting techniques and models to support an organization’s strategic planExplain how managerial accounting is used to make decisions about short-term business opportunities, capital investments, and evaluating operational performanceScenarioYour business has been open for a month, and you have prepared an income statement and completed a variance analysis on the data. Now you will meet with investors and a few other internal stakeholders to share your company’s progress over the past month and how it has performed with respect to your cost and budget projections. The investors would like to see the thought process behind your financial strategy and how your company has performed in its first month. They have therefore asked you to present a report that includes the costing and income data from your Project Workbook.DirectionsSubmit a detailed report to your potential investors and other stakeholders to explain and defend your costing strategies and to share your business’s performance to date. Your report can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document (based on the templates provided in the What to Submit section). In either format, be sure to effectively communicate with your stakeholders by breaking down concepts and using investor-friendly language to build their trust and confidence. If you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to include speaker notes for each slide.Introduction: Provide a short overview of your company and the purpose of this report.
Business Overview: Name your company and describe its business and your vision for its future.Purpose of the Report: Explain the purpose of the report and describe why the information is important.Methods and Approach: Explain the management accounting methods you used for generating the information that you are about to share in terms of your adherence to industry standards and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) code of ethics.Financial Strategy: Review your original business plan and costing strategies.Costing System: Justify the use of job order costing for this business. Be sure to compare and contrast the various costing systems you learned about in this course as part of your defense.Selling Prices: Share and explain the selling prices you established for each of your products. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.Contribution Margin: Share and explain your contribution margin per unit. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.Target Profits: Identify your break-even points for achieving different target profits. Then explain the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.Financial Statements: Using the information in the Milestone Two Market Research Data Appendix, assess your financial performance to date.Statement of Cost of Goods Sold: Share the statement of cost of goods sold and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.Income Statement: Share the income statement and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.Variances: Illustrate all variances for the direct labor time and the materials price.Significance of Variances: Evaluate the significance of the variances in terms of the potential to impact future budgeting decisions and planning.

solved Choose one of the two possible options for this project

Choose one of the two possible options for this project described below. Both options call for you to produce a thesis-driven argument. Both require research to support your argument, though both ask for the primary focus to be on your own argument and your engagement with our primary course texts. The project must be 10 pages. Option A: Rhetorical Analysis The aim of this option is to apply concepts drawn from the rhetorical theory we have read to analyze a speech performance or text. A rhetorical analysis aims to explain the persuasiveness of a text or performance by unraveling how and why a text or performance has been put together the way it has. How did the rhetoric attempt (consciously or not and successfully or not) to persuade his or her intended audience? What effects may the text have had on its intended audience and why? The short chapter by Jack Selzer I am sharing provides an excellent overview of the kinds of questions to ask when writing a rhetorical analysis and the kinds of things to look for in a text that may be worthy of analysis, but do not feel limited by his guidance. You should draw from our course readings to explain what you see in the text you select. This means you should draw both quotes and paraphrases from our course readings that you find useful to explain what you see happening in a text. In other words, use the rhetorical theory we have read as a lens through which to read and interpret at text. While a rhetorical analysis analyzes how an argument works, it is also itself an argument. You should aim to make a persuasive case to your readers that what you see happening in a text is plausible. You should make claims and support them with good reasons and textual evidence. Research may be important for a thorough rhetorical analysis. You may find it helpful to learn more about the rhetor and about the context of the text/speech. Knowing more about the rhetorical situation (the audience, the topic, the reputation and circumstances of the rhetor) can help you better understand and unpack any rhetorical performance. You are also encouraged to see if others have rhetorically analyzed the text and place your own analysis in conversation with theirs. I am providing several options of texts from Greek antiquity for you to select from, but you are welcome to select any other text/performance you wish from any time or place. To select a different text, I ask you identify the text and explain your reasons for wishing to analyze it at the topic proposal stage.Option B: Seminar Paper Tracing a Concept or Issue across Texts and Rhetoricians The aim of this option is for you to develop an argument about the significance of a concept or idea across one or more texts we have read this semester. For example, how is the concept of ethos treated across rhetoricians? Or what is the significance of the comparisons used to describe rhetoric in ancient Greek rhetorical theory? This option is your chance to trace and develop an analysis of any recurrent concept or problem you find in one or more of our assigned texts. You should aim to make a persuasive case to your readers that what you see happening in the texts is plausible. You should make claims and support them with good reasons and textual evidence. Research can support your work on this project in a variety of ways. You may be able to put your ideas and observations in conversation with what other scholars have said about the texts and authors we read. You may be able to learn more about the context of the texts we read and other works our authors wrote, which may yield insights that help you support your claims.

solved Discussion 1: Legislative and Regulatory Actions for Healthcare Expenditures How

Discussion 1: Legislative and Regulatory Actions for Healthcare Expenditures
How might legislative and regulatory actions affect healthcare expenditures?
It may come as no surprise that the rising costs of healthcare from both a provider and consumer perspective, remain a major challenge in the U.S. healthcare system. While healthcare costs from a consumer perspective may have been temporarily alleviated with the implementation of the PPACA, providers still face many challenges when delivering effective and quality healthcare services to their patients. How might healthcare leaders streamline healthcare delivery costs without compromising the quality of healthcare delivered?
For this Discussion, review the resources for the week. Consider how legislative and/or regulatory actions may affect healthcare expenditures for HSOs. Reflect on how legislation or regulatory actions may differ at the state and federal levels.
Post an explanation of what additional legislative and/or regulatory actions might be taken to limit increases in healthcare expenditures at the state and federal levels. Be specific and provide examples.
Discussion 2: Influence and the Policy-Making Process
The policy-making process is not free from politics (far from it). That is, certain groups and individuals from the public and private sectors may exert an influence on the type of legislation that emerges from the policy-making process. While healthcare policy does not in itself represent the best interests of anyone entity, the ultimate goal of healthcare policy should be to enhance quality, increase access, and reduce costs. Consider for example, while the implementation of the PPACA may have opened up previously inaccessible healthcare services, the new mandate also requires employers and healthcare providers to become even more cost-conscious given the downward pressure on reimbursement rates and employer coverage requirements. While the mandate opened up channels for consumers of health to obtain access, it similarly inhibited certain providers to maximize the services such access could provide.
For this Discussion, you will be assigned to one of two groups that will adopt either the a) employer or b) government perspective in the policy-making process. Review the resources for the week and consider how employers and the government may influence healthcare policy in the policy-making process. Reflect on how the influence of employers and the government may impact population health and healthcare delivery.
Discussion 2A
Post an explanation of how employers and healthcare providers influence healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Discussion 2B
Post an explanation of how the government influences healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
The following questions are to be answered:
Post an explanation of what additional legislative and/or regulatory actions might be taken to limit increases in healthcare expenditures at the state and federal levels. Be specific and provide examples.
Discussion 2A
Post an explanation of how employers and healthcare providers influence healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Discussion 2B
Post an explanation of how the government influences healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Furrow, et al. (2018). Health Law: Cases, materials, and problems (8th ed.). St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.

Chapter 10, “The Regulation of Insurance and Managed Care” (pp. 552-624)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Legal issues involving payers and outside agencies [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

solved The paragreaph is abotu hate vs speech Learning Objective:For this

The paragreaph is abotu hate vs speech Learning Objective:For this assignment, you will develop a PIEIE body paragraph on the way to writing effective essays that engage readers and present original ideas or points of view.This will allow me to give you feedback before you write the full draft of Essay 2.Directions:Step 1: Review! PIE + IE + IE… Complex academic paragraphs typically follow the PIE format and continue with IE, IE, IE to develop the ideas further; this additional information and explanation makes for a more persuasive and sophisticated idea.Make sure to review our Expanding PIE Paragraphs and Review: The E in PIE (Explanation). Step 2: Write one of your body paragraphs for Essay 2 in PIEIE structure. Remember that your Point should be a reason for your thesis (a reason you think colleges should either allow or ban hate speech).Your Information (two pieces of it), should be quotes from the articles that are introduced and cited in MLA.Your explanations should show HOW your information (quote) shows that your thesis/point is right. Please highlight your Point in yellow, your Information in pink and your Explanation in blue, like the sample above. Examples of a PIEIE ParagraphIn the paragraphs below:The Point is in yellowThe Information pieces are in pinkThe explanation pieces are in blueExample 1Colleges and universities should allow hate speech because banning hate speech does not eliminate the hate. The new generation of students are a very passionate group of people and not letting them express their feelings can cause many issues. In the article, “Restrictions Against Hate Speech Violate the First Amendment,” McMasters asserts, “Even if laws that the Supreme Court would abide could be crafted, however, there is another, more difficult, problem for the advocates of such laws: They don’t stop hate … Censoring hate speech may have emotional and symbolic appeal but little if any utility as a solution. (3).” McMasters is explaining how hate will remain even if a law was made against it and how the law would not make it go away. Even if a law was in place, students will always find a way around it to express something they are passionate about. Essentially, a law will not make feelings go away. Adding on to this idea, McMasters also states, “Language is simply too mercurial for the constraints of legal definitions.” (4). Assuming hate speech would be banned only, students would still have their free speech and will find ways around the law with the words they choose. Courts would have to prove that it was hate speech instead of free speech and that would be a waste of time and the tax payers’ dollars. In addition, in the article, “Colleges Have No Right to Limit Students’ Free Speech, Cliff Maloney Jr.,” the Executive Director at Young Americans for Liberty, states, “It’s because of what our universities have taught a generation of Americans: If you don’t agree with someone, are uncomfortable with an idea, or don’t find a joke funny, then their speech must be suppressed. Especially if they don’t politically agree with you.” (1). Colleges being able to do this is unacceptable and students will stand up to this. Some students may even take this as an 4 attack on their beliefs and their rights and will try even harder to express their opinions, not reducing the hate which the colleges are trying to do in the first place. Even though the words may be hateful, letting students peacefully express their opinions, such as a group of students hatefully protesting white nationalists, is a better solution than finding ways to silence these students.

solved Discussion 1: Legislative and Regulatory Actions for Healthcare Expenditures How

Discussion 1: Legislative and Regulatory Actions for Healthcare Expenditures
How might legislative and regulatory actions affect healthcare expenditures?
It may come as no surprise that the rising costs of healthcare from both a provider and consumer perspective, remain a major challenge in the U.S. healthcare system. While healthcare costs from a consumer perspective may have been temporarily alleviated with the implementation of the PPACA, providers still face many challenges when delivering effective and quality healthcare services to their patients. How might healthcare leaders streamline healthcare delivery costs without compromising the quality of healthcare delivered?
For this Discussion, review the resources for the week. Consider how legislative and/or regulatory actions may affect healthcare expenditures for HSOs. Reflect on how legislation or regulatory actions may differ at the state and federal levels.
Post an explanation of what additional legislative and/or regulatory actions might be taken to limit increases in healthcare expenditures at the state and federal levels. Be specific and provide examples.
Discussion 2: Influence and the Policy-Making Process
The policy-making process is not free from politics (far from it). That is, certain groups and individuals from the public and private sectors may exert an influence on the type of legislation that emerges from the policy-making process. While healthcare policy does not in itself represent the best interests of anyone entity, the ultimate goal of healthcare policy should be to enhance quality, increase access, and reduce costs. Consider for example, while the implementation of the PPACA may have opened up previously inaccessible healthcare services, the new mandate also requires employers and healthcare providers to become even more cost-conscious given the downward pressure on reimbursement rates and employer coverage requirements. While the mandate opened up channels for consumers of health to obtain access, it similarly inhibited certain providers to maximize the services such access could provide.
For this Discussion, you will be assigned to one of two groups that will adopt either the a) employer or b) government perspective in the policy-making process. Review the resources for the week and consider how employers and the government may influence healthcare policy in the policy-making process. Reflect on how the influence of employers and the government may impact population health and healthcare delivery.
Discussion 2A
Post an explanation of how employers and healthcare providers influence healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Discussion 2B
Post an explanation of how the government influences healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
The following questions are to be answered:
Post an explanation of what additional legislative and/or regulatory actions might be taken to limit increases in healthcare expenditures at the state and federal levels. Be specific and provide examples.
Discussion 2A
Post an explanation of how employers and healthcare providers influence healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Discussion 2B
Post an explanation of how the government influences healthcare expenditures and the impact on population health.
Furrow, et al. (2018). Health Law: Cases, materials, and problems (8th ed.). St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.

Chapter 10, “The Regulation of Insurance and Managed Care” (pp. 552-624)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Legal issues involving payers and outside agencies [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

solved These are 2 different student posts. Each post is a

These are 2 different student posts. Each post is a response to the student statements whether you agree or disagree.75 words each post. You can agree or disagree or any adds on / opinions to what they’re saying1)Norway’s prison system benefits their economy. Their prison system is ranked #1 in the world are is the most comfortable. They are spacious and represent inclusivity, healing, and comfort. Norway has one inmate with a 15 year sentence. This inmate committed murder. They banned life sentences so that no one is in the system for the rest of their life. The incarceration rate in Norway is 75 per 100,000 people while the United States is 639 per 100,000 people. The recidivism rate is at 20 percent down from 70 percent. Their prison’s have been remodeled into rehabilitation facilities since the 1990s. The cells have turned into dorm rooms. Even maximum-security prisoners have a fridge shower, flat screen tv, and toilet per inmate. They also have access to a common area and a kitchen. Their programs involve recreational and learning programs. Due to job skills learned, Norway reduced the population of prisoners that are reincarcerated and there was a 34 percent increase in unemployed inmates taking job training skills and once released, a 40 percent increase in employment rates. The mission for Norway’s prison system is rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoner’s into society (Dorjsuren, 2020). By having an empathetic, caring, and accepting approach, they pave the way for prisoners to become supporting citizens in their country’s economy. If the United States and other countries used this method of incarceration and recidivism rates would decline over a few years. Using the available sources that the government has in order to educate, rehabilitate, and reintegrate could help the United States employment rate go up, while the crime rate, and prison population rate decline.2)Prisons outside of the United States have different views for prisons, i have read and seen a few documentaries that in Mexico prisons they are very harsh out there and don’t really care for the inmates out there. They have lack of food, space for inmates, health care, etc. Even now that we are in a pandemic they don’t have the proper items to use during this time. In C an article from Maclean’s, it explains the Canadian prison system is bad, there were recently 5 murders in the Canadian prison. It also says, “66 percent of prison staff were subject to physical violence.” The inmates are not controlled and seems like they might be understaffed. In the UK an article says, “overcrowding and a subsequent growth in violence against both prisoners and staff has been blamed for force being used 49,111 times in England and Wales.” I think that officers using force and violence towards their inmates won’t help the situation and can only make it worse, your creating a hate between you and the inmate which can cause them wanting to get revenge and leading it to someone getting hurt or killed. If the U.S adopted another nations prison system we would have a very bad prison system and not controlled. As for now our prisons are very well controlled with enough staff to watch over the inmates. I would want to change the use of excessive force towards inmates and even officers who are patrolling and are arresting someone. If they are asking you to not do something that’s making them feel scared or hurt then as peace officers we should abide by their request because they are people. Even though they have committed a crime doesn’t mean we have to force them to the point where we are hurting them.

solved You are appointed by the owner of an office building,

You are appointed by the owner of an office building, Monument Tower, as the property manager. You are currently negotiating a 5-year lease with an IT company, Extreme Vision, for 2,000 square metres of rentable space. After careful market/property analysis, you estimate that the base rent should be $250 per square metre per year. Monument Tower offers full service to all its tenants as a policy. Rent is due at the beginning of each year. Extreme Vision indicates to you that they are willing to pay $220 per square metre with step-ups of $10 per square metre each year beginning one year from now. You think that a price of $220 is too low to degrade the reputation of Monument Tower. The owner will certainly reject this price. You come up with two alternative proposals. Option A: Monument Tower offers Extreme Vision a move-in allowance of $50,000 plus tenant improvements (fitouts) worth $50,000 subject to Extreme Vision signing the lease at a flat rent of $250 for a term of 5 years. Option B: Monument Tower offers Extreme Vision to buy out its existing lease in another building. The existing lease of Extreme Vision has 1 year remaining. Its space in the other building is 2,000 square metres and the price is $200 per square metre per year. The lease agreement between Extreme Vision and its existing landlord specifies that Extreme Vision should pay 50% of the remaining rent due in a buyout. Extreme Vision signs the new lease at $250 with step-ups of $5 per square metre each year starting one year from now.(1)Using discounted cash flow method, calculate the present values and effective rents of the three options: the original proposed rent schedule from Extreme Vision, option A, and option B. The discount rate is 10%, which is the required return by the owner. Show your workings by copying the table here and state the formulas if necessary. Explain concisely. Discount rate10%Total ft 2,000.00 OfferYear01234rent rate per ft220230240250260Effective rate220230240250260Sales$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 FCF$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$440,000.00 $418,181.82 $396,694.21 $375,657.40 $355,167.00 NPV$1,985,700.43 Option AYear01234rent rate per ft250250250250250Move in allowances $ 100,000.00 Effective rate200250250250250Sales$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 FCF$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$400,000.00 $454,545.45 $413,223.14 $375,657.40 $341,506.73 NPV$1,984,932.72 Option BYear01234rent rate per ft250255260265270Buyout cost $ 200,000.00 Effective rate150255260265270Sales$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 FCF$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$300,000.00 $463,636.36 $429,752.07 $398,196.84 $368,827.27 NPV$1,960,412.54 [8 marks]2) Should you recommend option A or option B to the owner? What are the benefits and costs of the three options? [6 marks]3)If you propose the selected option in part (2) to Extreme Vision, will it accept it? How could you convince them to accept the offer? Please propose another set of lease terms to make it attractive to the potential tenant while satisfying the requirement of the owner.[6 marks]ONLY REQUIRE QUESTION 2 AND 3 DONE. QUESTION 1 SOLUTION INCLUDED FOR REFERENCE

solved For this assignment, you will be learning about how NASA

For this assignment, you will be learning about how NASA climate scientists arrive at their conclusions concerning sea level rise and you will have a chance to consider some consequences of sea level rise. You will also see how “climate change deniers” generate their claims and learn about the tactics they use in their attempts to popularize these claims.These are the topics of the 2015 Vice News Documentary: Our Rising Oceans. Watch the documentary here:Our Rising OceansRead more about climate change here:NASA: Climate ChangeYou have already learned about the nature of inductive reasoning and that inductive reasoning is the backbone of the scientific method. Some very savvy thinkers have utilized facts about inductive reasoning to attempt to sow doubt about scientific claims as they relate to ethical issues. In the documentary, you hear about the Heritage Foundation and its role in generating climate change denial. You will also hear that the same organization helped tobacco companies develop arguments denying that their products cause cancer. Question 2, below, will address their tactics. The following two videos will help you to further understand the “problem of induction” and how it factors into these tactics:Skepticism: David HumeThe Problem of InductionFor this assignment, answer the following questions fully:In “Our Rising Oceans”, you witnessed a conference of “climate change deniers” at which scientific claims about climate change are called into question. What are three things that stood out to you about this conference? Explain.At the conference of “climate change deniers”, you heard a speaker state that “observation claims are not knowledge: they are not universal, necessary, and certain.” What this speaker is referencing is called the “problem of induction,” and this problem is simply a fact of inductive reasoning. In short, if a conclusion depends on our observations rather than on necessary logical relationships, those conclusions cannot be guaranteed. Consider the following:“universal” means true in all cases“necessary” means could not be otherwise“certain” means cannot be doubtedWith these things in mind, it should be clear that there is nothing that we know from experience or observation that is “universal, necessary, and certain.” But does this mean that nothing we “know” from observation or experience actually counts as “knowledge?” That would imply that you don’t “know” whether it is day or night, whether the screen you are reading this on actually exists, or whether you even have a body at all! I don’t think, for most of us, that our standard of knowledge is quite that strict.Your supplementary materials above include two YouTube videos that offer short explanations of the problem of induction for your consideration. Consider what you have read here and what you saw in these videos. Here, then, is question 2:Is the problem of induction sufficient to dismiss scientific claims about climate change? Why or why not? In the documentary, you saw some consequences of climate change that are already occurring in Bangladesh. What are three things that stood out to you from that section of the video? Explain what you found significant about these things._______________________________________________________________________*One thing I find interesting is that we are seeing the same sorts of rejections of scientific claims regarding COVID-19 as we see with climate change. Maybe you have heard these arguments addressing ethical issues related to the pandemic. We also see them in debates surrounding vaccinations.

solved R1“Quantitative analysis is a scientific approach to managerial decision making

R1“Quantitative analysis is a scientific approach to managerial decision making in which raw data are processed and manipulated to produce meaningful information” (Render, Stair, Hanna, & Hale, 2018). With this process, you are able to use data that can be accurately calculated and turn it into meaningful information that can be used to aid in decision-making. An example of quantitative data could be looking at gross profits, net profits, costs of goods, etc. My boss needs to review these numbers frequently in order to keep the business running. If your costs are becoming more than your profits, you will need to find a way to cut costs and increase profits. Businesses also look at these numbers and compare them to years prior in order to see changes and make decisions.“Qualitative analysis uses subjective judgment to analyze a company’s value or prospects based on non-quantifiable information, such as management expertise, industry cycles, strength of research and development, and labor relations” (Smith, 2021). This analysis does not often deal with numbers. An example of qualitative analysis would be conducting a written survey or interviewing customers about how they feel about your business.As an assistant manager at a restaurant, I have a little bit of experience with both of these. However, most of my experience is with quantitative analysis because I am looking at numerical data such as costs of goods sold. Do any of you have any experience with quantitative or qualitative analysis? If you have good experience with both, is there one that you prefer?References:Render, B., Stair, R. M., Hanna, M. E., & Hale, T. S. (2018). Quantitative Analysis for Management (13th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson, Inc.Smith, T. (2021, March 07). Qualitative Analysis. Retrieved March 15, 2021, from,and%20development%2C%20and%20labor%20relations.R2Qualitative analytics is the step taken after the quantitative work has taken place. The data is gathered and analyzed and that will reveal information that can help draw conclusions about the population. However, when it comes to reviewing that information and taking other factors that affect your business or could affect it into consideration, that is the crux of quantitative (The Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Analytics | MSU Online, 2019). For example, in my prior position managing the fraud investigation unit, our analysts would pull data from multiple sources that would provide us with information that might reveal patterns of large scale fraudulent behavior. That could be narrowed down to entity, geographical area, connections between parties, and monetary amounts. This was the quantitative portion. With that information the department could make decisions such as opening major cases for further investigation, drawing a line for a threshold for cases to pursue, or proceeding with legal actions if the data was strong enough to support doing so. Those choices could either result in stopping the fraud, deterring it, or recovering financially or criminal charges. Any of these outcomes could be expensive for the company or expose the company to litigation if not undertaken with the utmost of attention to detail and preponderance of data and factual evidence. Works Cited The Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Analytics | MSU Online. (2019, May 28). Michigan State University.

solved Discussion #10A – Rough Draft IntroductionPart one: Create the following

Discussion #10A – Rough Draft IntroductionPart one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your introduction paragraph.Part two: Once you have posted your answers, you will see your group mates. Reply with a minimum of 5 sentences to one person to help him / her improve their writing, ask a question and/or say what they did really well.A ] Creating the HookCreate 4 different kinds of hooks about the subject of this introduction – remember that this time we are focusing on chapters 4,5,6:Write an interesting statistic/fact about this subject that most people do not know – quote your sourceWrite a famous quote which may apply to this subject – put the quote in quotation marks (author of quote)Write an important question that we might ask about the topic. [do not ask about bidding as the reader may not know what this is]Write a bit of wisdom / old saying you know that is suggested by this subject. It can come from the USA or your country.Look at your 4 hooks and decide which one you like the best and use that one in your paragraph :)B ] Background information:1. Write a sentence that explains your favorite hook and relate it to the book, using author name and book title.2. Write a sentence that introduces who the author of the book is – profession, life experiences that are important. 3. Write 3 sentences telling what the book is about. Define important terms like emotional command systems, emotional heritage, and emotional communication skills in your own words. Focus on chapters 4,5,6.4. Write 3 sentences explaining why the book is important and why someone should read it.C ] Make a thesis statement to include the following:John Gottman’s text The Relationship Cure addresses the importance of really understanding ourselves and others to promote healthy relationships, with which I agree or with which I disagree.D] NOW: Put all those sentences together in paragraph form and write your introduction:Discussion #10B – Rough Draft Conclusion Essay 2Part one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your conclusion paragraph.Part two: Once you have posted your answers, you will see your group mates. Reply with a minimum of 5 sentences to one person to help him / her improve their writing, ask a question and/or say what they did really well.A] Write a college level transition and connect it to a restatement of your thesis in different words: DO NOT use in conclusion, to conclude, in sum, in summary, in the end, overall.B] DO NOT USE Summary. Because we already have a summary paragraph, we are going to make an action oriented conclusion.1. Gottman idea [quote sandwich]:Use a transition and then summarize one of Gottman’s suggestions for improving one’s relationship that you have not yet mentioned in your essay:Use context + a quote to illustrate Gottman’s suggestion:Write an explanation sentence on how this idea will improve someone’s relationships:2. Your idea: Make you own suggestion for improving one’s relationshipsUse a transition and then make a suggestion of your own for improving relationships:The write 2 sentences explaining your suggestion and how it will improve other’s relationships.3. Make a call to action: Write 3 sentences encouraging readers to change how they interact with others to improve relationships. You may also make a prediction, give advice, use a quote or ask a question if that works for you.D] Put all of your sentences together in paragraph form to write your 10-12 sentence conclusion below. Remember the very last sentence to be a sentence in your own words – no quotes or questions.