solved Getting StartedOver the past three weeks, you have been learning

Getting StartedOver the past three weeks, you have been learning about the qualitative and quantitative research process. You have gained insights into the different methods for conducting nursing research. Prior to any research being conducted, a potential research study is reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or an ethics committee at the institution where data will be collected.   Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:Explain the significance of safeguards that are in place to prevent unethical research practices.  Explain the importance of protecting research participants’ safety through understanding unethical research practices.  Apply the principles of the Nuremberg Code and The Belmont Report to past and current research studies.  ResourcesTextbook: Foundations of Nursing ResearchArticle: Lest We Forget: The Tuskegee ExperimentArticle: The Nuremberg Code: A CritiqueWebsite: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.). Ethical Codes & Research StandardsWebsite: The Belmont Report and The Nuremberg CodePPT File: Chapter 4(Optional) Video: Miss Evers BoysFile: 7th Edition APA Style Bible CitationsBackground InformationThe Tuskegee study is a true event that occurred in 1932 in Macon County, Alabama in which African Americans were promised treatment for “bad blood.” This study was marred by numerous ethical misconducts. Events such as the Tuskegee study, the Nuremberg trials, and other unethical research practices led to the creation of The Nuremberg Code and The Belmont Report. The principles in these documents were created to protect participants from unethical research practices. InstructionsReview the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.Read Chapter 4 in the textbook.  Read the article, The Nuremberg Code: A Critique.Read the article, Lest We Forget: The Tuskegee Experiment.View the Chapter 4 PowerPoint file.Visit the following website and review The Belmont Report and The Nuremberg Code. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n. d.). Ethical Codes & Research Standards(Optional) Watch the movie, Miss Evers’ Boys. (If it prompts you to log in to view the video, use your MyIWU Portal username – everything before “@” in your IWU email address – and your Portal password)Prepare to discuss the following Discussion Prompts:Describe three principles of the Nuremberg Code and explain how one of these principles is important to nursing research.  Describe three ethical principles from the Belmont Report and explain how one of these principles applies to informed consent, risk/benefit assessment, and/or selection of participants.  Describe the purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).  What values would be threatened if these principles had not been put in place? Support your answer witha verse from the Bible. 7th Edition APA Style Bible Citations provides standards for citing and referencing scripture Instructions below and resources are attached. There’s no need to watch the movie as it is optional. The article should be enough to complete the assignment. Length should be 3-4 paragraphs minimum, APA 7th edition with references. There is another reference to be included and that a bible reference. I will include a resource of how she wants bible scripture referenced. Research and select at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights. Research and select at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights.

solved Research studies indicate that most adolescents with substance abuse (SA)

Research studies indicate that most adolescents with substance abuse (SA) disorders also qualify for diagnosis of one or more mental illnesses, including mood disorders, behavioral disorders, eating disorders, and psychosis (Shrier, Harris, Kurland, & Knight, 2003). Professionals refer to the co-occurrence of SA disorders and mental illness as comorbidity (i.e., dual diagnosis).
Prior to the 1970s, SA treatment was provided in mental health institutions. Since that time, treatment for SA has become increasingly separate from the mental health system. The treatment is usually provided at SA treatment centers or through the alcoholics anonymous (AA) twelve-step programs.
This separation has been a problem for people with dual diagnosis. When an individual presents with both SA disorder and mental illness, SA treatment facilities tend to refer the individual to mental health providers. Likewise, psychological services are not well equipped to handle substance-related issues and tend to refer those individuals back to SA treatment facilities. In other words, treatment providers do not address both issues at the same time. Most psychological service providers require individuals to resolve their addictions before beginning mental health treatment, and most SA treatment providers require the individuals to be psychiatrically stable before beginning SA recovery treatment.
In recent years, however, there has been a movement toward integrated treatment of SA disorders and mental illnesses or the treatment of both at the same time by the same service provider (Riggs, 2003; Sterling, Chi, & Hinman, 2011).
For this assignment, drawing upon the week’s information and ancillary research, address the following:

Discuss the integrated treatment for adolescents who have both SA disorder and mental illness.

Do you support the existing model of treating one disorder first, then treating the other, or do you support the newer model of treating both at the same time? Provide at least three reasons for your position and support your argument using information from at least two academic sources and cite those sources using APA format.

Create a description of a fictional adolescent struggling with both types of disorders (SA and a mental illness).

Be specific in your identification of which substance-related disorder and which mental illness diagnosis the adolescent has been given; provide details about the adolescent’s symptoms; and make a recommendation for the adolescent’s treatment.
Describe your recommendation, specifically mentioning whether it should be integrated or not.
Provide a fictional description of the progress the adolescent makes in that treatment as a way to illustrate how and why the chosen method of treatment is effective.

Riggs, P. D. (2003). Treating adolescents for substance abuse and comorbid
          psychiatric disorders. Science and Practice Perspectives, 2(1), 18–29.
          Retrieved from…
Shrier, L. A., Harris, S. K., Kurland, M., & Knight, J. R. (2003). Substance use
          problems and associated psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in
          primary care. Pediatrics, 111(6), e699–e705. Retrieved from http://….
Sterling, S., Chi, F., & Hinman, A. (2011). Integrating care for people with
          co-occurring alcohol and other drug, medical, and mental health
          conditions. Alcohol Research and Health, 33(4), 338–349.

solved The Primary Source Analysis Draft So far, you’ve read about

The Primary Source Analysis Draft
So far, you’ve read about the major assignments in this course, begun to engage with our course theme, and identified a few potential primary sources that you might analyze. Now, your task is to choose 1 primary source—a short text, video, image, or other artifact—that relates to our course theme and that you would like to work with for the rest of the semester. Once you have chosen your primary source, you will use the analytical moves described in our textbook to analyze the details and potential meanings of your primary source. The 2-3 pages of analysis that you compose about your primary source will become the foundation of future assignments: the Annotated Bibliography, the Secondary Source Integration Paper, the Analytical Research Paper, and the Symposium.
Assignment Purpose
The Primary Source Analysis is designed to help you meet three objectives:
Select a primary source that will be the foundation of the rest of your Analytical Research Project
Practice and apply the analytical moves described in our textbook
Practice developing open-ended research questions
Assessment Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper is worth 50 points and should meet the following Content and Design criteria:
Content Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper should include the following content:
An Introductory paragraph that includes basic descriptive information about your chosen primary source:
What is it?
Where did it come from?
Who made it?
Body Paragraphs that:
Provide clear, focused analysis of your primary source
Directly engage patterns of detail or meaning in your primary source
Define and explain what you observe in your primary source
A Concluding paragraph that:
Briefly summarizes the major analytical claims you’ve made about your primary source
Includes 1-3 open-ended, analytical research questions (i.e., questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”) that you can use for later assignments to think more deeply about your topic and that will help you to find useful sources for the Annotated Bibliography assignment
Design Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper should meet the following design criteria:
Your PSA should be 2-3 pages long
Your PSA should be double-spaced
Your PSA should be typed in 12-point font
Your document should have a 1” margin around the page
Important Dates
Primary Source Analysis Draft Due on Carmen: Wednesday, June 9 by 11:59 p.m.             
Peer Reviews Due on Carmen: Saturday, June 12 by 11:59 p.m.
Reflection on Peer Review (worth 25 points) Due on Carmen: Monday, June 14 by 11:59 p.m.
Revised Draft of the Primary Source Analysis (50 points) Due on Carmen: Thursday, June 17, by 11:59 p.m.
Peer Review Information
After the due date passes, you will be assigned reviews of three of your classmates’ submissions. (You’ll see them listed on your Dashboard, in the course activity stream, and on this assignment page.) Complete all three reviews, remembering to use the Describe ? Assess ? Suggest framework outlined in the Peer Review Guide, Pt. 1, to compose your responses.
The peer review system in Carmen is generally reliable, but it does have a few quirks; review Peer Review Tips for Students before beginning your reviews. If you still have trouble finding/completing your assigned reviews, consult this Canvas Guide, How do I submit a peer review to an assignment? (Links to an external site.) Be aware: reviews are automatically assigned at the due date/time, so if you submitted late, you may need to ask your instructor to assign you reviews in the peer review system.

solved You are appointed by the owner of an office building,

You are appointed by the owner of an office building, Monument Tower, as the property manager. You are currently negotiating a 5-year lease with an IT company, Extreme Vision, for 2,000 square metres of rentable space. After careful market/property analysis, you estimate that the base rent should be $250 per square metre per year. Monument Tower offers full service to all its tenants as a policy. Rent is due at the beginning of each year. Extreme Vision indicates to you that they are willing to pay $220 per square metre with step-ups of $10 per square metre each year beginning one year from now. You think that a price of $220 is too low to degrade the reputation of Monument Tower. The owner will certainly reject this price. You come up with two alternative proposals. Option A: Monument Tower offers Extreme Vision a move-in allowance of $50,000 plus tenant improvements (fitouts) worth $50,000 subject to Extreme Vision signing the lease at a flat rent of $250 for a term of 5 years. Option B: Monument Tower offers Extreme Vision to buy out its existing lease in another building. The existing lease of Extreme Vision has 1 year remaining. Its space in the other building is 2,000 square metres and the price is $200 per square metre per year. The lease agreement between Extreme Vision and its existing landlord specifies that Extreme Vision should pay 50% of the remaining rent due in a buyout. Extreme Vision signs the new lease at $250 with step-ups of $5 per square metre each year starting one year from now.(1)Using discounted cash flow method, calculate the present values and effective rents of the three options: the original proposed rent schedule from Extreme Vision, option A, and option B. The discount rate is 10%, which is the required return by the owner. Show your workings by copying the table here and state the formulas if necessary. Explain concisely. Discount rate10%Total ft2,000.00 OfferYear01234rent rate per ft220230240250260Effective rate220230240250260Sales$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 FCF$440,000.00 $460,000.00 $480,000.00 $500,000.00 $520,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$440,000.00 $418,181.82 $396,694.21 $375,657.40 $355,167.00 NPV$1,985,700.43 Option AYear01234rent rate per ft250250250250250Move in allowances$ 100,000.00 Effective rate200250250250250Sales$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 FCF$400,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$400,000.00 $454,545.45 $413,223.14 $375,657.40 $341,506.73 NPV$1,984,932.72 Option BYear01234rent rate per ft250255260265270Buyout cost$ 200,000.00 Effective rate150255260265270Sales$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 Net profit / operating cashflow$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 FCF$300,000.00 $510,000.00 $520,000.00 $530,000.00 $540,000.00 Discounted Cash flow$300,000.00 $463,636.36 $429,752.07 $398,196.84 $368,827.27 NPV$1,960,412.54 [8 marks]2) Should you recommend option A or option B to the owner? What are the benefits and costs of the three options? [6 marks]3)If you propose the selected option in part (2) to Extreme Vision, will it accept it? How could you convince them to accept the offer? Please propose another set of lease terms to make it attractive to the potential tenant while satisfying the requirement of the owner.[6 marks]ONLY REQUIRE QUESTION 2 AND 3 DONE. QUESTION 1 SOLUTION INCLUDED FOR REFERENCE

solved Cristina and Jordan are still trying to figure out how

Cristina and Jordan are still trying to figure out how and why the crime lab could have been burglarized, as described at the beginning of Unit 3. They have been toying with the possibility that it was an inside job. They have also been pondering whether they should team up with someone outside the department to solve this mystery. This idea gets more traction after they meet Patrice and Leo. This is the last lesson for this project. You will submit your project once you’ve completed this activity.If you forgot about the crime lab’s burglary, you can watch the video from the beginning of Unit 3 again, here.Patrice and Leo go to State U in a neighboring state. They are at Cristina and Jordan’s school this weekend for a debate tournament. They were shocked to hear about the case of disappearing evidence because it sounds a lot like something that happened last year at State U. Patrice and Leo end up talking to Cristina and Jordan for much of the evening about the facts of the case.Cristina and Jordan have decided to request that the police form a task force after hearing Patrice and Leo’s information. Cristina and Jordan think a task force is needed based on these facts:There are multiple crime scenes and multiple events.The crimes are ongoing.Some of the crimes happen on campus, and some do not.The campus police investigates crimes on campus.The local police department investigates crimes in town.The crimes are receiving extensive media attention.Too many people seem to have access to the case and evidence.It is not clear who is ultimately in charge of all of the cases.Help Cristina and Jordan write a brief proposal for the creation of a task force. You will need to cite not only the facts, but also what the facts mean in terms of long-term investigations and task forces (one to two sentences per fact).For example, if one fact was that federal crimes were being committed, they would need to clarify what that fact means to the task force. In this instance, you might explain that a federal agency should work on the case to meet jurisdictional requirements. You are working with Cristina to review some cases for your criminal justice class. The case you are working on now has one defendant: Mona Day. She is a student accused of involvement in terrorist activities. You do not have all the details, but you know that law enforcement has been surveilling Mona for months. They now have a clear understanding of where she goes, what she does there, and who she sees.For each piece of evidence, you and Cristina need to add some details. Use a table similar to the one below to organize your thoughts. In your notes, use bullet points to complete the table. The first two columns are already completed; the last two are yours to fill out.Hint #1: Types of electronic surveillance include audio, visual, tracking, and data. For example, the use of a body camera is a kind of visual surveillance.Hint #2: There are many ways electronic evidence can be used in court. For example, an RFID chip (which is a type of tracking surveillance) can be used to show where a suspect was at each point during the day when a crime took place. The GPS on a smartphone is also a type of tracking surveillance.Description of EvidenceContext and Where It Was Found or TakenType of Electronic SurveillancePossible Points It Could Prove in Courtfitness wristband monitortaken from Mona’s gym bag laptop search historylifted by IT from her laptop smartphone call historyMona’s smartphone Mona’s smartphone itselfMona’s purse digital recordings from a listening deviceMona’s apartment surveillance camera footageMona’s gym

solved Epistolary PoemDiscrimination and Social InjusticeDear Emily, You will be amazed

Epistolary PoemDiscrimination and Social InjusticeDear Emily, You will be amazed to learn that social injustice is a situation which has been dominant over the years.The dominant issue in the population is commonly known as inequity.People of the same kind are treated differently where some lead on others for power and relatively higher positions in the social structure.Social injustice also denotes the unjust actions performed in society.Equals are treated unequally, while unequal is treated equally.Common social injustices you will come across in the modern society include discrimination; detrimental treatment of people based on race, age or gender.Ageism refers to a system of oppression against the young and the old, favoring individuals of a particular age.Discrimination is a frequent situation common in education, housing, employment, voting and land use.In transportation, public accommodation, government benefits, and access to health care services, people are treated unequally for non-viable reasons.Discrimination is illegal, and it is prohibited by 9the federal laws of the United States.All citizens should have the freedom to equal employment opportunities, housing availability, educational opportunities and civil rights irrespective of their race, age or gender.Discrimination is unfair and always leads to an emotional breakdown and frustrations to all people who encounter it in the current society.What should be done to bring racial discrimination to an end?This has been a question that lingers in everyone’s mind for centuries.It is every individual’s desire to be treated fairly and equally, hence approving for social justice.Social justice refers to equal distribution of resources and social opportunities without considering factors related to their race, age or gender.In most cases, we hope that a domestic and a global conversation of these social injustices will stir necessary actions.We always encounter numerous police brutality scenarios against the Black residents in the United States, which shutters our dream of ever living freely and fairly regardless of our skin color.Effective means to curb discrimination is to incorporate government intervention through enacting federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on an individual’s country, race, color, gender or religion.We should also consider embracing diversity in our society.Always recognize and celebrate racial identity, cultural differences at the workplaces, schools and other social amenities.A lot could be learned from other cultures that could help us understand the diverse global perspectives and eradicate all negative stereotypes.The unequal treatment has prevailed over a long period, and it is high time it comes to an end.People are always faced with emotional baggage and are hurt whenever they are treated unequally. We should seek to live together in peace and equality.We all need to collaborate to eradicate discrimination and social injustice.Always treat the people around you equally and fairly; be an ambassador of peace and social justice.Sincerely Justin. USE THESE COMMENTS TO EDIT THE POEM1. Your letter to Emily made me wonder who Emily is?2. It is a very detailed and charged Epistolary poem which is great! 3. Though it is a letter, and you have clearly expressed what you want to share and even ask Emily in a very detailed fashion, I want you to consider again playing around with format. Perhaps breaking the letter up into sections and doing away with words you don’t need to make it fit align more of a poetry and less prose or essay feel. 4. There were numerous strong lines!Professor A.

solved Assume that your boss has asked you to prepare a

Assume that your boss has asked you to prepare a formal business report on Cross-Cultural Differences in Leadership which willbe shared at the next executive meeting. In this report they want to see well documented information on the ways cross-cultural differences affects leadership in the 21st century. Your report should contain two main parts: 1)general part, which evaluates current trends in cross-cultural communication and most relevant frameworks dealing with cross-cultural differences; 2)specific part, which evaluates how cross-cultural differences influence the performance of the chosen company with specific examples; this part should be written in a problem-solution format and end up with set of recommendations relevant for the company. In order to get A and B level grades, you must demonstrate knowledge of frameworks and studies beyond the content of the textbook and in-class explanations in your report and provide a relevant set of recommendations, targeting specific problemsyou identified in the chosen company. Avoid general recommendations which could be applied to almost any company. Requirements:Write the paper using APA style with 6-8 citations and references in addition to the textbook. All sources must have: authors, publication dates, and publishers. The paper should be at least 3000 words, should follow a formal business report format including an introduction, main body, conclusion and recommendations, and must exhibit good writing, research, and analytical skills. You do not need to include executive summary or a table of contents.Report should be written in the formal style; avoid using personal pronouns and sharing personal experience for this assignment; avoid/limit usage of charts, diagrams and other visual components, instead concentrate on making your ideas coherent, relevant and convincing.Submit your paper via Turnitin before the due date; late submissions are penalized by 10%/dayThis assignment holds a value of 20% of your final grade.Grading Rubric for Assignment #3CriteriaUnacceptable ExcellentReport Introduction❏Stated purpose & objectives of report (clear and logical)❏Clarified any limitations of report0 1 2 3 4 5Main cultural frameworks❏Discussed several frameworks outlined above❏Outlined key components of these frameworks; discuss their relevance in contemporary business environment❏Discussed each supporting point thoroughly and clearly❏Supported assertions with research0-15 16-20 21-25Cross-cultural differences in the chosen company❏Outlined main dimensions of cross-cultural differences in the company❏Identified and analyzed both positive and negative effects of these differences on company’s leadership, decision-making processes and overall performance❏Gave real-life example of such effects❏Supported assertions with research❏Tied framework components, examples & research together 0-17 18-24 25-30Report Conclusion and Recommendations❏Addressed purpose & objectives of report❏Provided a response to each problem identified Each recommendation was:❏action-oriented, concise and clearly written❏realistic and feasible ❏supported by research0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Integration of concepts from the textbook/other sources❏Used multiple sources in both main sections❏Used sources to support personal thought/opinion/idea❏Cited sources match concepts discussed❏Balanced personal thought/opinion/idea and research0-12 13-16 18-20Professionalism of the document❏Grammar, formatting, length❏Paper had all required components❏References were accurate and were all used in the report0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /100

solved Week 5 Written Assignment – My History Journal/BlogFor your blog

Week 5 Written Assignment – My History Journal/BlogFor your blog entry this week, you will write about excerpts from a Nazi Propaganda Film titled: “Triumph of the Will.” Read below for instructions about how to rent or watch the film online. You do not need to watch the entire film. The instructions will explain which sections to watch.Film: Triumph of the WillThis film is available widely, both from online sources like the Itunes Store, Amazon, and through local libraries. Obtain a copy of the film. Make sure you have a copy that contains English subtitles. Watch it in German with subtitles. DO NOT watch a dubbed version. I have found a link to the film as well. Triumph of the Will. For the purposes of the course, you are required to watch only a portion of the film (outlined below). You are encouraged to view the film as a whole.”Triumph of the Will” is a Nazi propaganda film recorded during the National Socialist or Nazi Party’s Nuremberg rallies of 1934. This digitally re-mastered copy of the film, originally filmed in 1934 and released in 1935, runs 120 minutes. It was funded by the Nazi Party, and depicts events surrounding the Nazi Party Rally (annual convention in our parlance) of 1934 in Nurenberg, Germany. It was directed by Leni Riefenstahl, a German actress turned filmmaker. The film depicts actual events from throughout the Rally, though Riefenstahl did construct some sets so that cameras could be used to record events. At some points, Hitler was filmed separately, rather than in the moment or in context. The film was shown throughout Germany, in almost every movie theater, throughout the period of the Third Reich.In a sense, the film is a primary source, as it was created in the time we are studying and by the historical actors we are considering as we explore the meaning and character of fascism. It is important to view any film, primary source or otherwise, through a critical lens.Key questions to consider while viewing this film include:Describe the content: What do you see and hear?Who was the audience?Why do you think the film was made and what is (are) its message(s)?How do techniques like editing, camera angles, music, etc., construct the image of the Nazi Party?How valuable/useful is the source for understanding the past?While it is difficult, because we have hindsight and know the war crimes committed by Germany during World War II, it is important to consider how the director uses symbols, images, camera angles, and music to elicit a positive emotional response, especially to Adolf Hitler. Pay attention to symbols of the Nazi Party and how/when they appear during the film. Think about how Hitler appears and is portrayed by the film…how Nuremberg is portrayed…how the people of Nuremberg respond to their leader.Watch:The opening credits and Hitler’s arrival (motorcade) in Nuremberg. This is the very beginning of the film and lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.The closing of the rally/closing ceremonies. It begins with a procession and ends with Hitler’s speech. This is a longer segment, 15-30 minutes.Write a paragraph reaction to “Triumph of the Will.” In the first paragraph, describe your initial reactions to the film. What did you see and hear that surprised you? What were your reactions to the interaction between the German people and Hitler…to Hitler’s speech? In the second paragraph, think about the film as a primary source. If you were a historian and were utilizing the source to understand German fascism, what information about the past could you extract? What does it tell us about this history and how reliable is the film as a source?

solved Purposes of Unit 3 Exploratory Essay Critical Reading StrategiesSummary WritingResponding

Purposes of Unit 3 Exploratory Essay Critical Reading StrategiesSummary WritingResponding to textDeepening understanding of conversationRhetorical understanding of texts and conversationPreliminary research to track conversationsExploratory writing to understand conversationCultivating complexity about conversationRevision and ReflectionAssignment DescriptionNow that you’ve had some practice summarizing different texts and analyzing how they communicate to readers, it’s your turn to join a conversation on our relationship with technology by writing an Exploratory Essay (at least 1,500 words). An Exploratory Essay invites you to explore a question of your choice related to our course theme, identify and summarize sources that help you answer that question, and develop your own purpose for writing through working out an answer to your question that explores it’s complexity. Here’s the process in a bit more detail: you will begin with one of the texts from our last unit. It may be good to begin with the text you wrote your rhetorical analysis on, but that is not necessary. Then you will use this “starting text” as a place to develop a question and apply some research strategies to find 2-3 new, related sources on the question. Then, you will learn methods for assessing the usefulness of the sources you’ve found. (It’s likely that you may need to do an additional round of research after you find gaps or overlaps in your sources). Once you’ve finalized 2-3 sources, you’ll read them carefully, write summaries on them, and respond to the ideas they’ve. Finally, you’ll synthesize them in an intentionally organized way that helps you answer your original question.There are many reasons we are turning to an exploratory essay now, at this point in the semester. For one, you’ve had an opportunity to tell your own story and perspective with a narrative and you’ve practiced advanced reading strategies that allow you to summarize and analyze a source. All of these skills will be utilized as you develop your own creative, new insight on our relationship with technology. Additionally, this project is designed as a ‘mini’ introduction to research that will provide you with a few basic research processes/strategies as well as some information literacy concepts. These new skills and knowledges will help prepare you for the larger, independent research project that you will compose in RHET102. And finally, this project has been designed to encourage you to “cultivate complexity” about a topic instead of the typical for-against, pro-con, yes-no, black-white thinking/research/arguments framework of thinking. Learning Outcomes (What you should aim to learn/accomplish with this essay)An Exploratory Essay will…Maintain a purpose by…Identify the complexity of your topic and how you are entering the conversation on it.Articulate the significance of the topic for you and your audience.Demonstrating how your thinking about your topic has deepened as a result of your preliminary research.Identify appropriate evidence by…Including accurate and effective summaries of the sources being explored.Incorporate direct quotes effectively as specific ideas to explore and respond to.Making at least one significant connection between sources that provides new insight.Demonstrates control of style by…Demonstrating clarity and organization.Making purposely grammar and mechanics choices that convey a generalized academic ethos.Incorporate direct quotes and/or paraphrases effectively and accurately to meet an academic citation genre of choice (e.g. MLA, APA, or Chicago).

solved Complete the following in the Your Career in Psychology Template:

Complete the following in the Your Career in Psychology Template:

Describe your vision for your career as a practitioner-scholar.
Discuss how you would apply the findings from your literature review to your future professional practice in psychology. 

What aspects of your research affected your vision or goals?
Given this, what topics do you think you would be interested in researching in the future?

Analyze how your work this quarter will help you accomplish the functions, responsibilities, and ethics required of a professional in your specialization. Remember to critically evaluate all information you use.
Describe how your vision was affected by the information in your readings from your Career Paths in Psychology text and in your exploration of the Career Center and other resources.

Understanding the competencies and responsibilities involved in your future career in psychology is essential for growing as a practitioner-scholar in your field. It is also necessary to understand any requirements needed for your specialized practice and scholarship.
For this step in the assignment, describe the competencies, responsibilities, ethical considerations, and other requirements needed for achieving your vision and goals as a professional in psychology. These include:

Capella program and specialization requirements.
Credentialing, certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards.
Analyze the role of the practitioner-scholar model in guiding professional development. 

Skills, abilities, and attitudes critical to success in the field of psychology, such as those related to critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, evidence-based practices, ethical integrity, cultural competence, and conflict resolution. 

Make note of skills, abilities, and attitudes related to the practitioner-scholar model and the experience you had in researching scholarly sources in your literature review.

Ethical codes, principles, laws, and policies applicable to your chosen career path.

With all this knowledge of your vision and goals, and the competencies and requirements for the field in hand, you are ready to plot your course to making these aspirations a reality. The final step in this assignment is to create an action plan to achieve your goals. This means translating the requirements for your profession and the development areas you identified into specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed (SMART) steps to achieve your vision.
Include these elements in your action plan:

Plan for completing your Capella program.
Possible opportunities for additional training or volunteer work to address gaps in your knowledge or skills.
Possible opportunities in your current position to develop additional skills.
Capella community groups and professional organizations that you could join for networking with others and completing additional informational interviews.
How you will stay current with the research, literature, and ethics in the field.
Steps you can take to become more inclusive in your professional life.
How you can apply what you have learned in this course about researching psychological literature and evaluating it in terms of reliability, credibility, ethics, and value.
How you will apply critical thinking and effective decision making in your specialization.
How you will use Capella’s support resources to develop the skills required to improve your writing and other competencies essential to the profession and to your role as a graduate learner.