solved Team project Team Project: The class will be divided into

Team project
Team Project: The class will be divided into teams. Each team will select a different case of an organization confronting managing complex change. The team will be responsible for devising a comprehensive change plan, informed by everything they have learned regarding the formulation and execution of successful complex change initiatives.
Group presentations will be done in Session 14 via the Discussion Forum. By “presenting” on Brightspace, it means that each group will post their power point and other groups will respond via the discussion board.
Each group will be responsible for submitting their case write-up (written paper and Power Point Presentation. The write-up will include an analysis of the presenting change issue, including organizational impacts and response options (if any), as well as an analysis of the comprehensive change solution, including change roles and approaches for the various stakeholders, structural changes if required, implementation detail, anticipated challenges, critical success factors, etc. Just the Power Point Presentation will be posted in the Discussion Forum. The Power Point Presentation will be posted to the discussion forum and submitted via the assignment link in Brightspace The Power Point should be no less than 10 slides. The written paper, which should be between 10 – 15 pages, will be also be submitted for grading via the Assignment link in Brightspace and should be either 11 point Calibri or 11 point Arial, and be double spaced.
Team Project Criteria
The criteria for evaluation of both the case work itself and the team process are as follows:

Quality of issue analysis (40% of project grade): Is the analysis insightful, comprehensive,

and thoughtful, going beyond superficial descriptions and organizational symptoms to
identify root cases that need addressing?

Quality of recommendations (35% of project grade): Are the recommendations and

implementation process sound, well thought through, and appropriate to the problem,
integrating the specifics of the case and organizational change “best practices?” Pay
special attention to:

Comprehensiveness and thoughtfulness of change plan design
Anticipated effectiveness of the change strategy based on implementation plan

completeness and plausibility

Attention to the management of conflicts and tradeoffs, and innovativeness.
It is important to emphasize that, as with any real-world change project, there is no single “correct” answer. Therefore, a broad range of solutions are expected and acceptable, provided they are supported by solid and well-reasoned assessment of the presenting challenges, and a sound theoretical and practical rationale for the solutions proposed and their implementation.
Strategic context (15% of project grade): Did the analysis and proposal fit the strategy context of the case? Did it show appropriate recognition of client industry, corporate strategy and sources of competitive advantage to create a compelling business case for the recommended change?
Team mutual accountability (5% of project grade): Is each member “carrying their weight”, or are one or two members carrying the team? Is the team holding itself accountable to driving an inclusive, collective performance?
Team intelligent risk-taking and Innovation (5% of project grade): Is the team’s thinking limited to its acquired learning from our materials, or is the team being creative in taking their thinking to a higher level?

*because I personal want finished by myself, so please ignore the team work part. 
The company involved is wellsfargo, I will attach a ppt for this. 

solved Clinical decision making is the process by which we determine

Clinical decision making is the process by which we determine who needs what and when. While not exactly arbitrary, this exercise can be quite subjective. Each provider compiles their own data (hence the emphasis on learning to perform an accurate H&P) and then constructs an argument for a particular disease state based on their interpretation of the “facts.” The strength of their case will depend on the way in which they gather and assemble information. There may then be no single, right way of applying diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to a particular case. Medicine involves playing the odds, assessing the relative chance that a patient is/is not suffering from a particular illness. Codifying the way in which providers logically approach problems and deal with this uncertainty is a difficult task. Relying solely on the classic features of a disease may be misleading. That is because the clinical presentation of a disease often varies: the symptoms and signs of many conditions are non-specific initially and may require hours, days, or even months to develop.Generating a differential diagnosis; that is, developing a list of the possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs, is an important part of clinical reasoning. It enables appropriate testing to rule out possibilities and confirm a final diagnosis.This case portrays a poor patient outcome after a misdiagnosis.Case scenarioA previously healthy 35-year-old lawyer presents to a primary care office with a chief complaint of chest pain and a non-productive cough. The pain started suddenly 2 hours prior to coming to the office while the patient was sitting at his desk. The patient describes the pain as sharp in nature, constantly present but made worse with inspiration and movement, and with radiation to the base of the neck. His blood pressure in the right arm and other vital signs are normal.On physical examination, the only findings of note are chest wall tenderness and a faint cardiac murmur. The ECG in the office is normal. The patient is observed for an hour in the office and assessed. He is diagnosed with viral pleurisy and sent home on non-steroidal analgesics.The following day the patient collapses at home and cannot be resuscitated by the paramedic service. An autopsy reveals a Type 1 aortic dissection with pericardial tamponade.Discussion Assignment:Developing a list of possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs is an important part of clinical reasoning.As an NP in primary care, what would you have done differently?Discuss the importance of creating a list of differentials for this patient. How could it have changed this outcome?If a serious diagnosis comes to mind based on a patient’s symptoms:Ask yourself: Have you considered the likelihood of a serious diagnosis and whether it needs to be ruled out by testing or referral?Because many serious disorders are challenging to diagnose, have you considered ruling out the worst-case scenario?Ask yourself: Do you have a sufficient understanding of the clinical presentation to offer an opinion on the diagnosis?What other diagnoses could it be? How might the treatment to date have altered the patient’s outcome?What other diagnostic and laboratory or imaging was needed in order to make a complete differential list? What support tools would you consider using in helping to create a differential diagnosis list?Are you familiar with the current clinical practice guidelines for the investigation of a suspected condition such as chest pain?Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

solved Here is the original topic of the discussion: This Discussion

Here is the original topic of the discussion:
This Discussion explores a t-test analysis. You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name. Please identify the topic assigned to you below. Please post a response of at least 500 words to the topic. Your required follow-up replies should have at least 300 words each. Please format any references in APA style and include a citation for information that you paraphrase or quote.
Topic 1
(for last names beginning with A–H): Interpreting t tests
Topic 2
(for last names beginning with I–P): types of t tests
Topic 3
(for last names beginning with Q–Z): t test limitations

for response 1

Kylie Salm posted Nov 6, 2021 11:57 AM
As we all have learned over unit seven, a t test is a hypothesis testing tool used to test an assumption of a specific population. Along with most tests, there are some drawbacks, or limitations, to t tests. One limitation of a t test is the carry over effects (“Pros and Cons of T-Test”, 2019). There are problems that go along with repeated measures instead of differences between group designs, which leads to carry over effects. Another limitation with t tests is that they cannot be used for multiple comparisons. If a t test is used for multiple comparisons, type one errors will result. As a refresher, type one errors happen when we reject a true null hypothesis (“Pros and Cons of T-Test”, 2019). As we have learned, type one errors can cause very big mistakes. With that being said, it will be nearly impossible to ever reject the null hypothesis. While there are more limitations to t tests, there are also many benefits. Before using a t test, all factors should be weighed to determine the best option. Overall, the test used will depend on what we are looking for and the data given.
Pros and Cons of T-Test. Pros and Cons. (2019). Retrieved 6 November 2021, from

for respomse 2

Pam Mclaughlin posted Nov 6, 2021 1:14 AM
This week’s discussion topic is the types of t-test. Those three types of the t-test are as follows independent samples t-test, paired sample t-test, and one sample t-test The first t-test t is an independent sample t-test .which is also known as the unpaired samples t-test as well as the most commonly used. (Urban,2005). When using the independent sample t-test you will need to compare the means for two groups. As an example, we would use this test to get the average scores of males and females on a height test. This test will tell us if there is a difference between the two groups. The second t-test is the paired sample t-test which is also known as a correlated pairs t-test, a paired samples t-test as well as a dependent samples t-test (Urban,2005)this type of t-test may be used for comparing means from the same group but at different times, such as time, year, date, etc. (Urban,2005). AS an example, we could use this test to see if there is a difference in cost for dentures between two different dentures’ specialist facilities. The third type of t-test is the one-sample t-test can be used when testing the means from one group to a known mean. As an example, by using this type of t-test somebody may want to know the sample mean so they compare it to the population mean. By using this test would definitely be appropriate use especially when you don’t know the population’s standard deviation and or if the sample size is a small scale.

APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)
Urdan, T. C. (2005). Statistics in Plain English: Vol. 2nd ed. Taylor & Francis [CAM].

solved RWS 305W Project 2: Labor Market Analysis ReportPurpose of the

RWS 305W Project 2: Labor Market Analysis ReportPurpose of the Assignment: To allow you to examine the rhetorical situations involved in communicating technical information to a lay audience. To do this, you will complete a labor market analysis of your chosen career field.Step 1: Go to the Web site for the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( You can copy this URL into the search window at the top of your screen.(THE JOB IS BECOMING A LAWYER)Step 2: Answer the following questions about your career field in paragraph form: • What is the nature of the work? • What training, other qualifications, and/or advancement are needed for you to enter and progress in your career field? • What is the outlook for the job you want to seek in your career field? • What are the earnings and wage projections for your job or career field? • What are some other occupations you can consider as an alternative (choose three), and what are the training requirements/qualifications for those positions?Step 3: Use the formatting guidelines for a short report, including the title page, headings, line spacing, and the integration of charts and graphs into your report. The paper will be approximately eight to ten pages long, single-spaced.Report Components: These components must be included in your report: • Title page • Answers to the six questions above, each designated with a heading and discussed in paragraph form. • Two charts, tables, or graphs that display and interpret pertinent quantitative information. • Conclusion that summarizes your discussion and answers these questions:Why do you want to pursue the career you have chosen? Why do you think this career is a good fit for you? What are your strengths and weaknesses and how do they enhance and/or hinder your chances of gaining employment in your desired career field?You may find the document called “Notes Concerning the Labor Market Analysis ReportActions” helpful as you write your conclusion. Pay close attention to the part of the document that discusses how to write your conclusion.Key 305W Outcomes Met with This AssignmentStudents will: • Identify individual discourse communities and find and analyze their characteristic texts, evaluate their credibility and principles, and apply relevant aspects of their information to other contexts and arguments • Analyze the details of a wide variety of writing situations (textual elements such as tone, evidence, organizational patterns, diction, even visuals) according to the author’s purpose as well as the audience’s needs and tastes • Identify how a writer uses rhetorical strategies in various genres of writing • Interpret, analyze, and evaluate demanding texts • Apply critical thinking skills and reading strategies to evaluate their own writing and the writing of fellow students • Reflect on their own progress as a working writer in relation to critical thinking and reading strategies • Develop flexible strategies for creating, revising, and editing texts • Write with an awareness of audience and purpose • Identify how discourse communities employ particular strategies for conveying, researching, evaluating, and presenting information • Analyze and choose the appropriate conventions for a range of audience expectations • Integrate a variety of appropriate sources into their writing in a way that accurately reflects the writer’s meaning and purpose • Document sources appropriately • Sustain reasonable correctness in grammar and mechanics to perform well in a variety of writing contexts and professional settings.

solved This assignment requires you to watch two Ted Talk Videos

This assignment requires you to watch two Ted Talk Videos of your choice from the list below.  These videos all relate to racism.  
1.  Which two videos did you choose and why?
2.  Describe the speaker in the video, what makes them qualified to speak on these issues?
3. What is the main theme of each talk?
4.  Tell me two things that you learned from each talk.
5.  Now I want you to compare and contrast the two videos.  Were there similar themes in the talks (other than just racism)?  What was different in the two talks, were there points that were different, or even statements that conflicted between the two videos? 
6.  Which one did you find most powerful and why?  
Below are links to the videos from which you can choose, along with a brief overview of each one:
1. (Links to an external site.)
Racism makes our economy worse — and not just in ways that harm people of color, says public policy expert Heather C. McGhee. From her research and travels across the US, McGhee shares startling insights into how racism fuels bad policymaking and drains our economic potential — and offers a crucial rethink on what we can do to create a more prosperous nation for all. “Our fates are linked,” she says. “It costs us so much to remain divided.”
2. (Links to an external site.)
Why does race matter so profoundly for health? David R. Williams developed a scale to measure the impact of discrimination on well-being, going beyond traditional measures like income and education to reveal how factors like implicit bias, residential segregation and negative stereotypes create and sustain inequality. In this eye-opening talk, Williams presents evidence for how racism is producing a rigged system — and offers hopeful examples of programs across the US that are working to dismantle discrimination.
3. (Links to an external site.)
Baratunde Thurston explores the phenomenon of white Americans calling the police on black Americans who have committed the crimes of … eating, walking or generally “living while black.” In this profound, thought-provoking and often hilarious talk, he reveals the power of language to change stories of trauma into stories of healing — while challenging us all to level up.
4. (Links to an external site.)
As America becomes more and more multicultural, Rich Benjamin noticed a phenomenon: Some communities were actually getting less diverse. So he got out a map, found the whitest towns in the USA — and moved in. In this funny, honest, human talk, he shares what he learned as a black man in Whitopia.
5. (Links to an external site.)
Fifty-three years ago, James A. White Sr. joined the US Air Force. But as an African American man, he had to go to shocking lengths to find a place for his young family to live nearby. He tells this powerful story about the lived experience of “everyday racism” — and how it echoes today in the way he’s had to teach his grandchildren to interact with police.

solved Journal Topic Consider the following topic for this week’s journal

Journal Topic
Consider the following topic for this week’s journal entry:
Read this BBC article (Links to an external site.) on how in much of Thai it is considered so impolite to say ‘no’ that there is no word for it. Reflect on what was reported, and connect it to politeness terms and other such phrasings that bring about negative face in the languages and dialects that you know. In which ways do we deflect negative face in order to deny something from someone? Is it surprising to hear that Thai has no actual way of saying ‘no’? Explain your answer.

Post your initial post by Thursday of this week. Your response should be 100-150 words in length, and you should connect the elements in the journal topic to our course in some way. You should also include your personal experiences, tying them into the course.

You won’t be able to see anyone else’s post before you write your own—and that’s on purpose. Use this time to reflect on your experiences. Remember that there are ‘no wrong answers’—so long as you use the information that we have learned thus far in the course to your work, then all is good!

Between Friday and Sunday, please reply to at least two of your colleagues’ posts. Useful comments include engaging in dialogue, reflection, or suggestion. If you find that you agree with a given response and have nothing else to add, then I challenge you to reply to someone who has a different perspective than yours, and explore the differences.
Optional: If you have any helpful resources, feel free to share them in your posts/replies

The fact that ‘no’ is regarded as so impolite in Thai, that there is no actual way of saying ‘no’ is very surprising to me. Although growing up within another Asian culture has made me quite familiar with the culture of “collective good over the individual good”, I’ve never heard of omitting the word “no’ from a language to achieve that. I feel that Thais take maintaining peace and presenting positive facades to the next level. Saying no to someone disrupts harmonious relationships, so Thais avoid directly saying no, by using “mai chai” which means “no yes”. This can lead to confusion as to what someone actually means, and I believe has led people to do the opposite of what they actually wish to do. I also can’t help but worry if not being able to express a direct no, has led to consent issues regarding sexual relationships. If someone isn’t allowed to say no explicitly, then it’s up to the listener to construe the meaning. I’m not aware of specific phrases that bring or deflect negative face in Mandarin but we do value politeness as well as the good of the group. So oftentimes we say things to show respect and generosity, for example, Asians fighting over who gets to pay the bill at a restaurant. 

2I am not familiar with the Thai and or the cultural values of Thailand so many things were surprising but I think languages of cultures that have lots of polite speech tend to be less confrontational and saving face is a huge thing as is written in the article. I think in Asia saving face or losing face might instill fear and that may drive people to have more agreeable and polite dispossitions. It was interesting to learn that they say yes to “keep the peace” and that politeness is more important than your own feelings or wants. That is very different from what is the norm in North America. And while the language may not have a way to say “no”, I think this can change in the future although it may take a while and the society and country undergoes more major developments.

solved Practice Areas, Case Law, and Legal Definitions Offering counseling services

Practice Areas, Case Law, and Legal Definitions

Offering counseling services to victims of sexual harassment; evaluating the personal injury effects on individuals following automobile accidents; determining whether it is right to take someone’s liberty away (involuntary civil commitment) in an attempt to prevent them from killing themselves and to provide them with needed psychological treatment — these are some of the roles of the forensic psychology professional in the civil court system. In this Discussion you review an area that falls under the civil court system, one in which forensic psychology could impact the outcome. You examine the case law/statutes and legal definitions related to the area you chose and consider what a forensic psychology professional would need to evaluate in this area and why.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review pages 495-509 in Introduction to Forensic Psychology. Think about the role of the forensic psychology professional in the civil court system.
Review pages 507-530 in Introduction to Forensic Psychology. Focus on the different practice areas for the forensic psychology professional within the civil court system (sexual harassment, employment compensation, involuntary civil commitment, etc.), and the case law/statues or legal definitions that relate to these areas.
Review the Web site, “Psychology Information Online: Forensic Psychology – Civil Court” and the Web links listed on the Web site. Think about the types of cases that a forensic psychology professional would deal with in the areas of personal injury, trauma, harassment, discrimination, workers’ compensation, independent medical exams, competency evaluations — wills and guardianships, autopsy, and clinical.
Select one of these civil case areas that most interests you.
Reflect upon the case law/statutes and legal definitions related to this civil case area.
Consider what a forensic psychology professional might do related to this area and why.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of the civil case area you selected. Describe the case law/statutes and legal definitions related to this area. Finally, explain what a forensic psychology professional might do related to this area.

Learning Resources


Course Text: Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2019). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application (5th ed.). Sage.
Chapter 13, “Juvenile Justice and Corrections” (pp. 495-509, 507-530)

Web Sites

APA Online: Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Divorce Proceedings
Psychology Information Online: Forensic Psychology – Civil Court

Optional Resources

Note: Because of the ever-changing nature of Web sites such as those listed below, there is no guarantee that clips or Web sites will always be available. Hence, the following links are listed as Optional Resources only. However, it is highly recommended that you view them as they will assist you in completing one or more of your assignments.
Article: Ramsland, K., Psychological autopsy for death investigation. Retrieved from
Article: Webb, D.A., (2006, May 22) Understanding the psychological autopsy. Retrieved from
Text: Lenhart, S. A. (2004). Clinical aspects of sexual harassment and gender discrimination: Psychological consequences and treatment interventions. Florence, Kentucky: Routledge..

solved In need of an explanation for the short essay questions

In need of an explanation for the short essay questions below. MGMT 312 Leadership & Motivation. Please be sure your answers are at least 75 words each. Questions with fewer than 75 words will have deductions. No direct quotes from the text.Question 1Why are conceptual skills (Skills Approach) least important in lower-level management?Question 2What are the three theoretical approaches to ethics and briefly describe what they mean.Question 3Explain the four transformational factors associated with the transformational leadership model.Question 4What is path-goal leadership and how does it differ from others? What other theory is similar to path-goal leadership?Question 5What leadership approach is considered the most dominant among the styles and why?Question 6The psychodynamic approach to leadership contends that personality is an important aspect of how we lead and how we follow. What is the concept behind psychodynamic leadership and how does it work to improve effectiveness?Question 7Explain in your own words, what is the concept of adaptive leadership in organizations?Question 8In 75 words or more, comment on the overall message of this course. What did you learn about leadership, motivation, and leadership traits?Question 9Heifetz et al. (2009) defined four adaptive challenge archetypes that aid in identifying patterns associated with adaptive work. What are the four archetypes (models) and briefly describe (in your own words) what they mean.Question 10Teams are generally defined as a group of individuals who come together to achieve an established goal. How does leadership differ when leading a team verses leading a single person?Question 11What is the overall premise of the situational theory/model?Question 12In relation to women in leadership positions, what is the concept of the “glass ceiling”?Question 13Explain the differences in working cultures in the U.S. verses Japan. How is leadership affected?Question 14What stands out as useful in authentic leadership? What is the meaning of the core competencies associated with authentic leadership per Avolio and Walumbwa (2014)?Materials:Book Title: Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives – e-book available in the APUS Online Library. Link also provided in the classroom Content section.Author: Dugan, JohnPublication Info:ISBN: 9781118864159Textbook in APA format:Dugan, J.P. (2017). Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch1 introduction & Ch 4 pages 96-111 ( Title Leadership Theory, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Ch 3Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch 5 pages 130-139 Book Title:Leadership Theory, Ch 6 pages 151-158 & Ch 7 pages 182-188 Article TitleTHE INFLUENCE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON WORKPLACE RELATIONSHIPS AND JOB PERFORMANCE. Article TitleSituational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch 5 pages 122-130 Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch 7 pages 188-196 & Ch 9 pages 241-247Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch 9 pages 247-255Book Title Leadership Theory, Ch 6 pages 158-165 Article Title Rewiring leadership Article Title Article: How BMW successfully practices sustainable leadership principles Article: Leadership Ethics in Today’s World: Key Issues and Perspectives Article: What Candy Crush Saga Teaches Us About Motivating Employees. Article: Leadership, culture and organizational change Article: Women and leadership: Gender barriers to senior management positions

solved Posts are aimed to create an open dialogue and discussion

Posts are aimed to create an open dialogue and discussion about the weekly topic. Learning occurs when students are actively engaged with each other in deep exploration of the topic. To allow this level of engagement to develop, students should thoughtfully prepare both their initial post and their peer responses for each discussion. Discussion Process:— Submit one substantive initial post, following the instructions and prompts below, no later than 2359 on Wednesday of each week. Points will be deducted if the first post is sumitted after this day/time. A substantive post must include deep exploration of the topic, relevance of the contribution to the learning experience, addressing the assigned question prompts, and supported with scholarly evidence. — After posting, you will be able to see contributions from your peers and instructor. Read and reply to one of your peers according to the instructions and prompts. Replies must be submitted no later than 2359 on Saturday of each week. Simply replying, “I agree” does not serve as a professional response, nor does it promote dialogue. Think about the post and politely express your thoughts on why you agree or what you would do differently. Students are welcome to reply to more than one post, but it is not required. Students are also welcome to post after someone has replied to your initial post. Please reply to a post that has not yet received a reply. One person’s post may need to have more than one reply due to the number of students in each group. — Use APA format for all citations and conclude your posts with a reference list (double-spacing and indentation is not required in the online forums). You are welcome to use the course text as a reference. You may also choose to use another text or professional journal article to support your thoughts and ideas.This module’s discussion overview and prompts:Part OneCase Study: Janelle had another rough night in the emergency department (ED). She cared for a 2 year old girl who arrived unresponsive following a severe beating by her mother’s boyfriend. Despite all her efforts to save her, the child died. Driving home from work, Janelle is so distracted that she ran a red light and just missed hitting a pedestrian. After the near miss, she pulled over to the side of the road and begins to sob. Read: Buurman, B. M., et al. (2011). Coping with serious events at work: A study of traumatic stress among nurses. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 17, 321-329.After reading the case study and the Buurman article, answer the questions below:1. Of the serious events detailed in the article, which one(s) did Janelle experience?2. What coping strategies might be effective in reducing risk of developing traumatic stress?3. If you are working in a health care organization/facility or know someone who does, would you like to share a traumatic event that occurred? 4. Other than what the authors recommend for further research, what do you recommend?Part Two This is real! Traumatic events happen all the time. I want to take the time to discuss and prepare you for this. If we were face-to-face, I would have this conversation in class. As I said before, the information you learn in this class is not only important for NCLEX, but also for you as you begin your career as a registered nurse. I know of too many nurses who were not prepared for traumatic events and left the profession. I don’t want this to happen to you.1. After students post their initial response, consider their perspectives. Respond to a fellow student, respectfully commenting on their post.

solved For this assignment, you will prepare for a direct examination

For this assignment, you will prepare for a direct examination in courtroom testimony. In the direct examination, your credentials and background are reviewed to demonstrate to the court that you are qualified as an expert in the matter at hand. How you were brought into the case, the methodology you brought to bear on the psycho-legal issues, and your overall findings are all typical topics minimally covered in the direct examination.The direct examination poses a challenge for the expert and the attorney who hired the expert. The bases for the expert’s opinion must be brought forth in a way that satisfies the rules of evidence and that is sensible to judge or jury. At the same time, since the later cross-examination is typically limited to issues raised in direct examination, more is not better, since it provides greater cross-examination opportunity. Striking a balance is typically orchestrated by the attorney but requires strong communication between attorney and the expert.Assignment OrganizationComplete the following parts of this assignment.Part 1: Training, Credentials and ExpertiseProvide answers for each of the following 10 questions:Name?Occupation, title, position?Place of employment?Duties and function of current position?Academic degrees (where and when obtained)?Licensing in field and in which state (or states)?Length of time licensed?Length of time practicing in this field?Number of these types of examinations you have conducted? When and where were they conducted?Number of times you have testified as an expert witness in this field?AND your choice of three of the following:Board certified as a specialist in this field? Length of time certified as a specialist?Positions held since completion of formal education, and length of time in each position?Teaching or lecturing by you in your field? When and where did you teach?Publications by you in this field and publication titles?Membership in professional societies, associations, and organizations, and special positions in them? Requirements for membership and advancement within each organization?Honors, acknowledgments, and awards received by you in your field?Note: You should answer a total of 13 questions for this part of the assignment.Part 2: Methodology, Findings, and OpinionsAddress the following questions that will be asked by the attorney who retained you based upon your forensic report:Doctor, please describe the evaluation you conducted. That is, what were you asked to do?What information did you obtain as part of your evaluation? Describe your methodology.Were you able to render an opinion? What was your opinion? Please explain your opinion and how you arrived at it.Did you render a diagnosis? Can you explain that for the court?Did you administer any psychological testing? What were your findings? Why did you choose this test (or these tests)?Part 3: Testimony EffectivenessAfter addressing each of the questions asked above, consider your approach to answering those questions. Evaluate the strengths and weakness of your testimony. Consider the following:Your training and experience.Your approach to staying within ethical boundaries regarding the ultimate issue when offering your psycho-legal opinion. What are the factors to consider?Additional RequirementsFormatting: Create headers for each part and include the questions with your answers for Part 2.Length: 4-5 double spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.………