solved The purpose of this assignment is to create marketing communications

The purpose of this assignment is to create marketing communications recommendations for a marketing campaign
There are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.  
Step 1: Refer to the same product/service used for Week    4 assignments.  

The same product/service used for Weeks 4 will be the subject of this assignment.    
 Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.  

Step 2: Complete each of the following tasks as they relate to your product/service. Note the research and references requirement.  
I. The Marketing Message
Your client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client’s brand value proposition and positioning. This message much reach consumers to create awareness and generate need with those potential customers. 

Define the Segment. Refer to your Market Segmentation Memo from Week 4.  

Describe the segment you recommended for this client in Week 4. You may refine the segment based on any feedback you have received. Present here the revised or updated segment description.  
Discuss the purpose of your client’s marketing communication with this segment.  
Define the Value Proposition. Refer to the value proposition from your Value Proposition Memo from Week 2.  
Refer to the value proposition you identified for this client in Week 2. Adapt that value proposition to your new segment. You also may refine the value proposition based on any feedback you have received. Present here the new value proposition that you will use to create the message for the new segment. 

Create the message.  

Create and provide here an example message that would be appropriate to resonate with your new market segment for the client’s purpose.  See the “Integrated Marketing Strategies” learning resource. Use words and/or images. 

II. The Marketing Communication Tools  

Choose the tools. You have determined the message. Now, you’ll consider the marketing communication mix. What are the best marketing communications or promotional tools for this message?  
Consider the promotion tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Begin by identifying for yourself which ones are not appropriate and why. Present two tools you recommend for communicating this message to this target segment. Choose and discuss at least two different tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Your choices must reflect the characteristics of your target segment. 

For the two promotional tools you recommended in this section, add additional detail. For example, if “events and experiences” was one of your recommendations, provide an example of an event that would be appropriate to communicate the message to your target segment.   

III. Recommendations (Summary and Conclusion) 

The right message and medium for the segment. What is the message and the medium you recommend to reach this new target consumer segment?  
The segment: Summarize the new segment you created. You are reminding the client of the goal. 
The message: Present the message appropriate for the segment. Use words and/or images. 

The promotion tool: Present at least two different promotional tools from the major modes of communication, along with an example for each.  

How to integrate the marketing communications? Make some specific recommendations for your client to best integrate the message and the marketing communications you have recommended. 

solved In order to answer the questions on the assignments you

In order to answer the questions on the assignments you will need to listen to the recordings and refer to other subjects and chapters that we have studied. Jot notes as the song plays.  When you write up your final draft please try to keep the answers short, succinct, and to the point.  Many of the questions ask you to draw your own conclusions based on your observations as you listen to the music. Base your answers on your own listening and critical thinking.
Many of you may have these songs. If not, you can find them on the internet. In many cases you will be unable to answer the questions if you only listen to the music once. You may have to listen several times and read information about the music and the artist.
Occasionally you will be able to find the answers (or at least some good hints!) in your research. In these cases, do not quote the text in your answer ONLY. You cannot get an “A” grade for quoting the text – your grade will be lowered for including extensive uncredited quotations, especially if your answer does not demonstrate your own understanding of the themes and the music. At a minimum you must restate the concepts in your own words, and pull quotes for support. Please reference the readings in your essay to substantiate your arguments. You may also pull from the videos and lyrics to weave them into your essay to support your claims.  
1. Listen to Mahalia Jackson’s version of “Trouble of the World,” Goodie Mob’s “Free”, and Outkast’s “You May Die”, Big KRIT’s “Live From the Underground” (Reprise)

To what genre does each song belong?
Identify the primary themes of each. For example, where is the notion of truth and justice? How are they formulated? In other words, through which Africanisms are these themes expressed?
How are they different and similar?
Can we place these songs in a historical context?  How so or not.

2. Listen to Eddie Harris’ “Compared to What” versus Outkast’s “DEEP”

To what genre does each song belong?
Identify the primary themes?
How do they deal with realness in their respective songs? Explain.
Can we find elements of balance, reciprocity, truth, harmony, justice, order, and righteousness in these songs? Explain and identify where.

3. Listen to Killah Priest’s “One Step” and Nas’ “One Mic.”

What are the primary themes of each song?
How are they different and similar?
What issue is dealt with in these songs? What relevance do these songs have to African American culture, history, and musical expression?

4. Listen to Nas’ “The World is Your’s” and Young Jeezy’s “Crazy World.”

What are the similar themes in each song?
When themes repeat, is there much variation in the repetitions????
When were the songs recorded? Although Nas’ version was genuinely revolutionary for its time, Jeezy’s treatment of the world is equally radical. What is the most striking difference between Jeezy’s version and Nas’? 

5. Listen to Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and Outkast’d “Liberation”

What are the main points of this song?
How is mental health – particularly the mental health of youth – narrated in these two songs?

6. Listen to Future’s “March Madness.” Compare it to his “Mask Off” and the flute sample used in “Mask Off”.

What are the primary themes in each song?
How are these themes described and articulated?
What issues are dealt with in each song?
What is the original song about that “Mask Off” pulls from? Can you draw any similarities in thematic purpose between the two?

solved I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Post #1 In 1959 When Madeleine Leininger coined the phrase “nurse-anthropologist’, to define the comparison between nursing and anthropology by inking their philosophical and theoretical similarities, it was a brainstorm idea. (Leininger, 1970). She followed it up with a book focusing on the diverse cultures and subcultures in the world and how that influences health and illness beliefs, values, and practices in order to know how to give adequate nursing care to a culture-specific population. (Leininger, 1991, p. 491) Within each culture you will find a special set of unique values, beliefs, and patters of behaviors within the members that share that culture, within those cultures you will find subcultures who do or do not follow all the values, beliefs, and particular patterns of behaviors in their families or communities. (Nies & McEwen, 2019, p. 600). Culture is one of the social determinants of health in today’s society. Our culture gives us a basis for, trust of the unknown, can a women talk to a man, our religious/faith values, do we believe in industrial health care, do I drive, my food intake and kinds of food, do I talk to my neighbors, do I have friends, alcohol, and tobacco use, do I watch TV or have social media just to name a few. By taking a few minutes and understanding the diverse cultures in your community, you will understand better how to serve that community’s needs, how you approach education, for example. Will you storm the neighborhood with leaflets, talk on local radio shows, go to schools/church’s, will the community be able to get to the local resources available, will they except any help outside their culture at all? Our time and resources are limited, knowing how to best use those resources is vital to the success of community/public health nurses anywhere. Leininger M.M. Nursing and anthropology: two worlds to blend. New York: Wiley; 1970. Leininger M.M. Culture, care, diversity, and universality: a theory of nursing. New York: National League for Nursing Press; 1991. Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community public health nursing (7th ed.). . Post#2 For nurses to better understand the patient and assess the patient’s needs requires understanding the social determinants of health.” These include, but are not limited to, an understanding of the more complex and less apparent drivers of health such as neighborhood safety, discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and job security” (Thornton & Persaud, 2018). SDOH has an impact on people’s health, and the goal is to reduce health inequality. Resources help improve the quality of life by having access to healthcare, safe housing, free education, food, and an environment free of toxins. Helpful resources include information about a food bank that produces healthy food or connecting with an agency that offers transportation to and from the doctor’s office at little to no cost. Nurses need to assess the patient’s social factors and advocate SDOH interventions. At my place of employment, BCMA, an EMR tool used, questions the patient’s insecurities. Should a patient admit to homelessness or feel unsafe, the nurse notifies social work during the interview process. The social worker evaluates the patient and helps provide safe housing and food. Reference Thornton, M., & Persaud, S. (2018, November). Preparing Today’s Nurses: Social Determinants of Health and Nursing Education. OJIN, 23(3). 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No03Man05

solved Part 1 According to Bullock et al. (2017), “tens of

Part 1
According to Bullock et al. (2017), “tens of billions of dollars have already been spent by DHS and other agencies with related missions on developing and exploiting technologies for use in the fight against terrorism and, on occasion, for emergency management in general” (p. 657). However, not all the technology developed has been successful. Read Chapter 12 in Bullock et al. Research and Development Efforts.
Bullock, J.A., Haddow, G.D., & Coppola, D.P. (2017). Homeland security: The essentials (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann Publications
Respond to the following:

Question 1: Is federal funding better spent on all-hazards first-responder preparedness, or on research and development (R&D) efforts to find new emergency management solutions for terrorist hazards?
Question 2: Based on the Fiscal Year 2015 funding levels for both these activities (as listed throughout Chapter 12), would the American public be better served by transferring funding from R&D to first-responder preparedness, or vice versa? Provide specific examples to support your answer.

Part 2
Surprisingly, Hurricane Sandy became a “perfect storm.” This storm ended up as a major event. It was responsible for 72 deaths and approximately 69 billion dollars in damage (National Weather Service, 2012). Hurricane Sandy falls right behind Hurricane Katrina with the amount of damage and devastation it caused. It truly tested the readiness of the Department of Homeland Security.
These websites provide an overview of the damage and recovery from Hurricane Sandy:

Hurricane Sandy, National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office. (Links to an external site.)
Sandy recovery Office, FEMA. (Links to an external site.)
“Superstorm Sandy: Facts About the Frankenstorm,” LiveScience. (Links to an external site.)

Bullock et al.. (2017) concludes that new methods versus traditional methods of communication with the public were used for the first time.
Bullock, J.A., Haddow, G.D., & Coppola, D.P. (2017). Homeland security: The essentials (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann Publications
Sharp, T. (2012, November 27). Superstorm Sandy: Facts about the frankenstorm. LiveScience. Retrieved from…
National Weather Service. (2012, October 29). Hurricane Sandy. Retrieved from
For this discussion, your instructor will form groups of two or three and post the list on the forum.  Get acquainted with your partner and work together to devise a response to the discussion question. Post your finalized group response to the discussion board.
Hurricanes Katrina, and Sandy and Crisis Communication
Respond to the following:

Question 1: Discuss how the role of traditional media in crisis communications has changed by comparing and contrasting Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy.
Question 2: Discuss the emergence of social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube as a preferred means of communications before, during, and after each disaster.
Question 3: Identify and discuss the four critical assumptions underlying the crisis communications efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the 2000’s.
Question 4: In preparing for Hurricane Sandy, many tasks and plans/procedures were put into place by local, state and federal governments to handle and mitigate this event. In retrospect, what parts of these plans/procedures do you deem as a failure? What did we learn from Katrina? What parts were a success?          

solved Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it

Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it in essay form. At the beginning of your essay, please include the question that you have chosen to answer for this. This essay should cover at least 1 single- spaced typewritten page with a 12 point, Times New Roman font. Essays that are just summaries of the course material will not do well. I want an organized, well-written, and clearly expressed essay led by your thesis position, made by your arguments, and supported by course content as evidence. (no other references except for course content).ESSAY QUESTIONSRead the questions carefully to figure out exactly what I am asking you to answer.Considering all those who could be affected, is it an overall benefit or detriment for the rights of everyone in the country for a court to be able to use the “exclusionary rule” and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine” to exclude illegally obtained evidence?In Lochner v. New York, Justice Peckham disagreed with the viewpoint of the New York State Legislature that a law regulating sanitary conditions and working hours for a bakery legitimately related to the safety or health of a community. Do you think that our Constitutional rights and liberties are better protected if a Court can substitute its policy judgment in place of a competing one made by a Legislature or if a Court restricts itself to deciding whether a law is expressly consistent with the Constitution? (You can use the Lochner case as an example in your essay, but you may use other cases as well.) In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court required that a state law claiming to regulate public health and safety must be necessary and reasonable for it to survive a valid citizen claim that the law affected their Constitutional rights. However, not every Court uses those two limitations. When a Court does not use them, does it allow the concept of State Police Power to extend the reach of the Tenth Amendment too far? Do you agree with the majority in Kelo v. City of New London that the “public use” requirement from the “Takings” clause of the 5th Amendment can be properly satisfied if the government had a legitimate “public purpose” in using eminent domain to take the private property from one private citizen and give it to a private company to own? Should Copyright be considered as a right with a similarly high level of importance and protection as the fundamental rights expressly recognized in our Amendments rather than as an incentivized privilege that the government only grants for a limited time? One purpose of Trademark law is to protect consumers from confusion as to which company a product or service comes from. Therefore, is it an overall benefit or detriment to consumers when a very well-known brand name for a company or its product/service loses its legal status as a valid Trademark due to a finding of “Genericide” by a court?There are five pairs of words below. The first word is a brand name, and the second word is a product type. The legal strength of each brand name fits into one of the five different categories of the “distinctiveness spectrum” of Trademark. For this question you need to do 2 things: A) Name the spectrum category that you think applies to each brand name, B) Explain why the category that you choose for each name is appropriate based on the legal description of the category and level of protection that category gets.a) “Blanket” hamburgersb) “Sodium Chloride” seasoningc) “Illuminating” lampsd) “Flryzx” watchese) “Atlas” mattresses

solved Research Paper #1:Please, review the following case study. The following

Research Paper #1:Please, review the following case study. The following questions with guide your research paper. Lorrie is 16 years old and 75 pounds overweight. Her father is a school bus driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Her mother works for a sewing company. She is overweight with high LDL levels. She is taking two antihypertensive medications at present time. At a recent health science fair at Lorrie’s school, a student-led screening clinic documented Lorrie’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg. The family immigrated from Honduras 5 years ago and they do not have health insurance. During health science fair, the following data was recorded: 55% of the students with BMI 25.0 to <30 and 15% of the students with BMI 30.0 or higher.Consider yourself a community health nurse. (The research paper is not a question-and-answer document / format. Use the following questions as a guidance for your research paper).Is obesity a major health issue in the United States? According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NCHS, CDC; BRFSS, 2012), how is obesity defined?What is your role as a community nurse? What risk factors should be explored for Lorrie’s family for cardiovascular disease? Mention social determinants of health in this case. Incorporate the concepts of health promotion and risk reduction. Would you apply any of the behavioral change models to address health promotion and risk reduction in this case (theoretical frameworks of behavioral change / models discussed on Chapter 5 of textbook). Describe your selection. Public health nurses use statistics to demonstrate the need for obesity program development and community interventions. According to the most recent CDC data: What data were identified about obesity in children and adults? Is there a necessity of planning a community nursing intervention? How will you do that? Will you work alone or in collaboration / teamwork? Will you look for funding? How?If you decide to do a community intervention. How would you evaluate the community-level intervention(s)? Will you use social marketing to change health behaviors or beliefs, social or cultural norms, or community standards to improve health or benefit society. Which resources will you use?Mention research studies that support any of the above (1 through 9) (mention at least 3 research studies in the paper). General directions:You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment). 2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include a cover page and reference page per 7th edition APA guidelines. 3. The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), double spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).research paper:Include the following components in your research paper: a. Title Page b. Introduction c. Problem Statement d. Population of Interest e. Key concepts such as: obesity, social determinants of health, health promotion and risk reduction, role of community health nurses. f. Theoretical frameworks of behavioral change / models g. Planning community intervention / Funding h. Evaluate the community-level intervention i. Social marketing / resources j. Research studies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles) k. Conclusion l. References Page

solved Excel #3 is a formative assessment designed to help you

Excel #3 is a formative assessment designed to help you prepare a Statement of Cash Flows.
You will be using the data provided in the ExcelProblem_3_DuLang_Template.xlsx worksheet.  Feel free to use the existing worksheet to complete your problem.  If you can’t access the worksheet there is a pdf of the worksheet below.
You are to complete, in good form, a Statement of Cash Flows for DuLang Industries for the Year Ended December 31, 2019, using Excel.
Good form means the statement must use proper headings, titles, and dates. Underlines, dollar signs, and double underlines where appropriate, please.
Use Excel to do the math for you. When you can use either cell references or formulas.  Typing in numbers when you are able to use cell references or formulas will result in a loss of points.
In the worksheet, I have added a “Difference Column” which serves as a starting point for your assignment. 
If you haven’t yet accessed the Statement of Cash Flows Step by Step check it out, it will help enormously in the preparation for this statement.
Statement of Cash Flows Step by Step
Statement of Cash Flows
The five steps used to prepare the statement of cash flows by the indirect method are:

Step 1: Complete the cash flows from operating activities section using net income and adjusting for increases or decreases in current assets (other than cash) and current liabilities. Also, adjust for gains or losses on long-term assets and non-cash expenses such as depreciation expense.
Step 2: Complete the cash flows from investing activities section by reviewing the long-term assets section of the balance sheet.
Step 3: Complete the cash flows from financing activities section by reviewing the long-term liabilities and equity sections of the balance sheet.
Step 4: Compute the net increase or decrease in cash during the year. The change in cash is the key reconciling figure for the statement of cash flows and must match the change in cash reported on the comparative balance sheet.
Step 5: Prepare a separate schedule reporting any non-cash investing and financing activities.

+- Cash Flows from Operating Activities
+/-Net income or net loss
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities
+ Depreciation/amortization
+/- Gains/losses on sales of long term assets
+/- Increases/Decreases in current assets other than cash
+/- Increases/Decreases in current liabilities
= Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities
+/- Cash Flows from Investing activities
+Cash received from sales of long term assets
-Acquisitions of long term assets
=Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities
+/- Cash flows from Financing activities
+Cash receipts from sale of stock
+/- Cash receipts from sale or cash paid purchase of treasury stock
+Cash receipts from issuance of bonds or notes payable
-Cash payments to retire bonds payable or pay notes payable
-Cash payments of dividends
=Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities
=Net increase (decrease) in cash (total all three activities)
An increase in a current asset other than cash causes a decrease in cash.
A decrease in a current asset other than cash causes an increase in cash.
An increase in a current liability causes an increase in cash.
A decrease in a current liability causes a decrease in cash.

solved PART ONE In the media introduction to this module, it

PART ONE In the media introduction to this module, it was suggested that you as a nurse have an important role in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). With a focus on patient care and outcomes, nurses may not always see themselves as contributors to the development of new systems. However, as you may have observed in your own experience, exclusion of nurse contributions when implementing systems can have dire consequences.In this Discussion, you will consider the role you might play in systems development and the ramifications of not being an active participant in systems development.To Prepare:Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as presented in the Resources.Reflect on your own healthcare organization and consider any steps your healthcare organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new health information technology system.Consider what a nurse might contribute to decisions made at each stage of the SDLC when planning for new health information technology.Post a description of what you believe to be the consequences of a healthcare organization not involving nurses in each stage of the SDLC when purchasing and implementing a new health information technology system. Provide specific examples of potential issues at each stage of the SDLC and explain how the inclusion of nurses may help address these issues. Then, explain whether you had any input in the selection and planning of new health information technology systems in your nursing practice or healthcare organization and explain potential impacts of being included or not in the decision-making process. Be specific and provide examples. Supported by at least three current, credible sources. Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style. PART TWO As your EBP skills grow, you may be called upon to share your expertise with others. While EBP practice is often conducted with unique outcomes in mind, EBP practitioners who share their results can both add to the general body of knowledge and serve as an advocate for the application of EBP.In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry. To Prepare:Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP.Post at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why. Identify at least two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use. Be specific and provide examples. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified. RUBRIC Main Posting45 (45%) – 50 (50%)Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.Supported by at least three current, credible sources. Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

solved Throughout the course, various principles and content for designing, planning,

Throughout the course, various principles and content for designing, planning, and managing sport facilities have been reviewed, researched, and addressed. When considering the overall content, the final assignment for the course includes interviewing a sport facilities professional in your local area. This sport facilities manager can be a manager of an aquatic facility, community center, high school sport field’s manager, or any type of sport facility manager that oversees and manages a sport facility. The interview can occur over the phone or in person. In your paper, you will
Conduct the interview over the phone or in person using the 10 questions listed below.
Summarize the questions and the facilities sport manager’s responses.

Include course related content to support the discussion in the responses.
Include a brief introduction on the type of facility, the use and purpose for the facility, whether it is a private or municipal facility, and which segment of the public the facility serves.
On the title page, please include the name of the facility, and the name of the town/city where the facility is located. The name of the facility manager is not required.
Interview Questions:

Which skills and qualification do you consider relevant for a sport facility manager?
What do you think are important factors when designing and planning the construction of a sport facility?
Based on your experience working as a sport facility manager, what are some of the changes or innovations in the planning or design of sporty facilities?

How did the Americans With Disabilities Act impact the design and physical construction of this facility?
How does the Americans With Disabilities Act influence what you do on a day-to-day basis while managing and maintaining the facility?
How important are sound risk management practices in the design, planning, and management of sport facilities?
What advice would you give to a new sport facilities manager with limited experience as a facility manager related to effective risk management practices?
Based on your experience, how can a sport facility manager most effectively prevent legal liability or law-suits as to the events, attendees, and participants in a sport facility?
When considering the funding of sport facilities, where was the funding obtained to construct this facility?
What is the most important factor in managing a safe and public friendly sport facility?
In your paper,
Identify a sport facilities manager in the local community.
Identify the name of the facility and the name of the town/city where the facility is located.

Include a brief introduction on the type, history, use, and purpose of the facility, whether it is a private or municipal facility, and which segment of the public the facility serves.
Conduct an interview with the sport facility manager over the phone or in person.

Summarize the questions and the facilities sport manager’s responses.
Compare the interview responses obtained in the interview to the content outlined in the course related to the specific topic.
Outline a detailed comparison of the interview responses with the course content.
Include a review of the interview responses obtained from the interviewee.
Expand on any responses that you felt were vague or incomplete.
Support your discussion with course content.

Identify the skills and competencies from Week 3 that your interviewee also identified as applicable based on the job description identified in Week 2 and the interview.

Explain how the interviewee applied the skills or competencies.

solved Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’

Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’ Discussion PromptsDiscussion:What are the pros and cons to Consumer Driven Health Plans? Provide detailed examples where appropriate.Do you believe Consumer Driven Health Plans are here to stay, and what are the plans of the future?Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts. Your responses should include elements such as follow-up questions, a further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made.ALL citations and references needs to be APA 7th edition format. THANK YOU!Peer# 1I do believe consumer driven Healthcare plans (CDHPs) are here to stay. “Many healthcare stakeholders see CDHPs as products that create mutual benefits for payer organizations and consumers, because they hold health plans and consumers responsible for efficient use of healthcare services and spending” (Beaton, 2017). Consumers have a choice of high deductibles coupled with tax-advantaged personal health spending accounts (HSAs) to increase consumer accountability for their own health care spending. There is an opportunity for health savings accounts, flexible spending arrangements, health reimbursement, opportunity for employers to offer healthcare benefits, arrangements, and medical savings accounts all bring tax benefits along with them. “Lower premiums, or monthly payments, are the major advantage of CDHPs over traditional benefit plans. According to an analysis from the Health Care Cost Institute, people with CDHPs spent $540 less per year on health care than those with traditional plans” (, 2018). There are some disadvantages to CDHPs is that there is a lot of out-of-pocket costs required each year if you use the plan frequently (Smith, 2017). With this type of high deductible expense plan you will have to constantly watching your spending.I do believe thr plan for the future is to continue to allow the consumer to have as much controll as possible when it comes to their healthcare plan and making decisions of what plans will better suite them and their family.Peer# 2Hello everyone, A consumer driven health plan (CDHP) is a health plan that provides information and incentives to encourage enrollees to make wise healthcare choices (Nowicki, 2015). A CDHP is a marriage of a high deductible health plan (HDHP) with a payment account, such as a health savings account (Sazci, 2020). There are many pros and cons to consumer driven plans, as listed below.Pros:If the enrolled individuals are relatively healthy, they save moneyThose under these plans spend less on unnecessary care (Myth vs. Fact, 2008)Put the “power” in hands of those enrolled in the plan (Myth vs. Fact, 2008)Cons:25% lower rate of satisfaction compared to traditional employer-managed plans (Myth vs. Fact, 2008)These plans deter people from necessary care due to the high deductibles (Myth vs. Fact, 2008)Shift more costs to sicker individuals; favor the “wealthy and healthy” (Myth vs. Fact, 2008)I think that consumer driven plans will continue to grow in popularity in coming years. HDHP’s are the only plan type that has grown in terms of enrollment rates across the last decade (Sazci, 2020). Between 2010 and 2018, the number of people enrolled in consumer driven health plans tripled, and today around 30% of workers are covered by these plans (Sazci, 2020). Consumer driven health plans save money, and with the current economic status of the country, I believe that these plans are here to stay.