solved Skill(s) Being Assessed: Communication (active listening, oral communication) Criteria for

Skill(s) Being Assessed: Communication (active listening, oral communication)
Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:

Create a 1–2 minute audio response with clear and consistent sound quality throughout.
Address all aspects of the problem identified clearly, cohesively, and concisely.
Tailor the content, tone, and language of your response to the audience.
Summarize the speaker’s message, incorporating all of the speaker’s main points clearly.
Convey openness and approachability.
Appropriately use informal and formal language.

What to submit/deliverables: Informal voicemail to a colleague (Kaltura or mobile device to record voicemail).
What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice active listening and oral communication in a workplace setting, all of which continues to hone your communication skill. You will demonstrate the use of appropriate tone and language, and practice conveying openness and approachability in your response to a co-worker. Whether at work or at home, it is critical to tailor approachability and language depending on the audience and purpose.
Communication is a universal skill and one you will continue to refine as you progress throughout your professional and academic careers. This assignment asks you to use what you’ve learned in the first three weeks of the course about active listening, audience analysis, and responding in the workplace. Worried about where to start? The good news is that you’ve already established your foundation with these practices by reading through Chapters 1, 3, and 6 in The Art of Public Speaking. This assignment will use what you learned in those chapters to help you record and compose your responses.
Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication skill. You will do this by applying active listening and oral communication strategies to appropriately reply to a voicemail message from your co-worker.
What you need to complete this assignment: To complete this assignment, you will need the following resources:

Assignment Overview Video.
Voicemail from your co-worker.
Kaltura or mobile device.
Chapter 3 in the textbook.

Scenario: Your organization recently shifted to remote work. Since that time, you have heard complaints from a few co-workers concerning the lack of collaboration tools and difficulty effectively collaborating in a remote environment. Your co-worker recently left you a voicemail expressing extreme frustration with the lack of collaboration tools and has asked if there is something that can be done to help the organization select and implement a collaboration tool.
To address the problem of lack of collaboration software, you will reply to your co-worker to acknowledge their concerns and let them know you are planning to establish a task force to research effective collaboration tools and suggest replacement technology.
Steps to complete: In Week 3, complete and submit your assignment in BlackBoard using the following steps:
STEP 1: Listen to the voicemail from your co-worker
STEP 2: Record a 1–2 minute audio message to your coworker in which you:

Acknowledge your co-worker’s concerns by summarizing their message and asking any clarifying questions.
Outline your plans to help resolve the issue by establishing a task force to research effective collaboration tools.
Reiterate your understanding and empathy for your coworker’s concerns and that you will be available for further discussion as needed.

STEP 3: Submit your audio file to Blackboard in Week 3.


WRITE A response EITHER AGREEING/ DISAGREEING FOR FUTHER ELABORATING ON THE SUBJECT POSTED BY CLASSMATE.PLEASE:- minimum of 150 words or more- strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED – scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.- please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.PLEASE, SEE BELOW CLASSMATE DISCUSSION ANSWER AND WRITE A response EITHER AGREEING/ DISAGREEING FOR FUTHER ELABORATING ON THE SUBJECT POSTED BY CLASSMATE. (W4 DQ2 CL)One relevant public health database for my organization that is very helpful is CDC Wonder. CDC Wonder is an online database that utilizes a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data. Reports and other query systems are also available via this database. CDC WONDER manages nearly 20 collections of public-use data for U.S. births, deaths, cancer diagnoses, tuberculosis cases, vaccinations, environmental exposures, and population estimates, among many other topics. These data collections are available as online databases, which provide public access to ad-hoc queries, summary statistics, maps, charts, and data extracts. Most of the data are updated annually; some collections are updated monthly or weekly (2021).Because CDC WONDER furthers CDC’s mission of health promotion and disease prevention by speeding and simplifying access to public health information for state and local health departments, the Public Health Service, and the academic public health community. CDC WONDER is valuable in public health research, decision making, priority setting, program evaluation, and resource allocation (2021).A basic analysis of the National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Data on CDC WONDER shows that how mortality data available on CDC WONDER are national mortality and population data produced by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mortality information is collected by state registries and provided to the National Vital Statistics System. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate contains a single underlying cause of death, and demographic data. The number of deaths and death rates can be obtained by place of residence (United States national, state, and county when available), age group, race, Hispanic ethnicity, gender, and cause of death (4-digit ICD-10 codes, 113 selected causes of death, 130 selected causes of death for infants, and categories for injury intent and mechanism, or drug / alcohol induced causes of death, when available). One way this helps my organization is because mortality rates are studied and evaluated by an Epidemiologists who works in conjunction with other health professionals to study patterns, mediums of transmission, or determinants of a specific health event within a particular population. Epidemiologists play an integral part in the maintenance of the overall health and wellness of many specific populations.Lastly, the field of epidemiology works continuously with public health surveillance, creating a system in which patterns and health outcomes of health-related events undergo continuous monitoring; this is especially important in the fields of medicine focusing on upstream factors and preventative health issues. ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). CDC wonder. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

solved The healthcare system has not only undergone drastic changes in

The healthcare system has not only undergone drastic changes in past decades but also continues to evolve. What are the factors that are driving the changes? How is healthcare delivered differently from in the past? How are the changes impacting stakeholders? All of these are important questions to ask in order to achieve continuous improvement in the healthcare system.
This assignment will help you explore the history of the healthcare system in the United States and analyze the importance of history in reforming the policies and laws for improvement. You will analyze the influence of stakeholders on the formation and reformation of policies and laws. Also, you will describe how the needs and interests of stakeholders and interest groups influence the decision-making process. This assignment will help you understand how the healthcare system has evolved in the United States and the role of stakeholders in this evolution.
To complete this assignment, you will write a short paper to share your research findings on the chosen health law or policy. Essentially, you will select one healthcare policy or law in the United States and conduct research to understand its history and importance in the decision-making process. Using Bardach’s eightfold path model, you will analyze the policy and explain the role of stakeholders in policy or law reformation. Last, you will describe the key stakeholders you identified as drivers for your chosen policy or law.
You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Selection of the Policy or Law: Describe the policy or law you have selected, explaining why you have chosen this policy or law.
History of Policy or Law: Describe the history of the policy or law you have chosen, explaining why it is essential. Consider the following questions in your response:

Why is understanding the history of the policy or law essential in decision making about the policy or law?

What are the three significant milestones and driving factors in the history of the chosen policy or law?

Influence of Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Using Bardach’s eightfold path model, describe how stakeholders and interest groups can be involved when approaching change in the chosen policy or law. Consider the following questions in your response:

Who are the key stakeholders and interest groups for the selected policy or law?
What could be the impact of noninvolvement of stakeholders and interest groups in policy or law reformation?

How do the needs and interests of stakeholders and interest groups impact the change in the chosen policy or law?
Key Drivers of Policy or Law: Explain how stakeholders were key drivers for the chosen policy or law. Consider the following questions in your response:
Which key stakeholders are key drivers as well for the policy or law?

Which stakeholders and/or interest groups are most impacted by the chosen policy or law?
Proposed Changes or Amendments:Explain what you would like to see changed in the chosen policy or law and why. Consider the following questions in your response:

How will you approach the change implementation process?
In five years, how will historical reviewers view your proposed changes?
How will these changes benefit underserved/vulnerable populations?

solved GIMake a comprehensive list of relevant information to gather when

GIMake a comprehensive list of relevant information to gather when assessing abdominal pain.How do you assess for masses in the abdomen and how you would document such findings?Describe your findings on a previous patient that you have encountered where you have palpated a mass in the abdomen.MusculoskeletalDefine, Compare, and Contrast the following conditions:OsteoarthritisRheumatoid ArthritisSubmission Instructions:Your initial post must be at least 600 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least two academic sources.You must respond to at least two peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts and supporting your opinion with a reference. Response posts must be at least 150 words. Your post will include a salutation, response (150 words), and a reference.Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books published in the last five years—no websites or videos to be referenced without prior approvalONLY USE THIS MATERIALS FOR REFERENCES Jarvis, C. (2019).Chapters 22 & 23Decrease Your Risk of Osteoporosis (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Osteoporosis. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide.…WatchAbdomen and Inguinal Area (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Abdomen and inguinal area. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment [Video].…Musculoskeletal and Neurologic Systems (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Musculoskeletal and neurologic systems. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment [Video].…Supplemental Online Materials & ResourcesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, April 26). CDC Works 24/7. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention website for health promotion data and strategies related to:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (Links to an external site.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Preconception health and healthcare (for men). (Links to an external site.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). HIV/AIDS intervention research. (Links to an external site.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Healthy living. (Links to an external site.)Kapelus, G., Karim, R., Ross, C., Elgie, J. (2009). Interprofessional health promotion field placement: Applied learning through the collaborative practice of health promotion. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(4), 410-413.Interprofessional health promotion field placement Download Interprofessional health promotion field placementThe Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Chapter 38: Some methods for evaluating comprehensive community initiatives: Section 1: Measuring success: Evaluating comprehensive community initiatives. In Community tool box.…

solved My Mentors name is nicole tarano and shes a kindergarten

My Mentors name is nicole tarano and shes a kindergarten teacher
Part 1
Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this assignment.
For this field experience, you will teach or assist with the lesson or activity that you and your mentor teacher planned during Topic 4.  This should be a STEM lesson or activity, preferably one that incorporates technology to either a whole classroom or to a small group of students that your mentor teacher has chosen.
When teaching your lesson remember to focus on:

Instructional strategies
Questioning to promote higher-order thinking
Differentiation, including accommodations to meet the diverse needs of students
Creating engagement and promoting discussion

Once you have completed delivering your lesson, discuss the successes and challenges you experienced with your mentor teacher. Ask for feedback and suggestions for future modifications.
Once you have completed your field experience, summarize and reflect upon the lesson in 250-500 words. Identify the areas that went well as well as areas to improve upon, and include the advice given to you by your mentor teacher. Discuss how you incorporated technology into the teaching or learning. If technology was not used, reflect on how you could have incorporated technology into the lesson. In addition, reflect on how this experience will affect your future professional practice.
Spend any remaining field experience hours for this topic observing and/or assisting your mentor teacher with instructional tasks in the classroom.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.
Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to LoudCloud in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.
Part 2 
As STEM-focused education has been initiated in schools across the United States, some educators are now promoting STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics). The Arts, in this case, can refer not only to creative arts, but also English language arts, liberal arts/social studies, and physical arts/physical education. The focus is on developing the skills of creativity, critical thinking, organization, and real-world application across all content areas.
Part 1: Instructional Tools Chart
Instructional tools are very important when it comes to both engagement and to help with developmental growth. Using the “Instructional Tools Chart,” create a descriptive list of five instructional tools that you would consider using in your field experience classroom to enhance STEM/STEAM. 
Part 2: Reflection
In a 250-500 word reflection, highlight how the integration of all content areas creates a stronger foundation for learning. Briefly describe how STEM and STEAM differ from one another, and your personal stance on whether you prefer the use of STEM, STEAM, or both in K-3 education, explaining how the learning environment and individual student needs affect your choice.  Reflecting back on the previously created lesson plans you wrote for this course, how would you envision incorporating technology tools and literacy into them?

solved I need help with a Management question. All explanations and

I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Current Attempt in Progress
Hypothetical balance sheets of Nike, Inc. are presented here.
Condensed Balance   Sheet
  May 31
  ($ in millions)

Current Assets


Property, plant, and   equipment (net)


Other assets


Total assets


Liabilities and   Stockholders’ Equity
Current Liabilities


Long-term liabilities


Stockholders’ equity


Total liabilities and   stockholders’ equity


(a) Prepare a horizontal analysis of the balance sheet data for Nike, using 2021 as a base. (If amount and percentage are a decrease show the numbers as negative, e.g. -55,000, -20% or (55,000), (20%). Round percentages to 1 decimal place, e.g. 12.5%.)
Condensed Balance   Sheet
  May 31
  ($ in millions)



from   2021
  Current   Assets



$enter a dollar amount 

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Property,   plant, and equipment (net)



enter   a dollar amount

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Other   assets



enter   a dollar amount

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Total   assets



$enter a dollar amount 

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

Liabilities and   Stockholders’ Equity
  Current   Liabilities



$enter a dollar amount 

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Long-term   liabilities



enter   a dollar amount

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Stockholders’   equity



enter   a dollar amount

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

  Total   liabilities and stockholders’ equity



$enter a dollar amount 

enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place rounded to 1 decimal place

(b) Prepare a vertical analysis of the balance sheet data for Nike for 2022.
Condensed Balance   Sheet
choose   the accounting period   May 31, 2022 For the Year Ended May 31, 2022 For the Month Ended May 31, 2022 
$   (in millions)

  Current   Assets


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

  Property,   plant, and equipment (net)


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

  Other   assets


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

Total assets


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

Liabilities and   Stockholders’ Equity
  Current   Liabilities


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

  Long-term   Liabilities


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

  Stockholders’   equity


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

Total liabilities and   stockholders’ equity


enter   percentages rounded to 1 decimal place

eTextbook and Media

solved Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide
rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide a citation for your answers.
Deadline: Due by Sunday at 23:59 p.m.
CASE STUDY: An Older Immigrant Couple: Mr. and Mrs. Arahan
Mr. and Mrs. Arahan, an older couple in their seventies, have been living with their oldest daughter,
her husband of 15 years, and their two children, ages 12 and 14. They all live in a middle-income
neighborhood in a suburb of a metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Arahan are both college educated and
worked full-time while they were in their native country. In addition, Mr. Arahan, the only offspring
of wealthy parents, inherited a substantial amount of money and real estate. Their daughter came to
the United States as a registered nurse and met her husband, a drug company representative. The
older couple moved to the United States when their daughter became a U.S. citizen and petitioned
them as immigrants. Since the couple was facing retirement, they welcomed the opportunity to come
to the United States.
The Arahans found life in the United States different from that in their home country, but their
adjustment was not as difficult because both were healthy and spoke English fluently. Most of their
time was spent taking care of their two grandchildren and the house. As the grandchildren grew older,
the older couple found that they had more spare time. The daughter and her husband advanced in
their careers and spent a great deal more time at their jobs. There were few family dinners during
the week. On weekends, the daughter, her husband, and their children socialized with their own
friends. The couple began to feel isolated and longed for a more active life.
Mr. and Mrs. Arahan began to think that perhaps they should return to the home country, where
they still had relatives and friends. However, political and economic issues would have made it
difficult for them to live there. Besides, they had become accustomed to the way of life in the United
States with all the modern conveniences and abundance of goods that were difficult to obtain in their
country. However, they also became concerned that they might not be able to tolerate the winter
months and that minor health problems might worsen as they aged. They wondered who would take
care of them if they became very frail and where they would live, knowing that their daughter had
only saved money for their grandchildren’s college education. They expressed their sentiments to
their daughter, who became very concerned about how her parents were feeling.
This older couple had been attending church on a regular basis, but had never been active in other
church-related activities. The church bulletin announced the establishment of parish nursing with
two retired registered nurses as volunteers. The couple attended the first opening of the parish clinic.
Here, they met one of the registered nurses, who had a short discussion with them about the services
offered. The registered nurse had spent a great deal of her working years as a community health
nurse. She informed Mr. and Mrs. Arahan of her availability to help them resolve any health-related
Reflective Questions
1. What strategies could be suggested for this older adult couple to enhance their quality of life?
2. What community resources can they utilize?
3. What can the daughter and her family do to address the feelings of isolation of the older couple?
4. What health promotion activities can ensure a healthy lifestyle for them

solved Post-Pandemic Education and Student Life In March of 2020, Iowa

Post-Pandemic Education and Student Life
In March of 2020, Iowa State University, along with the majority of the United States and the world, moved to an entirely virtual environment. Although some sources claim that the push for an online environment in both education and the professional realm was long overdue, that change resulted in extreme and sudden changes for both students and the University.
Now, at the start of the 2021-2022 academic year with safety precautions in place and a COVID vaccine available, the university is considering how to carry new understandings derived from those changes into the future. President Wendy Wintersteen charged Dr. Toyia Younger (Senior VP Student Affairs), Dr. Ann Marie VanDerZanden (Associate provost for academic programs), and Dr. Sharron Evans, JD (AVP Student Affairs/Dean of Students) with addressing these opportunities for improvement. The offices are now actively seeking recommendation reports from students for how to address the education and campus life of Iowa State students post-pandemic. These improvements include but are not limited to online academic support, community building, and technical support for students and/or staff and faculty.
Thus, your instructor has asked your team to identify, define, and investigate an opportunity for improvement in the area of post-pandemic education and student life. Your team composed a topic proposal and it was approved, so you can now compose the recommendation report for Dr. Toyia Younger, Dr. Ann Marie VanDerZanden, and Dr. Sharron Evans, JD.
The final recommendation report will:

Discuss the campus problem and its impact on the ISU community and learning environment.
Clearly outline recommendations for change.
Employ authoritative, academic sources to support the problem description and recommendations.
Avoid biased language and stereotyping.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the rhetorical setting and audiences.

Primary: Dr. Toyia Younger (Senior Vice President Student Affairs), Dr. Ann Marie VanDerZanden (Associate Provost for Academic Programs), and Dr. Sharon Evans (Associate Vice President Student Affairs/Dean of Students)
Assignment Components & Expectations
Your formal recommendation report should include the eight major report slots defined by Locker and Kienzler. These slots include:

Title Page
Letter of Transmittal
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Introduction (including all subheadings outlined in Locker and Kienzler)
Conclusions and Recommendations

Include credible sources to support any claims and recommendations (a minimum of five sources is a good guideline), strong document design, visual representations of quantitative data (at least 5 visuals is a good guideline), and professional language. The document should demonstrate a strong audience analysis.
A sample formal report can be found in figure 15.12 of your textbook. (NOTE: parts of the report’s body are omitted to maintain concise content.)

Chapter 6: Communicating across Cultures
Chapter 7: Working and Writing in Teams
Chapter 13: Creating Visuals and Data Displays
Chapter 15: Writing Reports
English 302 Business Communication Library Guide
ISSO OfficeLinks to an external site.
ISU News ServiceLinks to an external site.
Iowa State University Campus Climate websiteLinks to an external site.
Executive Summary of Campus Climate Survey for Learning, Living, And Working dataLinks to an external site.
2019-2020 Academic Affairs Diversity and Inclusion ReportLinks to an external site.

solved Develop a 3-4 page plan to identify the causes of

Develop a 3-4 page plan to identify the causes of organizational conflict, explain how conflict affects an organization, and select a conflict resolution style to use. Explain conflict negotiation strategies and determine the likely outcomes.
Disagreements occur because we have differences of opinions, values, and goals. Solutions to disagreements require negotiation skills. While negotiating, the parties involved have to “generate options, brainstorm ideas, give and take, and attempt to get their mutual goals met” (Hocker & Wilmot, 2014, p. 249).
Hocker, J., & Wilmot, W. (2014). Interpersonal conflict (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Identify variables within an organizational structure that can promote conflict.

Identify the factors responsible for conflict within an organization.

Competency 3: Apply appropriate strategies to reduce or resolve conflicts.

Describe a conflict resolution style appropriate for a conflict situation within an organization.
Explain conflict negotiation strategies appropriate for a conflict situation within an organization.

Competency 4: Analyze the impact of conflict on relationship building in face-to-face, virtual, cyber, and group communication.

Explain how conflict affects an organization.

Competency 5: Evaluate the outcome of proposed strategies of conflict resolution.

Determine the outcomes of conflict negotiation strategies for an organization.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.

Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Use the Capella library and the Internet to research conflict negotiation strategies and conflict resolution styles. Find at least three resources to use in this assessment to support your plan.
You volunteer with an organization whose executive leadership has conflicted for almost a year in deep, fairly public ways, on a variety of topics. At first the conflict seemed to center on the types of events the organization sponsored, but more recently some members of the leadership team have been making accusations of bias based on race, culture, social status, and religion against other leadership members, including the director. The conflict is making it difficult for anyone to continue working with the organization.
The leadership team is composed of seven members. Six of the members, including the director, are women. There are two African-American members, including the only man on the team. There is one Hispanic member. The other four members, including the director, are Caucasian.
You have successfully handled small conflicts among the volunteers and staff in the past, and now they have asked you to step in and see if you can help resolve the conflict before it destroys the organization. Leadership has already agreed to bring you in to try and help the situation, but you know you need to have a solid plan for this undertaking.
Include the following in your conflict resolution plan:

Identify the factors that may be responsible for causing the conflict.
Explain how the conflict is affecting the rest of the organization.
Describe the conflict resolution style you will use in this situation.
Explain the conflict negotiation strategies you will try.
Based on your chosen strategies, determine the likely outcome.

solved In order to successfully implement a change within an organization,

In order to successfully implement a change within an organization, the change agent must assess the organization’s culture and readiness for change. In 750-1,000 words, analyze the culture and level of readiness of the organization for which your evidence-based practice project is proposed. You will use the assessment of the organization’s culture and readiness in the Topic 8 assignment, during which you will synthesize the various aspects of your project into a final paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal. Include the following:Describe the organization’s culture and explain to what degree the culture supports change. Consider organizational and leadership structure, mission and values, interprofessional collaboration/team engagement, communication, perception of the organization by employees, etc.Select an organizational readiness tool and assess the level or readiness for change within your organization. Identify the readiness tool and summarize the survey results. Discuss the degree to which the culture will support and sustain an evidence-based practice change. Consider strengths and weaknesses, potential barriers, stakeholder support, timing of the proposal, and resources. Provide rationale.Discuss what health care process and systems you would recommend for improving quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness for the organization.Propose strategies to better facilitate the readiness of the organization.Identify the stakeholders and team members for the project. Include what their duties will be in the evidence-based practice project proposal.Explain what information and communication technologies are needed for the implementation and how they will be integrated in the setting by the internal stakeholders. Explain how these will help improve nursing practice and care delivery for individuals and populations for your intervention.Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.You are required to cite a minimum four peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.Benchmark InformationThis benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:MBA-MSN; MSN-Nursing Education; MSN Acute Care Nurse Practitioner-Adult-Gerontology; MSN Family Nurse Practitioner; MSN-Health Informatics; MSN-Health Care Quality and Patient Safety; MSN-Leadership in Health Care Systems; MSN-Public Health Nursing3.1: Assess health care processes and systems to recommend measures for improving quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness across an organization.3.3: Integrate appropriate information and communication technologies to improve nursing practice and care delivery for individuals and populations.