solved Week 2 Assignment 2 Advertising – Â Crossing the Line

Week 2 Assignment 2 Advertising –  Crossing the Line
Advertisements often come into scrutiny. There are critics who say some ads promote unhealthy products to children or other age groups; cigarettes and alcohol are easy targets for this criticism. Another criticism is using celebrities to endorse products when the celebrity does not even use the product. Some people believe the celebrity must use the product in order to endorse it. Other people believe that freedom of speech and freedom of choice override any such criticisms. Still others believe that people and companies have the right to use whatever means necessary to support the business and drive sales.
As a business manager you will need to determine just how far you are willing to go advertising your company, products, and services. Locate and examine two advertisements taken from a current web site, newspaper, or magazine. You may also use a television commercial. Prepare a paper that discusses the following points:

Identify the purpose of the advertisements and the target market.
Do these advertisements meet what you would consider to be ethical standards in advertising? Is there a point/counterpoint(s)?
Is there any legal issue, i.e., with the Federal Trade Commission?
Assume you are the senior business manager. Share your viewpoint. Would you pull an advertisement if you feel it crossed an ethical line?    

– Identifies the purpose of the   advertisement and the target market. 
– Identifies whether the   advertisements meet ethical standards in advertising. 
– Discusses a point/counterpoint.   
– Describes any legal issues. 
– Shares personal viewpoint and   whether you would pull the advertisement.

Review these chapters in your textbook for important concepts. Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 4th Edition.  NOTE: The Chapter Presentations provide a quick overview of important concepts. 

Chapter 8: Ethics and Marketing
Chapter 10: Ethical Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance 
MacDonald, C. (2011). What’s Legal Isn’t Always Ethical. 
Marquis, C., Almandoz, J., LaRoe, K., & Replogle, J. (2014). Can an “Ethical” Bank Support Guns and Fracking?                                          
Michaelson, C. (2013). Is It Legal? Yes. Ethical? Perhaps. Underhanded? Definitely. 
Rhee, J. and Valente, A. (2015). Why Customer Service Representatives Might Be Deliberately Making Your Experience Worse. 
Divinski, P. (2008). How is advertising influenced by ethics? 
Dubois, D. (2015). Does Social Class Impel Bad Behaviour? 
Weinstein, B. (2007). If It’s Legal, It’s Ethical?? Right? 

Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J., & MacDonald, C.  (2018). Business ethics: decision making for personal integrity &  social responsibility (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

solved Attacthed is the exact way on how to do it.https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten

Attacthed is the exact way on how to do it.https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten… FISH! PHILOSOPHY ASSIGNMENT
This book analysis will provide students an opportunity to explore the FISH! philosophy and the
applications to leadership and management in the workplace.
All work must be typed and submitted by the due date to be considered for full credit. See course
blackboard calendar for deadline and manner of submission.
Students will work independently to complete this assignment.
APA style including title page, running head, section headings, and reference page should be used.
Margins are 1” on all sides, the header is .5” from top, include page numbers, and use 12-point font.
Details and examples are available online – click on the writing format button in the left margin on
blackboard. Contact the instructor with questions.
Begin by reading the FISH! book posted in blackboard. Take notes to describe the setting and the core
concepts. Next, identify examples of the core concepts from your internship experience or from the 2
movies selected from the approved list posted on blackboard. Contact the instructor with questions.
Title page – required – prepare using APA style (see blackboard examples).
Introduction (use the headings listed; bold, no italics or colon or underlined)
This paragraph does three things: (a) grabs the reader’s attention in some way, (b) tells what you
are going to cover in the essay, and (c) how the information is organized (order of presentation).
This paragraph is 3-5 sentences long; indent first line, and double space.
Setting the Stage
Provide a brief summary of the story. What is the location? Who is involved? What is
The Fish! Philosophy
The Fish! philosophy involves 4 essential core concepts: Play, Make Their Day, Be Present, and
Choose Your Attitude. In your own words, describe each core concept as if telling a co-worker
who has not read the book then provide at least 2 examples for each core concept from your
internship experience/approved movies watched. Describe the examples in sufficient detail so the
reader can picture the scene THEN explain how the example matches the specific core concept.
Please start each core concept in a new paragraph.
Fish! based Management & Leadership
Leadership and management are distinct concepts that go hand in hand in the modern workplace.
Explain how the FISH! philosophy can impact each of the following: (a) management behaviors,
(b) leadership behaviors, (c) management processes, and (d) leadership processes. Please start
each response in a new paragraph. Hint: Review the slide posted on pg. 2
Follow-up Discussion
If you could speak with market employees about how FISH! core concepts affect the sport
manager’s (a) ability to influence staff members and (b) ability to achieve organizational goals,
how might they respond? Please start each response in a new paragraph.
This paragraph summarizes the key points of the essay. In other words, what do you want the
reader to remember? This paragraph is 3-5 sentences; indent first line, and double space.
Note: References – none required for this assignment
People often use the terms leadership and management interchangeably, but these concepts are not the
same thing. They do go together; yet, someone can be a good manager and a poor leader and vice
versa. The confusion is often grounded in the idea that leadership AND management involve (1) the
process of influence and (2) a focus on goal/outcome attainment

solved In this discussion, you will chat with your classmates about

In this discussion, you will chat with your classmates about the assigned readings for this week.Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)Select the This I Believe essay that you found most interesting from the Assigned Readings for this week.Assigned Readings:Capo, N. (2011). Teacher.This I Believe., W. (2007). Creating our own happiness.This I Believe., J. (2005). The power of love to transform and to heal.This I Believe., C. (2015). Moving beyond stereotypes. This I Believe., write a post where you do the following:(1) indicate the core value(s) that the author presents in the essay(2) discuss why you find your chosen essay interesting(3) explain a personal connection you have with the author’s core value(s) and experiences(4) demonstrate basic sentence structureSample Initial PostIn her essay, “We Are All Stardust,” Kimberly Woodberry shares her core values of spirituality and interconnection. I found Woodberry’s essay interesting in that she expresses both our reliance on the divine and on each other as human beings. This idea really resonates with me because I also believe that we are all bound together by our common human experience and that a higher being orchestrates it all. The personal connection that I can make with Woodberry is that her core values of spirituality and interconnection were largely shaped by her father. As the daughter of a minister, it is my father who really helped me to understand the divine and how our lives are connected with the lives of others. Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)Respond to at least one of your classmates and comment on any aspect of their post. In writing your response, you should consider the following questions:(1) What was your reaction to her/his selected essay?(2) What about the selected essay stood out to you?(3) Can you relate to your classmate’s personal connection with the author?Sample Peer ResponseThank you for sharing your thoughts on Woodberry’s essay and your personal experiences. I had a very different reaction to “We Are All Stardust.” While I understand Woodberry’s perspective, I have never really embraced the idea of a higher being. I certainly believe that we are largely impacted by our connections to others, but for me the “divine” is not part of that. I do find it interesting that Woodberry’s values and your values were really impacted by your experiences with your fathers. I have never really thought about the impact of my father’s values on my values, but as I think more about what he believes, it is clear to me that I share many of his values. I guess our upbringing impacts us in ways we don’t always realize. Week 1 Topic 2: Your Core ValuesIn this discussion, you will share one of your core values, and you will examine the core values of your classmates.Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)Select one of your core values and write 1-2 paragraphs where you:(1) identify the value and explain why it is important to you and(2) tell how you developed this as a core value.(3) demonstrate proper capitalization and use of apostrophes(4) demonstrate basic sentence and paragraph structurePeer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)Respond to at least one of your classmates and comment on the following:(1) Do you share the same core values or are your values different?(2) What do you think is the source of any similarities or differences between your and your classmate’s core values?

solved In this discussion, you will chat with your classmates about

In this discussion, you will chat with your classmates about the assigned readings for this week.Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)Select the This I Believe essay that you found most interesting from the Assigned Readings for this week.Assigned Readings:Capo, N. (2011). Teacher.This I Believe., W. (2007). Creating our own happiness.This I Believe., J. (2005). The power of love to transform and to heal.This I Believe., C. (2015). Moving beyond stereotypes. This I Believe., write a post where you do the following:(1) indicate the core value(s) that the author presents in the essay(2) discuss why you find your chosen essay interesting(3) explain a personal connection you have with the author’s core value(s) and experiences(4) demonstrate basic sentence structureSample Initial PostIn
her essay, “We Are All Stardust,” Kimberly Woodberry shares her core
values of spirituality and interconnection. I found Woodberry’s essay
interesting in that she expresses both our reliance on the divine and on
each other as human beings. This idea really resonates with me because I
also believe that we are all bound together by our common human
experience and that a higher being orchestrates it all. The personal
connection that I can make with Woodberry is that her core values of
spirituality and interconnection were largely shaped by her father. As
the daughter of a minister, it is my father who really helped me to
understand the divine and how our lives are connected with the lives of
others. Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)Respond
to at least one of your classmates and comment on any aspect of their
post. In writing your response, you should consider the following
questions:(1) What was your reaction to her/his selected essay?(2) What about the selected essay stood out to you?(3) Can you relate to your classmate’s personal connection with the author?Sample Peer ResponseThank
you for sharing your thoughts on Woodberry’s essay and your personal
experiences. I had a very different reaction to “We Are All Stardust.”
While I understand Woodberry’s perspective, I have never really embraced
the idea of a higher being. I certainly believe that we are largely
impacted by our connections to others, but for me the “divine” is not
part of that. I do find it interesting that Woodberry’s values and your
values were really impacted by your experiences with your fathers. I
have never really thought about the impact of my father’s values on my
values, but as I think more about what he believes, it is clear to me
that I share many of his values. I guess our upbringing impacts us in
ways we don’t always realize. Week 1 Topic 2: Your Core ValuesIn this discussion, you will share one of your core values, and you will examine the core values of your classmates.Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)Select one of your core values and write 1-2 paragraphs where you:(1) identify the value and explain why it is important to you and(2) tell how you developed this as a core value.(3) demonstrate proper capitalization and use of apostrophes(4) demonstrate basic sentence and paragraph structurePeer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)Respond to at least one of your classmates and comment on the following:(1) Do you share the same core values or are your values different?(2) What do you think is the source of any similarities or differences between your and your classmate’s core values?

solved Please follow all directions below. You may write this exam

Please follow all directions below. You may write this exam on any word processor you choose at your own pace. Please answer everything clearly and completely. There is no limit on length—you should answer everything thoroughly. Format your exam such as that each answer is given in the same order as it is asked and that each answer starts on a new page. Please double space your document. You will be expected to write at a college-level and submit a proofread exam. After the exam goes live, I will not answer questions about the academic content of the class—however I will answer all logistical questions about formatting or submitting the work. (A half letter penalty can be assessed for improper formatting.)Penalties for academic dishonesty will be severe. Do not copy from anywhere unless it is a cited quotation. Paraphrasing the ideas of others should also be cited. While no citation other than the course materials is necessary, if you choose to cite something make sure you do it properly. Citations should be academically rigorous (that is, not SparkNotes, Wikipedia, Quora, etc.). While I have no objection to you talking to a study group about how you are going to answer your questions, I expect that each exam will be unique. Do not copy from each other. Do not share your exam answers and be sure to protect your data from theft. I will treat complicity with plagiarism as severely as plagiarism itself. Do not copy from your journals—if you want to include something from a journal re-write it for the exam.This exam is due at 11:59pm on Friday, May 14. Turn it in under “Exams” on the Blackboard site. No extensions will be given after the exam goes live without documentation from someone like a physician, judge, or the C-&-C of the United Federation of Planets. It is my advice to finish your exam early enough that you can have plenty of time to deal with internet outages, biblical plagues, or other headaches. Please note that you can drive to campus if you are in a true pinch. Please take a screen capture or keep your confirmation receipt so that you can prove you turned in your exam. Email me if you have any problems. (Do not expect prompt replies from me on Teams or Blackboard—use email.)Part One: Short AnswerPlease answer each of these questions in a substantial paragraph of 5+ sentences. Be sure that you have a clear topic sentence for each paragraph. Each answer is worth 10% of the total exam grade.1.What is the point of the Wilt Chamberlin example in Nozick’s work?2.What is the Original Position we discussed?3.What is the Difference Principle?4.What does Michael Sandel mean when he discusses moral ties that are antecedent to choice?Part Two: Long EssayHow does Locke claim that a state (or civil society) comes to have authority over its citizens/subjects? What is the legitimate basis of civil authority? What might be a problem with Locke’s theory?Essays should be five or so paragraphs in length. In your essay, please be sure to give the details of each theory and cite the text. Good responses should discuss detail about why Locke argues as he does and not just what he concludes.Optional Response ThreePlease write an optional extra-credit journal entry answering the following question: How would Rawls claim that his theory is not coercive? This is an extra credit assignment worth up to 2 points toward your final course grade. It will be graded just like the previous Optional Response assignments. Turn this in under “Journals” on Blackboard. Do this assignment on a document (file) separate from your exam.

solved Hello, here is the new discussion needed in 2 weeks,

Hello, here is the new discussion needed in 2 weeks, same specs. Let me know if you have any questions.Discussion # 2 : End of Life initial post. Due initial post due week 4 of class, and two peer responses on week 5 and 6 of classEnd-of-Life Care (including advanced directives, palliation) Topics to review: Article: Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life.… /endoflife-positionstatement.pdfFor your initial post/ threat choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of practice, education, research and administration and describe how the APRN can provide effective care in end of life managementUsing the American nurses association position statement, recommendations for improvement in end of life management focuses on practice, education, research and administration. Listed below are steps that nurses can take to overcome barriers in healthcare practice.Practice1. Strive to attain a standard of primary palliative care so that all health care providers have basic knowledge of palliative nursing to improve the care of patients and families.2. All nurses will have basic skills in recognizing and managing symptoms, including pain, dyspnea, nausea, constipation, and others.3. Nurses will be comfortable having discussions about death, and will collaborate with the care teams to ensure that patients and families have current and accurate information about the possibility or probability of a patient’s impending death.4. Encourage patient and family participation in health care decision-making, including the use of advance directives in which both patient preferences and surrogates are identified.Education1. Those who practice in secondary or tertiary palliative care will have specialist education and certification.2. Institutions and schools of nursing will integrate precepts of primary palliative care into curricula.3. Basic and specialist End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) resources will be available.4. Advocate for additional education in academic programs and work settings related to palliative care, including symptom management, supported decision-making, and end-of-life care, focusing on patients and families.Research1. Increase the integration of evidence-based care across the dimensions of end-of-life care.2. Develop best practices for quality care across the dimensions of end-of-life care, including the physical, psychological, spiritual, and interpersonal.3. Support the use of evidence-based and ethical care, and support decision-making for care at the end of life.4. Develop best practices to measure the quality and effectiveness of the counseling and interdisciplinary care patients and families receive regarding end-of-life decision-making and treatments.5. Support research that examines the relationship of patient and family satisfaction and their utilization of health care resources in end-of-life care choices.Administration1. Promote work environments in which the standards for excellent care extend through the patient’s death and into post-death care for families.2. Encourage facilities and institutions to support the clinical competence and professional development that will help nurses provide excellent, dignified, and compassionate end-of-life care.3. Work toward a standard of palliative care available to patients and families from the time of diagnosis of a serious illness or an injury.4. Support the development and integration of palliative care services for all in- and outpatients and their families.Thank you

solved The purpose of this assignment is to apply the language

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the language of the visual arts regarding form (such as the type of representation, and a description of artwork using the art elements and principles of design) and content (the story that an artwork communicates). Please visit one of the online virtual museum tours posted below and select one work on view from the museum of your choosing. Write an analysis of this work following the Visual Analysis assignment instructions. Visit one of the virtual museum tours by using the links below, and choose one work in the virtual exhibition that interests you. Imagine that you are describing your selected artwork to a friend. Carefully observe the selected work and write a visual analysis on your selected artwork.Your visual analysis should be 3 pages long. Attach your essay to these pages. The following should be included in your visual analysis:ï‚· Title of work, artist name, media, approximate size and date.ï‚· A detailed description of the work’s form with regard to at least 3 art elements. Consider the work’s use of line, color, shape, texture, light, value, etc. Please refer to the introduction of your text book for a description of the elements of art.ï‚· A detailed description of the work’s composition with regard to at least 3 principles of design. Consider how the work achieves unity or variety, balance, rhythm, etc. A complete list of the prnciples of designi can be found in the introduction of your text book. ï‚· A discussion of the work’s representation in regard to its degree of naturalism, stylization or abstraction.ï‚· A thoughtful examination of the work’s content. Consider: what is represented in the work? If the work contains figural or other representation, how is the figure represented? Does the figure represent cultural ideals of beauty discussed in class? What kind of political or social issues would you say the work reflects, if any? If the work is not representational, what does the image evoke? This is a visual analysis, not a research paper. As such, it must include your own observations and ideas, written in your own words. Also remember that your observations must be organized in the form of an essay, with an introduction, body of text, and a conclusion. Do not write a ‘laundry list’ of your observations. You know you have done a good job describing the work if you think the reader will be able to visualize it from your description alone.Text book: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning (blackboardcdn.comOnline virtual museum tours:National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States — Google Arts & CultureMuseum of the World ( R. Guggenheim Museum, Storylines: Contemporary Art at the Guggenheim, New York, United States — Google Arts & CultureMusée d’Orsay, Paris, Paris, France — Google Arts & CultureNational Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul, South Korea — Google Arts & CultureThe Met 360° Project | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Arts & CultureVan Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Arts & CultureThe J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, United States — Google Arts & CultureMASP – Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, São Paulo, Brazil — Google Arts & Culture19 immersive museum exhibits you can visit from your couch | PBS NewsHourThe Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources | MCNIMPORTANT: I need you to be sure that you don’t miss any single part of the assignment.

solved Before the advent of DVDs and streaming entertainment, there was

Before the advent of DVDs and streaming entertainment, there was a company that dominated the home entertainment market, called Blockbuster. Blockbuster was founded in 1985 and quickly grew to include thousands of free-standing video rental stores all over the world. At the peak of its success, Blockbuster’s revenues reached almost $6 billion dollars. Ultimately, however, Blockbuster was forced to file for bankruptcy a few short years later, as competitors Netflix and Redbox secured large portions of the market share. Why did Blockbuster fail? The reasons are many and complex; however, one of the largest contributing factors was Blockbuster’s strategy. Specifically, Blockbuster never fully committed to a digitally driven strategy that would have allowed it to compete with Netflix. Instead, the organization reverted to its traditional strategies, which consisted of serving customers in brick-and-mortar stores and relying on late fees to drive profits (Antioco, 2011).In this Discussion, you will examine specific examples of organizations that have selected and executed organizational strategies and the degree to which those strategies were successful. You also will consider different factors that account for the selection and execution of successful strategies.Reference:Antioco, J. (2011, April). Blockbuster’s former CEO on sparring with an activist shareholder. Harvard Business Review, 89(4), 39–44.To prepare for this Discussion:Read the assigned chapters in Organization Theory and Design and Designing Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels. Pay particular attention to the role of strategy in organization design. In addition, examine the Porter model of competitive strategies and the Miles and Snow strategy typology in the Organization Theory and Design, which provide guidance on formulating strategies.Read the articles, “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy” and “The Strategy Palette: Five Approaches to Strategy for a Complex World.” Think about which factors are important to consider when creating an organizational strategy.Read the articles, “Think Tank-Beyond the Five Forces Model and Blue Ocean Strategy: An Integrative Perspective from Sun Zi Bingfa” and “Red Ocean Traps: The Mental Models that Undermine Market-Creating Strategies.” Consider the pros, cons, and common pitfalls of using blue ocean and red ocean strategies.Read the article, “Uber’s Competitive Advantage Vis-à-Vis Porter’s Generic Strategies.” Think about how Uber used a hybrid strategy (i.e., cost leadership and differentiation) to gain competitive advantage in the ride sharing industry.Identify an example of an organization that executed a successful or unsuccessful strategy to improve its competitive advantage. You may choose an example from the case studies in the Organization Theory and Design text or from researching organizations on your own.Using the models and typologies from this week’s Learning Resources, determine which type(s) of strategy that your identified organization executed and whether or not it was successful.By Day 3Post a response to the following:Explain the role of strategy in organization design. Then, describe an example of an organization that executed a new strategy to improve its competitive advantage. In your description, be sure to identify the type(s) of strategy that the organization executed based on the models and typologies in this week’s Learning Resources. Finally, explain whether or not the strategy was successful.

solved Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease Case Study Module 2 Instructions:

Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease
Case Study Module 2
Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide
rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide a citation for your answers.CASE STUDY: An Older Immigrant Couple: Mr. and Mrs. Arahan Mr. and Mrs. Arahan, an older couple in their seventies, have been living with their oldest daughter,
her husband of 15 years, and their two children, ages 12 and 14. They all live in a middle-income
neighborhood in a suburb of a metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Arahan are both college educated and
worked full-time while they were in their native country. In addition, Mr. Arahan, the only offspring
of wealthy parents, inherited a substantial amount of money and real estate. Their daughter came to
the United States as a registered nurse and met her husband, a drug company representative. The
older couple moved to the United States when their daughter became a U.S. citizen and petitioned
them as immigrants. Since the couple was facing retirement, they welcomed the opportunity to come
to the United States.
The Arahans found life in the United States different from that in their home country, but their
adjustment was not as difficult because both were healthy and spoke English fluently. Most of their
time was spent taking care of their two grandchildren and the house. As the grandchildren grew older,
the older couple found that they had more spare time. The daughter and her husband advanced in
their careers and spent a great deal more time at their jobs. There were few family dinners during
the week. On weekends, the daughter, her husband, and their children socialized with their own
friends. The couple began to feel isolated and longed for a more active life.
Mr. and Mrs. Arahan began to think that perhaps they should return to the home country, where
they still had relatives and friends. However, political and economic issues would have made it
difficult for them to live there. Besides, they had become accustomed to the way of life in the United
States with all the modern conveniences and abundance of goods that were difficult to obtain in their
country. However, they also became concerned that they might not be able to tolerate the winter
months and that minor health problems might worsen as they aged. They wondered who would take
care of them if they became very frail and where they would live, knowing that their daughter had
only saved money for their grandchildren’s college education. They expressed their sentiments to
their daughter, who became very concerned about how her parents were feeling.
This older couple had been attending church on a regular basis, but had never been active in other
church-related activities. The church bulletin announced the establishment of parish nursing with
two retired registered nurses as volunteers. The couple attended the first opening of the parish clinic.
Here, they met one of the registered nurses, who had a short discussion with them about the services
offered. The registered nurse had spent a great deal of her working years as a community health
nurse. She informed Mr. and Mrs. Arahan of her availability to help them resolve any health-related
Reflective Questions 1. What strategies could be suggested for this older adult couple to enhance their quality of life?
2. What community resources can they utilize? 3. What can the daughter and her family do to address the feelings of isolation of the older couple? 4. What health promotion activities can ensure a healthy lifestyle for them?

solved For your final assignment, you will compile a short annotated

For your final assignment, you will compile a short annotated bibliography of 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles and 2 policy or data reports on any of the topics discussed in the materials for Module 5 for a total of 4 annotated bibliography entries. These articles and reports do not need to all be on the same subject within the larger topic you choose. For example, you might choose to conduct your research on hate / bias crimes and find a report on bias crime laws across the United States and a journal article on bias crime victims. The topics from which you can choose are:#MeToo MovementBias / Hate CrimesCSI EffectFatal Police ShootingsHuman TraffickingSchool-to-Prison PipelineTerrorismViolence Against College StudentsAnnotated bibliographies help researchers to organize the information on a specific topic, take notes for literature reviews, and also assist others in understanding what research is available on a specific topic. An annotated bibliography presents the appropriate citation for each source along with a brief summary (e.g. for a research article, an entry should be approximately 250 words). In addition to identifying appropriate sources and developing a short summary for each, your annotated bibliography should have a 250-word reflection that discusses and provides a general overview of your thoughts on the topic you choose. Points will be subtracted for poorly written entries, entries that do not fit the required criteria, citations that are not properly formatted, and typographic or grammatical errors. Plagiarism, the unattributed use of someone else’s work, will result in a failing grade (e.g. copying and pasting the abstract of the articles you found).If you have any questions about this assignment, feel free to email me or post on Student Questions for Module 5: Beyond the Basics or Ask the Instructor. Please do not wait until the last minute to start your assignment.Specific Requirements:Reflection on the Topic (6 points): Please use the readings and documentary from Module 5, as well as the four sources you review, to help with your reflection. You may also use additional sources if you would like, however, you must properly cite them. The reflection should be 250 words (±25).Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Article (12 points): Identify and include 2 journal articles. Please make sure you understand what is, and what is not, a peer-reviewed source. The annotation for these entries should be 250 words each (±25).Policy or Empirical Reports from Government or Non-Governmental Organizations (12 points): Identify and include 2 reports that are from local, state or national government agencies, NGOs, think-tanks, and other policy and research groups. Please make sure you understand what is, and what is not, a peer-reviewed source. The annotation for these entries should be 250 words each (±25).The articles and reports should be published within the last 10-years or so (2010-present).The focus of the articles and reports can be international in scope.All citations should be in the appropriate APA format.A digital copy of the final paper must be turned in through Canvas by 11:59pm on March 17th.Potential Resources: Although these are not all the resources you have access to, I recommend starting with the below:SU Library Criminal Justice Research Guide: (Links to an external site.)Google Scholar: (Links to an external site.)APA Formatting: (Links to an external site.)