solved Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and ChildrAssignment 1:

Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and ChildrAssignment 1: Case Study Assignment: Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and ChildrenWhen seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the results.Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, body measurements can provide a general picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture—among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information can be a delicate process.Photo Credit: Getty Images/Hero ImagesFor this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their children’s health and weight.To PrepareReview this week’s Learning Resources and consider factors that impact the validity and reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You also will review examples of pediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to one of the following Assignment options by your Instructor: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests (option 1), or Child Health Case (Option 2). Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignments from your Instructor.Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you were assigned. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather?Also, as you search the Walden library and credible sources, consider what the literature discusses regarding the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool.If you are assigned Assignment Option 2 (Child), consider what health issues and risks may be relevant to the child in the health example.Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion.Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s health.The AssignmentAssignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):Assignment Option 1: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests:Include the following:A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.What is its purpose?How is it conducted?What information does it gather?Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.Body-mass index (BMI) using waist circumference for children: Adaso, Adelakun, Cole-Godfrey, Coleman, Dyson and Ekentaen

solved This project is focusing on the overall terrorist organization: ISIS.

This project is focusing on the overall terrorist organization: ISIS. I will include the previous papers that go along with this project. ‘Overview: Your work on the final project will include two major milestones in which will apply what you are learning in various modules throughout the course.
In this assignment, you will draw on your work in Modules Two, Three, and Four to complete the analysis section of the SARA report in your final project. Prompt: The analysis section will be the main component of your SARA report. In this section, you will analyze the terrorist organization at a micro level,
consider how it uses radicalization to recruit followers, and discuss the role of the media in shaping the organization’s image. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. The Terrorist Organization A. Provide background information on the terrorist organization, including:
1. A brief history of its evolution
2. An explanation of how the organization is structured and approximately how many members it has
3. Where in the world the organization is primarily based B. Explain the primary terror methods and tactics employed by the terrorist organization and provide examples.
1. What types of actions has the organization taken, domestically and internationally, to demonstrate its presence?
2. How do they plan and execute terrorist attacks?
3. What sort of tools or weapons do they use?
C. Explain the underlying motivation behind the organization’s terrorist actions. In other words, what drives them to carry out their methods and
tactics? II. Radicalization: A. Describe the ideology used by the terrorist organization.
1. What is the core reason behind the organization’s existence?
2. What are its primary objectives? B. Identify the primary countries from which the organization recruits.C. Explain what types of people the organization attempts to radicalize. Provide examples. D. Explain how the organization uses its ideology to enhance its recruitment efforts. Provide examples. III. Role of the Media: A. Explain how the terrorist organization uses traditional and/or social media to promote its cause, using specific examples to support your
response. Consider:
1. What sort of online and social media presence does the organization have?
2. What is its target audience, and what modes of communication are used to reach that audience?
3. How does the organization use media or social media to disseminate propaganda?
B. Describe the how the media has influenced the public’s perception of the terrorist organization and its actions, using specific examples.
1. What has the media done to bring the organization into the public eye?
2. How has the media shaped public bias towards the organization? Are we fearful of them? Are we empathetic toward their cause?
C. Explain how the media has helped or hindered counterterrorism efforts against the organization, using specific examples.
Milestone Rubrics: Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to the rubric for the final project. The Final Project Rubric
will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission. Be sure to
incorporate feedback from your milestone submission into your final submission. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

solved Create 2 responses to 2 original discussion board posts. the

Create 2 responses to 2 original discussion board posts. the original post will be provided. basically creating a response for each post.
Here is the original topic of the discussion:
Fungal Pathogens
Choose any one of the fungal pathogens and discuss its appearance, staining reaction, culture characteristics, disease caused, and epidemiological characteristics (where is it common, who is at risk).
for response 1
Rebecca RichardsonAccording to Klich, Aspergillus flavus is a fungus. It has green and yellowish colonies. It is an opportunistic pathogen of crops. It produces aflatoxin as a secondary metabolite in the seeds of crops. Aflatoxin is a potent carcinogen, and it is regulated in most countries. On farms, aflatoxin is associated with drought-stressed oilseed crops like maize, peanut, cottonseed, and tree nuts. Under certain conditions, the fungus will grow and produce aflatoxin in crop seeds. The aflatoxin can be controlled by being stored in a place with low moisture levels. Here is a picture of what it looks like. I chose this fungus because it reminded me of a peacock (Klich, 2007).Schmidt and Bankole explain that Aspergillus flavus is a fungus pathogenic to maize causing an important ear rot disease when plants are exposed to drought and heat stress… Ears, as in ears of corn. Not mammal ears. A. flavus gives off a fluorescent-staining reaction (Schmidt & Bankole, 1965).Here is an image of A. flavus under a microscope:(Aspergillus & Aspergillosis, 2013)Professor, please don’t be mad that I used articles from 2007 and 1965. The sources I used were peer-reviewed journals, so they are credible… they’re just old. ?ReferencesAspergillus & Aspergillosis. (2013, November 26). A. flavus image. Retrieved from, M. A. (2007). Aspergillus flavus: the major producer of aflatoxin. Molecular plant pathology (6)713-722., E. L., & Bankole, R. O. (1965). Specificity of immunofluorescent staining for study of Aspergillus flavus in soil. Applied microbiology, (5)673-679.
for response 2
Unit 7 Alex Neely posted Nov 6, 2021 9:38 PMSubscribePrevious Next This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read settingMycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by fungi (eumycetoma) or filamentous bacteria (actinomycetoma) that is found inside of soil and water in rural regions such as Latin American, Africa, and Asia. “Madura foot” is also the common name for mycetoma due to the disease mainly affecting the foot. Mycetoma could affect those of all ages but it is more likely to infect men that are farmers, animal herders, field workers and nomads who walk around barefoot. Once the fungus enters the body it often causes a painless infection that begins to weaken masses that usually affects the bones. The masses begin as a small lump, yet over the long run they can become bigger, large oozing sores will appear, and cause the affected limb to become deformed and worthless. Grams’ staining was performed in most which helped in distinguishing between actinomycetoma (Gram positive) and eumycetoma (Gram negative).References: , Mycetoma (September 3, 2020)Bassiri-Jahromi S. (2014). Mycetoma in iran: causative agents and geographic distribution. .Indian journal of dermatology,

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need a

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Read the Chapter 6 Mini-Case: Sany Heavy Industry Co., LtdRespond to question 3: Why does a firm SUCH AS Sany (in the heavy equipment industry) spend so much of its revenue on R&D and innovation? Do NOT comment on Sany Heavy Industry Co. specifically or on the heavy equipment industry in particular. It is preferable that you comment on an industry that you know or in which you have worked.You can use information from your personal (work) experience and/or from research from credible sources (other than the text).Sany Heavy Industry Co., LtdThe Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd is China’s largest producer of heavy equipment. In fact, it is the fifth largest producer of this type of equipment globally. In 2014, its revenue was decreasing because of the downturn of overall GNP in China. Sany’s total sales revenue in 2012 was $12.9 billion, well behind industry leader Caterpillar at $65.9 billion. However, Sany has a goal of eventually unseating Caterpillar as the industry leader. Sany plans to achieve $47 billion in annual sales within 10 years. Sany has already surpassed Caterpillar as leader in it Chinese domestic markets. Sany has four core businesses: (1) cranes, (2) road construction machinery, (3) port machinery, and (4) pumpover machinery. While each is distinct, some similar technologies are used in the production and equipment. Furthermore, similar technologies allow similarities in production processes and equipment for certain parts. Therefore, there is a transfer of knowledge across these businesses. In addition, customers and markets share some similarities because all relate to some form of construction. For this reason, in the United States, Sany has become a major sponsor of Chevrolet on the NASCAR auto racing circuit. Sany America’s marketing director, Joe Hanneman, said that research showed NASCAR racing events to be the primary recreation event for people in the U.S. construction industry. Sany invests 5 percent of its annual sales in R&D to continuously improve the quality of existing products, identify new technologies, and develop new products. Through the end of 2012, Sany held 3,303 patents as a result of its R&D efforts. Indicative of its intent to be a technological leader in its industry, Sany has developed new postdoctoral research centers to attract top research scientists. In 2013, the company was awarded China’s National Technology Invention Prize for its” super-length-boom” technology. Although it has been pursuing technological innovations, Sany was recently accused of patent violations by Manitowoc, a diversified producer of equipment including large cranes. In 2014, a judgement went against Sany concluding “one Sany crane product infringed one of Manitowoc’s patents and that six trade secrets of Manitowoc were both protectable as trade secrets and misappropriated.” This is a negative signal for Sany as its seeks to pursue more diversified growth outside China. Sany continues to grow organically and through acquisitions. For example, in 2012 it acquired Putzmeister, a well-known concrete pump manufacturer. In addition, it has established subsidiaries in many countries, including the United States, Germany, and Brazil, to enhance its international equipment sales and broaden its market reach. Largely because of its major goal of internationalization, it is moving its corporate headquarters from Changsha to Beijing for enriched international connections.

solved Post from Richard: Social Marketing Abstract This paper explores the

Post from Richard:
Social Marketing
This paper explores the concept of social marketing. This paper describes the theory, emergence, and application of social marketing. This paper analyses social marketing’s core competency and some of the most critical issues in the field, such as why social marketing campaigns fail. This paper explores the hypothesis that biases exist in the field of social marketing that can make it be perceived as or become propaganda; and that social marketing’s theorist and practitioners are either unaware of or are disinterested in solving, which may prevent it from advancing beyond its limited success and use that those in the field want it to obtain. This paper uses grounded theory and reviews of case studies as its research methodology. This paper also offers recommendations to improve social marketing in policymaking and strategy development.
post from Adrian: “The Negative Effects of Competition in Marketing”
In a world of a progressing commerce, businesses and companies are oftentimes pitted against one another in order to topple rivals by means of selling more goods and producing more profit than the opponents. Competition in marketing is the rivalry between at least two, or more, entities that provide products or services in similarity. Competition in marketing is the driving force behind contesting companies surpassing or falling behind sales and customer success. While healthy competition in marketing is beneficial to the marketplace because it can foster innovation, it is important to note unhealthy competition as well as the misuse of it. The misuse of competition in marketing can create negative effects on businesses. Examples of misuse of competition are comprised of a business that displays unfair pricing, the denial of supplying products or services, predatory pricing, and unethical behavior. The issue at hand is that the abuse of competition in marketing serves as an obstruction to healthy and progressive commerce. The misuse of competition in marketing serves as an obstruction to healthy and progressive commerce. This paper will discuss the negative effects of marketing in competition as well as what healthy competition looks like, the misuse of competition, and suggestions for solutions.
Post from Sahil: Subscription-based pricing models 
The paper focuses on the critical aspects of subscription-based business models. The paper will try to understand the key factors influencing consumers’ decision-making process in purchasing subscription-based services or products. The paper’s focus would be on web-based services but would also capture other subscription-based services. We would study various pricing models for subscription-based services and products. How firms make decisions to utilize the correct pricing model. The paper would also identify various actors in the decision-making process. What challenges do firms face while charging consumers for such services and Firms make consumers pay for these services? The paper will identify solutions to the challenges faced by firms. How to utilize and choose from subscription-based pricing models. How firms tackle the problems in current market situations. The changes in service offerings and pricing after the internet boom and consumer perceptions towards these services. The paper will provide recommendations that today’s managers and firms can utilize to strategically price and place their services. Address the challenges faced and provide some solutions to the challenges.

solved Part 2: IT and Competitive AdvantageIllustrate the company’s use of

Part 2: IT and Competitive AdvantageIllustrate the company’s use of information systems as part of its competitive business strategies. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs) Analyze the company and its two competitors through the lens of Porter’s Five Forces. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs) Analyze the company and its two competitors through the lens of one additional competitive analysis model or tool. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs)Compare the three companies in light of your two completed analyses, including a discussion of which tool you feel was more useful in helping you to determine the competitive position for your selected company. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)Finally, present your analysis of the current competitive posture of your selected company. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)Assignment: Company Competitive Advantage Analysis: Part 2You are an IT analyst at XYZ Corporation, and the company has recently taken on a new client that wishes to understand how the organization can leverage its IT and IS functions as a form of competitive advantage. The company is small and would like to see some real-world evidence of this in order to arm themselves with information as they seek investors to grow their business. You have been asked by your manager, Farah Ahmad, to create a business analysis for the client company’s leadership in which you analyze the competitive landscape for a business and discuss the role of IT/IS in helping that company achieve a competitive advantage.First, you should select a company, research two of its competitors, and create a report to present to the client in which you analyze the business’s current competitive standing within its industry using at least two competitive analysis models/tools with a focus on the role IT plays in determining its current competitive posture; one of the models used in the analysis must be Porter’s Five Forces. It is recommended that you search the Internet to identify industries/companies for which a Porter’s Five Forces analysis have been completed prior to selecting the company on which you will focus your response. Part 2 of your business analysis should be 11–16 paragraphs in length and include at least five references from the Walden Library or other scholarly academic sources.Part 2: IT and Competitive AdvantageIllustrate the company’s use of information systems as part of its competitive business strategies. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs) Analyze the company and its two competitors through the lens of Porter’s Five Forces. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs) Analyze the company and its two competitors through the lens of one additional competitive analysis model or tool. (225–300 words, or 3–4 paragraphs)Compare the three companies in light of your two completed analyses, including a discussion of which tool you feel was more useful in helping you to determine the competitive position for your selected company. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)Finally, present your analysis of the current competitive posture of your selected company. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)Must use 5 of these:…………………

solved America’s Federal government and many states are responsible for the

America’s Federal government and many states are responsible for the provision of quality nursing services. The government’s jurisdiction is to plan and support initiatives to promote public health protection and disease surveillance within the states. The legislators play a crucial role in ensuring relevant health policies and allocating the needed resources into the health policies’ implementation processes and service delivery effectiveness. America’s healthcare regulation system protects the safety and protects the public interest at all costs (Milstead & Short, 2019). In addition to the Federal government’s health regulation, bodies such as the Florida Board of Nursing and the New Jersey Board of Nursing formulate laws that govern the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) professional practice with the two regions.The Advanced Practice Nurses of New Jersey Board comprises nurses, APRNs, and community members who eradicate practice barriers. APRNs practising in New Jersey requires a mandatory national certification, without which an APRN cannot operate. The agency also ensures adherence to the nursing practice’s legal requirements by formulating a joint protocol with the collaborating physicians (Advanced Practice Nurses of New Jersey APN-NJ, n.d.). In addition to a physician’s supervision, APRNs need six extra hours of pharmacological education to make prescriptions.The Florida Board of Nursing is a regulatory board and a government agency that licenses, educates, monitors, disciplines, and sometimes rehabilitates its licenses to ensure compliance and competence to provide quality healthcare to Florida people (Flordia Board of Nursing, 2021). In Florida, all APRN specialties applying for licensure need to show proof of National certification (Flordia Board of Nursing, 2021). In Florida, nurse practitioners require a physician or a surgeon’s supervision to have the authority to practice and must have proof of malpractice insurance or exemption.DifferenceWhile both Florida and New Jersey’s bodies provide almost similar elaborate regulations of APRNs certification, licensure and work scope, the difference is only evident in the nursing practice authority. In Florida, APRNs require surgeon or physician’s supervision and proof of malpractice insurance to practice within the Florida state. In contrast, an APRN needs a joint protocol with a collaborating physician and at least six additional pharmacological education hours to obtain permission to prescribe devices and medication in New Jersey (Advanced Practice Nurses of New Jersey APN-NJ, n.d.).Application of the regulationsAPRNs need to have the proper clinical knowledge, skills, and education to provide specialized care effectively. Thus, the certification requirements will enable them to know the years of experience and the certifications they need to undertake an advanced degree in nursing. Complying with the laid-out regulations will help them identify a specific professional engagement area and its boundaries. An APRN may adhere to the two regulations by meeting the educational qualifications required before becoming a specialist.ReferencesAdvanced Practice Nurses of New Jersey APN-NJ. (n.d.). State Legislative and Regulatory Information. Retrieved from…Flordia Board of Nursing. (2021, April 1). Home. Retrieved from, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide (6th Edition). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

solved Me: Â Â Authentic leaders are those leaders who focus

Me:   Authentic leaders are those leaders who focus on creating a good relationship with employees. They encourage honesty, the value of employees’ input, and an ethical foundation. An authentic leader should strive to be culturally sensitive all time. An authentic leader can become more culturally sensitive through effective leader–member exchange. According to Hsiung (2012), the leader-member exchange framework states that managers categorize employees into In-Group and Out-Group members. In-Group members are skilled and loyal to the manager, while Out-Group members are less skilled and not trustworthy. To become a culturally sensitive leader, one must identify the Out-Group and try to reestablish an effective relationship. Instead of discrimination, leaders should create training programs to help the Out-Group members improve their skills. For example, in my workplace, our manager allows the best performing employees to work together with the poorly performing employees. The culture provides the less skilled employees with the opportunity to boost their talent. 
     An authentic leader can also become more culturally sensitive through respect. A leader should respect the opinion of employees regardless of their job position and expertise (Painter, 2014). Respect helps employees develop self-esteem and a positive mood towards their work. In my organization, I have seen the supervisor using this approach to demonstrate his cultural competency. When making decisions, he invites everyone to contribute and make the final decisions based on what the majority have said. As a result, employees are always confident knowing that their opinions matter regardless of their cultural background and job status.
          In my workplace, I work in a team of ten members. Sometimes the supervisor can delegate some duties to me, which allows me to assume leadership within the team. The ways in which I apply sensitivity and multicultural understanding include humility. Authentic leaders should know that they can make mistakes, so they should apologize when necessary (Painter, 2014). As a leader, I demonstrate humility by accepting the fact that I am equal to my member and I can be wrong. I also use the partnership to apply sensitivity and multicultural understanding. A partnership is where leaders value dialogue instead of ego to solve problems (Painter, 2014). People have different cultural beliefs, and the only way to understand them is through dialogue. Therefore, the partnership helps me create a positive relationship with other members. 
When it comes to empowering others and our personal reluctance to do so, we might tend to think that the discomfort with relinquishing control often stems from a lack of confidence in others to deliver and execute on getting something done.  However, sometimes there are some deeper reasons as to why we don’t empower others.  For me, I have learned that my way is not the only way to do something. Through empowering others I have seen that they have arrived at similar results with a totally different approach.  Other times, it is because I may feel uncomfortable with not having as much decision making authority (Northouse, 2016).  As you reflect on why you may be hesitant to delegate, is it possible there are some deeper reasons why you might have some reservations to give away power to others?
Northouse, P. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Please respond to the Instructor

solved Initial Post Instructions Choose one of the music or dance

Initial Post Instructions
Choose one of the music or dance movements that you read about this week and at least one work from that movement. Then, address the following:

Examine the movement and specific work in relation to historical and political influences of the movement.
Identify characteristics of the movement and how the work reflects these characteristics.
Include a statement from the artist and one from a critic.
Include a link to the lyrics and/or video depending on your choice.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Student Sample:
“As the text notes, rap music has its roots in gospel, blues, and shout (Martin 2018). Culturally and historically, this is obviously the case, as rap is part of the evolution of Black social life in the USA. When listening to rap, however, the connection to gospel, blues, and shout in the music itself may not be evident for much of the genre. There is at least one rapper who has made his name by foregrounding this connection in his music over the last 20 years. Kanye West has produced and rapped over beats featuring prominent samples and riffs straight from classic gospel and blues music. His debut album, College Dropout featured a musical production that West himself labeled “neo-soul” in reference to its fresh twist on its explicit soul roots. Ciccariello-Maher writes that West’s sampling of Black soul music mixed with his early 21st century hip-hop lyrics is reminiscent of Du Boisian “double-consciousness”, or, the paradoxical tension felt by Black folks trying to make a way through racism and oppression in the USA. As a Black man in America, West’s humanity is constantly challenged, and yet, in a capitalistic society, West feels the “constant temptation to validate [his] own humanity through conspicuous consumption” (Ciccariello-Maher, 2009, p. 386). It is not West’s vulnerability to this temptation that reveals the continuity with Black gospel and soul music, but his chilling awareness that he is constantly being tempted by the very forces that kill him, which brings a particular poignancy to his samples, production, and rhymes.
While West’s career took many twists and turns, including the tragic death of his top inspiration and mother, Donda, his debut album, College Dropout, may remain his greatest feat. In particular, the song “Family Business”, with its nostalgic sampling of the Dells “Fonky Thang, Diamon’ Rang” drives home the heights of Kanye’s musical prowess and innovation of the soul sound. More recently, West has returned to gospel music explicitly, through producing Sunday Service choir songs. Hip-hop, while derided by many critics as an empty, materialistic, vulgar display of ignorance and vulnerability to the temptation of conspicuous consumption, has much deeper roots in the Black freedom struggle. As such, it continues to resonate with all walks of life, with all sorts of people all around the world, who are going through it in their own ways.
Family Business – YouTube (Links to an external site.)
Ciccariello-Maher, G. (2009). A Critique of Du Boisian Reason: Kanye West and the Fruitfulness of Double-Consciousness. Journal of Black Studies, 39(3), 371-401. Retrieved August 4, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)
Martin, F. D. (2018). Humanities through the Arts (10th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). ”

solved Research Paper #1:Please, review the following case study. The following

Research Paper #1:Please, review the following case study. The following questions with guide your research paper.Lorrie is 16 years old and 75 pounds overweight. Her father is a school bus driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Her mother works for a sewing company. She is overweight with high LDL levels. She is taking two antihypertensive medications at present time. At a recent health science fair at Lorrie’s school, a student-led screening clinic documented Lorrie’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg. The family immigrated from Honduras 5 years ago and they do not have health insurance.During health science fair, the following data was recorded: 55% of the students with BMI 25.0 to <30 and 15% of the students with BMI 30.0 or higher.Consider yourself a community health nurse.(The research paper is not a question-and-answer document / format. Use the following questions as a guidance for your research paper).Is obesity a major health issue in the United States?According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NCHS, CDC; BRFSS, 2012), how is obesity defined?What is your role as a community nurse?What risk factors should be explored for Lorrie’s family for cardiovascular disease? Mention social determinants of health in this case. Incorporate the concepts of health promotion and risk reduction.Would you apply any of the behavioral change models to address health promotion and risk reduction in this case (theoretical frameworks of behavioral change / models discussed on Chapter 5 of textbook). Describe your selection.Public health nurses use statistics to demonstrate the need for obesity program development and community interventions. According to the most recent CDC data: What data were identified about obesity in children and adults?Is there a necessity of planning a community nursing intervention? How will you do that? Will you work alone or in collaboration / teamwork? Will you look for funding? How?If you decide to do a community intervention. How would you evaluate the community-level intervention(s)?Will you use social marketing to change health behaviors or beliefs, social or cultural norms, or community standards to improve health or benefit society. Which resources will you use?Mention research studies that support any of the above (1 through 9) (mention at least 3 research studies in the paper).General directions:You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment). 2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include a cover page and reference page per 7th edition APA guidelines. 3. The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), double spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).research paper:Include the following components in your research paper:a. Title Pageb. Introductionc. Problem Statementd. Population of Intereste. Key concepts such as: obesity, social determinants of health, health promotion and risk reduction, role of community health nurses.f. Theoretical frameworks of behavioral change / modelsg. Planning community intervention / Fundingh. Evaluate the community-level interventioni. Social marketing / resourcesj. Research studies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles)k. Conclusionl. References Page