solved my group and I have a research to do, and

my group and I have a research to do, and I have to do a few parts of the reseach, totaling in 5 pages, the research talks about the telecommunication industry (as a whole) no specific company, but if you will pull up an info about on of the companies you have to do the same for the other companies. 
my part is about the “porters five forces” but not all of it, I have to talk about the following points: 
1. The Power of Buyers (Include as a sub-heading)  ( a page and a half is required, more is fine)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information regarding whether the steel production companies or their customers (those who purchase steel) have more power. One way to think about this is when they sit down together to talk about the sales price of the steel, who is more influential in the negotiation? Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.
Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.
2. The Power of Suppliers (Include as a sub-heading)   (a page and a half is required, more is fine)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information regarding whether the steel production companies or their suppliers (industries that produce the inputs to steel production) have more power. Similarly to the power of buyers section, one way to think about this is when they sit down together to talk about the sales price of the input (e.g., iron ore), who is more influential in the negotiation? Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.
Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.
<> (requires two pages, more is good)
Summary of Forces and Attractiveness (Include as a sub-heading) 
After you have gone through all five forces, assess the overall attractiveness of the industry.
Report: Provide a summary of your analysis of all of the key forces and what they mean for the industry. Clearly state your conclusion regarding the overall industry attractiveness and why. Base this on the perspective of a company that already operates in the industry. Note – if the industry is segmented, be sure to include a brief discussion of that fact and how the forces might differ across the different segments.
Companies in the Strongest/Weakest Positions 
Research: Identify a minimum of three individual companies in the industry. Identify a leading company, a moderately successfully company, and a company that is struggling. Base your selection primarily on each company’s relative position based on their performance in the industry. Recall that each industry measures performance in a unique way.
Report: In addition to their position based on their performance, identify how each firm has positioned, or tried to position, themselves, in their industry. Identify characteristics that differentiate the companies from each other based on quality/price, geographic coverage, vertical integration, product line breadth, distribution, or service. Your team may want to build a strategic group map (if appropriate) to better illustrate the findings in this section.

solved TOPICEssay 1: Frogs and BirdsCompare and contrast the mating signals

TOPICEssay 1: Frogs and BirdsCompare and contrast the mating signals of two very different species: anurans (frogs and toads) and passerines (songbirds). Organize your paper according to Tinbergen’s four perspectives on animal behavior: adaptation, mechanism, ontogeny, and phylogeny. In other words, answer the following questions. What evolutionary benefits do mating signals bring each species? How are the vocalizations produced (anatomy and physiology) and what are they like (acoustic structure, including elements and complexity)? When in the lifecycle can individuals produce the signals, and what steps need to occur before signal production is possible? How did the signals likely evolve over time (both in terms of vocalizer and listener, but also in terms of socio-ecological environment)?GUIDELINESEssays are assessed not only for content, but also for grammar, clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Strive to make your essays accurate, relevant, and organized, and use Academic English. Your writing should demonstrate an understanding of key scientific terms related to sound and communication, with accurate use of technical terms such as amplitude, spectrum, conspecific, heterospecific, etc. You might think of this as writing a short article directed towards an educated layperson, and it should read as a prose essay, not a lab report outlining your observations. The purpose is to assess your writing skills in addition to your understanding of the material presented in class.For source material, you may draw on both the assigned course readings and the two documentaries; to earn full credit, you must include material from (and cite) at least two articles from the relevant readings. No further outside sources are required, though you are certainly welcome to draw on other research materials if you like. Properly cite these and any other data drawn from course readings and documentaries. Note that you should always cite the original work, rather than the summary provided in the course lectures. You may use the citation style of your choice, so long as you are consistent and the source and page number of the material is made clear. If you do use additional sources, be sure to cite them and provide full bibliographical entries. And, as always with any academic writing, your work must be your own and in your own words.FORMATTING AND SUBMISSION⎯ Provide your own original, descriptive title for your essay. (Do not simply copy and paste “Frogs and Birds”.)⎯ Your essay must be a minimum of 1500 words long, but no longer than 1700 words. Include the word count at end of the document in square brackets [ ].⎯ Document formatting should use a 12-point font, have 1-inch margins on all sides, and be saved in either doc/.docx or .pdf format only. Documents in shared drives will not be accepted.⎯ Your document should include your name and course name at the top of the document. The name of the document itself should also include your last name followed by L123-09 E1. As always, documents that are not properly named will not be accepted.⎯ The essay must be submitted in two ways. One copy should be emailed directly to me by the due date/time. The essay must also be uploaded to Turnitin via Canvas before the due date/time. The essay will be considered late if it is not sent to both places before the deadline. (Turnitin is not always reliable; it is recommended that you grab a screen shot of the upload confirmation in case your essay disappears from the system before it is graded.)

solved PowerPoint One – Helpful Hints HOW TO DO FIRST POWERPOINT

PowerPoint One – Helpful Hints
– Slide one – title page – Remember this is a presentation about the hospital industry and not healthcare in general. Put your name and title on Slide 1.
– Slide two – Purpose – Use bullet points (no periods) to state the purpose of the presentation (which is to cover the criteria in the scoring guide). Keep it short on this slide (and remember focus is “hospital industry”)
– Slides 3-4-5, Use one for each of the time periods, 1800s, 1960’s, and Today. Use only bullet points for the slides, reference for each slide (can go beneath in notes or up on slide, your choice). Any sentences or paragraphs belong only in notes section. Only bullet points on slides. The topic for these three is the environment. The meaning of environment in this context is the “setting. What did the hospital look like and feel like for the patients? Wards, semiprivate rooms, private hospital rooms with room for guests to sleep? lighting? medical equipment? food? heating? electric? segregated? clean, dirty? furnishings? phones, televisions, internet? wifi?
Slides 6-7-8 each cover one of the time periods but the topic is now level of education that people had who were delivering the hospital care, and the level of care they were delivering in the hospital, based on that education.  Level of care in the hospital covers the realm of what is being done for the patient. In the 1800s, there was a lot of comfort care only in the hospital because many inventions and innovations did not exist. Do some research and bring in the evolution of level of care as such possibilities of IV, wound care, therapy, changes in nursing, lab tests, x-rays, trachea care, pulse ox monitoring, central lines, special beds, vents, administration of blood products, etc. and place these in the time frames when they became available.
Slides 9-10-11 cover the payment systems for the hospital that people had available to them. One slide to each time period. Bullet points. No periods. Paragraphs or sentences go below in notes section. Each slide should have a reference. How did people pay the doctor? with some produce or meat/eggs? with insurance? private or government? charity? Remember the focus is the hospital and not healthcare in general. From the very simple time of the 1800s, the system of pay now is quite complex. Medicare was basic in the 1960s as it provided for the elderly but you can also mention it again for today’s payment system that now has links to quality for payment. Self pay was present in the 1800s and now again today for the uninsured or the privately insured who must pay whatever insurance does not. The Affordable Care Act (which is not affordable) did bring some reforms to the payment and delivery system for hospitals but now needs reforming itself. Finally there is a lot of uncompensated care that the hospital provides but must make up for that shortfall through charging others more. There is a lot of research and material to fill that final slide
Slide 12 is for conclusions (plural) that you have drawn while putting together the first three criteria. Be sure to use the literature (references) for your conclusions as well to verify your opinion.  Here is a great article about how to draw conclusions:
Slide 13 or more needed to list your references all in one place, in alphabetical order.

solved Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders,

Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders, and Medication-Induced Movement DisordersPhoto Credit: [Hero Images]/[Hero Images]/Getty ImagesPsychotic disorders and schizophrenia are some of the most complicated and challenging diagnoses in the DSM. The symptoms of psychotic disorders may appear quite vivid in some patients; with others, symptoms may be barely observable. Additionally, symptoms may overlap among disorders. For example, specific symptoms, such as neurocognitive impairments, social problems, and illusions may exist in patients with schizophrenia but are also contributing symptoms for other psychotic disorders.For this Assignment, you will analyze a case study related to schizophrenia, another psychotic disorder, or a medication-induced movement disorder.To Prepare:Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about assessing and diagnosing psychotic disorders. Consider whether experiences of psychosis-related symptoms are always indicative of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Think about alternative diagnoses for psychosis-related symptoms.Download the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template, which you will use to complete this Assignment. Also review the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Exemplar to see an example of a completed evaluation document. By Day 1 of this week, select a specific video case study to use for this Assignment from the Video Case Selections choices in the Learning Resources. View your assigned video case and review the additional data for the case in the “Case History Reports” document, keeping the requirements of the evaluation template in mind.Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient.Identify at least three possible differential diagnoses for the patient. By Day 7 of Week 7Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate primary diagnosis.Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life? Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?  Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).

solved Sergeant Tom Gresham was newly promoted and assigned to patrol

Sergeant Tom Gresham was newly promoted and assigned to patrol on the graveyard shift; he knew each officer on his shift, and several were close friends. Gresham was an excellent patrol officer, and prided himself on his reputation and his ability to get along with his peers. He also believed this trait would benefit him as a supervisor. From the beginning, Gresham believed that he could get more work from his officers by relating to them at their level. He made an effort to socialize with them after work and took pride in giving his team the liberty of referring to him by his first name. Gresham also believed that it was a supervisor’s job to not get in the way of good police work. In his view, his team responded magnificently, generating the highest number of arrest and citation statistics in the entire department. Unfortunately, his shift also generated the highest number of citizen complaints for abusive language and improper use of force, but few complaints were sustained by Internal Affairs. It was Gresham’s opinion that complaints are the product of good, aggressive police work. He had quickly developed the reputation among subordinates of being “a cop’s cop.” One Monday morning, Gresham is surprised when called in to see you, his patrol captain. The Internal Affairs lieutenant is also present. You show Gresham a number of use-of-force complaints against his team over the past week, while Gresham was on vacation. Despite your efforts to describe the gravity of the situation, Gresham fails to grasp the seriousness of the complaints and how his supervisory style may have contributed to them.
Questions for Discussion

What do you believe are some of Sergeant Gresham’s problems as a new supervisor?
As his captain, what advice would you give Gresham?
What corrective action must Gresham take immediately with his team of officers?
Your discussion post must be at least 100-200 words of substance which includes at least two references to the readings, and your replies to other students must be at least 50-100 words (not counting sentences like, “Great post!”)

I believe Sergeant Gresham’s has many issues as a new supervisor, such as how he believes “complaints are the product of good, aggressive behavior”. Although complaints can be a result of good police work, in this scenario I believe the complaints of Sergeant Gresham’s shift are a result of hostile behavior. Another issue Sergeant Gresham has a a new supervisor would be how he “believed that it was a supervisor’s job not to get in the way of good police work”. As a sergeant, it is one’s responsibility to ensure police work is being conducted and performed in the proper manner.
As Sergeant Gresham’s captain, I would advise him to clearly think and understand the complaints received against his team while he was on a vacation. Sergeant Gresham needs to be advised to evaluate each complaint, an evaluate if the officer who received a complaint violated police conduct.
The corrective action Sergeant Gresham must immediately take with his team of officers would be to reconstruct the way his shift performs police work. Sergeant Gresham should begin by not allowing his team of officers to refer to him by his first name, as it is not professional nor does it allow the team of officers to take Gresham’s job as sergeant as serious as needed. Secondly, I believe Sergeant Gresham should immediately emphasize to not only himself, but his team of officers how important it is to perform the proper use of force .

solved Choose one of the following topics and write a paper

Choose one of the following topics and write a paper on it.  
The first THREE topics are essays.  If you write on one of these, your final draft should include a thesis statement in the introduction.   Quote or cite passages from the text on which you are writing to illustrate your ideas.  
1.Choose a theme OTHER than father figures that runs through two or three stories in The Dew Breaker.  What connections does the theme establish between the stories?  Why are they important in The Dew Breaker?  How does the treatment of the theme differ in the stories?  How are the differences important?  How does Danticat’s use of multiple points of view affect your understanding of the theme?   TEXT TO USE  (Danticat, Edwidge.  The Dew Breaker.  New York: Vintage, 2005.  ISBN: 978-1400034291.)
2. Many of Frida Kahlo’s paintings and Maria Palacios’s poems focus on the artists’ bodies, even though they are in pain.  Choose one or two paintings by Kahlo that depict Kahlo’s own body in ways that you find powerful or interesting, and choose one poem by Palacios that takes her body as its focus. What does each (the artist and the poet) achieve by refusing to turn away from her body amid physical and emotional pain?  In Kahlo’s paintings you may consider the relation between her facial expression or her clothing and her body. In Palacios’s poem, consider the relation between the voice of the poem’s speaker and her body.  Your discussion of Kahlo’s paintings should draw on her use of some of the formal elements of painting (line, form, light/shade, and color.)  Your discussion of Palacios’s poem should draw her specific uses of language (oxymorons, metaphors, strong verbs, concrete nouns &etc.)
You may choose a variation on topic 2 in which you focus exclusively on Kahlo’s paintings or on Palacio’s poems.  If you write only on Kahlo, discuss three paintings.  If you write only on Palacios, discuss two or three poems.
TEXT TO USE IF NEEDED (Herrera, Hayden.  Frida Kahlo: The Paintings.  New York: Harper-Perennial, 2002.  ISBN: 978-0060923198.) OR THE RESOURCES DOWNLOADED IN STUDY POOL.  
3. In Dressing Skeletons, the speaker of the poems claims that she is like Kahlo, that she is addicted to Kahlo, that she loves Kahlo, and that she is Kahlo.  Discuss two or three poems that make, or draw on, such claims.  What does the relationship with Kahlo accomplish for the speaker of the poems and how? (Consider at least three accomplishments.)  What does the relationship with Kahlo accomplish for Palacios as an advocate for disability awareness, and how? (Consider at least two accomplishments.) In the course of your discussion, be sure to consider the poet’s specific uses of language, for example: oxymorons, metaphors, strong verbs, concrete nouns &etc.
4. Creative Assignment:  Following the example of Palacios, write one or two poems (2 -3 pages of poetry) in response to one or two paintings by Kahlo.  Each poem(s) should establish a clear, specific relationship between its speaker and Kahlo.  Like Palacios, use specific figures of speech and hone parts of speech to echo Kahlo’s use of some of the formal elements of painting.  Palacios, for example, uses metaphors, oxymorons, strong verbs, and concrete nouns to echo Kahlo’s use of line, form, light/shade, and color.  The last two pages of your paper should explain in detail how you have used specific features of language to respond to specific aspects of Kahlo’s painting(s) and why.

solved Consider Commerce Clause, Dormant Commerce Clause, Supremacy & Preemption issues

Consider Commerce Clause, Dormant Commerce Clause, Supremacy & Preemption issues
Golden is a privately-owned company engaged in the business of disposing toxic waste generated by mining companies.  Golden operates pursuant to a license issued by the state of Alpha. This license authorizes Golden to contract with miners to provide the following services: (i) collection of toxic waste at mine sites, and (ii) transportation of that waste to Golden’s disposal station, which is in the State of Alpha, three miles from the border with the state of Beta.
In accordance with the authority granted by its license for the past 10 years Golden has contracted to provide services to miners in Alpha. Recently, Golden expanded its business to serve the miners in Beta and the emerging battery businesses across the border in Beta.
Shortly after Golden extended its services to the Beta miners and plants, the residents of the town from which the toxic waste disposal station operates started complaining about the rash of skin irritations, and increased illness.
Prior to Golden’s expansion of service to the State of Beta miners and the battery business, the U.S. Congress has passed legislation promulgating standards for safe disposal of toxic materials including batteries.
The residents petitioned the State of Alpha to close Golden’s disposal station. Golden objected. The Commissioner held open hearings.  Following the hearings, the state issued an order that the use of Golden’s disposal station would be limited to toxic waste from Alpha miners only. The Beta miners and battery businesses were barred from disposing of their toxic waste through Golden.
Both Golden and the State of Beta have filed suit against State of Alpha seeking to rescind the order. Develop a F-IRAC for the constitutional legal issues related to the Commerce Clause, the Dormant Commerce Clause, Supremacy and Preemption.
Post: Properly label your post as ANALYSIS: or you may label your post as APPLICATION:  Within this same post write your CONCLUSION:  This Analysis post written in paragraph form often requiring several paragraphs. The Conclusion is a single sentence.  

The first paragraph of your analysis or application is a fact summary which is written in your own words describing without prejudice the facts of this case which you will us in your analysis. Too brief of a summary will like result in your inability to offer a complete analysis.
The body of the analysis often starts with  a brief statement that a party (provide the name) has challenged an action of a governmental body (name the government, state) and provide the protection sought or broken. This is immediately followed with the statement that this case requires a review of…..(usually the relevant constitutional provisions),  prior case laws and current facts.
Systematically approach the legal theory issues (rules) how they have been interpreted by prior court cases (how were those cases similar or different) and which of our facts is being being viewed in light of that rule.
For purposes of this discussion only, you must cite at least one relevant case in your analysis. Later you will be expected to use cases relevant to all issues. 
The CONCLUSION:   The conclusion is a single sentence which answers the question raised in the issue statement (if your issue statement did not pick up the correct issue make correction here in your conclusion) and because statement or a when statement.  I.e. State violated persons right when….

solved Your writing assignment for Thurs 4/22 is to try to

Your writing assignment for Thurs 4/22 is to try to get some “cooking” going. Peter Elbow uses the metaphors of “growing” and “cooking” to describe his model for the writing process. “Think of writing…not as a way to transmit a message but as a way to grow and cook a message,” he writes in Chapter 2 (15). He also wants us to think of writing not so much as a reflection of our current thinking but “a transaction with words whereby you free yourself from what you presently think, feel, and perceive” (15). Elbow is not saying that writing to convey our current thinking is always a bad idea. Nor is he saying that after we’re done with a piece of writing we should believe the opposite of what we thought when we started. What he means is that we develop our thinking in writing. Writing is thinking; it is a tool of expanding our capacity for thought and perception. Elbow’s idea of “cooking” is key to this way of thinking about writing. In Chapter 3, Elbow describes the cooking aspect of the writing process as “the interaction of contrasting material” (49), or “one idea or perception refracted through or seen through the lens of another” (57). There are a bunch of different forms this kind of interaction can take. It can be interactions between people, between ideas, between working with words (writing-out) and working with ideas (summing-up), between metaphors, between modes, and between you and symbols on paper (or between you and not-you). Choosing images and using them to think and write about ideas about visual culture is a way of refracting one idea through the lens of another. I found Elbow’s section on “noncooking” very helpful in gaining a deeper understanding of what he means by “cooking.” This use of the opposite concept to elaborate on his idea of cooking nicely illustrates an “interaction of contrasting material.” In Elbow’s discussion of noncooking, the form of interaction that seems most relevant is the one between writing-out and summing-up. Personally, I enjoy writing-out, but I often find summing-up difficult, so I resist doing it. The perfectionist in me wants to do it perfectly, and this stage of developing new ideas is inherently messy and imperfect. (A little perfectionism is helpful later, during the final, editing stage of writing.)The summing-up process sounds similar to what Elbow describes in Chapter 2 in his discussion of the “emerging center of gravity” (35). There he writes: “If you are having difficulty getting a center of gravity to emerge [in your writing], the cure is to force yourself to make lots of summings-up even if they don’t fit your material or seem to be right” (35).For this writing assignment, your aim is to try to get some “cooking” going in your writing process by experimenting with one of the forms of interaction that Elbow describes in Chapter 3. In other words, experiment with putting contrasting material or modes of writing in interaction. Don’t worry too much about getting it right–just try to experiment with it in a relaxed way. One approach would be to start with a topic, idea, or image, and write through a cycle of (1) writing-out; (2) summing-up; (3) writing-out (based on your first sum-up); then (4) summing-up your second “write-out.” You could even do it one more time if things felt like they were cooking. Or, you could think of this writing exercise as a conversation between you and not-you. Use any of the forms of “cooking as interaction between ___________” that Elbow describes in Ch 3.

solved As an educator, you will be designing learning activities that

As an educator, you will be designing learning activities that engage your students and facilitate language development. Creating learning experiences aligned to academic standards and the students’ individual learning goals is vital to student success.Read the scenario below to inform the assignment:Seven-year-old Alfonso has two months left in his first grade year. He is active and outgoing, has many friends, and loves to play soccer. Science is his favorite subject. He enjoys learning anything related to space and sloths. He is very curious and particularly likes hands-on academic activities that use manipulatives.During literacy class instruction, Alfonso can sound out words well, but struggles with reading comprehension including word meanings and finding connections among words in various grade appropriate texts. Alfonso has a particularly hard time connecting what he reads with what he already knows. He often brings up irrelevant information when trying to make these connections.Alfonso’s teacher, Ms. Seymour, wants to ensure Alfonso masters the vocabulary and comprehension skills that are expected before the end of the year, so she has written the following curricular/academic goals for him:• Given a grade-appropriate text with new vocabulary, Alfonso will use context clues and other strategies, such as consulting a dictionary, to help determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.• Given a grade-appropriate text, Alfonso will make connections from text to self to help comprehend the meaning of the text.Part 1: Lesson Outline Using the “Reading Comprehension Lesson Outline Template ,” develop a research-based reading lesson outline to help Alphonso reach his vocabulary and reading comprehension goals. Begin by selecting a grade-appropriate children’s book on which to base the lesson.The lesson plan outline should include the following:• Three learning objectives aligned to one or more state literacy standard that reflects the literacy goals Alphonso is working to achieve.• The selected book and a vocabulary activity that introduces five vocabulary words directly from the book.• A comprehension activity that allows Alfonso to demonstrate his comprehension of the story. • Two research-based strategies that can be integrated into the vocabulary and comprehension activities to help Alfonso meet his vocabulary and comprehension goals.• Opportunities for Alfonso to apply these skills to different situations or content areas.Part 2: Rationale and Specialist PlanningProvide a 500-750 word narrative that includes a rationale for the reading comprehension lesson plan and a plan to work with a reading specialist. In the rationale, explain the following: • The alignment between Alfonso’s curricular/academic goals, the lesson activities, and the presented research-based strategies.• How the lesson addresses Alfonso’s specific learning needs as well as his interests. • At least one learning theory that supports the selected strategies.Suppose your principal arranged for a reading specialist to help with meeting Alfonso’s developmental needs. In the same narrative as above, describe a structured system you and the specialist could put in place that involves short- and long-term goal setting, as well as data analysis, re-evaluation, and feedback to Alfonso and his family .Include at least three scholarly sources to support your lesson, rationale, and specialist plan.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

solved For venture capital and private equity investors, the question of

For venture capital and private equity investors, the question of whether to provide capital to an existing portfolio company that needs capital for growth is often not an easy decision to make.
Read the article below and discuss how should an investor evaluate an investment in an existing portfolio company that is struggling and needs additional capital to survive. What criteria would you use to assess the risks and make a decision of either providing additional capital to that company or deny their financing request and possibly have the company run out of liquidity and cease operations?

Make your initial post.
Reply to one students’ post.

According to the article, one must consider whether the decision to invest is offensive; meaning one is looking to increase the investment percentage of the company to be invested in or a defensive posture; where a company has the potential but lacks the funding necessary to grow the company and investment is generally dilutive to original investors. Suppose you have a great company that is performing and needs additional capital, and there is more capital available to be invested. In that case, one should invest to ensure that they maintain a respective position in the firm. Another smart move is to buy into a company that has promise but lacks capital support. Buying into a company can diversify your portfolio and significantly increase your returns as the company has had some run time and is observable; it just lacks the support needed to grow.

Another factor that the article points out is that consideration should be given to how the company management is performing. For instance, there will be no follow-on investment if there are signs of integrity, transparency, or honesty issues. Bad judgment or decision-making was another reason one should not invest in future rounds for a company. For these reasons, I support and agree that follow-on investments are not a good idea. Also, if the company to be invested in has no proof of concept and does not appear to be closer to developing their product or service offering, one must carefully consider whether it is sensible to continue with additional investment. I believe that each of these cases demonstrates deeper issues. One cannot throw good money after bad if management is not transparent or if the company cannot deliver on their product or service.
Diversification is another factor for investors to consider. Putting all of your eggs in one basket is highly risky and could be damaging if a company that one has invested in fails. For this reason, investors should spread their wealth across multiple companies; this will increase their chances of achieving a decent return on capital and bolster their IRR.

One last point is that investor emotion at some point, investors will need to put aside their feelings and think about whether their investment will impact the company for which they are investing. For example, suppose a company has grown to where their valuation is substantial, and you as an investor do not have significant capital to make a considerable position change. In that case, there is no point in investing. One should preserve their cash for an opportunity that comes along that can stand to yield a greater return on investment. One can get caught up in supporting a firm because they always have or genuinely believe in the company. I feel that what the article suggests is accurate, and that is if the strategy doesn’t make financial sense, then one shouldn’t invest.Â