solved I need support with this Psychology question so I can

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

1. In order to better understand the existential view of knowing other people, describe in three different ways someone with whom you have a close relationship. First, give an objective description of the other person, indicating as accurately as possible his or her age, appearance, background, and occupation, and providing other important information. Second, give a subjective description of how you feel about the individual. Express what your thoughts and emotions are when you are in the other’s presence and how you feel when you are apart. Third, write the story of your relationship with the other person. Tell how you met, what you have said to each other at various times, and some of the things you have done together. When you are finished, compare the different descriptions. Which one best conveys a real sense of that individual and your relationship? Which do you think is most consistent with the existential posture?2. To understand May’s concept of powerlessness on a societal level, it’s helpful to think about how powerlessness impacts your own life. Recall a time when you felt powerless. Perhaps such a feeling was prompted by a divorce or a death in the family, or by something of less obvious significance, such as getting into a fight with an older sibling or being picked on at school. How did being powerless make you feel: angry, hostile, humiliated, defensive, anxious, depressed, withdrawn? Write down any emotion that seemed tied to the condition of your powerlessness. Then with this personal instance fresh in mind, try to think about the implications of powerlessness in society as a whole. Do you agree with May’s thesis? If so, how? If not, why?3. Describe your experiences with social media. Do the research findings on personality and the use of social media accurately reflect your experience? How can we creatively and constructively use social media to work together to develop a good society?4Maslow proposed that there is a hierarchy of needs that we need to meet in order to reach our full potential. The needs he outlined, starting with the strongest and most basic, are as follows: physiological, safety, belonging and love, self-esteem, and self-actualization. At what level on Maslow’s hierarchy would you position yourself? Assess which of your needs have been met thus far in your life. Review Figure 13.1 and the discussion of each need. If there’s a need that has not been adequately met, how is it impacting your life? Consider your friends and what they have told you. Can you detect needs in their lives that have not been adequately met?5Rogers focused on the way in which the opinions of others impede or facilitate self-actualization. He stressed the importance of positive regard—being loved and accepted for who one is. Rogers distinguished between unconditional and conditional positive regard. Regard is unconditional when parents communicate to a child that the child’s behavior is bad, not the child. Regard is conditional when parents tend to communicate that the child is a bad person. Think back to your childhood. How did your parents scold you when you did something wrong? Did they tell you that you were bad or that your behavior was bad? Informally poll your friends and family about their parents’ scolding styles. Are there any discernible trends in child rearing that you can detect, such as by generation, gender, or class? Explain your feelings.

solved Directions: Answer ALL parts of the question, using historical evidence

Directions: Answer ALL parts of the question, using historical evidence to support the key conceptual claims.State required factsExplain and/or elaborate your understanding by providingExamples which reveal a deeper comprehensionExtended Response Questions = respond in 6-10 sentencesShort Response = respond in 2-5 sentencesIdentifications (IDs) = respond in 2-3 sentencesPlease number each response accordinglyPresident Lyndon Johnson recognized the strain of poverty on Americans. He declared a “War on Poverty” and urged Congress to pass the Great Society Explain why some of these programs failed in the 1970s? Provide specific reasons for these failures. (10 points)What was the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s? (2 points)How did the Women’s Movement use Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique as the basis for its inspiration? (10 points)Describe the early Environmental Movement of the 1970s. (2 points)Urban Riots gave way to the Urban Crisis and became common in the late 1960s and early 1970s. LIST TWO causes of these riots and the crisis. (4 points)Briefly describe the reason behind the Watergate Scandal AND its results. (2 points)The Feminist Movement sought reforms and Equality in the Workplace through the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. But Phyllis Schlafly and her STOP ERA movement sought to slow these reforms. Why did these two movements collide and what was at the basis of their conflict? (10 points)The Stonewall riots were the basis for which civil right movement? (2 points)In the late 1970s through the 1980s, the New Right political movement sought to curb liberal Democratic policies. What were the origins of the New Right’s politics and how did the Religious Right contribute to the New Right’s movement? (5 points)Compare & Contrast Primary Documents- President Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” and Ronald Reagan’s “First Inaugural” speech (this document is located in CANVAS/Files/Primary Documents.) When making the comparisons, make direct reference to the historical inferences within the speeches. Also make comparisons based on the different messages, using key phrases from both speeches. (10 Points)The 1980 presidential election of Ronald Reagan proposed a change. Reagan offered his new economic policy of supply-side economics. Called Reaganomics, supply-side economics was supported by the Laffer curve. Explain how the Laffer Curve was the basis for President Reagan’s supply-side economic policy. (15 points)Who was Jesse Jackson and why is he historically significant? (2 points)The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade inspired the modern-day abortion debate. Which U.S. Constitutional Amendment was cited by the court? What was the basis for the court’s legal argument to permit abortion during the first trimester? (10 points)What specifically led HIV/AIDS become a major public health emergency during the mid-1980s? (2 points)The U.S. foreign policy in Central America in the 1980s sought to combat emerging communist regimes. In an effort to stop Nicaraguan communists, the Reagan administration supported the Contras in their fight against communism. In light of this foreign policy approach, EXPLAIN the Iran-Contra Scandal? (10 points)Describe the U.S. Nuclear Arms Policy of the 1980s? (2 points)What was the reason for the First Persian Gulf War? (2 points) also imperative you use this textbook to answer these questions also scroll to the bottom of the page click volume two

solved Watch a video to help you understand this concept and

Watch a video to help you understand this concept and this assignment: Letter to Influencer Video (Links to an external site.). I want you to write this letter to an influencer within the context of the CSWE requirements, the assignment requirements, and consistent with what you find on the internet related to letters to politicians. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) requires that social work educational institutions focus on nine (9) key competencies as it relates to the curriculum. The fifth competency requires that students learn to engage in policy practice.CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards Link (Links to an external site.)Competency 5: Engage in Policy PracticeSocial workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.Social workers:Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services;assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services;apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.This course helps students to work towards this competency by understanding governmental roles and responsibilities as well as social welfare policies and services.To effectively use this information and to advocate for our clients and our professional perspectives and concerns, social workers should be able to effectively communicate with elected officials or governmental personnel. If we want to advocate for change, we must raise our voices in an effective manner.You will write a letter to a person you want to influence – either an elected official or an administrative person responsible for influencing actions. Make sure that you are using the appropriate language as well as addressing the correct person who can be influenced on your issue of concern. This should be brief, but factual. Concise yet detailed. It should be written in a professional format using appropriate language. Be specific in your requests as well as persuasive in your arguments. Grammar matters if you want to be taken seriously. Make a strong argument. Use various reference articles and use citations. An “A” paper is one that would be persuasive to your reader as well as easily managed in a political situation. Remember about the concepts of standardized communication such as SBAR and EPIC, and write your letter powerfully, focused, and in a succinct manner. There are numerous sources of information to guide you on how to write these letters on the internet including this video.How to Write to your Congressperson (Links to an external site.)

solved Below please find the announcement concerning your finale paper due

Below please find the announcement concerning your finale paper due May 18. We will discuss it further in class.
In a three-page, double-spaced, paper please define and analyze the representation of Ithaca from Homer to modernity along the lines discussed in class. Why has it meant so much to ancient and modern authors? And what does it mean to you after reading all related material?
In order to fully respond to this topic, it’s imperative you have completed reading critically:
-the Odyssey (Introductions and Chapters 1-24)
-the Power Point “The Allure of Ithaca” posted on BB
-Cavafy’s poem “Ithaca”
-My lecture/notes on Cavafy posted on BB
-Edith Hall’s chapter “Exile from Ithaca” from the Return of Ulysses.
-Dante Inferno, Canto 26
-The final three readings/poems by Whitman, Baudelaire and Walcott
Your task in this comparative paper is to evaluate at least two of these references and examine how the idea of Ithaca has been interpreted by other authors and artists than Homer. One of them, for example, is the modern poet Constantine Cavafy whose poem “Ithaca” is crucial to the modern understanding of it. If you are also going to discuss a film, please make sure you watch it and you don’t rely on online notes of the film without ever seeing it.
Please cite specific examples from some of the above texts to demonstrate knowledge of theme and elucidate your points. In addition, you might need to look up a few things related to your topic on your own to respond insightfully and have a better understanding of the influence of the symbolic Ithaca on modernity.
This assignment should not be about the geography of Ithaca, it should be MAINLY about Ithaca as a literary milestone. In other words, how has Homeric Ithaca inspired literature and art of subsequent generations? In my power point and in your readings there are several references to literature and art (Cavafy’s “Ithaca,” Walt Whitman’s “Had I the Choice,” Derek Walcott “The Sea is History,” or films like The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind), that have interpreted and reinterpreted the idea of Ithaca and what it means to modernity.
The final paper is due Tuesday, May 18 by 12 noon
Please email the final paper to me on May 18 by 12 noon attached as a Word doc at
In anticipation of your final paper please observe all the following rules we have discussed extensively:
-Have a title that best captures your topic and the spirit of your paper
-Remember to put main titles in italics
-Insert page numbers
-Do not jump from tense to tense, stick with one tense
-Make sure your third-person verb forms are correct
-Have transitions (paragraphs)
-Do not ever address the reader as YOU -instead use ONE or WE: “As one/we may argue…”
-Be aware of rules of punctuation
-Know not only the forms of figurative language, but also how to use them
-Introduce quotes properly: “according to…”, or “as the author states/claims/argues/maintains/declares/ponders…” (a while ago I posted a link to a guideline of proper introduction of quotes)
-Use specific examples in the form of quotes from the texts to illustrate your points
-DRAW AN OUTLINE before you write the assignment
-Have a clear thesis and personal perspective on the topic
-Do not oversimplify or generalize and AVOID clichés. Be specific and think small
-Use synonyms; never repeat the same word more than twice in a short paper.
Please do not write in the comment’s column. Save in Word and attach as Box doc.

solved ScenarioOrganization Y has always been results-driven. The CEO of Organization

ScenarioOrganization Y has always been results-driven. The CEO of Organization Y recognizes that the organization needs to evolve to become more innovative. As a means of improving innovative thinking, gaining efficiency, and increasing revenue, the organization is undergoing a change in organizational structure.This functionally structured organization will begin the transition to a flatarchy. This means that many employees are changing roles and gaining new responsibilities over the next few months. The climate of the organization is subject to change substantially. In times of change, leadership will look to the mission, vision, and values of the organization to provide stability and support.While the mission, vision, and values of the organization will remain constant, it is becoming apparent that the organizational climate, specifically workforce morale, is quickly beginning to slip. As manager, you are prompted to assess changes in the organizational climate and to present a proposal to leadership outlining your plan to shape and lead the organizational climate in support of the organization’s mission, vision, and values.Organization YMission:To serve international clients with innovative products and outstanding customer serviceVision:To become a global leader of innovative product designValues:INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION: We support collaboration across teams in the pursuit of innovation.GROWTH: We promote continuous learning and invest in our team members.INTEGRITY: We forge relationships with our stakeholders built on honesty and trust.COMMUNICATION: We communicate openly and clearly to create an effective organization.RISK TAKING: We constantly challenge the status quo to be at the forefront of the industry.DirectionsProposal: The climate of an organization is subject to change, whereas the culture is deep-rooted in the organization’s shared assumptions, beliefs, values, and behaviors. As Organization Y changes structures, it is becoming apparent that the organizational climate, specifically workforce morale, is quickly beginning to slip. As manager, you assess changes in the organizational climate and present a proposal to leadership outlining your plan to shape and lead the climate in support of Organization Y’s mission, vision, and values. Specifically, use the Organizational Climate Assessment Summary to address the following in your proposal to leadership:Evaluate the current state of the climate.Assess how the organization’s structure impacts the climate. Consider comparing the organizational structures, and discuss how each structure supports the mission, vision, and values.Recommend strategies to lead a healthy organizational climate during the transition.Justify your strategies by explaining how these changes will support the organization’s mission, vision, and values and impact performance.From a managerial perspective, describe the additional resources you will need to maintain a healthy organizational climate during the transition. Address the following to inform your response:What is the role of functional systems (HR, finance, etc.) in supporting an organization’s mission, vision, and values?What key skills should employees demonstrate to support the mission and vision during the restructuring of the organization?What to SubmitFor this project, you must submit the following:ProposalYour proposal must be 750 to 1,250 words in length (plus a cover page and references). Cite any and all sources appropriately

solved Respond to the 2 posts below : Disaster Communication Course

Respond to the 2 posts below : Disaster Communication Course : 2 posts (200 words each)Do any of the following : —–Ask a probing questionShare an insight from having read your colleague’s postingOffer and support an opinionValidate an idea with your own experienceMake a suggestionExpand on your colleague’s postingPost 1: hat measles is so prevalent worldwide is news to me. I hadn’t thought about it. MMR is one of the first shots we get in the States and boosters are easy to come by. I was surprised by the report. But I love the idea of the floating vaccine center!! That gives new meaning to “mobile vaccination site”! Simply being able to physically reach those in need is a major achievement.The importance of getting the vaccine doesn’t seem to be nearly as difficult to communicate as actually getting the vaccine out. I understand first hand (now) how challenging it is to keep vaccines at the required temperatures. The Coast Guard had to find an extra $250k to buy special freezers for the COVID-19 vaccine. And we almost lost several hundred doses when the temp tail alerted that one shipment might have been out of range. Crisis averted, by the way!This report gave the impression that vaccine campaigns only make a strong push when there is an outbreak, so it seems that it would be better to try to vaccinate people before there is an outbreak, but the remote parts of Africa are so very difficult to reach. Similar – though not nearly as challenging – is reaching people in the US in rural areas. They are so spread out, geographically. So I think the mobile vaccination sites are critical. War, migration and weak healthcare are not applicable in the US. Although the story talked about vaccination programs in response to outbreaks, there is a push to vaccinate people against measles before that happens. And in the US, I think we’ll get there. Vaccinations are not new to us – tetanus, MMR, shingles, flu, small pox (at least for the military types). It’s just that COVID-19 is new and when it becomes more commonplace, the hesitancy will decrease. Fingers crossed.It would be nice if we could apply creativity to other prevention measures, such as severe weather preparation. My goal, personally, is to limit the amount of responding we have to do by better preparing people to take care of themselves during an incident. Maybe mobile preparedness buses could work – get donated supplies and take them to the areas that need them most. I have no idea how much that would cost, or if the supplies would last until they’re actually needed, but I’m tempted to look into that for my new role at the sheriff’s office in strategic planning!Post 2: What contexts or situations in the United States could require the same sort of flexibility and creativity of response and communication (EG: loss of power due to natural disasters). Be as specific as you can.We can all probably list the big ones: People needing to better understand why evacuating earlier is better than waiting till it’s hitting land or can be seen, during a hurricane. Why sheltering in your basement/cellar is important during tornado watches instead of waiting for the warning when it’s about to hit the house, again early and being prepared. Both of those situations change rapidly and without a lot of warning due to mother nature’s flare for the dramatic. Being flexible and able to get information across multiple platforms is the key, which would also entail some unique communication with fellow agencies.

solved Timmco Case Study Timmco, Inc. is a publicly traded corporation

Timmco Case Study
Timmco, Inc. is a publicly traded corporation located in Denton, Texas that makes and sells high pressure industrial spraying equipment used in all sorts of commercial liquid spraying applications. It prides itself on top quality and promotes its products as “100% made in the USA”.
Sales have been declining recently due to competition from lower priced competitors and Timmco is looking for ways to reduce costs. One option under consideration is to find a new source for the high-pressure valves used in its products. These valves are complicated mechanisms that operate under very high internal pressure. If the valve was to burst, it would spray pieces of metal in all directions and pose a significant hazard to anyone standing nearby including the operator of the equipment. Timmco currently has a contract to purchase 1,000 valves a year at $2,500 per valve from Blagg Industries, a small privately owned business located in Boone, North Carolina. The contract has been in place for three years and has two more years to run.
Blagg Industries has a dozen employees. Timmco is its primary customer. If Blagg Industries loses Timmco’s business, it will have to lay off employees and might even go out of business.
Timmco is considering outsourcing the valves from Sanco, an overseas supplier in the country of Slawrovia, instead of buying valves from Blagg Industries. The Sanco valves only cost $1,000 each, but are known to be of lower quality than the Blagg Industries valves and are more likely to burst. Sanco can supply these valves at such low cost because they pay their workers, including children, less than the equivalent of $5 per day and work them long hours in hot, dangerous conditions.
Slawrovia is a poor country, but it has a large government bureaucracy and there is a lot of red tape involved in getting approval to export manufactured goods to other countries. In fact, it might take more than a year for Sanco and Timmco to obtain the necessary approvals for Sanco to export the valves to Timmco. Fortunately, the CEO of Sanco is related to the Slawrovia Minister of Commerce and has told Timmco that the necessary approvals can be obtained in less than a week if Timmco makes a $20,000 “gift” to the Slawrovia Minister of Commerce.
In addition to finding a new, low cost valve supplier, Timmco plans to increase sales by running a new marketing campaign that focuses on their commitment to American made quality. The tagline will be “Made in the USA by Americans, for Americans.”
You are a high-level executive at Timmco. Analyze the legal and ethical issues presented by the Timmco scenario. Your legal and ethical analysis should include breach of contract and remedies, negligent torts, product liability, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and deceptive advertising and should incorporate a discussion and application of one or more of the ethical theories from Chapter 4 of the course textbook Business law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment.
Your legal and ethical analysis should,

Analyze breach of contract and remedies
Analyze negligent torts
Analyze product liability
Analyze the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Analyze deceptive advertising
Incorporate a discussion and application of one or more of the ethical theories from Chapter 4 of the course textbook Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment. The theories are RIghts, Justice, Utilitarianism, Shareholder, and Virtue they are referring to.

solved Description of Population of Interest-Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric Readings:

Description of Population of Interest-Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Readings:  See readings for unit 1
The goal of this paper is to identify a population that you would be interested in exploring. I recommend selecting a population that you think you may want to work with for your DNP project. The population that you select will serve as the basis for further assignments in this class. This paper will also require you to identify a potential health problem noted with your population of interest and address that health problem from a primary, secondary, or tertiary lens.  Please see the grading rubric for detailed information on what is required for this paper.
When you write your paper, follow the grading guidelines. Each student is to submit a paper (no group work). The paper should be written in a formal style, adhere to the most recent APA guidelines, use primary sources, provide an integration of ideas, and be 4-6 pages in length, not including the USA approved title page and reference list. The paper should be submitted to the Assignment section in PDF format and it will be automatically submitted to turnitin.
A copy of the grading rubric is provided for you below.  It is highly recommended that you organize your paper based on the grading rubric criteria detailed below; the use of headings based on the grading rubric criteria is also strongly recommended.
Rubric Elements. See Grading rubric in assignments for point value.
1. Introduction paragraph

There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose of paper and what will be discussed.

2. Describe why you are interested in this specific population group.

Have you worked with this population before?
Is this the population that you see in your clinical practice setting?

3. Describe your identified population of interest in detail. Listed are some examples of ways to characterize your population.

Identify local, regional, national, and global statistics related to your population of interest.
Identify characteristics and attributes of the population.
Explain how and why they may be more vulnerable to health issues.
Identify unique health concerns of this population.
Age of population
Racial and ethnic distribution
Household composition
Occupation & Income
Participation in federal programs

4. Identify one health issue that you have identified in your population of interest.

Explore if statistics are available regarding the health issue at the local, regional, national, and global level.
For example, if the health concern of your identified population is childhood obesity, how do the rates of childhood obesity in your population compare to: city, state, regional, national, and international rates? 
If you are interested in a communicable disease, you could discuss the incidence and prevalence rates.

5.  Propose how you plan to address the health issue identified in your population on an individual or population level based on primary, secondary and tertiary level of prevention.  For example, if your population is Haitian immigrants in Miami, what health promotion do they need? If you population is the elderly with heart disease, what types of health promotion do they need?

Describe which level of prevention you plan to address.
Explain why you selected this level of prevention.
Detail how you can make a difference by selecting this level of prevention   

6.  Conclusions: summarize the essential points of paper (no more than one paragraph).

solved The answer should run 1500 to 2200 words but the

The answer should run 1500 to 2200 words but the first part need only be about page long and can be in bullet formFactsFish and Asparagus Ltd. (“FASL”) is a federally incorporated business that operates a restaurant in each of Ottawa, Toronto, and Kitchener, Ontario. It also sells frozen dinners to grocery chains across Canada. The frozen dinners are produced at its facility in Burlington Ontario.The pandemic has been very difficult on the 3 restaurants in Ottawa, Toronto and Kitchener. But the frozen dinner business has picked up a lot during the pandemic.It has been a tough year for the corporation on the whole. Aside from the pandemic, an employee who recently quit has stolen its secret recipe for its famous fish and asparagus meal and is refusing to return it unless he is paid $500,000. He says he will give it to a competitor unless he is paid.Another frozen food manufacturer has started using a logo that looks very much like FASL’s except instead of a grey fish topped with asparagus, the competitor’s logo is a grey fish topped with green beans.In addition, FASL’s CEO has just learned that a manager in its Toronto restaurant, Freddy Fowler, was asking job applicants about their religious beliefs during job interviews and refusing to hire some people based on those beliefs.As if that were not enough, FASL had entered into an agreement of purchase and sale to sell a building it owned in Windsor Ontario, but the buyer refused to close the transaction. The buyer is very wealthy but simply decided not to close the real estate transaction. The sale price was $1.2 million, and FASL was counting on the sale proceeds to give it some cash flow and pay off its $800,000 mortgage on the property.The restaurants have lost over $ 7 million since March 2020, but the frozen dinner line has generated a profit of $2.5 million. However, FASL owes $10 million to creditors and its only asset is the building in Windsor plus $200,000 in the bank. All its restaurants and its manufacturing facility are leased. The equipment in these restaurants in also leased from Super Duper Equipment Rentals. The production assembly equipment in Burlington is also leased from this company. FASL is up to date on all its lease payments, but cannot keep this up much longer since it only has $200,000 left.The CEO and CFO think they can salvage the business if they close the restaurants, sell the Windsor building and focus on the frozen dinner business. The restaurants employ a total of 20 people. Management thinks 5 of those people have skills that could be transferred to the production plant in Burlington, but the rest will have to be let go. But they only have enough money to cover the negative cash flow for the next few months. There are 12 people employed in the Burlington production facility and the plan is to keep them working since the facility is profitable.QuestionPART A – IDENTIFICATIONFirst, identify all of the legal issues in this scenario. This can be done in bullet form. Correctly identifying all of the legal issues is worth 50% of the exam or 15% of your final grade. It should be about 1 page in length.PART B- DISCUSSIONNext, discuss each legal issue in greater depth, and consider the possible implications for FASL as well as possible solutions. What legal tools are available to FASL to secure its objective of closing the restaurants and continuing to operate the frozen food business? This part is worth 50% od this examination, or 15% of your total grade.

solved [10 points] What are the main modes of transportation? Provide

[10 points] What are the main modes of transportation? Provide 1-2 advantages and disadvantage for each transportation mode.[15 points] What is the role of transportation in the supply chain? Discuss in a paragraph (150-200 words) providing examples of how transportation can positively and negatively impact supply chain performance.[15 points] Below are two recent scenarios/challenges that affected supply chains. Select one of them. Explain how it affects the supply chains. Suggest how to mitigate the impact on supply chain for the selected scenario/ challenge. (150-200 words)Shipping Container ShortageA container ship getting stuck in Suez Canal[15 points] Identify the appropriate modes of transportation for the following items. Provide reasoning for your choice:Google Pixel phones (made in China, sold worldwide)Nike running shoes (made in Vietnam, sold mostly in North America and Europe)Organic fruits and vegetables (made in South America, sold in North America and Europe)Pressure treated lumber (made in Albany, GA, sold in across the USA)Natural gas (see the map, sold in major US cities)[15 points] A hardware manufacturer signs a contract with Home Depot to provide wood screws. The plant nursery has 3 supply locations. They need to deliver to 12 Home Depot stores. The demand at each Home Depot store is 100,000 boxes. The trucks can delivery up-to 20,000 boxes and cost $1,000 per load plus $250 per delivery. The cost of holding one box in inventory for a year is $1.00. The supply chain manager of the hardware manufacturer is considering whether to use direct shipping from the supplier locations to retail stores (full truck loads in each shipment) or setting up milk runs from supplier to retail stores (without a distribution center). In each milk run, a truck may deliver to 2,3, or 4 Home depot stores. (Hint: See the class example and use the Excel template).What is the total cost (inventory holding + truck cost) for direct shipping option?What is the minimum total cost for milk-run using full trucks? Calculate the total cost for a truck delivering to 2,3, or 4 locations.What is the suggested shipping option? If the demand increases to 150,000 boxes per store, would your option change? Why or why not?[15 points] Serum Institute of India (SII) is the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer located in Pune, India. SII purchases the empty vials to store the produced vaccines from a supplier located in Chennai, India. SII purchases 50 million vials from the supplier each year at a price of $0.10 per vial. Each vial weighs 0.05 kgs (20 vials would weigh 1 kg). Following table shows the transportation options available. SII carries a safety inventory equal to 40% of the average demand for vials during the replenishment lead time. The holding cost rate is 25% per unit per year. Assume that there are 365 workdays per year. Also, assume that the transit time is lead time less one day.What is the total cost (transportation + safety inventory cost + in transit inventory cost + holding cost) for each transportation option?Which transportation carrier would you suggest? Why?[15 points] What is meant by “tailored transportation”? Providing an example, explain in a paragraph (150-200 words). undefined Carrier Quantity shipped (vials) Shipping cost ($/kg) Lead time (days) Rail 1,000,000 $ 0.50 4 Truck – Tata 50,000 $ 1.35 2 Truck – Leyland 100,000 $ 1.15 2 Truck – Hino 200,000 $ 1.00 2