solved BUSINESS STATISTICS ASSIGNMENT ScenarioYou have been hired by the Regional

BUSINESS STATISTICS ASSIGNMENT ScenarioYou have been hired by the Regional Real Estate Company to help them analyze real estate data. One of the company’s Pacific region salespeople just returned to the office with a newly designed advertisement. It states that the average cost per square foot of his home sales is above the average cost per square foot in the Pacific region. He wants you to make sure he can make that statement before approving the use of the advertisement. The average cost per square foot of his home sales is $275. In order to test his claim, you collect a sample of 1,001 home sales for the Pacific region.PromptDesign a hypothesis test and interpret the results using significance level α = .05.Use the House Listing Price by Regiondocument to help support your work on this assignment. You may also use the Descriptive Statistics in Excel and Creating Histograms in Excel tutorials for support.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria, using the Module Five Assignment Template.Setup: Define your population parameter, including hypothesis statements, and specify the appropriate test.Define your population parameter.Write the null and alternative hypotheses. Note: Remember, the salesperson believes that his sales are higher.Specify the name of the test you will use.Identify whether it is a left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed test.Identify your significance level.Data Analysis Preparations: Describe sample summary statistics, provide a histogram and summary, check assumptions, and find the test statistic and significance level.Provide the descriptive statistics (sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation).Provide a histogram of your sample.Describe your sample by writing a sentence describing the shape, center, and spread of your sample.Determine whether the conditions to perform your identified test have been met.Calculations: Calculate the p value, describe the p value and test statistic in regard to the normal curve graph, discuss how the p value relates to the significance level, and compare the p value to the significance level to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.Determine the appropriate test statistic, then calculate the test statistic.Note: This calculation is (mean – target)/standard error. In this case, the mean is your regional mean (Pacific), and the target is 275.Calculate the p value.Note: For right-tailed, use the T.DIST.RT function in Excel, left-tailed is the T.DIST function, and two-tailed is the T.DIST.2T function. The degree of freedom is calculated by subtracting 1 from your sample size.Choose your test from the following:=T.DIST.RT([test statistic], [degree of freedom])=T.DIST([test statistic], [degree of freedom], 1)=T.DIST.2T([test statistic], [degree of freedom])Using the normal curve graph as a reference, describe where the p value and test statistic would be placed.Test Decision: Discuss the relationship between the p value and the significance level, including a comparison between the two, and decide to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.Discuss how the p value relates to the significance level.Compare the p value and significance level, and make a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.Conclusion: Discuss how your test relates to the hypothesis and discuss the statistical significance.Explain in one paragraph how your test decision relates to your hypothesis and whether your conclusions are statistically significant.

solved 3 page essay Chapter 3 Discussion: Biopsychology and Neuroplasticity 66

3 page essay
Chapter 3 Discussion: Biopsychology and Neuroplasticity
66 unread replies.66 replies.
Choose only ONE question per topic, and write a coherent, well-organized essay, using concepts from the text of no less that 350-400 words (Three full Paragraphs) that responds to the question in its entirety. Following direction from section 5 (grading system) of syllabus–write clearly, include what you have learned in this unit without copying, cite your source, and apply the concept learned to the topic chosen. Read directions carefully and cover all aspects in a logical, well-organized essay. For full credit, remember to use a quote and list the textbook as reference at the end. See my introduction example under the first module for ideas. Respond to two other student”s AP’s. You will need to post your AP first before you will see other students work.
Here are this week’s choices:
Watch the video from page one of this module. Video: Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark. Explain what you believe Dr.Cynader means by the slogan “Neuron’s that fire together, wire together”. Using concepts you learned in the text in addition to this video, share what you learned about how parts of the body affects the psychology of individuals.

Watch the video by Ruby Wax (on page one of this module). Video: How Neuroplasticity can help with Depression with Ruby Wax. Describe Ruby Wax struggle with mental illness and how she believes neuroplasticity helped her. Using concepts you learned from the textbook, share what you learned about how the parts of the body relates to mental illness
Students are often surprised by the amount of biology that is included in the psychology course. Biopsychology and neuropsychology are a predominate field and growing every day. There has been so much change in recent years with the ability to perform brain scans and researchers able to actually see brains in action. Many psychological disorders are highly connected to brain chemistry and the nervous system. From children with ADHD or sensory disorders, to teens with depression and suicidal idealization, to adults with bi-polar or panic disorders, and seniors with cognitive disorders, you will see biopsychology play a huge role in new interventions and treatments.
You will learn about how the body affects individuals through the brain interaction (communication) of synapses, particularly neurotransmitters that effect mood and therefore behavior. In the following National Geographic video the scientists makes a great statement “the only real sign that something is wrong is the outward manifestation of the disease, a person is acting crazy, doesn’t seem to learn very well, or movements are disordered in some way…” You have to see the wires (synapse)…” (to see how they communicate and influence or guide us).
Watch the following three fascinating videos that give great details of actual scans of synapse, explain how the brain works, and the importance of neuroplasticity for future treatments. Ruby Wax is a comedian with depression and bi-pilor who shares how treatments using concepts of neuroplasticity helped change her life. All CC available.
Beautiful 3-D Brain Scans Show Every Synapse | National Geographic – YouTube
How Neuroplasticity Could Help with Depression, with Ruby Wax – YouTube
Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark – YouTube
Discover How to Rewire Your Brain with Neuroplasticity – YouTube

solved You have to read the story “Cathedral” and write an

You have to read the story “Cathedral” and write an essay (1500-1750 words) in MLA style examine how the narrator’s viewpoint changes throughout the story. You might also argue whether or not the narrator has a true epiphany at the climax of the story. This essay relies mainly on textual support from the primary text, but includes at least 5 secondary sources that support/sustain the student’s argument.Notes:1. Need original2. Try not to have basic grammar mistake3. Need 5 secondary sources from online databases 4. This is critical analysis not plot summaryIntroductionThe student establishes the importance of the literary theme or topic being analyzed in his/her opening paragraph. The essay uses an anecdote or some research to demonstrate why the chosen subject is significant to the primary text being analyzed. The introduction insists on the need to redefine the issue.15% ThesisThe thesis asserts a clear and coherent interpretation of the selected theme or topic, explaining the theme/topic’s function within either the work or the work’s genre.15% Organization and DevelopmentOn a paragraph by paragraph basis, the essay uses transition devices and topic sentences to remind readers of the basic thesis being argued. Each paragraph demonstrates a proficiency with literary analysis by explicating cited passages. Secondary sources (research) are cited to support the student’s thesis, or as a contrast to it. Each paragraph is well-developed.15% ResearchThe essay employs a combination of 5 secondary sources from online databases to demonstrate knowledge of existing criticism on the chosen theme or topic in the work selected. 15% MLA Formatting, including in-text parenthetical citation and Works CitedThe essay demonstrates proficiency with the use of parentheses to designate the page of a cited quote from either the primary or secondary source, recognizing that MLA does not make use of “p.” or “pg.” The student demonstrates knowledge of when to include the author’s last name within the parentheses (Bishop 106) and when not to (106). The Works Cited page demonstrates a commitment to the proper MLA formatting procedures outlined at (Links to an external site.). Among these procedures: listing authors in alphabetical order by last name; authors’ last names listed first, followed by first name; proper citation of title using italics for full-length books and quotation marks for article, short story, and poems; use of place, publisher, and date of publication for books and journal title, volume and issue, date of publication, and page numbers for articles; use of punctuation including periods, commas, and semi-colons; and proper acknowledgment of medium of publication, including use of “Print” for physical books (“hard copy”) and articles consulted and URL and date access documentation for sources read online (Web. Date).10% ConclusionThe student has incorporated a clear conclusion that goes beyond simply summarizing the topic to include the potential implications of their analysis.10% Punctuation/GrammarThe student has followed punctuation and grammar rules throughout the paper. The student has also paid attention to accuracy in spelling and the overall formatting of the paper.10% ImprovementThe essay shows signs of concerted effort on student’s part to correct grammar errors from previous assignments and to demonstrate improvement over the course of the semester.

solved Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.Create a problem statement.Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.______________________________________________________________________________________Topic: Community Assessment and Analysis PresentationThis assignment is PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.Assessment/InterviewSelect a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.”Interview a community health and public health provider regarding that person’s role and experiences within the community.Interview GuidelinesInterviews can take place in-person, by phone, or by Skype.Develop interview questions to gather information about the role of the provider in the community and the health issues faced by the chosen community.Complete the “Provider Interview Acknowledgement Form” prior to conducting the interview. Submit this document separately in its respective drop box.Compile key findings from the interview, including the interview questions used, and submit these with the presentation.PowerPoint PresentationCreate a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.Include the following in your presentation:Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA format ting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

solved ost people have experienced frustration at least once when talking

ost people have experienced frustration at least once when talking with customer service. Often, organizations provide satisfaction surveys to customers to evaluate their experience. In the health care field, accrediting agencies require providers to measure patient satisfaction through surveys. The purpose of this assignment is to apply the processes involved to develop an improvement plan that will prevent similar customer complaints.You must download and use the Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan downloadMinimize File Previewtemplate to complete this assignment. Do not write a separate paper. Note: If you have responded substantively to each of the content items within the template of the assignment, the template document you submit should be between three and four pages in length.Choose one of the customer experience scenario options below:Customer contacted a health plan customer service department but could not understand the representative.Customer scheduled an appointment with a primary care physician for an acute illness, and there were no appointments available.Customer had an appointment for lab testing or a diagnostic test (e.g., MRI, CT scan, etc.), and the facility environment was disorderly and unclean.Customer visited the Emergency Department (ED), also known as Emergency Room, but the wait time was extensive (over three hours).A customer called the doctor after normal office hours ended. The primary care doctor advised the patient to go to Urgent Care (UC). After paying the $50 co-pay, the UC physician told the patient to go to the ER because the issue was more severe than could be managed at the UC clinic.A knee-replacement patient was given discharge instructions upon discharge that included taking a pain medication every four to six hours. However, when the patient arrived home, the prescription was not in his discharge paperwork. The hospital informed the patient he would have to come back to pick up the written prescription to get it filled, as it cannot be called in to the pharmacy. Using the Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan downloadtemplate, respond to the required elements listed below and make sure to include detail for each element in your improvement plan.Required Elements:Scenario: Create your own detail to relate what may have occurred Once you have chosen a customer satisfaction scenario.Describe in detail everything that occurred to ensure that the CQI team understands the complexity of the issue.)Data Elements: Describe a minimum of three data elements you would gather to fully assess the situation and assist you with improving the customer satisfaction scenario you chose.CQI Methods: Outline the CQI method (Pareto, Fishbone, or Flowchart) you would utilize to develop your improvement plan.Explain your plan for improvement.CQI Team Members: Identify three stakeholders within the organization you will include on your CQI team.Identify the communication barriers that may occur between the stakeholders based on their role in the organization when analyzing the cause of the complaint.Discuss possible solutions and the development of an effective improvement plan.Cost-Quality Impact: Analyze how cost and quality are linked based on your chosen scenario.Identify the potential impact to the organization if the issue is not resolved.Evaluation Plan: Describe how you will evaluate the success or failure of the plan.Identify the steps would you take to determine if the plan is effective.

solved CHAPTER 12Battoni v. IBEW Local Union 102 Employee Pension Plan,

CHAPTER 12Battoni v. IBEW Local Union 102 Employee Pension Plan, 594 F.3d 230 (3d Cir. 2010)Two union locals merged. Both had defined benefit pension plans. The details of the plans differed, including whether lump-sum distributions of benefits were allowed. Following the merger of the unions and their pension plans, the merged plan allowed for plan participants who were formerly members of the local whose pension plan permitted lump-sum distributions (Local 675) to continue to receive those distributions based on benefits accrued prior to the merger. Shortly after the merger, the welfare plan of Local 102 (which had also been merged with that of the other local) adopted a rule stating that employees who opted for lump-sum payments of their pension benefits would lose their entitlement to retiree health insurance. This new policy was challenged by a group of plan participants from the former Local 675. 1. What were the legal issues in this case? What did the court decide?2. Which two things must be shown by plaintiffs to prove that there has been a violation of ERISA’s anti-cutback rule? 3. As the anti-cutback provisions of ERISA apply only to pensions and not to welfare plans, why did changing the conditions under which retiree health care benefits were available run afoul of the anti-cutback rule? 4. In what sense were the accrued pension benefits of these employees reduced?5. What should the benefit plan have done instead?Bonus: Should employers offer incentives to their employees to promote workplace safety? If so, how should an incentive program be designed so as to not dissuade employees from reporting workplace injuries?CHAPTER 14City of Brighton v. Rodriguez318 P.3d 496 (Col. 2014)Employee Rodriguez injured herself at work after falling down a flight of stairs. The stairs were not slippery or obstructed in any way. Rodriguez did not trip, slip or lose her balance, and Rodriguez was not experiencing a headache, neck pain, dizziness, or vision problems. However, after the fall, when she was taken to the hospital, four unruptured aneurysms were discovered on the right side of her brain. The employer maintained that he injury was not compensable because it did not arise out of the employment, and that Rodriguez’ fall was caused either by her aneurysms, or the fall was unexplained. The ALJ found that the aneurysms were not the cause of the fall. The court must decide whether injuries from an unexplained fall in the workplace arose out of employment, and in making that decision, the choice of risk test was key. . 1. What is the legal issue in this case? What did the court decide?2. What is the distinction between “employment,” “personal,” and “neutral” risks? Why does the court say that this case involves the latter category?3. What is the “but-for” or “positional risk” test? How does the court apply it to the facts of this case? Would the outcome have been the same if the court had used a “peculiar risk” test? An “increased risk” text? An “actual risk” test? (See the text for explanations of these.) Why or why not?4. Evaluate the judge’s argument in the dissenting opinion. Is it persuasive? Why or why not? 5. In your view, should employees be eligible for workers’ compensation in cases of “idiopathic” or unexplained falls? Why or why not?Use Textbook: REQUIRED TEXTBOOKEmployment Law for Human Resource Practice6th EditionDavid J. WalshISBN-13: 9781337555326Cangage Publisher

solved Week 4 Discussion: Patents for Plants Watch the video from

Week 4 Discussion: Patents for Plants
Watch the video from this week from Moyers & Company about genetically modified seeds. In the modern world, there is much debate and discussion about the efficacy of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) in particular fruits and vegetables that are grown from GMO seeds or animals that are bred for the food market from GMO types of practices. GMO’s are often created to enhance desirable traits and eliminate undesirable traits in an organism. For example, in farming practices, GMO plants are usually resistant to weed, better able to tolerate flooding or drought, and grow to be larger and more lush than the average non-GMO seed of the same variety of plant. Some people however, feel that such plants are environmentally unfriendly and the consumer in the marketplace should know if their food has been GMO modified so they can opt-out of consuming it if they wish.
However, aside from such dietary and environmental concerns there is an entirely different level of debate surrounding GMO foods and that is the practice of patenting certain seeds processes to create exclusive lines of certain crops. For example, a plant breeding company may create a new farm ready plant  of corm species that is resistant to the type of herbicidal spray their company produces by altering a single gene in the plant. This means that the company could sell corn seed to farmers and sell along with it herbicidal spray that will kill weeds and other types of plants including corn with the exception of the corn seed they have created that is resistant to their brand of herbicidal spray. If a company gets a patent for their brand of seed and herbicide spray they then will not only own the exclusive right to that plant seed but subsequent rights to future generations of plants grown from that same seed line. Over time this can lead to only a few companies owning all of the legal rights to corn seeds and plants.
This can be an attractive seed to use for large scale crop farmers that want to be able to plant one type of corn seed and then be able to liberally spray herbicide that will destroy all other weeds and contaminants so that their corn seed thrives. However, the granting of such patents will cut down dramatically on the diversity of corn seed that is produced and grown over time thus lessening the benefits of evolution in the natural selection and adaption of a large number of different corn seeds over time.
As you think about this along with this weeks reading and the relevant video from this week consider and respond to the following:
1.      Should individual plants and seeds be eligible for patent protection?
2.      Even if a patent is granted to the seed engineer should the farmer, the grower of the seed be able to use the seeds they grow at the end of the season to plant for the next harvest (*ie. Should a seed patent only extend to one generation of a particular plant as opposed to granting perpetual protection over that plant and any subsequent plants that are grown from that same family line of seed indefinitely?)
After answering these questions describe what your policy would be if you were in charge of the world regarding the patent of plants and seeds. How would you balance between the benefits of innovation and research into agricultural practices that comes with granting patents against a decrease in biodiversity and variety that accompanies the allowance for the patent of plants?

solved InstructionsYour previous contributions addressing a variety of important topics outlined

InstructionsYour previous contributions addressing a variety of important topics outlined in all previous assignments for this course are deemed essential in supporting the business’ overall organizational structure and competitive advantage strategy. It is now time to consider developing your own HR department team to ensure they have the requisite skills and competencies necessary to perform at high levels over time. Effective and motivated HR business partners (HRBP) will be the key to translating HR and business strategy into action. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Body of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK) can be an invaluable resource to help develop and certify HR professionals. You must now explain to the management team the components of this model and how it can be leveraged to achieve operational success for the HR department. A one-hour meeting has been scheduled, and the CEO will be in attendance. Create a 20-slide minimum PowerPoint presentation with your script or discussion or commentary in the Notes section of each slide, in which you do the following:Include the cover, presentation agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward the total slide count. Provide a slide with an overview on the importance of having a highly-developed staff of HR business partners. Be clear with your position.Example: The Evolution of the HR Business Partner Role.Provide 1–4 slides introducing the SHRM BoCK model and its components. Be sure to highlight each of the areas of the model. Note: It is highly recommended to insert an image of the actual SHRM BoCK model into the presentation. Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information: Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “Behavioral Competencies.”Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domains 1 & 2.” Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domains 3 & 4.” Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing specifics on certifying your HRBPs. Note: Good PowerPoints have very few words on the slides themselves—almost all of the information you need to include should be in the Notes. Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the Course Guide and those that are specifically provided by the professor.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Select any one of three professional PowerPoint templates provided by the professor (required).Have headings for each section with all bulleted information aligned properly and using the same font and size. Images may be used but must be professional and relevant to the topic.The source or sources of all images must be credited with both citation and reference. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include citations and references for all information received from other sources.All bullet-point information in the Notes sections must be descriptive and have a minimum of 3–4 full sentencesYOU MUST INCLUDE SPEAKERS NOTES ON EACH SLIDE of actual material! Speaker must be female voice

solved Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.

Readings and Materials

Review Course Syllabus
Textbook Readings

Helgeson: Chapter 1 Introduction
Helgeson: Chapter 3 Gender-Role Attitudes

Video Clips: Unit 1: Video Clips
Online Reading and Websites:

Where The Girls Are (And Aren’t): #15Girls (Links to an external site.)
This article that looks at the status of teen girls across the globe.
Teens taking control and changing their fate (Links to an external site.).
Special Series #15Girls: These short pieces highlight the experiences of diverse adolescent girls across the world. Please choose at least one piece from the #15 Girls series to read (or listen to).
National Organization for Men Against Sexism (Links to an external site.)

PowerPoint Presentation

Helgeson: Chapter 1 Introduction
Helgeson: Chapter 3 Gender-Role Attitudes

Textbook Student Resources

Flashcards (Links to an external site.)
Resources (Links to an external site.)
Weblinkshere are the topics for this week to help you answer


Nicole Herder5:20pmJun 10 at 5:20pm

Manage Discussion Entry
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.
There are many disadvatages to comparing men and women in a discussion, a few, are that men and women are inherently different. While many of us can agree that we want men and women to be equal, it’s not necessairly as easy as saying it. There are many kinds of differences between us, from the way we expereince emotion to the way we process audio. There is a disadvantage in just simply comparing them based on the gender stereotypical roles that have been laid out for men and women in society. How do you compare and woman and a man without bringing up the difference between their genders in the first place?
An advantage that can be found when comparing men and women is that looking at these comparisons can often provide a cloer look into what sets us apart in certain ways, that are beyond the biological approach. This can also help us to find the similarities as well, which can be good for research purposes as well as personal opinions. One major advantage with the discussion of men and women is that what you find within the comparison itself, will almost never be replicated with other discussions from other people.

Collapse SubdiscussionJamylia Haren
Jamylia HarenMondayJun 7 at 3:03pm
Manage Discussion Entry
The advantages of comparing women to men mean that we are now seen as equals and can accomplish a lot of the same goals because we’re looked at as people not just our gender. The biggest advantages to equality between men and women are same paying jobs and the same type of opportunities when applying for a job. Now some of the disadvantages to this is I feel we lose some of our social norms of what a man and women are supposed to be, as women being caretakers and men being the providers. This may leave someone’s ego a little hurt with the fact that women may not need a man to provide for them or be their sole provider as they now can do it themselves whereas a man will still be looked down upon if they are staying at home fathers and don’t make as much as they would in a corporate setting. Though we should be able to live equally I feel there are a lot of people stuck in their ways about equality and that biologically we just aren’t equal which I understand but I feel it is not about being equal all around it’s about getting equal opportunities.

solved  Discussion Board Overview Introduction Paragraph: Please introduce yourself to

Discussion Board Overview
Introduction Paragraph: Please introduce yourself to your peers in the first paragraph of the discussion board. Please share your academic and professional interests. Also discuss what you do for fun before addressing the second paragraph. (I WILL DO THIS PART DONT WORRY)
Paragraphs 2 and 3: This is the second and third paragraphs of your post. . Please post your answer to the prompt below.
Paragraph 4: The final part of your post should include your speech 1 topic, specific purpose statement and your outline for speech 1. Finally, please be prepared provide feedback to 2 of your peers.
Paragraph 2 and 3 Instructions: Please define human communication. Discuss the difference between mediated and face-to-face communication. Please share a communication challenge/s that you have experienced in personal, professional and/or academic relationships? How will learning about communication improve your relationships? .
Paragraph 4 Instructions: The final part of your post should include your speech 1 topic, specific purpose statement and your outline and speaking notes for speech 1. Finally, please be prepared provide feedback to 2 of your peers. Please review the sample before your attempt this assignment.
Sample Discussion Board Posting
Sample Paragraph 2

Communication is the process of creating meaning through symbolic interaction. In modern society we can communicate even when we are in very different places. Technology has made it possible to make phone calls, send text messages, faxes, use social media, record videos, take photos and post those photos to social media sites. These are all forms of mediated communication. Mediated communication is sent via a mode other than face-to-face interaction. This also means that there are more opportunities to create false impressions, like pretending to be happy on social media, when we are lonely. When we communicate face-to-face, we can also hide our true feelings, but it is much more difficult to do so in person. Our non-verbal interaction provides clues that others can pay attention to. We may be dressed in a wonderful suit, but a lack of confidence may be revealed when others pay attention to our tone of voice or posture.
Sample Paragraph 3
As a student it is important to manage my social media presence carefully, to ensure that future college transfer and professional opportunities are not impacted, when I post ideas or photos online. I am mindful when I post. I know that technology makes it possible for others to share my ideas millions of times. I try to slow down and think before I post. I don’t always succeed. Sometimes I like an image or a post without understanding the context and political or historical connotations of the message. My sister helps me to consider these ideas before I post, and I am grateful that she has been a mentor to help me to maintain a more positive online presence. Learning more about communication will help me to improve my face-to-face and mediated communication behaviors.
Sample Paragraph 4
Speech 1 Topic: My first semester at Richland College/Richland Collegiate High School
Speech 1 Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech the audience will understand that every new journey comes with obstacles, but there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome.
Speech 1 Outline and speaking notes:……