solved I’m having trouble with a discussion question and need a

I’m having trouble with a discussion question and need a example from the following question: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4 of your textbook, including the “Cost of Living Brief Case” at the end of Chapter 4 on page 143, and access the Numbeo Cost of Living (Links to an external site.) webpage.In this assignment, you will be analyzing the cost of living in any U.S. city and creating a scatterplot to identify the relationships between variables. You may want to choose the city you live in, the city you were born in, or a city you may be interested in moving to in the future.Go to the Numbeo Cost of Living (Links to an external site.) web page. In the “Select City” search box, type in the name of your city until it appears in the drop-down menu. Select your desired city. Note: For an accessible version of cost of living data, please contact your instructor.A summary, along with cost of living index for the city you selected, will be displayed in the box at the top of the page. You will also see a breakdown of items with their associated cost. The first column is the item name, the second column is the cost of the item in your city, and the third column is the range of the cost for that item.For this assignment, you need the first data item for each category and associated cost listed in the second column. For example, for “Utilities (Monthly),” choose the value for the first item under it—i.e., “Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 915 sq ft Apartment.” For “Rent Per Month,” choose the value for the first item under it—i.e., “Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre.”It is recommended that you use Excel to compile and analyze the data. Instructions for using Excel and other tools are on pages 139 to 142 of your text. However, you are welcome to use the tool of your choice.Choose the following categories from the list (in your paper, call them 1–5 as listed below) and the numeric data from the first item listed in the dataset:Utilities (Monthly)Basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for 915 square foot apartmentSports and LeisureFitness club, monthly fee for one adultChildcarePreschool (or kindergarten), full-day daycare, private, monthly for one childRent Per MonthApartment (1 bedroom) in city centreSalaries and FinancingAverage monthly net salary (After Tax)In your Excel spreadsheet or tool of your choosing, you will have a table with five rows and two columns. The first column is numbered 1 through 5 and the second column will be the cost associated with the line item under the category for your city. In your Excel spreadsheet or other tool,Draw a scattered graph of the above selected data set.Display the regression line (also called trendline, linear model, and line of best fit) for the above categories in your city.Display the equation for the linear model and the R2 value on the graph. In Excel, right click on the line graph to display the options, scroll down and select the boxes for display equation on chart and display R-squared on chart options.In your paper,Provide a URL of the website with your data along with your excel spreadsheet of the graph with equation and R2 valueAnalyze your findings on the best and worst predictor among these categories on the cost of living in your city.Assess the relationship between the variables, including any causation, correlation, or influences between the variables.

solved Integrate leadership and management principles with knowledge of healthcare policy,

Integrate leadership and management principles with knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory guidelines to enhance quality care and patient safety while functioning within legal and ethical parameters of professional nursing.
Determine population-based strategies that incorporate health determinants to promote optimal health and prevent escalation of diseases and conditions.
Utilize effective intra-professional and inter-professional communication to promote a continuous and reliable therapeutic environment.
Synthesize knowledge from the humanities, physical and social sciences, nursing theory, and applied research as a basis for evidence-based nursing practice and clinical reasoning.
Analyze data from information systems and emerging healthcare technologies to guide decision making and clinical reasoning.
Synthesize components of practice excellence, clinical judgment, and personal knowing as a foundation for complex client care and lifelong learning.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
While attending a conference sponsored by a national nursing organization, you were captivated by the keynote speaker, a nurse currently employed as a lobbyist advocating for local and state healthcare legislation, who recently announced her candidacy for a position in the State Congress. Meeting this individual was the moment you realized you wanted to impact the healthcare of your local community through participation in her campaign for office. You expressed interest in opening her local community campaign office if she would provide mentorship.
She responded, “Absolutely I would be your mentor. Political advocacy begins with understanding the needs of your community, so research your community’s needs, develop a solution for a priority issue you would champion as a political candidate for local office, and present your ideas in a White Paper next time we meet.”

Using this Policy Map, enter your zip code, investigate areas of interest in your local community, and identify a gap in services that you believe is a priority need for resolution.
Review evidence in professional journals and information on the internet available from local, state, and national government organizations, major news entities, political parties, and professional healthcare organizations. Research political issues in healthcare.
White paper
Write a succinct summary of the proposed solution for the gap in services within the local community (no more than two paragraphs)
Provide detailed background information with an explanation of the priority need, including identified health determinants
Offer thorough descriptions of the proposed solution, including:
Phases of implementation with
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely (SMART) goals for each phase
Detailed explanations for these considerations
Strategies for collaboration with external and internal stakeholders to gain buy-in
A detailed plan for initial and ongoing communication and dissemination of information
Use of images such as tables and graphs recommended
Write a concise, powerful conclusion to convince the reader the proposed solution is necessary (no more than one paragraph)
Include relevant, comprehensive evidence from credible sources

solved DISCUSSION FOUR and Discussion Four Response-to-Classmate Discussion Four on …Discussion

DISCUSSION FOUR and Discussion Four Response-to-Classmate
Discussion Four on …Discussion ASSIGNMENT
In the Course Content folder for Module 4, click on the underlined entry for DISCUSSION FOUR 
Clicking there will open the Discussion Board (DB). 
Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this Discussion Four forum.
Discussion Four is due by 8 PM on Friday 7/9.
This discussion provides practice for thinking about how illustrations could support your Document Four. 
First, re–read your notes for ETC Chapters 5, 6, and 8. 
Next, if you have chosen Writing Option One, examine the three sketches of vegetable gardens:
Sketches to consider for Writing Option One
Vegetable Garden Sketch A×555.png
                                   Vegetable   Garden Sketch B
                             Vegetable Garden Sketch   C
Then, analyze the strengths of each sketch and, for Discussion Four, show what you know about illustrations, as you write and post your one-or-two paragraph response to these questions: 

What      informative and visual value does Vegetable      Garden Sketch A provide that the other two sketches do not offer?
Would Sketch B or Sketch C      be more suitable for a proposal? Briefly explain why the      sketch would be more suitable.   

OR         If you have chosen Writing Option Two, examine the three images of cookies:
Images to consider for Writing   Option TWO
Cookies Image #1
Cookies Image #2
Cookies Image #3
Then, analyze the strengths of each image of cookies and, for Discussion Four, show what you know about illustrations, as you write and post your one-or-two paragraph response to these questions: 

What      informative and visual value does Cookies      Image #1 provide that the other two sketches do not offer?
Would Image #2 or Image #3      be more suitable for the proposal to ABP Group? Briefly explain      why that image would be more suitable.   

To open the Discussion Board, click the underlined Discussion Four assignment link in Module 4
Then, to post your discussion entry, click the “Create Thread” button that opens the discussion forum. 
In the Subject box for your discussion, label your entry as Your Name_Discussion Four
In the message box, type-in your discussion. Then, click Submit below the message box, to post your entry.
Discussion Four Response-to-ClassmateDiscussion ASSIGNMENT
Discussion Four Response-to-Classmate Discussion is due by 8 PM on Friday 7/9.
Clicking the underlined link will open the Discussion Board (DB). 
After you read classmates’ postings, complete a Discussion Four Response-to-Classmate. When you click into a classmate’s discussion, you can REPLY to it; when you click the REPLY button for a classmate’s discussion, the Subject box automatically displays the label RE: ClassmateName_DiscussionFour.

solved Assignment Question(s): Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

Assignment Question(s):                                                                         [100 marks]
Q1. Discus how static budget failed to analyze cost and revenues variances and how flexible budget has overcame static budgets’ deficiencies and explain how does the flexible budget actually work?
                                                                                                                                            [15 marks]
Note: do not copy and paste from other sources, you can use other sources but formulate your own answers.
Q2. Hamed Company is preparing budgets for the quarter ending June 30, 2019.
Budgeted sales in units for the next five months are:
a.Prepare Sales budget for April, May & June assuming selling price per unit is SR 15.
                                                                                                                                  [10 marks]
b.Prepare production budget for April, May & June if the company wishes ending inventory as
10 % of next month sales units.                                                                                       [10 marks]                                               
Q3.Oraby Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had total sales of SAR 23,380,000, operating income of SAR 2,828,980, and invested assets of SAR 10,000,000.
a. What is the division’s profit margin?                                                                               [5 marks]
b. What is the division’s investment turnover?                                                                    [5 marks]
c. What is the division’s return on investment (ROI) using DuPont formula?                    [5 marks]
d. What is the residual income if investors require a minimum return of  20%?                [5 marks]
Q4. Taha Company produces joint three products: Product A, Product B, and Product C. 
          During the year, joint costs of processing the three products were SAR400, 000.  The following information were given to you as follows:
Selling price per unit  at split-off point(SR)
Expenses per  unit after split-off point ( (SR)
Selling price per unit  after split-off point(SR)
a.   Allocate the joint costs using the physical output method.                                 [15 marks]
b.   Allocate the joint costs using the net realizable value method.                          [15 marks]
c.   Allocate the joint costs using sales value at split-off point method.                   [15 marks]

solved Engagement and participation are important aspects of any college course.

Engagement and participation are important aspects of any college course.  For this online course your engagement and participation are partly determined by your presence on the Discussion Boards.
Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis post and two comments to other students’ posts for each module.  Posts should be in full, grammatically correct sentences that create at least one solid response of at least 600 words–make sure you include a word count. The 600 word count does NOT include any headers or references section.  All posts must be relevant to the assigned materials (although you may build upon previous knowledge from earlier weeks and include personal observations). Start by answering the prompt, and then build upon the prompt to consider your own perspectives and experiences. You MUST attach photos and web links to support your position.  An important part of your grade for this assignment is to communicate with your classmates. Because this is intended to be your opportunity to discuss topics with your classmates, the professor/TA will generally refrain from commenting or actively participating in the discussions aside from reading and grading them.  
Posts: For this post, select one work of art (two-dimensional or three-dimensional art) has NOT been already analyzed or extensively discussed in the course readings or videos…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING it!  You are required to make one post.  In a narrative format, the post should contain the following elements:

Define and Identify: Brief information about the artist and work.  For example, birth/death dates, place of birth or work, where work is displayed, name of work, medium of work, context for creation of work.  
Experience and Appreciation: For example, where you found the work (website, another book, museum), what made you select the work, what about this work speaks to you.
Observe and Analyze: Use and underline three terms that were introduced in the module to observe/analyze your chosen work.  Add any other relevant information to improve your paper.
Critique and Compare: Compare your work to similar pieces or to examples used in the module.  Consider the impact of the work on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media.  Consider the impact of experiencing the work on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art.
Apply Social Angles AND Context: Identify at least one social angle from the list below that can be observed or analyzed as part of the work.  Address how the social angle is connected to the work.  Plus, a thorough contextual analysis of the historical, cultural, and social implications should be discussed.

race and ethnicity,
gender and sexuality,
class and highbrow/low,
colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism,
nature (environment, ecology) and culture,
memory, history, generational identity,
food culture, and
body and mind

Students will be expected to define, identify, and apply at least three terms (underline them so I can quickly find them) from the module in the post. Make sure to underline the terms so that I can quickly identify them.  College-level writing and mechanics are expected; however, the purpose of this assignment is to move from experiencing art to analyzing art to evaluating art. Make sure to include a references section at the end of every post, even if you only cite the lecture video. 

solved 1. What needs to be done for the literature review

1. What needs to be done for the literature review paper?

For the literature review paper, you need to write in the introduction (1) what your chosen case is (i.e., the name of the crisis, names of countries in conflict and their regime types, positions of each state, interest at stake for each side, relative power distribution between the states, alliance dynamics, possession or non-possession of weapons of mass destruction, etc.) and (2) the theory you would like to use for analyzing and suggesting a policy recommendation to resolve the crisis, and then in the main body, you should (3) summarize the scholarly debates on your selected theory. You don’t have to study the crisis itself yet. The literature review assignment is mainly about the theory you want to use.
2. How can I know which case should I choose?

You need to choose one international crisis for this project. Civil war or other domestic security problems that do not involve more than one country (i.e., riots, terrorism by a native organization, etc.) are not international crises. The easiest way to find a crisis is to look at pre-war events (i.e., the First and Second Morrocean Crises before WWI, Rhineland and Sudetenland Crises before WWII, or crises before Falkland War or Iraq War) as, by definition, the crisis involves a high probability of war.

3. How should I select a theory?

After selecting your case, you need to choose one main theory you will turn to the most for making policy recommendations to resolve the crisis. This is the key part of the assignment. How can you know which theory is the best theory for your case? First, think about the actual policy taken in real history. For example, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy administration chose blockade to address the Soviet missile challenge in Cuba. This is a measure of coercive diplomacy that includes both elements of deterrence and compellence, so you can easily tell that the most relevant theory for your chosen case is deterrence or compellence, depending on which aspect of the story you are focusing on. Second, you may also consider the scope condition of the theory. For example, the Balance of Power theory assumes the international system is non-unipolar. Accordingly, it is not a good idea to apply the Balance of Power theory to the 21st Century international crises where the U.S. maintains the unipolar status. But, of course, if you strictly focus on regional crises that do not involve the U.S., it might still be okay to use the theory for the particular case.

4. What should I read?
The major part of the literature review paper should be about how your selected theory has evolved and what are the key independent variables the theory suggests. These variables will help you to predict the outcome of your policy. You are expected to read all required and recommended readings in the syllabus related to the theory. You might think about using security theories that this course does not discuss, but I strongly recommend you not to do so. Although the course does not talk about all security theories in the IR discipline, it does review the majority of the mainstream theories. Please select a theory among those in the syllabus, and read books/articles in the reading list.
List of theories to choose from
Middle-range Theory

Classical Balance of Power Theories

Power Transition and Hegemonic Stability Theory
Security Dilemma Theory
Deterrence Theories
Compellence Theories

solved I’m working on a english writing question and need a

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

So after the school got shut down, I started to live with my friends, Kiko and Carrie, outside of the school. (because I went to a boarding school) It becomes so strange to cook for ourselves every meal, cause we usually have at least breakfast and lunch eating at school. And it was also hard for me to deal with online learning, because some of the class, like programming, works better in person. But we survived. Kiko and Carrie went back to China in late April, so I went to live with Linda before going back to China. I didn’t go back to China immediately because I was planning to take the SAT in person after the summer, so I was worried I couldn’t come back if I left. But after all the SAT got canceled, I finally went back home in October. Because I am studying AP Macro this year, so I know the pandemic has created a global economic recession. And with more help from fiscal policy, the economy will come back to normal soon. What this quarantine brings to people is that they have a new way of working. People don’t necessarily going to the office in person to do the work, more online school platforms will arise, and it changed how college requirements. Also, many people who couldn’t be with their family all time have the opportunity during the pandemic, spending time with their loved ones.Let me know if you need more stuffTwilight Los Angeles, 1992/Pandemic Los Angeles, 2021Final Writing Assignment; 50 pointsThis assignment asks you to use Anna Deavere Smith’s original technique for capturing historical moments to craft your own monologue about our strange and distinctive historical moment: Quarantine Los Angeles 2020. You will use your multiple written reflections on your own experience here and now as the raw material from which you will craft your own distinctive personal monologue.1) Name your monologue using a phrase that you take from the monologue itself.2) Give a description of yourself and your surroundings at the beginning of the monologue, as Smith does in hers. You may use multiple fonts (as Smith does) if you wish.3) Type your monologue out in the poetic typographical style that Smith uses rather than typing this out as you would a formal paper. Single-spacing. Don’t worry about MLA.4) You can—and I’d love it if you did—opt to theorize about the quarantine and its future effects on the world, the US, human civilization, geopolitics, or family life rather than reflecting on your own experience. This means that Cornel West’s monologue or Maxine Waters’ first monologue will be better models for you.5) This is a creative and personal writing assignment. Your piece should sound like you—like your voice. BUT this is also a graded piece of writing: Think about vocabulary, variety of sentence lengths and structures. Try to elevate your voice somewhat—make it a bit more striking and formal than your casual spoken speech. If you describe something or someone, make it vivid. Make the image come to life. Don’t just give me a bland list of things anyone else might say. Make it personal—make it such that your friends would know it was you even if your name wasn’t attached.6) Edit your work. Just because this is a creative assignment, doesn’t mean that sloppiness is acceptable.7) There is no word limit. Short or long is fine—but the length must feel authentic and suitable to what you’re saying.

solved Social Inequality, This is a paper, write in paper format.

Social Inequality, This is a paper, write in paper format.
Read A Sociology Experiment by Shamus Khan, chapter 6, and attached files. 
Paper Assignment:
In this paper, you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts, by using your sociological imagination to examine your individual life in the context of the larger social forces we have been describing in this class.  You will employ both a micro and macro lens to understand some aspect of your own social situation or social location and how the macro structures of inequality based on race/ethnicity and/or gender and/or sexuality have shaped your life chances and opportunities.  We focused mostly on class and class mobility in the first paper, so while the intersection of class may be important in this paper too, and you may talk about it, you must focus more other major axes of inequality for this paper.
You are to write 4-5 pages that reflect either on a specific experience (a single event or interaction that you remember) or a more general experience, such as your education, the expectations and aspirations you have for yourself, your athletic career, where you grew up, your gender identity and presentation, your sexual orientation, etc.  The list of possible topics is endless.  You are seeking to broaden your understanding of your individual experience by using the concepts of this course and locating your experience in a broader social context, in other words you are using your sociological imagination to understand some aspect of your individual life.
You can analyze an experience (general or specific) in which you were in a position of privilege and dominance, or in a position of disadvantage and subordination.  You can also choose an example of how your individual life departs from the norms and expectations of your race, gender (or other) identity.    This assignment does not require that you reflect on the experience of being in a subordinate position.
You MUST use specific concepts from the class lectures and readings to describe and analyze your experience in a larger social context.  A paper receiving an A grade must examine your individual biography through the lens of intersectional analysis.  You MAY cite materials from class; you may NOT cite materials from any other source.  No exceptions.
In sum, use your sociological imagination to examine your personal experience or life through the analytic lens of race/ethnicity, gender, and/or other systems of inequality. 

Describe the experience you are analyzing. Describe how your gender, sexuality, and/or racial identities and social locations are important to understanding your position in this story, or how those locations shaped your experience and opportunities/disadvantages.
Use at least five specific concepts that we have been talking about in this class to analyze your experience. I suggest that you use the review sheets before writing the paper and that you plan in advance which concepts you will use to conduct your analysis.
Demonstrate your understanding of the materials and concepts you chose to analyze your individual experience. You may choose to explain what sociologists mean by a particular concept and then apply it to your own experience.
Demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between your individual life and the larger social world in which you are embedded and thus show your understanding of the sociological imagination.

solved This assignment is a weekly log for you to keep

This assignment is a weekly log for you to keep track of and get credit for doing workouts for our physical fitness class. You will need to complete 100 minutes this week (due this Monday). I would like you to cut and paste the “log template” below and use it when you hand in your weekly log assignment. The log template is for 7 days but you can cut it down to 3 days or 5 days or any amount of days if that is what you choose to do for a particular week. You will need to put in the specific day, exercise/drill completed and total time in minutes. GradingIn order to receive full credit for this log you must do ALL the following this week and list it in your weekly log:Stretching routine (5 minutes each) video (complete at least 3 times) 20 Minutes With This Strength-Training Workout (20-24 minutes each) video (complete at least 2 times) 19 Minute HIIT (19 min) video (complete at least 1 time)At least twice (your choice) from the following core exercises 100 Crunches (5 minutes each) or 100 Plank SOSOS (5 minutes each) or 7 Minute Sitting Core (7 minutes) videoTo get to the 100 minute Weekly Log minimum, you can repeat the above exercises, or choose from the list below. If you go over the 100 minute Weekly Log minimum please list the exercises. I really would like to see all the great workouts you are completing during your week.If you do less than the required items, you will only receive partial credit or no credit.Below is a list of workouts in different areas that we have covered in this course. This list is to help you choose your workouts for the week besides the required workouts. Please choose from this list when deciding on the workouts to use beyond the minimum workouts listed above under Grading “to earn full credit”.Workout Video Library for ES 19abcStretching Stretching video (5 mins)Core100 crunches (5 mins)100 planks SOSOS (6 mins)7 minute sitting core (7 mins)Workouts – extended timeLevel 1 Speed & Agility HIIT (25 mins)Level 2 Speed & Agility (25 mins)19 Minute HIIT (19 mims)Level 1 Full Body HIIT (25 mins)Level 2 Full Body (25 mins)20 Minutes With This Strength-Training Workout (20-24 mins)Cardio/Core Workouts – short timeJump Rope 10’s (5 mins)50 burpie, push-up, jump (5-10 mins)90 second Speed & Agility (2 mins)Strength TrainingBST – biceps, shoulders, triceps (10 mins)I will be adding to this list as we progress through the semester. We will be creating a “workout library” for you to use throughout this semester and hopefully beyond this semester. Remember you can also add your own current workouts or workouts you attain through the internet for your weekly log.Weekly Log for Physical FitnessMonday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Tuesday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Wednesday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Thursday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Friday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Saturday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Sunday – Date:Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):Exercise/Drill (time):If you need help submitting this assignment on canvas, please view the video below:

solved Week 8 Discussion: Final Project Handbook The discussion this week

Week 8 Discussion: Final Project Handbook
The discussion this week is for you to reflect on the material, examples, and research that you have conducted so far in this course. The culminating final project for this course is the creation of a Final Project Handbook. Throughout the course, you have worked on many assignments that have been to prepare you for the creation of different parts the final project handbook. This week on the discussion board the focus will be on the purpose behind creating a handbook of this type in the first place.
Describe the purpose of the handbook with a focus on the audience the handbook is meant for. What should the focus of the handbook be? How would you use the handbook as a patent engineer manager to train the employees you supervise to make sure they have the knowledge they need to be successful in their job? One of the sections of the handbook that everyone is asked to individually complete is a mission statement.
On this week’s discussion thread share your mission statement and describe how you wrote it. What factors did you consider the most important and what are you hoping to accomplish with your handbook.
In your two responses to your peers consider not only your rationale for the purpose of the handbook but also their rationale for the same issue. Compare your mission statement to theirs, in particular, focusing on the similarities or differences in focus and stated purpose of the handbook. As you interact with your peers consider all that you have learned in this course and how your opinions and thoughts may have changed throughout the course.

reply 1

Hello everyone,
The handbook is a manual for a patent engineer to understand the overall process of patenting right from the innovation stages to obtaining the patent. The dos and don’ts that are related to the patent applications and the tasks that need to be completed after the patent application is completed are complex and must be completed within a certain timeframe.
My mission statement is “Motivating patent engineers to innovate and help them understand the importance of intellectual property and patent processes”.
This class has made me recognize how complex the overall process of obtaining a patent is. I am certain that I will use this knowledge in my career and help my friends and colleagues understand the importance of patenting.

reply 2
by Eric Nixon – Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 4:40 PM
Hello all, the purpose of this handbook that we are currently completing is to guide patent engineers in the best manner to determine, file, and prosecute patent applications. The focus should be a teaching document with the objective of showing an engineer how to do certain tasks and give away of reviewing their ability to complete. I would use the document as a training tool again, since we are completing a test guide to ensure comprehension it would be a few training sessions followed by the end test.
My mission statement is “Empower our employees through excellent training to protect our customers intellectual property”. I wrote this mission statement using the factors of the handbook being an excellent source of training materials and helping the engineers understand what is necessary to protect our customers IP. Another extremely important factor to consider is attracting clients to protect their IP.
Thank you everyone for the comments all term and your wonderful insights!