solved ABC Health System made an organizational commitment to the EHR

ABC Health System made an organizational commitment to the EHR well before HITECH and Meaningful Use incentives were put in place. The system grew through consolidation first within a city and then the surrounding catchment areas until today it covers half the state. A unified EHR was part of its organizational design from the outset. Senior clinical and administrative leaders understood that information would be one key to achieving clinical and organizational excellence. At the time, interoperability across EHRs was costly to achieve, if it could be achieved at all. As ABC began consolidating independent physician practices through acquisition or affiliation agreements, it made the difficult decision to require physicians to use the standard EHR and other technology solutions. For affiliated practices, data-sharing agreements are in place.Until 3 years ago, each hospital in ABC system had its own HIM department, and the departments worked at achieving greater uniformity by making uniform service and technology decisions such as those for transcription and release of information. The dual goals of greater uniformity and cost control led to consolidation of HIM across the system in 2017. Today the corporate EIM team consists of a vice president of EIM, three senior directors in charge of HIM operations such as release of information, life-cycle records management, clinical coding and revenue cycle, and EHR functions, including an EHR integrity team. In addition the systems privacy officer also reports to the vice president of EIM.The EHR data integrity team is responsible for correcting, amending, retracting and deleting information in the EHR in accordance with policy and to support the integrity of the record. Although it is the responsibility of the providers to take care to enter only correct information into the EHR, when an error is made or detected, there is a standard procedure for correcting, amending, or retracting. The team provides training and advises on the proper application of the procedure. Correction requests are submitted to the team using a Web request or, for an emergent situation, a phone helpline procedure.The EHR integrity team investigates and resolves issues referred the team. As needed, the EHR integrity team may call in IS if there is a contributory software issue, or it may complete an incident report if it is felt that this is something that IS should track. In addition to referrals, the EHR integrity team deploys audit processes to detect errors or missing data and uses this information to explore ways to improve accurate capture through software modifications or through additional training or coaching. This new procedure has been widely recognized as a valuable service. Recently the integrity team has been assigned responsibility for managing corrections, amendments, retractions and deletions of the patient information made available through ABCs patient portal.Utilizing your decision matrix, answer the following questions supporting your reasoning:Data quality is one of the principles of fair information practice. Identify and assess (3) ways in which data quality is an ethical consideration. In your opinion how would you make the case for establishing and EHR integrity unit for ABC Health Systems?Appraise how utilizing the above structure of assigning the responsibilities of correcting, amending, or retracting information could jeopardize the integrity of the record.


WRITE A response EITHER AGREEING/ DISAGREEING FOR FUTHER ELABORATING ON THE SUBJECT POSTED BY CLASSMATE.PLEASE:- minimum of 150 words or more- strong academic writing / APA style 7th ed (please use in-text citing and References at end )- must be scholarly articles only no older than 5 years or website that is gov/ org. no blogs- please be original writing ( will check for plagiarism ).PLEASE, SEE BELOW CLASSMATE DISCUSSION ANSWER AND WRITE A response EITHER AGREEING/ DISAGREEING FOR FUTHER ELABORATING ON THE SUBJECT POSTED BY CLASSMATE. (#1 mf)In many developing countries having the funds to even begin to lift themselves out of poverty is a very difficult thing to come up with. The goal of microfinance programs in many lower-income communities with huge social and economic disparities Is to “foster holistic economic growth and development” (Ireland, 2017). This can look very different for many communities such as the Masai women who are subjected to being looked at as property and worth nothing but rather an expense for their families to the point of the men not even wanting to contribute to their daughters’ education because this will never serve their family. Having the outreach program with microfinance capabilities that allows them to take out a loan of $300 US dollars so they can purchase livestock which then they can use to breed and create sustainable resources for their families. One woman used the loans to print study guides to sell for women to participate in education and can use that money to do all kinds of things for her family and is now looked at with pride and as an asset by her children and her husband (Ireland, 2017). These are life-changing events with very little money needed to help them lift themselves out of poverty, change their status in their communities and build their self-respect which is priceless. To be able to do all this in Jesus’ name? Priceless.A specific example of such a program besides this one is the financial institution in Bangladesh. The Microcredit Regulatory Authority in Bangladesh relies mostly on clients’ savings, cumulative surplus, and funds from the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation. Using funds such as this as Lion’s share of funds is called the Grameen Model of financing structure (Mia, Ahmad, and Noman, 2021). These banks can do this business this way and help people to grow their funds, have more of a say-so as far as what the investments are used for, and create an open share community. These banks are being pushed out by commercial funding and are having to open their funding choices up to stay in business but still operate in much the same way and are helping to shape the community by the people who live there. In 2005 the United Nations declared the year of microcredit which allowed microfinance to be brought out from the periphery of finance and offered 2.5 billion people the ability to “grow thriving businesses and in turn provide for their families, leading to strong and flourishing local economies” (Njiraini, 2015).Reference: Ireland, J. (2017). For The Love of God: Principles and Practice of Compassion in Missions. Eugene: WiPF and Stock.Mia, M. A., Ahmad, A., & Noman, A. H. M. (2021). Financing Structure of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Developing Areas, 55(1), 201–218.…Njiraini, J. (2015). Microfinance: Good for the Poor? Africa Renewal, 8-15.

solved How will you assess the needs of the group? How

How will you assess the needs of the group? How will you continue to engage in assessment as the group proceeds? How will you be able to apply what you have learned about Human Behavior and the Social Environment to the development and management of this group. What personal feelings / affective reactions do you anticipate might arise during a group such as this one? How might these evolve during the process of engaging with group members, assessing the needs of the group, supporting the intervention, and evaluating the impacts of the group? How will you manage these reactions? What kind of supervision and inter-disciplinary consultation might you seek as you engage with, assess, provide intervention to, and evaluate the outcomes of the group?PTSD IN SEXUALLY ABUSED ADULT VICTIMSLeadership Style: Describe the leadership style you will use; provide your rationale, including: the degree of involvement you as a leader would establish (active / directive vs. inactive / nondirective; structured vs. unstructured; open v. closed) provide your rational.Group Development: Discuss how you would facilitate the group’s development through the various stages. Give specific examples of techniques / strategies for each stage (Toseland and Rivas Ch 3). What norms do you hope to establish in the group?Discuss how you would facilitate the group’s development through the various stages. Give specific examples of techniques / strategies for each stage. In addition, please specifically address the following considerations: How will you engage the diverse clients you will serve in this group setting and ensure that clients engage with one another? How will you work to ensure that positive engagement with you and among group members is sustained throughout the group?How will you promote participants’ confidence in their safety and a sense of mutual respect? How will you assess the needs of the group? How will you continue to engage in assessment as the group proceeds?How will you be able to apply what you have learned about Human Behavior and the Social Environment to the development and management of this group?How will you apply what you have learned from your review of the literature to the development and management of this group? Describe, in greater detail, interventions that you have in mind for this group. Relate your intervention plan to the type of group you have planned (e.g. for a treatment group, what type of treatment model will you rely on? For a psychoeducational group, will you use a formal curriculum, or will you develop one?).How will you evaluate the success of this group? Describe qualitative and/or quantitative methods for evaluating your practice effectiveness in this setting.How does theory about Human Behavior and the Social Environment and/or the literature you studied contribute to your thinking about evaluating the group? Specifically, how do theory and evidence help you decide when the group has met its goals?What personal feelings / affective reactions do you anticipate might arise during a group such as this one? How might these evolve during the process of engaging with group members, assessing the needs of the group, supporting the intervention, and evaluating the impacts of the group? How will you manage these reactions? What kind of supervision and inter-disciplinary consultation might you seek as you engage with, assess, provide intervention to, and evaluate outcomes of the group?

solved Theory-based treatment planning, the type you will use throughout this

Theory-based treatment planning, the type you will use throughout this course, is informed and guided by your theoretical orientation. Incorporating your theoretical orientation into treatment planning will help you set goals and choose treatment techniques and interventions appropriate for the client(s) you serve (Gehart & Tuttle, 2003). This week, you apply two counseling theories, Bowenian and structural, to formulate your treatment planning and apply appropriate interventions.In this Assignment, you watch videos of counselors demonstrating the use of Bowenian and structural theories in family counseling. You then formulate treatment plans for the couples and/or families in the videos, applying the theories in question and justifying the use of appropriate interventions. Assignment (2–3 pages)Based on the theory demonstrated in both videos:Define the problem in each video.Create a theory-based treatment plan, including short- and long-term goals for the couples and/or families.Explain two theory-based interventions you would use and justify your selection.Explain one anticipated outcome of each theory-based intervention.Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the resources for this course. Treatment Plan TemplateInstructions and Template for Treatment PlanUse the following treatment plan template for the treatment plans you design for the Discussions and Assignments in this course.Identified strengths: Includes strengths that will help client achieve long-term goal(s) (e.g., supportive family). Client should help identify. Initially, it may be difficult to help client identify more than one or two strengths, but as the course of treatment continues, more should become evident. Identified problems/deficits: Includes factors in client’s life that may impede successful recovery.Long-Term Goal(s):Short-Term GoalsObjectivesStrategies Expected Outcome (With Time Frame)Stated as broad desirable outcome that will be broken down into short-term goals and objectives; usually, one long-term goal will be adequate for first year.Series of time-limited goals that will lead to achievement of long-term goal Statements of what client will do to achieve short-term goal. Stated in measurable, behavioral terms How objective will be carried out or accomplished Objective, measurable desirable outcome with timeframeLong-Term Goal(s):Short-Term GoalsObjectivesStrategies Expected Outcome (With Time Frame)Example:1. John will remain abstinent from use of heroin and all other mood-altering substances and behaviors for 1 year, as demonstrated by negative random drug screens and self-report.Example:1. John will successfully complete residential treatment.Example:1. John will attend and actively participate in all individual and group counseling sessions. 2. John will admit he has an addiction problem.Example:1. Schedule one individual counseling session and five group counseling sessions weekly.2. John will complete Step One of the Twelve Steps.Example:1. Staff and self-report of regular attendance and active participation in individual and group counseling sessions (30 days). 2. Self-report to counselor and members of group sessions (30 days).

solved i will provide the info of my household, etc. for

i will provide the info of my household, etc. for this assignment.Project 2: Research for WasteErase CorporationFor Project 2 on waste in your household, you told the Board of Directors of Waste-Erase Corporation that you would use the following procedures as a guide for your study. Please respond to each number listed below.Over a period of 2-3 days, take detailed notes (based on your visual assessment. No need to use gloves. This is just practice.) on all types of waste in your household, the location of the waste, and the amount of waste (You will judge this by the size of the container.). Take notes on which person or groups of people tend to use which waste containers in the household. It is likely that everyone contributes to the waste container in the kitchen, but not in other rooms. As an initial preparation for data analysis, establish general sets of abstract categories for the observed waste. For example, single use plastics, paper products, cardboard, aluminum, etc. As data collection continues, refine your observations and document your assessment of waste into their appropriate categories. Take notes on the amount of waste that you observe within each category. You will determine an indicator for measuring the amount of waste and what time of day makes sense to make your observations. It is important for your findings that you assess waste the same time each day. Explain what indicator you will use to measure waste in each waste basket. (You can draw, weigh, or something else.)After 2-3 days, assess your research notes. “Ask questions” about what you observe in your notes to develop themes and patterns. For example, you may want to note who has garbage containers in their rooms and who doesn’t. How come? What kind of waste do I see in my parents’ or roommate’s room that I don’t see in my room? You can still ask questions about your observations even if you live alone. (Qualitative data analysis is an art and meant to be creative. You are trying to create an idea that no one has thought about before. This is how you advance science. ) Wow, your methodological skills are ready “to take the show on the road” and move on to benefit other sites! You have showed the world the value of social scientists. What can you share with other social science majors about how to sell their research and analytical skills to prospective employers? Turn in your observation notes, themes and patterns and categories me. Make sure you provide the number of people who share a household and your measurement for “amount of waste,” your categories about types of waste, and themes and patterns that you see in your data. Provide a response for all questions that I asked above. Grading: Grades will be based on the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of your response to all of the questions that I posted above. I am looking for your ability to think through a research project, alert yourself to possible problems with your data collection, and think about what approach makes sense given your overall research goals. Once you have collected data, I want to see your ability to look across your data, categorize what you have gathered and note a few themes/patterns. I am more than willing to help you in this process during the research process! Unfortunately, I cannot help you once you have turned in the project as the course ends on Friday. You will not have the ability to redo project 2 after the course has ended.

solved In this week’s assignment, you will have a Wk 5

In this week’s assignment, you will have a Wk 5 assessment and review previous material. The focus of this assignment is on your understanding of the concepts and your presentation skills. There are two parts to this assignment.Part 1 Answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document. Essay 1 (175 to 350 words)In Wk 1, you were asked to complete the Organized Crime Worksheet. Review your responses to the questions in the worksheet and then answer the following:How would you now define organized crime? Discuss concepts, theories, and other information that you now understand concerning organized crime and of which you were not aware before taking the class. Which have been the most interesting to you?Do you believe your knowledge of organized crime will be useful in your current career or the one you intend to pursue after college? Why or why not?Essay 2 (175 to 350 words)The Bill of Rights, which is the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution, and the Constitution as a whole do two very important things: They set out the rights of citizens and also limit the authority of government. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution, in particular, limit the authority of government in the lives of U.S. citizens. The authority of government/law enforcement is additionally limited in court decisions interpreting Constitutional protections, such as Miranda v. Arizona. Jurisdiction and the statute of limitations further limit the reach of law enforcement.Choose two of the above legal limitations. Discuss how these legal limitations affect law enforcement efforts. Provide relevant examples. What would happen if these limitations were more or less stringent? Explain your answer.Essay 3 (175 to 350 words)A variety of statutes have been enacted to fight organized crime at the federal level, such as RICO, which is a part of the Crime Control Act of 1970. Other statutes are designed to “follow the money,” such as the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, in order to obtain needed evidence against organized crime groups. There are many and various other federal laws that have been enacted to fight organized crime or enacted for another purpose but are being used to combat organized crime, such as the Patriot Act.Answer the following questions:What is an example of a federal law that combats organized crime?How does this law apply to domestic or international organized crime groups?Has this law been codified into the state laws in your state? In what way?How may we improve major federal laws and strategies to combat organized crime? Explain your answer.Essay 4 (175 to 350 words)There is no national police force in the United States. However, there are multiple federal agencies that act to combat various types of criminal activity, including organized crime. These agencies fall under the larger umbrella of government departments. For example, the FBI operates under the Department of Justice, and Customs and Border Protection operates under the Department of Homeland Security.Choose one federal agency that interests you, and discuss the history of this organization. Answer the following questions:What are the major functions and goals of this agency?How does this agency operate in the fight against organized crime?What training, experience, or education must one have to become a part of this agency?Would you ever consider joining this agency? Why or why not?

solved Problem 1. Â Use plot(density()) to examine the smooth estimated

Problem 1.  Use plot(density()) to examine the smooth estimated density function (PDF) for variable hp (horsepower) in data frame mtcars.
–Use attach(mtcars) so you can refer to hp
How many peaks (0, 1, 2, 3, or more) does the estimated PDF for hp have?
(Answer in the numerical form e.g., 4)
Group of answer choices
Question 2
Problem 2. Create a stem-and-leaf diagram for variable mpg in data frame mtcars, and use it to answer the following question:
How many stems (rows) are there?  
How many cars belong to the second stem?  
–Example:  for stem(eruptions), there are 18 stems (rows). 
–5 eruptions belong to the 5th stem:  24 | 00228
–The corresponding data values are: 2.400 2.400 2.417 2.417 2.483
Can view these values using sort(eruptions)
Question 3
Problem 3. Fit a normal distribution to the variable hp in mtcars (i.e., estimate the parameters of the normal distribution by MLE).
–Use fitdist() in package fitdistrplus
What is the estimated standard deviation of the best-fitting (MLE) normal distribution?
–For mpg, it was sd* = 5.93203
(Answer up to 5 decimal places)
Question 4
Problem 4. Fit an exponential distribution to mtcars$hp by MLE using fitdist() in package fitdistrplus.
–First, use attach(mtcars) or data(mtcars) 
–Then use library(fitdistrplus)

First install fitdistrplus package with install.packages(“fitdistrplus”)

–Use the fitdist() function, with “exp” (with the quotes) as an argument, to tell fitdistrplus to fit an exponential distribution
–Name the result so you can plot it with denscomp()
Plot fitted distribution using denscomp()
The exponential distribution has a single parameter (“rate”).  What is the MLE estimate of rate for variable hp?
–Use print(fit_name) to see, where fit_name is whatever you named your fitsdist() result
–Ignore the standard error
(Answer up to 4 decimal places)
Question 5
Problem 5. Use kstest() to decide whether the null hypothesis that variable hp in the mtcars data frame has an exponential distribution can be rejected with 95% confidence. 
–Remember to attach(mtcars)
–Remember to use set.seed(1)
–Then use ks.test(hp, rexp(100, rate = )) as a template for your test of whether hp and the best-fitting exponential distributions have significantly different CDFs
–Plug the MLE value for rate (from your previous results from fitdist() for hp) into the above template

What is the p-value for this hypothesis test?
What should we conclude? 

(Please input the p-value in the answer tab up to 5 decimal places)
Question 6
Problem 6. Use shapiro.test() to decide whether we can reject with 95% confidence (a = 5% significance level) the null hypothesis that variable hp in the mtcars data frame has a normal distribution.

What is the p-value for this hypothesis test?

–For mpg, it is 0.1229.  What is it for hp? 
–Remember that we reject a null hypothesis at significance level a (confidence level 1- a) if the p-value (tail area) of the test < a. (Answer up to 4 decimal places) Question 7 Problem 7.  Using plot(density()), do you think the Age variable in the survey data set in package MASS is left-skewed, right-skewed, or neither? (Please input left-skewed, right-skewed, or neither in the answer tab) Question 8 Problem 8. Using boxplot(), how many outliers do you see for variable Pulse in the survey data set in package MASS? –Remember to load MASS using library(MASS) before using attach(survey) or survey$Pulse

solved In this stage, you will select a person from a

In this stage, you will select a person from a different generation than you to interview about how they have used technology throughout their lives. Be sure to consider both digital and non-digital technologies. You can choose someone older or younger than you, and you can talk with a relative or friend or find someone outside of your immediate circles to interview. If you are choosing someone younger, be sure to choose someone old enough or mature enough to reflect thoughtfully on the impact of technology on themselves. After your interview, you will write a report highlighting three things you learned. Your interview can be formal or informal. A formal interview has an established set of questions you have prepared ahead of time and do not deviate much from during the interview. An informal interview involves talking with someone about the topic in a more general way and asking specific questions as topics arise. Some suggested question you can consider working into a formal or informal interview include: Do you associate any form of technology with a significant event or time in your life? Tell me more about that event or time. What kinds of non-digital technology do you frequently use, or have you frequently used throughout your life? Has there been any specific piece of technology in your life that helped transform the way you think about something in the world? How do you use technology in your everyday life? Your creative life? Your work life? Is there any specific digital or non-digital technology you would have a hard time living without? Why? How has technology changed throughout your life? Is there any technology you wish had not changed? Why? Has there been a specific form of technology that contributed to who you are today? Tell me more. How are you a different, better, worse, enhanced, safer, etc., person when you use a specific form of technology than when you don’t? How has your self- worth or self-conception been affected by technology? You can modify these questions or ask other questions that are appropriate for your interview situation. The above list contains suggested starting points. The idea here is to find connections between your interviewee’s life experiences, self-identity and technology. After you conduct your interview, write a 750–1000-word field report in which you do the following: Write an introduction in which you briefly describe the person you interviewed. Include some general relevant about their demographic background (year of birth, gender, where they live, etc.) Indicate the date when the interview took place. This should be during the current semester. Identify and describe three things you learned from your interview about the impact of specific artifacts or kinds of technology on this person. Do not relay a transcript from your interview. Choose the three things you think are most relevant to the theme of technology and human experience and that you think had the greatest personal significance to your interviewee. Write a 5-7 sentence conclusion that reflects on your interviewee’s relationship with technology in general. You can consider some of the same kinds of things you did in part one for yourself. Would they be the same person they are today without a specific piece of technology? Did any of the technological artifacts they talk about change them during a specific time of their life? How is technology in general a part of who they are?

solved Discussion one: Due 09/16Â Prior to beginning work on this

Discussion one: Due 09/16 
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 3 (Quality in the Agile Space) and Chapter 4 (Agile in the Waterfall) of your textbook.

You have been assigned the role of a SCRUM master in a new Agile project. You have been asked to make a presentation to the Agile team on the Agile-specific activities and best practices that promote increasing the quality of the final product and decreasing the risks associated with the project.
Using your textbook and at least one source from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, select at least two Agile activities and two Agile best practices that you will use in your presentation. Explain them, and demonstrate how they would increase quality and reduce risk.
Your initial post should be at least 300 words and your follow-up responses to your classmates’ post should be at least 250 words each.
Discussion Two: Due 09/17
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read through the Final Project instructions if you have not already done so.

Over the last few weeks, you have explored various aspects of Agile project management, and will have an opportunity to share your own evaluation of these methods in your final project this week. For this team discussion, write a draft of the script you plan to use for your recorded final evaluation. The, submit your draft to your team discussion forum for peer review.
Your draft script should be a textual representation of what you plan to say in your final project evaluation, and should:

Describe the main characteristics of Agile methods
Differentiate between Agile methods and traditional waterfall methods
Explain best practices for applying Agile methods to project management
Assess the benefits of agile project management methods to your organization, including examples for support
Analyze how Agile techniques influence the leadership of a project

Final Project Due 09/20
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Module 1 (“Business Leadership Transition”) in Chapter 12 of your textbook.
Your organization is struggling with its projects. Some projects completely fail to provide quality solutions. Others take long to complete, often require constant modifications that were not originally part of the requirements, and cost more money than initially budgeted. The organization is looking for better ways to bring these projects under control and to ensure higher probability of success and quality products.

Using your new knowledge and skills in Agile project management methods, along with any feedback you received from your peers in the Team Discussion this week, create a PowerPoint video presentation to upper management of your organization. The video presentation should exhibit your own evaluation of Agile methods and how they could be used to turn the organization’s projects around. The goal of the video presentation is to influence upper management decision makers to transition to Agile project management in the organization.

Your video presentation should be 5-9 minutes in length and should:

Describe the main characteristics of Agile methods
Differentiate between Agile methods and traditional waterfall methods
Explain best practices for applying Agile methods to project management
Assess the benefits of agile project management methods to your organization, including examples for support
Analyze how Agile techniques influence the leadership of a project

solved Discussion: Due 08/05Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please

Discussion: Due 08/05Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the Making IT Governance Work (Links to an external site.) article and review the Data Breach Investigation Report (Links to an external site.) by Verizon Enterprise.Use your favorite search engine and search for “world’s greatest data breaches and hacks.” Scan through the hits until you find visual diagrams or a text-based list of major data breaches that have occurred recently. (Major data breaches are defined as those in excess of 30,000 records.) Select and carefully review at least two of these data breaches. Briefly describe the two data breaches you selected. Explain in layman’s terms how you think these breaches occurred. Discuss whether or not you agree with Verizon’s assertion that over 80% of breaches are caused by human error. Describe how appropriate governance frameworks might have prevented these data breaches from occurring. Support your statements with evidence from your sources.Your post should be at least 200 words.Final Project: Due 08/09For this assignment you will take on the role of a compliance consultant who has been hired to create a plan that will assist an institution in meeting its professional or governmental compliance standards.This compliance plan will be based on the scenario you chose and researched in Week 2 download. Include the following information in your compliance plan.Carefully review the standards for the option you chose. Identify the specific compliance requirements within the standards, and briefly discuss the business reasons for implementing the standards chosen. Explain the type of network design that would best meet the standards identified. Revise your network diagram from Week 2, using Visio within your lab environment. This diagram must be copied into your plan document as an image. (The Visio diagram may be included in your assignment by means of a screenshot pasted into your document prior to submission. Assistance with capturing a screenshot of your Visio may be found at (Links to an external site.).) Describe how you would recommend segmenting the network in order to best meet compliance standards, providing a rationale for your suggestions and supporting your statements with your research.Examine the firewall types necessary to ensure the security of the individual network segments within your institutional setting. Create a plan for the implementation of firewalls within each partition of the network.Analyze the potential uses of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) within each network partition and recommend the placement of IDS within the partitions based on the standards for your institution. Evaluate the controls needed for maintaining your recommended IDS infrastructure and create a brief plan that outlines your recommendations for this maintenance. Provide a rationale for your suggestions supporting your statements with your research.Classify the types of data included in your chosen scenario and evaluate the IT governance methodologies that apply to the classified data types. Explain which IT governance methodology would need to be implemented within each partition of the network in order to meet compliance standards.The Compliance PlanMust be 10 to 15 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).