solved The following exercise allows you to practice collaboration skills to

The following exercise allows you to practice collaboration skills to develop strategies for process improvement.Complete the case study exercise, Spirit Airlines: Reducing the Cost of “No-Frills.” A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:Is process improvement alone a sufficient response to Spirit’s declining profits?What other changes should Spirit make?In what ways can the airline integrate empathy into its dealings with both employees and customers? Do you think it would make a difference?What measurable outcomes should Sprit seek during the process improvement effort? Why?Download the Case Study Key Lessons and Rubric to remember and practice the key collaboration skills..Lani ReyesRespond in 125 wordsIn what ways can the airline integrate empathy into its dealings with both employees and customers? Do you think it would make a difference?After researching and reading the case’s about Spirit Airlines and how they deal when it comes to both its employees and customers. Like for instance; how spirit airlines gets alot of complaint when it comes to delays, misleading pricing, maximize space when it comes to the aircraft and how they pilots can be given a pay raise for a lower profit. In addition;Senior managers (1) affirm their commitment to active, empathetic involvement with customers; (2) understand the ways in which current procedures and systems mediate interactions with customers; and (3) promote the deployment of social networks and other technologies to help customers tell their stories, and to enable workers and managers alike to hear them. Only when employees can step into their customers’ shoes can companies add authenticity to the claim.In my suggestion, if Spirit Airlines work together as team and comes up with a solution, when it comes to improving their airlines. Especially, when it comes to providing a good customer care to all customers and leadership providing good leadership and listening to employee’s feedbacks or idea that would make a difference or improvement for the company’s future.Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, MS 521, Houston, TX 77005-1892, U.S.A.Molly Walshrespond in 125 wordsWhile researching Spirit Airlines consumer reports and history through the module, process improvement may not be a sufficient response to Spirit’s declining profits. The Airline company may have to adopt the latest and greatest technologies in order to save time, money and manpower. By doing this they will enhance productivity and efficiency. Another change the airline could make, if understanding the requirements of the customers and employees. For example, the employees would need more training. This would motivate them to do their best and provide positive reinforcement. This would turn into better provided customer service which in part relays to the customer. Spirit Airlines must analyze their current state of operations in order to output some type of improvement. This would include investigations, surveys and research on the company’s behalf. Hiring an outside company to conduct these surveys and investigations could impose more accurate information. The findings of this research would help identify and understand the strategies needed to be taken to provide customers the best quality experience. Molly

solved I’m working on a history question and need an explanation

I’m working on a history question and need an explanation to help me study.


In my opinion, it is important to think the history of them because the today’s culture in United States such as agriculture and cities came from these regions. More specifically, we can identify the origin of agriculture and how it affected to the United States. It is the foundation of our life, so we need to understand and respect them.
The textbook chapter, “Follow the Corn” describes the origin of hunters, gathers, and agriculture. This chapter tell us how they established the foundation of modern people’s life. What is stand out for me is that how developed the Mayans were at mathematics and astronomy. They use them to predict future event correctly and they found the concept of zero. This is surprising for even modern astronomers because they are very complex and significant foundation all over the world today. Overall, this chapter is good to learn the history of culture.
This chapter “Follow the Corn” relates to the term “colonization,” which means controlling by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components. According to textbook, Olmec civilization reigned in the Valley of Mexico and built the grand metropolis of Teotihuacan. For other example, Tepanec people subjugated Culhuacan, Texcoco, and all their subject people in the Valley of Mexico. We can identify that people had kept to dominate and unify other regions until the world was organized.
The TED talk by Winona LaDuke tells us the importance of the food for people who have passed down the same recipes over time. It is a culture because it connects to their history and where they came from. Keeping their food makes keep the connection to our history. As a result, we can understand our history, story, and origin.
I do not understand about Christopher Columbus well, but I have recognized that he accidentally found the American continent during his journey. I had understood them a little, but the required articles were good source for me to understand him more. Contrary to my expecting, he commanded the slaughter. My impression of him has changed from an innovator to a cruel people.
Both of the articles, “Columbus Day Comic” and “Flawed Critique of Columbus Day” claims that Christopher Columbus committed horrible atrocities and should not be celebrated. However, the article “Flawed Critique of Columbus Day” is based on the facts while “Columbus Day Comic” has less objectivity.
According to the textbook, the term “Doctrine of the Discovery” is a claim that possession of the entire world west of that line would be open to Spanish conquest and all cast of it to Portuguese conquest. This means that all land is not dominated by anyone and people who discovered it claims it is their own. In fact, Indigenous people were forced off their land by European.
The textbook chapter “Culture of Conquest” refers that European settlers tried to take the land of people who were initially there. What stood out to me was the chapter “Terminal Narratives.” It describes the destruction of the California Indians. Proponents of the default position emphasize attrition by disease despite other causes equally deadly if not more so to cover up the mass killing. Moreover, the disease happened indirectly from the European causes. It is very terrible and I can’t believe this fact.

solved Boyd Air is a national airline company. For this project,

Boyd Air is a national airline company. For this project, you will create a database, containing one table, to store information about the airplanes in Boyd Air’s fleet. After creating the database, add fields into the table, edit field properties, import data, modify the datasheet layout, and find data using the Search box. 
[Student Learning Outcomes 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6]
File Needed: AC2019-IndependentProject-1-6.accdb (Available from the Start File link.), AirplaneDataFile-01.xlsx(Available from the Resources link.)
Completed Project File Name: [First Name.Last Name]-AC2019-IndependentProject-1-6.accdb
Skills Covered in This Project
Create a blank database.
Edit the default primary key.
Add new fields into a table.
Edit properties in Datasheet view.
Save a table.
Import records.
Change the datasheet layout.
Sort data in a table.
Find data using the Search box.
Open the AC2019-IndependentProject-1-6 start file. 
Click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the presentation so you can modify it. 
The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it. 
Create a new table and add fields into the table. 

Use the Table button to create a new table. Do not make any changes to the ID field. 
Enter the remaining fields into the table using the information in Table 1-19. After you enter the last field name, InServiceDate, press the down arrow key to remain in that column.

Table 1-19This table lists the different data types to select and the field names to be typed in each of the fields Data TypeField NameShort TextPlaneModelShort TextManufacturerShort TextLengthNumberFirstClassSeatsNumberCoachSeatsDate & TimeInServiceDate
Save the table as Fleet. 
Edit the field properties of the Fleet table using the information in Table 1-20.

Table 1-20This table lists the different field names and the associated text to be typed in the Caption and Size properties Field NameCaptionSizeIDAircraft IDN/APlaneModelModel25Manufacturer20Length7FirstClassSeatsFirst ClassN/ACoachSeatsCoachN/AInServiceDateIn-ServiceN/A

Save and close the table after updating the properties.

Import data from Excel into the Fleet table. 
Launch the Get External Data – Excel Spreadsheet dialog box. 
Locate and select the AirplaneDataFile-01 Excel file downloaded from the Resources link. 
Append the records to the Fleet table.
Launch the Import Spreadsheet Wizard.

Finish the Import Spreadsheet Wizard. Close the Wizard after the records have imported. 
Open the Fleet table in Datasheet view. Your table should contain 17 records. 

Change the layout of the Fleet table. 

Change the Font Size to 12.
Select the entire datasheet and use AutoFit to adjust all the fields to their correct size. 

Center-align the Aircraft ID, First Class, and Coach fields.

Remove the gridlines.
Save the changes to the layout.
Sort the Fleet table in descending (newest to oldest) order according to the In-Service field. The table should look similar to Figure 1-123. Figure 1-123 Records sorted on In-Service field

Remove the sort criteria.

Use the Search box to find Dash8. 
Delete the value from the Search box.

Close the Fleet table.

Do not save any of the changes as a result of sorting or filtering the table. 

Add the following database properties. 

Title: Boyd Air Fleet Data
Author: Marcus Sampson
Company: Boyd Air

solved Family AssessmentThis assignment should be 3 pages MAX. Do not

Family AssessmentThis assignment should be 3 pages MAX. Do not write more! For this assignment, you are to create a case assessment for the family of the movie you have reviewed. The family should consist of the parent(s) and child(ren). If there is a minor parent in the family, then you need to select only one family unit. For example, if there is a minor parent with children and his/her parent(s), then decide which of the two-family units you will assess – the minor parent and his/her children OR the minor parent and his/her parent(s). Begin the assessment by providing a short summary of the clients’ demographic details – describe the person, his/her background, and current situationProvide a description of the current child abuse concern (i.e., child abuse allegation(s)). Include the nature of the abuse, the duration of the abuse (if known), and factors contributing to the abuseSince you are unable to interview each family member, based on what you know about the family member, include perceptions each family member might have about the abuseIdentify strengths of the family, and each family memberRecommendations: Disregard what took place in the movie and make your own recommendations for this family (unless your recommendations align with those in the movie). Recommendations should include, based on your assessment, whether the child(ren) should be removed from the home or remain in the home – provide support for this. What behavior changes are needed to return the child to the home, or if the child remained at home, to safely close the case. Explain what services you think would help, and why. Case Studies (Movie List)Begin by selecting one of the movies from the list. The family in the movie is the family you will use for your assessment. If you know of another movie, use it but just let me know! I like to add to the list!Hillbilly Elegy (2020) – Drama 1 hr 56min (on Netflix)An Ivy-league educated man looks back on his life and recalls a childhood marred by violence, poverty, and substance abuse, but also one of deep love and family loyalty.Beauty Mark (2018) – Drama 1h 27minAn empowering story inspired by true events; Beauty Mark follows a poverty-stricken young mother forced to move after her house is condemned. With no money and no options, she must confront her abusive past in order to save her family.Trailer: (Links to an external site.)Precious (2009) – Drama 1h 49minPrecious Jones, an inner-city high school girl, is illiterate, overweight, and pregnant…again. Naïve and abused, Precious responds to a glimmer of hope when a door is opened by an alternative schoolteacher. She is faced with the choice to follow opportunity and test her own boundaries.Trailer: (Links to an external site.)I am Sam (2002) – Drama 2h 12minA father with varying degrees of ability hires a high-powered lawyer to help him regain custody of his daughter. Trailer: (Links to an external site.)The Florida Project (2017) – Drama 1h 51minSet on a stretch of highway in a budget motel managed by Bobby, just outside the imagined utopia of Disney World, The Florida Project follows 6-year-old Moonee and her rebellious mother over the course of a single summer. Trailer: (Links to an external site.)

solved This assignment include one Initial post and two responses posts.This

This assignment include one Initial post and two responses posts.This week’s readings in BWS Ch 5 (attached below) outlines several “Negative News Pitfalls,” or common mistakes made by novice business writers. Reflect on this list and rank the top three pitfalls, based on your own personal experience or those of others. You might also choose to conduct a bit of research, if you wish. Share your rankings with the class and explain the reasoning behind each item.Other questions to consider: What strategies did you use to narrow down the list? How might the “Negative News Pitfalls” aid you in completing the practice exercises? How might this list aid you in the workplace as a new professional?Please respond to the two following posts:Student A’s post: “Anthony Renteria, There are many mistakes that could be made when delivering negative news, the list makes some good points of what to avoid. When delivering negative news to colleagues, you need to be respectful and empathic of the situation, ensure clarity, and be descriptive; At the end of the day you don’t want to burn bridges and have animosity between colleagues. I chose being more dramatic than emphatic, providing too little information, and clouding your purpose as the top three pitfalls, since these are cautions that I would want a colleague delivering me negative news to avoid. Instead of creating confusion, the messenger should be clear and concise about their message to ensure the colleague understands issue. The messenger needs to describe the issue and the factors around them, the message should include important details such as, the issue, the reason, and the resolution. Finally, an important aspect of delivering negative news is the tone of message, an empathetic message tells the reader you care about the colleague and the negative situation surrounding him/her. The list should be taken into consideration by all professionals when delivering bad news in the workplace, there are many mistakes that can be made without it. “Student B’s post: “Among the twelve “Negative News Pitfalls” listed, I believe that seeming aloof, burning bridges, and setting (possibly) unrealistic standards are the three most worst tactics one could use.Firstly, seeming aloof or “better you than me” can be extremely disrespectful to employees and other coworkers due to the fact that the writer does not seem to understand the severity of the situation. Even within minor set backs for those being written to, it still does not represent a professional or empathetic tone and can make these workers resent the person delivering the news.Secondly, burning bridges is never a good tactic to take, since no one knows what this person being written to may rise to or if they take action against the writer or company as a whole. This may lead to extreme resentment and can tarnish the professional appearance of the company as well. In times of angry communication, it is important to keep a calm and professional writing style and be respectful even when it is not given in order to keep communication open.Lastly, setting possibly unrealistic standards is never an appropriate road to take. Creating a tone of hopefulness may seem like the right thing to do when giving difficult information, though it paints a picture in the receivers mind that this may be temporary or not as bad as it seems, when in reality, the issue at hand is much larger than it seems. ”

solved CompetencyDifferentiate the dimensions of credit risk and their impact on

CompetencyDifferentiate the dimensions of credit risk and their impact on the aggregate economy.InstructionsRisk management practices within the financial sector are of particular interest to regulators. This is because the failures within this sector disrupt the functionality of the financial system and derail economic growth and efficiency. A historical reference point is the subprime meltdown of 2007 because it is the most prominent example of a massive risk management failure. In this assignment, you will evaluate the consequences of such a failure.You have been hired by the board of Financial Leaders to facilitate a presentation on this topic. You must submit the items you intend to cover to the event planner by next week. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint and should address the bullet points below. You must also submit your presentation notes that you intend to use during the presentation using the Notes feature at the bottom of the PowerPoint slides.Discuss why credit risk management within the financial sector is so essential.Why do you think so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the financial collapse?What are the consequences of failing to manage credit risk and whom do they affect?What measures can banks employ to mitigate credit risks?For help creating a PowerPoint, please use the guide here.Grading RubricFFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedInaccurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so significant OR does not discuss why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential.Accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential.Accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential, using specific examples.Thoroughly and accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential, using specific examples.Not SubmittedAn invalid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given OR no valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given.A valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given.A valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse backed by specific examples is given.Multiple valid arguments on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse backed by specific examples are given.Not SubmittedNo valid consequences of failures of credit risk management are given OR who is affected by any of the failures is not discussed.At least two valid consequences of failed credit risk management are given AND the affected parties are described.At least two valid consequences of failed credit risk management that include specific examples are given, and the affected parties thoroughly discussed.More than two valid consequences of failed credit risk management that include specific examples are given, and the affected parties thoroughly discussed.Not SubmittedNo risk mitigation measures are given.At least two risk mitigation measures are given.At least two risk mitigation measures are explained with examples of how they would work.More than two risk mitigation measures are explained with examples of how they would work.

solved v Please be sure to answer all parts of both

v Please be sure to answer all parts of both questions and provide specific examples.v Please use 11 or 12pt. Times New Roman font and please 1.5 or double space.v Please insert page numbers and a header with your full name and section number.v Folks should aim for approximately 2 pages (double-spaced) per question.More or less is okay, though I would caution that a one page or shorter response to either of the prompts is not likely to be fully addressing the question.Question #1We’ve been reading Marge Piercy’s science fiction work: Woman on the Edge of Time throughout the semester. As you know, Piercy’s novel is centered around Connie and her experiences in and out of medical institutions. The novel toggles between a dystopic present-day reality and the future (or does it???)First: Do you find Piercy’s version of a possible future (the attitudes, behaviors, social structures, norms etc. found in the future she describes) appealing or compelling? That is, are there elements in Piercy’s imagined future that you find worth aiming for? If yes, what and why? If no, why not? On the contrary, are there elements of this future that you find less or not at all appealing? If yes, what and why? Second: Consider the various aspects of science, technology, medicine, and society that we’ve discussed this semester, especially as they relate to questions of gender, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status/social class. Consider what you have found most inspiring or promising and what you have found most limiting or problematic as regards the historical and ongoing relationships between science and society. Now, step into Piercy’s shoes and imagine what the relationships between science, technology, medicine, and society might look like in your preferred future. In other words, please reflect on how the ideas, beliefs, practices, and values pertaining to the relationship between science and society could be – from your perspective – made better going forward. Can the intersections of science, technology, medicine, and society be different? Better? How?You are welcome to approach your response in a broad sense, reflecting on large-scale social structures or institutions. On the other hand, some may find it helpful to narrow in on one particular aspect that we’ve explored. The choice is yours!Question #2As we’ve come to understand over the course of our class, a central aim of feminist science and technology studies involves persistently posing the questions: what counts as objective truth, who decides this, and on what basis are claims to truth legitimately made? During the last half of the semester in particular, we’ve explored the relationship between various understandings of expertise and their relationship to power, privilege, and the possibility of equity, justice, freedom, and democracy.From your perspective, is there a fundamental tension between the exercise of scientific, technological, and/or medical expertise and democratic deliberation and decision-making? If so, why? If not, why not? In answering this question, please specify what you understand expertise to be. Please discuss a minimum of three distinct examples that speak to your answer. Any relevant course materials may be used in responses.**DUE BY** Thursday May 13th by end of day on Canvas.Please Note: late papers will lose 1/3 of a grade per day late. Happy reflecting and thank you!!

solved Essay #2 Assignment for ESL 2ABHere is the complete outline

Essay #2 Assignment for ESL 2ABHere is the complete outline for the essay – the more closely you follow the directions, the more points you will receive.Correct Format:Your name, class name, assignment name top left cornerDouble spaced with each paragraph indented and written correctlyEach paragraph needs to have 10-12 sentencesTitle: Interesting, short, capitalized and written correctly Do NOT bold or underline or make font biggerIntroduction ParagraphInteresting hookExplain hook and relate it to book using author’s name, book title and information about the authorExplain what the book is about and define terms Explain why the book is important and people should read itThesis statement and that states a big idea in Gottman’s text with which I agree/disagreeBody Paragraph #1 – Summary paragraphTransition + author name + correct title of book underlined + author’s thesis [Gottman’s BIG idea of the text]Transition + In chapter 4, 3 summary sentences in the student’s words – no quotes.Transition + In chapter 5, 3 summary sentences in the student’s words – no quotes.Transition + In chapter 6, 3 summary sentences in the student’s words – no quotes.Transition + Conclusion sentence – restates author’s thesis/big idea in different wordsBody Paragraph #2 – Argument/Counter Argument/Rebuttal ParagraphTransition + topic sentence that Gottman would argue idea 1[argument], but many people think idea 2 [Counter Argument]; however, Gottman would say they are wrong because of idea 3 [Rebuttal].Transition + main idea sentence about Gottman’s argument.Context + quote from book illustrating argument.Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.Transition + main idea sentence about counter argument.Context + quote from book illustrating counter argument.Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.Transition + main idea sentence about rebuttal.Context + quote from book illustrating rebuttal.Explanation of how quote support main idea sentence.Body Paragraph #3 – 3 big ideas from GottmanUse a transition and create a topic sentence to include the idea that 3 important concepts that help relationships found in Gottman’s text from chapters 4,5,6 are __________, ____________, _____________.Transition + main point 1 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 4Context + quote that illustrates the concept.Explanation of why this concept could help someone’s relationship.Transition + main point 2 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 5Context + quote that illustrates the concept.Explanation of why this concept could help someone’s relationship.Transition + main point 3 sentence that explains tan important concept in chapter 6Context + quote that illustrates the conceptExplanation of why this concept could help someone’s relationship.Conclusion Paragraph – Active Conclusion – no summary since we did a summary paragraphCollege level transition + restate thesis in different wordsTransition + main idea sentence that states an idea from Gottman that could help someone’s relationshipContext + Quote that illustrates the conceptExplanation of how quote supports main ideaTransition + 3 sentences that are your personal idea on how to improve someone’s relationship.Transition + 3 sentences where you actively tell reader what s/he should do to so they too can better understand what to do to have good relationships.Last sentence in your own words

solved You are a project manager with D.O.W.S., a nonprofit nongovernmental

You are a project manager with D.O.W.S., a nonprofit nongovernmental organization (NGO) that helps people with water access and public health issues. Recently, your organization has completed a marketing campaign that focuses on increasing clean water access for children living in urban poverty who have little control over the water they consume. Now that the project has reached completion, it is time to reflect on the project and complete a “lessons learned” document to share with your supervisor.
You have just completed managing a large project for your organization, and it is time to reflect on the project as a whole. Your supervisor has asked you to complete a “lessons learned” document that uses the project schedule, weekly project schedule updates, and your weekly status reports as a guide for your reflection. Fill in any gaps in information with your “memory” of the project as a whole.
Note: You are expected to use emotional intelligence and management best practices principles to guide gaps in information regarding management of others, communication strategies and styles, and management and resolution of risks and issues.
Your “lessons learned” document should include the following:
Managing Others

How did you manage people who do not report directly to you?

What challenges did you face managing these people? How did you handle these challenges? If you did not experience any challenges, why do you think that is? What is it about your management or communication style that you think eliminated or minimized these issues?

What specific steps did you take to lead internal stakeholders to a successful outcome?

What did you do that worked well to lead them to a successful outcome?
What could you do in the future to more effectively or efficiently lead internal stakeholders to a successful outcome?

What specific steps did you take to lead external partners or vendors to a successful outcome?

What did you do that worked well to lead them to a successful outcome?
What could you do in the future to more effectively or efficiently lead external partners or vendors to a successful outcome?


How did you communicate status changes to various stakeholders?

What areas of communication seemed to work better for certain stakeholders, and why?
What areas of communication seemed inefficient or ineffective for certain stakeholders, and why?
What changes could you make to communicate more effectively?

How did you determine who needed to receive what information? Were your determinations accurate? If so, how do you know? If not, what can you do to improve on this in the future?
How did you determine when various stakeholders needed to receive certain information? Were your determinations accurate? If so, how do you know? If not, what can you do to improve on this in the future?
How did you determine how the information would be delivered to various stakeholders? Were your determinations accurate? If so, how do you know? If not, what can you do to improve on this in the future?


Describe your management and leadership processes for risks and issues. Consider the following:

How did you resolve the risks and issues presented? Do you think you could have taken different steps to resolve these risks and issues?
What management style did you use? Waterfall? Agile? A hybrid of these? Would one have worked better than another? Why?

solved Public Speaking Public speaking is the act of speaking to

Public Speaking
Public speaking is the act of speaking to an audience whether it is in traditional formatting such as face-to-face or pre-recorded, virtual, etc. There are various forms of public speaking, and two examples are persuasive and informative public speaking (Harris, 2017).
Persuasive Public Speaking
Persuasive public speaking is the act of arranging the speech in a way to convince or motivate the audience to accept and follow the speaker’s point of view. This form of public speaking can positively impact the ability to effectively disseminate information regarding public health by providing credible facts backed by evidence that is meant to improve the wellbeing and health of the population. For example, a court debate between two lawyers arguing over whether a pedophile should be released back into society after serving their time. For example, not releasing this individual could prevent harm to the public health of younger children. However, the negative effect of persuasive public speaking is convincing others to accept your wrong point of view, which can be detrimental to the public’s health. For example, releasing this individual could cause harm to the public health of the younger population (Harris, 2017).
Informative Public Speaking
Informative public speaking is the act of informing or educating the public on a topic that the speaker is well versed in and has credible facts to demonstrate the effectiveness of the information. This form of public speaking can positively impact the ability to effectively disseminate information regarding public health by providing credible facts backed by evidence that is meant to improve the well-being and health of the population. For example, having a small gathering with middle schoolers with facts about the effects of unhealthy eating resulting in diabetes and obesity and the detrimental effect it causes on the body like blindness, amputations, heart attack, and death. However, the negative effect of persuasive public speaking is convincing others to accept your wrong point of view, which can be detrimental to the public’s health. For example, having the previous president of the United States of America told his citizens that Covid-19 is not real, which prompt his followers to believe him and not take precautionary actions to protect their wellbeing (Harris, 2017).
Harris., L. (2017). Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking. Communication Faculty Books, 1, 1-484.
Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. 

Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.